Ejemplo n.º 1
function processTestSuite(&$dbHandler, &$guiObj, &$argsObj, $linked_tcversions, &$treeMgr, &$tcaseMgr, &$docRepository)
    $locationFilters = $tcaseMgr->buildCFLocationMap();
    $testSet = new stdClass();
    $cf_filters = array('show_on_execution' => 1);
    // BUGID 1650 (REQ)
    $tsuite_mgr = new testsuite($dbHandler);
    $tsuite_data = $tsuite_mgr->get_by_id($argsObj->id);
    $opt = array('write_button_only_if_linked' => 1, 'prune_unlinked_tcversions' => 1);
    // @TODO - 20090815 - franciscom
    // why here we do not have filtered by tester ?
    // same for platform_id
    $filters = array('keywords' => $argsObj->keyword_id);
    $out = gen_spec_view($dbHandler, 'testplan', $argsObj->tplan_id, $argsObj->id, $tsuite_data['name'], $linked_tcversions, null, $filters, $opt);
    $testSet->tcase_id = array();
    $testSet->tcversion_id = array();
    foreach ($out['spec_view'] as $key => $value) {
        if (count($value['testcases']) > 0) {
            foreach ($value['testcases'] as $xkey => $xvalue) {
                $testSet->tcase_id[] = $xkey;
                $testSet->tcversion_id[] = $xvalue['linked_version_id'];
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Get the path for every test case, grouping test cases that have same parent.
    $testCaseQty = count($testSet->tcase_id);
    if ($testCaseQty > 0) {
        $dummy = $tcaseMgr->cfield_mgr->getLocations();
        $verboseLocationCode = array_flip($dummy['testcase']);
        $filters = null;
        foreach ($verboseLocationCode as $key => $value) {
            $filters[$key]['location'] = $value;
        $dummy_id = current($testSet->tcase_id);
        $index = $testCaseQty == 1 ? $dummy_id : 0;
        // 0 => BULK
        $suffix = '_' . $index;
        $execution_time_cfields = $tcaseMgr->html_table_of_custom_field_inputs($dummy_id, $argsObj->tproject_id, 'execution', $suffix, null, null, $argsObj->tproject_id);
        $guiObj->execution_time_cfields[$index] = $execution_time_cfields;
        $gdx = 0;
        foreach ($testSet->tcase_id as $testcase_id) {
            $path_f = $treeMgr->get_path($testcase_id, null, 'full');
            foreach ($path_f as $key => $path_elem) {
                if ($path_elem['parent_id'] == $argsObj->id) {
                    // Can be added because is present in the branch the user wants to view
                    // ID of branch starting node is in $argsObj->id
                    $guiObj->tcAttachments[$testcase_id] = getAttachmentInfos($docRepository, $testcase_id, 'nodes_hierarchy', true, 1);
                    foreach ($locationFilters as $locationKey => $filterValue) {
                        $finalFilters = $cf_filters + $filterValue;
                        // BUGID 3431 - Custom Field values at Test Case VERSION Level
                        // $guiObj->design_time_cfields[$testcase_id][$locationKey] =
                        // 	$tcaseMgr->html_table_of_custom_field_values($testcase_id,'design',$finalFilters);
                        $guiObj->design_time_cfields[$testcase_id][$locationKey] = $tcaseMgr->html_table_of_custom_field_values($testcase_id, 'design', $finalFilters, null, null, $argsObj->tproject_id, null, $testSet->tcversion_id[$gdx]);
                        $guiObj->testplan_design_time_cfields[$testcase_id] = $tcaseMgr->html_table_of_custom_field_values($testcase_id, 'testplan_design', $cf_filters, null, null, $argsObj->tproject_id);
                    // BUGID 856: Guest user can execute test case
                    if ($guiObj->grants->execute) {
                        $guiObj->execution_time_cfields[$testcase_id] = $tcaseMgr->html_table_of_custom_field_inputs($testcase_id, null, 'execution', "_" . $testcase_id, null, null, $argsObj->tproject_id);
                // if( $path_elem['parent_id'] == $argsObj->id )
                // We do this because do not know if some test case not yet analised will be direct
                // child of this test suite, then we get this info in advance.
                // In situations where only last test suite on branch have test cases, we are colleting
                // info we will never use.
                if ($path_elem['node_table'] == 'testsuites' && !isset($guiObj->tSuiteAttachments[$path_elem['id']])) {
                    $guiObj->tSuiteAttachments[$path_elem['id']] = getAttachmentInfos($docRepository, $path_elem['id'], 'nodes_hierarchy', true, 1);
            //foreach($path_f as $key => $path_elem)
    return array($testSet->tcase_id, $testSet->tcversion_id);
switch ($args->level) {
    case 'testcase':
        // build the data need to call gen_spec_view
        $xx = $tcase_mgr->getPathLayered(array($args->id));
        $yy = array_keys($xx);
        // done to silence warning on end()
        $tsuite_data['id'] = end($yy);
        $tsuite_data['name'] = $xx[$tsuite_data['id']]['value'];
        $xx = $tplan_mgr->getLinkInfo($args->tplan_id, $args->id, $args->control_panel['setting_platform'], array('output' => 'assignment_info', 'build4assignment' => $args->build_id));
        $linked_items[$args->id] = $xx;
        $opt = array('write_button_only_if_linked' => 1, 'user_assignments_per_build' => $args->build_id, 'useOptionalArrayFields' => true);
        $filters = array('keywords' => $keywordsFilter->items, 'testcases' => $args->id);
        $my_out = gen_spec_view($db, 'testplan', $args->tplan_id, $tsuite_data['id'], $tsuite_data['name'], $linked_items, null, $filters, $opt);
        // index 0 contains data for the parent test suite of this test case,
        // other elements are not needed.
        $out = array();
        $out['spec_view'][0] = $my_out['spec_view'][0];
        $out['num_tc'] = 1;
    case 'testsuite':
        $filters = array();
        $filters['keywordsFilter'] = $keywordsFilter;
        $filters['testcaseFilter'] = isset($args->testcases_to_show) ? $args->testcases_to_show : null;
        $filters['assignedToFilter'] = property_exists($args, 'filter_assigned_to') ? $args->filter_assigned_to : null;
        $filters['executionTypeFilter'] = $args->control_panel['filter_execution_type'];
        $filters['cfieldsFilter'] = $args->control_panel['filter_custom_fields'];
        // ORDER IS CRITIC - Attention in refactoring
        $opt = array('assigned_on_build' => $args->build_id, 'addPriority' => true, 'addExecInfo' => false);
if ($gui->has_tc = !is_null($uncovered) && count($uncovered) > 0) {
    // Get external  ID
    $testSet = array_keys($uncovered);
    $inClause = implode(',', $testSet);
    $debugMsg = 'File: ' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - Line: ' . __LINE__ . ' - ';
    $sql = "/* {$debugMsg} */ " . " SELECT distinct NHA.id AS tc_id, TCV.tc_external_id " . " FROM {$tables['nodes_hierarchy']} NHA, " . " {$tables['nodes_hierarchy']} NHB, " . " {$tables['tcversions']} TCV, {$tables['node_types']} NT " . " WHERE NHA.node_type_id=NT.id AND NHA.id=NHB.parent_id AND NHB.id=TCV.id " . " AND NHA.id IN ({$inClause})  AND NT.description='testcase' ";
    $external_id = $db->fetchRowsIntoMap($sql, 'tc_id');
    foreach ($external_id as $key => $value) {
        $uncovered[$key]['external_id'] = $value['tc_external_id'];
    // $out = gen_spec_view($db,'uncoveredtestcases',$args->tproject_id,$args->tproject_id,null,
    //                    $uncovered,null,null,$testSet,1,0,0);
    $opt = array('write_button_only_if_linked' => 1);
    $filters = array('testcases' => $testSet);
    $out = gen_spec_view($db, 'uncoveredtestcases', $args->tproject_id, $args->tproject_id, null, $uncovered, null, $filters, $opt);
    $gui->items = $out['spec_view'];
$tcase_cfg = config_get('testcase_cfg');
$gui->pageTitle = lang_get('report_testcases_without_requirement');
$gui->testCasePrefix = $tproject_mgr->getTestCasePrefix($args->tproject_id);
$gui->testCasePrefix .= $tcase_cfg->glue_character;
$smarty = new TLSmarty();
$smarty->assign('gui', $gui);
$smarty->display($templateCfg->template_dir . $templateCfg->default_template);
function init_args()
    $args = new stdClass();
    $args->tproject_id = isset($_SESSION['testprojectID']) ? $_SESSION['testprojectID'] : 0;
    $args->tproject_name = isset($_SESSION['testprojectName']) ? $_SESSION['testprojectName'] : '';
    return $args;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 if (!is_null($keywordsFilter)) {
     // With this pieces we implement the AND type of keyword filter.
     $keywordsTestCases = $tproject_mgr->get_keywords_tcases($args->tproject_id, $keywordsFilter->items, $keywordsFilter->type);
     if (sizeof($keywordsTestCases)) {
         $testCaseSet = array_keys($keywordsTestCases);
 // Choose enable/disable display of custom fields, analysing if this kind of custom fields
 // exists on this test project.
 $cfields = $tsuite_mgr->cfield_mgr->get_linked_cfields_at_testplan_design($args->tproject_id, 1, 'testcase');
 $opt = array('write_button_only_if_linked' => 0, 'add_custom_fields' => 0);
 $opt['add_custom_fields'] = count($cfields) > 0 ? 1 : 0;
 // 20101025 - BUGID 3889: Add Test Cases to Test plan - Right pane does not honor custom field filter
 // 20100411 - BUGID 2797 - filter by test case execution type
 $filters = array('keywords' => $args->keyword_id, 'testcases' => $testCaseSet, 'exec_type' => $args->executionType, 'importance' => $args->importance, 'cfields' => $args->control_panel['filter_custom_fields'], 'tcase_name' => $args->control_panel['filter_testcase_name']);
 $out = gen_spec_view($db, 'testPlanLinking', $args->tproject_id, $args->object_id, $tsuite_data['name'], $tplan_linked_tcversions, null, $filters, $opt);
 $gui->has_tc = $out['num_tc'] > 0 ? 1 : 0;
 $gui->items = $out['spec_view'];
 $gui->has_linked_items = $out['has_linked_items'];
 $gui->add_custom_fields = $opt['add_custom_fields'];
 $gui->drawSavePlatformsButton = false;
 $gui->drawSaveCFieldsButton = false;
 if (!is_null($gui->items)) {
 // This has to be done ONLY AFTER has all data needed => after gen_spec_view() call
 // 20100927 - asimon - refresh tree only when action is done
 switch ($args->doAction) {
     case 'doReorder':
     case 'doSavePlatforms':
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * @internal revisions:
 * 20100721 - asimon - BUGID 3406 - added $options for new user assignments per build
 * 20100218 - asimon - BUGID 3026 - added parameter $testcaseFilter to include functionality
 * 						previously used on tc_exec_assignment.php
 * 						to show only testcases present in filter argument
function keywordFilteredSpecView(&$dbHandler, &$argsObj, $keywordsFilter, &$tplanMgr, &$tcaseMgr, $testcaseFilter = null, $options = null)
    $tsuiteMgr = new testsuite($dbHandler);
    $tprojectMgr = new testproject($dbHandler);
    $tsuite_data = $tsuiteMgr->get_by_id($argsObj->id);
    $filterAssignedTo = property_exists($argsObj, 'filter_assigned_to') ? $argsObj->filter_assigned_to : null;
    // 3406
    //	$ua_build = !is_null($options) && isset($options['user_assignments_per_build']) ?
    //	$options['user_assignments_per_build'] : null;
    // @TODO - 20081019
    // Really understand differences between:
    // $argsObj->keyword_id and $keywordsFilter
    // BUGID 1041
    $filters = array('keyword_id' => $argsObj->keyword_id, 'assigned_to' => $filterAssignedTo);
    // 20100715 - asimon - why the double writing to $tplan_linked_tcversions?
    // will be overwritten again two lines below
    // $tplan_linked_tcversions = $tplanMgr->get_linked_tcversions($argsObj->tplan_id, $filters, $options);
    // This does filter on keywords ALWAYS in OR mode.
    // 3406: added $options
    $tplan_linked_tcversions = getFilteredLinkedVersions($argsObj, $tplanMgr, $tcaseMgr, $options);
    // With this pieces we implement the AND type of keyword filter.
    $testCaseSet = null;
    if (!is_null($keywordsFilter) && !is_null($keywordsFilter->items)) {
        $keywordsTestCases = $tprojectMgr->get_keywords_tcases($argsObj->tproject_id, $keywordsFilter->items, $keywordsFilter->type);
        $testCaseSet = array_keys($keywordsTestCases);
    // BUGID 3026 - added $testcaseFilter
    if (!is_null($testCaseSet) && !is_null($testcaseFilter)) {
        $testCaseSet = array_intersect($testCaseSet, array($testcaseFilter));
    } else {
        if (is_null($testCaseSet) && !is_null($testcaseFilter)) {
            $testCaseSet = $testcaseFilter;
    // now get values as keys
    // 20100722 - asimon - additional check here because of warning from array_combine when $testCaseSet is null
    //$testCaseSet = array_combine($testCaseSet, $testCaseSet);
    $testCaseSet = !is_null($testCaseSet) ? array_combine($testCaseSet, $testCaseSet) : null;
    // function gen_spec_view(&$db,$spec_view_type='testproject',$tobj_id,$id,$name,&$linked_items,
    //                    $map_node_tccount,$filters=null, $options = null,$tproject_id = null)
    // 3406
    $options = array('write_button_only_if_linked' => 1, 'prune_unlinked_tcversions' => 1) + (array) $options;
    $filters = array('keywords' => $argsObj->keyword_id, 'testcases' => $testCaseSet);
    $out = gen_spec_view($dbHandler, 'testplan', $argsObj->tplan_id, $argsObj->id, $tsuite_data['name'], $tplan_linked_tcversions, null, $filters, $options);
    return $out;
Ejemplo n.º 6
function processTestCase(&$dbHandler, &$argsObj, $keywordsFilter, &$tplanMgr)
    $my_path = $tplanMgr->tree_manager->get_path($argsObj->id);
    $idx_ts = count($my_path) - 1;
    $tsuite_data = $my_path[$idx_ts - 1];
    $filters = array('tcase_id' => $argsObj->id);
    $opt = array('write_button_only_if_linked' => 1, 'prune_unlinked_tcversions' => 1);
    $dummy_items = $tplanMgr->get_linked_tcversions($argsObj->tplan_id, $filters);
    // 20100131 - franciscom
    // adapt data structure to gen_spec_view() desires
    $linked_items[key($dummy_items)][0] = current($dummy_items);
    $filters = array('keywords' => $argsObj->keyword_id, 'testcases' => $argsObj->id);
    $out = gen_spec_view($dbHandler, 'testplan', $argsObj->tplan_id, $tsuite_data['id'], $tsuite_data['name'], $linked_items, null, $filters, $opt);
    return $out;
 * @param obj $dbHandler
 * @param obj $argsObj: user input
 * @param obj $argsObj: user input
 * @param obj $tplanMgr: test plan manager
 * @param obj $tcaseMgr: test case manager
 * @param map $filters:  keys keywordsFilter, testcaseFilter,assignedToFilter,
 *                executionTypeFilter, cfieldsFilter
 *             IMPORTANT NOTICE: not all filters are here, other arrive via argsObj
 * @param map $options:  keys  ??
 *             USED TO PASS options to other method called here -> see these method docs.
 * @internal revisions
function getFilteredSpecView(&$dbHandler, &$argsObj, &$tplanMgr, &$tcaseMgr, $filters = null, $options = null)
    $tprojectMgr = new testproject($dbHandler);
    $tsuite_data = $tcaseMgr->tree_manager->get_node_hierarchy_info($argsObj->id);
    $my = array();
    // some sort of local scope
    $my['filters'] = array('keywordsFilter' => null, 'testcaseFilter' => null, 'assignedToFilter' => null, 'executionTypeFilter' => null);
    $my['filters'] = array_merge($my['filters'], (array) $filters);
    $my['options'] = array('write_button_only_if_linked' => 1, 'prune_unlinked_tcversions' => 1);
    $my['options'] = array_merge($my['options'], (array) $options);
    // This does filter on keywords ALWAYS in OR mode.
    $tplan_linked_tcversions = getFilteredLinkedVersions($dbHandler, $argsObj, $tplanMgr, $tcaseMgr, $options);
    // With these pieces we implement the AND type of keyword filter.
    $testCaseSet = null;
    $tryNextFilter = true;
    $filterApplied = false;
    if (!is_null($my['filters']['keywordsFilter']) && !is_null($my['filters']['keywordsFilter']->items)) {
        $keywordsTestCases = $tprojectMgr->get_keywords_tcases($argsObj->tproject_id, $my['filters']['keywordsFilter']->items, $my['filters']['keywordsFilter']->type);
        $testCaseSet = array_keys((array) $keywordsTestCases);
        $tryNextFilter = !is_null($testCaseSet);
        $filterApplied = true;
    if ($tryNextFilter && !is_null($my['filters']['testcaseFilter'])) {
        $filterApplied = true;
        if (is_null($testCaseSet)) {
            $testCaseSet = $my['filters']['testcaseFilter'];
        } else {
            // wrong use of array() instead of (array)
            $testCaseSet = array_intersect($testCaseSet, (array) $my['filters']['testcaseFilter']);
    // when $testCaseSet is null because we have applied filters => we do not need to call other
    // method because we know we are going to get NOTHING
    $testCaseSet = !is_null($testCaseSet) ? array_combine($testCaseSet, $testCaseSet) : null;
    if ($filterApplied && is_null($testCaseSet)) {
        return null;
    $genSpecFilters = array('keywords' => $argsObj->keyword_id, 'testcases' => $testCaseSet, 'exec_type' => $my['filters']['executionTypeFilter'], 'cfields' => null);
    if (isset($my['filters']['cfieldsFilter'])) {
        $genSpecFilters['cfields'] = $my['filters']['cfieldsFilter'];
    $out = gen_spec_view($dbHandler, 'testplan', $argsObj->tplan_id, $argsObj->id, $tsuite_data['name'], $tplan_linked_tcversions, null, $genSpecFilters, $my['options']);
    return $out;
function processTestCase(&$dbHandler, &$argsObj, $keywordsFilter, &$tplanMgr, &$treeMgr)
    $xx = $tplanMgr->getLinkInfo($argsObj->tplan_id, $argsObj->id, null, array('output' => 'tcase_info', 'collapse' => true));
    $linked_items[$xx['tc_id']][0] = $xx;
    // adapt data structure to gen_spec_view() desires
    $my_path = $treeMgr->get_path($argsObj->id);
    $idx_ts = count($my_path) - 1;
    $tsuite_data = $my_path[$idx_ts - 1];
    // Again here need to understand why we seems to consider ONLY keywords filter.
    $filters = array('keywords' => $argsObj->keyword_id, 'testcases' => $argsObj->id);
    $opt = array('write_button_only_if_linked' => 1, 'prune_unlinked_tcversions' => 1);
    $out = gen_spec_view($dbHandler, 'testplan', $argsObj->tplan_id, $tsuite_data['id'], $tsuite_data['name'], $linked_items, null, $filters, $opt);
    // need new processing
    return $out;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * @param obj $dbHandler
 * @param obj $argsObj: user input
 * @param obj $argsObj: user input
 * @param obj $tplanMgr: test plan manager
 * @param obj $tcaseMgr: test case manager
 * @param map $filters:  keys keywordsFilter, testcaseFilter,assignedToFilter,
 *							  executionTypeFilter, cfieldsFilter
 *						 IMPORTANT NOTICE: not all filters are here, other arrive via argsObj
 * @param map $options:  keys  ??
 *						 USED TO PASS options to other method called here -> see these method docs.
 * @internal revisions:
 * 20101024 - franciscom - name changed because was misleading, this do lot of filters
 *						   interface changed.
 * 20100721 - asimon - BUGID 3406 - added $options for new user assignments per build
 * 20100218 - asimon - BUGID 3026 - added parameter $testcaseFilter to include functionality
 * 						previously used on tc_exec_assignment.php
 * 						to show only testcases present in filter argument
function getFilteredSpecView(&$dbHandler, &$argsObj, &$tplanMgr, &$tcaseMgr, $filters = null, $options = null)
    $tprojectMgr = new testproject($dbHandler);
    $tsuite_data = $tcaseMgr->tree_manager->get_node_hierarchy_info($argsObj->id);
    $my = array();
    // some sort of local scope
    $my['filters'] = array('keywordsFilter' => null, 'testcaseFilter' => null, 'assignedToFilter' => null, 'executionTypeFilter' => null);
    $my['filters'] = array_merge($my['filters'], (array) $filters);
    $my['options'] = array('write_button_only_if_linked' => 1, 'prune_unlinked_tcversions' => 1);
    $my['options'] = array_merge($my['options'], (array) $options);
    // This does filter on keywords ALWAYS in OR mode.
    // BUGID 3406: added $options
    $tplan_linked_tcversions = getFilteredLinkedVersions($argsObj, $tplanMgr, $tcaseMgr, $options);
    // With these pieces we implement the AND type of keyword filter.
    $testCaseSet = null;
    if (!is_null($my['filters']['keywordsFilter']) && !is_null($my['filters']['keywordsFilter']->items)) {
        $keywordsTestCases = $tprojectMgr->get_keywords_tcases($argsObj->tproject_id, $my['filters']['keywordsFilter']->items, $my['filters']['keywordsFilter']->type);
        $testCaseSet = array_keys($keywordsTestCases);
    // BUGID 3026 - added $testcaseFilter
    if (!is_null($my['filters']['testcaseFilter'])) {
        if (is_null($testCaseSet)) {
            $testCaseSet = $my['filters']['testcaseFilter'];
        } else {
            $testCaseSet = array_intersect($testCaseSet, array($my['filters']['testcaseFilter']));
    // now get values as keys
    // 20100722 - asimon - additional check here because of warning from array_combine when $testCaseSet is null
    $testCaseSet = !is_null($testCaseSet) ? array_combine($testCaseSet, $testCaseSet) : null;
    // BUGID 3406
    // BUGID 3936: Assign Test Case Execution - Right pane does not reflect custom field filter.
    $genSpecFilters = array('keywords' => $argsObj->keyword_id, 'testcases' => $testCaseSet, 'exec_type' => $my['filters']['executionTypeFilter'], 'cfields' => $my['filters']['cfieldsFilter']);
    $out = gen_spec_view($dbHandler, 'testplan', $argsObj->tplan_id, $argsObj->id, $tsuite_data['name'], $tplan_linked_tcversions, null, $genSpecFilters, $my['options']);
    return $out;