public function fetch($url) { global $_FANWE; $id = $this->getID($url); if (empty($id)) { return false; } $key = '360buy_' . $id; $share_goods = FDB::resultFirst('SELECT share_id,goods_id FROM ' . FDB::table('share_goods') . ' WHERE uid = ' . $_FANWE['uid'] . " AND goods_key = '{$key}'"); if ($share_goods) { $result['status'] = -1; $result['share_id'] = $share_goods['share_id']; $result['goods_id'] = $share_goods['goods_id']; return $result; } //请求数据 $content = getUrlContent("" . $id . ".html"); if (empty($content)) { return false; } $content = gbToUTF8($content); $content = preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", '', $content); @preg_match("/<h1>(.*?)<\\/h1>/", $content, $title); if (empty($title)) { return false; } @preg_match("/<div id=\"preview\".*?>.*?<img.*?src=\"(.*?)\".*?jqimg=\"(.*?)\"\\/><\\/div>/", $content, $img); if (empty($img)) { return false; } @preg_match("/<strong class=\"price\"><img.*?src =\"(.*?)\"\\/><\\/strong>/", $content, $price); if (empty($price)) { return false; } else { $price = $this->getPrice($price[1]); if ($price === false) { return false; } } if (FS("Image")->getIsServer()) { $args = array(); $args['pic_url'] = $img[2]; $server = FS("Image")->formatServer($_FANWE['request']['image_server'], 'DE'); $server = FS("Image")->getImageUrlToken($args, $server, 1); $body = FS("Image")->sendRequest($server, 'savetemp', true); if (empty($body)) { return false; } $image = unserialize($body); $result['image_server'] = $server['image_server']; } else { $image = copyFile($img[2], "temp", false); if ($image === false) { return false; } $image['server_code'] = ''; } $result['item']['key'] = $key; $result['item']['name'] = strip_tags(trim($title[1])); $result['item']['price'] = $price; $result['item']['img'] = $image['path']; $result['item']['server_code'] = $image['server_code']; $result['item']['pic_url'] = $img[1]; $result['item']['url'] = "" . $id . ".html"; $unionId = $_FANWE['cache']['business']['jdbuy']['unionId']; if (!empty($unionId)) { $result['item']['taoke_url'] = "" . $unionId . "&t=4&to=" . $result['item']['url']; } return $result; }
public function fetch($url) { global $_FANWE; $id = $this->getID($url); if (empty($id)) { return false; } $key = 'dangdang_' . $id; $share_goods = FDB::resultFirst('SELECT share_id,goods_id FROM ' . FDB::table('share_goods') . ' WHERE uid = ' . $_FANWE['uid'] . " AND goods_key = '{$key}'"); if ($share_goods) { $result['status'] = -1; $result['share_id'] = $share_goods['share_id']; $result['goods_id'] = $share_goods['goods_id']; return $result; } //请求数据 $content = getUrlContent("" . $id); if (empty($content)) { return false; } $content = gbToUTF8($content); $content = preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", '', $content); @preg_match("/<h1>(.*?)<\\/h1>/", $content, $title); if (empty($title)) { return false; } @preg_match("/var oldimage \\= '(.*?)';/", $content, $img); if (empty($img)) { return false; } @preg_match("/<span class=\"promotions_price_d\">¥<b>(.*?)<\\/b><\\/span>/u", $content, $price); if (empty($price)) { @preg_match("/<span.*?id=\"salePriceTag\">¥(.*?)<\\/span>/u", $content, $price); if (empty($price)) { return false; } else { $price = (double) $price[1]; } } else { $price = (double) $price[1]; } if (FS("Image")->getIsServer()) { $args = array(); $args['pic_url'] = $img[1]; $server = FS("Image")->formatServer($_FANWE['request']['image_server'], 'DE'); $server = FS("Image")->getImageUrlToken($args, $server, 1); $body = FS("Image")->sendRequest($server, 'savetemp', true); if (empty($body)) { return false; } $image = unserialize($body); $result['image_server'] = $server['image_server']; } else { $image = copyFile($img[1], "temp", false); if ($image === false) { return false; } $image['server_code'] = ''; } $result['item']['key'] = $key; $result['item']['name'] = strip_tags(str_replace('[当当自营]', '', $title[1])); $result['item']['price'] = $price; $result['item']['img'] = $image['path']; $result['item']['server_code'] = $image['server_code']; $result['item']['pic_url'] = $img[1]; $result['item']['url'] = "" . $id; $from = $_FANWE['cache']['business']['dangdang']['from']; if (!empty($from)) { $result['item']['taoke_url'] = "" . $from . "&ad_type=10&sys_id=1&backurl=" . $result['item']['url']; } @preg_match("/<div class=\"legend\"><a href=\"http:\\/\\/shop\\.dangdang\\.com\\/(.*?)\".*?>(.*?)<\\/a><a.*?>.*?<\\/a><\\/div>/", $content, $shop); if (!empty($shop)) { $result['shop']['name'] = $shop[2]; $result['shop']['url'] = "" . $shop[1]; if (!empty($from)) { $result['shop']['taoke_url'] = "" . $from . "&ad_type=10&sys_id=1&backurl=" . $result['shop']['url']; } if (!FS("Shop")->getShopExistsByUrl($result['shop']['url'])) { $content = getUrlContent($result['shop']['url']); if (!empty($content)) { $content = preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", '', $content); @preg_match("/<dl.*?id=\"hslice_shop_basic_info_" . $shop[1] . "\">.*?<dt><a.*?><img src=\"(.*?)\".*?\\/><\\/a><\\/dt>/", $content, $shop_img); if (!empty($shop_img)) { if (FS("Image")->getIsServer()) { $args = array(); $args['pic_url'] = $shop_img[1]; $server = FS("Image")->getImageUrlToken($args, '', 1); $body = FS("Image")->sendRequest($server, 'savetemp', true); if (!empty($body)) { $image = unserialize($body); } else { $image = false; } } else { $image = copyFile($shop_img[1], "temp", false); if ($image === false) { $image['server_code'] = ''; } } if ($image !== false) { $result['shop']['logo'] = $image['path']; $result['shop']['server_code'] = $image['server_code']; } } } } } return $result; }
function updatepw($get, $post) { if (!API_UPDATEPW) { return API_RETURN_FORBIDDEN; } $username = $get['username']; $uid = intval($get['uid']); if ($this->charset == 'gbk') { $username = addslashes(gbToUTF8($username)); } $newpw = md5(time() . rand(100000, 999999)); FDB::query("UPDATE " . FDB::table('user') . " SET password='******' WHERE user_name='{$username}' limit 1"); return API_RETURN_SUCCEED; }
/** * * 检查email是否存在(或被其它用户占用) * @param string $email * @param string $uid 对方系统用户关键字 (如果$uid,不为空的话,则过滤$uid) * * return true; //email不存在(或属于$username用户的),可用 * return false;//email存在,或格式不对,不可用 */ function check_email($email, $uid = 0) { if ($this->charset == 'gbk') { $email = addslashes(utf8ToGB($email)); //$username = addslashes(utf8ToGB($username)); } else { $email = addslashes($email); //$username = addslashes($username); } /* if ($this->charset == 'gbk'){ $uname = addslashes(gbToUTF8($uname)); }else{ $username = addslashes($uname); } */ $email_exist = uc_user_checkemail($email); //echo $email."<br>".$email_exist."<br>".$username; if ($email_exist == -4) { $this->error = '无效的email格式'; return false; } else { if ($email_exist == -5) { $this->error = '限制注册的email'; return false; } else { if ($email_exist == -6) { //'email已经存在' if ($uid > 0) { list($uid, $uname, $email2) = uc_get_user($uid, 1); //isuid:0:username; 1:uid //print_r($status); exit; if ($email2 == $email) { //email已经存在,是属于$username这个用户的 return true; } } if ($this->charset == 'gbk') { $email = gbToUTF8($email); } $this->error = $email . ':邮件已经被其它用户占用'; return false; } else { if ($email_exist == 1) { //email不存在,可用 return true; } } } } }