Ejemplo n.º 1
$query = "\r\n    SELECT *\r\n    FROM " . $event_tools_db_prefix . "eventtools_clinics_with_tags \r\n    WHERE " . $id . " = `id`\r\n    ";
//echo $query;
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_numrows($result);
$email = mysql_result($result, 0, "clinic_presenter_email");
if ($email == "") {
    echo "<b>Failure retrieving email for ID " . $id . "</b>";
echo "Dear " . mysql_result($result, 0, "clinic_presenter") . ":<p>";
echo "\r\nIn less than two months, the NMRA National Convention will kick \r\noff in Sacramento, California.\r\n<p>\r\nWe're in the process of finalizing the clinics schedule \r\nfor the convention this summer.  \r\nYou are receiving this email because you've volunteered to present \r\na clinic and have previously been in contact with the show organizers to \r\narrange this.\r\n<p>\r\nBelow you will find a summary of your clinics, and the current scheduled time:\r\n";
require_once 'utilities.php';
require_once 'formatting.php';
$where = " id = '" . $id . "' ";
//echo $where;
format_all_clinics_as_3table($where, "");
echo "\r\n<FORM action=\"confirm_clinics.php\" method=\"post\">\r\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"email\" value=\"" . $email . "\">\r\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"" . $id . "\">\r\n<p>\r\nPlease look it over carefully.\r\nIf everything is OK, check the the box here and click\r\n&quot;Submit&quot; below.<p>\r\n<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"OK\" value=\"Y\" /><b>OK</b>\r\n<p>\r\nIf you have any corrections, \r\nadditions or deletions, please describe there here and \r\nclick &quot;Submit&quot; below.<br/>\r\n<TEXTAREA name=\"clinic-comment\" cols=\"80\" wrap=\"virtual\" rows=\"5\">" . mysql_result($result, 0, "clinic_presenter_confirm_comment") . "</TEXTAREA>\r\n\r\n<p>";
echo "<b>Cell Number</b><p>\r\nPlease provide your cell phone number so that we \r\ncan contact you during the Convention if needed.\r\nThis will not be released to the public.<p>\r\n<TEXTAREA name=\"cell-number\" cols=\"20\" wrap=\"virtual\" rows=\"1\"/>" . mysql_result($result, 0, "clinic_presenter_cell_number") . "</TEXTAREA>\r\n<p>\r\n";
$checkcw = mysql_result($result, 0, "clinic_presenter_av_request") == "conventionwindows" ? " checked " : "";
$checkmw = mysql_result($result, 0, "clinic_presenter_av_request") == "mywindows" ? " checked " : "";
$checkmm = mysql_result($result, 0, "clinic_presenter_av_request") == "mymac" ? " checked " : "";
$checkml = mysql_result($result, 0, "clinic_presenter_av_request") == "mylinunx" ? " checked " : "";
$checknn = mysql_result($result, 0, "clinic_presenter_av_request") == "none" ? " checked " : "";
echo "<b>Presentation Equipment</b><p>\r\nX2011West will be providing a VGA-based computer projection system for all \r\nclinic rooms, as well as audio equipment for larger clinic rooms.\r\n<p>\r\nWe will have PC laptops available for use, \r\nbut we will also allow presenters to attach their personal \r\nlaptop to our projection equipment provided it is compatible. \r\nWe will have a projector set up in the clinics office to verify \r\nproper operation. Please select which type of equipment you'd like to use:<p>\r\n<input type=\"radio\" name=\"av\" value=\"conventionwindows\" " . $checkcw . " />Convention Windows computer<br />\r\n<input type=\"radio\" name=\"av\" value=\"mywindows\" " . $checkmw . " />My Windows computer<br />\r\n<input type=\"radio\" name=\"av\" value=\"mymac\" " . $checkmm . " />My Mac computer<br />\r\n<input type=\"radio\" name=\"av\" value=\"mylinunx\" " . $checkml . " />My Linux computer<br />\r\n<input type=\"radio\" name=\"av\" value=\"none\" " . $checknn . " />None<br />\r\n<p>";
echo "If you have any needs for additional presentation equipment, \r\nplease use the form below to make requests.<p>\r\n\r\n<TEXTAREA name=\"av-comment\" cols=\"80\" wrap=\"virtual\" rows=\"5\"/>" . mysql_result($result, 0, "clinic_presenter_av_request") . "</TEXTAREA>\r\n\r\n";
echo "<br/><b>Recording Policy</b><p>\r\nX2011West will not be allowing any video or audio recording of \r\nclinic presentations at the convention.\r\n<p>\r\n<p>\r\n\r\nSincerely,<br/>\r\nDavid Falkenburg and Anthony Thompson X2011West Clinics Coordinators\r\n<p>\r\n<INPUT type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\">\r\n</form>";

Ejemplo n.º 2
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <title>X2011West Clinics</title>

    <link href="clinics.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />    

<h1>X2011West Clinics</h1>  
<a href="index.php">Back to main page</a>

<form method="get">
    <button type="submit">Filter on tag:</button>
    <input name="tag" type="text" size="64" maxlength="64"/>

require_once 'access.php';
require_once 'utilities.php';
require_once 'formatting.php';
require_once 'parsers.php';
$where = parse_clinic_query();
$order = parse_order();
format_all_clinics_as_3table($where, $order);
