Ejemplo n.º 1
		$imgSrc = '<img height="96" width="128" src="'.$directory.$imgSrcStatic.'" border="1">';
	} else {
		$imgSrc = '<img height="96" width="128" src="'.$directory.'/gfx/thumb_missing.gif" border="1">';

	$fileLink = '<a href="' . $fileUrl . '">' . $fileName . '</a>';
	$typeDesc = getTextForGoalType($type);
	$description = "<p>$typeDesc by <b>" . $name . '</b> - <a href="'.$directory."/".$fileUrl.'">Download</a></p>'.
	if (strlen($fileName) > 4) {
		$titleRSS = $typeDesc." :: " . $name . "  (" . formatLongDate($uploaded) . ")";
		$item = new FeedItem();
		$item->title = $titleRSS;
		$item->link = $directory."/files/browseGoals.php?goal=" . $goal_id;
		$item->description = $description;
		$item->date = date('Y-m-d\TH:m:s\Z', $uploaded);
		$item->source = $directory."/".$fileUrl;
		$item->author = $name;
		$item->editor = $name;

$rss->saveFeed("RSS1.0", "feed_goals.xml");

function getTextForGoalType($type) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
echo $name;
echo $name;
echo getStatusImgForType($row['type']);
echo getImgForActive($row['active']);
				<td nowrap><?php 
echo formatLongDate($row['date']);
echo $expireDaysFormatted;
				<td title="<?php 
echo $additionalInfo;
echo $reason;
Ejemplo n.º 3

echo getRankBoxTop($leagueShortName . " Games - List " . $status . $playedGames, $columnsArray);
	while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
		$id = $row['id'];
		$winteam = $row['winteam'];
		$loseteam = $row['loseteam'];
		$winresult = $row['winresult'];
		$loseresult = $row['loseresult'];
		$reportDate = $row['reportDate'];
		$dateFormatted = formatLongDate($reportDate);
		$winnerImg = getImgForTeam($winteam);
		$loserImg = getImgForTeam($loseteam);	
		$winnerTeamname = getTeamNameForId($winteam);
		$loserTeamname = getTeamNameForId($loseteam);
		$gameResult = $winresult."&nbsp;-&nbsp;".$loseresult;
		$winner = $teamPlayerArray[$winteam];
		$loser = $teamPlayerArray[$loseteam];
		$winnerlink = "<a href='/profile.php?name=".$winner."'>".$winner."</a>";
		$loserlink = "<a href='/profile.php?name=".$loser."'>".$loser."</a>";
	<tr<? if (strcmp($cookie_name, $winner) == 0 
		|| strcmp($cookie_name, $loser) == 0) {
		echo " class='row_active'";
	else {
Ejemplo n.º 4
 if ($patchAway == "") $patchAway = "Unknown";
 $lobbyName = $row['lobbyName'];
 if ($lobbyName == "") $lobbyName = "Unknown";
 $roomName = $row['roomName'];
 $columnTitlesArray = array ('Id', 'Season', 'Lobby', 'Room', 'Start', 'End', 'Duration');
 $boxTitle = "Game Info";
 $sql = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(matchStart) as matchStartTS FROM six_matches_info WHERE matchId=$gameId AND type='F'";
 $resInfo = mysql_query($sql);
 $rowInfo = mysql_fetch_array($resInfo);
 if ($rowInfo) {
   if ($rowInfo['matchStart'] == 0) {
     $startDate = "Unknown";
   } else {
     $startDate = formatLongDate($rowInfo['matchStartTS']);
   $duration = $rowInfo['duration'];
   if ($duration == 0) {
     $duration = "Unknown";
   } else {
     $mins = floor($duration/60);
     if ($mins < 10) {
       $mins = "0".$mins;
     $secs = $duration % 60;
     if ($secs < 10) {
       $secs = "0".$secs;
     $duration = $mins.":".$secs." min.";
Ejemplo n.º 5
 $topmargin = 'style="margin-top:2px"';
 if ($selectname == 'all' && ($playerLeft == $cookie_name || $playerRight == $cookie_name || (!empty($playerLeft2) && $playerLeft2 == $cookie_name) || (!empty($playerRight2) && $playerRight2 == $cookie_name))) {
   $rowclass = "row_active";
 } elseif (empty($playerLeft2) && empty($playerRight2) && ($lobbyName <> 'Training') && IsFishySixserverGame($scoreLeft, $scoreRight, $minutes) && ($DCRight || ($scoreLeft == $scoreRight && $DCLeft))) {
   $rowclass = "row_alert";
 } else {
   $rowclass = "row";
 $regScoreInfo = "";
 if (($scoreLeft > $scoreRegLeft) || ($scoreRight > $scoreRegRight)) {
   $regScoreInfo = ' style="cursor:help;" title="'.$scoreRegLeft.'-'.$scoreRegRight.' after 90 minutes"';
 if (!is_null($exitLeft)) {
   $playerLeftDisplay = '<span title="Disconnected at '.formatLongDate($exitLeft).'">'.$playerLeft.'</span>';
 } else {
   $playerLeftDisplay = $playerLeft;
 if ($playerLeft2 != '') {
   if (!is_null($exitLeft)) {
     $playerLeft2Display = '<span style="cursor:help;" title="Disconnected at '.formatDate($exitLeft).'">'.$playerLeft2.'</span>';
   } else {
     $playerLeft2Display = $playerLeft2;
   $playerLeft2Display = '<a href="'.$directory.'/profile.php?name='.$playerLeft2.'">'.$playerLeft2Display.'</a>';
 if ($playerLeft3 != '') {
   if (!is_null($exitLeft)) {
     $playerLeft3Display = '<span style="cursor:help;" title="Disconnected at '.formatDate($exitLeft).'">'.$playerLeft3.'</span>';
Ejemplo n.º 6
function getPlayerStatusLine($name)
    require 'variables.php';
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$playerstatustable} WHERE userName = '******' " . "AND active = 'Y' ORDER BY type ASC, date DESC";
    $result = mysql_query($sql);
    $highlight = "&amp;highlight=" . $name;
    if (mysql_num_rows($result) < 1) {
        return "";
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $forumLink = $row['forumLink'];
    $type = $row['type'];
    $additionalInfo = $row['additionalInfo'];
    $userId = $row['userId'];
    $type == 'B' ? $gfx = $gfx_ban : ($type == 'W' ? $gfx = $gfx_warn : ($gfx = $gfx_inactive));
    $reason = "<span style='font-size:11px'>" . $row['reason'] . "</span>";
    $expireDate = $row['expireDate'];
    $expireText = "";
    if ($type != 'I') {
        if (empty($forumLink)) {
            $link = "http://www." . $leaguename . "/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5387";
            // "I've been warned/banned!"
        } else {
            $link = $forumLink;
        if (empty($expireDate)) {
            $expireText = "permanent";
        } else {
            $expireDay = $expireDate + 60 * 60 * 24;
            $expireDate = mktime(0, 5, 0, date('n', $expireDay), date('j', $expireDay), date('Y', $expireDay));
            $expireText = "expires " . formatLongDate($expireDate) . " (in " . formatFutureSpanPlain($expireDate) . ")";
        $expireText = ' (click for details)</a></b><br><span class="grey-small">' . $expireText . '</span>';
    } else {
        $link = "http://www." . $leaguename . "/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1084";
    $text = '<a href="' . $link . '"><b>' . $reason . '</b>' . $expireText;
    if (strlen($additionalInfo) > 0) {
        $title = " title=\"Wrote '{$additionalInfo}' in chat\"";
        $img = "<a href=\"{$directory}/sixserver/insults.php?pid={$userId}\"><img {$title} src='" . $directory . "/gfx/" . $gfx . "' style='vertical-align:middle;'></a>";
    } else {
        $img = "<img src='" . $directory . "/gfx/" . $gfx . "' style='vertical-align:middle;'>";
    return "<table><tr><td>" . $img . "&nbsp;</td><td>" . $text . "</td></tr></table>";
Ejemplo n.º 7


		$thumbWidths = getThumbnailWidths();
		if (empty ($fullList)) {
			echo "<p>No files found for <b>" . $name . "</b>.</p>";
			echo "<p>If you think this is an error, please post in the forum.</p>" . $back;
		} else {
			foreach ($fullList as $fileArray) {
				$lastModified = $fileArray[0];
				$filename = $fileArray[1];
				$thumbsArray = $fileArray[2];
				$boxTitle = $filename . "&nbsp;&nbsp;<span style='font-weight:normal;font-size:10px;'>(" . formatLongDate($lastModified) . ")";
				<?= getBoxTop($boxTitle, 30, false, null) ?>
				<table class="layouttable" style="width:100%">
					<? if (!empty($thumbsArray)){ ?>
					<td style="width:250px;vertical-align:top;">
					<a href="<?= $directory ?>/files/images/<?= $filename ?>">
					<img src="<?= $thumbsDir.$thumbsArray[0] ?>"></a></td>
					<td style="vertical-align:top; align:left;">

				$i = 0;
						<table class="layouttable" width="100%">