echo " <tr class=\"record\">\n"; formatCallDate($row['calldate'], $row['uniqueid']); formatFiles($row); formatSrc($row['src'], $row['clid']); if (isset($row['did']) and strlen($row['did'])) { formatDst($row['did'], $row['dcontext'] . ' # ' . $row['dst']); } else { formatDst($row['dst'], $row['dcontext']); } if (isset($display_column['extension']) and $display_column['extension'] == 1) { formatDst($row['dst'], $row['dcontext']); } formatApp($row['lastapp'], $row['lastdata']); formatChannel($row['channel']); if (isset($display_column['clid']) and $display_column['clid'] == 1) { formatClid($row['clid']); } formatChannel($row['dstchannel']); formatDisposition($row['disposition'], $row['amaflags']); formatDuration($row['duration'], $row['billsec']); if (isset($display_column['billsec']) and $display_column['billsec'] == 1) { formatBillSec($row['billsec']); } formatUserField($row['userfield']); if (isset($display_column['accountcode']) and $display_column['accountcode'] == 1) { formatAccountCode($row['accountcode']); } if (isset($_REQUEST['use_callrates']) && $_REQUEST['use_callrates'] == 'true') { $rates = callrates($row['dst'], $row['billsec'], $callrate_csv_file); $rate_total += $rates[4]; formatMoney($rates[4]);
echo "\t\t<th class=\"abndRcrd\">In</th>"; echo "\t\t<th class=\"abndRcrd\">Out</th>"; echo "\t</tr>"; $count = 1; $color = "#e4ebf5"; while ($rows = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) { if ($color == "#ffffff") { $color = "#e4ebf5"; } else { $color = "#ffffff"; } echo "\t<tr class=\"abndRcrd\" style=\"background-color:" . $color . "\">"; echo "\t\t<td class=\"abndRcrd\">" . $count . ".</td>"; echo "\t\t<td class=\"abndRcrd\">" . $rows[1] . "/" . $rows[2] . "/" . $rows[0] . "</td>"; echo "\t\t<td class=\"abndRcrd\">" . formatTime($rows[3], $rows[4], $rows[5]) . "</td>"; echo "\t\t<td class=\"abndRcrd\">" . formatClid($rows[6]) . "</td>"; echo "\t\t<td class=\"abndRcrd\">" . formatPhone($rows[7]) . "</td>"; echo "\t\t<td class=\"abndRcrd\">" . $rows[8] . " seconds</td>"; echo "\t\t<td class=\"abndRcrd\">" . "1st" . "</td>"; echo "\t\t<td class=\"abndRcrd\">" . "1st" . "</td>"; echo "\t</tr>"; $count++; } //echo " <tr>"; //echo " Query: ".$query; //echo " </tr>"; echo "\t</table>"; } else { echo "<p>No records found</p>"; } function formatPhone($num)