Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function editar($accion, $codigo = "")
     $lista = new stdClass();
     if ($accion == "e") {
         $filter = new stdClass();
         $filter->tipoestudiociclo = $codigo;
         $tiposeestudiociclo = $this->tipoestudiociclo_model->obtener($filter);
         $lista->codigo = $tiposeestudiociclo->TIPCICLOP_Codigo;
         $lista->observacion = $tiposeestudiociclo->TIPCICLOC_Observacion;
         $lista->ciclo = $tiposeestudiociclo->CICLOP_Codigo;
         $lista->estado = $tiposeestudiociclo->TIPCICLOC_FlagEstado;
         $lista->tipoestudio = $tiposeestudiociclo->TIPP_Codigo;
     } elseif ($accion == "n") {
         $lista->codigo = "";
         $lista->observacion = "";
         $lista->ciclo = "";
         $lista->estado = 1;
         $lista->tipoestudio = "";
     $arrEstado = array("0" => "::Seleccione::", "1" => "ACTIVO", "2" => "INACTIVO");
     $data['titulo'] = $accion == "e" ? "Editar Tipo de Estudio por ciclo" : "Crear Tipo de Estudio por ciclo";
     $data['form_open'] = form_open('', array("name" => "frmPersona", "id" => "frmPersona", "onsubmit" => "return valida_guiain();"));
     $data['form_close'] = form_close();
     $data['lista'] = $lista;
     $data['selestado'] = form_dropdown('estado', $arrEstado, $lista->estado, "id='estado' class='comboMedio'");
     $data['selciclo'] = form_dropdown('ciclo', $this->ciclo_model->seleccionar('0'), $lista->ciclo, "id='ciclo' class='comboMedio'");
     $data['seltipoestudio'] = form_dropdown('tipoestudio', $this->tipoestudio_model->seleccionar('0'), $lista->tipoestudio, "id='tipoestudio' class='comboMedio'");
     $data['oculto'] = form_hidden(array("accion" => $accion, "codigo_padre" => $codigo, "codigo" => $lista->codigo));
     $this->load->view("maestros/tipoestudiociclo_nuevo", $data);
    public function test_form_dropdown()
        $expected = '<select name="shirts">
<option value="small">Small Shirt</option>
<option value="med">Medium Shirt</option>
<option value="large" selected="selected">Large Shirt</option>
<option value="xlarge">Extra Large Shirt</option>
        $options = array('small' => 'Small Shirt', 'med' => 'Medium Shirt', 'large' => 'Large Shirt', 'xlarge' => 'Extra Large Shirt');
        $this->assertEquals($expected, form_dropdown('shirts', $options, 'large'));
        $expected = '<select name="shirts" multiple="multiple">
<option value="small" selected="selected">Small Shirt</option>
<option value="med">Medium Shirt</option>
<option value="large" selected="selected">Large Shirt</option>
<option value="xlarge">Extra Large Shirt</option>
        $shirts_on_sale = array('small', 'large');
        $this->assertEquals($expected, form_dropdown('shirts', $options, $shirts_on_sale));
        $options = array('Swedish Cars' => array('volvo' => 'Volvo', 'saab' => 'Saab'), 'German Cars' => array('mercedes' => 'Mercedes', 'audi' => 'Audi'));
        $expected = '<select name="cars" multiple="multiple">
<optgroup label="Swedish Cars">
<option value="volvo" selected="selected">Volvo</option>
<option value="saab">Saab</option>
<optgroup label="German Cars">
<option value="mercedes">Mercedes</option>
<option value="audi" selected="selected">Audi</option>
        $this->assertEquals($expected, form_dropdown('cars', $options, array('volvo', 'audi')));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function index()
     if (!$this->module_auth->read) {
         $this->session->set_flashdata('msg_warning', $this->module_auth->msg_read);
     $select_data = $this->load->model('usaha_model')->get_without();
     $options = array();
     if ($select_data) {
         foreach ($select_data as $row) {
             $options[$row->id] = $row->nama;
     $js = 'id="usaha_id" class="input-medium"';
     $options[999] = 'SEMUA PAJAK';
     $select = form_dropdown('usaha_id', $options, 999, $js);
     $select = preg_replace("/[\r\n]+/", "", $select);
     $data['select_usaha'] = $select;
     $options = array('1' => 'BELUM PROSES', '2' => 'SUDAH PROSES');
     $js = 'id="proses_id" class="input-medium"';
     $select = form_dropdown('proses_id', $options, 1, $js);
     $select = preg_replace("/[\r\n]+/", "", $select);
     $data['select_proses_id'] = $select;
     $data['current'] = $this->module;
     $data['controller'] = $this->controller;
     $data['apps'] = $this->apps_model->get_active_only();
     if ($this->controller != 'skpdj') {
         $data['judul'] = "PENDATAAN - DAFTAR SPTPD BELUM MASUK (MASA PAJAK " . strtoupper($this->bulan(date('m') - 1)) . ")";
     } else {
         $data['judul'] = "PENETAPAN - SKPD JABATAN (MASA PAJAK " . strtoupper($this->bulan(date('m') - 1)) . ")";
     $this->load->view('vsptpd_tegur', $data);
 function foundation_form_input($name, $args = array())
     $isValid = form_error($name) ? false : true;
     if (!empty($args['default_value'])) {
         $default_value = $args['default_value'];
     } else {
         $default_value = null;
     $class = !empty($args['class']) ? $args['class'] : '';
     $node = "<label>" . humanize($name);
     if (!empty($args['as'])) {
         switch ($args['as']) {
             case 'collection':
                 if (!empty($args['collection'])) {
                     if ($args['allow_blank']) {
                         $args['collection'] = array_merge(array(" " => " "), $args['collection']);
                     $node .= form_dropdown($name, $args['collection'], set_value($name));
             case 'text':
                 $node .= form_textarea($name, set_value($name, $default_value));
                 # ...
     } else {
         $node .= form_input($name, set_value($name, $default_value));
     $node .= form_error($name, '<div class="error">', '</div>');
     $node .= "</label>";
     return $node;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * 列表页
  * @param 
 public function index()
     //分类 select options
     $cats = $this->category_model->lists();
     if (!isset($this->current['catid'])) {
         $this->current['catid'] = '';
     $this->data['categories'] = $this->tree->get_tree_select(0, "<option value=\$id \$selected>\$spacer\$name</option>", $this->current['catid']);
     if (!isset($this->current['position'])) {
         $this->current['position'] = '';
     $options = $this->config->item('position', 'position');
     $options = array('' => '推荐位管理') + $options;
     $this->data['positions'] = form_dropdown('position', $options, $this->current['position'], 'class="input input-auto"');
     $data = $this->model->lists($this->current);
     if (!$data) {
         $data = array('lists' => '', 'pages' => '');
     $data['name'] = $this->data['name'];
     $data['categories'] = $this->data['categories'];
     $data['categories_lists'] = $this->category_model->categories;
     $this->data['body'] = $this->load->view('content/list', $data, true);
     Displayview::display('content/content', $this->data);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Displays a Player based on an post request of the dropdown menu.
 public function display()
     $this->data['transactions'] = $this->transactions->getAllTransactions();
     $this->data['players'] = $this->players->getAllPlayers();
     $code = $this->input->post('player');
     $this->data['Playername'] = $code;
     $this->data['title'] = "Stock Ticker";
     $this->data['left-panel-content'] = 'player/players';
     $this->data['right-panel-content'] = 'player/transactions';
     $this->data['player_code'] = $code;
     $form = form_open('player/display');
     $player_cash = array();
     $player_names = array();
     $players = $this->players->getAllPlayers();
     foreach ($players as $item) {
         array_push($player_names, $item->Player);
         array_push($player_cash, $item->Cash);
     $players = array_combine($player_names, $player_names);
     $select = form_dropdown('player', $players, $code, "class = 'form-control'" . "onchange = 'this.form.submit()'");
     $this->data['form'] = $form;
     $this->data['select'] = $select;
     $this->data['ptrans'] = $this->transactions->getPlayerTransactions($code);
     $this->data['holdings'] = $this->transactions->getCurrentHoldings($code);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 function form_per_page($name = null, $options = null, $selected = null, $extra_attributes = null, $min = null, $max = null)
     $ci = get_instance();
     if (empty($options) || !is_array($options)) {
         $options = array(5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 1000);
     $min = (int) $min;
     if ($min <= 0) {
         $min = $options[0];
     $all = $max == 'all';
     $max = (int) $max;
     if ($max <= 0) {
         $max = $options[count($options) - 1];
     if ($max < $min) {
         $max = $min;
     $result_options = array();
     foreach ($options as $option) {
         if ($option >= $min && $option <= $max) {
             $result_options[(string) $option] = $ci->lang->line('ui_per_page', $option);
     if ($all) {
         $result_options['all'] = '-- ' . $ci->lang->line('ui_all') . ' --';
     return form_dropdown($name, $result_options, $selected, $extra_attributes);
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Display settings sub-form for this variable type
  * @param	mixed	$var_id			The id of the variable: 'new' or numeric
  * @param	array	$var_settings	The settings of the variable
  * @return	array	
 function display_settings($var_id, $var_settings)
     // -------------------------------------
     //  Init return value
     // -------------------------------------
     $r = array();
     // -------------------------------------
     //  Check current value from settings
     // -------------------------------------
     $maxlength = $this->get_setting('maxlength', $var_settings);
     $size = $this->get_setting('size', $var_settings);
     $pattern = $this->get_setting('pattern', $var_settings);
     $text_direction = $this->get_setting('text_direction', $var_settings);
     // -------------------------------------
     //  Build rows for values
     // -------------------------------------
     $r[] = array($this->setting_label(lang('variable_maxlength')), form_input(array('name' => $this->input_name('maxlength'), 'value' => $maxlength, 'size' => '4', 'maxlength' => '4', 'class' => 'x-small')));
     $r[] = array($this->setting_label(lang('variable_size')), form_dropdown($this->input_name('size'), array('large' => lang('large'), 'medium' => lang('medium'), 'small' => lang('small'), 'x-small' => lang('x-small')), $size));
     $r[] = array($this->setting_label(lang('variable_pattern'), lang('variable_pattern_help')), form_input(array('name' => $this->input_name('pattern'), 'value' => $pattern, 'class' => 'medium')));
     // -------------------------------------
     //  Build settings text_direction
     // -------------------------------------
     $dir_options = '';
     foreach (array('ltr', 'rtl') as $dir) {
         $dir_options .= '<label class="low-radio">' . form_radio($this->input_name('text_direction'), $dir, $this->get_setting('text_direction', $var_settings) == $dir) . ' ' . lang("text_direction_{$dir}") . '</label>';
     $r[] = array($this->setting_label(lang('text_direction')), $dir_options);
     // -------------------------------------
     //  Return output
     // -------------------------------------
     return $r;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Displays the details of the requested stock.
 public function display()
     if (!empty($this->input->post('stock'))) {
         $code = $this->input->post('stock');
         $this->data['src'] = "../assets/js/stock-history.js";
     } else {
         $code = $this->uri->segment(3);
         $this->data['src'] = "../../assets/js/stock-history.js";
     $this->data['title'] = "Stocks ~ {$code}";
     $this->data['left-panel-content'] = 'stock/index';
     $this->data['right-panel-content'] = 'stock/sales';
     $this->data['stock_code'] = $code;
     $this->data['trans'] = $this->transactions->getSalesTransactions($code);
     $form = form_open('stock/display');
     $stock_codes = array();
     $stock_names = array();
     $stocks = $this->stocks->getAllStocks();
     $stock = $this->stocks->get($code);
     foreach ($stocks as $item) {
         array_push($stock_codes, $item->Code);
         array_push($stock_names, $item->Name);
     $stocks = array_combine($stock_codes, $stock_names);
     $select = form_dropdown('stock', $stocks, $code, "class = 'form-control'" . "onchange = 'this.form.submit()'");
     $this->data['Name'] = $stock->Name;
     $this->data['Code'] = $stock->Code;
     $this->data['Category'] = $stock->Category;
     $this->data['Value'] = money_format("\$%i", $stock->Value);
     $this->data['form'] = $form;
     $this->data['select'] = $select;
 function display_field($data)
     $text_direction = $this->settings['field_text_direction'] == 'rtl' ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';
     $member_list = array();
     $deleted_user_message = '';
     $this->EE->db->select('group_title, member_id, screen_name');
     $this->EE->db->join('exp_member_groups', 'exp_members.group_id = exp_member_groups.group_id');
     $this->EE->db->order_by('exp_member_groups.group_id asc, exp_members.screen_name');
     if ($this->settings[CKI_MBLIST_KEY]['group_ids']) {
         $this->EE->db->where_in('exp_members.group_id', explode('|', $this->settings[CKI_MBLIST_KEY]['group_ids']));
     $q = $this->EE->db->get();
     //Create a blank option
     $member_list[''] = "None";
     //Setup the member list array to send to the form_dropdown function
     foreach ($q->result_array() as $member) {
         $member_list[$member['group_title']][$member['member_id']] = $member['screen_name'];
         $member_id_array[$member['member_id']] = $member['screen_name'];
     //Quickly check to see (if on the EDIT page) that the previously selected member still exists
     if (!array_key_exists($data, $member_id_array) && $data != '') {
         //If not, append a warning message
         $deleted_user_message = "&nbsp;<span class='notice'>Selected member no longer exists.</span>";
     return form_dropdown($this->field_name, $member_list, $data, 'dir="' . $text_direction . '" id="' . $this->field_id . '"') . $deleted_user_message;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 function display_configuration($field_name, $field_label, $field_type, $data)
     $config = array();
     $config["label"] = form_label($field_label);
     $config["value"] = "<p>" . form_dropdown($field_name, $data["data_fields"], isset($data["default_settings"]["cf"][$field_name]) ? $data["default_settings"]["cf"][$field_name] : '') . "</p><p>Field to match: " . NBS . form_dropdown($field_name . "_relationship_field", $data["all_fields"], (isset($data["default_settings"]["cf"][$field_name . "_relationship_field"]) ? $data["default_settings"]["cf"][$field_name . "_relationship_field"] : '') . "</p>");
     return $config;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 function display_configuration($field_name, $field_label, $field_type, $data)
     $config = array();
     $config["label"] = form_label($field_label) . NBS . anchor("http://brandnewbox.co.uk/support/details/importing_into_playa_fields_with_datagrab", "(?)", 'class="help"');
     $config["value"] = "<p>" . form_dropdown($field_name, $data["data_fields"], isset($data["default_settings"]["cf"][$field_name]) ? $data["default_settings"]["cf"][$field_name] : '') . "</p><p>Field to match: " . NBS . form_dropdown($field_name . "_playa_field", $data["all_fields"], (isset($data["default_settings"]["cf"][$field_name . "_playa_field"]) ? $data["default_settings"]["cf"][$field_name . "_playa_field"] : '') . "</p>");
     return $config;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public function index()
     $aOptions = array('none' => '', 'hourly' => 'hourly', 'daily' => 'daily');
     $sAttributes = 'id="select_type"';
     $data['select_type'] = form_label("Select either hourly or daily predictions:", 'select_type') . form_dropdown('select_type', $aOptions, '', $sAttributes);
     for ($i = 0; $i < 36; $i++) {
         $aOptionsHour[$i] = $i;
         if ($i < 10) {
             $aOptionsDay[$i] = $i;
             // Get at days while I'm at it.
             $aOptionsPop[$i * 10] = $i * 10;
     $sAttributesPop = 'id = "select_pop"';
     $sAttributesDay = 'id="select_day"';
     $sAttributesHour = 'id="select_hour"';
     $data['sel_hour'] = form_label("Select how many hours ahead:", 'select_hour') . form_dropdown('sel_hour', $aOptionsHour, '', $sAttributesHour);
     $data['sel_day'] = form_label("Select how many days ahead:", 'select_day') . form_dropdown('sel_day', $aOptionsDay, '', $sAttributesDay);
     $data['sel_pop'] = form_label("Select percent of percipitation:", 'select_pop') . form_dropdown('sel_pop', $aOptionsPop, '', $sAttributesPop);
     $sAttributesData = 'id="select_data"';
     $aOptionsData = array('Temperature' => 'temp', 'Precipitation' => 'pop');
     $data['sel_data'] = form_label("Select details on either POP or Temperature:", 'select_data') . form_dropdown('sel_data', $aOptionsData, '', $sAttributesData);
     $this->load->view('weather_view', $data);
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * Generate the form elements to configure this field
  * @param string $field_name the field's name
  * @param string $field_label the field's label
  * @param string $field_type the field's type
  * @param string $data array of data that can be used to select from
  * @return array containing form's label and elements
  * @author Andrew Weaver
 function display_configuration($field_name, $field_label, $field_type, $data)
     $config = array();
     $config["label"] = form_label($field_label);
     $config["value"] = form_dropdown($field_name, $data["data_fields"], isset($data["default_settings"]["cf"][$field_name]) ? $data["default_settings"]["cf"][$field_name] : '');
     return $config;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public function editar($accion, $codigo = "")
     $lista = new stdClass();
     if ($accion == "e") {
         $filter = new stdClass();
         $filter->ciclo = $codigo;
         $ciclos = $this->ciclo_model->obtener($filter);
         $lista->finicio = date_sql(substr($ciclos->CICC_FECHA_INICIO, 0, 10));
         $lista->ffin = date_sql(substr($ciclos->CICC_FECHA_FIN, 0, 10));
         $lista->descripcion = $ciclos->CICC_DESCRIPCION;
         $lista->codigo = $ciclos->CICLOP_Codigo;
         $lista->nombre = $ciclos->COMPC_Nombre;
         $lista->tipociclo = $ciclos->TIPOCICLOP_Codigo;
     } elseif ($accion == "n") {
         $lista->finicio = "";
         $lista->ffin = "";
         $lista->descripcion = "";
         $lista->codigo = "";
         $lista->nombre = "";
         $lista->tipociclo = "";
     $arrTipociclo = array("0" => "::Seleccione::", "1" => "Ciclo 1", "2" => "Ciclo 2");
     $data['titulo'] = $accion == "e" ? "Editar Ciclo" : "Crear Ciclo";
     $data['form_open'] = form_open('', array("name" => "frmPersona", "id" => "frmPersona", "onsubmit" => "return valida_guiain();"));
     $data['form_close'] = form_close();
     $data['lista'] = $lista;
     $data['seltipociclo'] = form_dropdown('tipociclo', $arrTipociclo, $lista->tipociclo, "id='tipociclo' class='comboMedio'");
     $data['oculto'] = form_hidden(array("accion" => $accion, "codigo_padre" => $codigo, "codigo" => $lista->codigo));
     $this->load->view("maestros/ciclo_nuevo", $data);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 function form_control(&$setting)
     switch ($setting->type) {
         case 'text':
             $form_control = form_input(array('id' => $setting->slug, 'name' => $setting->slug, 'value' => $setting->value, 'class' => 'text width-20'));
         case 'textarea':
             $form_control = form_textarea(array('id' => $setting->slug, 'name' => $setting->slug, 'value' => $setting->value, 'class' => 'width-20'));
         case 'password':
             $form_control = form_password(array('id' => $setting->slug, 'name' => $setting->slug, 'value' => $setting->value, 'class' => 'text width-20'));
         case 'select':
             $form_control = form_dropdown($setting->slug, $this->_format_options($setting->options), $setting->value, 'class="width-20"');
         case 'checkbox':
         case 'radio':
             $func = $setting->type == 'checkbox' ? 'form_checkbox' : 'form_radio';
             $form_control = '';
             foreach ($this->_format_options($setting->options) as $value => $label) {
                 $form_control .= ' ' . form_radio(array('id' => $setting->slug, 'name' => $setting->slug, 'checked' => $setting->value == $value, 'value' => $value)) . ' ' . $label;
     return $form_control;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public function index()
     if (!$this->module_auth->read) {
         $this->session->set_flashdata('msg_warning', $this->module_auth->msg_read);
     $data['current'] = 'pendaftaran';
     $data['apps'] = $this->apps_model->get_active_only();
     $select_data = $this->load->model('usaha_model')->get_select();
     $options = array();
     if ($select_data) {
         foreach ($select_data as $row) {
             $options[$row->id] = $row->nama;
     $js = 'id="usahaid" class="input-xlarge" required ';
     $data['select_usaha'] = form_dropdown('usahaid', $options, null, $js);
     $select_data = $this->load->model('kecamatan_model')->get_select();
     $options = array();
     if ($select_data) {
         foreach ($select_data as $row) {
             $options[$row->id] = $row->nama;
     $js = 'id="kecid" class="input-xlarge" required ';
     $data['select_kecamatan'] = form_dropdown('kecid', $options, null, $js);
     $this->load->view('vlap_pendaftaran', $data);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public function editar($accion, $codigo = "")
     $lista = new stdClass();
     $data = array();
     if ($accion == "e") {
         $filter = new stdClass();
         $filter->profesorsociedad = $codigo;
         $sociedades = $this->profesorsociedad_model->obtener($filter);
         $lista->sociedad = $sociedades->SOCIEDP_Codigo;
         $arrAfiliacion = explode("-", $sociedades->PROFSOCC_FechaSuscripcion);
         $lista->afiliacion = $arrAfiliacion[2] . "/" . $arrAfiliacion[1] . "/" . $arrAfiliacion[0];
     } elseif ($accion == "n") {
         $lista->sociedad = 0;
         $lista->afiliacion = "__/__/__";
     $arrMes = array("0" => "Mes", "01" => "Enero", "02" => "Febrero", "03" => "Marzo", "04" => "Abril", "05" => "Mayo", "06" => "Junio", "07" => "Julio", "08" => "Agosto", "09" => "Setiembre", "10" => "Octubre", "11" => "Noviembre", "12" => "Diciembre");
     $arrAno[0] = "Año";
     for ($i = 1950; $i <= 2020; $i++) {
         $arrAno[$i] = $i;
     $data['arrmes'] = $arrMes;
     $data['selmesi'] = form_dropdown('mesi', $arrMes, 0, "id='mesi' class='comboMedio'");
     $data['selmesf'] = form_dropdown('mesf', $arrMes, 0, "id='mesf' class='comboMedio'");
     $data['selanoi'] = form_dropdown('anoi', $arrAno, 0, "id='anoi' class='comboMedio'");
     $data['selanof'] = form_dropdown('anof', $arrAno, 0, "id='anof' class='comboMedio'");
     $data['selsociedad'] = form_dropdown('sociedad', $this->sociedad_model->seleccionar('0'), $lista->sociedad, "id='sociedad' class='comboGrande'");
     $data['lista'] = $lista;
     $data['oculto_det'] = form_hidden(array("accion_det" => $accion, "codigo_det" => $codigo));
     $this->load->view("ventas/sociedad_nuevo", $data);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 function revenueForm()
     $revenueForm = array();
     $economic = $this->expenditure_model->exp_economic();
     $donor = $this->agreement_model->getDonor();
     $source = $this->expenditure_model->getsource_Ndese();
     $budget = $this->agreement_model->getBudget();
     //REVENUE MASTER-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     $revenueForm['VOUCHER_NUM'] = array(form_label('भौचर नम्बर :', 'VOUCHER_NUM'), form_input(array('name' => 'VOUCHER_NUM', 'class' => 'number')));
     $revenueForm['VOUCHER_EDATE'] = array(form_label('भौचर मिति :', 'VOUCHER_EDATE'), form_input(array('name' => 'VOUCHER_EDATE', 'class' => 'number', 'id' => 'rvoucherEdate')));
     $revenueForm['VOUCHER_NDATE'] = array(form_input(array('name' => 'VOUCHER_NDATE', 'class' => 'number', 'id' => 'rvoucherNdate')));
     $revenueForm['ACC_CODE'] = array(form_label('बुद्गेत सिर्सक ', 'ACC_CODE'), form_input(array('name' => 'ACC_CODE', 'id' => 'typeauto', 'class' => 'number')), form_input(array('name' => 'ACC_CODE', 'id' => 'autocomplete', 'width' => '500px')));
     //form_dropdown('ACC_CODE', $budget, '', 'class="dropdown"'));
     $revenueForm['CREATED_BY'] = array(form_label(' प्रतिपादन BY:', 'CREATED_BY'), form_input(array('name' => 'CREATED_BY')));
     $revenueForm['CREATED_DATE'] = array(form_label('प्रतिपादन मिति :', 'CREATED_DATE'), form_input(array('name' => 'CREATED_DATE')));
     $revenueForm['AGREEMENET_ID'] = array(form_label(' agreement id :', 'AGREEMENET_ID'), form_input(array('name' => 'AGREEMENET_ID')));
     //  REVENUE DETAIL--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // $revenueForm['INFO_ID'] = array(form_label('राजस्व कोड :', 'INFO_ID'), form_input(array('name' => 'INFO_ID[]', 'class' => 'number')));
     $revenueForm['AMOUNT_EDESC'] = array(form_label('मूल्य EDESC :', 'AMOUNT_EDESC'), form_input(array('name' => 'AMOUNT_EDESC[]', 'class' => 'number')));
     $revenueForm['AMOUNT_NDESC'] = array(form_input(array('name' => 'AMOUNT_NDESC[]', 'class' => 'number')));
     $revenueForm['BANK_VOUCHER_NUM'] = array(form_label('बैंक भौचर नम्बर :', 'BANK_VOUCHER_NUM'), form_input(array('name' => 'BANK_VOUCHER_NUM[]', 'class' => 'number')));
     $revenueForm['BANK_VOUCHER_DATE'] = array(form_label('बैंक भौचर मिति :', 'BANK_VOUCHER_DATE'), form_input(array('name' => 'BANK_VOUCHER_DATE[]', 'class' => 'number')));
     $revenueForm['BANK_CODE'] = array(form_label('बैंक कोड :', 'BANK_CODE'), form_input(array('name' => 'BANK_CODE[]')));
     // $revenueForm['REVENUE_DETAIL'] = array(form_label('revenu detail :', 'REVENUE_DETAIL'), form_input(array('name' => 'REVENUE_DETAIL', 'class' => 'REVENUE_DETAIL')));
     // REVENUE DETAIL DROPDOWNS----------------------------------------------------------------------
     $revenueForm['AMOUNT'] = array(form_label('मुल्य :', 'AMOUNT'), form_input(array('name' => 'AMOUNT[]', 'class' => 'AMOUNT')));
     $revenueForm['ECONOMIC_CODE5'] = array(form_dropdown('ECONOMIC_CODE5[]', $economic, '', ' class="dropdown"', 'id="reve_economic"'));
     $revenueForm['AMOUNT_TYPE'] = array(form_dropdown('AMOUNT_TYPE[]', array('d' => 'डेबिट ', 'c' => 'क्रेडिट ')));
     $revenueForm['SOURCE_TYPE_CODE'] = array(form_dropdown('SOURCE_TYPE_CODE[]', $source, '', 'class="source"'));
     $revenueForm['DONOR_CODE'] = array(form_dropdown('DONOR_CODE[]', $donor, '', 'class="donor"'));
     $revenueForm['TRANSIT'] = array(form_dropdown('TRANSIT', array('कोलेनिका ', 'बा . ख '), '', 'class="transit"'));
     $revenueForm['SUBMIT'] = array(form_submit('SUBMIT', 'Submit'));
     return $revenueForm;
Ejemplo n.º 20
function page_views_widget_form($num = 1)
    $widget = 'page_views_widget_' . $num;
    // имя для формы и опций = виджет + номер
    // получаем опции
    $options = mso_get_option($widget, 'plugins', array());
    if (!isset($options['header'])) {
        $options['header'] = '';
    if (!isset($options['limit'])) {
        $options['limit'] = 10;
    if (!isset($options['page_type'])) {
        $options['page_type'] = 0;
    if (!isset($options['format'])) {
        $options['format'] = '[A][TITLE][/A] <sup>[COUNT]</sup>';
    // вывод самой формы
    $CI =& get_instance();
    $CI->db->select('page_type_id, page_type_name');
    $query = $CI->db->get('page_type');
    $types = array(0 => t('Все типы'));
    if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
        foreach ($query->result_array() as $page) {
            $types[$page['page_type_id']] = $page['page_type_name'];
    $form = mso_widget_create_form(t('Заголовок'), form_input(array('name' => $widget . 'header', 'value' => $options['header'])), '');
    $form .= mso_widget_create_form(t('Количество записей'), form_input(array('name' => $widget . 'limit', 'value' => $options['limit'])), '');
    $form .= mso_widget_create_form(t('Тип записей'), form_dropdown($widget . 'page_type', $types, array('value' => $options['page_type'])), '');
    $form .= mso_widget_create_form(t('Формат'), form_input(array('name' => $widget . 'format', 'value' => $options['format'])), t('<strong>[TITLE]</strong> - название записи<br><strong>[COUNT]</strong> - просмотров в день<br><strong>[ALLCOUNT]</strong> - всего просмотров<br><strong>[A]</strong>ссылка<strong>[/A]</strong>'));
    return $form;
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * displays field for publish/saef
  * @access	public
  * @param	string	$data	any incoming data from the channel entry
  * @return	string	html output view
 public function display_field($data)
     $data = $this->prep_data($data);
     if (!$this->fob()->data->show_all_sites()) {
         ee()->freeform_form_model->where('site_id', ee()->config->item('site_id'));
     $c_forms = ee()->freeform_form_model->key('form_id', 'form_label')->where('composer_id !=', 0)->get();
     $return = '<p>' . lang('no_available_composer_forms', $this->field_name . '[form]') . '</p>';
     if ($c_forms !== FALSE) {
         $output_array = array(0 => '--');
         foreach ($c_forms as $form_id => $form_label) {
             $output_array[$form_id] = $form_label;
         $return = '<p>';
         $return .= lang('choose_composer_form', $this->field_name . '[form]');
         $return .= form_dropdown($this->field_name . '[form]', $output_array, isset($data['form']) ? $data['form'] : '');
         $return .= '</p>';
         $return .= '<p>';
         $return .= lang('return_page_field', $this->field_name . '[return]');
         $return .= '<p>' . form_input(array('name' => $this->field_name . '[return]', 'value' => isset($data['return']) ? $data['return'] : '', 'style' => 'width:25%;'));
         $return .= '</p>';
     return $return;
    function display_field($data)
        $firstmask = $this->settings["mask"][key($this->settings["mask"])];
        $theme_folder_url = $this->EE->config->item('theme_folder_url');
        $this->EE->cp->add_to_head('<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $theme_folder_url . 'third_party/ndg_masked_input/jquery.inputmask.js"></script>');
        $this->EE->javascript->output('$("#' . $this->field_name . '").inputmask({"mask" : "' . $firstmask . '", "autounmask" : false, "greedy" : false});');
        if (REQ == 'CP') {
				if($("#hold_field_' . $this->field_id . ' > .instruction_text").length > 0){
					$("#hold_field_' . $this->field_id . ' .instruction_text > p").append(" Input format: ' . $firstmask . '");
					$("#sub_hold_field_' . $this->field_id . '").prepend(\'<div class="instruction_text"><p><strong>Instructions</strong> Input format: ' . $firstmask . '</p></div>\');
        $dropdown = "";
        if (count($this->settings["mask"]) > 1) {
            $options = array();
            foreach ($this->settings["mask"] as $label => $value) {
                $options[$value] = $label;
            $dropdown .= form_dropdown('maskoptions', $options, '');
        return $dropdown . form_input(array('name' => $this->field_name, 'id' => $this->field_name, 'value' => $data, 'dir' => $this->settings['field_text_direction']));
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public function display_settings($data = [])
     if (!ee()->subscribe_model->check()) {
         ee()->table->add_row('<h3>Error</h3>', '<div class="subtext ss_notice">Your configuration is not working, please visit the settings page and update your username/password.</div>');
     $list = isset($data['list']) ? $data['list'] : false;
     $type = isset($data['type']) ? $data['type'] : false;
     $text = isset($data['text']) ? $data['text'] : false;
     $auto = isset($data['auto']) ? $data['auto'] : false;
     $field = isset($data['field']) ? $data['field'] : false;
     $groups = ee()->subscribe_model->lists();
     $options = [];
     foreach ($groups->all() as $id => $group) {
         $options[$group['id']] = $group['name'];
     ee()->table->add_row('List <div class="subtext">Selet the list users will sign up to.</div>', form_dropdown('subscribe_list', $options, $list));
     ee()->table->add_row('Type of Signup <div class="subtext">
             <strong>Always</strong> - user will automatically be added to the list<br>
             <strong>Opt-In</strong> - user will need to Opt-In to be added to the list
             </div>', '<label style="padding:0 5px">Always</label>' . form_radio('subscribe_type', 'always', $type == 'always') . '<label style="padding:0 5px">Opt-In</label>' . form_radio('subscribe_type', 'opt-in', $type != 'always'));
     ee()->table->add_row('Opt-In Autocheck <div class="subtext">Autocheck Checkbox if Opt-In is selected</div>', '<label style="padding:0 5px">Enabled</label>' . form_checkbox('subscribe_auto', 'true', $auto == 'true'));
     ee()->table->add_row('Opt-In Text <div class="subtext">Displayed with Checkbox if Opt-In is selected</div>', form_input('subscribe_opt-in_text', $text));
     ee()->table->add_row('Email Field<div class="subtext">If the input field on the page is not "email" please entrer the name. (exp. the marketo form used "work_email")</div>', form_input('subscribe_field', $field));
Ejemplo n.º 24
 * lists页面的view代码
function lists_view($filter, $email_value, $begin_value, $rows, $page_html)
    $group1 = matrix_a_btn(array('href' => '#', 'text' => '未完成(100)'), 'info', '');
    $group2 = matrix_a_btn(array('href' => '#', 'text' => '已完成(2)'), 'info', '');
    $group3 = matrix_a_btn(array('href' => '#', 'text' => '已退货(21)'), 'info', 'active');
    $btn_groups = array(array($group1, $group2, $group3));
    $buttons = array(matrix_a_btn(array('href' => base_url('user/add'), 'text' => '添加用户')));
    $options = array(0 => '包含', 1 => '等于', 2 => '开头', 3 => '完与');
    $select = form_dropdown('filter', $options, $filter);
    $select = matrix_select($select, true);
    $email_attr = quick_input_attr('email', 'span3', '请输入邮箱');
    $email = form_input($email_attr, $email_value);
    $begin_attr = quick_input_attr('begin', 'span2', '开始注册时间');
    $begin = my97DatePicker($begin_attr, $begin_value);
    $inputs = array(array($select, $email), array($begin));
    //设置表头 排序的icon可以根据逻辑做修改 这里是写死的
    $ths = array(table_th(form_checkbox(), '5%'), table_th(table_a('#', '<i class="icon-sort"></i>邮箱'), '35%'), table_th(table_a('#', '<i class="icon-caret-down"></i>角色'), '20%'), table_th('上次登录时间', '20%'), table_th('操作', '20%'));
    $trs = array();
    foreach ($rows as $key => $row) {
        $a1 = table_a(base_url('user/add', array('id' => $row['id'])), '查看');
        $attrs = array('data-id' => $row['id'], 'data-name' => "xx", 'class' => 'warning', 'data-href' => base_url('user/add'), 'data-prompt' => '您确定这个订单吗?');
        $a2 = table_a_btn($attrs, '删除');
        $tds = array(table_format_td(form_checkbox()), table_format_td($row['email']), table_format_td(matrix_badge(array('text' => $row['role']))), table_format_td($row['time']), table_format_td($a1 . $a2));
        $trs[] = table_format_tr($tds, array('data-sort' => $key, 'data-id' => $row['id']));
    $table_attrs = array('data-type' => 'dragsort', 'data-ajax' => 'ajax/sort.php', 'data-td' => $row['id']);
    $table = table_format($ths, $trs, $page_html, $table_attrs);
    return query_form($inputs, $buttons, $btn_groups) . $table;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public function editar($accion, $codigo = "")
     $lista = new stdClass();
     $data = array();
     if ($accion == "e") {
         $filter = new stdClass();
         $filter->profesor = $codigo;
         $profesores = $this->profesor_model->obtener($filter);
         $filter = new stdClass();
         $filter->profesor = $codigo;
         $lista->sociedades = $this->profesorsociedad_model->listar($filter);
     } elseif ($accion == "n") {
         $lista->sociedades = array();
     $arrMes = array("00" => "Mes", "01" => "Enero", "02" => "Febrero", "03" => "Marzo", "04" => "Abril", "05" => "Mayo", "06" => "Junio", "07" => "Julio", "08" => "Agosto", "09" => "Setiembre", "10" => "Octubre", "11" => "Noviembre", "12" => "Diciembre");
     $arrAno[0] = "Año";
     for ($i = 1950; $i <= 2020; $i++) {
         $arrAno[$i] = $i;
     $data['arrmes'] = $arrMes;
     $data['selmesi'] = form_dropdown('mesi', $arrMes, 0, "id='mesi' class='comboMedio'");
     $data['selmesf'] = form_dropdown('mesf', $arrMes, 0, "id='mesf' class='comboMedio'");
     $data['selanoi'] = form_dropdown('anoi', $arrAno, 0, "id='anoi' class='comboMedio'");
     $data['selanof'] = form_dropdown('anof', $arrAno, 0, "id='anof' class='comboMedio'");
     $data['seluniversidad'] = form_dropdown('universidad', $this->universidad_model->seleccionar('0'), 0, "id='universidad' class='comboGrande'");
     $data['selgrado'] = form_dropdown('grado', $this->grado_model->seleccionar('0'), 0, "id='grado' class='comboMedio'");
     $data['lista'] = $lista;
     $this->load->view("ventas/sociedad_nuevo", $data);
 function index($user = null)
     $this->data['pagebody'] = 'portfolio';
     //tells it it show this view
     if ($user == null) {
         $user = $this->session->userdata('username');
     //Trading Activities
     $transaction = $this->Transactions->getTrans($user);
     $trans = array();
     foreach ($transaction as $record) {
         $trans[] = $record;
     $this->data['transactions'] = $trans;
     //Current Holdings
     $cardcount = $this->Collections->get_cards($user);
     $cardcounts = $this->Collections->sort_cards($cardcount);
     $this->data['cards'] = $cardcounts;
     //Dropdown list populated for player selection
     $players = $this->Players->getPlayer();
     $x = array();
     foreach ($players as $player) {
         $x[$player['Player']] = $player['Player'];
     //Parse selected player to a url and redirect it to show info accordingly
     $js = 'id="players" onChange="select_player(this);"';
     $this->data['players'] = form_dropdown('players', $x, $user, $js);
     //Pass these on to the view
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public function index($type = NULL, $query = NULL, $start = 0)
     // Set query paramaters
     $params = array('stream' => 'firesale_orders', 'namespace' => 'firesale_orders', 'limit' => $this->perpage, 'offset' => $start, 'order_by' => 'id', 'sort' => 'desc');
     // Get by category if set
     if ($type != NULL and $query != NULL) {
         $params['where'] = $type . '=' . $query;
     // Get entries
     $orders = $this->streams->entries->get_entries($params);
     // Get product count
     foreach ($orders['entries'] as $key => $order) {
         $orders['entries'][$key]['products'] = $this->orders_m->get_product_count($order['id']);
     // Assign variables
     $this->data->orders = $orders['entries'];
     $this->data->pagination = $orders['pagination'];
     // Assign filtering
     $users = $this->orders_m->user_field($type == 'created_by' ? $query : NULL);
     $prods = $this->products_m->build_dropdown();
     $this->data->filter_users = $users['input'];
     $this->data->filter_prods = form_dropdown('product', $prods, $type == 'product' ? $query : NULL);
     // Build template
     $this->template->title(lang('firesale:title') . ' ' . lang('firesale:sections:orders'))->build('admin/orders/index', $this->data);
Ejemplo n.º 28
 function display_field($data)
     $text_direction = isset($this->settings['field_text_direction']) ? $this->settings['field_text_direction'] : 'ltr';
     $field_options = $this->_get_field_options($data);
     $field = form_dropdown($this->field_name, $field_options, $data, 'dir="' . $text_direction . '"');
     return $field;
 function custom_form_multiselect($name = '', $options = array(), $selected = array(), $extra = '', $option_extra = '')
     if (!strpos($extra, 'multiple')) {
         $extra .= ' multiple="multiple"';
     return form_dropdown($name, $options, $selected, $extra, $item_extra);
Ejemplo n.º 30
  * Create the form elements to map matrix fields
  * @param string $field_name 
  * @param string $field_label 
  * @param string $field_type 
  * @param string $data 
  * @return void
  * @author Andrew Weaver
 function display_configuration($field_name, $field_label, $field_type, $data)
     $config = array();
     $config["label"] = form_label($field_label) . BR . anchor("http://brandnewbox.co.uk/support/details/datagrab_and_matrix_fields", "(&#946;eta notes)", 'class="help"');
     $this->EE->db->select("col_id, col_label");
     $query = $this->EE->db->get("exp_matrix_cols");
     $matrix_columns = array();
     foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) {
         $matrix_columns[$row["col_id"]] = $row["col_label"];
     $cells = form_hidden($field_name, "1");
     foreach ($data["field_settings"][$field_name]["col_ids"] as $col_id) {
         if (isset($data["default_settings"]["cf"][$field_name . "_columns"])) {
             $default_cells = $data["default_settings"]["cf"][$field_name . "_columns"];
         } else {
             $default_cells = array();
         $cells .= "<p>" . $matrix_columns[$col_id] . NBS . ":" . NBS . form_dropdown($field_name . "_columns[" . $col_id . "]", $data["data_fields"], isset($default_cells[$col_id]) ? $default_cells[$col_id] : '') . "</p>";
     $column_options = array();
     $column_options["-1"] = "Delete all existing rows";
     $column_options["0"] = "Keep existing rows and append new";
     $sub_options = array();
     foreach ($data["field_settings"][$field_name]["col_ids"] as $col_id) {
         $sub_options[$col_id] = $matrix_columns[$col_id];
     $column_options["Update the row if this column matches:"] = $sub_options;
     $cells .= "<p>" . "Action to take when an entry is updated: " . form_dropdown($field_name . "_unique", $column_options, isset($data["default_settings"]["cf"][$field_name . "_unique"]) ? $data["default_settings"]["cf"][$field_name . "_unique"] : '') . "</p>";
     $config["value"] = $cells;
     return $config;