Ejemplo n.º 1
 function edit($menuid)
     global $xoopsDB, $xoopsConfig, $xoopsModule;
     form_collapsableBar('bottomtable', 'bottomtableicon');
     echo "<img id='bottomtableicon' src=" . XOOPS_URL . "/modules/" . $xoopsModule->dirname() . "/images/close12.gif alt='' /></a>&nbsp;" . _AM_MENUEDIT . "</h3>";
     echo "<div id='bottomtable'>";
     $result = $xoopsDB->query("SELECT position, itemname, indent, margintop, marginbottom, itemurl, bold, status FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("form_menu") . " WHERE menuid={$menuid}");
     list($xposition, $itemname, $indent, $margintop, $marginbottom, $itemurl, $bold, $status) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result);
     $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
     $itemname = $myts->makeTboxData4Edit($itemname);
     $itemurl = $myts->makeTboxData4Edit($itemurl);
     echo "\t<table class='outer' cellspacing='1' width='100%'>\r\n\t\t<th colspan='4'>" . _AM_EDITMENUITEM . "</th>\r\n\r\n        <form action='menu_index.php' method='post'>\r\n        <input type='hidden' name='menuid' value='{$menuid}' />\r\n        <table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' valign='top' width='100%'>\r\n        <tr>\r\n        <td>\r\n                <table width='100%' border='0' cellpadding='4' cellspacing='1'>\r\n                <tr>\r\n                <td class='head'><b>" . _AM_POS . "</b></td>\r\n                <td class='odd'><input type='text' name='xposition' size='4' maxlength='4' value='{$xposition}' />&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp(0000-9999)</td>\r\n                </tr>\r\n                <tr>\r\n                <td class='head'><b>" . _AM_ITEMNAME . "</b></td>\r\n                <td class='odd'><input type='text' name='itemname' size='50' maxlength='60' value='{$itemname}' /></td>\r\n                </tr>\r\n                <tr>\r\n                <td class='head'><b>" . _AM_INDENT . "</b></td>\r\n                <td class='odd'><input type='text' name='indent' size='12' maxlength='12' value='{$indent}' /> px</td>\r\n                </tr>\r\n                <tr>\r\n                <td class='head'><b>" . _AM_FONT . "</b></td>\r\n                <td class='odd'>";
     if ($bold == 1) {
         $checked_bold = "checked";
         $checked_normal = "";
     } else {
         $checked_normal = "checked";
         $checked_bold = "";
     echo "\r\n                <input type='radio' {$checked_normal} name='bold' value='0'>" . _AM_NORMAL . "\r\n                <input type='radio' {$checked_bold}   name='bold' value='1'>" . _AM_BOLD . "\r\n                </td>\r\n                </tr>\r\n\t\t<tr>\r\n                <td class='head'><b>" . _AM_ITEMURL . "</b></td>\r\n                <td class='odd'><input type='text' name='itemurl' size='65' maxlength='255' value='{$itemurl}' /></td>\r\n                </tr>\r\n                <tr>\r\n                <td class='head'><b>" . _AM_MARGINTOP . "</b></td>\r\n                <td class='odd'><input type='text' name='margintop' size='12' maxlength='12' value='{$margintop}' /> px</td>\r\n                </tr>\r\n                <tr>\r\n                <td class='head'><b>" . _AM_MARGINBOTTOM . "</b></td>\r\n                <td class='odd'><input type='text' name='marginbottom' size='12' maxlength='12' value='{$marginbottom}' /> px</td>\r\n                </tr>";
     echo "\r\n                <tr>\r\n                <td class='head'><b>" . _AM_STATUS . "</b></td>\r\n                <td class='odd'>";
     if ($status == 1) {
         $checked_active = "checked";
         $checked_inactive = "";
     } else {
         $checked_inactive = "checked";
         $checked_active = "";
     echo "\r\n                <input type='radio' {$checked_active}   name='status' value='1'>" . _AM_ACTIVE . "\r\n                <input type='radio' {$checked_inactive} name='status' value='0'>" . _AM_INACTIVE . "\r\n                </td>\r\n                </tr>\r\n\r\n                <tr>\r\n                <td class='head'>&nbsp;</td>\r\n                <td class='odd'><input type='hidden' name='fct' value='mymenu' /><input type='hidden' name='op' value='MyMenuSave' /><input type='submit' value='" . _AM_SAVECHANG . "' /></td>\r\n                </tr>\r\n                </table>\r\n        </td>\r\n        </tr>\r\n        </table>\r\n\r\n        </form>";
Ejemplo n.º 2

var TipId="help"
var FiltersEnabled = 0 // [for IE5.5+] if your not going to use transitions or filters in any of the tips set this to zero.

/******************* List of the forms *******************/
if ($op != 'addform' && $op != 'modform' && $op != 'renform' && $op != 'delform' && $op != 'showform' && $op != 'permform') {
    form_adminMenu(2, _AM_INDEX);
    if (!$data) {
        echo "<br><div style='color: red; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: blink ; font-size: x-large; text-align:center'>" . _AM_NOFORM . "</div>";
    if ($data) {
        form_collapsableBar('toptable', 'toptableicon');
        echo "<img id='toptableicon' src=" . XOOPS_URL . "/modules/" . $xoopsModule->dirname() . "/images/close12.gif alt='' /></a>&nbsp;" . _FORM_ICO . "</h3>";
        echo "<div id='toptable'>";
        echo "\r\n\t\t\t<fieldset>\r\n\t\t\t<li><img src='../images/dupliquer.gif' height='15' width='15'> : <b>" . _AM_CLONE . "</b> " . _AM_CLONE_TEXT . "\r\n\t\t\t<li><img src='../images/editdelete.gif' height='15' width='15'> : <b>" . _AM_SUP . "</b> " . _AM_SUP_TEXT . "\r\n\t\t\t<li><img src='../images/kedit.gif' height='15' width='15'> : <b>" . _AM_MODIF . "</b> " . _AM_MODIF_TEXT . "\r\n\t\t\t<li><img src='../images/kfind.gif' height='15' width='15'> : <b>" . _AM_LISTE . "</b> " . _AM_LISTE_TEXT . "\r\n\t\t\t<li><img src='../images/params.gif' height='15' width='15'> : <b>" . _AM_DEST . "</b> " . _AM_DEST_TEXT . "\r\n\t\t\t<li><img src='../images/export.gif' height='15' width='15'> : <b>" . _AM_EXPORT . "</b> " . _AM_EXPORT_TEXT . "\r\n\t\t\t<li><img src='../images/form.gif' height='15' width='15'> : <b>" . _AM_SEE_FORM . "</b> " . _AM_SEE_FORM_TEXT . "\r\n\t\t\t<li><img src='../images/on.gif' height='15' width='15'> : <b>" . _AM_CHANGE_STATUS . "</b> " . _AM_CHANGE_STATUS_ACTIVE . "\r\n\t\t\t<li><img src='../images/off.gif' height='15' width='15'> : <b>" . _AM_CHANGE_STATUS . "</b> " . _AM_CHANGE_STATUS_DESACTIVE . "\r\n\t\t\t</fieldset></div>";
        echo '<br><br><table class="outer" width="100%">
			<th><center>' . _AM_FORMUL . '</center></th>
			<th colspan="7"><center>' . _FORM_ACT . '</center></th>
			<th><center>' . _AM_STAT . '</center></th>';
        foreach ($data as $id => $titre) {
            $titre = $myts->displayTarea($titre);
            echo '<tr><td class="head" ALIGN="center" width="30%">' . $titre . '</td>';
            echo '<td class="odd" align="center"><A HREF="modform.php?id=' . $id . '&op=cloneform">	<img src="../images/dupliquer.gif" alt=""  onMouseOver="stm(Text[12],Style[1])" onMouseOut="htm()">  </a></td>';
            echo '<td class="odd" align="center"><A HREF="modform.php?id=' . $id . '&op=delform">	<img src="../images/editdelete.gif" alt=""  onMouseOver="stm(Text[5],Style[1])" onMouseOut="htm()">  </a></td>';
            echo '<td class="odd" align="center"><A HREF="modform.php?id=' . $id . '&op=modform">  <img src="../images/kedit.gif" alt=""  onMouseOver="stm(Text[6],Style[1])" onMouseOut="htm()">  </a></td>';
            echo '<td class="odd" align="center"><A HREF="modform.php?id=' . $id . '&op=showform">  <img src="../images/kfind.gif" alt=""  onMouseOver="stm(Text[7],Style[1])" onMouseOut="htm()">  </a></td>';
            echo '<td class="odd" align="center"><A HREF="mailindex.php?id=' . $id . '">			<img src="../images/params.gif" alt=""  onMouseOver="stm(Text[8],Style[1])" onMouseOut="htm()">  </a></td>';