function listMarksBinds($l) { $lmb = array(); $l = forceArray($l); $listMarks = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($l); $i++) { array_push($listMarks, "?"); } $lmb["marks"] = implode(",", $listMarks); $lmb["binds"] = str_repeat("i", count($l)); return $lmb; }
<?php if (!defined('_JEXEC') and !defined('_VALID_MOS')) { die('Restricted Access'); } /** * Author: Jeremy Roberts * Package: jTicket * Website: * Created: 30/09/2008 * * Description: Saves the User Preferences */ global $database, $Itemid; $jTipsUsers = new jTipsUser($database); $jTipsUserParams = array('user_id' => jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'id', 0)); $jTipsUserArr = forceArray($jTipsUsers->loadByParams($jTipsUserParams)); foreach ($jTipsUserArr as $jTipsUser) { $jTipsUser->setPreference('default_season', jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'default_season', -1)); $jTipsUser->setPreference('timezone', jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'timezone', null)); $jTipsUser->setPreference('email_reminder', jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'email_reminder', '0')); $jTipsUser->setPreference('tips_notifications', jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'tips_notifications', '0')); } $return_view = jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'return', 'Dashboard'); if (!$return_view) { $return_view = 'Dashboard'; } jTipsRedirect('index.php?option=com_jtips&view=' . jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'return', 'Dashboard') . '&Itemid=' . $Itemid . '&season=' . getSeasonID());
$jtips_params = array('name' => trim($season_name)); $jSeason = new jSeason($database); $jSeason->loadByParams($jtips_params); if (isset($jSeason->id) and !empty($jSeason->id)) { //parse the info here $hasData = true; $round_id = $jSeason->getCurrentRound(); $jRound = new jRound($database); if (!$round_id) { $hasData = false; } else { $jRound->load($round_id); } $data = array('round_id' => $round_id); $game = new jGame($database); $jGames = forceArray($game->loadByParams($data)); if (empty($jGames)) { $hasData = false; } if ($hasData) { if ($jSeason->tips_layout == 'away') { $left = 'away'; $right = 'home'; } else { $left = 'home'; $right = 'away'; } if ($params->get('showseason')) { ?> <h4 style="text-align:center;"><?php echo $jSeason->name;
<?php defined('_JEXEC') or defined('_VALID_MOS') or die('Restricted Access'); /** * Website: * @author Jeremy Roberts * @copyright Copyright © 2009, jTips * @license Commercial - See website for details * * @since 2.1 - 07/10/2008 * @version 2.1 * @package jTips * * Description: Load a JSON encoded array of teams */ global $database, $mosConfig_absolute_path; require_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_jtips/classes/jteam.class.php'; ob_clean(); if ($season_id = jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'season_id', false)) { $params = array('season_id' => $season_id, 'order' => array('type' => 'order', 'by' => 'name', 'direction' => 'ASC')); $jTeam = new jTeam($database); $jTeams = forceArray($jTeam->loadByParams($params)); die(@json_encode($jTeams)); } else { die(json_encode(false)); }
require_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_jtips/classes/jround.class.php'; require_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_jtips/classes/jseason.class.php'; $element_id = jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'element', ''); $season_id = jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'season_id', null); $preselected = jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'round_id', false); if (empty($season_id) or !isset($preselected)) { $js = "document.getElementById('{$element_id}').length = 0;\n"; $js .= "document.getElementById('{$element_id}').options[0] = new Option('--None--', '-1');\n"; die($js . "document.getElementById('{$element_id}').disabled = true;"); } $jSeason = new jSeason($database); $jSeason->load($season_id); $curr = $jSeason->getLatestRound(); $jRound = new jRound($database); $parameters = array('season_id' => $season_id, 'scored' => 1); $jRounds = forceArray($jRound->loadByParams($parameters)); $js = "document.getElementById('{$element_id}').length = 0;\n"; $selected = 0; $roundsArr = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($jRounds); $i++) { if ($jRounds[$i]->id == $curr and !$preselected) { $selected = $i; } $js .= "document.getElementById('{$element_id}').options[{$i}] = new Option('" . $jRounds[$i]->round . "', '" . $jRounds[$i]->id . "');\n"; $roundsArr[$jRounds[$i]->id] = $i; } if ($preselected and isset($roundsArr[$preselected])) { $selected = $roundsArr[$preselected]; } if (!empty($roundsArr)) { $js .= "document.getElementById('{$element_id}').disabled = false;\n";
function submitPractice($conn, $userID, $cr, $incr) { $cr = arrayTypeInt(forceArray($cr)); $incr = arrayTypeInt(forceArray($incr)); $allcrin = array_merge($cr, $incr); $wlmb = listMarksBinds($allcrin); $sql = "INSERT INTO UserWordStep (WordID, UserID) \n SELECT DISTINCT w.ID,? FROM Words w \n WHERE w.ID IN (%AllWords%) AND w.ID NOT IN (\n SELECT DISTINCT w.ID FROM Words w \n INNER JOIN UserWordStep uws ON uws.WordID=w.ID AND uws.UserID = ?\n WHERE w.ID IN (%AllWords%) )"; $sql = str_ireplace("%AllWords%", $wlmb["marks"], $sql); $binds = 'i' . $wlmb["binds"] . 'i' . $wlmb["binds"]; $args = array(); $args = array_merge(array($conn, $sql, $binds, $userID), $allcrin, array($userID), $allcrin); if (call_user_func_array('modifyRows', $args)) { $sqlcr = "UPDATE UserWordStep SET Step=Step+1, LastCheckTime=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE UserID=? AND WordID IN (%Corrects%)"; $sqlincr = "UPDATE UserWordStep SET Step=1, LastCheckTime=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE UserID=? AND WordID IN (%InCorrects%)"; $crres = false; $incrres = false; if (count($cr) > 0) { $crlmb = listMarksBinds($cr); $sqlcr = str_ireplace("%Corrects%", $crlmb["marks"], $sqlcr); $binds = 'i' . $crlmb["binds"]; $args = array(); $args = array_merge(array($conn, $sqlcr, $binds, $userID), $cr); if (call_user_func_array('modifyRows', $args)) { $crres = true; } } else { $crres = true; } if (count($incr) > 0) { $incrlmb = listMarksBinds($incr); $sqlincr = str_ireplace("%InCorrects%", $incrlmb["marks"], $sqlincr); $binds = 'i' . $incrlmb["binds"]; $args = array(); $args = array_merge(array($conn, $sqlincr, $binds, $userID), $incr); if (call_user_func_array('modifyRows', $args)) { $incrres = true; } } else { $incrres = true; } return $crres && $incrres; } return false; }
<?php defined('_JEXEC') or defined('_VALID_MOS') or die('Restricted Access'); /** * Website: * @author Jeremy Roberts * @copyright Copyright © 2009, jTips * @license Commercial - See website for details * * @since 2.1 - 07/10/2008 * @version 2.1 * @package jTips * * Description: Load a JSON encoded string of game objects for the passed in round */ //Can't do this here since this script is loaded with ajax //jTipsSpoofCheck(); global $database; require_once 'components/com_jtips/classes/jgame.class.php'; ob_clean(); //ob_start(); if ($round_id = jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'round_id', false)) { $jGame = new jGame($database); $params = array('round_id' => $round_id, 'order' => array('type' => 'order', 'by' => 'position', 'direction' => 'asc')); $jGames = forceArray($jGame->loadByParams($params)); die(@json_encode($jGames)); } else { die(json_encode(false)); }
function destroy($id = false) { if ($id == FALSE) { $id = $this->id; } jTipsLogger::_log("Delete " . $this->_tbl . " record with id = '{$id}'"); //delete all history records for this user and season if (!$this->id) { $this->load($id); } // BUG 129 - Unsubscribing from season leaves history $params = array('user_id' => $id); //deleting history etc can take a while, so dont time out set_time_limit(0); $jHistory = new jHistory($this->_db); $jHistories = forceArray($jHistory->loadByParams($params)); jTipsLogger::_log('Found ' . count($jHistories) . ' history records for user ' . $id, 'INFO'); if (is_array($jHistories) and !empty($jHistories)) { foreach ($jHistories as $jHist) { jTipsLogger::_log('deleting history record', 'INFO'); $jHist->destroy(); } } //reset outof and ranks for remaining users //get the rounds to be updated firs $query = "SELECT id FROM #__jtips_rounds WHERE season_id = '" . $this->season_id . "' AND scored = 1"; $this->_db->setQuery($query); $rids = $this->_db->loadResultArray(); //die(implode(", ", $rids)); if (!empty($rids)) { foreach ($rids as $r) { $jHistory->setRanks($r); } } //Now delete the tips $tip = new jTip($this->_db); $tips = forceArray($tip->loadByParams($params)); if (!empty($tips)) { foreach ($tips as $t) { $t->destroy(); } } // BUG 402 - need to also delete any comments made $comment = new jComment($this->_db); $comments = $comment->loadByParams($params); if (!empty($comments)) { foreach ($comments as $c) { $c->destroy(); } } return $this->delete($id); }
function getCommentLadder($num_to_show, $round_id, $page, $dir) { global $database; $jComment = new jComment($database); $params = array('#__jtips_history.round_id' => $round_id, 'join_jtips_users' => array('type' => 'join', 'join_table' => '#__jtips_users', 'lhs_table' => '#__jtips_history', 'lhs_key' => 'user_id', 'rhs_table' => '#__jtips_users', 'rhs_key' => 'id'), 'join_users' => array('type' => 'join', 'join_table' => '#__users', 'lhs_table' => '#__jtips_users', 'lhs_key' => 'user_id', 'rhs_table' => '#__users', 'rhs_key' => 'id'), 'left_join_comments' => array('type' => 'left_join', 'join_table' => '#__jtips_comments', 'lhs_table' => '#__jtips_history', 'rhs_table' => '#__jtips_comments', 'lhs_key' => 'round_id', 'rhs_key' => 'round_id', 'supplement' => 'AND #__jtips_history.user_id = #__jtips_comments.user_id'), 'o1' => array('type' => 'order', 'by' => 'comment', 'direction' => $dir)); $offset = $page * $num_to_show; $jHistories = forceArray($this->loadByParams($params, $num_to_show, $offset)); $users = array(); foreach ($jHistories as $jc) { $jTipsUser = new jTipsUser($database); $jTipsUser->load($jc->user_id); array_push($users, $jTipsUser); } return $users; }
global $database, $jTips; require_once 'components/com_jtips/classes/jbadword.class.php'; $formData = array('title' => $jLang['_ADMIN_BW_HEADER'], 'editTask' => 'edit', 'module' => 'BadWords', 'icon' => 'badwords'); $currentDir = jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'filter_order_Dir', 'asc'); if ($currentDir == 'asc') { $dir = 'desc'; } else { $dir = 'asc'; } //The header row $header = array('', "<a href='javascript:tableOrdering(\"badword\", \"{$dir}\", \"list\");'>" . $jLang['_ADMIN_BW_BAD_WORD'] . "</a>", "<a href='javascript:tableOrdering(\"match_case\", \"{$dir}\", \"list\");'>" . $jLang['_ADMIN_BW_CASE_SENSITIVE'] . "</a>", "<a href='javascript:tableOrdering(\"action\", \"{$dir}\", \"list\");'>" . $jLang['_ADMIN_BW_ACTION'] . "</a>", "<a href='javascript:tableOrdering(\"replace\", \"{$dir}\", \"list\");'>" . $jLang['_ADMIN_BW_REPLACEMENT'] . "</a>", "<a href='javascript:tableOrdering(\"hits\", \"{$dir}\", \"list\");'>" . $jLang['_ADMIN_BW_HITS'] . "</a>", "<a href='javascript:tableOrdering(\"updated\", \"{$dir}\", \"list\");'>" . $jLang['_ADMIN_BW_UPDATED'] . "</a>"); $jBadWord = new jBadWord($database); $limitstart = jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'limitstart', 0); $limit = jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'limit', 25); $direction = jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'filter_order_Dir', 'asc'); if (empty($direction)) { $direction = 'asc'; } $orderby = jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'filter_order', 'badword'); if (empty($orderby)) { $orderby = 'badword'; } $params = array('order' => array('type' => 'order', 'direction' => $direction, 'by' => $orderby)); $jBadWords = forceArray($jBadWord->loadByParams($params, $limit, $limitstart)); $pageNav = new mosPageNav($jBadWord->getCount(), $limitstart, $limit); $data = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($jBadWords as $badword) { $data[$badword->id] = array(makeListLink($badword->badword, $i++), "<div style='text-align:center;'><img src='images/" . ($badword->match_case ? 'tick' : 'publish_x') . ".png' border='0' alt='{$badword->match_case}' /></div>", ucwords($badword->action), $badword->replace, $badword->hits, TimeDate::toDisplayDateTime($badword->updated)); } jTipsAdminDisplay::ListView($formData, $header, $data, $pageNav, 'edit');
function process() { global $database, $jTips, $mosConfig_absolute_path; $this->clearHistory(); $params = array('round_id' => $this->id); $jSeason = new jSeason($database); $jSeason->load($this->season_id); $jGame = new jGame($database); $jGames = forceArray($jGame->loadByParams($params)); $params = array('season_id' => $this->season_id); $jTipsUser = new jTipsUser($database); $jTipsUsers = forceArray($jTipsUser->loadByParams($params)); $noTips = $scores = $worst_precision = array(); $played = count($jGames); foreach ($jTipsUsers as $jTipsUser) { jTipsLogger::_log("Processing scores for user " . $jTipsUser->id); $score = $matching = $precision = $allAwayScore = 0; if ($jTipsUser->hasTipped($this->id)) { jTipsLogger::_log($jTipsUser->id . " has tipped in round " . $this->id); foreach ($jGames as $jGame) { jTipsLogger::_log("Processing game " . $jGame->id); $params = array('user_id' => $jTipsUser->id, 'game_id' => $jGame->id); $jTip = new jTip($database); $jTip->loadByParams($params); // make sure this is not a bye game if (!$jGame->home_id or !$jGame->away_id or !$jGame->winner_id) { jTipsLogger::_log('attempting to process tips on a bye game, skipping', 'INFO'); continue; } /* * Feature Request 101 - Team Starts * Determine the winner when we take the starts into account * We only care about the starts for picking the winner/draw * For picking the margins and scores, use the actual winner */ if ($jSeason->team_starts) { jTipsLogger::_log('processing team starts'); $homeScore = $awayScore = 0; $homeScore = $jGame->home_score + ($jGame->home_start + 0); $awayScore = $jGame->away_score + ($jGame->away_start + 0); if ($homeScore > $awayScore) { $winnerID = $jGame->home_id; } else { if ($homeScore < $awayScore) { $winnerID = $jGame->away_id; } else { if ($homeScore == $awayScore) { $winnerID = -1; } } } jTipsLogger::_log('feature 101: With starts, the winner is ' . $winnerID . ', otherwise the winner is ' . $jGame->winner_id . " HOME {$homeScore} v AWAY {$awayScore}"); } else { $winnerID = $jGame->winner_id; } if ($jTip->tip_id == $winnerID) { //User tipped right! jTipsLogger::_log("CORRECT TIP by " . $jTipsUser->id . " in round_id " . $this->id . " in game_id " . $jGame->id); //BUG 248 - Add ToughScore if enabled if ($jSeason->tough_score and $jGame->tough_score) { $score += $jGame->tough_score; } if ($winnerID == -1) { $score += isset($jSeason->user_draw) ? $jSeason->user_draw : 0; jTipsLogger::_log("Draw correctly picked!"); } else { $score += isset($jSeason->user_correct) ? $jSeason->user_correct : 0; } $matching++; } if ($winnerID == $jGame->away_id) { $allAwayScore += $jSeason->user_correct; } //Check for correct margins and handle precision score gathering if ($jSeason->pick_margin == 1 and $jGame->has_margin == 1) { $margin = abs($jGame->home_score - $jGame->away_score); if ($jTip->margin == $margin) { $score += isset($jSeason->user_pick_margin) ? $jSeason->user_pick_margin : 0; jTipsLogger::_log("correct margin picked!"); } if ($jSeason->precision_score == 1) { if ($jGame->winner_id == $jTip->tip_id) { $margin_offset = abs($margin - $jTip->margin); } else { $margin_offset = abs($margin + $jTip->margin); } if (isset($worst_precision[$jGame->id]) && $margin_offset > $worst_precision[$jGame->id] || empty($worst_precision[$jGame->id])) { $worst_precision[$jGame->id] = $margin_offset; } $precision += $margin_offset; jTipsLogger::_log("PICK_MARGIN: Adding {$margin_offset} to precision of {$precision}"); } } //Check for correct scores and handle precision score gathering if ($jSeason->pick_score == 1 and $jGame->has_score == 1) { $margin = abs($jGame->home_score - $jGame->away_score); if ($jTip->home_score == $jGame->home_score and $jTip->away_score == $jGame->away_score) { $score += isset($jSeason->user_pick_score) ? $jSeason->user_pick_score : 0; jTipsLogger::_log("Correct scores picked!"); } if ($jSeason->precision_score == 1) { $pickedScoreMargin = abs($jTip->home_score - $jTips->away_score); if ($jGame->winner_id == $jTip->tip_id) { $score_offset = abs($margin - $pickedScoreMargin); } else { $score_offset = abs($margin + $pickedScoreMargin); } if (isset($worst_precision[$jGame->id]) and $score_offset > $worst_precision[$jGame->id] or empty($worst_precision[$jGame->id])) { $worst_precision[$jGame->id] = $score_offset; } $precision += $score_offset; jTipsLogger::_log("PICK_SCORE: Adding {$score_offset} to precision of {$precision}"); jTipsLogger::_log("PREC DEBUG: {$jTipsUser->id}-{$jTipsUser->user_id} Picked Margin: {$pickedScoreMargin}. Actual Margin: {$margin}. Applied Precision: {$score_offset}. Running Precision: {$precision}", 'INFO'); } } //Check for a bonus team selection if ($jSeason->pick_bonus >= 1 and $jGame->has_bonus == 1) { if ($jTip->bonus_id == $jGame->bonus_id && $jGame->bonus_id != -1) { $score += isset($jSeason->user_pick_bonus) ? $jSeason->user_pick_bonus : 0; } } } //was a perfect round picked? if ($matching == $played) { $score += isset($jSeason->user_bonus) ? $jSeason->user_bonus : 0; } //did the user use their 'doubleup' if ($jTipsUser->doubleup == $this->id and $jTips['DoubleUp'] == 1) { $score = $score * 2; } $scores[] = $score; //Save the data to the history object $jHistory = new jHistory($database); $jHistory->user_id = $jTipsUser->id; $jHistory->round_id = $this->id; jTipsLogger::_log("Score for user_id " . $jTipsUser->id . " in round_id " . $this->id . " is {$score}"); $jHistory->points = $score; //Update rank after all users have been saved $jHistory->outof = count($jTipsUsers); //$jHistory->comment = $jTipsUser->comment; if ($jSeason->precision_score == 1) { jTipsLogger::_log("setting precision to {$precision} for user_id " . $jTipsUser->id . " in round_id " . $this->id); $jHistory->precision = $precision; } else { $jHistory->precision = 0; } if ($jHistory->save() !== false) { $results[] = 1; } else { jTipsLogger::_log("Error saving history: " . $jHistory->_error); $results[] = 0; } //remove the current comment $jTipsUser->comment = null; $jTipsUser->save(); // Check if the AlphaUserPoints config option is set if (isJoomla15()) { $api_AUP = JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_alphauserpoints' . DS . 'helper.php'; } else { $api_AUP = $mosConfig_absolute_path . 'components/com_alphauserpoints/helper.php'; } if (!$this->scored and $jTips['AlphaUserPoints'] and jTipsFileExists($api_AUP)) { require_once $api_AUP; jTipsLogger::_log('sending ' . $score . ' points for user ' . $jTipsUser->user_id, 'INFO'); $refID = AlphaUserPointsHelper::getAnyUserReferreID($jTipsUser->user_id); AlphaUserPointsHelper::newpoints('plgaup_jtips_total_points', $refID, '', '', $score); } if (!$this->scored and $jTips['JomSocialActivities'] and $jTips['JomSocialUserResults']) { global $mosConfig_absolute_path; require_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_jtips/utils/jTipsJomSocial.php'; jTipsJomSocial::writeRoundResult($jSeason, $this, $jTipsUser->user_id, $score); } } else { $noTips[] = $jTipsUser; } } if (count($noTips) > 0) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Feature Request 71 // Allow users that did not to be assigned // all the away teams // /*if ($jSeason->user_none != -1) { $thisRound = $jSeason->user_none; } else if (is_array($scores) && count($scores) > 0) { $thisRound = min($scores); } else { $thisRound = 0; }*/ if ($jSeason->user_none == -2) { //handle all away teams $thisRound = $allAwayScore; jTipsLogger::_log("didn't tip? You'll be stuck with the away teams. You got {$thisRound}"); } else { if ($jSeason->user_none == -1) { //handle lowest possible score if (is_array($scores) and count($scores) > 0) { $thisRound = min($scores); jTipsLogger::_log("didn't tip? You'll be stuck with the lowest score this round, {$thisRound}"); } else { $thisRound = 0; jTipsLogger::_log("didn't tip? You'll be stuck {$thisRound}"); } } else { //handle allocated score $thisRound = $jSeason->user_none; jTipsLogger::_log("didn't tip? You're getting {$thisRound}"); } } // // END Feature Request 71 //////////////////////////////////////////////////// foreach ($noTips as $jTipsUser) { $jHistory = new jHistory($database); $jHistory->user_id = $jTipsUser->id; $jHistory->round_id = $this->id; $jHistory->points = $thisRound; $jHistory->precision = array_sum($worst_precision); //$jHistory->outof = count($jTipsUsers); //$jHistory->comment = $jTipsUser->comment; if ($jHistory->save() !== false) { $results[] = 1; } else { $results[] = 0; } $jTipsUser->save(); // Check if the AlphaUserPoints config option is set if (isJoomla15()) { $api_AUP = JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_alphauserpoints' . DS . 'helper.php'; } else { $api_AUP = $mosConfig_absolute_path . 'components/com_alphauserpoints/helper.php'; } if (!$this->scored and $jTips['AlphaUserPoints'] and jTipsFileExists($api_AUP)) { require_once $api_AUP; jTipsLogger::_log('sending ' . $score . ' points for user ' . $jTipsUser->user_id, 'INFO'); $refID = AlphaUserPointsHelper::getAnyUserReferreID($jTipsUser->user_id); AlphaUserPointsHelper::newpoints('plgaup_jtips_total_points', $refID, '', '', $thisRound); } if (!$this->scored and $jTips['JomSocialActivities']) { global $mosConfig_absolute_path; require_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_jtips/utils/jTipsJomSocial.php'; if ($jTips['JomSocialUserResults']) { jTipsJomSocial::writeRoundResult($jSeason, $this, $jTipsUser->user_id, $score); } if ($jTips['JomSocialOnNoTips']) { jTipsJomSocial::writeOnNoTips($jTipsUser->user_id, $jSeason, $this); } } } } $jHistory = new jHistory($database); $jHistory->setRanks($this->id, true); if (!$this->scored and $jTips['JomSocialActivities']) { // find out who won the round and write it to the JomSocial stream $winners = $this->getRoundWinners(); jTipsJomSocial::writeRoundWinners($winners, $this, $jSeason); } $this->scored = 1; $result = $this->save(); //if ($this->scored != 1) { jTeam::updateLadder($this, $jSeason); //} //$this->scored = 1; //return $this->save(); return $result; }
jtips_HTML::title(); } jTips_HTML::expired(); /* * Load the current user object */ global $jTipsCurrentUser, $mainframe; $jTipsCurrentUser = new jTipsUser($database); if (jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'user_id', false)) { $jTipsCurrentUser->load(jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'user_id', false)); } else { $my =& $mainframe->getUser(); $parameters = array('season_id' => getSeasonID(), 'user_id' => $my->id); //BUG 219 - simplify user loading // BUG 348 - when somehow multiple users exist for the same competition, load only one. $usersArray = forceArray($jTipsCurrentUser->loadByParams($parameters)); if (!count($usersArray)) { $jTipsCurrentUser->loadByParams($parameters); } else { $jTipsCurrentUser = array_shift($usersArray); } unset($parameters); } if (jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'menu', 1)) { $_REQUEST['season'] = $jTipsCurrentUser->season_id; $_GET['season'] = $jTipsCurrentUser->season_id; } $task = $task ? $task : 'Dashboard'; $view = jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'view', 'Dashboard'); if (!$view) { $view = 'Dashboard';
require_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_jtips/classes/jseason.class.php'; $jSeason = new jSeason($database); //can add in an ordering field here in the params $direction = jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'filter_order_Dir', 'asc'); if (empty($direction)) { $direction = 'asc'; } $orderby = jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'filter_order', 'name'); if (empty($orderby)) { $orderby = 'name'; } $parameters = array('order' => array('type' => 'order', 'direction' => $direction, 'by' => $orderby)); $limit = jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'limit', 25); $limitstart = jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'limitstart', 0); $pageNav = new mosPageNav($jSeason->getCount(), $limitstart, $limit); $jSeasons = forceArray($jSeason->loadByParams($parameters, $limit, $limitstart)); $formData = array('title' => $jLang['_ADMIN_SEASON_TITLE'], 'editTask' => 'edit', 'module' => 'Seasons', 'icon' => 'seasons'); $currentDir = jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'filter_order_Dir', 'asc'); if ($currentDir == 'asc') { $dir = 'desc'; } else { $dir = 'asc'; } //The header row $header = array('', "<a href='javascript:tableOrdering(\"name\", \"{$dir}\", \"list\");'>" . $jLang['_ADMIN_SEASON_NAME'] . "</a>", "<a href='javascript:tableOrdering(\"start_time\", \"{$dir}\", \"list\");'>" . $jLang['_ADMIN_SEASON_START'] . "</a>", "<a href='javascript:tableOrdering(\"end_time\", \"{$dir}\", \"list\");'>" . $jLang['_ADMIN_SEASON_END'] . "</a>"); //The row data for each for $data = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($jSeasons as $jSeason) { $data[$jSeason->id] = array(makeListLink($jSeason->name, $i++), $jSeason->start_time, $jSeason->end_time); }
$jTip = new jTip($database); $limitstart = jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'limitstart', 0); $limit = jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'limit', $jTips['NumMax']); $params = array('join' => array('type' => 'join', 'join_table' => '#__jtips_games', 'lhs_table' => '#__jtips_tips', 'lhs_key' => 'game_id', 'rhs_table' => '#__jtips_games', 'rhs_key' => 'id'), 'group' => array('type' => 'group', 'by' => 'round_id`, `user_id'), 'order' => array('type' => 'order', 'by' => 'round_id', 'direction' => 'DESC')); if ($user_id = jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'user_id', false)) { $params['user_id'] = $user_id; } $jTipArray = forceArray($jTip->loadByParams($params, $limit, $limitstart)); unset($params['order']); $pageNav = new mosPageNav($jTip->getCount($params, true), $limitstart, $limit); $header = array('', 'User', 'Round', 'Season'); $data = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($jTipArray as $tip) { $tip->fillInAdditionalFields(); $data[$tip->id] = array(makeListLink($tip->user->getName(), $i++), $tip->round_num, $tip->season->name); } $jSeason = new jSeason($database); $jSeasons = forceArray($jSeason->loadByParams(array())); $seasons = objectsToSelectList($jSeasons, 'name'); $jTipsUser = new jTipsUser($database); $jTipsUsers = forceArray($jTipsUser->loadByParams(array())); foreach ($jTipsUsers as $u) { $u->name = $u->getName() . " (" . $seasons[$u->season_id] . ")"; $jTipsUsersArray[] = $u; } $users = objectsToSelectList($jTipsUsersArray, 'name'); asort($users); $formData = array('title' => $jLang['_ADMIN_DASH_TIPS_MANAGER'], 'editTask' => 'edit', 'module' => 'Tips', 'icon' => 'tips'); $filters = array($jLang['_ADMIN_USERS_SELECT'] => makeSelectList($users, 'user_id', "id='user_id' onChange='this.form.submit();'", jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'user_id', '')), $jLang['_ADMIN_SEASON_SELECT'] => makeSelectList($seasons, 'season_id', "id='season_id' onChange='this.form.submit();'", jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'season_id', ''))); jTipsAdminDisplay::ListView($formData, $header, $data, $pageNav, 'list', $filters);
* @license Commercial - See website for details * * @since 2.1 - 02/10/2008 * @version 2.1 * @package jTips * * Description: */ jTipsSpoofCheck(); global $database; require_once 'components/com_jtips/classes/jbadword.class.php'; require_once 'components/com_jtips/classes/jcomment.class.php'; $jBadWordFocus = new jBadWord($database); $jCommentFocus = new jComment($database); $badwords = forceArray($jBadWordFocus->loadByParams()); $comments = forceArray($jCommentFocus->loadByParams()); $count = $deleted = $replaced = 0; foreach ($comments as $jComment) { foreach ($badwords as $jBadWord) { $search = '/' . $jBadWord->badword . '/' . ($jBadWord->match_case == 1 ? 'i' : ''); $found = preg_match_all($search, $jComment->comment, $matches); if ($found > 0) { $count++; $found = $found + $jBadWord->hits; $jBadWord->hits = $found; if ($jBadWord->action == 'delete') { $jComment->delete($jComment->id); $deleted++; } else { $new_comment = preg_replace($search, $jBadWord->replace, $jComment->comment); $jComment->comment = $new_comment;
$jTipsVersion = getFullVersion(); //BUG 262 - AutoUpgrade to version message corrected $newVersion = jTipsGetParam($_SESSION, 'jtips_upgraded_version', 'Latest Version'); $message = 'System Upgraded!'; // to ' .$jTipsVersion; unset($_SESSION['jtips_upgraded_version']); } else { if ($autoUpgradeResult == 0) { //upgrade not required } else { if (is_string($autoUpgradeResult)) { //display the error message //Auto Update Failed: [message] $message = 'System Upgrade Failed: ' . $autoUpgradeResult; } } } if ($message) { mosRedirect('index2.php?option=com_jtips&module=Dashboard&nu=1&task=Validate', $message); } } } $jSeason = new jSeason($database); $parameters = array('end_time' => array('type' => 'query', 'query' => "> '" . gmdate('Y-m-d') . "'"), 'start_time' => array('type' => 'query', 'query' => "< '" . gmdate('Y-m-d') . "'")); $jSeasons = forceArray($jSeason->loadByParams($parameters)); $tpl->jSeasons = $jSeasons; $dashboard = array(); include 'components/com_jtips/modules/Dashboard/dashboard.php'; $tpl->menu = $dashboard; //jdash_HTML::dashboard($jSeasons, $dashboard); $tpl->display();
/** * Take data assigned in $data and display it */ function display() { global $jTipsCurrentUser, $mainframe, $database, $jLang, $jTips, $mosConfig_live_site; $mosConfig_offset = $mainframe->getCfg('offset'); global $Itemid; $useJs = false; if ($jTips['JsLadder'] != 'none') { $useJs = true; } ?> <h2 class="contentheading jmain_heading"><?php echo $this->jSeason->name; ?> </h2> <h3 align="center"><?php if ($this->jRound->getPrev()) { ?> <a style="font-size: smaller;" href='<?php echo jTipsRoute("index.php?option=com_jtips&Itemid={$Itemid}&view=Tips&layout=locked&rid=" . $this->jRound->getPrev()); ?> '>« <?php echo $jLang['_COM_PREV_ROUND']; ?> </a> <?php } echo " " . $jLang['_COM_DASH_ROUND'] . " " . $this->jRound->round . " "; if ($this->jRound->getNext()) { ?> <a style="font-size: smaller;" href='<?php echo jTipsRoute("index.php?option=com_jtips&Itemid={$Itemid}&view=Tips&layout=locked&rid=" . $this->jRound->getNext()); ?> '><?php echo $jLang['_COM_NEXT_ROUND']; ?> »</a> <?php } ?> </h3> <?php if ($this->jRound->exists()) { $jGameParams = array('round_id' => $this->jRound->id, 'order' => array('type' => 'order', 'by' => 'position', 'direction' => 'ASC')); $jGame = new jGame($database); $jGames = forceArray($jGame->loadByParams($jGameParams)); $tags = "class='sectiontableheader jtableheader'"; ?> <table width="100%" cellspacing="0"> <thead> <tr class="sectiontableheader"> <th <?php echo $tags; ?> width="50%"><?php echo $jLang['_COM_ROUND_START_TIME']; ?> </th> <?php if ($jTips['ShowJSCountdown'] == 1) { ?> <th <?php echo $tags; ?> width="50%"><?php echo $jLang['_COM_ROUND_TIME_TO_START']; ?> </th> <?php } ?> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="sectiontableentry1"> <td style="text-align: center;"><?php //BUG 136 - show closed/closes depending on start time echo TimeDate::toDisplayDateTime($this->jRound->start_time, false); ?> </td> <?php if ($jTips['ShowJSCountdown'] == 1) { ?> <td> <div id='countdown' style="text-align: center;" class="highlight"><?php echo $jLang['_COM_CLOSED']; ?> </div> </td> <?php } ?> </tr> </tbody> </table> <?php if (jTipsGetParam($jTips, 'TeamLadderPopup', 0)) { $url = "view=TeamLadder&Itemid={$Itemid}&menu=0"; ?> <p style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;"> <?php if (isJoomla15()) { // better popup handling in J1.5 JHTML::_('behavior.modal'); $rel = json_encode(array('size' => array('x' => $jTips['ShowTipsWidth'], 'y' => $jTips['ShowTipsHeight']))); $url = jTipsRoute("index.php?option=com_jtips&tmpl=component&" . $url); $attribs = array('class' => 'modal', 'rel' => str_replace('"', "'", $rel), 'title' => $jLang['_COM_TIPS_SHOWHIDE']); echo JHTML::link($url, $jLang['_COM_TIPS_SHOWHIDE'], $attribs); } else { ?> <a href='javascript:void(0);' onClick="openPopup('<?php echo $url; ?> ', 'Team Ladder');"><?php echo $jLang['_COM_TIPS_SHOWHIDE']; ?> </a> <?php } ?> </p><?php } //BUG 189 - Which order should the tips panel be shown in if ($this->jSeason->tips_layout == 'away') { $left = 'away'; $right = 'home'; } else { $left = 'home'; $right = 'away'; } ?> <table align='center' width='100%' class="jdatatable" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <th <?php echo $tags; ?> ><?php echo $jLang['_COM_GAME_' . strtoupper($left)]; ?> </th> <?php if ($this->jSeason->team_starts) { ?> <th <?php echo $tags; ?> ><?php echo $jLang['_COM_TIPS_' . strtoupper($left) . 'START']; ?> </th> <?php } if ($this->jSeason->team_starts) { ?> <th <?php echo $tags; ?> ><?php echo $jLang['_COM_TIPS_' . strtoupper($right) . 'START']; ?> </th> <?php } ?> <th <?php echo $tags; ?> > </th> <th <?php echo $tags; ?> ><?php echo $jLang['_COM_GAME_' . strtoupper($right)]; ?> </th> <?php if ($this->jSeason->game_times) { ?> <th <?php echo $tags; ?> ><?php echo $jLang['_COM_TIPS_TIME']; ?> </th> <?php } if ($this->jRound->scored == 1) { ?> <th <?php echo $tags; ?> ><?php echo $jLang['_COM_TIPS_RESULT']; ?> </th> <?php } ?> <th <?php echo $tags; ?> > </th> </tr> <?php $rowIndex = 0; foreach ($jGames as $jGame) { $leftTeam = new jTeam($database); $rightTeam = new jTeam($database); $left_id_field = $left . '_id'; $right_id_field = $right . '_id'; $leftLoaded = $rightLoaded = false; if ($jGame->{$left_id_field}) { $leftTeam->load($jGame->{$left_id_field}); $leftLoaded = true; } if ($jGame->{$right_id_field}) { $rightTeam->load($jGame->{$right_id_field}); $rightLoaded = true; } if (!$leftLoaded and $rightLoaded) { $this->byes[] = $rightTeam; } if ($leftLoaded and !$rightLoaded) { $this->byes[] = $leftTeam; } if (!$leftLoaded or !$rightLoaded) { continue; } if ($jGame->winner_id == $leftTeam->id) { $left_style = "font-weight:bold;"; $right_style = ""; } else { if ($jGame->winner_id == -1) { $left_style = "font-style:italics;"; $right_style = "font-style:italics;"; } else { if ($jGame->winner_id == $rightTeam->id) { $left_style = ""; $right_style = "font-weight:bold;"; } else { $left_style = ""; $right_style = ""; } } } $rowClasses = "class='sectiontableentry" . ($rowIndex % 2 + 1) . " jtablerow" . ($rowIndex % 2 + 1) . "'"; ?> <tr <?php echo $rowClasses; ?> > <td style='text-align:right;<?php echo $left_style; ?> '><label for="<?php echo $left; ?> _game<?php echo $jGame->id; ?> "><?php echo $leftTeam->getDisplayLogoName('right'); ?> </label></td> <?php if ($this->jSeason->team_starts) { $left_start_field = $left . '_start'; $leftStart = $jGame->{$left_start_field} + 0; if ($jGame->{$left_start_field} > 0) { $leftStart = "+{$leftStart}"; } else { if ($leftStart == 0) { $leftStart = " "; } } ?> <td style='text-align: center;'><?php echo $leftStart; ?> </td> <?php } ?> <td style='text-align: center;'> <?php echo $jLang['_COM_TEAM_VS']; ?> </td> <?php $right_start_field = $right . '_start'; if ($this->jSeason->team_starts) { $rightStart = $jGame->{$right_start_field} + 0; if ($jGame->{$right_start_field} > 0) { $rightStart = "+{$rightStart}"; } else { if ($rightStart == 0) { $rightStart = " "; } } ?> <td style='text-align: center;'><?php echo $rightStart; ?> </td> <?php } ?> <td style='text-align:left;<?php echo $right_style; ?> '><label for="<?php echo $right; ?> _game<?php echo $jGame->id; ?> "><?php echo $rightTeam->getDisplayLogoName('left'); ?> </label> </td> <?php //show the game time if ($this->jSeason->game_times) { ?> <td><?php if ($jGame->start_time) { echo TimeDate::toDisplayDateTime($jGame->start_time, false); } else { echo " "; } ?> </td><?php } if ($this->jRound->scored == 1) { $left_score_field = $left . '_score'; $right_score_field = $right . '_score'; ?> <th <?php echo $tags; ?> ><?php echo $jGame->{$left_score_field} . " - " . $jGame->{$right_score_field}; ?> </th> <?php } ?> <td><?php if (!empty($jGame->description)) { $description = nl2br(stripslashes($jGame->description)); echo jTipsToolTip($description, $jLang['_COM_GAME_ADDITIONAL_INFO']); } else { echo " "; } ?> </td> </tr> <?php $rowIndex++; } ?> </table> <div><?php $this->renderByes(); ?> </div> <?php } else { if ($this->jRound->exists() and TimeDate::toDatabaseDateTime($this->jRound->start_time) > gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s')) { ?> <h2 style='text-align: center'><?php echo $jLang['_COM_DASH_ROUND'] . " " . $this->jRound->round; ?> </h2> <h2 style='text-align: center'><?php echo $jLang['_COM_ROUND_CLOSED']; ?> </h2> <?php } else { if ($this->jRound->exists()) { ?> <h2 style='text-align: center'><?php echo $jLang['_COM_DASH_ROUND'] . " " . $this->jRound->round; ?> </h2> <?php } else { ?> <h2 style='text-align: center'><?php echo $jLang['_COM_ROUND_NOGAMES']; ?> </h2> <?php } } } if ($this->jRound->getStatus() === false) { $userTime = strtotime($this->jRound->start_time) - TimeDate::getOffset(false); $targetTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $userTime); if ($jTips['ShowJSCountdown'] == 1) { $field = "'countdown'"; } else { $field = "false"; } ?> <script type='text/javascript'> window.addEvent('domready', function(){ var year = <?php echo TimeDate::format($targetTime, '%Y', true, false); ?> ; var month = <?php echo TimeDate::format($targetTime, '%m', true, false) - 1; ?> ; var day = <?php echo TimeDate::format($targetTime, '%d', true, false); ?> ; var hour = <?php echo TimeDate::format($targetTime, '%H', true, false); ?> ; var min = <?php echo TimeDate::format($targetTime, '%M', true, false); ?> ; var sec = 0; jTipsCountdown(year, month, day, hour, min, 1, <?php echo $field; ?> ); }); </script> <?php } }
* @author Jeremy Roberts * @copyright Copyright © 2009, jTips * @license Commercial - See website for details * * @since 2.1 - 16/10/2008 * @version 2.1 * @package jTips * * Description: */ global $database, $mosConfig_absolute_path; ob_clean(); require_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_jtips/classes/jbadword.class.php'; $comment = jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'comment', ''); $jBad = new jBadWord($database); $badwords = forceArray($jBad->loadByParams(array())); $count = $deleted = $replaced = 0; $results = array(); foreach ($badwords as $jBadWord) { $search = '/' . $jBadWord->badword . '/' . ($jBadWord->match_case == 1 ? 'i' : ''); $found = preg_match_all($search, $comment, $matches); if ($found > 0) { $count++; $found = $found + $jBadWord->hits; $jBadWord->hits = $found; if ($jBadWord->action == 'delete') { $deleted++; array_push($results, 0); } else { $new_comment = preg_replace($search, $jBadWord->replace, $comment); $replaced++;
/** * Take data assigned in $data and display it */ function display() { global $jTipsCurrentUser, $mainframe, $database, $jLang, $jTips, $mosConfig_live_site; $mosConfig_offset = $mainframe->getCfg('offset'); //$Itemid = jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'Itemid', ''); global $Itemid; //$mainframe->setPageTitle(getComponentName($Itemid).' > '.$jTips['Menu']['Tips']); //jTipsCommonHTML::loadOverlib(); $useJs = false; if ($jTips['JsLadder'] != 'none') { $useJs = true; } if ($jTips['EnableComments'] == 1 and $jTips['EnableCommentFilter'] == 1) { $checkComment = "onclick='return validateComment(\"comment\");'"; } else { $checkComment = "onClick='document.tips_form.submit();'"; } //jtips_HTML::buildMenu('tips', $this->jSeason, $this->jTipsUser); //jtips_HTML::seasonsList($this->jTipsUser, $this->jSeasons, "onchange='getSeason(this);'", true, jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'season', jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'season_id', false))); $postURL = jTipsRoute("index.php?option=com_jtips&Itemid={$Itemid}"); ?> <script type='text/javascript'> function getSeason(obj) { var id = obj.options[obj.selectedIndex].value; return window.location.href='<?php echo html_entity_decode(jTipsRoute("index.php?option=com_jtips&Itemid={$Itemid}&task=Tips&season=")); ?> ' + id; } </script> <form action='<?php echo $postURL; ?> ' method='post' name='tips_form' id='tips_form'> <input type='hidden' name='option' value='com_jtips' /> <input type='hidden' name='view' value='Tips' /> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="save" /> <input type='hidden' name='user_id' value='<?php echo $jTipsCurrentUser->id; ?> ' /> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo jTipsSpoofValue(); ?> " value="1" /> <h2 class="contentheading jmain_heading"><?php echo $this->jSeason->name; ?> </h2> <h3 align="center"> <?php if ($this->jRound->getPrev()) { ?> <a style="font-size:smaller;" href='<?php echo jTipsRoute("index.php?option=com_jtips&Itemid={$Itemid}&view=Tips&rid=" . $this->jRound->getPrev()); ?> '>« <?php echo $jLang['_COM_PREV_ROUND']; ?> </a> <?php } echo " " . $jLang['_COM_DASH_ROUND'] . " " . $this->jRound->round . " "; if ($this->jRound->getNext()) { ?> <a style="font-size:smaller;" href='<?php echo jTipsRoute("index.php?option=com_jtips&Itemid={$Itemid}&view=Tips&rid=" . $this->jRound->getNext()); ?> '><?php echo $jLang['_COM_NEXT_ROUND']; ?> »</a> <?php } ?> </h3> <?php if ($this->jRound->exists()) { $jGameParams = array('round_id' => $this->jRound->id, 'order' => array('type' => 'order', 'by' => 'position', 'direction' => 'ASC')); $jGame = new jGame($database); $jGames = forceArray($jGame->loadByParams($jGameParams)); $tags = "class='sectiontableheader jtableheader'"; ?> <table width="100%" cellspacing="0"> <thead> <tr class="sectiontableheader"> <th <?php echo $tags; ?> width="33%"><?php echo $jLang['_COM_TIPS_TIPPING_CLOSE']; ?> </th> <?php if ($jTips['ShowJSCountdown'] == 1) { ?> <th <?php echo $tags; ?> width="34%"><?php echo $jLang['_COM_TIPS_TIME_TO_CLOSE']; ?> </th> <?php } ?> <th <?php echo $tags; ?> width="33%"><?php echo $jLang['_COM_TIPS_LASTUP']; ?> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="sectiontableentry1"> <td style="text-align:center;"> <?php //BUG 136 - show closed/closes depending on start time echo TimeDate::toDisplayDateTime($this->jRound->start_time, false); ?> </td> <?php if ($jTips['ShowJSCountdown'] == 1) { ?> <td><div id='countdown' style="text-align:center;" class="highlight"><?php echo $jLang['_COM_CLOSED']; ?> </div></td> <?php } $jTipParams = array('game_id' => array('type' => 'reference', 'query' => "SELECT DISTINCT id FROM #__jtips_games WHERE round_id = " . $this->jRound->id), 'user_id' => $jTipsCurrentUser->id); $jTip = new jTip($database); $jTipss = forceArray($jTip->loadByParams($jTipParams)); ?> <td><?php if (count($jTipss) > 0) { echo TimeDate::toDisplayDateTime($jTipss[0]->updated, false); } else { echo " "; } ?> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <?php if (jTipsGetParam($jTips, 'TeamLadderPopup', 0)) { $url = "view=TeamLadder&Itemid={$Itemid}&menu=0"; ?> <p style="text-align:center;font-weight:bold;"><?php if (isJoomla15()) { /*?> <a class="modal" rel="{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: <?php echo $jTips['ShowTipsWidth']; ?>, y: <?php echo $jTips['ShowTipsHeight']; ?>}}" href="<?php echo jTipsRoute("index2.php?option=com_jtips&" .$url); ?>" title='Team Ladder'><?php echo $jLang['_COM_TIPS_SHOWHIDE']; ?></a> <?php*/ // better popup handling in J1.5 JHTML::_('behavior.modal'); $rel = json_encode(array('size' => array('x' => $jTips['ShowTipsWidth'], 'y' => $jTips['ShowTipsHeight']))); $url = jTipsRoute("index.php?option=com_jtips&tmpl=component&" . $url); $attribs = array('class' => 'modal', 'rel' => str_replace('"', "'", $rel), 'title' => $jLang['_COM_TIPS_SHOWHIDE']); echo JHTML::link($url, $jLang['_COM_TIPS_SHOWHIDE'], $attribs); } else { ?> <a href='javascript:void(0);' onClick="openPopup('<?php echo $url; ?> ', 'Team Ladder');"><?php echo $jLang['_COM_TIPS_SHOWHIDE']; ?> </a> <?php } ?> </p><?php } //BUG 189 - Which order should the tips panel be shown in if ($this->jSeason->tips_layout == 'away') { $left = 'away'; $right = 'home'; } else { $left = 'home'; $right = 'away'; } ?> <table align='center' width='100%' class="jdatatable" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <th <?php echo $tags; ?> ><?php echo $jLang['_COM_GAME_' . strtoupper($left)]; ?> </th> <?php if ($this->jSeason->team_starts) { ?> <th <?php echo $tags; ?> ><?php echo $jLang['_COM_TIPS_' . strtoupper($left) . 'START']; ?> </th> <?php } if ($this->jSeason->pick_score == 1) { ?> <th <?php echo $tags; ?> ><?php echo $jLang['_COM_TIPS_' . strtoupper($left) . 'SCORE']; ?> </th> <?php } ?> <th <?php echo $tags; ?> > <?php if ($this->jSeason->pick_draw == 1 and ($this->jSeason->pick_score and !$jTips['HideTeamSelect'] or !$this->jSeason->pick_score)) { echo " " . $jLang['_COM_GAME_DRAW'] . " "; } else { echo " "; } ?> </th> <?php if ($this->jSeason->pick_score == 1) { ?> <th <?php echo $tags; ?> ><?php echo $jLang['_COM_TIPS_' . strtoupper($right) . 'SCORE']; ?> </th> <?php } if ($this->jSeason->team_starts) { ?> <th <?php echo $tags; ?> ><?php echo $jLang['_COM_TIPS_' . strtoupper($right) . 'START']; ?> </th> <?php } ?> <th <?php echo $tags; ?> ><?php echo $jLang['_COM_GAME_' . strtoupper($right)]; ?> </th> <?php if ($this->jSeason->pick_margin == 1) { ?> <th <?php echo $tags; ?> ><?php echo $jLang['_COM_TIPS_MARGIN']; ?> </th> <?php } if ($this->jSeason->pick_bonus >= 1) { ?> <th <?php echo $tags; ?> ><?php echo $jLang['_COM_TIPS_BONUS']; ?> </th> <?php } if ($this->jSeason->game_times) { ?> <th <?php echo $tags; ?> ><?php echo $jLang['_COM_TIPS_TIME']; ?> </th> <?php } if ($this->jRound->scored == 1) { ?> <th <?php echo $tags; ?> ><?php echo $jLang['_COM_TIPS_RESULT']; ?> </th> <?php } ?> <th <?php echo $tags; ?> > </th> </tr> <?php // BUG 316 - have TimeDate::toDatabaseDateTime around jRound->start_time was deducting an offset from a GMT time - bad if ($this->jRound->start_time < gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s') or $jTipsCurrentUser->hasTipped($this->jRound->id) and $jTips['TipLockout'] == 1) { $disabled = "disabled"; } else { $disabled = ''; } $hasTipped = count($jTipss) > 0; $rowIndex = 0; foreach ($jGames as $jGame) { $leftTeam = new jTeam($database); $rightTeam = new jTeam($database); $jTipParams = array('user_id' => $jTipsCurrentUser->id, 'game_id' => $jGame->id); $jTip->loadByParams($jTipParams); $left_id_field = $left . '_id'; $right_id_field = $right . '_id'; $leftLoaded = $rightLoaded = false; if ($jGame->{$left_id_field}) { $leftTeam->load($jGame->{$left_id_field}); $leftLoaded = true; } if ($jGame->{$right_id_field}) { $rightTeam->load($jGame->{$right_id_field}); $rightLoaded = true; } if (!$leftLoaded and $rightLoaded) { $this->byes[] = $rightTeam; } if ($leftLoaded and !$rightLoaded) { $this->byes[] = $leftTeam; } if (!$leftLoaded or !$rightLoaded) { continue; } if ($jGame->winner_id == $leftTeam->id) { $left_style = "font-weight:bold;"; $right_style = ""; } else { if ($jGame->winner_id == -1) { $left_style = "font-style:italics;"; $right_style = "font-style:italics;"; } else { if ($jGame->winner_id == $rightTeam->id) { $left_style = ""; $right_style = "font-weight:bold;"; } else { $left_style = ""; $right_style = ""; } } } $rowClasses = "class='sectiontableentry" . ($rowIndex % 2 + 1) . " jtablerow" . ($rowIndex % 2 + 1) . "'"; if ($this->jSeason->pick_score and $jGame->has_score) { $onClick = 'onClick="switchScore(' . $jGame->id . ');"'; } else { $onClick = ''; } ?> <tr <?php echo $rowClasses; ?> > <td style='text-align:right;<?php echo $left_style; ?> '><label for="<?php echo $left; ?> _game<?php echo $jGame->id; ?> "><?php echo $leftTeam->getDisplayLogoName('right'); ?> </label> <?php if ($this->jSeason->pick_score and !$jTips['HideTeamSelect'] or !$this->jSeason->pick_score) { ?> <input type='radio' <?php echo $onClick; ?> class="inputbox" name='game<?php echo $jGame->id; ?> ' id='<?php echo $left; ?> _game<?php echo $jGame->id; ?> ' value='<?php echo $leftTeam->id; ?> ' <?php echo $jTip->tip_id == $leftTeam->id ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> <?php echo $disabled; ?> /> <?php } ?> </td> <?php if ($this->jSeason->team_starts) { $left_start_field = $left . '_start'; $leftStart = $jGame->{$left_start_field} + 0; if ($jGame->{$left_start_field} > 0) { $leftStart = "+{$leftStart}"; } else { if ($leftStart == 0) { $leftStart = " "; } } ?> <td style='text-align:center;'><?php echo $leftStart; ?> </td> <?php } if ($this->jSeason->pick_score == 1) { ?> <td style='text-align:center;'> <?php if ($jGame->has_score == 1) { ?> <input type='text' onKeyUp="this.value=this.value.replace(/[^\d]+/, '');" class="inputbox" id="<?php echo $left . $jGame->id; ?> " name='<?php echo $left . $jGame->id; ?> ' style='text-align:center;' maxLength='5' size='5' value='<?php $left_score_field = $left . '_score'; echo $jTip->{$left_score_field}; ?> ' <?php echo $disabled; ?> onBlur="setSelectedTeam(<?php echo $jGame->id; ?> );" /> <?php } else { ?> <?php } ?> </td> <?php } if ($this->jSeason->pick_draw == 1 and ($this->jSeason->pick_score and !$jTips['HideTeamSelect'] or !$this->jSeason->pick_score)) { ?> <td style='text-align:center;'> <input class="inputbox" type='radio' name='game<?php echo $jGame->id; ?> ' id="draw_game<?php echo $jGame->id; ?> " value='-1' <?php echo $jTip->tip_id == -1 ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> <?php echo $disabled; ?> <?php echo $onClick; ?> /></td> <?php } else { ?> <td style='text-align:center;'> <?php echo $jLang['_COM_TEAM_VS']; ?> </td> <?php } if ($this->jSeason->pick_score == 1) { ?> <td style='text-align:center;'> <?php if ($jGame->has_score == 1) { ?> <input type='text' onKeyUp="this.value=this.value.replace(/[^\d]+/, '');" class="inputbox" id="<?php echo $right . $jGame->id; ?> " name='<?php echo $right . $jGame->id; ?> ' style='text-align:center;' maxLength='5' size='5' value='<?php $right_score_field = $right . '_score'; echo $jTip->{$right_score_field}; ?> ' <?php echo $disabled; ?> onBlur="setSelectedTeam(<?php echo $jGame->id; ?> );" /> <?php } else { ?> <?php } ?> </td> <?php } $right_start_field = $right . '_start'; if ($this->jSeason->team_starts) { $rightStart = $jGame->{$right_start_field} + 0; if ($jGame->{$right_start_field} > 0) { $rightStart = "+{$rightStart}"; } else { if ($rightStart == 0) { $rightStart = " "; } } ?> <td style='text-align:center;'><?php echo $rightStart; ?> </td> <?php } ?> <td style='text-align:left;<?php echo $right_style; ?> '> <?php if ($this->jSeason->pick_score and !$jTips['HideTeamSelect'] or !$this->jSeason->pick_score) { ?> <input type='radio' <?php echo $onClick; ?> class="inputbox" name='game<?php echo $jGame->id; ?> ' value='<?php echo $rightTeam->id; ?> ' <?php echo $jTip->tip_id == $rightTeam->id ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> <?php echo $disabled; ?> id="<?php echo $right; ?> _game<?php echo $jGame->id; ?> "/> <?php } ?> <label for="<?php echo $right; ?> _game<?php echo $jGame->id; ?> "><?php echo $rightTeam->getDisplayLogoName('left'); ?> </label> </td> <?php if ($this->jSeason->pick_margin == 1) { ?> <td style='text-align:center;'> <?php if ($jGame->has_margin == 1) { ?> <input type='text' onKeyUp="this.value=this.value.replace(/[^\d]+/, '');" class="inputbox" name='margin<?php echo $jGame->id; ?> ' style='text-align:center;' maxLength='5' size='5' value='<?php echo $jTip->margin; ?> ' <?php echo $disabled; ?> /> <?php } else { ?> <?php } ?> </td> <?php } if ($this->jSeason->pick_bonus > 0) { if ($jGame->has_bonus == 1) { // BUG 302 - awayTeam and homeTeam do not exist anymore $bonusTeams = array('' => $jLang['_ADMIN_CONF_NONE'], $jGame->{$left_id_field} => $leftTeam->getName(), $jGame->{$right_id_field} => $rightTeam->getName()); if ($this->jSeason->pick_bonus == 2) { $bonusTeams['-2'] = $jLang['_ADMIN_SEASON_EPTB_BOT']; } ?> <td style='text-align:center;'><?php echo makeSelectList($bonusTeams, 'bonus' . $jGame->id, "{$disabled} class='inputbox'", $jTip->bonus_id); ?> </td> <?php } else { ?> <td style='text-align:center;'> </td> <?php } } //show the game time if ($this->jSeason->game_times) { ?> <td><?php if ($jGame->start_time) { echo TimeDate::toDisplayDateTime($jGame->start_time, false); } else { echo " "; } ?> </td><?php } if ($this->jRound->scored == 1) { $left_score_field = $left . '_score'; $right_score_field = $right . '_score'; ?> <th <?php echo $tags; ?> ><?php echo $jGame->{$left_score_field} . " - " . $jGame->{$right_score_field}; ?> </th> <?php } ?> <td><?php if (!empty($jGame->description)) { $description = nl2br(stripslashes($jGame->description)); echo jTipsToolTip($description, $jLang['_COM_GAME_ADDITIONAL_INFO']); } else { echo " "; } ?> </td> </tr> <?php $rowIndex++; } ?> </table> <div> <?php $this->renderByes(); ?> <table width="100%" cellspacing="10"> <?php if ($jTips['DoubleUp'] == 1) { if ($jTipsCurrentUser->doubleup > 0 && $jTipsCurrentUser->doubleup < $this->jRound->id || $disabled == 'disabled') { $disable_doubleup = 'disabled'; } else { $disable_doubleup = ''; } ?> <tr> <td style='text-align:center'><h4><label for="doubleup"><?php echo $jLang['_COM_GAME_USEDOUBLE']; ?> </label> <input type='checkbox' class="inputbox" id="doubleup" name='doubleup' value='<?php echo $this->jRound->id; ?> ' <?php echo $jTipsCurrentUser->doubleup == $this->jRound->id ? "checked" : ""; ?> <?php echo $disable_doubleup; ?> /></h4></td> </tr> <?php } if ($jTips['EnableComments'] == 1) { if ($disabled == 'disabled') { $commentArea = "<em>"; if (strlen($this->jComment->comment) > 0) { $commentArea .= $this->jComment->comment; } else { $commentArea .= $jLang['_ADMIN_CONF_NONE']; } $commentArea .= "</em>"; } else { $comment = str_replace('"', "'", $this->jComment->comment); $commentArea = ' <input name="comment" id="comment" size="50" class="inputbox" value="' . $comment . '" /> '; } ?> <tr> <td style="text-align:center;"><?php echo $jLang['_COM_DASH_COMMENT']; ?> : <?php echo $commentArea; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td style='text-align:center' id='submittipsbuttonarea'><?php echo $disabled != "disabled" ? "<input type='button' class='button' name='submittips' id='submittips' value='" . $jLang['_COM_TIPS_SAVE'] . "' {$checkComment} />" : ""; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style='text-align:center; padding-top:5px; display:none;' id='ajaxloading'></td> </tr> </table> </div> <input type='hidden' name='round_id' value='<?php echo $this->jRound->id; ?> ' /> </form> <?php } else { if ($this->jRound->exists() and TimeDate::toDatabaseDateTime($this->jRound->start_time) > gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s')) { ?> <h2 style='text-align:center'><?php echo $jLang['_COM_DASH_ROUND'] . " " . $this->jRound->round; ?> </h2> <h2 style='text-align:center'><?php echo $jLang['_COM_ROUND_CLOSED']; ?> </h2> <?php } else { if ($this->jRound->exists()) { ?> <h2 style='text-align:center'><?php echo $jLang['_COM_DASH_ROUND'] . " " . $this->jRound->round; ?> </h2> <?php } else { ?> <h2 style='text-align:center'><?php echo $jLang['_COM_ROUND_NOGAMES']; ?> </h2> <?php } } } if ($this->jRound->getStatus() === false and !empty($jTipsCurrentUser->id)) { $userTime = strtotime($this->jRound->start_time) - TimeDate::getOffset(false); $targetTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $userTime); if ($jTips['ShowJSCountdown'] == 1) { $field = "'countdown'"; } else { $field = "false"; } ?> <script type='text/javascript'> window.addEvent('domready', function(){ var year = <?php echo TimeDate::format($targetTime, '%Y', true, false); ?> ; var month = <?php echo TimeDate::format($targetTime, '%m', true, false) - 1; ?> ; var day = <?php echo TimeDate::format($targetTime, '%d', true, false); ?> ; var hour = <?php echo TimeDate::format($targetTime, '%H', true, false); ?> ; var min = <?php echo TimeDate::format($targetTime, '%M', true, false); ?> ; var sec = 0; jTipsCountdown(year, month, day, hour, min, 1, <?php echo $field; ?> ); }); </script> <?php } }
function getUsers($round_id = FALSE) { global $database; if ($round_id === FALSE) { // BUG 304 - join with users table to avoid trying to load ids with no matching user $params = array('#__jtips_users.season_id' => $this->id, '#__jtips_users.status' => 1, 'join' => array('type' => 'join', 'join_table' => '#__users', 'lhs_table' => '#__jtips_users', 'lhs_key' => 'user_id', 'rhs_table' => '#__users', 'rhs_key' => 'id')); } else { $params = array('' => array('type' => 'in', 'query' => 'SELECT #__jtips_history.user_id FROM #__jtips_history WHERE #__jtips_history.round_id = ' . $round_id), '#__jtips_users.season_id' => $this->id, '#__jtips_users.status' => 1); } $jTipsUser = new jTipsUser($database); $jTipsUsers = forceArray($jTipsUser->loadByParams($params)); $this->users = $jTipsUsers; return $jTipsUsers; }
require_once 'components/com_jtips/classes/jseason.class.php'; require_once 'components/com_jtips/classes/jteam.class.php'; $jTeam = new jTeam($database); $ids = jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'cid', array()); //Do we have an existing Season? $id = array_shift($ids); if (is_numeric($id)) { $jTeam->load($id); } //set the page title $title = $jLang['_ADMIN_TEAM_TITLE'] . ": " . ($jTeam->exists() ? $jLang['_ADMIN_OTHER_EDIT'] : $jLang['_ADMIN_OTHER_NEW']); //set the custom javascripts $mainframe->addCustomHeadTag("<script type='text/javascript' src='components/com_jtips/modules/Teams/Teams.js'></script>"); //what seasons are there $jSeason = new jSeason($database); $jSeasons = forceArray($jSeason->loadByParams(array())); $jSeasonOptions = array(jTipsHTML::makeOption('', $jLang['_ADMIN_CONF_NONE'])); jTipsSortArrayObjects($jSeasons, 'name', 'ASC'); foreach ($jSeasons as $season) { $jSeasonOptions[] = jTipsHTML::makeOption($season->id, $season->name); } //build the field definitions $formData = array('basic' => array('legend' => '_ADMIN_BASIC_INFORMATION', 'fields' => array('id' => array('field' => array('type' => 'hidden', 'attributes' => array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'id', 'id' => 'id', 'value' => $jTeam->id))), 'season' => array('label' => '_ADMIN_TEAM_SEASON', 'field' => array('type' => 'select', 'attributes' => array('name' => 'season_id', 'id' => 'season_id', 'class' => 'inputbox'), 'options' => $jSeasonOptions, 'selected' => $jTeam->season_id)), 'name' => array('label' => '_ADMIN_TEAM_NAME', 'field' => array('type' => 'text', 'attributes' => array('name' => 'name', 'id' => 'name', 'class' => 'inputbox', 'size' => '50', 'type' => 'text', 'value' => $jTeam->name))), 'location' => array('label' => '_ADMIN_TEAM_LOCATION', 'field' => array('type' => 'text', 'attributes' => array('name' => 'location', 'id' => 'location', 'class' => 'inputbox', 'size' => '50', 'type' => 'text', 'value' => $jTeam->location))), 'website' => array('label' => '_ADMIN_TEAM_URL', 'field' => array('type' => 'text', 'attributes' => array('name' => 'url', 'id' => 'url', 'class' => 'inputbox', 'size' => '50', 'type' => 'text', 'value' => $jTeam->url))), 'about' => array('label' => '_ADMIN_TEAM_ABOUT', 'field' => array('type' => 'editor', 'attributes' => array('name' => 'about', 'id' => 'about', 'class' => 'inputbox', 'value' => jTipsStripslashes($jTeam->about))))))); $formData['image'] = array('legend' => '_ADMIN_TEAM_LOGO', 'fields' => array('logo' => array('label' => '_ADMIN_TEAM_LOGO', 'field' => array('type' => 'file', 'attributes' => array('size' => '50', 'type' => 'file', 'class' => 'inputbox', 'name' => 'logo', 'id' => 'logo'))))); if ($jTeam->logo) { $formData['image']['fields']['current_logo'] = array('label' => '_ADMIN_TEAM_CURRENT_LOGO', 'field' => array('type' => 'img', 'attributes' => array('alt' => 'Logo', 'id' => 'current_logo', 'src' => $mosConfig_live_site . '/' . getJtipsImage($jTeam->logo, 100)))); $formData['image']['fields']['remove_logo'] = array('label' => '_ADMIN_TEAM_REMOVE_LOGO', 'field' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'attributes' => array('class' => 'inputbox', 'name' => 'remove_logo', 'value' => '1', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'onClick' => 'if (this.checked){$("logo").disabled=true;}else{$("logo").disabled=false}')), 'description' => '_ADMIN_TEAM_REMOVE_LOGO_DEF'); } // BUG 287 - can no longer edit team points /*$formData['points'] = array( 'legend' => '_ADMIN_TEAM_POINTS_ADJUST',
/** * Updates the team points based on the round passed in */ static function updateLadder($jRound, $jSeason) { jTipsLogger::_log('updating team ladder for round ' . $jRound->id); global $database; $params = array('round_id' => $jRound->id); $jGame = new jGame($database); $jGames = forceArray($jGame->loadByParams($params)); $byeTeams = array(); foreach ($jGames as $jGame) { $home = new jTeam($database); $away = new jTeam($database); $homeLoaded = $awayLoaded = false; if ($jGame->home_id) { $home->load($jGame->home_id); $homeLoaded = true; } if ($jGame->away_id) { $away->load($jGame->away_id); $awayLoaded = true; } if (!$homeLoaded and $awayLoaded) { $byeTeams[] = $away; } if ($homeLoaded and !$awayLoaded) { $byeTeams[] = $home; } if (!$homeLoaded or !$awayLoaded) { continue; } // nothing to process here $home->wins = $home->_getNumberOfWins(); $home->losses = $home->_getNumberOfLosses(); $home->draws = $home->_getNumberOfDraws(); $home->points_for = $home->_getPointsFor(); $home->points_against = $home->_getPointsAgainst(); $home->points = $home->_getTotalPoints(); $away->wins = $away->_getNumberOfWins(); $away->losses = $away->_getNumberOfLosses(); $away->draws = $away->_getNumberOfDraws(); $away->points_for = $away->_getPointsFor(); $away->points_against = $away->_getPointsAgainst(); $away->points = $away->_getTotalPoints(); $home->save(); $away->save(); } if (!empty($byeTeams)) { foreach ($byeTeams as $team) { $team->wins = $team->_getNumberOfWins(); $team->losses = $team->_getNumberOfLosses(); $team->draws = $team->_getNumberOfDraws(); $team->points_for = $team->_getPointsFor(); $team->points_against = $team->_getPointsAgainst(); $team->points = $team->_getTotalPoints(); $team->points += $jSeason->team_bye; $team->save(); } } }
$data = JFile::read(dirname(__FILE__) . '/installer.xml'); JFile::write(dirname(__FILE__) . '/mod_jtips_dash_comp_ladder.xml', $data); JFile::delete(dirname(__FILE__) . '/installer.xml'); } $jSeason = new jSeason($database); $season_id = getSeasonID(); if (is_numeric($season_id)) { $jSeason->load($season_id); } else { $date = gmdate('Y-m-d'); //Bug 33.4 - Extended params array to default to season for current user $objParams = array('end_time' => array('type' => 'query', 'query' => "> '{$date}'"), 'left_join' => array('type' => 'left_join', 'join_table' => '#__jtips_users', 'lhs_table' => '#__jtips_seasons', 'lhs_key' => 'id', 'rhs_table' => '#__jtips_users', 'rhs_key' => 'season_id')); if (isset($jTipsUser->user_id) and !empty($jTipsUser->user_id)) { $objParams['#__jtips_users.user_id'] = $jTipsUser->user_id; } $jSeasons = forceArray($jSeason->loadByParams($objParams)); if (count($jSeasons) > 0) { $jSeason =& array_shift($jSeasons); } } $jRound = new jRound($database); $round_id = $jSeason->getCurrentRound(); $jRound->load($round_id); if ($jRound->scored == 0) { $prev_round_id = $jSeason->getLastRound(); $prev_round = new jRound($database); $prev_round->load($prev_round_id); $jRound =& $prev_round; $load_round = $prev_round_id; } else { $load_round = $jRound->id;
//Do we have an existing Season? $id = array_shift($ids); if (is_numeric($id)) { $jComment->load($id); } if (!$jComment->exists()) { mosRedirect('index2.php?option=com_jtips&task=list&module=Comments', $jLang['_ADMIN_COMMENT_LOAD_ERROR']); } $jTipsUser = new jTipsUser($database); $jTipsUser->load($jComment->user_id); $title = $jLang['_ADMIN_DASH_COMMENT_MANAGER'] . ": " . $jLang['_ADMIN_OTHER_EDIT']; $mainframe->addCustomHeadTag("<script type='text/javascript' src='components/com_jtips/modules/Comments/Comments.js'></script>"); //what seasons are there $jSeason = new jSeason($database); $jSeasons = forceArray($jSeason->loadByParams(array())); $jSeasonOptions = array(jTipsHTML::makeOption('', $jLang['_ADMIN_CONF_NONE'])); jTipsSortArrayObjects($jSeasons, 'name', 'ASC'); foreach ($jSeasons as $season) { $jSeasonOptions[] = jTipsHTML::makeOption($season->id, $season->name); } //which season is this in? $jRound = new jRound($database); $jRound->load($jComment->round_id); $jRounds = forceArray($jRound->loadByParams(array('season_id' => $jRound->season_id))); $jRoundOptions = array(jTipsHTML::makeOption('', $jLang['_ADMIN_CONF_NONE'])); jTipsSortArrayObjects($jSeasons, 'name', 'ASC'); foreach ($jRounds as $round) { $jRoundOptions[] = jTipsHTML::makeOption($round->id, $round->round); } $formData = array('basic' => array('legend' => '_ADMIN_COMM_EDIT_COMMENT', 'fields' => array('id' => array('field' => array('type' => 'hidden', 'attributes' => array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'id', 'id' => 'id', 'value' => $jComment->id))), 'orig_round_id' => array('field' => array('type' => 'hidden', 'attributes' => array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'orig_round_id', 'id' => 'orig_round_id', 'value' => $jComment->round_id))), 'user_id' => array('label' => '_COM_DASH_USER', 'field' => array('type' => 'hidden', 'attributes' => array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'user_id', 'id' => 'user_id', 'value' => $jComment->user_id))), 'user' => array('label' => '_COM_DASH_USER', 'field' => array('type' => 'label', 'attributes' => array('type' => 'label', 'value' => $jTipsUser->getUserField('name') . " (" . $jTipsUser->getUserField('username') . ")"))), 'season_id' => array('label' => '_ADMIN_ROUND_SEASON', 'field' => array('type' => 'select', 'attributes' => array('name' => 'season_id', 'id' => 'season_id', 'class' => 'inputbox', 'onChange' => 'getTheRounds(this);'), 'options' => $jSeasonOptions, 'selected' => $jRound->season_id)), 'round_id' => array('label' => '_ADMIN_ROUND_ROUND', 'field' => array('type' => 'select', 'attributes' => array('name' => 'round_id', 'id' => 'round_id', 'class' => 'inputbox'), 'options' => $jRoundOptions, 'selected' => $jComment->round_id)), 'comment' => array('label' => '_ADMIN_COMM_EDIT_COMMENT', 'field' => array('type' => 'text', 'attributes' => array('size' => 50, 'name' => 'comment', 'id' => 'comment', 'class' => 'inputbox', 'type' => 'text', 'value' => jTipsStripslashes(htmlentities($jComment->comment, ENT_QUOTES))))), 'updatedlabel' => array('label' => '_COM_TIPS_LASTUP', 'field' => array('type' => 'label', 'attributes' => array('type' => 'label', 'value' => TimeDate::toDisplayDateTime($jComment->updated))), 'description' => '_ADMIN_COMMENTS_UDPATED_DESCRIPTION')))); jTipsAdminDisplay::EditView($title, $formData, 'comments');