Ejemplo n.º 1
function folio_control_breadcrumb_recursive_find($page_ident, $url, $username)
    //   Find the root page information.
    $page = folio_page_select($page_ident);
    if (!$page) {
        // No results returned.  Silent fail, as this could be a new record.
        return '';
    } else {
        // Test for exit condition
        if ($page->parentpage_ident == -1 || $page->parentpage_ident == $page->page_ident) {
            // Exit, we've reach the homepage.
            return "<a href='{$url}{$username}/page/" . folio_page_encodetitle($page->title) . "'>" . stripslashes($page->title) . "</a> &gt; ";
        } else {
            // Recurse.
            return folio_control_breadcrumb_recursive_find($page->parentpage_ident, $url, $username) . "<a href='{$url}{$username}/page/" . folio_page_encodetitle($page->title) . "'>" . stripslashes($page->title) . "</a> &gt; ";
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * View a single wiki page.  If the passed key is -1, then it will assume that we're pulling up a new page.
 * @uses CFG
 * @param int $page_ident The page being viewed. -1 If we're trying to load a non-existing page.
 * @param string $page_title The title of the page.  Important for when we're pulling up a page that hasn't been created yet.
 * @param int $created The created date for the page (optional, only used to pull up history pages, def = -1)
 * @param array $page The mysql page record.
 * @returns The html stuff to display a page.
function folio_page_view($page_ident, $page_title, $created = -1, $page, $username)
    global $CFG;
    //global $profile_id;
    //global $page_owner;
    $url = $CFG->wwwroot;
    $userid = $_SESSION['userid'];
    // Declare variables.
    $body = '';
    $title = 'Title';
    $parentpage_ident = -1;
    if (!$page) {
        // No results returned.  Offer to create a new page.
        if ($page_title == 'Home Page') {
            $page_body = "You can use this part of Elgg as a wiki, to collaboratively work on projects, " . "or to create an online portfolio.\n\nYou can create links to new pages by simply " . "enclosing the page title using double bracket characters.  Here's an example " . "of a link to your <a href=\"{$url}{$username}/page/" . folio_page_encodetitle($page_title) . "/edit\">[[Home Page]]</a>.";
        } else {
            $page_body = "This page has not yet been created. <a href=\"{$url}{$username}/page/" . folio_page_encodetitle($page_title) . "/edit\">Click here to start editing it</a>.";
        $page_title = '';
        $creator = '';
        $created = '';
        $security_ident = $page_ident;
    } else {
        // Load values.
        $page_title = stripslashes($page->title);
        $page_body = folio_page_makelinks($username, stripslashes($page->body));
        $created = gmdate("m/d/y h:i", intval($page->created));
        $security_ident = intval($page->security_ident);
        $creator = intval($page->creator_ident);
        if ($creator < 1) {
            $creator = 'Anonymous';
        } else {
            $creator = run("users:id_to_name", $creator);
    // Building the html control.
    $body .= <<<END
        <p align=right><i>{$creator}, {$created} (GMT)</i></p>
    return $body;
Ejemplo n.º 3
* Delete a single wiki page.  Assumes that permission check has already been run.
*       Looks to see if there are any child pages, if so, doesn't allow deleting until those are
*       removed as well.
* @package folio
* @param array $page The mysql page record.
* @param string $page_title The passed in title used to access the page.  Assumes that it has already 
*	been decoded by the function in lib.php away from the URL form & into the normal presentation form.
* @param string $username The username of the page owner.  Used to create post link
* 	to the finished page.
* @returns HTML code to delete a folio page.
function folio_page_delete($page, $page_title, $username)
    global $CFG;
    global $profile_id;
    global $language;
    global $page_owner;
    global $metatags;
    // Set url var
    $url = url;
    // Error, need a page record.
    if (!$page) {
        error('Sorry, but you can not delete a page that has not yet been created.');
    // Get children records.
    $pages = recordset_to_array(get_recordset_sql('SELECT * FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'folio_page p ' . "WHERE parentpage_ident = {$page->page_ident} AND newest = 1"));
    // Build results
    if ($pages) {
        // don't offer to delete pages with children.  link to titles
        $run_result = 'Sorry, but you can not delete a page that has child pages under it.  Delete each' . ' of the child pages, and then come back and delete this page.<br/>' . '<ul>';
        foreach ($pages as $page) {
            $run_result .= "<li><a href=\"{$url}{$username}/page/" . folio_page_encodetitle($page->title) . "\">{$page->title}</a>";
        $run_result .= "</ul>";
    } else {
        $run_result = <<<END
        <form method="post" name="elggform" action="{$url}_folio/action_redirection.php">
                Click the 'delete' button to completely remove this page.  You will not be able to undo this process.<br/>
        \t\t<input type="hidden" name="action" value="folio:page:delete" />
        \t\t<input type="hidden" name="page_ident" value="{$page->page_ident}" />
        \t\t<input type="submit" value="Delete" />
    return $run_result;
Ejemplo n.º 4
function folio_control_childpagelist($username, $page, $profile_id)
    global $CFG;
    $url = url;
    if (!$page) {
        // No pages passed.  Can't show sub-pages of a page that doesnt' exist.
        return '';
    } else {
        // Grab matching records.
        $pages = recordset_to_array(get_recordset_sql("SELECT DISTINCT w.* FROM " . $CFG->prefix . "folio_page w " . "INNER JOIN " . $CFG->prefix . "folio_page_security p ON w.security_ident = p.security_ident " . 'WHERE w.parentpage_ident = ' . $page->page_ident . ' AND w.page_ident <> ' . $page->page_ident . ' AND w.newest = 1 AND ' . folio_page_security_where('p', 'w', 'read', $profile_id) . ' ORDER BY title '));
        $html = '<a href="' . $url . $username . '/page/' . folio_page_encodetitle($page->title) . '/addpage">Add a new page under this one</a><br/>';
        if ($pages) {
            // Build html
            $html .= '<ul>';
            foreach ($pages as $childpage) {
                // Load values.
                $html .= "<li><a href=\"{$url}" . $username . '/page/' . folio_page_encodetitle($childpage->title) . '">' . $childpage->title . "</a>\n";
            $html .= '</ul>';
    return $html;
Ejemplo n.º 5
* Translates [[Page Title]] to <a href=$url$username/page/$pagetitle/>>$pagetitle</a>.
* 	Note that we don't have a decode, as this should only be called by the view procedure.
*	Encoded urls should not be stored in the database.
* @todo Implement some simple checks on the [[ ]] linking.  Stuff like ]]] before [[..., title too long.
* @param string $username The username of the owner of the page.
* @param string $body The body that we're translating.
* @return string The revised body.
function folio_page_makelinks($username, $body)
    $i = true;
    $url = url;
    $body = run("weblogs:text:process", $body);
    while ($i) {
        $i = stripos($body, '[[');
        $end = stripos($body, ']]');
        // Test find.
        if ($i === false | $end === false) {
            // Reached the end of the line - no more links.
            return $body;
        } else {
            // Translate title.
            $link = substr($body, $i + 2, $end - $i - 2);
            $body = substr($body, 0, $i) . "<a href=\"{$url}{$username}/page/" . folio_page_encodetitle($link) . "\">{$link}</a>" . substr($body, $end + 2);
            $i = true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
//      Potential Dup: w.* & children = 0, w.* & children = 1
//      Filtering on children=1 is a problem, as moving a child of a page, leaves new=0 with the parentpage_ident still set, filtering out that
//      page.
$pages = recordset_to_array(get_recordset_sql("SELECT DISTINCT w.*, children.newest children FROM {$prefix}folio_page w " . "INNER JOIN {$prefix}folio_page_security p ON w.security_ident = p.security_ident " . "LEFT OUTER JOIN {$prefix}folio_page children ON w.page_ident = children.parentpage_ident " . "WHERE w.parentpage_ident = {$page_ident} AND w.newest = 1 AND w.parentpage_ident <> w.page_ident AND " . folio_page_security_where('p', 'w', 'read', $profile_id) . 'ORDER BY title, children DESC'));
$last_ident = -1;
if ($pages) {
    foreach ($pages as $page) {
        $i = $page->page_ident;
        // Look to see if we're looking at a duplicate.
        if ($last_ident != $i) {
            // Update last_ident
            $last_ident = $i;
            // Load results
            $run_result .= intval($page->page_ident) . "\"";
            $run_result .= str_replace("\"", "'", $page->title) . "\"";
            $run_result .= str_replace("\"", "'", folio_page_encodetitle($page->title)) . "\"";
            if (is_null($page->children)) {
                // No kids.  Value is interpreted as 'already loaded', so since no kids, set to already loaded.
                $run_result .= "true\"";
            } else {
                // Children, set loaded = false
                $run_result .= "false\"";
        // if ! dup
    // foreach
// if $pages
// Return wrapped up.
echo $run_result;
Ejemplo n.º 7
//	Also has the side effect of not loading other controls if the page hasnt' been
//	created yet.
if ($ok) {
    // Build nice titles
    $html_title = "<a href='{$url}{$username}/subscribe/rss/page+page_comment/'><img border=0 src='{$url}_folio/images/xml.gif' /></a> {$name} : " . folio_control_breadcrumb($page, $username);
    $plain_title = $page->title;
    // See if we're trying to revert the page. Need to check security.
    if ($revert == 'T' && $ok_write) {
        // Revert
        $body = "<p align='center'><b>Restore this older version of the page.</b></p><br/>" . folio_page_edit($page, $permissions, $page_title, $username, $page->parentpage_ident);
    } else {
        // Just viewing.
        // Build warning if this is an older version of the page.
        if ($page->newest != 1) {
            // Create warning link
            $body = "<p align='center'><b>You are looking at an archived version of this page.</b><br/>" . "<a href='{$url}{$username}/page/" . folio_page_encodetitle($page_title) . "'>return to current version</a>";
            if ($ok_write) {
                $body .= " :: " . "<a href='{$url}{$username}/page/{$page_ident}:{$created}/revert'>restore this version</a></p>\n";
        } else {
            $body = '';
        // Run the command to actually retrieve the content.
        $body .= folio_page_view($page_ident, $page_title, $created, $page, $username);
} else {
    // We don't have permissions, and so need some sort of title.
    $html_title = 'You do not have permission to view this page';
    $plain_title = 'You do not have permission to view this page';
    $body = 'You do not have permission to view this page. Please contact the page\'s' . ' owner and ask for the security to be set to <b>Public</b> or <b>Moderated</b>. ' . '  You will be able to view this page once that has been done.  If this page belongs ' . ' to a community, you may also try to join the community.  Once you are a member, ' . ' you will be able to see and edit the page.';
Ejemplo n.º 8
function folio_control_commentbox($item_ident, $item_type, $item_title, $item_url, $item_owner_ident, $item_owner_name, $item_owner_username)
    $url = url . 'mod/folio/control/commentbox_postdata.php';
    $ajaxprefix = 'folio_control_commentbox_';
    $item_title = folio_page_encodetitle($item_title);
    $item_owner_username = folio_page_encodetitle($item_owner_username);
    /* This is now passed as $item_owner_ident
    	    if (logged_on) {
    	        $userid = $_SESSION['userid'];
    	        $comment_name = $_SESSION['name'];
    	    } else {
    	        $userid = -1;
    	        $comment_name = "Guest";
    $result = <<<END
    <div id="{$ajaxprefix}container"></div>
<script type="text/javascript"> <!--
var {$ajaxprefix}div = document.getElementById('{$ajaxprefix}container');

var {$ajaxprefix}handleSuccess = function(o){
\tif(o.responseText !== undefined){
\t\t{$ajaxprefix}div.innerHTML = o.responseText;

var {$ajaxprefix}handleFailure = function(o){
\tif(o.responseText !== undefined){
\t\t{$ajaxprefix}div.innerHTML = o.responseText;

var {$ajaxprefix}callback =

function {$ajaxprefix}makeRequest(){
    var postData = "item_ident={$item_ident}&item_type={$item_type}" +
        "&item_owner_name={$item_owner_name}&item_owner_username={$item_owner_username}&access=public&url={$item_url}&item_owner_ident={$item_owner_ident}&item_title={$item_title}&body=" + 
        escape( document.{$ajaxprefix}form.{$ajaxprefix}comment.value );
\tvar request = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST', "{$url}", {$ajaxprefix}callback, postData);

<form name="{$ajaxprefix}form">  
    <textarea name="{$ajaxprefix}comment" rows=2 style="
        border: 1px solid #7F9DB9;
        width: 95%;
        padding:3px;" id="{$ajaxprefix}comment" ></textarea>      
    <input type="button" value="Send" onClick="{$ajaxprefix}makeRequest();" />
    return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 9
require_once '../includes.php';
// The security ident needs to be set by page_edit_security_post before this can run.
if (!isset($security_ident)) {
    error('Page_Edit_post.php must be called after page_edit_security_post so that the former knows the security information');
$page = new StdClass();
$page->title = folio_clean(required_param('page_title'));
$page->body = required_param('page_body');
$page->page_ident = required_param('page_ident', PARAM_INT);
$page->security_ident = $security_ident;
$page->parentpage_ident = required_param('parentpage_ident', PARAM_INT);
$page->newest = 1;
$page->created = time();
$page->user_ident = required_param('user_ident');
$username = required_param('username');
// If the user isn't logged in, then set to -1 (anonymous)
// Otherwise, set the last updater to their logged in information.
if (isloggedin()) {
    $page->creator_ident = $_SESSION['userid'];
} else {
    $page->creator_ident = -1;
// Modify old record by converting all records matching the conditions (folio, page, newest) to newest=false.
set_field('folio_page', 'newest', 0, 'newest', 1, 'page_ident', $page->page_ident);
//var_dump( $page );
// Insert new record into db.
$insert_id = insert_record('folio_page', $page, true, 'page_ident');
// Set redirect
$redirect_url = url . $username . '/page/' . folio_page_encodetitle(required_param('page_title'));
// Create RSS record
rss_additem($page->user_ident, $username, $page->creator_ident, $_SESSION['name'], $_SESSION['username'], 'page', $insert_id, '', $page->title, folio_page_makelinks($username, $page->body), $redirect_url, optional_param('folio_control_page_edit_security_custom', 'PUBLIC'));
Ejemplo n.º 10
* Builds the child nodes for the passed page_ident.
* @param int $page_ident The parent for whom we're retrieving children.
* @param int $ignorepage_ident Optional. A page to leave out of the results (if found).  Used by getNodeParents.
function folio_control_tree_getNodeChildren($ajaxprefix, $page_ident, $ignorepage_ident, $url, $previousresults, $profile_id)
    global $CFG;
    $prefix = $CFG->prefix;
    // NOTE: The following query has the potential to return duplicates.  However, the older mysq doesn't support subqueries,  making it impossible
    //  to do the query properly.  Filter out dups in code.
    //      Potential Dup: w.* & children = 0, w.* & children = 1
    //      Filtering on children=1 is a problem, as moving a child of a page, leaves new=0 with the parentpage_ident still set, filtering out that
    //      page.
    $pages = recordset_to_array(get_recordset_sql("SELECT DISTINCT w.*, children.newest children FROM {$prefix}folio_page w " . "INNER JOIN {$prefix}folio_page_security p ON w.security_ident = p.security_ident " . "LEFT OUTER JOIN {$prefix}folio_page children ON w.page_ident = children.parentpage_ident " . "WHERE w.parentpage_ident = {$page_ident} AND w.newest = 1 AND w.parentpage_ident <> w.page_ident AND " . folio_page_security_where('p', 'w', 'read', $profile_id) . 'ORDER BY title DESC, children DESC'));
    // Set the parent node's name.
    $parentnode = $ajaxprefix . 'Node' . $page_ident;
    $last_ident = -1;
    $result = '';
    if ($pages) {
        foreach ($pages as $page) {
            $i = $page->page_ident;
            // Look to see if we're looking at a duplicate.
            if ($last_ident != $i) {
                // Update last_ident
                $last_ident = $i;
                // Test to see if we're on the *ignore* page, in which case, insert the nodes that have been built thus far.
                if ($ignorepage_ident == $i) {
                    $result = $previousresults . "\n" . $result;
                } else {
                    if (is_null($page->children)) {
                        // No kids
                        $result = "     var {$ajaxprefix}Node{$i} = {$ajaxprefix}buildNode( \"{$i}\", \"" . str_replace("\"", "'", $page->title) . "\", {$parentnode}, true, \"" . $url . folio_page_encodetitle($page->title) . "\");\n" . $result;
                    } else {
                        // Children, set loaded = false
                        $result = "     var {$ajaxprefix}Node{$i} = {$ajaxprefix}buildNode( \"{$i}\", \"" . str_replace("\"", "'", $page->title) . "\", {$parentnode}, false, \"" . $url . folio_page_encodetitle($page->title) . "\");\n" . $result;
            } else {
                // $last_ident == $i
                // Don't load, as it would be a duplicate record.
        // foreach
    // if $pages
    return $result;