function update() { require_once 'FeedOnFeeds/init_adodb.php'; if (!($url = $this->getURL())) { return false; } $count = fof_update_feed($this->getURL()); if (!$count) { $count = '0'; } $flash =& AMP_System_Flash::instance(); $flash->add_message(sprintf(AMP_TEXT_CONTENT_RSS_ITEMS_ADDED, $count, $this->getName())); return true; }
function fof_actually_add_feed($url, $rss) { global $FOF_FEED_TABLE, $FOF_ITEM_TABLE; $FOF_FEED_TABLE = FOF_FEED_TABLE; $FOF_ITEM_TABLE = FOF_ITEM_TABLE; $title = mysql_escape_string($rss->channel['title']); $link = mysql_escape_string($rss->channel['link']); $description = mysql_escape_string($rss->channel['description']); $sql = "insert into {$FOF_FEED_TABLE} (url,title,link,description) values ('{$url}','{$title}','{$link}','{$description}')"; fof_do_query($sql); fof_update_feed($url, 0); }
<?php /* * This file is part of FEED ON FEEDS - * * update-quiet.php - updates all feeds without producing output * * * Copyright (C) 2004 Stephen Minutillo * - * * Distributed under the GPL - see LICENSE * */ ob_start(); include_once "init.php"; $result = fof_do_query("select url, id, title from " . FOF_FEED_TABLE . " order by title"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $title = $row['title']; $id = $row['id']; fof_update_feed($row['url']); } ob_end_clean();
function newdailyitems($todayfeeds, $firstupdateid) { global $firstchow; global $lastchow; $fedalready = $firstupdateid - 1; foreach ($todayfeeds as $tfid => $turl) { unset($count); unset($curfeed); // this function actives monekchow rss reader to see if new feed exist for this blog url $count = fof_update_feed($turl); $curfeed = $tfid; // do scoring on a per blog post basis/ has any new blog posts been add for this feed? $db->query = "SELECT * FROM " . RSSDATA . ".items WHERE " . RSSDATA . ".items.feed_id = {$tfid} AND " . RSSDATA . " > {$fedalready} ORDER BY " . RSSDATA . " ASC LIMIT 1"; //echo $db->query; $resultnewitemsfirst = mysql_query($db->query) or die(mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($resultnewitemsfirst) == 1) { $rowfirst = mysql_fetch_object($resultnewitemsfirst); $firstchow = $rowfirst->id; //echo $firstchow; // find out id of last blog post added for this blog $db->query = "SELECT * FROM " . RSSDATA . ".items WHERE " . RSSDATA . ".items.feed_id = {$tfid} AND " . RSSDATA . " > {$firstupdateid} ORDER BY " . RSSDATA . " DESC LIMIT 1"; //echo $db->query; $resultchowlast = mysql_query($db->query) or die(mysql_error()); $rowsecond = mysql_fetch_object($resultchowlast); $lastchow = $rowsecond->id; //echo $lastchow; } // closes if no new posts then skip if ($firstchow && $lastchow) { // create a list of posts for this individual $db->query = "SELECT * FROM " . RSSDATA . ".items WHERE " . RSSDATA . " BETWEEN {$firstchow} AND {$lastchow} "; //echo $db->query; $resultitems = mysql_query($db->query) or die("Error in query: {$db->query}. " . mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($resultitems) > 0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($resultitems)) { //unset($rowfour->content); $itemid = $row->id; //echo $itemid; $row->content = html_entity_decode($row->content); //echo $row->content; $rowtwo->content = strip_tags($row->content); $remove = array("'", "-", ",", "(", ")", "?", ".", "’", "“", "’", "”", ":", "@", "!", "#", "^", "%", "/", "|", '\'', "+", "=", "{", "}", "[", "]", '"', ";", "<", ">", "_", "~", "<br />", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0"); $rowthree->content = str_replace($remove, " ", $rowtwo->content); $rowfour->content = trim($rowthree->content); // need to add regex to remove word starting with / that databases don't like add at insert stage see below $wlen = strlen($rowfour->content); //echo $wlen; $rowthreespace->content = str_replace($remove, " ", $rowtwo->content); $rowfourspace->content = trim($rowthreespace->content); $rowfive->content = explode(" ", $rowthree->content); $postcontent = $rowfive->content; //print_r($postcontent); postwords($wlen, $postcontent, $itemid); } // closes while loop containing list of blog posts } // closes if a post ready for word prep. // allocate votes/scoring based on wikipedia lifestyle definitions blostposttopfifty($firstchow, $lastchow); unset($firstchow); unset($lastchow); } // if there has been new post for this blog url } //closes foreach for each feed that needs split into single words and scored }
<meta name="ROBOTS" content="NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW" /> </head> <body> <BR> <?php $feed = $_GET['feed']; $sql = "select url, id, title from " . FOF_FEED_TABLE; if ($feed) { $sql .= " where id = {$feed}"; } $sql .= " order by title"; $result = fof_do_query($sql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $title = $row['title']; $id = $row['id']; print "Updating <b>{$title}</b>..."; $count = fof_update_feed($row['url']); print "done. "; if ($count) { print "<b><font color=red>{$count} new items</font></b>"; } print "<br>"; } ?> <BR> Update complete. <a href="view.php">Return to new items.</a> </body></html>
<?php /* * This file is part of FEED ON FEEDS - * * update-single.php - updates a single feed * * * Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Stephen Minutillo * - * * Distributed under the GPL - see LICENSE * */ include_once "fof-main.php"; $feed = $_GET['feed']; list($count, $error) = fof_update_feed($feed); if ($count) { print "<b><font color=red>{$count} new items</font></b>"; } if ($error) { print " {$error} <br>"; } else { print " Done.<br>"; }
* Copyright (C) 2013 Justin Wind <*****@*****.**> * * Distributed under the GPL - see LICENSE * */ include_once 'fof-main.php'; /* mark all items in feed as read, return updated sidebar entry */ if (!empty($_POST['read_feed'])) { fof_db_mark_feed_read(fof_current_user(), $_POST['read_feed']); $feed_row = fof_get_feed(fof_current_user(), $_POST['read_feed']); echo fof_render_feed_row($feed_row); exit; } /* update one feed, return replacement sidebar feed list content */ if (!empty($_POST['update_feedid'])) { list($count, $error) = fof_update_feed($_POST['update_feedid']); if (!empty($error)) { //header('Status: 500'); echo '<img class="feed-icon" src="' . $fof_asset['alert_icon'] . '" title="' . htmlentities($error, ENT_QUOTES) . '" />'; } else { $feed_row = fof_get_feed(fof_current_user(), $_POST['update_feedid']); echo fof_render_feed_row($feed_row); } exit; } /* returns a script block which updates a list of the subscribed sources for a tag */ if (!empty($_POST['update_tag_sources'])) { fof_set_content_type('application/javascript'); $tag_id = fof_db_get_tag_by_name($_POST['update_tag_sources']); $subs = fof_db_subscriptions_by_tags(fof_current_user()); /* FIXME: check timeouts, like below */
* * Distributed under the GPL - see LICENSE * */ ob_start(); $fof_no_login = true; $fof_user_id = 1; include_once "fof-main.php"; set_time_limit(FOF_UPDATE_TIME_LIMIT); $p =& FoF_Prefs::instance(); $fof_admin_prefs = $p->prefs; fof_log("=== update started, timeout = {$fof_admin_prefs['autotimeout']}, purge = {$fof_admin_prefs['purge']} ===", "update"); $result = fof_db_get_feeds_needing_attempt(); $feeds = array(); $now = time(); while (($feed = fof_db_get_row($result)) !== false) { if ($now - $feed['feed_cache_date'] > $fof_admin_prefs['autotimeout'] * 60 && $now > $feed['feed_cache_next_attempt']) { $feeds[] = $feed; } else { fof_log("skipping {$feed['feed_id']} {$feed['feed_url']}", 'update'); } } $feeds = fof_multi_sort($feeds, 'feed_cache_attempt_date', false); foreach ($feeds as $feed) { fof_log("updating {$feed['feed_id']} {$feed['feed_url']}", 'update'); fof_update_feed($feed['feed_id']); } fof_log("optimizing database", "update"); fof_db_optimize(); fof_log("=== update complete ===", "update"); ob_end_clean();
function fof_subscribe($user_id, $url, $unread = "today") { if (!$url) { return false; } $url = fof_prepare_url($url); $feed = fof_db_get_feed_by_url($url); if (fof_is_subscribed($user_id, $url)) { return "You are already subscribed to " . fof_render_feed_link($feed) . "<br>"; } if (fof_feed_exists($url)) { fof_db_add_subscription($user_id, $feed['feed_id']); fof_apply_plugin_tags($id, NULL, $user_id); fof_update_feed($feed['feed_id']); if ($unread != "no") { fof_db_mark_feed_unread($user_id, $feed['feed_id'], $unread); } return '<font color="green"><b>Subscribed.</b></font><br>'; } $rss = fof_parse($url); if (isset($rss->error)) { return "Error: <B>" . $rss->error . "</b> <a href=\"{$url}\">try to validate it?</a><br>"; } else { $url = html_entity_decode($rss->subscribe_url(), ENT_QUOTES); $self = $rss->get_link(0, 'self'); if ($self) { $url = html_entity_decode($self, ENT_QUOTES); } if (fof_feed_exists($url)) { $feed = fof_db_get_feed_by_url($url); if (fof_is_subscribed($user_id, $url)) { return "You are already subscribed to " . fof_render_feed_link($feed) . "<br>"; } fof_db_add_subscription($user_id, $feed['feed_id']); if ($unread != "no") { fof_db_mark_feed_unread($user_id, $feed['feed_id'], $unread); } return '<font color="green"><b>Subscribed.</b></font><br>'; } $id = fof_add_feed($url, $rss->get_title(), $rss->get_link(), $rss->get_description()); fof_update_feed($id); fof_db_add_subscription($user_id, $id); if ($unread != "no") { fof_db_mark_feed_unread($user_id, $id, $unread); } fof_apply_plugin_tags($id, NULL, $user_id); return '<font color="green"><b>Subscribed.</b></font><br>'; } }
* * Distributed under the GPL - see LICENSE * */ set_time_limit(60 * 10); ob_start(); $fof_no_login = true; $fof_user_id = 1; include_once "fof-main.php"; $p =& FoF_Prefs::instance(); $fof_admin_prefs = $p->prefs; fof_log("=== update started, timeout = {$fof_admin_prefs['autotimeout']}, purge = {$fof_admin_prefs['purge']} ===", "update"); $result = fof_db_get_feeds(); $feeds = array(); while ($feed = fof_db_get_row($result)) { if (time() - $feed["feed_cache_date"] > $fof_admin_prefs["autotimeout"] * 60) { $feeds[] = $feed; } else { fof_log("skipping {$feed['feed_url']}", "update"); } } $feeds = fof_multi_sort($feeds, 'feed_cache_attempt_date', false); foreach ($feeds as $feed) { $id = $feed['feed_id']; fof_log("updating {$feed['feed_url']}", "update"); fof_update_feed($id); } fof_log("optimizing database", "update"); fof_db_optimize(); fof_log("=== update complete ===", "update"); ob_end_clean();
function fof_actually_add_feed($url, $piefeed) { $title = $piefeed->get_title(); $title = str_replace('"', '', $title); $title = str_replace("'", '', $title); $title = htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_QUOTES); $title = htmlspecialchars($title); $link = $piefeed->get_link(); $link = str_replace('"', '', $link); $link = str_replace("'", '', $link); #$link = htmlspecialchars($link, ENT_QUOTES); #$link = htmlspecialchars($link); $description = $piefeed->get_description(); $description = str_replace('"', '', $description); $description = str_replace("'", '', $description); $description = htmlspecialchars($description, ENT_QUOTES); #$description = htmlspecialchars($description); #$description = htmlspecialchars_decode($description); #$description = htmlspecialchars_decode($description); $sql = "insert into feeds (url,title,link,description) values ('{$url}','{$title}','{$link}','{$description}')"; //echo "$url $title $link $description<br />"; //echo "$sql<br />"; fof_do_query($sql); // need to find autoincrement fof_update_feed($url); }
function fof_subscribe($user_id, $url, $unread = 'today') { fof_trace(); $url = trim($url); if (empty($url)) { return "<span style=\"color:red\">Error: <b>cannot subscribe to nothing</b> (empty url?)</span><br>\n"; } /* ensure url at least has a reasonable protocol */ $url = fof_prepare_url($url); $feed = fof_db_get_feed_by_url($url); if (empty($feed)) { /* raw url does not exist, try cooking it with simplepie */ if (($rss = fof_parse($url)) === false || $rss->error()) { $rss_error = isset($rss) && $rss->error() ? $rss->error() : ''; return "<span style=\"color:red\">Error: <b>Failed to subscribe to '{$url}'</b>" . (!empty($rss_error) ? ": {$rss_error}</span> <span><a href=\"" . urlencode($url) . "\">try to validate it?</a>" : "") . "</span><br>\n"; } $self = $rss->get_link(0, 'self'); $url = html_entity_decode($self ? $self : $rss->subscribe_url(), ENT_QUOTES); $feed = fof_db_get_feed_by_url($url); if (empty($feed)) { /* cooked url does not exist, add it */ $new_feed_id = fof_db_add_feed($url, $rss->get_title(), $rss->get_link(), $rss->get_description()); if (empty($new_feed_id)) { return "<span style=\"color:red\">Error: <b>Failed to subscribe to '{$url}'</b></span<br>\n"; } $feed = fof_db_get_feed_by_id($new_feed_id); /* assert(!empty($feed)) */ } } if (fof_db_is_subscribed($user_id, $url)) { return "<span>You are already subscribed to '" . fof_render_feed_link($feed) . "'.</span><br>\n"; } /* subscribe to the feed */ fof_db_add_subscription($user_id, $feed['feed_id']); /* update the feed */ list($n, $err) = fof_update_feed($new_feed_id); if (!empty($err)) { return "<span style=\"color:red\">{$err}</span><br>\n"; } /* set requested existing items unread */ if ($unread != 'no') { fof_db_mark_feed_unread($user_id, $feed['feed_id'], $unread); } /* set tags for user on any existing items */ fof_apply_plugin_tags($feed['feed_id'], NULL, $user_id); return "<span style=\"color:green\"><b>Subscribed to '" . fof_render_feed_link($feed) . "'.</b></span><br>\n"; }