public function update($id, $params) { $status = Response::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST; $data = array(); unset($params['status_id']); $lang_code = $this->safeGet($params, 'lang_code', DEFAULT_LANGUAGE); $status_data = fn_get_status_by_id($id, $lang_code); if (empty($status_data)) { $status = Response::STATUS_NOT_FOUND; } else { $params['status'] = $status_data['status']; $status_name = fn_update_status($status_data['status'], $params, $status_data['type']); if ($status_name) { $status = Response::STATUS_OK; $data = array('status_id' => $id); } } return array('status' => $status, 'data' => $data); }
function fn_rus_payments_install() { $payments = fn_get_schema('rus_payments', 'processors', 'php', true); if (!empty($payments)) { foreach ($payments as $payment) { $processor_id = db_get_field("SELECT processor_id FROM ?:payment_processors WHERE admin_template = ?s", $payment['admin_template']); if (empty($processor_id)) { db_query('INSERT INTO ?:payment_processors ?e', $payment); } else { db_query("UPDATE ?:payment_processors SET ?u WHERE processor_id = ?i", $payment, $processor_id); } } } $statuses = fn_get_schema('rus_payments', 'statuses', 'php', true); if (!empty($statuses)) { foreach ($statuses as $status_name => $status_data) { $status = fn_update_status('', $status_data, $status_data['type']); fn_set_storage_data($status_name, $status); } } }
function fn_call_requests_addon_install() { // Order statuses $exists = db_get_field("SELECT status_id FROM ?:statuses WHERE status = ?s AND type = ?s", 'Y', STATUSES_ORDER); if (!$exists) { fn_update_status('', array('status' => 'Y', 'is_default' => 'Y', 'description' => __('call_requests.awaiting_call'), 'email_subj' => __('call_requests.awaiting_call'), 'email_header' => __('call_requests.awaiting_call'), 'params' => array('color' => '#cc4125', 'notify' => 'Y', 'notify_department' => 'Y', 'repay' => 'Y', 'inventory' => 'D')), STATUSES_ORDER); } }
function fn_anti_fraud_add_status() { $status_data = array('type' => 'O', 'description' => 'Fraud checking', 'params' => array('notify' => 'Y', 'notify_department' => 'Y', 'inventory' => 'D', 'remove_cc_info' => 'Y', 'repay' => 'N', 'appearance_type' => 'D', 'allow_return' => 'N')); Settings::instance()->updateValue('antifraud_order_status', fn_update_status('', $status_data, 'O'), 'anti_fraud'); }
* This is commercial software, only users who have purchased a valid * * license and accept to the terms of the License Agreement can install * * and use this program. * * * **************************************************************************** * PLEASE READ THE FULL TEXT OF THE SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT IN THE * * "copyright.txt" FILE PROVIDED WITH THIS DISTRIBUTION PACKAGE. * ****************************************************************************/ use Tygh\Registry; if (!defined('BOOTSTRAP')) { die('Access denied'); } if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { fn_trusted_vars('status_data'); if ($mode == 'update') { fn_update_status($_REQUEST['status'], $_REQUEST['status_data'], $_REQUEST['type']); } if ($mode == 'delete') { if (!empty($_REQUEST['status'])) { if (fn_delete_status($_REQUEST['status'], $_REQUEST['type'])) { $count = db_get_field("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?:statuses"); if (empty($count)) { Tygh::$app['view']->display('views/statuses/manage.tpl'); } } } exit; } return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_OK, 'statuses.manage?type=' . $_REQUEST['type']); } if ($mode == 'update') {
function fn_call_requests_addon_install() { // Order statuses $existing_status_id = fn_get_status_id('Y', STATUSES_ORDER); if (!$existing_status_id) { fn_update_status('', array('status' => 'Y', 'is_default' => 'Y', 'description' => __('call_requests.awaiting_call'), 'email_subj' => __('call_requests.awaiting_call'), 'email_header' => __('call_requests.awaiting_call'), 'params' => array('color' => '#cc4125', 'notify' => 'Y', 'notify_department' => 'Y', 'repay' => 'Y', 'inventory' => 'D')), STATUSES_ORDER); } }
/** * Functions */ function fn_yandex_market_addon_install() { // Order statuses $statuses = array(array('status' => 'X', 'is_default' => 'N', 'description' => __('yml_status_pickup'), 'email_subj' => __('yml_status_pickup'), 'email_header' => __('yml_status_pickup'), 'params' => array('color' => '#6aa84f', 'notify' => 'Y', 'notify_department' => 'N', 'repay' => 'N', 'inventory' => 'D')), array('status' => 'W', 'is_default' => 'N', 'description' => __('yml_status_delivered'), 'email_subj' => __('yml_status_delivered'), 'email_header' => __('yml_status_delivered'), 'params' => array('color' => '#76a5af', 'notify' => 'N', 'notify_department' => 'N', 'repay' => 'N', 'inventory' => 'D'))); foreach ($statuses as $status) { $exists = db_get_field("SELECT status_id FROM ?:statuses WHERE status = ?s AND type = ?s", $status['status'], STATUSES_ORDER); if (!$exists) { fn_update_status('', $status, STATUSES_ORDER); } } }