function fn_ftp_chmod_file($filename, $perm = DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS, $recursive = false) { $result = false; $ftp = Registry::get('ftp_connection'); if (is_resource($ftp)) { $dest = dirname($filename); $dest = rtrim($dest, '/') . '/'; // force adding trailing slash to path $rel_path = str_replace(Registry::get('config.dir.root') . '/', '', $dest); $cdir = ftp_pwd($ftp); if (empty($rel_path)) { // if rel_path is empty, assume it's root directory $rel_path = $cdir; } if (@ftp_chdir($ftp, $rel_path)) { $result = @ftp_site($ftp, 'CHMOD ' . sprintf('0%o', $perm) . ' ' . fn_basename($filename)); if ($recursive) { $path = fn_normalize_path($cdir . '/' . $rel_path . fn_basename($filename)); if (is_dir($path)) { $_files = fn_get_dir_contents($path, true, true, '', '', true); if (!empty($_files)) { foreach ($_files as $_file) { fn_ftp_chmod_file($path . '/' . $_file, $perm, false); } } } } ftp_chdir($ftp, $cdir); } } return $result; }
/** * Converts URL ( to CSS property ( url("../a.png") ) * @param string $style_id style ID * @param array $style_data style data (fields) * @return array modified style data */ private function urlToCss($style_id, $style_data) { $patterns_url = Patterns::instance($this->params)->getUrl($style_id, true); if (!empty($this->schema['backgrounds']['fields'])) { foreach ($this->schema['backgrounds']['fields'] as $field) { if (!empty($field['properties']['pattern'])) { $var_name = $field['properties']['pattern']; if (!empty($style_data[$var_name]) && strpos($style_data[$var_name], '//') !== false) { $url = preg_replace('/url\\([\'"]?(.*?)[\'"]?\\)/', '$1', $style_data[$var_name]); if (strpos($url, '//') === 0) { $url = 'http:' . $url; } $url = fn_normalize_path($url); if (strpos($url, $patterns_url) !== false) { $url = str_replace($patterns_url, '..', $url); if (strpos($url, '?') !== false) { // URL is parsed by Less::parseUrls method, so remove everything after ? list($url) = explode('?', $url); } } elseif ($style_id) { // external url $tmp_file = fn_create_temp_file(); fn_put_contents($tmp_file, fn_get_contents($url)); $_style = Patterns::instance($this->params)->save($style_id, array('data' => $style_data), array($var_name => array('name' => fn_basename($url), 'path' => $tmp_file))); $style_data = $_style['data']; continue; // assignment done in save method } $style_data[$var_name] = 'url(' . $url . ')'; } } } } return $style_data; }
/** * Create temporary file for uploaded file * * @param $val file path * @return array $val */ function fn_get_server_data($val) { $tmp = fn_strip_slashes($val); if (defined('IS_WINDOWS')) { $tmp = str_replace('\\', '/', $tmp); } if (strpos($tmp, DIR_ROOT) === 0) { $tmp = substr_replace($tmp, '', 0, strlen(DIR_ROOT)); } $val = array(); setlocale(LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF8'); $val['name'] = basename($tmp); $val['path'] = fn_normalize_path(DIR_ROOT . '/' . $tmp); $tempfile = fn_create_temp_file(); fn_copy($val['path'], $tempfile); clearstatcache(); $val['path'] = $tempfile; $val['size'] = filesize($val['path']); $cache =& Registry::get('temp_fs_data'); if (!isset($cache[$val['path']])) { // cache file to allow multiple usage $cache[$val['path']] = $tempfile; } return $val; }
function fn_get_default_layouts_sources($theme_name = '', $themes_path = '') { $layouts_sources = array(); if (empty($themes_path)) { $themes_path = fn_get_theme_path('[themes]', 'C'); } if (empty($theme_name)) { $installed_themes = fn_get_dir_contents($themes_path, true); foreach ($installed_themes as $theme_name) { $layouts_sources = array_merge($layouts_sources, fn_get_default_layouts_sources($theme_name, $themes_path)); } } else { $layouts_path = $themes_path . '/' . $theme_name . '/layouts/'; $layouts = fn_get_dir_contents($layouts_path, false, true, '.xml'); foreach ($layouts as $layout_name) { $layout_path = fn_normalize_path($layouts_path . $layout_name); if (file_exists($layout_path)) { $layout_data = Exim::instance(Registry::get('runtime.company_id'), 0, $theme_name)->getLayoutData($layout_path, false); if (!empty($layout_data)) { $layout_data['theme_name'] = $theme_name; $layout_data['filename'] = $layout_name; $layouts_sources[] = $layout_data; } } } } return $layouts_sources; }
function fn_te_normalize_path($request, $base_path) { $file = $request['file']; $file_path = $request['file_path']; return fn_normalize_path($base_path . $file_path . '/' . $file); }
function fn_mkdir($dir, $perms = DEFAULT_DIR_PERMISSIONS) { $result = false; // Truncate the full path to related to avoid problems with // some buggy hostings if (strpos($dir, DIR_ROOT) === 0) { $dir = './' . substr($dir, strlen(DIR_ROOT) + 1); $old_dir = getcwd(); chdir(DIR_ROOT); } if (!empty($dir)) { $result = true; if (@(!is_dir($dir))) { $dir = fn_normalize_path($dir, '/'); $path = ''; $dir_arr = array(); if (strstr($dir, '/')) { $dir_arr = explode('/', $dir); } else { $dir_arr[] = $dir; } foreach ($dir_arr as $k => $v) { $path .= (empty($k) ? '' : '/') . $v; if (!@is_dir($path)) { umask(0); mkdir($path, $perms); } } } } if (!empty($old_dir)) { chdir($old_dir); } return $result; }
fn_trusted_vars('content'); $ext = fn_strtolower(fn_get_file_ext($_REQUEST['file'])); if ($ext == 'tpl') { $theme_path = fn_get_theme_path('[themes]/[theme]/templates/', 'C'); if (fn_put_contents($_REQUEST['file'], $_REQUEST['content'], $theme_path)) { fn_set_notification('N', __('notice'), __('text_file_saved', array('[file]' => fn_basename($_REQUEST['file'])))); } } return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT, $_REQUEST['current_url']); } if ($mode == 'restore_template') { $copied = false; $full_path = fn_get_theme_path('[themes]/[theme]', 'C') . '/templates/' . $_REQUEST['file']; if (fn_check_path($full_path)) { $c_name = fn_normalize_path($full_path); $r_name = fn_normalize_path(Registry::get('config.dir.themes_repository') . Registry::get('config.base_theme') . '/templates/' . $_REQUEST['file']); if (is_file($r_name)) { $copied = fn_copy($r_name, $c_name); } if ($copied) { fn_set_notification('N', __('notice'), __('text_file_restored', array('[file]' => fn_basename($_REQUEST['file'])))); } else { fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __('text_cannot_restore_file', array('[file]' => fn_basename($_REQUEST['file'])))); } if ($copied) { if (defined('AJAX_REQUEST')) { Registry::get('ajax')->assign('force_redirection', fn_url($_REQUEST['current_url'])); Registry::get('ajax')->assign('non_ajax_notifications', true); } return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_OK, $_REQUEST['current_url']); }
} if (Registry::get('config.demo_mode')) { // ElFinder should not work in demo mode $message = json_encode(array('error' => __('error_demo_mode'))); exit($message); } if (AREA == 'C') { if (!Registry::get('runtime.customization_mode.live_editor')) { die('Access denied'); } } $private_files_path = fn_get_files_dir_path(); $public_files_path = fn_get_public_files_path(); fn_mkdir($private_files_path); fn_mkdir($public_files_path); $start_path = ''; if (!empty($_REQUEST['init']) && !empty($_REQUEST['start_path'])) { unset($_GET['target']); $start_path = fn_normalize_path($private_files_path . $_REQUEST['start_path']); if (strpos($start_path, $private_files_path) !== 0) { $start_path = ''; } } $extra_path = str_replace(Storage::instance('images')->getAbsolutePath(''), '', $public_files_path); $opts = array('roots' => array(array('driver' => 'Tygh\\ElFinder\\Volume', 'uploadDeny' => Registry::get('config.forbidden_mime_types'), 'fileMode' => DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS, 'dirMode' => DEFAULT_DIR_PERMISSIONS, 'uploadMaxSize' => Bootstrap::getIniParam('upload_max_filesize', true), 'alias' => __('private_files'), 'tmbPath' => '', 'path' => $private_files_path, 'startPath' => $start_path, 'mimeDetect' => 'internal', 'archiveMimes' => array('application/zip'), 'icon' => Registry::get('config.current_location') . '/js/lib/elfinder/img/volume_icon_local.png'), array('driver' => 'Tygh\\ElFinder\\Volume', 'uploadDeny' => Registry::get('config.forbidden_mime_types'), 'fileMode' => DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS, 'dirMode' => DEFAULT_DIR_PERMISSIONS, 'uploadMaxSize' => Bootstrap::getIniParam('upload_max_filesize', true), 'alias' => __('public_files'), 'tmbPath' => '', 'path' => $public_files_path, 'URL' => Storage::instance('images')->getUrl($extra_path), 'mimeDetect' => 'internal', 'archiveMimes' => array('application/zip'), 'icon' => Registry::get('config.current_location') . '/js/lib/elfinder/img/volume_icon_local.png'))); if ($mode == 'images') { unset($opts['roots'][0]); } $connector = new \elFinderConnector(new Core($opts)); $connector->run(); exit;
/** * Installs theme * * @param int $layout_id layout ID to create logo for * @param string $theme_name theme name * @param int $company_id company ID * @return boolean always true */ function fn_install_theme($theme_name, $company_id = null, $install_layouts = true) { // Copy files fn_install_theme_files($theme_name, $theme_name, true); Settings::instance()->updateValue('theme_name', $theme_name, '', true, $company_id); $repo_dest = fn_get_theme_path('[themes]/' . $theme_name, 'C', $company_id, false); $logo_ids = array(); // Import theme layout $layouts = fn_get_dir_contents($repo_dest . '/layouts/', false, true, '.xml'); // FIXME: Backward compability for layouts if (empty($layouts) && file_exists($repo_dest . '/layouts.xml')) { $layouts = array('../layouts.xml'); } if (!empty($layouts) && $install_layouts) { foreach ($layouts as $layout_name) { $layout_path = fn_normalize_path($repo_dest . '/layouts/' . $layout_name); if (file_exists($layout_path)) { $layout_id = Exim::instance($company_id, 0, $theme_name)->importFromFile($layout_path, array('override_by_dispatch' => true, 'clean_up' => true, 'import_style' => 'create')); if (empty($layout_id)) { continue; } $layout_data = Layout::instance()->get($layout_id); $_o_ids = fn_create_theme_logos_by_layout_id($theme_name, $layout_id, $company_id, false, $layout_data['style_id']); $logo_ids = array_merge($logo_ids, $_o_ids); } } } else { $params = array('theme_name' => $theme_name); $exists = Layout::instance($company_id)->getList($params); if (empty($exists)) { $layout_id = Layout::instance($company_id)->update(array('name' => __('main'), 'theme_name' => $theme_name, 'is_default' => 1)); $layout_data = Layout::instance()->get($layout_id); $logo_ids = fn_create_theme_logos_by_layout_id($theme_name, $layout_id, $company_id, false, $layout_data['style_id']); } } return $logo_ids; }
/** * Finds file and return real path to it * * @param string $prefix path to search in * @param string $file Filename, can be URL, absolute or relative path * @return mixed String path to the file or false if file is not found. */ function fn_find_file($prefix, $file) { $file = Bootstrap::stripSlashes($file); // Url if (strpos($file, '://') !== false) { return $file; } $prefix = fn_normalize_path(rtrim($prefix, '/')); $file = fn_normalize_path($file); $files_path = fn_get_files_dir_path(); // Absolute path if (is_file($file) && strpos($file, $files_path) === 0) { return $file; } // Path is relative to files directory if (is_file($files_path . $file)) { return $files_path . $file; } // Path is relative to prefix inside files directory if (is_file($files_path . $prefix . '/' . $file)) { return $files_path . $prefix . '/' . $file; } // Prefix is absolute path if (strpos($prefix, $files_path) === 0 && is_file($prefix . '/' . $file)) { return $prefix . '/' . $file; } return false; }
function fn_update_image($image_data, $image_id = '0', $image_type = 'product', $rev_data = array(), $lang_code = CART_LANGUAGE) { $table = 'images_links'; $itable = 'images'; $images_path = $image_type . '/'; $cond = ''; $_data = array(); if (!empty($rev_data)) { $table = 'rev_images_links'; $itable = 'rev_images'; $images_path = $image_type . '_rev/'; $cond = db_quote(" AND revision = ?s AND revision_id = ?i", $rev_data['revision'], $rev_data['revision_id']); $_data['revision'] = $rev_data['revision']; $_data['revision_id'] = $rev_data['revision_id']; } if (empty($image_id)) { $max_id = db_get_field("SELECT MAX(image_id) FROM ?:{$itable}"); $images_path .= floor($max_id / MAX_FILES_IN_DIR) . "/"; } else { $images_path .= floor($image_id / MAX_FILES_IN_DIR) . "/"; } if (!fn_mkdir(DIR_IMAGES . $images_path)) { return false; } list($_data['image_x'], $_data['image_y'], $mime_type) = fn_get_image_size($image_data['path']); // Get the real image type $ext = fn_get_image_extension($mime_type); if (strpos($image_data['name'], '.') !== false) { $image_data['name'] = substr_replace($image_data['name'], $ext, strrpos($image_data['name'], '.') + 1); } else { $image_data['name'] .= '.' . $ext; } $fd = fopen($image_data['path'], "rb", true); if (!empty($fd)) { // Check if image path already set $image_path = db_get_field("SELECT image_path FROM ?:{$itable} WHERE image_id = ?i ?p", $image_id, $cond); // Delete image file if already exists if ($image_path != $image_data['name'] && empty($rev_data)) { fn_delete_file(DIR_IMAGES . $images_path . $image_path); } // Generate new filename if file with the same name is already exists if (file_exists(DIR_IMAGES . $images_path . $image_data['name']) && $image_path != $image_data['name']) { $image_data['name'] = substr_replace($image_data['name'], uniqid(time()) . '.', strrpos($image_data['name'], '.'), 1); } $_data['image_path'] = $image_data['name']; if (@fn_rename($image_data['path'], DIR_IMAGES . $images_path . $image_data['name']) == false) { fn_copy($image_data['path'], DIR_IMAGES . $images_path . $image_data['name']); @unlink($image_data['path']); } fclose($fd); } $_data['image_size'] = $image_data['size']; $_data['image_path'] = empty($_data['image_path']) ? '' : fn_normalize_path($_data['image_path']); if (!empty($image_id)) { db_query("UPDATE ?:{$itable} SET ?u WHERE image_id = ?i ?p", $_data, $image_id, $cond); } else { $image_id = db_query("INSERT INTO ?:{$itable} ?e", $_data); } return $image_id; }
$ajax->assign('img', Registry::get('config.http_location') . str_replace(DIR_ROOT, '', $fname)); } else { $ajax->assign('content', fn_get_contents($fname)); } } exit; } elseif ($mode == 'restore') { $copied = false; $file = basename($_REQUEST['file']); $c_name = fn_normalize_path(DIR_SKINS . $current_path . $file); $b_path = fn_normalize_path($current_path); // First, try to restore object from the base repository $arr = explode('/', $b_path); $arr[0] = 'base'; $b_path = implode('/', $arr); $b_name = fn_normalize_path(DIR_SKINS . $b_path . $file); $o_name = str_replace('/skins/', '/var/skins_repository/', $b_name); $object_base = is_file($o_name) ? 'file' : (is_dir($o_name) ? 'directory' : ''); if (!empty($object_base)) { $copied = fn_copy($o_name, $c_name); } $o_name = str_replace('/skins/', '/var/skins_repository/', $c_name); $object_scheme = is_file($o_name) ? 'file' : (is_dir($o_name) ? 'directory' : ''); if (!empty($object_scheme)) { $copied = fn_copy($o_name, $c_name); } $object = is_file($c_name) ? 'file' : (is_dir($c_name) ? 'directory' : ''); if ($copied == true) { $msg = fn_get_lang_var("text_{$object}_restored"); $action_type = ''; } else {
function fn_exim_import_file($product_id, $filename, $path, $delete_files = 'N') { $path = fn_get_files_dir_path() . fn_normalize_path($path); // Clean up the directory above if flag is set if ($delete_files == 'Y') { fn_delete_product_file_folders(0, $product_id); fn_delete_product_files(0, $product_id); } // Check if we have several files $files = fn_explode(',', $filename); $folders = array(); // Create folders foreach ($files as $file) { if (strpos($file, '/') !== false) { list($folder) = fn_explode('/', $file); if (!isset($folders[$folder])) { $folder_data = array('product_id' => $product_id, 'folder_name' => $folder); $folders[$folder] = fn_update_product_file_folder($folder_data, 0); } } } // Copy files foreach ($files as $file) { if (strpos($file, '/') !== false) { list($folder_name, $file) = fn_explode('/', $file); } else { $folder_name = ''; } if (strpos($file, '#') !== false) { list($f, $pr) = fn_explode('#', $file); } else { $f = $file; $pr = ''; } $file = fn_find_file($path, $f); if (!empty($file)) { $uploads = array('file_base_file' => array($file), 'type_base_file' => array('server')); if (!empty($pr)) { $preview = fn_find_file($path, $pr); if (!empty($preview)) { $uploads['file_file_preview'] = array($preview); $uploads['type_file_preview'] = array('server'); } } else { $uploads['file_file_preview'] = ""; $uploads['type_file_preview'] = ""; } $_REQUEST = fn_array_merge($_REQUEST, $uploads); // not good to add data to $_REQUEST $file_data = array('product_id' => $product_id); if (!empty($folder_name)) { $file_data['folder_id'] = $folders[$folder_name]; } if (fn_update_product_file($file_data, 0) == false) { return false; } } } return true; }
/** * Checks if path to directory/file is under base directory * @param string $base_dir base directory * @param string $path path to be checked * @return boolean true if path is valid, false - otherwise */ function fn_is_valid_path($base_dir, $path) { $base_dir = rtrim($base_dir, '/') . '/'; if (strpos($path, $base_dir) !== 0) { // relative path $path = fn_normalize_path($base_dir . $path); } if (strpos($path, $base_dir) !== 0) { return false; } return true; }
if ($ext == 'tpl') { $ajax->assign('content', fn_get_contents($_REQUEST['file'], DIR_SKINS . Registry::get('config.skin_name') . '/' . AREA_NAME . '/')); } exit; } elseif ($mode == 'save_template') { fn_trusted_vars('content'); if (defined('DEVELOPMENT')) { exit; } $ext = strtolower(fn_get_file_ext($_REQUEST['file'])); if ($ext == 'tpl') { fn_put_contents($_REQUEST['file'], $_REQUEST['content'], DIR_SKINS . Registry::get('config.skin_name') . '/' . AREA_NAME . '/'); } return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_OK, $_REQUEST['current_url']); } elseif ($mode == 'restore_template') { $copied = false; $full_path = DIR_SKINS . Registry::get('config.skin_name') . '/' . AREA_NAME . '/' . $_REQUEST['file']; if (fn_check_path($full_path)) { $c_name = fn_normalize_path($full_path); $r_name = str_replace('/skins/', '/var/skins_repository/', $c_name); if (is_file($r_name)) { $copied = fn_copy($r_name, $c_name); } $msg = $copied ? fn_get_lang_var("text_file_restored") : fn_get_lang_var("text_cannot_restore_file"); fn_set_notification('N', fn_get_lang_var('notice'), str_replace("[file]", basename($_REQUEST['file']), $msg)); if ($copied) { return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_OK, $_REQUEST['current_url']); } } exit; }