Ejemplo n.º 1
function encrypt($value)
    $key = "kish38bapi84bagi80nacho76deepu94";
    $crypt = fnEncrypt($value, $key);
    $crypt = fnEncrypt($crypt, $key);
    return sha1($crypt);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    mysql_query($str, $plink);
$strYearABC = "SELECT abcd FROM o_year WHERE year='{$hohsnY}' limit 1 ";
$qqYabc = mysql_query($strYearABC, $plink);
$f_Yabc = @mysql_fetch_array($qqYabc);
$f6no = substr($card_no, 0, 6);
$c5no = substr($card_no, 6, 5);
$lsno = substr($card_no, 11, 5);
$str = "insert into o_cdno ";
$str .= "(aa,sr,f6no,c5no,lsno,year_abc)";
$str .= "values(0,'{$aa}',AES_ENCRYPT('{$f6no}','{$key_str_ch}'),AES_ENCRYPT('{$c5no}','{$key_str_ch}'),AES_ENCRYPT('{$lsno}','{$key_str_ch}'),'{$f_Yabc['abcd']}')";
$result = mysql_query($str, $plink);
$Obgm_exdt = fnEncrypt($exp, $ap_KEY, $ap_IV);
$str_bgm = "insert into o_bgm (aa,sr,exdt,bgm,us_id,cd_name,bh_dt) values (0,'{$aa}','{$Obgm_exdt}','','','','')";
mysql_query($str_bgm, $plink);
if ($bank_only) {
    //先將,點濾除, 確定是否全為數字
    $bank_allnub = chNumber(str_replace(',', '', $bank_only));
    if ($bank_allnub) {
        //非全數字, 以銀行名稱處理
        $str = "insert into o_bank_only (sr,bank)values('{$aa}','{$bank_only}')";
        mysql_query($str, $plink);
        $card6no = substr($card_no, 0, 6);
        $str = "SELECT bank FROM any_cardno where cardno='{$card6no}' limit 1 ";
        $q = mysql_query($str, $plink);
Ejemplo n.º 3
//uploading file content
if ($_FILES["userfile"]["error"] > 0) {
    echo "Error: " . $_FILES["userfile"]["error"] . "<br>";
} else {
    //Store these things in table
    $fn1 = $_FILES["userfile"]["tmp_name"];
    //Use the tmp_name always to get file content
    $type = $_FILES["userfile"]["type"];
    $size = $_FILES["userfile"]["size"];
    $file = file_get_contents($fn1);
    $len = strlen($file);
    $datakey = md5($file);
    $username = $un;
    $password2 = $pw;
    $file = fnEncrypt($file, $datakey);
    $file = fnEncrypt($file, $password2);
    $filename = $_FILES["userfile"]["name"];
    //add key to escrow system
    $con = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die('could not open database');
    mysql_select_db("key_escrow", $con) or die('could not connect with database');
    $sql = "insert into keys_db values(\"{$username}\",\"{$datakey}\",\"{$new_id}\",\"{$len}\")";
    mysql_query($sql, $con) or die(mysql_error());
    //store file
    $con = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die('could not open database');
    mysql_select_db("cloud", $con) or die('could not connect with database');
    for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) {
        $sql = "insert into cloudpart" . $i . " values(\"{$file}\",\"{$type}\",\"{$size}\",\"{$username}\",\"{$password2}\",\"{$filename}\",\"{$new_id}\")";
        mysql_query($sql, $con) or die('couldnot execute the order');
Ejemplo n.º 4
function DBSavePost($post_id, $pinned, $boardName, $title, $content, $user_id, $added_tags, $deleted_tags)
    $date = getTime();
    global $db;
    $stmt = $db->stmt_init();
    if ($stmt->prepare('CALL Check_Post_Owner(?,?)')) {
        $stmt->bind_param('ii', $post_id, $user_id);
        if ($result == 0 || $post_id == -1) {
            $stmt = $db->stmt_init();
            //htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8', false)
            if ($stmt->prepare('CALL Save_Post(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)')) {
                $stmt->bind_param('isiissii', $post_id, $boardName, $user_id, $pinned, $title, $content, $date, $date);
                $post_id_out = NULL;
                if ($added_tags != null) {
                    for ($t = 0; $t < sizeof($added_tags); $t++) {
                        DBSavePostTag($post_id_out, $added_tags[$t], "Save");
                if ($deleted_tags != null) {
                    for ($t = 0; $t < sizeof($deleted_tags); $t++) {
                        DBSavePostTag($post_id_out, $deleted_tags[$t], "Delete");
                if ($post_id_out > 0) {
                    $encoded_post_id = str_replace("/", "SLASH", fnEncrypt("p" . $post_id_out));
                    $user_dir = "../tmp/" . $user_id . "/";
                    $target_dir = "../upload/" . $encoded_post_id . "/";
                    $files = directory_to_array($user_dir);
                    // if there are more than 0 files in the ../tmp/[UserID] directory
                    if (sizeof($files) > 0) {
                        // if ../upload/[UserID] direcoty does not exists, create the directory
                        if (!(file_exists($target_dir) && is_dir($target_dir))) {
                            @mkdir($target_dir, 0777, true);
                        } else {
                            //delete all files
                        $index = 0;
                        while ($file = $files[$index++]) {
                            $filesize = filesize($file);
                            $filealias = end(explode("/", $file));
                            $fileextension = end(explode(".", $filealias));
                            $filename = substr($filealias, 14);
                            $fileDirectory = $target_dir . $filename;
                            $fileAddress = publicUrl . "/upload/" . $encoded_post_id . "/" . $filename;
                            //DB Save
                            //$result = DBSaveUploadFile($fileextension, $post_id_out, -1, $filesize, $fileDirectory, $fileAddress);
                            //Check Image is in the DOM
                            $doc = new DOMDocument();
                            @$doc->loadHTML(mb_convert_encoding($content, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8'));
                            $tags = $doc->getElementsByTagName('img');
                            foreach ($tags as $tag) {
                                $source = $tag->getAttribute('src');
                                if ($source == $user_dir . $filealias) {
                                    $tag->setAttribute('src', $fileDirectory);
                            $newContent = @$doc->saveHTML('body');
                            $newContent = str_replace('<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd">', '', $newContent);
                            $stmt = $db->stmt_init();
                            //htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8', false)
                            if ($stmt->prepare('CALL Save_Post(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)')) {
                                $stmt->bind_param('isiissii', $post_id, $boardName, $user_id, $pinned, $title, $newContent, $date, $date);
                                $post_id_out = NULL;
                            //Move file from /tmp/ to /upload/
                            rename($file, $user_dir . $filename);
                            copy($user_dir . $filename, $target_dir . $filename);
                            unlink($user_dir . $filename);
                return $post_id_out;
    return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 5
    return $strTemp;
# Function Name: string fnKeyED($strString,$strKey)
# Created By: Clarion Tech.
# Created On:
# Purpose: To encrypt/decrypt the key. This function is not called directly.
#			 The fnEncrypt() and fnDecrypt() functions call this function internally
# Parameters: string $strString: The encryption/decryption string
#				string $strKey:	The encryption/decryption key
# ON SUCCESS: Returns the encrypted/decrypted key
#	ON FAILURE: Returns empty string
function fnKeyED($strString, $strEncryptKey)
    $strEncryptKey = md5($strEncryptKey);
    $intCtr = 0;
    $strTemp = "";
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($strString); $i++) {
        if ($intCtr == strlen($strEncryptKey)) {
            $intCtr = 0;
        $strTemp .= substr($strString, $i, 1) ^ substr($strEncryptKey, $intCtr, 1);
    return $strTemp;
echo fnEncrypt("naveed", "key");
echo "<br>";
echo fnEncrypt("CjRUZlN3AT0AP1Iy", "key");
Ejemplo n.º 6
function DBDeleteComment($cId, $user_id, $files)
    //echo json_encode_unescaped($files);
    global $db;
    $stmt = $db->stmt_init();
    if ($stmt->prepare('CALL Check_Comment_Owner(?,?)')) {
        $stmt->bind_param('ii', $cId, $user_id);
        if ($result == 0 || $_SESSION['UserLevel'] == admin_level) {
            if ($files != null) {
                foreach ($files as $filename) {
                    $encoded_comment_id = str_replace("/", "SLASH", fnEncrypt("c" . $cId));
                    $target_dir = "../upload/" . $encoded_comment_id . "/" . $filename;
                    if (file_exists($target_dir)) {
                @rmdir("../upload/" . $encoded_comment_id . "/");
            $stmt = $db->stmt_init();
            if ($stmt->prepare('CALL Delete_Comment(?)')) {
                $stmt->bind_param('i', $cId);
Ejemplo n.º 7

include 'inc/auth.php';
include 'inc/api.php';
include 'inc/aes.php';
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
if ($auth) {
    header("location: wallet.php");
} else {
    if (Login($_POST['addr'], $_POST['key'])) {
        $_SESSION['addr'] = $_POST['addr'];
        $key = $_POST['key'];
        // new encryption key
        $key = fnEncrypt($key, "39ebb8b644e3de68e4801eaf9ba");
        $_SESSION['key'] = $key;
        header("location: wallet.php");
    } else {
        header("location: index.php?error=login");
Ejemplo n.º 8
$cook = $_COOKIE["gauth"];
echo "gauth cookie:   " . $cook;
echo "<br />";
//	echo "gauth cookie after base64decode:   ".base64_decode($_COOKIE["gauth"]);
//	echo "<br />";
//$cook = base64_decode($_COOKIE["gauth"]);
$cook = fnDecrypt($cook, $key);
echo $cook;
echo "<hr />";
echo "is it an array" . (is_array($cook) ? "true" : "false");
echo "<hr />";
$cook = json_decode($cook);
echo "<hr />";
echo "is it an array" . (is_array($cook) ? "true" : "false");
echo "<hr />";
$msg = "my little secret";
$new_value = fnEncrypt($msg, $key);
echo $new_value;
echo "<br />";
echo fnDecrypt($new_value, $key);
echo "<br />";
 * Outputs:
 * $ php crypt.php 
 * ?8@??DX<;]I:"??0???@FԦc??m?ܠ??B'?ȫĵ?7}?????cJC?7???
 * vi4XRU7Y93ogVMXuunUtmlYIqxlUHpLFa44Nuah8RJc=
 * my little secret
Ejemplo n.º 9
function SendForgotPasswordEmail($email)
    $to = $email;
    $subject = 'Forgot Password';
    $message = "To reset your password, please click the link below: \r\n";
    $message = $message . '<' . publicUrl . '/backend/get.php?t=10&c=' . urlencode(fnEncrypt($email . "~" . getTime())) . "> \r\n\r\n";
    $message = $message . "UWKSA Web Team";
    $headers = 'From: web@uwksa.ca';
    mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        $UNIC = $devID + $rnd_server;
        $UNIC = $UNIC + $pid_server;
        $crcDevpayload = md5($UNIC);
        if (trim($developerPayload) == $crcDevpayload) {
            // all thing is ok
            // buy prosses should end
            // make dl link and send password
            if (trim($purchaseState) == BILLING_RESPONSE_RESULT_OK) {
                $qr = "SELECT `path`,`password` FROM  `product` where `pid`='{$pid_server}' and `productID`='{$productId}'";
                $res = FetchSqltoArray($qr);
                if ($res) {
                    $qr = "DELETE FROM `buyProsses` WHERE `buyProsses`.`bid` = '{$bid_server}' AND `buyProsses`.`pid` = '{$pid_server}'  LIMIT 1";
                    $qr = "INSERT INTO `buyed` (`bid` ,`pid`,`orderID`)VALUES ('" . $bid_server . "',  '" . $pid_server . "',  '" . $orderID . "');";
                    $returnVal = $res[0]['path'] . "aminOmid" . $res[0]['password'];
                    $returnVal = fnEncrypt($returnVal, "1234567890abcdef", $devID);
                    echo $returnVal;
            } else {
                die("PAYMENT NOT ACCEPTED");
        } else {
            die("PayLoad ID not accepted");
    } else {
        die(" this buyer not accepted");
} else {
    echo "false";
Ejemplo n.º 11
$f6no = substr($card_no, 0, 6);
$c5no = substr($card_no, 6, 5);
$lsno = substr($card_no, 11, 5);
$str = "insert into o_cdno ";
$str .= "(aa,sr,f6no,c5no,lsno,year_abc)";
$str .= "values(0,'{$aa}',AES_ENCRYPT('{$f6no}','{$key_str_ch}'),AES_ENCRYPT('{$c5no}','{$key_str_ch}'),AES_ENCRYPT('{$lsno}','{$key_str_ch}'),'{$f_Yabc['abcd']}')";
$result = mysql_query($str, $plink);
if (!$result) {
    $title = "Credit建立單號o_cdno-SQL執行失敗";
    $msg = "SQL執行失敗! " . mysql_error() . "<hr size=1>" . $str . "<br>";
    $msg .= "<hr size=1>於 pay-web 執行的 from_ssl.php 執行時間 " . number_format(microtime(true) - $t1, 3) . " 秒<br>" . date("Y/m/d H:i:s");
    @exec_mail(2, $title, $msg, $filename);
$Obgm_exdt = fnEncrypt($expiry_date, $ap_KEY, $ap_IV);
$us_id = fnEncrypt($Your_ID, $ap_KEY, $ap_IV);
$str_bgm = "insert into o_bgm (aa,sr,exdt,bgm,us_id,cd_name,bh_dt) values (0,'{$aa}','{$Obgm_exdt}','','{$us_id}','{$Card_Member_Name}','{$bh_dt}')";
$result = mysql_query($str_bgm, $plink);
if (!$result) {
    $title = "Credit建立單號o_bgm-SQL執行失敗";
    $msg = "SQL執行失敗! " . mysql_error() . "<hr size=1>" . $str_bgm . "<br>";
    $msg .= "<hr size=1>於 pay-web 執行的 from_ssl.php 執行時間 " . number_format(microtime(true) - $t1, 3) . " 秒<br>" . date("Y/m/d H:i:s");
    @exec_mail(2, $title, $msg, $filename);
if ($bank_only) {
    //先將,點濾除, 確定是否全為數字
    $bank_allnub = chNumber(str_replace(',', '', $bank_only));
    //非全數字, 以銀行名稱處理
    if ($bank_allnub) {
        $str = "insert into o_bank_only (sr,bank) values ('{$aa}','{$bank_only}')";
Ejemplo n.º 12
    if ($sps != '3' && $sps != '4') {
        //不是3大特店/4小特店的才送給 neil
        $sValue = "account={$user}";
        $sValue .= "&password={$user}";
        $sValue .= "&merchantName=" . urlencode($corpname);
        $sValue .= "&merhcantID={$client}";
        $sValue .= "&level=1";
        $sValue .= "&mail=" . urlencode($email);
        $sValue .= "&ubn={$corpid}";
        $sValue = fnEncrypt($sValue, $ap_KEY, $ap_IV);
        $sValue = 'id=' . $sValue;
        $ccc = my_curl_id($CreateURE, $sValue);
        if ($rtncode == '1') {
            $ccTXT = '(幕後新增user成功)';
        } else {
            echo $ccc . '<br>';
            echo '(幕後新增user失敗)<br>';
            echo '請重新來過';
} else {
Ejemplo n.º 13
//  與 tiger 作刷卡機的授權通道用
include 'allpay_com.php';
include 'allpay_fn.php';
$ssl_Url = 'https://credit.allpay.com.tw/g_ssl.php?';
$dt = data_cryptNew($TripleDES_key,$TripleDES_iv,$dt,$mode='encrypt');
echo $dt;
list($l, $r) = each($_GET);
//先取得 TripleDES 傳來的值, 反解 , client=513605&card_no=4563121236364545&exp_date=1312&amount=1&od_sob=Tiger_TEST"
$dt = $l;
$dt = data_cryptNew($TripleDES_key, $TripleDES_iv, $dt, $mode = 'decrypt');
$out_dt = "*{$client}*{$card_no}*{$exp_date}*aaa*{$amount}******{$od_sob}*123502147**";
$out_dt = urlencode($out_dt);
$out_dt = fnEncrypt($out_dt, $bk_KEY, $bk_IV);
//========送 授權
$get_dt = $ssl_Url . 'a=ni&client=' . $client . '&dt=' . $out_dt;
$getCode = file($get_dt);
$get_Code = $getCode[0];
echo $get_Code . '##';
//====宏然接收後面得加## , 很重要
Ejemplo n.º 14
    $sssip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
    if ($sssip != '' && $sssip != '' && !matchCIDR($sssip, "")) {
        //這是對 ecbank ip 作放行的動作, 不比對
        if (!$webip_bk || !$ipcheck_bk) {
            echo 'error_無設定主機IP,無法取得驗證碼! ' . "目前抓到的主機IP: {$sssip}";
        $v = substr_count($webip_bk, $sssip);
        if (!$v) {
            echo 'error_非法主機IP,無法取得驗證碼! ' . "目前抓到的主機IP: {$sssip}";
$od_sob = time() . '***' . $od_sob;
$od_sob = fnEncrypt($od_sob, $chma, $ap_IV);
$od_sob = str_replace('+', '_', $od_sob);
$od_sob = str_replace('=', 'X12x38x', $od_sob);
//$od_sob = urlencode($od_sob);
echo $od_sob;
echo '<br>';
$od_sob = str_replace(' ', '+', $od_sob);
$od_sob = fnDecrypt($od_sob, $chma, $ap_IV);
echo $od_sob;
Ejemplo n.º 15
function SendConfirmationEmail($email)
    $to = $email;
    $subject = 'Welcome to UWKSA Website!';
    $message = "Welcome to UWKSA.CA! Please click the link below to complete the sign-up: \r\n";
    $message = $message . '<' . publicUrl . '/backend/get.php?t=7&c=' . urlencode(fnEncrypt($email)) . ">";
    $message = $message . "\r\n\r\n We promise you that all of your personal information will be kept strictly confidential. However, please be advised that UWKSA has the right to permanently block/delete your account (without warning) should we observe any inappropriate behaviours such as spamming, trolling and poor manners. In addition, we do reserve the right to reveal your identity in public if required under extreme circumstances. \r\n \r\n";
    $message = $message . "UWKSA Web Team";
    $headers = 'From: web@uwksa.ca';
    mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
Ejemplo n.º 16
$strYearABC = "SELECT abcd FROM o_year WHERE year='{$hohsnY}' limit 1 ";
$qqYabc = mysql_query($strYearABC, $plink);
$f_Yabc = @mysql_fetch_array($qqYabc);
$f6no = substr($card_no, 0, 6);
$c5no = substr($card_no, 6, 5);
$lsno = substr($card_no, 11, 5);
$str = "insert into o_cdno ";
$str .= "(aa,sr,f6no,c5no,lsno,year_abc)";
$str .= "values(0,'{$aa}',AES_ENCRYPT('{$f6no}','{$key_str_ch}'),AES_ENCRYPT('{$c5no}','{$key_str_ch}'),AES_ENCRYPT('{$lsno}','{$key_str_ch}'),'{$f_Yabc['abcd']}')";
$result = mysql_query($str, $plink);
$Obgm_exdt = fnEncrypt($expiry_date, $ap_KEY, $ap_IV);
$Obgm_bgm = fnEncrypt($bgm, $ap_KEY, $ap_IV);
$str_bgm = "insert into o_bgm (aa,sr,exdt,bgm) values (0,'{$aa}','{$Obgm_exdt}','{$Obgm_bgm}')";
mysql_query($str_bgm, $plink);
if ($bank_only) {
    //============先將,點濾除, 確定是否全為數字
    $bank_allnub = chNumber(str_replace(',', '', $bank_only));
    if ($bank_allnub) {
        //非全數字, 以銀行名稱處理
        $str = "insert into o_bank_only (sr,bank)values('{$aa}','{$bank_only}')";
        mysql_query($str, $plink);
        $card6no = substr($card_no, 0, 6);
        $str = "SELECT bank FROM any_cardno where cardno='{$card6no}' limit 1 ";
        $q = mysql_query($str, $plink);
Ejemplo n.º 17
// 		$index = 0;
// 		while ($file = $files[$index++]) {
// 			$filesize = filesize($file);
// 			$filealias = end(explode("/", $file));
// 			$filename = substr($filealias, 14);
// 			rename ($file, $user_dir.$filename);
// 			copy ($user_dir.$filename, $target_dir.$filename);
// 			unlink($user_dir.$filename);
// 		}
// 	}
// }
$post_id_out = 217;
$user_id = 52;
if ($post_id_out > 0) {
    echo "hi";
    $encoded_post_id = fnEncrypt("p" . $post_id_out);
    $user_dir = "../tmp/" . $user_id . "/";
    $target_dir = "../upload/" . $encoded_post_id . "/";
    $files = directory_to_array($user_dir);
    echo "hi";
    // if there are more than 0 files in the ../tmp/[UserID] directory
    if (sizeof($files) > 0) {
        echo "hi";
        // if ../upload/[UserID] direcoty does not exists, create the directory
        if (!(file_exists($target_dir) && is_dir($target_dir))) {
            @mkdir($target_dir, 0777, true);
        } else {
            //delete all files
        $index = 0;
        while ($file = $files[$index++]) {