public function standings(Request $request) { $year = $request->input('year'); $player = $request->input('player'); if ($year) { return redirect('teams/standings/' . $year); } elseif ($player) { return redirect('players/list/' . $player); } else { flashMessage("Error.", "alert-danger"); return back(); } }
public function setPanelSettings() { $discountRules = getCustomerQuote()->getAppliedDiscountRules(); foreach($discountRules as $discountRule) { if(!empty($discountRule['banners'])) { foreach($discountRule['banners'] as $banner) { flashMessage(getLang('DiscountCongratulations').' '.$banner, MSG_INFO); } } } $messages = getFlashMessageBoxes(); if(!$messages) { $this->DontDisplay = true; return; } $GLOBALS['CartStatusMessage'] = $messages; }
private function EditUserStep2() { // Get the information from the form and add it to the database $userId = $_POST['userId']; $arrData = array(); $arrPerms = array(); $err = ""; $arrUserData = array(); $this->_GetUserData($userId, $arrUserData); // Does this user have permission to edit this user? if($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_ADMIN_AUTH']->GetVendorId() && $arrUserData['uservendorid'] != $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_ADMIN_AUTH']->GetVendorId()) { FlashMessage(GetLang('Unauthorized'), MSG_ERROR, 'index.php?ToDo=viewUsers'); } $this->_GetUserData(0, $arrData); if($arrUserData['pk_userid'] == 1 || $arrUserData['username'] == "admin") { $arrData['username'] = "******"; } $arrPerms = $this->_GetPermissionData(0); // Commit the values to the database if($this->_CommitUser($userId, $arrData, $arrPerms, $err)) { // Log this action if(!isset($arrData['username'])) { $arrData['username'] = '******'; } $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_LOG']->LogAdminAction($userId, $arrData['username']); if($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_ADMIN_AUTH']->HasPermission(AUTH_Manage_Users)) { $this->ManageUsers(GetLang('UserUpdatedSuccessfully'), MSG_SUCCESS); } else { $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_ADMIN_ENGINE']->DoHomePage(GetLang('UserUpdatedSuccessfully'), MSG_SUCCESS); } } else { if($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_ADMIN_AUTH']->HasPermission(AUTH_Manage_Users)) { flashMessage(sprintf(GetLang('ErrUserNotUpdated'), $err), MSG_ERROR, 'index.php?ToDo=editUser&userId='.$userId); } else { $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_ADMIN_ENGINE']->DoHomePage(sprintf(GetLang('ErrUserNotUpdated'), $err), MSG_ERROR); } } }
/** * Handle the ability to copy a tax rate. */ public function copyTaxRateAction() { if(empty($_POST['id'])) { flashMessage(getLang('InvalidTaxZone'), MSG_ERROR, 'index.php?ToDo=viewTaxSettings' ); } $taxRate = $this->getTaxRateById($_POST['id'], true); if(empty($taxRate)) { flashMessage(getLang('InvalidTaxRate'), MSG_ERROR, 'index.php?ToDo=viewTaxSettings' ); } // Update the name $newName = getLang('TaxRateCopyName', array( 'name' => $taxRate['name'] )); // Save the tax rate with a new ID $taxRateId = $this->copyTaxRate($taxRate['id'], $newName); if(!$taxRateId) { flashMessage(getLang('ProblemSavingTaxRate'), MSG_ERROR); $this->handleToDo('editTaxRate'); return; } // Log this action $this->log->logAdminAction($taxRateId, $taxRate['name'], $newName); flashMessage(getLang('TaxRateCopied'), MSG_SUCCESS, 'index.php?ToDo=editTaxRate&id='.$taxRateId ); }
public function toggleNotificacion($id) { $notificacion = Notificacion::find($id); if ($notificacion->user_id != Auth::user()->id) { Response::make('No Permitido', 403); } $notificacion->leido = $notificacion->leido == 0 ? 1 : 0; $notificacion->save(); if (Request::ajax()) { return Response::json($notificacion, 200); } else { flashMessage('Listo'); return Redirect::back(); } }
echo $chemistErr; echo $msg2; ?> </div> <div class="form-group"> <input type="number" class="form-control" name="strips" placeholder=" Strips Sold At Above Chemist" required=""> <?php echo $stripsErr; echo $msg2; ?> </div> <div class="form-group"> <?php if (!empty($exit)) { flashMessage('Already Submitted For The Day ', 'error'); ?> <?php } else { ?> <div class="form-group"> <input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary " name="save" value="Submit" placeholder="No of Rx"> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </form>
function flashError($message) { return flashMessage($message, FLASH_ERROR); }
public function LoadChooseTemplateTab() { $installedTemplates = $this->getInstalledTemplates(); $downloadableTemplates = $this->getDownloadableTemplates(); if($downloadableTemplates === false) { flashMessage(getLang('UnableRetrieveDownloadableTemplates'), MSG_ERROR); } $templateList = $installedTemplates; if(is_array($downloadableTemplates)) { $templateList = array_merge($templateList, $downloadableTemplates); } uasort($templateList, array($this, 'sortTemplateCallback')); $GLOBALS['TemplateListMap'] = ''; foreach($templateList as $template) { if(GetConfig('template') == $template['template'] && strtolower($template['templateColor']) == GetConfig('SiteColor')) { $GLOBALS['CurrentTemplateImage'] = $template['preview']; } if($template['installed']) { $GLOBALS['TemplateInstalledClass'] = ''; } else { $GLOBALS['TemplateInstalledClass'] = 'Installable'; } if(GetConfig('template') == $template['template'] && strtolower($template['templateColor']) == GetConfig('SiteColor')) { $GLOBALS['CurrentTemplateClass'] = 'TemplateBoxOn'; } else { $GLOBALS['CurrentTemplateClass'] = ''; } if($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') { $template['preview'] = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $template['preview']); $template['previewFull'] = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $template['previewFull']); } $GLOBALS['TemplateId'] = $template['template']; $GLOBALS['TemplateName'] = $template['templateName']; $GLOBALS['TemplateColor'] = $template['templateColor']; $GLOBALS['TemplatePreviewThumb'] = $template['preview']; $GLOBALS['TemplatePreviewFull'] = $template['previewFull']; $GLOBALS['TemplateListMap'] .= $this->template->render('layout.choosetemplate.row.tpl'); } }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function destroy($id) { $gallery = Gallery::findOrFail($id); $name = $gallery->name; $gallery->delete(); flashMessage("'{$name}' has been deleted.", "alert-success"); return redirect('galleries'); }
/** * Send the email to confirm the change */ private function SendPasswordEmail() { /* Include the email API class */ if (isset($_POST['email'])) { $email = $_POST['email']; // Does an account with the email address exist? if ($this->AccountWithEmailAlreadyExists($email)) { // Is the current password right? $query = sprintf("select customerid, customertoken from [|PREFIX|]customers where custconemail='%s'", $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($email)); $result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($query); if ($row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($result)) { // The account exists, let's create a new temporary token to be used to verify the email that will be sent $customer_id = $row['customerid']; $storeRandom = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true) . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']); $linkRandom = $this->generateCustomerHash($storeRandom, $customer_id); $UpdatedCustomer = array( "customerpasswordresettoken" => $storeRandom, "customerpasswordresetemail" => $email, ); if ($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->UpdateQuery("customers", $UpdatedCustomer, "customerid='".$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($customer_id)."'")) { // Send the email $data = sprintf("c=%d&t=%s", $customer_id, $linkRandom); $link = sprintf("%s/login.php?action=change_password&%s", $GLOBALS['ShopPath'], $data); $store_name = GetConfig('StoreName'); $email_message = sprintf(GetLang('ForgotPassEmailMessage'), $store_name, $link, $link); // Create a new email API object to send the email require_once(ISC_BASE_PATH . "/lib/email.php"); $obj_email = GetEmailClass(); $obj_email->Set('CharSet', GetConfig('CharacterSet')); $obj_email->From(GetConfig('OrderEmail'), $store_name); $obj_email->Set("Subject", sprintf(GetLang('ForgotPassEmailSubject'), $store_name)); $obj_email->AddBody("html", $email_message); $obj_email->AddRecipient($email, "", "h"); $email_result = $obj_email->Send(); // If the email was sent ok, show a confirmation message if ($email_result['success']) { flashMessage(getLang('ForgotPassEmailSent'), MSG_SUCCESS, 'login.php#login'); } else { // Email error $this->ResetPassword("internal_error"); } } else { // Database error $this->ResetPassword("internal_error"); } } else { // Bad password $this->ResetPassword("bad_password"); } } else { // No account with that email address $this->ResetPassword("bad_email"); } } else { $this->ResetPassword(); } }
$public->getCategory(); $categories = $public->dataCategory(); $posts = $public->getPost(); ?> <div class="header-wrapper"> <div class="header-container"> <h3>Home</h3> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="large-12 columns"> <?php if (Session::exists('index')) { flashMessage(Session::flash('index')); } ?> <div class="row"> <div class="large-2 columns"> <?php include 'includes/Menu/categorySidebar.php'; ?> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="large-8 columns"> <?php if (!Input::exists('get')) { echo '<h3>Articles</h3><hr>'; $posts = $public->getPost(); if (empty($posts)) {
include 'includes/header.php'; $admin = $user->admin(); $users = $admin->allUsers(); ?> <div class="header-wrapper"> <div class="header-container"> <h3>Admin Panel</h3> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="large-12 columns"> <?php if (Session::exists('admin')) { flashMessage(Session::flash('admin')); } ?> <div class="row"> <div class="large-12 columns"> <table class="hover" style="width: 100%;"> <thead> <tr> <th>Username</th> <th>Email</th> <th>Full Name</th> <th>Location</th> <th>Date Joined</th> <th>Account Status</th> <th></th> </tr>
public function editarResidencia() { $residencias = Residencias::lists('nombre', 'id'); if (Input::has('nombre')) { $rules = array('nombre' => 'required|min:4|max:50', 'cant_personas' => 'required|numeric|min:0', 'persona_id_propietario' => 'required|numeric|exists:personas,id'); $validation = Validator::make(Input::except('_token'), $rules); if ($validation->fails()) { return Redirect::to('perfil')->withResidencias($residencias)->withErrors($validation); } else { Residencias::find(Auth::user()->residencia_id)->Update(Input::except('_token')); flashMessage("Residencia Actualizada Correctamente"); return Redirect::to("ver-residencia"); } } }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function destroy($id) { $photo = Photo::findOrFail($id); $id = $photo->id; $photo->delete(); flashMessage("Photo with ID {$id} has been deleted.", "alert-success"); return redirect('photos/list'); }
private function AddReorderItems() { $this->ValidateReorder(); if (isset($_REQUEST['reorderitem'])) { $OrdProdIds = implode(',', array_keys($_REQUEST['reorderitem'])); $QueryWhere = "op.orderprodid IN (".$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($OrdProdIds).")"; } else if (isset($_REQUEST['orderid'])) { $QueryWhere = "op.orderorderid = ".(int)$_REQUEST['orderid']; } $orderItems = array(); // Grab any configurable fields $configurableFields = array(); $query = " SELECT ocf.*, op.orderprodid FROM [|PREFIX|]order_configurable_fields ocf JOIN [|PREFIX|]order_products op ON (op.orderprodid = ocf.ordprodid) "; $result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->query($query); while($field = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->fetch($result)) { if(!isset($configurableFields['ordprodid'])) { $configurableFields[$field['orderprodid']] = array(); } $configurableFields[$field['orderprodid']][] = $field; } $query = " SELECT * FROM [|PREFIX|]order_products op WHERE ".$QueryWhere; $result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->query($query); while($row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->fetch($result)) { try { $quote = getCustomerQuote(); $item = new ISC_QUOTE_ITEM; $item ->setQuote($quote) ->setProductId($row['ordprodid']) ->setQuantity($row['ordprodqty']) ->setVariation($row['ordprodvariationid']) ; if($row['ordprodeventdate']) { $item ->setEventDate($row['ordprodeventdate']) ->setEventName($row['ordprodeventname']); } if($row['ordprodwrapid']) { $wrappingOptions = array( 'all' => $row['ordprodwrapid'] ); $wrappingMessage = array( 'all' => $row['ordprodwrapmessage'] ); $item->applyGiftWrapping('same', $wrappingOptions, $wrappingMessage); } $configuredFields = array(); if(!empty($configurableFields[$row['orderprodid']])) { $configuration = $configurableFields[$row['orderprodid']]; foreach($configuration as $field) { if($field['fieldtype'] == 'file') { $filePath = ISC_BASE_PATH.'/'.getConfig('ImageDirectory').'/configured_products/'.$field['filename']; $fileTmpPath = ISC_BASE_PATH.'/'.GetConfig('ImageDirectory').'/configured_products_tmp/'.$field['filename']; // Copy the field to the temp directory if(!@copy($filePath, $fileTmpPath)) { flashMessage(getLang('ConfigurableFileCantBeMoved'), MSG_ERROR, 'cart.php'); } // Add it to the configuration $configuredFields[$field['fieldid']] = array( 'name' => $field['originalfilename'], 'type' => $field['filetype'], 'size' => filesize($filePath), 'existingPath' => $fileTmpPath, ); } else { $configuredFields[$field['fieldid']] = $field['textcontents']; } } $item->applyConfiguration($configuredFields); } $quote->addItem($item); } catch(ISC_QUOTE_EXCEPTION $e) { flashMessage($e->getMessage(), MSG_ERROR); $hasErrors = true; } } redirect('cart.php'); }
$errors[] = 'Your username or password is incorrect'; } } catch (Exception $e) { die($e->getMessage()); } } } } include 'includes/header.php'; ?> <div class="row"> <div class="large-12 columns"> <?php if (Session::exists('login')) { flashMessage(Session::flash('login')); } if (Session::exists('alert')) { flashAlert(Session::flash('alert')); } ?> </div> </div> <div class="register-card"> <h3>Log In</h3> <div class="row"> <div class="large-12 columns"> <form action="" method="POST"> <label for="username"><h5>Username <span class="required">*</span></h5> <input type="text" id="username" name="username">
/** * Reassigns products and deletes selected categories. * * @return void **/ public function reassigncategory() { // Sanitise input. $newCat = (int) $_POST['parentCat']; $categories = array(); foreach ($_POST['categories'] as $c) { $categories[(int) $c] = ''; } $res = true; $reassign = false; if ($_POST['reassign'] == 'true') { $reassign = true; } if ($reassign) { // Reassign exclusive products to new category. foreach ($_POST['products'] as $p) { $values = array( 'productid' => (int) $p, 'categoryid' => $newCat, ); $res = $this->db->insertQuery("categoryassociations", $values); if ($res == false) { break; } } } if ($res) { // Delete selected categories. $res = $this->deleteCategory($categories, false); } if ($res) { if ($reassign) { flashMessage(getLang('ReassignSuccessFlashMsg'), MSG_SUCCESS); } else { flashMessage(getLang('CatDeletedSuccessfully'), MSG_SUCCESS); } } else { flashMessage(getLang('ReassignErrorFlashMsg'), MSG_ERROR); } }
<?php require_once "./includes/initialize.php"; session_start(); $tf_id = $_SESSION['taskforce']; $doctor = tf_doc::list_doctor($tf_id); if (isset($_GET['delete_doc'])) { $field_array = array('doc_id' => $_GET['delete_doc']); // $field_array = array('id' => $id); $del_doc = new tf_doc(); $del_doc->delete($field_array, 'tf_doc'); flashMessage(' Deleted Successfully.', 'Success'); } require_once './header.php'; if (isset($_SESSION['message'])) { echo $_SESSION['message']; unset($_SESSION['message']); } ?> <style> .bgc-fff { background-color: #9DC7E0!important; } .box-shad { -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.2); box-shadow: 1px 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.2); } .brdr { border: 1px solid #ededed; }
$user = new User(); require_once 'core/checkLogin.php'; include 'includes/header.php'; $blogger = $user->blogger(); $posts = $blogger->getPost(); ?> <div class="header-wrapper"> <div class="header-container"> <h3>Dashboard</h3> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="large-12 columns"> <?php if (Session::exists('home')) { flashMessage(Session::flash('home')); } ?> <div class="row"> <div class="large-2 columns"> <?php include 'includes/Menu/sidebar.php'; ?> </div> <div class="large-10 columns"> <?php if (empty($posts)) { echo '<h5>You currently don\'t have any post!</h5>'; } else { foreach ($posts as $post) { ?>
private function restoreGiftCertificate() { $id = !empty($_REQUEST['id']) ? $_REQUEST['id'] : null; $editGiftCertificateUrl = 'index.php?ToDo=viewTemplates&forceTab=7'; if(!$theme = ISC_GIFTCERTIFICATE_THEME::findById($id)) { $message = getLang('GiftCertificateRestoreErrorInvalid'); flashMessage($message, MSG_ERROR, $editGiftCertificateUrl); return; } // Replacements for the success and fail messages $replacements = array('name' => $theme->name); if($theme->restoreFromMaster()) { $message = getLang('GiftCertificateRestored', $replacements); flashMessage($message, MSG_SUCCESS, $editGiftCertificateUrl); return; } $message = getLang('GiftCertificateRestoreError', $replacements); flashMessage($message, MSG_ERROR, $editGiftCertificateUrl); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function destroy($id) { $submission = Submission::findOrFail($id); $id = $submission->submission_id; $submission->delete(); flashMessage("Submission with ID {$id} has been deleted.", "alert-success"); return redirect('submissions'); }
/** * Set Express Checkout step in Paypal Express checkout * it sends cart details to paypal and redirect customer to paypal login page. * */ private function SetExpressCheckout() { $currency = GetCurrencyCodeByID(GetConfig('DefaultCurrencyID')); $merchant = $this->GetMerchantSettings(); $quote = getCustomerQuote(); $amount = $quote->getGrandTotal(); $shippingDetails = array(); //if user click the paypal button on order confirmation page if(isset($_COOKIE['SHOP_ORDER_TOKEN'])) { $userAction = '&useraction=commit'; $orders = $this->GetOrders(); reset($orders); $order = current($orders); $orderId = '#'.implode(', #', array_keys($orders)); if($order['ordisdigital']) { $shippingDetails = array ( 'NOSHIPPING' => 1, ); } else { $shippingAddress = $this->getShippingAddress(); $shippingDetails = array ( 'NAME' => $shippingAddress['first_name']." ".$shippingAddress['last_name'], 'SHIPTOSTREET' => $shippingAddress['address_1'], 'SHIPTOSTREET2' => $shippingAddress['address_2'], 'SHIPTOCITY' => $shippingAddress['city'], 'SHIPTOZIP' => $shippingAddress['zip'], 'SHIPTOCOUNTRY' => $shippingAddress['country_iso2'], 'PHONENUM' => $shippingAddress['phone'], ); if($shippingAddress['state_id'] != 0 && GetStateISO2ById($shippingAddress['state_id'])) { $shippingDetails['SHIPTOSTATE'] = GetStateISO2ById($shippingAddress['state_id']); } else { $shippingAddress['SHIPTOSTATE'] = isc_html_escape($shippingAddress['state']); } } //don't display shipping address in PayPal $addressOverride = 1; } else { $userAction = '&useraction=continue'; //display shipping address in PayPal $addressOverride = 0; } if($merchant['testmode'] == 'YES') { $transactionURL = $this->_testTransactionURL; $transactionURI = $this->_testTransactionURI; $PaypalExpressCheckoutURL = ''; } else { $transactionURL = $this->_liveTransactionURL; $transactionURI = $this->_liveTransactionURI; $PaypalExpressCheckoutURL = ''; } $pp_array = array( 'METHOD' => 'SetExpressCheckout', 'USER' => $merchant['username'], 'PWD' => $merchant['password'], 'SIGNATURE' => $merchant['signature'], 'VERSION' => '53.0', 'PAYMENTACTION' => $merchant['transactionType'], 'AMT' => number_format($amount,2,'.',''), 'CURRENCYCODE' => $currency, 'PAYMENTACTION' => $merchant['transactionType'], 'RETURNURL' => $GLOBALS['ShopPath']."/checkout.php?action=set_external_checkout&provider=paypalexpress", 'CANCELURL' => $GLOBALS['ShopPath']."/cart.php", 'ADDRESSOVERRIDE' => $addressOverride, 'NOTIFYURL' => $GLOBALS['ShopPath'].'/checkout.php?action=gateway_ping&provider='.$this->GetId(), 'L_NAME0' => getLang('YourOrderFromX', array('storeName' => getConfig('StoreName'))), 'L_AMT0' => number_format($amount,2,'.',''), 'L_QTY0' => 1, ); //if shipping details are known here, which happens when user chose paypay express checkout at normal order confirmation page if(!empty($shippingDetails)) { $pp_array = array_merge($pp_array, $shippingDetails); } $paypal_query = ''; foreach ($pp_array as $key => $value) { $paypal_query .= $key.'='.urlencode($value).'&'; } $paypal_query = rtrim($paypal_query, '&'); $result = $this->_ConnectToProvider($transactionURL, $transactionURI, $paypal_query); $nvpArray = $this->_DecodePaypalResult($result); //if data is sent to paypal successfully, a token for this transaction will return from paypal if(strtolower($nvpArray['ACK']) == 'success') { // Redirect to here $token = $nvpArray["TOKEN"]; $PayPalURL = $PaypalExpressCheckoutURL.$token.$userAction; header("Location: ".$PayPalURL); } else { $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_LOG']->LogSystemError(array('payment', $this->GetName()), GetLang('ErrorConnectingToPaypal'), $nvpArray['L_ERRORCODE0']." ".$nvpArray['L_LONGMESSAGE0']); flashMessage(getLang('ErrorConnectingToPaypal'), MSG_ERROR, 'cart.php'); } }
$pobErr = 'required'; } elseif (empty($_POST['strips'])) { $stripsErr = 'required'; } elseif (empty($_POST['chemist'])) { $chemistErr = 'required'; } else { if (!is_numeric($_POST['pob'])) { $msg = '<span class="error"> Data entered was not numeric</span>'; } else { if (!is_numeric($_POST['strips'])) { $msg2 = '<span class="error"> Data entered was not numeric</span>'; } else { $field_array = array('pob' => $_POST['pob'], 'strips' => $_POST['strips'], 'chemist' => $_POST['chemist'], 'bdm_id' => $tf_id, 'type' => 'tf', 'created_at' => date('Y:m:d ')); $rx = new pob(); $rx->create($field_array); flashMessage('Added Successfully', 'success'); } } } } ?> <a href="dashboard.php" class="btn btn" >Back</a> <?php require_once 'header.php'; if (isset($_SESSION['message'])) { echo $_SESSION['message']; unset($_SESSION['message']); } ?>
include 'includes/header.php'; $blogger = $user->blogger(); $page = isset($_GET['page']) && !empty(Input::get('page')) ? (int) Input::get('page') : 1; ?> <div class="header-wrapper"> <div class="header-container"> <h3>Category</h3> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="large-12 columns"> <?php if (Session::exists('category')) { flashMessage(Session::flash('category')); } ?> <div class="row"> <div class="large-2 columns"> <?php include 'includes/Menu/sidebar.php'; ?> </div> <div class="large-10 columns"> <?php if (!isset($_GET['id'])) { $categories = $blogger->getCategory(null, $page); $total = $blogger->count('categories'); $pages = ceil($total / 6); if (isset($_GET['page']) && Input::get('page') > $pages) {
redirect_to("bmdashboard.php"); } elseif ($found_sm) { $_SESSION['smsWayID'] = $found_sm->smsWayID; $_SESSION['smname'] = $found_sm->SM_Name; $_SESSION['smzone'] = $found_sm->Zone; $_SESSION['smemp'] = $found_sm->SM_Emp_Id; redirect_to("SMDashboard.php"); } elseif ($found_tm) { $_SESSION['smsWayID'] = $found_tm->smsWayID; $_SESSION['tmname'] = $found_tm->TM_Name; $_SESSION['tmzone'] = $found_tm->Zone; $_SESSION['tmemp'] = $found_tm->TM_Emp_Id; redirect_to("TMDashboard.php"); } else { $message = "Incorrect Username/Password."; flashMessage($message, 'error'); } } if (isset($_SESSION['message'])) { echo $_SESSION['message']; unset($_SESSION['message']); } ?> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <meta name="description" content=""> <meta name="author" content="">
private function DoPurchaseGiftCertificate() { $errors = array(); // Begin validation! if(GetConfig('GiftCertificateCustomAmounts') == 1) { // Is there a minimum and maximum limit? $minAmount = ConvertPriceToCurrency(GetConfig('GiftCertificateMinimum')); $maxAmount = ConvertPriceToCurrency(GetConfig('GiftCertificateMaximum')); if(!GetConfig('GiftCertificateCustomAmounts')) { $errors[] = GetLang('SelectValidGiftCertificateAmount'); } else if(!isset($_POST['certificate_amount']) || !is_numeric($_POST['certificate_amount'])) { $errors[] = GetLang('EnterValidGiftCertificateAmount'); } else if(($minAmount > 0 && $_POST['certificate_amount'] < $minAmount) || ($maxAmount > 0 && $_POST['certificate_amount'] > $maxAmount)) { $errors[] = GetLang('EnterGiftCertificateValueBetween'); } else { $amount = ConvertPriceToDefaultCurrency($_POST['certificate_amount']); } } // Selected a gift certificate amount from the list else { if(!in_array($_POST['selected_amount'], GetConfig('GiftCertificateAmounts'))) { $errors[] = GetLang('SelectValidGiftCertificateAmount'); } else { $amount = $_POST['selected_amount']; } } // Did they not enter who they wanted the certificate to be sent to? if(!isset($_POST['to_name']) || trim($_POST['to_name']) == "") { $errors[] = Getlang('EnterValidCertificateToName'); } if(!isset($_POST['to_email']) || !is_email_address($_POST['to_email'])) { $errors[] = GetLang('EnterValidCertificateToEmail'); } // Missing from details? if(!isset($_POST['from_name']) ||trim($_POST['from_name']) == "") { $errors[] = GetLang('EnterValidCertificateFromName'); } if(!isset($_POST['from_email']) || !is_email_address($_POST['from_email'])) { $errors[] = GetLang('EnterValidCertificateFromEmail'); } $message = ''; if(isset($_POST['message']) && isc_strlen($_POST['message']) > 200) { $errors[] = GetLang('GiftCertificateMessageTooLong'); } else if(isset($_POST['message'])) { $message = $_POST['message']; } // Did they select a valid theme? $enabledThemes = explode(",", GetConfig('GiftCertificateThemes')); // Only one theme enabled, automagically select it if(count($enabledThemes) == 1) { $_POST['certificate_theme'] = $enabledThemes[0]; } else if(empty($enabledThemes)) { $_POST['certificate_theme'] = 'General'; } else if(!isset($_POST['certificate_theme']) || !in_array($_POST['certificate_theme'], $enabledThemes)) { $errors[] = GetLang('SelectValidGiftCertificateTheme'); } // Now the validation is all done, were there any errors? If yes, throw back to the purchase page if(!empty($errors)) { $this->PurchaseGiftCertificate($errors); } // Else, add the gift certificate to the cart else { $newCertificate = array( "amount" => $amount, "to_name" => $_POST['to_name'], "to_email" => $_POST['to_email'], "from_name" => $_POST['from_name'], "from_email" => $_POST['from_email'], "message" => $_POST['message'], "theme" => $_POST['certificate_theme'] ); if(isset($_POST['cartitemid']) && $_POST['cartitemid'] >= 0) { $this->UpdateGiftCertificateInCart($_POST['cartitemid'], $newCertificate); $message = getLang('GiftCertificateUpdated'); } else { $this->AddGiftCertificateToCart($newCertificate); $message = getLang('GiftCertificateAddedToCart'); } flashMessage($message, MSG_SUCCESS, 'cart.php'); } }
private function SetExpressCheckout() { $currency = GetCurrencyCodeByID(GetConfig('DefaultCurrencyID')); $merchant = $this->GetMerchantSettings(); $quote = getCustomerQuote(); $amount = $quote->getGrandTotal(); if($merchant['testmode'] == 'YES') { $transactionURL = $this->_testTransactionURL; $transactionURI = $this->_testTransactionURI; $PaypalURL = ''; } else { $transactionURL = $this->_liveTransactionURL; $transactionURI = $this->_liveTransactionURI; $PaypalURL = ''; } $pp_array = array( 'ACTION' => 'S', 'TRXTYPE' => $merchant['transactionType'], 'AMT' => number_format($amount,2,'.',''), 'CANCELURL' => $GLOBALS['ShopPath']."/cart.php", 'PARTNER' => $merchant['partnerid'], 'TENDER' => 'P', 'USER' => $merchant['userid'], 'PWD' => $merchant['password'], 'VENDOR' => $merchant['vendorid'], 'CURRENCY' => $currency, 'REQCONFIRMSHIPPING'=> 1, 'NOSHIPPING' => 0, 'RETURNURL' => $GLOBALS['ShopPath']."/checkout.php?action=set_external_checkout&provider=paypalpaymentsprouk", 'NOTIFYURL' => $GLOBALS['ShopPath'].'/checkout.php?action=gateway_ping&provider='.$this->GetId(), ); $paypal_query = ''; foreach ($pp_array as $key => $value) { $paypal_query .= $key.'['.strlen($value).']='.$value. '&'; } $paypal_query = rtrim($paypal_query, '&'); $result = $this->_ConnectToProvider($transactionURL, $transactionURI, $paypal_query, uniqid(rand())); $nvpArray = $this->_DecodePaypalResult($result); if($nvpArray['RESULT'] == 0) { // Redirect to here $token = $nvpArray["TOKEN"]; $PaypalURL = $PaypalURL.$token; header("Location: ".$PaypalURL); } else { //Redirecting to APIError.php to display errors. flashMessage(getLang('ErrorConnectingToPaypal'), MSG_ERROR, 'cart.php'); $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_LOG']->LogSystemError(array('payment', $this->GetName()), GetLang('ErrorConnectingToPaypal'), $nvpArray['RESULT']." ".$nvpArray['RESPMSG']); $location = $GLOBALS['ShopPath']."/cart.php"; header("Location: $location"); } }
} } } ?> <div class="header-wrapper"> <div class="header-container"> <h3>Article</h3> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="large-12 columns"> <?php if (Session::exists('post')) { flashMessage(Session::flash('post')); } ?> <div class="row"> <div class="large-2 columns"> <?php include 'includes/Menu/sidebar.php'; ?> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="large-9 columns"> <div class="row"> <div class="large-12 columns"> <h3><?php echo display($post->title); ?>
<div class="col-md-6"> <input type="text" class="form-control" value="<?php echo set_value("name"); ?> " name="name" placeholder="Enter Company Name"> <?php echo myform_error('name'); ?> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-md-3 control-label">Logo</label> <div class="col-md-6"> <input type="file" name="image" > <?php echo flashMessage(true, true); ?> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-md-3 control-label">About Company</label> <div class="col-md-9"> <textarea class="ckeditor form-control" name="about_company" data-error-container="#editor2_error"></textarea> </div> </div> </div> <div class="form-actions"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-offset-3 col-md-9">
/** * Set Express Checkout step in Paypal Express checkout * it sends cart details to paypal and redirect customer to paypal login page. * */ private function SetExpressCheckout() { $currency = GetCurrencyCodeByID(GetConfig('DefaultCurrencyID')); $merchant = $this->GetMerchantSettings(); $quote = getCustomerQuote(); $amount = $quote->getGrandTotal(); if($merchant['testmode'] == 'YES') { $transactionURL = $this->_testTransactionURL; $transactionURI = $this->_testTransactionURI; $PaypalExpressCheckoutURL = ''; } else { $transactionURL = $this->_liveTransactionURL; $transactionURI = $this->_liveTransactionURI; $PaypalExpressCheckoutURL = ''; } $pp_array = array( 'METHOD' => 'SetExpressCheckout', 'USER' => $merchant['username'], 'PWD' => $merchant['password'], 'SIGNATURE' => $merchant['signature'], 'VERSION' => '53.0', 'PAYMENTACTION' => $merchant['transactionType'], 'AMT' => number_format($amount,2,'.',''), 'CURRENCYCODE' => $currency, 'PAYMENTACTION' => $merchant['transactionType'], 'RETURNURL' => $GLOBALS['ShopPath']."/checkout.php?action=set_external_checkout&provider=paypalpaymentsprous", 'CANCELURL' => $GLOBALS['ShopPath']."/cart.php", 'NOSHIPPING' => 0, 'NOTIFYURL' => $GLOBALS['ShopPath'].'/checkout.php?action=gateway_ping&provider='.$this->GetId(), ); $paypal_query = http_build_query($pp_array); $result = $this->_ConnectToProvider($transactionURL, $transactionURI, $paypal_query); $nvpArray = $this->_DecodePaypalResult($result); //if data is sent to paypal successfully, a token for this transaction will return from paypal if(strtolower($nvpArray['ACK']) == 'success') { // Redirect to here $token = $nvpArray["TOKEN"]; $PayPalURL = $PaypalExpressCheckoutURL.$token; header("Location: ".$PayPalURL); } else { //Redirecting to APIError.php to display errors. $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_LOG']->LogSystemError(array('payment', $this->GetName()), GetLang('ErrorConnectingToPaypal'), $nvpArray['L_ERRORCODE0']." ".$nvpArray['L_LONGMESSAGE0']); flashMessage(getLang('ErrorConnectingToPaypal'), MSG_ERROR, 'cart.php'); } }