function community_features_user_feed()
    $uid = $GLOBALS['user']->uid;
    $flags = flag_get_user_flags('user', null, $uid);
    if (isset($flags['cf_follow_user'])) {
        foreach ($flags['cf_follow_user'] as $flag) {
            $author_uid = $flag->entity_id;
            $query = new EntityFieldQuery();
            $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')->entityCondition('bundle', 'cm_show')->propertyCondition('status', 1)->propertyCondition('uid', $author_uid)->propertyOrderBy('created', 'DESC')->fieldCondition('field_show_vod', 'fid', 'NULL', '!=')->pager(5);
            //->range(0, 100);
            $result = $query->execute();
            if (isset($result['node'])) {
                $nids = array_keys($result['node']);
                $nodes = entity_load('node', $nids);
                foreach ($nodes as $node) {
                    $items[$node->nid] = array('node' => $node);
        $build['pager'] = array('#theme' => 'pager', '#weight' => 5);
        // Send data to TPL.
        return theme('cf_user_feed_all', array('content' => isset($items) ? $items : '', 'pager' => $build['pager']));
    } else {
        return '<br/> You are currently not following any users. Please follow some users and their videos will appear here.';
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Perform custom validation on a flag before flagging/unflagging.
 * @param $action
 *  The action about to be carried out. Either 'flag' or 'unflag'.
 * @param $flag
 *  The flag object.
 * @param $entity_id
 *  The id of the entity the user is trying to flag or unflag.
 * @param $account
 *  The user account performing the action.
 * @param $flagging
 *  The flagging entity.
 * @return
 *   Optional array: textual error with the error-name as the key.
 *   If the error name is 'access-denied' and javascript is disabled,
 *   drupal_access_denied will be called and a 403 will be returned.
 *   If validation is successful, do not return a value.
function hook_flag_validate($action, $flag, $entity_id, $account, $skip_permission_check, $flagging)
    // We're only operating on the "test" flag, and users may always unflag.
    if ($flag->name == 'test' && $action == 'flag') {
        // Get all flags set by the current user.
        $flags = flag_get_user_flags('node', NULL, $account->uid, $sid = NULL, $reset = FALSE);
        // Check if this user has any flags of this type set.
        if (isset($flags['test'])) {
            $count = count($flags[$flag->name]);
            if ($count >= 2) {
                // Users may flag only 2 nodes with this flag.
                return array('access-denied' => t('You may only flag 2 nodes with the test flag.'));
 * Default simple view template to display a list of rows.
 * @ingroup views_templates
if (!empty($title)) {
    print $title;
// dsm($rows);
// dsm($view);
// Get all the flags for the user.
$flagged = flag_get_user_flags('node');
// dsm($flagged);
// Build a grid that we can use for our table.
foreach ($rows as $id => $row) {
    $results[$view->result[$id]->node_data_field_session_day_field_session_day_value][$view->result[$id]->node_data_field_session_room_field_session_time_value][$view->result[$id]->node_data_field_session_day_field_session_room_value] = array('content' => $row, 'nid' => $view->result[$id]->nid, 'id' => 'node-' . $view->result[$id]->nid);
// Sorting so that time goes ASC.
// Gather the room cck field values for the table headers
$field_rooms = content_fields('field_session_room');
$allowed = content_allowed_values($field_rooms);
$saturday_header = array($allowed[1], $allowed[2], $allowed[3], $allowed[4], $allowed[5], $allowed[8]);
$sunday_header = array($allowed[2], $allowed[3], $allowed[4], $allowed[5], $allowed[8]);
// Add some js magic to catch a vote request and then update the td class
print render($cf_user_statistics_blocks['content']);
  <div class="clearfix"></div>
<div class="col-lg-9 col-md-9 col-xs-12 user-profile-third-col">
echo $account['user']->name;
  <div class="user-shows-likes-container">
$flags = flag_get_user_flags('node', null, $account['user']->uid);
if (!empty($flags)) {
      <ul class="user-shows-likes">
    foreach ($flags['cf_like_show'] as $flag) {
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * - $logged_in: Flags true when the current user is a logged-in member.
 * - $is_admin: Flags true when the current user is an administrator.
 * Field variables: for each field instance attached to the node a corresponding
 * variable is defined; for example, $node->body becomes $body. When needing to
 * access a field's raw values, developers/themers are strongly encouraged to
 * use these variables. Otherwise they will have to explicitly specify the
 * desired field language; for example, $node->body['en'], thus overriding any
 * language negotiation rule that was previously applied.
 * @see template_preprocess()
 * @see template_preprocess_node()
 * @see template_process()
//Flags info keyed by flag name (machine name)
$flags = flag_get_user_flags('node', $node->nid);
$flag_counts = flag_get_counts('node', $node->nid);
// like flag breakdown
$likes_count = isset($flag_counts['like']) ? $flag_counts['like'] : 0;
if (isset($flags['like'])) {
    $likes_count -= 1;
$likes = '';
if ($likes_count > 0) {
    $likes = $likes_count . (isset($flags['like']) ? ' other ' : ' ') . ($likes_count > 1 ? 'people like ' : 'person likes ') . 'this.';
$bannerTitle = $title;
// unset($content['links']['comment']);
print render($cf_user_statistics_blocks['content']);
  <div class="clearfix"></div>
<div class="col-lg-9 col-md-9 col-xs-12 user-profile-third-col">   
echo $account->name;
  <ul class="user-grid">
$flags = flag_get_user_flags('user');
if (!empty($flags['cf_follow_user'])) {
    foreach ($flags['cf_follow_user'] as $flag) {
        $flagged_user = user_load($flag->entity_id);
          <a class="user-avatar" href="/user/<?php 
        echo $flagged_user->uid;
        echo theme('image_style', array('style_name' => 'user_avatar', 'path' => !empty($flagged_user->picture) ? $flagged_user->picture->uri : variable_get('user_picture_default')));
        echo $flagged_user->name;
            <div class="phone-header hidden-600">
              <a href="#">
              <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" width="16px" height="16px" viewBox="0 0 16 16" enable-background="new 0 0 16 16" xml:space="preserve">
                <path d="M11.001,0H5C3.896,0,3,0.896,3,2c0,0.273,0,11.727,0,12c0,1.104,0.896,2,2,2h6c1.104,0,2-0.896,2-2
                c0-0.273,0-11.727,0-12C13.001,0.896,12.105,0,11.001,0z M8,15c-0.552,0-1-0.447-1-1s0.448-1,1-1s1,0.447,1,1S8.553,15,8,15z
                <!--<img src="<?php 
print base_path() . path_to_theme();
/img/png-icons/phone-icon.png" alt="" width="16" height="16" style="vertical-align: top;">-->
if (module_exists('flag')) {
    $flags = flag_get_user_flags('node');
    if (!theme_get_setting('comparelist')) {
                  <div class="compare-header flag-status-compare" <?php 
        print !isset($flags['compare']) ? 'style="display:none"' : '';
                    <a href="<?php 
        print url('product-compare');
                      <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" width="16px" height="16px" viewBox="0 0 16 16" enable-background="new 0 0 16 16" xml:space="preserve">
                        <path fill="#1e1e1e" d="M16,3.063L13,0v2H1C0.447,2,0,2.447,0,3s0.447,1,1,1h12v2L16,3.063z"></path>
                        <path fill="#1e1e1e" d="M16,13.063L13,10v2H1c-0.553,0-1,0.447-1,1s0.447,1,1,1h12v2L16,13.063z"></path>