function sed_lib_zemcontact_form() { $field = '<div class="screenreader" >' . doLabel('Phone') . finput('text', 'phone', htmlspecialchars(ps('phone')), '', '', '', '', '', 'phone') . '<br />' . doLabel('Address') . finput('text', 'mail', htmlspecialchars(ps('mail')), '', '', '', '', '', 'mail') . '</div>'; return $field; }
function prefs($event, $step) { pagetop('hak_tinymce ' . gTxt('preferences'), $step == 'update' ? gTxt('preferences_saved') : ''); if ($step == 'install') { // Install the preferences table. hak_tinymce::install(); } if ($step == 'uninstall') { //remove table safe_query("DROP TABLE " . PFX . "txp_hak_tinymce"); } if ($step == 'update') { extract(doSlash(gpsa(array('hak_show_toggle', 'hak_hide_on_textile_edit', 'hak_tinymce_path', 'hak_tinymce_body_init', 'hak_tinymce_excerpt_init', 'hak_tinymce_callbacks', 'hak_hide_textile_select', 'hak_enable_body', 'hak_enable_excerpt', 'hak_use_compressor', 'hak_tinymce_compressor_init')))); safe_update('txp_hak_tinymce', "pref_value = '{$hak_show_toggle}'", "pref_name = 'show_toggle'"); safe_update('txp_hak_tinymce', "pref_value = '{$hak_hide_on_textile_edit}'", "pref_name = 'hide_on_textile_edit'"); safe_update('txp_hak_tinymce', "pref_value = '{$hak_tinymce_path}'", "pref_name = 'tinymce_path'"); safe_update('txp_hak_tinymce', "pref_value = '{$hak_tinymce_body_init}'", "pref_name = 'body_init'"); safe_update('txp_hak_tinymce', "pref_value = '{$hak_tinymce_excerpt_init}'", "pref_name = 'excerpt_init'"); safe_update('txp_hak_tinymce', "pref_value = '{$hak_tinymce_callbacks}'", "pref_name = 'callbacks'"); safe_update('txp_hak_tinymce', "pref_value = '{$hak_hide_textile_select}'", "pref_name = 'hide_textile_select'"); safe_update('txp_hak_tinymce', "pref_value = '{$hak_enable_body}'", "pref_name = 'enable_body'"); safe_update('txp_hak_tinymce', "pref_value = '{$hak_enable_excerpt}'", "pref_name = 'enable_excerpt'"); safe_update('txp_hak_tinymce', "pref_value = '{$hak_use_compressor}'", "pref_name = 'use_compressor'"); safe_update('txp_hak_tinymce', "pref_value = '{$hak_tinymce_compressor_init}'", "pref_name = 'compressor_init'"); } if (hak_tinymce::check_install()) { extract(hak_tinymce::getPrefs()); echo n . t . '<div style="margin: auto; width:40%;">' . n . t . t . hed('hak_tinymce ' . gTxt('Preferences'), '1') . n . n . form(n . eInput('hak_tinymce_prefs') . n . sInput('update') . n . fInput('submit', 'update', 'Update', 'smallerbox') . n . graf(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('hak_show_toggle') . br . n . yesnoRadio('hak_show_toggle', $show_toggle) . br . n . tag(tag(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('auto_disable'), "em"), "small")) . n . graf(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('hak_hide_on_textile_edit') . br . n . yesnoRadio('hak_hide_on_textile_edit', $hide_on_textile_edit)) . n . graf(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('hak_hide_textile_select') . br . n . yesnoRadio('hak_hide_textile_select', $hide_textile_select)) . n . graf(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('hak_tinymce_path') . br . n . finput('text', 'hak_tinymce_path', $tinymce_path, '', '', '', 60, '', 'hak_tinymce_path') . hak_tinymce::file_exists($tinymce_path)) . n . graf(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('enable_body') . br . n . yesnoRadio('hak_enable_body', $enable_body)) . n . graf(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('hak_tinymce_body_init') . br . tag(tag("(" . hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('line_end') . ")", "em"), "small") . n . href(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('documentation'), "") . br . n . text_area('hak_tinymce_body_init', 200, 400, $body_init)) . n . graf(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('enable_excerpt') . br . n . yesnoRadio('hak_enable_excerpt', $enable_excerpt)) . n . graf(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('hak_tinymce_excerpt_init') . br . tag(tag("(" . hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('line_end') . ")", "em"), "small") . n . href(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('documentation'), "") . br . n . text_area('hak_tinymce_excerpt_init', 200, 400, $excerpt_init)) . n . graf(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('hak_tinymce_callbacks') . br . n . text_area('hak_tinymce_callbacks', 200, 400, $callbacks)) . n . graf(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('use_compressor') . br . n . yesnoRadio('hak_use_compressor', $use_compressor) . hak_tinymce::file_exists(hak_compressor_path($tinymce_path), "compressor_not_found")) . n . graf(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('hak_tinymce_compressor_init') . br . tag(tag("(" . hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('compressor_line_end') . ")", "em"), "small") . n . href(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('documentation'), "") . br . n . text_area('hak_tinymce_compressor_init', 200, 400, $compressor_init)) . n . n . fInput('submit', 'update', 'Update', 'smallerbox')) . '</div>'; echo n . t . '<div style="margin: 60px auto 0; width:40%;">' . n . hed(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('uninstall'), '1') . n . t . t . graf(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('uninstall_message')) . n . n . form(n . eInput('hak_tinymce_prefs') . n . sInput('uninstall') . n . n . fInput('submit', 'uninstall', 'Uninstall ', 'smallerbox'), "", "confirm('" . hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('uninstall_confirm') . "')") . '</div>'; } else { echo n . t . '<div style="margin: auto; width:40%;">' . n . t . t . hed('hak_tinymce ' . gTxt('Preferences'), '1') . n . graf(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('install_message')) . n . n . form(n . eInput('hak_tinymce_prefs') . n . sInput('install') . n . n . fInput('submit', 'install', 'Install ', 'smallerbox')) . '</div>'; } }
function bot_wtc_output_rows() { global $bot_items; $selectInput_for_position = array('insertBefore' => 'before', 'insertAfter' => 'after'); // position values for the txp function selectInput $data_from_db = bot_wtc_fetch_db(); // array of values from the db $destination_selectInput = bot_all_items_selectinput(); $items_selectInput = bot_contextual_selectinput(); // builds rows for new item sections list $sections = bot_get_sections(); // get sections array $new_item_sections_rows = ''; foreach ($sections as $key => $value) { $new_item_sections_row = '<label>' . checkbox('new_item_sections[]', $key, '0') . $value . '</label><br />'; $new_item_sections_rows .= $new_item_sections_row; } $new_item_sections_rows .= '<p style="margin-top:5px;"><a href="#" class="bot_all">' . gTxt("all") . '</a> | <a href="#" class="bot_none">' . gTxt("none") . '</a></p>'; // hide all/none // new item insertion $rows = ""; $input_row = tr(td(selectInput('new_item', bot_contextual_selectinput(), '', '1'), '', 'bot_hilight') . td(selectInput('new_item_position', $selectInput_for_position, '', '1')) . td(selectInput('new_item_destination', bot_all_items_selectinput(), '', '1')) . td('<p><a href="#" class="bot_push">' . gTxt("tag_section_list") . '</a></p><div class="bot_collapse" style="padding-top:10px">' . $new_item_sections_rows . '</div>') . td(finput('text', 'new_item_class', '')) . td()); $rows .= $input_row; // other rows - output if at least one record was already set if ($data_from_db) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($data_from_db); $i++) { // data for "sections to show" selectinput - decides wether a section is checked or not $bot_hide_in_this_sections_array = explode('|', $data_from_db[$i]['sections']); $item_sections_rows = ''; foreach ($sections as $key => $value) { // if section is in db mark as checked $checked = in_array($key, $bot_hide_in_this_sections_array) ? '1' : '0'; $item_sections_row = '<label>' . checkbox('bot_wtc_sections_for_id_' . $data_from_db[$i]['id'] . '[]', $key, $checked) . $value . '</label><br />'; $item_sections_rows .= $item_sections_row; } $item_sections_rows .= '<p style="margin-top:5px;"><a href="#" class="bot_all">' . gTxt("all") . '</a> | <a href="#" class="bot_none">' . gTxt("none") . '</a></p>'; // hide all/none $single_row = tr(td(selectInput('item[]', bot_contextual_selectinput($data_from_db[$i]['item']), $data_from_db[$i]['item'], '0'), '', 'bot_hilight') . td(selectInput('item_position[]', $selectInput_for_position, $data_from_db[$i]['position'], '1')) . td(selectInput('item_destination[]', bot_all_items_selectinput(), $data_from_db[$i]['destination'], '1')) . td('<p><a href="#" class="bot_push">' . gTxt("tag_section_list") . '</a></p><div class="bot_collapse" style="padding-top:10px">' . $item_sections_rows . '</div>') . td(finput('text', 'item_class[]', $data_from_db[$i]['class'])) . td(checkbox('bot_delete_id[]', $data_from_db[$i]['id'], '0') . '<label for="bot_delete_id"> ' . gTxt('delete') . '</label>')) . hInput('bot_wtc_id[]', $data_from_db[$i]['id']); $rows .= $single_row; } } return $rows; }
function adi_menu_display_settings($sections) { $out = ''; foreach ($sections as $index => $section) { $name = $section['name']; $title = $section['title']; $parent = $section['adi_menu_parent']; $alt_title = $section['adi_menu_title']; $exclude = $section['adi_menu_exclude']; $clone = $section['adi_menu_clone']; $sort = $section['adi_menu_sort']; $out .= tr(tda($name) . tda($title) . tda(checkbox("exclude[{$name}]", "1", $exclude), ' style="text-align:center"') . tda(adi_menu_section_popup("parent[{$name}]", $parent)) . tda(finput("text", "sort[{$name}]", $sort, '', '', '', 4), ' style="text-align:center"') . tda(checkbox("clone[{$name}]", "1", $clone), ' style="text-align:center"') . tda(finput("text", "alt_title[{$name}]", $alt_title))); } return $out; }
function bot_admin_tooltips_tab($event, $step) { global $bot_admin_tooltips_main_array, $plugins; if (isset($_POST['bot_item'])) { // if there are preferences $prefs = bot_get_tips(); // array of values from the db table } $r = safe_rows_start('name, val', 'txp_prefs', 'event = "custom" AND val != ""'); // creates an array of all cfs for selectInput in bot_admin_tooltips_tab if ($r) { global $arr_custom_fields; while ($a = nextRow($r)) { $name = 'tab_write|' . str_replace('_set', '', $a['name']); $val = $a['val']; $arr_custom_fields[$name] = $val; } } pagetop('bot_admin_tooltips ' . gTxt('preferences'), $step == 'update' ? gTxt('preferences_saved') : ''); echo hed('bot | admin tooltips', '2', ' style="text-align: center; margin:20px auto; padding-bottom:10px;"'); if ($step == 'install') { // Install the preferences table. bot_admin_tooltips_install(); } if ($step == 'uninstall') { //remove table safe_query("DROP TABLE " . PFX . "bot_admin_tooltips"); safe_delete('txp_prefs', 'event = "bot_tips_"'); } if ($step == 'update') { // set function variables $new_item = doslash(ps('bot_new_item')); $new_tip = doslash(ps('bot_new_tip')); $item = doslash(ps('bot_item')); $tip = doslash(ps('bot_saved_tip')); $tip_id = ps('bot_id'); $delete_id = ps('bot_delete_id'); $hide_pophelp = ps('bot_admin_tooltips_hide_pophelp'); $js_event = ps('bot_admin_tooltips_js_event'); $tips_bg = doslash(ps('bot_admin_tooltips_bg')); $tips_color = doslash(ps('bot_admin_tooltips_color')); $tips_border_color = doslash(ps('bot_admin_tooltips_border_color')); $js_path = doslash(ps('bot_admin_tooltips_path')); if ($delete_id) { // checks if there is something to delete foreach ($delete_id as $id) { safe_delete('bot_admin_tooltips', 'id ="' . $id . '"'); } } safe_update('txp_prefs', 'val= "' . $hide_pophelp . '"', 'name = "bot_admin_tooltips_hide_pophelp"'); // updates pophelp prefs safe_update('txp_prefs', 'val= "' . $js_event . '"', 'name = "bot_admin_tooltips_js_event"'); // updates click/hover prefs safe_update('txp_prefs', 'val= "' . $tips_bg . '"', 'name = "bot_admin_tooltips_bg"'); // updates bg prefs safe_update('txp_prefs', 'val= "' . $tips_color . '"', 'name = "bot_admin_tooltips_color"'); // updates color prefs safe_update('txp_prefs', 'val= "' . $tips_border_color . '"', 'name = "bot_admin_tooltips_border_color"'); // updates border color prefs safe_update('txp_prefs', 'val= "' . $js_path . '"', 'name = "bot_admin_tooltips_path"'); // updates path prefs if ($item != '' && $tip != '') { // when tips are set for ($i = 0; $i < count($item); $i++) { // creates the "posted_variables" array containing item, tip, tip_id $posted_variables[$item[$i]]['item'] = $item[$i]; $posted_variables[$item[$i]]['tip'] = $tip[$i]; $posted_variables[$item[$i]]['id'] = $tip_id[$i]; } foreach ($posted_variables as $item => $values) { // for each posted variable (item, tip, tip_id) updates the db $tip = $values['tip']; $id = $values['id']; if ($item != '' && $tip != '') { // if there is item AND tip safe_update('bot_admin_tooltips', 'item = "' . $item . '", tip = "' . $tip . '"', 'id = "' . $id . '"'); } elseif ($tip == '') { // if there is no tip, tip is deleted from db safe_delete('bot_admin_tooltips', 'item ="' . $item . '"'); } } if ($new_item != '' && $new_tip != '') { // if there is a new tip is inserted in db safe_insert('bot_admin_tooltips', 'item = "' . $new_item . '", tip = "' . $new_tip . '"'); } } elseif ($new_item != '' && $new_tip != '') { // if no tips are set yet deals only with new tip safe_insert('bot_admin_tooltips', 'item = "' . $new_item . '", tip = "' . $new_tip . '"'); } } if (bot_admin_tooltips_check_install()) { extract(bot_admin_tooltips_get_prefs()); // beginning of the form echo form('<div style="text-align:center; background:#f2f2f2; margin:20px auto 40px; padding:10px; border-bottom:solid #ccc 1px; border-top:solid #ccc 1px; ">' . n . '<label for="bot_admin_tooltips_bg">Background color </label>' . finput('text', 'bot_admin_tooltips_bg', $bot_admin_tooltips_bg) . n . ' ' . n . '<label for="bot_admin_tooltips_color">Text color </label>' . finput('text', 'bot_admin_tooltips_color', $bot_admin_tooltips_color) . n . ' ' . n . '<label for="bot_admin_tooltips_border_color">Border color </label>' . finput('text', 'bot_admin_tooltips_border_color', $bot_admin_tooltips_border_color) . n . ' ' . n . '<label for="bot_admin_tooltips_js_event">Show tip on hover </label>' . checkbox2('bot_admin_tooltips_js_event', $bot_admin_tooltips_js_event) . n . ' ' . n . '<label for="bot_admin_tooltips_hide_pophelp">Hide txp pophelps </label>' . checkbox2('bot_admin_tooltips_hide_pophelp', $bot_admin_tooltips_hide_pophelp) . n . ' ' . n . '<label for="bot_admin_tooltips_path">Path to js </label>' . finput('text', 'bot_admin_tooltips_path', $bot_admin_tooltips_path) . n . '</div>' . '<div style="margin: 0 auto 20px; width:580px; padding:0 10px;">' . n . eInput('bot_admin_tooltips_tab') . n . sInput('update') . n . fInput('submit', 'update', 'Update', 'publish') . '</div>' . n . startTable('list') . n . tr(td(strong('Item')) . td(strong('Tip'))) . n . bot_admin_tooltips_output_rows() . n . endTable() . '<div style="margin: 20px auto; width:580px; padding:0 10px;">' . n . eInput('bot_admin_tooltips_tab') . n . sInput('update') . n . fInput('submit', 'update', 'Update', 'publish') . '</div>'); // uninstall button echo n . t . '<div style="margin: 20px auto 0; width:580px; border-top:dashed #ccc 1px; margin-top:40px; padding:10px 10px 0;">' . n . t . t . graf(bot_admin_tooltips_gTxt('uninstall_message')) . n . hed(bot_admin_tooltips_gTxt('uninstall'), '1') . n . n . form(n . eInput('bot_admin_tooltips_tab') . n . sInput('uninstall') . n . n . fInput('submit', 'uninstall', 'Uninstall ', 'smallerbox'), "", "confirm('" . bot_admin_tooltips_gTxt('uninstall_confirm') . "')") . '</div>'; } else { // install message echo n . t . '<div style="margin: auto; width:40%;">' . n . t . t . hed('bot_admin_tooltips ' . gTxt('Preferences'), '1') . n . graf(bot_admin_tooltips_gTxt('install_message')) . n . n . form(n . eInput('bot_admin_tooltips_tab') . n . sInput('install') . n . n . fInput('submit', 'install', 'Install ', 'publish')) . '</div>'; } }