Ejemplo n.º 1
We're either going to return an rss feed of the users recent activity,
or we're going to return an invalid rss fragment which means that
the lms will have to do something else (like display a 'join' link)
require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/includes.php';
require_once $CFG->dirroot . 'lib/lmslib.php';
// the POST parameters we expect are:
$installid = optional_param('installid');
$username = optional_param('username');
$firstname = optional_param('firstname');
$lastname = optional_param('lastname');
$email = optional_param('email');
$signature = optional_param('signature');
$user = find_lms_user($installid, $username, $signature, null, $firstname, $lastname, $email);
if (is_string($user)) {
    echo $user;
// else we have a the user object.
// now start doing the rss feed
$starttime = time() - 86400 * 30;
$rssdescription = sprintf(gettext("Activity for %s, hosted on %s."), $user->name, $CFG->sitename);
$mainurl = $CFG->wwwroot . '_activity/';
echo '
<rss version="2.0"   xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/">
    <channel xml:base="' . $mainurl . '">
        <title><![CDATA[' . $user->name . ' : ' . gettext("Activity") . ']]></title>
        <description><![CDATA[' . $rssdescription . ']]></description>
        <link>' . $mainurl . '</link>
Ejemplo n.º 2
// accept a file send from the lms
require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/includes.php';
require_once $CFG->dirroot . 'lib/lmslib.php';
require_once $CFG->dirroot . 'lib/uploadlib.php';
$textlib = textlib_get_instance();
// the POST parameters we expect are:
$installid = optional_param('installid');
$username = optional_param('username');
$filename = optional_param('filename');
$action = optional_param('action');
$size = optional_param('size', 0, PARAM_INT);
$signature = optional_param('signature');
$foldername = optional_param('foldername');
// verify the signature and find our user...
$user = find_lms_user($installid, $username, $signature);
if (!is_object($user)) {
    echo $user;
switch ($action) {
    case 'intention':
        $incoming = new StdClass();
        $incoming->installid = $installid;
        $incoming->intentiondate = time();
        $incoming->user_id = $user->ident;
        $incoming->foldername = $foldername;
        // should relate to course name.
        $incoming->size = $size;
        $id = insert_record('files_incoming', $incoming);
        // create the holding directory if it doesn't already exist...
Ejemplo n.º 3
// sign up a user from an lms request.
require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/includes.php';
require_once $CFG->dirroot . 'lib/lmslib.php';
$showform = false;
$u = new StdClass();
if (empty($USER->signingup)) {
    // the POST parameters we expect are:
    $alias = new StdClass();
    $alias->installid = optional_param('installid');
    $alias->username = optional_param('username');
    $alias->firstname = optional_param('firstname');
    $alias->lastname = optional_param('lastname');
    $alias->email = optional_param('email');
    $signature = optional_param('signature');
    $user = find_lms_user($alias->installid, $alias->username, $signature, 'signupconfirmation', $alias->firstname, $alias->lastname, $alias->email);
    if (is_object($user)) {
        // they already exist!
        echo $user;
        // TODO something
    } else {
        if ($user != LMS_NO_SUCH_USER) {
            // we have a validation error probably.
            echo $user;
            // TODO something
        } else {
            // ok, everything is fine, we need to show them the form.
            $showform = 1;
            $u->name = $alias->firstname . ' ' . $alias->lastname;
            $u->email = $alias->email;
            $USER->signingup = true;
Ejemplo n.º 4

// log in a user from an lms.
require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/includes.php';
require_once $CFG->dirroot . 'lib/lmslib.php';
$installid = optional_param('installid');
$username = optional_param('username');
$firstname = optional_param('firstname');
$lastname = optional_param('lastname');
$email = optional_param('email');
$signature = optional_param('signature');
$url = optional_param('url');
$user = find_lms_user($installid, $username, $signature, 'authenticateconfirmation', $firstname, $lastname, $email);
if (is_object($user)) {
    authenticate_account($user->username, $user->password);
} else {
    echo $user;