Ejemplo n.º 1
function output_program_day($string_date = 'now')
    $date_unix = strtotime($string_date);
    $day_no = day_eng_no(strftime("%A", $date_unix));
    $date_formatted = strftime("%d %b %Y", $date_unix);
    $day_name_french = day_fr($day_no);
    $date_sql = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", $date_unix);
    $full_date_formatted = $day_name_french . " " . $date_formatted;
    $output = "";
    $program_set = find_program_by_date($date_sql);
    if (count_prog_by_date($date_sql) == 0) {
        $output .= "<p class='text-center' style='vertical-align:middle;'>pas de résultat pour le {$full_date_formatted}</p>";
    } else {
        //  $output .=  Get_badges_program ($string_date);
        $output .= "<div class='table-responsive'>";
        $output .= "<table class='table table-striped table-bordered table-hover table-condensed '>";
        $output .= "<tr>";
        // $output .= "<td class='text-center alert-danger'>Jour</td>"; //Heure
        if (isset($_GET["validation_chauffeur"])) {
            $valid_chauffeur = $_GET["validation_chauffeur"];
            if ($valid_chauffeur == 1) {
                $color = "";
                $style = "color: white; background-color:green;";
            } elseif ($valid_chauffeur == 2) {
                $color = "";
                $style = "color: white; background-color:palevioletred;";
            } elseif ($valid_chauffeur == 0) {
                $color = "";
                $style = "color: white; background-color:lightskyblue;";
            } else {
                $color = "";
                $style = "";
        } else {
            $valid_chauffeur = 3;
            $color = "";
            $style = "";
        $output .= "<th class='text-center {$color}' style='vertical-align:middle; {$style}'>&nbsp;Heure&nbsp;</th>";
        $output .= "<th class='text-center {$color}' style='vertical-align:middle;{$style} '>{$full_date_formatted}</th>";
        //   $output .= "<th class='text-center {$color}' style='vertical-align:middle;{$style} '></th>";
        $output .= "</tr>";
        while ($program = mysqli_fetch_assoc($program_set)) {
            $output .= "<tr>";
            $client = find_client_by_id($program['client_id']);
            $heure = htmlentities(visu_heure($program['heure']), ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8');
            $client_web_view = htmlentities($client['web_view'], ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8');
            if ($program["validated_chauffeur"] == 1) {
                $succes = "success";
                $color1 = "success";
            } elseif ($program["validated_chauffeur"] == 2) {
                $succes = "";
                $color1 = "danger";
            } else {
                $succes = "";
                $color1 = "info";
            //                if($program['chauffeur'] && ($program["validated_chauffeur"]==1 || $program["validated_chauffeur"]==2)) {
            //                    $chauffeur =find_chauffeur_by_name(trim($program['chauffeur']));
            //                    if ($chauffeur){
            //                        $initial=$chauffeur['initial'];
            //                    } else {
            //                        $initial="";
            //                    }
            //                } else {
            //                    $initial="";
            //                }
            /* if($program["validated_chauffeur"]==1){
                   $output.=  "<td class='text-center {$succes}'  style='vertical-align:middle;'>". $heure."</td>";
               } else {
                   $output.=  "<td class='text-center'  style='vertical-align:middle;'>". $heure."</td>";
            $output .= "<td class='text-center {$succes}'  style='vertical-align:middle;'>" . $heure . "</td>";
            $output .= "<td class='text-center {$succes}'>" . get_modal_program($program['id']) . "</td>";
            //                $output.= "<td class='text-center {$succes}'><h5><span class='label label-{$color1}'  style='width:6em;'>";
            //                $output.= "".htmlentities($initial,ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8')."";
            //                $output.= "</h5></span></td>";
            $output .= "</tr>";
        $output .= "</table>";
        $output .= "</div>";
    return $output;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    $_SESSION["message"] = "Fatal error edit modele call administrator modele id";
//if (!isset($_GET["clientid"])) {
//    $_SESSION["message"] = "Fatal error edit modele call administrator client id";
//    redirect_to($url);

//we can remove the get variable only $_GET["modeleid"]
$modele = find_modele_by_id($_GET["modele_id"]);
$client = find_client_by_id($modele["client_id"]);
if (!$client || !$modele) {
    // admin ID was missing or invalid or
    // admin couldn't be found in database
    $_SESSION["message"] = "Fatal error edit modele call administrator database client id";

if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    $required_fields = array("week_day_rank", "client_habituel", "heure", "pseudo", "visible");
    $week_day_rank = mysql_prep($_POST["week_day_rank"]);
    $client_habituel = mysql_prep($_POST["client_habituel"]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
function is_modele_exists($week_day_rank, $cliend_id, $heure, $warning_me = false)
    global $connection;
    global $errors;
    global $warnings;
    $week_day_rank_safe = mysql_prep($week_day_rank);
    $cliend_id_safe = mysql_prep($cliend_id);
    $heure_safe = mysql_prep($heure);
    $query = "SELECT * ";
    $query .= "FROM programmed_courses_modele ";
    $query .= "WHERE week_day_rank = {$week_day_rank_safe} ";
    $query .= "AND client_id = {$cliend_id_safe} ";
    $query .= "AND heure = '{$heure_safe}' ";
    //   $query .= "ORDER BY position ASC";
    $result = mysqli_query($connection, $query);
    // $result= $result;
    $row_count = mysqli_num_rows($result);
    //  printf("Result set has %d rows.\n",$rowcount);
    // Free result set
    $client = find_client_by_id($cliend_id);
    $pseudo = $client['pseudo'];
    $field = "Le modèle du ";
    $field .= "" . day_fr($week_day_rank) . " ";
    $field .= " pour " . $pseudo . " ";
    $field .= "à " . $heure . " ";
    if ($row_count == 0) {
    } else {
        if ($warning_me) {
            $warnings[$field] = fieldname_as_text($field) . " existe déjà et ne peut etre créé ou édité";
        } else {
            $errors[$field] = fieldname_as_text($field) . " existe déjà et ne peut etre créé ou édité";
    //  return $row_count;
Ejemplo n.º 4
require_once '../includes/initialize.php';

if (is_chauffeur()) {

if (!isset($_GET["id"])) {
$client = find_client_by_id($_GET["id"]);
if (!$client) {
    // admin ID was missing or invalid or
    // admin couldn't be found in database
$id = $client["id"];
$query = "DELETE FROM clients WHERE id = {$id} LIMIT 1";
$result = mysqli_query($connection, $query);
if ($result && mysqli_affected_rows($connection) == 1) {
    // Success
    $_SESSION["message"] = "Client successfully deleted.";
    $_SESSION["OK"] = true;
} else {
    // Failure
Ejemplo n.º 5
function get_modal_modele($modele_id, $date_sql = null)
    // modal
    $modele = find_modele_by_id($modele_id);
    $client = find_client_by_id($modele["client_id"]);
    $div_id = "myModalmodele{$modele_id}";
    $output = "";
    //   $output .= "";
    $output = "";
    $output .= "<a href='#' data-toggle='modal' data-target='#{$div_id}'>";
    $output .= htmlentities($client['web_view'], ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8');
    //    $output.="<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign\" style='color: green;' aria-hidden='true'></span>";
    $output .= "</a>";
    // below is modal mode not shown (hidden)
    $output .= "<div class='modal fade' id='{$div_id}' tabindex='-1' role='dialog' aria-labelledby='myModalLabel' aria-hidden='true'>";
    $output .= "    <div class='modal-dialog'>";
    $output .= "        <div class='modal-content'>";
    $output .= "            <div class='modal-header'>";
    $output .= "                <button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='modal' aria-label='Close'><span aria-hidden='true'>&times;</span></button>";
    $output .= "                <h5 class='modal-title' id='myModalLabel'>Modele " . htmlentities(day_fr($modele['week_day_rank']), ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8') . " - Pseudo :<strong>" . htmlentities($client['pseudo'], ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8') . "</strong> Nom :" . htmlentities($client['web_view'], ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8') . "</strong></h5>";
    $output .= "            </div>";
    $output .= "            <div class='modal-body'>";
    //function of body of modal
    $p_edit = "edit_course_modele.php";
    $p_del = "delete_course_modele.php";
    $p_new = "new_course_modele.php";
    $p_export = "modele_export.php";
    $url = "&url=" . urlencode($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
    if (isset($_GET["week_day"])) {
        $url .= "&week_day=" . urlencode($_GET["week_day"]);
    if (isset($_GET["date_next_last"])) {
        $url .= "&date_next_last=" . urlencode($_GET["date_next_last"]);
    if (isset($_GET["modele_visible"])) {
        $url .= "&modele_visible=" . urlencode($_GET["modele_visible"]);
    $style_width_button = "style='width: 7em;'";
    $output .= "<div class='container-fluid text-left'> ";
    $output .= get_modal_body($modele_id, $date_sql);
    //   $output .= "                <button type='button' class='btn btn-default' data-dismiss='modal'>&nbsp;Close&nbsp;</button>";
    //  $output .= "<div class='col-xm-2 col-md-offset-2'>";
    //  if ($date_sql){
    //    $output .= "<p class='btn'><a class='btn btn-success' {$style_width_button} href='{$p_export}?modele_id=".urlencode($modele_id)."&modele_date=".urlencode($date_sql).$url. "'>&nbsp;Export to prog&nbsp;&nbsp;</a></p>";
    //   }
    //   $output .= "</div>";
    $output .= "</div>";
    $output .= "            </div>";
    $output .= "            <div class='modal-footer'>";
    $output .= "                <div class='btn-group btn-group-justified' role='group' aria-label='...'>";
    $style_width_button = "style='width: 4em;'";
    $output .= "                <p class='btn'><a  class='btn btn-primary  btn-xm' {$style_width_button} href='{$p_edit}?modele_id=" . urlencode($modele_id) . $url . "'>Edit</a></p>";
    $output .= "                <p class='btn'><a class='btn btn-danger  btn-xm' {$style_width_button} href='{$p_del}?modele_id=" . urlencode($modele_id) . $url . "'>Delete</a></p>";
    $output .= "                <p class='btn'><a class='btn btn-success  btn-xm' {$style_width_button} href='{$p_new}?modele_id=" . urlencode($modele_id) . $url . "'>add</a></p>";
    $output .= "                <p class='btn' data-dismiss='modal'><a  class=' btn btn-info btn-xm'{$style_width_button}>close</a> </p>";
    $output .= "                </div>";
    $output .= "            </div>";
    $output .= "        </div>";
    $output .= "    </div>";
    $output .= "</div>";
    return $output;