Ejemplo n.º 1
function renice($pid, $app)
    $root = 0;
    $salida = null;
    $root = comp();
    $process = find($pid, $app);
    if ($process != null) {
        $put = $app->request();
        $ni = $put->put('ni');
        if (is_numeric($ni)) {
            if ((int) $ni > -21 && (int) $ni < 20) {
                if ($root == 1) {
                    $par = "sudo ./renice.sh norberfaraz@gmail.com " . $ni . " " . $pid;
                } else {
                    $par = "renice " . $ni . " " . $pid;
                $salida = shell_exec($par);
                if ($salida == null) {
                    $salida = "No tiene permisos para repriorizar el proceso con ID:" . $pid;
                    $app->render(202, array('msg' => $salida, 'error' => 'true'));
                } else {
                    $app->render(200, array('msg' => $salida, 'error' => 'false'));
            } else {
                $app->render(202, array('msg' => 'la variable ni(prioridad) no esta bien definida, debe ser un valor numerico entre 20 y -20 2 ', 'error' => 'true'));
        } else {
            $app->render(202, array('msg' => 'la variable ni(prioridad) no esta bien definida, debe ser un valor numerico entre 20 y -20  1 ' . $ni . 'h', 'error' => 'true'));
    } else {
        $app->render(202, array('msg' => 'Proceso inexistente', 'error' => true));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function add()
     if (!in_array($this->_get_param('type'), array('IssueCustomField', 'UserCustomField', 'ProjectCustomField', 'TimeEntryCustomField'))) {
     $this->CustomField->bindModel(array('hasMany' => array('CustomFieldsTracker')), false);
     $custom_field = array($this->CustomField->name => array('type' => $this->_get_param('type')));
     if (!empty($this->request->data)) {
         if ($this->CustomField->save()) {
             $event = new CakeEvent('Controller.Candy.customFieldsNewAfterSave', $this, array('custom_field' => $this->request->data));
             $this->Session->setFlash(__('Successful update.'), 'default', array('class' => 'flash flash_notice'));
             $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index', '?' => array('tab' => $this->_get_param('type'))));
     } else {
         $this->request->data = $custom_field;
     if ($this->_get_param('type') == "IssueCustomField" && $this->_get_param('tracker_ids')) {
         $custom_field['Tracker'] = $this->CustomFieldsTracker->Tracker . find('list', array('conditions' => array('id' => $this->_get_param('tracker_ids'))));
     $Tracker = ClassRegistry::init('Tracker');
     $this->set('trackers', $Tracker->find('list', array('order' => 'position')));
     $this->set('custom_field', $custom_field);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function __construct($page_object, $array_menu)
     $this->render = new Menu();
     $wsp_admin_url = WSP_ADMIN_URL;
     $menu_items = new MenuItems();
     foreach ($array_menu['MenuItems']['MenuItem'] as $menuitems) {
         eval("\$page_icon_16 = \"" . $menuitems['Menu_attr']['icon_16'] . "\";");
         if (find($menuitems['Menu_attr']['name'], "__(", 0, 0) > 0) {
             eval("\$page_title = " . $menuitems['Menu_attr']['name'] . ";");
         } else {
             eval("\$page_title = \"" . $menuitems['Menu_attr']['name'] . "\";");
         eval("\$page_link = \"" . $menuitems['Menu_attr']['url'] . "\";");
         if ($menuitems['Menu_attr']['url'] == "\$wsp_admin_url/admin.html") {
             $page_title = "";
         $menu_item = new MenuItem($page_title, $page_link, $page_icon_16);
         if (isset($_GET['menu'])) {
             if ($page_link == $wsp_admin_url . "/admin.html?menu=" . $_GET['menu']) {
         $sub_menu_items = new MenuItems();
         if (!isset($menuitems['MenuItems']['MenuItem'][0])) {
             $sub_menuitems = $menuitems['MenuItems'];
         } else {
             $sub_menuitems = $menuitems['MenuItems']['MenuItem'];
         $nb_sub_menu = 0;
         foreach ($sub_menuitems as $menuitem) {
             eval("\$page_icon_16 = \"" . $menuitem['Menu_attr']['icon_16'] . "\";");
             if (find($menuitem['Menu_attr']['name'], "__(", 0, 0) > 0) {
                 eval("\$page_title = " . $menuitem['Menu_attr']['name'] . ";");
             } else {
                 eval("\$page_title = \"" . $menuitem['Menu_attr']['name'] . "\";");
             eval("\$page_link = \"" . $menuitem['Menu_attr']['url'] . "\";");
             $sub_menu_item = new MenuItem($page_title, $page_link, $page_icon_16);
             if ($page_link == $_GET['p'] . ".html") {
         if ($nb_sub_menu > 0) {
     list($strAdminLogin, $strAdminPasswd, $strAdminRights) = getWspUserRightsInfo("admin");
     if ($strAdminLogin == "admin" && $strAdminPasswd == sha1("admin")) {
         $modalbox = new DialogBox(__(CHANGE_PASSWD), new Url($page_object->getBaseLanguageURL() . "wsp-admin/change-passwd.call"));
Ejemplo n.º 4
function dictionary($words)
    if ($words) {
        switch ($words) {
            case 'apple':
                find($words, '蘋果');
            case 'orange':
                find($words, '橘子');
            case 'watermelon':
                find($words, '西瓜');
            case 'strawberry':
                find($words, '草莓');
            case 'pineapple':
                find($words, '鳳梨');
                echo "水果字典中沒有" . $words . "這個單字";
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Constructor JavaScript
  * @param string $code_javascript 
  * @param boolean $add_js_to_page [default value: false]
 function __construct($code_javascript, $add_js_to_page = false)
     if (!isset($code_javascript)) {
         throw new NewException("1 argument for " . get_class($this) . "::__construct() is mandatory", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     $this->code_javascript = $code_javascript;
     $this->is_javascript_object = true;
     if ($add_js_to_page) {
         $page_object = Page::getInstance($_GET['p']);
         if (gettype($code_javascript) != "object") {
             // search in javascript if begin by $(document).ready(
             // then put javascript to the end (for AJAX because doc is already loaded)
             $tmp_code_javascript = trim(str_replace("\t", "", $code_javascript));
             $pos_doc_ready = find($tmp_code_javascript, "\$(document).ready(", 1);
             $pos_jquery_ready = find($tmp_code_javascript, "jQuery(document).ready(", 1);
             if ($pos_doc_ready >= 18 && $pos_doc_ready <= 30 || $pos_jquery_ready >= 23 && $pos_jquery_ready <= 35) {
                 // 30|35: beacause of tag //<![CDATA[
                 $page_object->addObject($this, false, true);
             } else {
         } else {
Ejemplo n.º 6
function isNewBrowscapVersion()
    if (!isset($_SESSION['user_browscap_version'])) {
        $_SESSION['user_browscap_version'] = getCurrentBrowscapRelease();
    if (!isset($_SESSION['server_browscap_version'])) {
        $server_browscap_version = "";
        if (extension_loaded('soap')) {
            $http = new Http();
            $wsdl = $http->getResult();
            if ($wsdl != "" && find($wsdl, "<?xml", 1) > 0) {
                $client = new WebSitePhpSoapClient("http://www.website-php.com/en/webservices/wsp-information-server.wsdl?wsdl");
                $server_browscap_version = $client->getBrowscapVersionNumber();
        } else {
            /*$http = new Http();
            		$server_browscap_version = $http->getResult();*/
            $server_browscap_version = "";
        if (trim($server_browscap_version) != "") {
            $_SESSION['server_browscap_version'] = $server_browscap_version;
    if (trim($_SESSION['user_browscap_version']) != trim($_SESSION['server_browscap_version'])) {
        return trim($_SESSION['server_browscap_version']);
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 function index()
     $this->pagedata['statusId'] = $this->system->getConf('shopex.wss.enable');
     if (!IN_AJAX) {
         $lang = $_GET['_lang'] ? $_GET['_lang'] : $this->op->get('lang');
         $lang = $lang ? $lang : 'zh_CN';
         $setting = array('lang' => $lang);
         foreach ($_GET as $k => $v) {
             if (substr($k, 0, 1) == '_' && strlen($k) > 1) {
                 $setting[substr($k, 1)] = $v;
         if (defined('SAAS_MODE') && SAAS_MODE) {
             $this->pagedata['saas_mode'] = true;
             $saas = $this->system->loadModel('service/saas');
             if ($shopinfo = $saas->native_svc('host.getinfo', array('host_id' => HOST_ID))) {
                 if ($shopinfo['response_code'] > 0) {
                     $this->pagedata['shop_service_info'] = $shopinfo['response_error'];
                 } else {
                     $this->pagedata['shop_service_info'] .= $shopinfo['service_name'];
                     $this->pagedata['shop_service_info'] .= $shopinfo['status'] == 'tryout' ? '(试用)' : '';
                     $this->pagedata['shop_service_info'] .= '[' . date('y/m/d', $shopinfo['add_time']) . '-' . date('y/m/d', $shopinfo['finish_time']) . ']';
         $titlename = $this->system->getConf('system.shopname');
         $this->pagedata['title'] = $titlename . ' - Powered By ShopEx';
         $this->pagedata['shopname'] = empty($titlename) ? "点此设置商店名称" : $titlename;
         $this->pagedata['session_id'] = $this->system->session->sess_id;
         $this->pagedata['shopadmin_dir'] = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '/';
         $this->pagedata['shop_base'] = $this->system->base_url();
         $this->pagedata['setting_query'] = http_build_query($setting) . '&_lang=' . $lang;
         $this->pagedata['uname'] = $this->op->name ? $this->op->name : $this->op->loginName;
         include_once 'adminSchema.php';
         $this->pagedata['menu'] = $this->op->getMenu(null, $this->op->is_super);
         $this->_fetchM($this->pagedata['menu'], $menus, array());
         $menus = array_values($menus);
         foreach ($menus as $i => $m) {
             foreach ($menus[$i]['key'] as $k => $v) {
                 $mkey[] = array($k, $i);
         $i = count($menus);
         foreach ($mlist as $k => $v) {
             $menus[$i] = $v;
             $mkey[] = array($k, $i);
         $this->pagedata['guide'] = $this->system->getConf('system.guide');
         $this->pagedata['scripts'] = find(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . '/js', 'js');
         $this->pagedata['mlist'] = array('menus' => &$menus, 'key' => &$mkey);
     } else {
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Constructor File
  * @param mixed $filename path to the file
  * @param boolean $binary [default value: false]
  * @param boolean $delete_if_exists [default value: false]
  * @param boolean $debug [default value: true]
 function __construct($filename, $binary = false, $delete_if_exists = false, $debug = true)
     $this->debug = $debug;
     $filename = str_replace("\\", "/", $filename);
     $this->name = $filename;
     $this->binary = $binary;
     if (file_exists($filename)) {
         $this->exists = true;
     } else {
         if (find($filename, "http://") == 0 && find($filename, "https://") == 0 && find($filename, "ftp://") == 0) {
             // we don't create a directory if it's a web file
             if (!is_dir(substr(0, strrpos($filename, "/"), $filename))) {
                 $create_folder = "";
                 $tmp_filename = $filename;
                 if (ini_get('open_basedir') != "") {
                     $open_basedir_array = explode(":", ini_get('open_basedir'));
                     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($open_basedir_array); $i++) {
                         if (trim($open_basedir_array[$i]) != "" && substr($filename, 0, strlen($open_basedir_array[$i])) == $open_basedir_array[$i]) {
                             $create_folder = $open_basedir_array[$i];
                             if ($create_folder[strlen($create_folder) - 1] != "/") {
                                 $create_folder .= "/";
                             $tmp_filename = substr($filename, strlen($create_folder));
                 $array_dir = explode("/", $tmp_filename);
                 for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($array_dir) - 1; $i++) {
                     $create_folder_before = $create_folder;
                     $create_folder .= $array_dir[$i] . "/";
                     if (!file_exists($dir) && !is_dir($create_folder) && $create_folder != "/") {
                         if (!mkdir($create_folder)) {
                             if (!mkdir(realpath($create_folder_before) . "/" . $array_dir[$i] . "/")) {
                                 $this->halt("Can't create folder " . $create_folder . ".");
     if ($delete_if_exists && $this->exists) {
         if (!unlink($filename)) {
             $this->halt("Can't delete exists file " . $filename . ".");
     if ($binary) {
         $this->file = @fopen($filename, "a+b");
         if (!$this->file) {
             $this->file = @fopen($filename, "rb");
     } else {
         $this->file = @fopen($filename, "a+");
         if (!$this->file) {
             $this->file = @fopen($filename, "r");
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * Autoload
 * @param   $class  Class name.
 * @return  boolean
function autoload($class)
    $filename = str_replace('_', DS, $class);
    if ($path = find($filename . EXT)) {
        include $path;
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 function index()
     $this->pagedata['statusId'] = $this->system->getConf('shopex.wss.enable');
     if (!IN_AJAX) {
         foreach ($_GET as $k => $v) {
             if (substr($k, 0, 1) == '_' && strlen($k) > 1) {
                 $setting[substr($k, 1)] = $v;
         if (constant('SAAS_MODE')) {
             $saas =& $this->system->loadModel('service/saas');
             if ($shopinfo = $saas->native_svc('host.getinfo', array('host_id' => HOST_ID))) {
                 if ($shopinfo['response_code'] > 0) {
                     $this->pagedata['shop_service_info'] = $shopinfo['response_error'];
                 } else {
                     $this->pagedata['shop_service_info'] .= $shopinfo['service_name'];
                     $this->pagedata['shop_service_info'] .= $shopinfo['status'] == 'tryout' ? __('(试用)') : '';
                     $this->pagedata['shop_service_info'] .= '[' . date('y/m/d', $shopinfo['add_time']) . '-' . date('y/m/d', $shopinfo['finish_time']) . ']';
         $titlename = $this->system->getConf('system.shopname');
         $this->pagedata['title'] = $titlename . ' - Powered By ShopEx';
         $this->pagedata['shopname'] = empty($titlename) ? __("点此设置商店名称") : $titlename;
         $this->pagedata['session_id'] = $this->system->sess_id;
         $this->pagedata['status_url'] = urlencode(PHP_SELF . '?ctl=default&act=status&sess_id=' . $this->system->sess_id);
         $this->pagedata['shopadmin_dir'] = '/' . SHOPADMIN_PATH . '/';
         $this->pagedata['shop_base'] = $this->system->base_url();
         $this->pagedata['uname'] = $this->system->op_name;
         $this->pagedata['shop_type_info'] = '1to1' == $this->system->getConf('system.b2c_shop_type') ? '批零店' : '加盟连锁店';
         if (!function_exists('admin_menu_filter')) {
             require CORE_INCLUDE_DIR . '/shop/admin.menu_filter.php';
         $this->pagedata['menu'] =& admin_menu_filter($this->system, null);
         $this->_fetchM($this->pagedata['menu'], $menus, array());
         $menus = array_values($menus);
         foreach ($menus as $i => $m) {
             foreach ($menus[$i]['key'] as $k => $v) {
                 $mkey[] = array($k, $i);
         $i = count($menus);
         foreach ($mlist as $k => $v) {
             $menus[$i] = $v;
             $mkey[] = array($k, $i);
         $this->pagedata['guide'] = $this->system->getConf('system.guide');
         $this->pagedata['scripts'] = find(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . '/js_src', 'js');
         $this->pagedata['mlist'] = array('menus' => &$menus, 'key' => &$mkey);
     } else {
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public function approve($id)
     return $this->db->query("UPDATE users SET user_level = ? WHERE id = ?", array(4, $id));
     $user = find($id);
     $to = $user['email'];
     $password = $user['password'];
     $subject = "Welcome to LINK! Your membership has been approved!";
     $message = "Congratulations! You are now officially a Rescue Team Member. You can login with your email. Your temporrary password is {$password}. Please change it when you first log into your account.";
     mail($to, $subject, $message);
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Method getLocalPath
  * @access public
  * @return string
  * @since 1.0.35
 public function getLocalPath()
     $path = $this->getPath();
     if ($this->treeview_object == null) {
         $this->treeview_object = $this->getTreeViewObject();
     if ($this->treeview_object->isRootFolder()) {
         $path = substr($path, find($path, "/", 0, 0), strlen($path));
     return str_replace("\\", "/", $this->treeview_object->getLoadedPath() . $path);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public function set_template($template_name)
     if (file_exists(find("template/") . $template_name)) {
         $this->template_dir = str_replace($this->template, $template_name, $this->template_dir);
         $this->template = $template_name;
         $this->compile_id = $this->template;
         $this->assign("template_dir", $this->template_dir);
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 14
function sw($q)
    switch ($q) {
        case "find":
        case "explore":
    //  print_r(error_get_last());
Ejemplo n.º 15
function write_rss_feed()
    $feed_home = find("feed/");
    if (($fh = @fopen($feed_home . "feed.xml", "w")) === false) {
        trigger_error("write_rss_feed could not lock file for writing", E_USER_WARNING);
        return false;
    } else {
        fwrite($fh, generate_rss_feed());
        return true;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 * 根据名称在目录下查找文件&文件夹
 * @param string $pattern 匹配规则
 * @param string $dir 搜索目标根目录
 * @return array
function find($pattern, $dir = __ROOT__)
    $dir = trim($dir, '/\\') . DS;
    if (!is_dir($dir)) {
        return error('dir ' . $dir . ' not exists');
    $pattern = '*' . trim($pattern, '*') . '*';
    $matches = glob($dir . $pattern);
    $children_dir = glob($dir . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR);
    foreach ($children_dir as $children_dir) {
        $matches = array_merge($matches, find($pattern, $children_dir));
    return $matches;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 * find $obj
 * @param mixed $obj
 * @return boolean True
function find($node, $obj)
    if (!isset($node)) {
        return NULL;
    $diff = compare($node['root'], $obj);
    if ($diff == 0) {
        return $node['root'];
    } elseif ($diff < 0) {
        return find($node['left'], $obj);
    } else {
        return find($node['right'], $obj);
Ejemplo n.º 18
function start()
    $unix = new unix();
    $pidpath = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".pid";
    $pid = @file_get_contents($pidpath);
    if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) {
        $unix->events(basename(__FILE__) . ":: " . __FUNCTION__ . " Already process {$pid} running.. Aborting");
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM postfinder WHERE finish=0 ORDER BY date_start";
    $q = new mysql();
    $results = $q->QUERY_SQL($sql, "artica_events");
    while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_array($results, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
Ejemplo n.º 19
 function render($region = "")
     if ($region == "project") {
         $page = find($this, "Page", "path", $this->path);
         if ($page == null) {
             if (strpos($this->path, "/") !== false) {
                 $parts = explode("/", $this->path);
                 $page = find($this, "Page", "path", $parts[0]);
                 if ($page == null) {
                     $page = new Page($this, '{ "name":"404", "file":"threephp/inc/404.php" }');
         echo $page->render("page");
Ejemplo n.º 20
 function __construct($parent = null, $params_json = "{}")
     $this->dice1 = 6;
     $this->dice2 = 6;
     $this->js = 'dice_roll';
     $this->numhouses = 0;
     parent::__construct($parent, $params_json);
     find($this->root(), "Scene")->physics = true;
     $this->name = "dice";
     //load last value??
     $db_dices = root($this)->db->load("Dice", "", "", true);
     if (count($db_dices)) {
         $dice = json_decode($db_dices[0]->object);
         $this->dice1 = $dice->dice1;
         $this->dice2 = $dice->dice2;
 public function delete($id = '')
     if (empty($id)) {
         $this->ajaxReturn(array('status' => 'error'));
     $where = array('id' => $id, 'isAvailable' => 1);
     $publisher = M('Publisher');
     if ($publisher->where($where)->find()) {
         $book = M('Book');
         $flag = $book->where(array('isAvailable' => 1, 'publisher_id' => $id) - find());
         if (empty($flag)) {
             $res = $publisher->where($where)->save(array('isAvailable' => 0));
     $data['status'] = empty($res) ? 'error' : 'success';
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * 用户登录判断
  * @param string $user
  * @param string $pass
  * @return int
 public function login($user, $pass)
     $sql = "select username,password,privileges from mpos_user where username='******'";
     $info = find($sql);
     if (!$info) {
         return '-1';
     if ($info['password'] != md5($pass)) {
         return '-2';
     $_SESSION['account']['username'] = $info['username'];
     $_SESSION['account']['privileges'] = $info['privileges'];
     return '1';
Ejemplo n.º 23
function find($dir, $pattern)
    // escape any character in a string that might be used to trick
    // a shell command into executing arbitrary commands
    $dir = escapeshellcmd($dir);
    // get a list of all matching files in the current directory
    $files = glob($dir . '/' . $pattern);
    // find a list of all directories in the current directory
    // directories beginning with a dot are also included
    foreach (glob($dir . '/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $sub_dir) {
        $arr = find($sub_dir, $pattern);
        // recursive call
        $files = array_merge($files, $arr);
        // merge array with files from subdirectory
    return $files;
Ejemplo n.º 24
function find($sizes, $mustMatch, $matches = [], $depth = 1)
    $sizes = array_filter($sizes, function ($v) use($mustMatch) {
        return $v <= $mustMatch;
    while ($size = array_shift($sizes)) {
        if ($mustMatch == $size) {
            isset($matches[$depth]) ? $matches[$depth]++ : ($matches[$depth] = 1);
        } else {
            if ($mustMatch < $size) {
            } else {
                $matches = find($sizes, $mustMatch - $size, $matches, $depth + 1);
    return $matches;
Ejemplo n.º 25
function find($num, $boucle = 0)
    if (file_exists("Public_Trolls.txt")) {
        $fichier = file_get_contents("Public_Trolls.txt");
        $deb = $num == 1 ? '^' : '\\n';
        preg_match('/' . $deb . $num . ';(.+);/U', $fichier, $out);
        if (!isset($out[1])) {
            if ($boucle == 0) {
                find($num, 1);
            } else {
                return '####';
        } else {
            return $out[1];
    } else {
        find($num, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 26
function smarty_function_header($params, &$smarty)
    $system =& $GLOBALS['system'];
    $data['title'] = $smarty->_tpl_vars['title'];
    if ($GLOBALS['runtime']['query'] == 'index.html' && $system->getConf('system.index_title')) {
        $data['title'] = $system->getConf('system.index_title');
    $data['headers'] = $system->ctl->header;
    $data['base_url'] = $system->base_url();
    $shop = array('set' => array());
    $shop['set']['path'] = substr(PHP_SELF, 0, strrpos(PHP_SELF, '/') + 1);
    $shop['set']['buytarget'] = $system->getConf('site.buy.target');
    $shop['set']['dragcart'] = $system->getConf('ux.dragcart');
    $shop['set']['refer_timeout'] = $system->getConf('site.refer_timeout');
    $shop['url']['addcart'] = $system->mkUrl('cart', 'ajaxadd');
    $shop['url']['shipping'] = $system->mkUrl('cart', 'shipping');
    $shop['url']['payment'] = $system->mkUrl('cart', 'payment');
    $shop['url']['total'] = $system->mkUrl('cart', 'total');
    $shop['url']['viewcart'] = $system->mkUrl('cart', 'view');
    $shop['url']['ordertotal'] = $system->mkUrl('cart', 'total');
    $shop['url']['applycoupon'] = $system->mkUrl('cart', 'applycoupon');
    $shop['url']['product_diff'] = $system->mkUrl('product', 'diff');
    $data['shopDefine'] = json_encode($shop);
    $output =& $system->loadModel('system/frontend');
    $theme_dir = $system->base_url() . 'themes/' . $output->theme;
    $data['theme_dir'] = $theme_dir;
    if (defined('DEBUG_JS') && DEBUG_JS) {
        $data['scripts'] = find(BASE_DIR . '/statics/headjs', 'js', 'statics/headjs');
    } elseif (defined('GZIP_JS') && GZIP_JS) {
        $data['scripts'] = array('statics/head.jgz');
    } else {
        $data['scripts'] = array('statics/head.js');
    $smarty->_smarty_include(array('smarty_include_tpl_file' => 'shop:common/header.html', 'smarty_include_vars' => $data));
Ejemplo n.º 27
 * WebSite-PHP file utils_ajax.inc.php
 * WebSite-PHP : PHP Framework 100% object (http://www.website-php.com)
 * Copyright (c) 2009-2015 WebSite-PHP.com
 * PHP versions >= 5.2
 * Licensed under The MIT License
 * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
 * @author      Emilien MOREL <*****@*****.**>
 * @link        http://www.website-php.com
 * @copyright   WebSite-PHP.com 12/05/2015
 * @version     1.2.13
 * @access      public
 * @since       1.0.19
function extract_javascript($html)
    $array_html_js = array();
    $array_html_js[0] = $html;
    $pos = find($html, "<script", 1, 0);
    while ($pos > 0) {
        $pos = $pos - 7;
        $pos2 = find($html, "</script>", 1, $pos);
        if ($pos2 > 0) {
            $sub_html1 = substr($html, 0, $pos);
            $sub_html2 = substr($html, $pos2, strlen($html));
            $pos3 = find($html, ">", 1, $pos);
            $script = substr($html, $pos3, $pos2 - $pos3 - 9);
            $array_html_js[] = $script;
            $html = $sub_html1 . " " . $sub_html2;
        } else {
        $pos = find($html, "<script", 1, 0);
    $array_html_js[0] = $html;
    return $array_html_js;
Ejemplo n.º 28
 * 查找指定目录下的文件或目录
 * @static
 * @param string $path 目录路径
 * @param null $include 要包含的文件正则,如果设置了,则只有符合这个正则的文件才能被请求到
 * @param null $exclude  要排除的文件正则,如果设置了,即使是包含的文件,也会被排除
 * @param bool $recursion 是否递归查找,默认是true
 * @param bool $include_dir 找到的结果是否包含目录,默认为false,不包含
 * @param array $files 递归用的存储容器,不应该被用到
 * @return array 数组
function find($path, $include = null, $exclude = null, $recursion = true, $include_dir = false, &$files = array())
    // $path = self::realpath($path);
    if (is_dir($path)) {
        $path .= '/';
        $dir = dir($path);
        while (false !== ($entry = $dir->read())) {
            if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..' || $entry[0] == '.' && is_dir($path . $entry)) {
            $entry = $path . $entry;
            if (is_dir($entry)) {
                if ($include_dir && filter($entry, $include, $exclude)) {
                    $files[] = $entry;
                if ($recursion) {
                    find($entry, $include, $exclude, true, $include_dir, $files);
            } else {
                if (!filter($entry, $include, $exclude)) {
                $files[] = $entry;
        return $files;
    } else {
        if (is_file($path) && filter($path, $include, $exclude)) {
            $files[] = $path;
    return $files;
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public function login()
     $this->layout = 'sesion';
     //Registro de asistencia
     if ($this->request->is('post')) {
         $cedula = $this->request->data['Personal']['cedula'];
         if (!empty($cedula)) {
             $this->request->data['usuario'] = "argemen";
             $this->request->data['clave'] = "argenis";
             $usuario = $this->Usuario->validateLogin($this->request->data);
             if ($usuario) {
                 App::import('Model', 'Personal');
                 $personal = new Personal();
                 $this->set('cedula', $personal_ > find('all', array('conditions' => array('cedula' => $cedula))));
         } else {
             if (!empty($this->request->data)) {
                 if (($usuario = $this->Usuario->validateLogin($this->request->data)) == true) {
                     $this->Session->write('usuario', $usuario);
                     //$this->Session->setFlash('You\'ve successfully logged in.');
                     $this->redirect(array('action' => 'inicio'));
                 } else {
                     $this->Session->setFlash('Usuario Invalido!!', 'default', array('class' => 'error'));
                     $this->redirect(array('action' => 'login'));
     //Fin verificación método post
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public function run()
     if ($id && ($user = find("\\System\\User", $id))) {
         $heading = $locales->trans('godmode_user_edit_passwd');
         $f = $ren->form(array("id" => 'edit_user_groups', "heading" => $heading));
         $f->input_password('password', $locales->trans('godmode_user_password'), true);
         $f->input_password('password_check', $locales->trans('godmode_user_password_check'), true);
         if ($f->passed()) {
             $p = $f->get_data();
             if ($p['password'] === $p['password_check']) {
                 $p['password'] = hash_passwd($p['password']);
                 $flow->redirect(\Godmode\Router::url($request, $link_god, 'detail', array($user->id)));
             } else {
         } else {
     } else {
         throw new System\Error\NotFound();