Ejemplo n.º 1
function feature_quick_report($group_id, $title, $subtitle1, $sql1, $subtitle2, $sql2)
    global $bar_colors;
    feature_header(array("title" => $title));
    echo "\n<H2>{$title}</H2>";
    reports_quick_graph($subtitle1, $sql1, $sql2, $bar_colors);
Ejemplo n.º 2
			<B><FONT COLOR="RED">It is not recommended that you change the feature category name because other things are dependent upon it.</FONT></B>
                    } else {
                        echo '
			<H1>The feature category that you requested a modification on was not found.</H1>';
                } else {
                    	Show main page
                    feature_header(array('title' => 'Feature Manager Administration'));
                    echo '
			<H2>Feature Manager Administration</H2>';
                    echo '<P>
			<A HREF="' . $PHP_SELF . '?group_id=' . $group_id . '&feature_cat=1">Add Feature Request Categories</A><BR>';
                    echo "\nAdd categories of feature like, 'mail module','gant chart module','cvs', etc<P>";
                    echo '<P>
			<A HREF="' . $PHP_SELF . '?group_id=' . $group_id . '&create_canned=1">Add Canned Responses</A><BR>';
                    echo "\nCreate/Change generic response messages for the feature tool.<P>";
} else {
    //browse for group first message
Ejemplo n.º 3

// SourceForge: Breaking Down the Barriers to Open Source Development
// Copyright 1999-2000 (c) The SourceForge Crew
// http://sourceforge.net
// $Id: add_feature.php,v 1.1 2004/03/16 14:51:57 helix Exp $
feature_header(array('title' => 'Submit a Feature Request'));
echo '
	<H2>Submit A Feature Request</H2>
	<B>Fill out the form below.</B> Fill in complete information and make sure 
	you include enough info that someone will be able to help you.
	If you are requesting something that could affect security, <B>YOU MUST BE LOGGED IN</B>.
	<FORM ACTION="' . $PHP_SELF . '" METHOD="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
	<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="func" VALUE="postaddfeature">
	<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="group_id" VALUE="' . $group_id . '">
	<TR><TD VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN="2"><B>For Project:</B><BR>' . group_getname($group_id) . '</TD></TR>
	<TR><TD VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN="2"><B>Category:</B><BR>';
echo feature_category_box($group_id, 'feature_category_id');

	<TR><TD COLSPAN="2"><B>Summary:</B><BR>
		<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="summary" SIZE="35" MAXLENGTH="40">
Ejemplo n.º 4
    $assigned_str = "AND feature.assigned_to='{$_assigned_to}'";
} else {
    //no assigned to was chosen, so don't add it to where clause
    $assigned_str = '';
//if category selected, add to where clause
if ($_category && $_category != 100) {
    $category_str = "AND feature.feature_category_id='{$_category}'";
} else {
    //no assigned to was chosen, so don't add it to where clause
    $category_str = '';
//build page title to make bookmarking easier
//if a user was selected, add the user_name to the title
//same for status
feature_header(array('title' => 'Browse Feature Requests' . ($_assigned_to ? ' For: ' . user_getname($_assigned_to) : '') . ($_status && $_status != 100 ? ' By Status: ' . feature_data_get_status_name($_status) : '')));
//now build the query using the criteria built above
$sql = "SELECT feature.priority,feature.group_id,feature.feature_id,feature.summary," . "feature_category.category_name,feature_status.status_name," . "feature.open_date AS date,users.user_name AS submitted_by,user2.user_name AS assigned_to_user " . "FROM feature,feature_category,feature_status,users,users user2 " . "WHERE users.user_id=feature.submitted_by " . " {$status_str} {$assigned_str} {$category_str} " . "AND user2.user_id=feature.assigned_to " . "AND feature_category.feature_category_id=feature.feature_category_id " . "AND feature_status.feature_status_id=feature.feature_status_id " . "AND feature.group_id='{$group_id}'" . $order_by;
        creating a custom technician box which includes "any" and "unassigned"
$res_tech = feature_data_get_technicians($group_id);
$tech_id_arr = util_result_column_to_array($res_tech, 0);
$tech_id_arr[] = '0';
//this will be the 'any' row
$tech_name_arr = util_result_column_to_array($res_tech, 1);
$tech_name_arr[] = 'Any';
$tech_box = html_build_select_box_from_arrays($tech_id_arr, $tech_name_arr, '_assigned_to', $_assigned_to, true, 'Unassigned');
	Show the new pop-up boxes to select assigned to and/or status
Ejemplo n.º 5

// SourceForge: Breaking Down the Barriers to Open Source Development
// Copyright 1999-2000 (c) The SourceForge Crew
// http://sourceforge.net
// $Id: mod_feature.php,v 1.1 2004/03/16 14:51:57 helix Exp $
feature_header(array('title' => 'Modify a Feature Request'));
$sql = "SELECT * FROM feature WHERE feature_id='{$feature_id}' AND group_id='{$group_id}'";
$result = db_query($sql);
if (db_numrows($result) > 0) {
    echo '
	<H2>[ Feature Request #' . $feature_id . ' ] ' . db_result($result, 0, 'summary') . '</H2>';
    echo '
	<FORM ACTION="' . $PHP_SELF . '" METHOD="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
	<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="func" VALUE="postmodfeature">
	<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="group_id" VALUE="' . $group_id . '">
	<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="feature_id" VALUE="' . $feature_id . '">

	<TABLE WIDTH="100%">
		<TD><B>Submitted By:</B><BR>' . user_getname(db_result($result, 0, 'submitted_by')) . '</TD>
		<TD><B>Group:</B><BR>' . group_getname($group_id) . '</TD>

		<TD><B>Date Submitted:</B><BR>
		' . date($sys_datefmt, db_result($result, 0, 'open_date')) . '
		<TD><FONT SIZE="-1">
Ejemplo n.º 6

// SourceForge: Breaking Down the Barriers to Open Source Development
// Copyright 1999-2000 (c) The SourceForge Crew
// http://sourceforge.net
// $Id: detail_feature.php,v 1.1 2004/03/16 14:51:57 helix Exp $
feature_header(array('title' => 'Feature Request Detail: ' . $feature_id));
$sql = "SELECT feature.summary,users.user_name AS submitted_by,feature.priority," . "user2.user_name AS assigned_to,feature_status.status_name,feature.open_date,feature_category.category_name " . "FROM feature,users,users user2,feature_category,feature_status " . "WHERE feature.submitted_by=users.user_id " . "AND feature.assigned_to=user2.user_id " . "AND feature.feature_status_id=feature_status.feature_status_id " . "AND feature.feature_category_id=feature_category.feature_category_id " . "AND feature.feature_id='{$feature_id}'";
$result = db_query($sql);
if (db_numrows($result) > 0) {
    echo '
		<H2>[ Feature Request #' . $feature_id . ' ] ' . db_result($result, 0, 'summary') . '</H2>

			<TD><B>Date:</B><BR>' . date($sys_datefmt, db_result($result, 0, 'open_date')) . '</TD>
			<TD><B>Priority:</B><BR>' . db_result($result, 0, 'priority') . '</TD>

			<TD><B>Submitted By:</B><BR>' . db_result($result, 0, 'submitted_by') . '</TD>
			<TD><B>Assigned To:</B><BR>' . db_result($result, 0, 'assigned_to') . '</TD>

			<TD><B>Category:</B><BR>' . db_result($result, 0, 'category_name') . '</TD>
			<TD><B>Status:</B><BR>' . db_result($result, 0, 'status_name') . '</TD>