function AuthenticationBasicHTTP($realm, $users, $phpcgi = 0) { if (empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && empty($_SERVER['REDIRECT_REMOTE_USER'])) { header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="' . $realm . '"'); header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); die('401 Unauthorized'); } $user = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']; if ($phpcgi == 1) { $matches = explode(' ', $_SERVER['REDIRECT_REMOTE_USER']); list($name, $password) = explode(':', base64_decode($matches[1])); $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] = $user = strip_tags($name); $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] = strip_tags($password); } if (array_key_exists($user, $users) && $users[$user] == extEncodePassword($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) { activate_user($user, extEncodePassword($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])); return TRUE; } header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="' . $realm . '"'); header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); die('401 Unauthorized'); return FALSE; }
function login() { global $auth, $authentication_type; if (!is_object($auth)) { return false; } if (!empty($GLOBALS['__POST']['username']) || !empty($_SESSION['credentials_' . $authentication_type])) { if (!empty($GLOBALS['__POST']['username'])) { $username = $GLOBALS['__POST']['username']; $password = $GLOBALS['__POST']['password']; if ($authentication_type == 'extplorer') { $password = extEncodePassword($password); } } else { $username = $_SESSION['credentials_' . $authentication_type]['username']; $password = $_SESSION['credentials_' . $authentication_type]['password']; } $res = $auth->onAuthenticate(array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password)); if (!PEAR::isError($res) && $res !== false) { if (@$GLOBALS['__POST']['action'] == 'login' && ext_isXHR()) { session_write_close(); ext_Result::sendResult('login', true, ext_Lang::msg('actlogin_success')); } return true; } else { if (ext_isXHR()) { $errmsg = PEAR::isError($res) ? $res->getMessage() : ext_Lang::msg('actlogin_failure'); ext_Result::sendResult('login', false, $errmsg); } return false; } } if (ext_isXHR() && $GLOBALS['action'] != 'login') { echo '<script type="text/javascript>document.location="' . _EXT_URL . '/index.php";</script>'; exit; } session_write_close(); session_id(get_session_id()); session_start(); // Ask for Login $GLOBALS['mainframe']->setPageTitle(ext_Lang::msg('actlogin')); $GLOBALS['mainframe']->addcustomheadtag(' <script type="text/javascript" src="' . _EXT_URL . '/fetchscript.php?' . 'subdir[0]=scripts/extjs3/adapter/ext/&file[0]=ext-base.js' . '&subdir[1]=scripts/extjs3/&file[1]=ext-all.js&gzip=1"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="' . $GLOBALS['script_name'] . '?option=com_extplorer&action=include_javascript&file=functions.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="' . _EXT_URL . '/fetchscript.php?subdir[0]=scripts/extjs3/resources/css/&file[0]=ext-all.css&subdir[1]=scripts/extjs3/resources/css/&file[1]=xtheme-blue.css&gzip=1" />'); ?> <div style="width: 400px;" id="formContainer"> <div id="ext_logo" style="text-align:center;"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="<?php echo _EXT_URL; ?> /images/eXtplorer-horizontal2.png" align="middle" alt="eXtplorer Logo" style="border:none;" /> </a> </div> <noscript> <div style="width:400px;text-align:center;"> <h1>eXtplorer Login</h1> <p style="color:red;">Oh, Javascript is disabled!</p> <p>Find out <a target="_blank" href="">how you can enable Javascript in your browser.</a> </p> </div> </noscript> <div id="adminForm"></div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> Ext.onReady( function() { var simple = new Ext.FormPanel(<?php $auth->onShowLoginForm(); ?> ); Ext.get( 'formContainer').center(); Ext.get( 'formContainer').setTop(100); simple.getForm().findField('username').focus(); }); </script><?php define('_LOGIN_REQUIRED', 1); }
function edituser($dir) { // Edit User $user = stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["nuser"]); $data = find_user($user, NULL); if ($data == NULL) { ext_Result::sendResult('edituser', false, $user . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["miscnofinduser"]); } if ($self = $user == $GLOBALS['__SESSION']["s_user"]) { $dir = ""; } if (isset($GLOBALS['__POST']["confirm"]) && $GLOBALS['__POST']["confirm"] == "true") { $nuser = stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["nuser"]); if ($nuser == "" || $GLOBALS['__POST']["home_dir"] == "") { ext_Result::sendResult('edituser', false, $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["miscfieldmissed"]); } if (isset($GLOBALS['__POST']["chpass"]) && $GLOBALS['__POST']["chpass"] == "true") { if ($GLOBALS['__POST']["pass1"] != $GLOBALS['__POST']["pass2"]) { ext_Result::sendResult('edituser', false, $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["miscnopassmatch"]); } $pass = extEncodePassword(stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["pass1"])); } else { $pass = $data[1]; } if ($self) { $GLOBALS['__POST']["active"] = 1; } $data = array($nuser, $pass, stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["home_dir"]), stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["home_url"]), $GLOBALS['__POST']["show_hidden"], stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["no_access"]), $GLOBALS['__POST']["permissions"], $GLOBALS['__POST']["active"]); if (!update_user($user, $data)) { ext_Result::sendResult('edituser', false, $user . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["saveuser"]); } if ($self) { activate_user($nuser, NULL); } ext_Result::sendResult('edituser', true, $user . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["saveuser"]); } // Javascript functions: include _EXT_PATH . "/include/js_admin3.php"; show_userform($data); }
function edituser($dir) { // Edit User $user = stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["nuser"]); $data = ext_find_user($user, NULL); if ($data == NULL) { ext_Result::sendResult('edituser', false, $user . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["miscnofinduser"]); } if ($self = $user == $GLOBALS['__SESSION']['credentials_extplorer']['username']) { $dir = ""; } if (isset($GLOBALS['__POST']["confirm"]) && $GLOBALS['__POST']["confirm"] == "true") { $nuser = stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["nuser"]); if ($nuser == "" || $GLOBALS['__POST']["home_dir"] == "") { ext_Result::sendResult('edituser', false, $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["miscfieldmissed"]); } if (isset($GLOBALS['__POST']["chpass"]) && $GLOBALS['__POST']["chpass"] == "on") { if ($GLOBALS['__POST']["pass1"] != $GLOBALS['__POST']["pass2"]) { ext_Result::sendResult('edituser', false, $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["miscnopassmatch"]); } $pass = extEncodePassword(stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["pass1"])); } else { $pass = $data[1]; } if ($self) { $GLOBALS['__POST']["active"] = 1; } $data = array($nuser, $pass, stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["home_dir"]), stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["home_url"]), $GLOBALS['__POST']["show_hidden"], stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["no_access"]), $GLOBALS['__POST']["permissions"], $GLOBALS['__POST']["active"]); if (!ext_update_user($user, $data)) { ext_Result::sendResult('edituser', false, $user . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["saveuser"]); } /*if($self) { activate_user($nuser,NULL); }*/ ext_Result::sendResult('edituser', true, $user . ": " . ext_Lang::msg('User Profile has been updated')); } show_userform($data); }
chDir( '<?php echo str_replace("'", "\\'", $dir); ?> ' ); } } } }); Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(new Ext.state.CookieProvider({ expires: new Date(new Date().getTime()+(1000*60*60*24*7)) //7 days from now })); <?php if ($GLOBALS['require_login'] && $GLOBALS['mainframe']->getUserName() == 'admin' && ($GLOBALS['mainframe']->getPassword() == extEncodePassword('admin') || $GLOBALS['mainframe']->getPassword() == md5('admin'))) { // Urge User to change admin password! echo 'msgbox = Ext.Msg.alert(\'' . ext_Lang::msg('password_warning_title', true) . '\', \'' . ext_Lang::msg('password_warning_text', true) . '\', function(btn) { if( btn == \'ok\' ) openActionDialog( null, \'admin\') } ); msgbox.setIcon(Ext.MessageBox.WARNING); '; } ?> } if( typeof Ext == 'undefined' ) { document.location = '<?php echo basename($GLOBALS['script_name']); ?> ?option=com_extplorer&nofetchscript=1';
} } } else {; } } } function handleNodeClick( sm, node ) { if( node && ) { chDir( /_RRR_/g, '/' ) ); } } <?php if ($GLOBALS['require_login'] && $_SESSION['s_user'] == 'admin' && $_SESSION['s_pass'] == extEncodePassword('admin')) { // Urge User to change admin password! echo 'Ext.Msg.alert(\'' . ext_Lang::msg('password_warning_title', true) . '\', \'<img src="' . _EXT_URL . '/images/messagebox_warning.png" align="left" hspace="10" alt="Warning" /> ' . ext_Lang::msg('password_warning_text', true) . '\', function(btn) { if( btn == \'ok\' ) openActionDialog( null, \'admin\') } ); '; } ?> } if( typeof Ext == 'undefined' ) { alert( 'The ExtJS Library could not be found.\nPlease make sure that eXtplorer has been fully installed\nand the file "fetchscript.php" in the\nextplorer directory is not chmodded to 777\n(so chmod to 644 or 666)' ); document.location = '<?php echo basename($GLOBALS['script_name']); ?> ';
function login() { if (!empty($GLOBALS['__SESSION']["s_user"])) { if (!activate_user($GLOBALS['__SESSION']["s_user"], $GLOBALS['__SESSION']["s_pass"])) { logout(); } } else { if (isset($GLOBALS['__POST']["p_pass"])) { $p_pass = $GLOBALS['__POST']["p_pass"]; } else { $p_pass = ""; } if (isset($GLOBALS['__POST']["p_user"])) { // Check Login if (!activate_user(stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["p_user"]), extEncodePassword(stripslashes($p_pass)))) { ext_Result::sendResult('login', false, ext_Lang::msg('actlogin_failure')); } ext_Result::sendResult('login', true, ext_Lang::msg('actlogin_success')); } else { session_write_close(); session_id(get_session_id()); session_start(); // Ask for Login $GLOBALS['mainframe']->setPageTitle(ext_Lang::msg('actlogin')); $GLOBALS['mainframe']->addcustomheadtag(' <script type="text/javascript" src="' . _EXT_URL . '/fetchscript.php?' . '&subdir[0]=scripts/extjs/&file[0]=yui-utilities.js' . '&subdir[1]=scripts/extjs/&file[1]=ext-yui-adapter.js' . '&subdir[2]=scripts/extjs/&file[2]=ext-all.js&gzip=1"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="' . $GLOBALS['script_name'] . '?option=com_extplorer&action=include_javascript&file=functions.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="' . _EXT_URL . '/fetchscript.php?subdir[0]=scripts/extjs/css/&file[0]=ext-all.css&subdir[1]=scripts/extjs/css/&file[1]=xtheme-aero.css&gzip=1" />'); $langs = get_languages(); ?> <div id="formContainer"> <?php show_footer(); ?> <div class="x-box-tl"><div class="x-box-tr"><div class="x-box-tc"></div></div></div> <div class="x-box-ml"><div class="x-box-mr"><div class="x-box-mc"> <h3 style="margin-bottom:5px;"><?php echo ext_Lang::msg('actlogin'); ?> </h3> <div id="adminForm"> </div><div class="ext_statusbar" id="statusBar"></div> </div></div></div> <div class="x-box-bl"><div class="x-box-br"><div class="x-box-bc"></div></div></div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var languages = new{ fields: ['language', 'langname'], data : [ <?php $i = 0; $c = count($langs); foreach ($langs as $language => $name) { echo "['{$language}', '{$name}' ]"; if (++$i < $c) { echo ','; } } ?> ] }); var simple = new Ext.form.Form({ labelWidth: 125, // label settings here cascade unless overridden url:'<?php echo basename($GLOBALS['script_name']); ?> ' }); simple.add( new Ext.form.TextField({ fieldLabel: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('miscusername', true); ?> ', name: 'p_user', width:175, allowBlank:false }), new Ext.form.TextField({ fieldLabel: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('miscpassword', true); ?> ', name: 'p_pass', inputType: 'password', width:175, allowBlank:false }), new Ext.form.ComboBox({ fieldLabel: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('misclang', true); ?> ', store: languages, displayField:'langname', valueField: 'language', value: '<?php echo ext_Lang::detect_lang(); ?> ', hiddenName: 'lang', disableKeyFilter: true, editable: false, triggerAction: 'all', mode: 'local', allowBlank: false, selectOnFocus:true }) ); simple.addButton({text: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('btnlogin', true); ?> ', type: 'submit'}, function() { Ext.get( 'statusBar').update( 'Please wait...' ); simple.submit({ //reset: true, reset: false, success: function(form, action) { Ext.get( 'statusBar').update( action.result.message ); location.href = '<?php echo basename($GLOBALS['script_name']); ?> ?extplorer'; }, failure: function(form, action) { if( !action.result ) return; Ext.MessageBox.alert('Error!', action.result.error); Ext.get( 'statusBar').update( action.result.error ); simple.findField( 'p_pass').setValue(''); simple.findField( 'p_user').focus(); }, scope: simple, // add some vars to the request, similar to hidden fields params: {option: 'com_extplorer', action: 'login' } }) }); simple.addButton('<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('btnreset', true); ?> ', function() { simple.reset(); } ); simple.render('adminForm'); Ext.get( 'formContainer').center(); Ext.get( 'formContainer').setTop(100); simple.findField('p_user').focus(); </script><?php define('_LOGIN_REQUIRED', 1); } } }