function content()
     // google maps styles description
     $gmaps_desc = '<span class="evo_gmap_styles" data-url="' . AJDE_EVCAL_URL . '/assets/images/ajde_backender/"></span>';
     return apply_filters('eventon_settings_tab1_arr_content', array(array('id' => 'evcal_001', 'name' => __('General Calendar Settings', 'eventon'), 'display' => 'show', 'icon' => 'gears', 'tab_name' => __('General Settings', 'eventon'), 'top' => '4', 'fields' => apply_filters('eventon_settings_general', array(array('id' => 'evcal_cal_hide', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Hide Calendar from front-end', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evcal_cal_hide_past', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Hide past events for default calendar(s)', 'eventon'), 'afterstatement' => 'evcal_cal_hide_past'), array('id' => 'evcal_cal_hide_past', 'type' => 'begin_afterstatement'), array('id' => 'evcal_past_ev', 'type' => 'radio', 'name' => __('Select a precise timing for the cut off time for past events', 'eventon'), 'width' => 'full', 'options' => array('local_time' => __('Hide events past current local time', 'eventon'), 'today_date' => __('Hide events past today\'s date', 'eventon'))), array('id' => 'evcal_cal_hide_past', 'type' => 'end_afterstatement'), array('id' => 'evo_content_filter', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'name' => __('Select calendar event content filter type', 'eventon'), 'legend' => __('This will disable the use of the_content filter on event details and custom field values.', 'eventon'), 'options' => array('evo' => 'EventON Content Filter', 'def' => 'Default WordPress Filter', 'none' => 'No Filter')), array('id' => 'evo_usewpdateformat', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Use WP default Date format in eventON calendar', 'eventon'), 'legend' => __('Select this option to use the default WP Date format through out eventON calendar. Default format: yyyy/mm/dd', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evo_googlefonts', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Disable google web fonts', 'eventon'), 'legend' => __('This will stop loading all google fonts used in eventon calendar.', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evo_fontawesome', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Disable font awesome fonts', 'eventon'), 'legend' => __('This will stop loading font awesome fonts in eventon calendar.', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evo_schema', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Remove schema data from calendar', 'eventon'), 'legend' => __('Schema microdata helps in google and other search engines find events in special event data format. With this option you can remove those microdata from showing up on front-end calendar.', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evcal_css_head', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Write dynamic styles to header', 'eventon'), 'legend' => __('If making changes to appearances dont reflect on front-end try this option. This will write those dynamic styles inline to page header', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evcal_move_trash', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Auto move events to trash when the event date is past'), 'legend' => __('This will move events to trash when the event end date is past current date')), array('id' => 'evcal_header_generator', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Remove eventon generator meta data from website header', 'eventon'), 'legend' => __('Remove the meta data eventon place on your website header with eventon version number for debugging purposes')), array('id' => 'evo_donot_delete', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Do not delete eventon settings when I delete EventON plugin', 'eventon'), 'legend' => __('Activating this will not delete the saved settings for eventon when you delete eventon plugin. By Default it will delete saved data.')), array('id' => 'evo_rtl', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Enable RTL (right-to-left all eventon calendars)', 'eventon'), 'legend' => __('This will make all your eventon calendars RTL.')), array('id' => 'evcal_header_format', 'type' => 'text', 'name' => __('Calendar Header month/year format. <i>(<b>Allowed values:</b> m = month name, Y = 4 digit year, y = 2 digit year)</i>', 'eventon'), 'default' => 'm, Y'), array('id' => 'evcal_additional', 'type' => 'subheader', 'name' => __('Additional EventON Settings', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evcal_export', 'type' => 'customcode', 'code' => $this->export())))), array('id' => 'evcal_005', 'name' => __('Google Maps API Settings', 'eventon'), 'tab_name' => __('Google Maps API', 'eventon'), 'icon' => 'map-marker', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'evcal_cal_gmap_api', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Disable Google Maps API', 'eventon'), 'legend' => 'This will stop gmaps API from loading on frontend and will stop google maps from generating on event locations.', 'afterstatement' => 'evcal_cal_gmap_api'), array('id' => 'evcal_cal_gmap_api', 'type' => 'begin_afterstatement'), array('id' => 'evcal_gmap_disable_section', 'type' => 'radio', 'name' => __('Select which part of Google gmaps API to disable', 'eventon'), 'width' => 'full', 'options' => array('complete' => __('Completely disable google maps', 'eventon'), 'gmaps_js' => __('Google maps javascript file only (If the js file is already loaded with another gmaps program)', 'eventon'))), array('id' => 'evcal_cal_gmap_api', 'type' => 'end_afterstatement'), array('id' => 'evcal_gmap_scroll', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Disable scrollwheel zooming on Google Maps', 'eventon'), 'legend' => 'This will stop google maps zooming when mousewheel scrolled.'), array('id' => 'evcal_gmap_format', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'name' => __('Google maps display type:', 'eventon'), 'options' => array('roadmap' => __('ROADMAP Displays the normal default 2D', 'eventon'), 'satellite' => __('SATELLITE Displays photographic tiles', 'eventon'), 'hybrid' => __('HYBRID Displays a mix of photographic tiles and a tile layer', 'eventon'))), array('id' => 'evcal_gmap_zoomlevel', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'name' => __('Google starting zoom level:', 'eventon'), 'desc' => __('18 = zoomed in (See few roads), 7 = zoomed out. (See most of the country)', 'eventon'), 'options' => array('18' => '18', '16' => '16', '14' => '14', '12' => '12', '10' => '10', '8' => '8', '7' => '7')), array('id' => 'evcal_gmap_style', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'name' => __('Map Style', 'eventon'), 'desc' => $gmaps_desc, 'options' => array('default' => __('Default', 'eventon'), 'apple' => 'Apple Maps-esque', 'avacado' => 'Avacado World', 'bentley' => 'Bentley', 'blueessence' => 'Blue Essence', 'bluewater' => 'Blue Water', 'hotpink' => 'Hot Pink', 'muted' => 'Muted Monotone', 'richblack' => 'Rich Black', 'redalert' => 'Red Alert', 'retro' => 'Retro', 'shift' => 'Shift Worker')))), array('id' => 'evcal_001a', 'name' => __('Calendar front-end Sorting and filtering options', 'eventon'), 'tab_name' => __('Sorting and Filtering', 'eventon'), 'icon' => 'filter', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'evcal_hide_sort', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Hide Sort Bar on Calendar', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evcal_sort_options', 'type' => 'checkboxes', 'name' => __('Event sorting options to show on Calendar <i>(Note: Event Date will be default sorting option that will be always on)</i>', 'eventon'), 'options' => array('title' => __('Event Main Title', 'eventon'), 'color' => __('Event Color', 'eventon'), 'posted' => __('Event Posted Date', 'eventon'))), array('id' => 'evcal_filter_options', 'type' => 'checkboxes', 'name' => __('Event filtering options to show on the calendar</i>', 'eventon'), 'options' => $this->event_type_options()))), array('id' => 'evcal_002', 'name' => __('General Frontend Calendar Appearance', 'eventon'), 'tab_name' => __('Appearance', 'eventon'), 'icon' => 'eye', 'fields' => $this->appearance()), array('id' => 'evcal_004', 'name' => __('Custom Icons for Calendar', 'eventon'), 'tab_name' => __('Icons', 'eventon'), 'icon' => 'diamond', 'fields' => apply_filters('eventon_custom_icons', array(array('id' => 'fs_fonti2', 'type' => 'fontation', 'name' => __('EventCard Icons', 'eventon'), 'variations' => array(array('id' => 'evcal__ecI', 'type' => 'color', 'default' => '6B6B6B'), array('id' => 'evcal__ecIz', 'type' => 'font_size', 'default' => '18px'))), array('id' => 'evcal__fai_001', 'type' => 'icon', 'name' => __('Event Details Icon', 'eventon'), 'default' => 'fa-align-justify'), array('id' => 'evcal__fai_002', 'type' => 'icon', 'name' => __('Event Time Icon', 'eventon'), 'default' => 'fa-clock-o'), array('id' => 'evcal__fai_003', 'type' => 'icon', 'name' => __('Event Location Icon', 'eventon'), 'default' => 'fa-map-marker'), array('id' => 'evcal__fai_004', 'type' => 'icon', 'name' => __('Event Organizer Icon', 'eventon'), 'default' => 'fa-headphones'), array('id' => 'evcal__fai_005', 'type' => 'icon', 'name' => __('Event Capacity Icon', 'eventon'), 'default' => 'fa-tachometer'), array('id' => 'evcal__fai_006', 'type' => 'icon', 'name' => __('Event Learn More Icon', 'eventon'), 'default' => 'fa-link'), array('id' => 'evcal__fai_007', 'type' => 'icon', 'name' => __('Event Ticket Icon', 'eventon'), 'default' => 'fa-ticket'), array('id' => 'evcal__fai_008', 'type' => 'icon', 'name' => __('Add to your calendar Icon', 'eventon'), 'default' => 'fa-calendar-o'), array('id' => 'evcal__fai_008a', 'type' => 'icon', 'name' => __('Get Directions Icon', 'eventon'), 'default' => 'fa-road')))), array('id' => 'evcal_004aa', 'name' => __('EventTop Settings (EventTop is an event row on calendar)', 'eventon'), 'tab_name' => __('EventTop', 'eventon'), 'icon' => 'columns', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'evcal_top_fields', 'type' => 'checkboxes', 'name' => __('Additional data fields for eventTop: <i>(NOTE: <b>Event Name</b> and <b>Event Date</b> are default fields)</i>', 'eventon'), 'options' => apply_filters('eventon_eventop_fields', $this->eventtop_settings())))), array('id' => 'evcal_004a', 'name' => __('EventCard Settings (EventCard is the full event details card)', 'eventon'), 'tab_name' => __('EventCard', 'eventon'), 'icon' => 'list-alt', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'evcal_sh001', 'type' => 'subheader', 'name' => __('Featured Image', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evo_ftimg_height_sty', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'name' => __('Feature image display style', 'eventon'), 'legend' => 'Select which display style you want to show the featured image on event card when event first load', 'options' => array('direct' => __('Direct Image', 'eventon'), 'minmized' => __('Minimized height', 'eventon'), '100per' => __('100% Image height with stretch to fit', 'eventon'), 'full' => __('100% Image height with propotionate to calendar width', 'eventon'))), array('id' => 'evo_ftimghover', 'type' => 'note', 'name' => __('Featured image display styles: Direct image style will show &lt;img/&gt; image as oppose to the image as background image of a &lt;div/&gt;', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evo_ftimghover', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Disable hover effect on featured image', 'eventon'), 'legend' => 'Remove the hover moving animation effect from featured image on event. Hover effect is not available on Direct Image style'), array('id' => 'evo_ftimgclick', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Disable zoom effect on click', 'eventon'), 'legend' => 'Remove the moving animation effect from featured image on click event. Zoom effect is not available in Direct Image style'), array('id' => 'evo_ftimgheight', 'type' => 'text', 'name' => __('Minimal height for featured image (value in pixels)', 'eventon'), 'default' => 'eg. 400'), array('id' => 'evo_ftim_mag', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Show magnifying glass over featured image', 'eventon'), 'legend' => 'This will convert the mouse cursor to a magnifying glass when hover over featured image. <br/><br/><img src="' . AJDE_EVCAL_URL . '/assets/images/admin/cursor_mag.jpg"/><br/>This is not available for Direct Image style'), array('id' => 'evcal_sh001', 'type' => 'subheader', 'name' => __('Location Image', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evo_locimgheight', 'type' => 'text', 'name' => __('Set event location image height (value in pixels)', 'eventon'), 'default' => 'eg. 400'), array('id' => 'evcal_sh001', 'type' => 'subheader', 'name' => __('Other EventCard Settings', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evo_timeF', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Allow universal event time format on eventCard', 'eventon'), 'legend' => 'This will change the time format on eventCard to be a universal set format regardless of the month events span for.', 'afterstatement' => 'evo_timeF'), array('id' => 'evo_timeF', 'type' => 'begin_afterstatement'), array('id' => 'evo_timeF_v', 'type' => 'text', 'name' => __('Time Format', 'eventon'), 'default' => 'F j(l) g:ia'), array('id' => 'evcal_api_mu_note', 'type' => 'note', 'name' => 'Acceptable date/time values: php <a href="" target="_blank">date()</a> '), array('id' => 'evo_timeF', 'type' => 'end_afterstatement'), array('id' => 'evo_ics', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Show ICS download to your calendar', 'eventon'), 'legend' => 'This will allow users to download each event as ICS file which can be imported to their calendar of choice.', 'desc' => __('Once this is activated, make sure the field is saved in Rearrange order below.', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evo_getdir', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Show get directions to text field', 'eventon'), 'legend' => 'This will add an input field to eventCard that will allow user to type in their address and get directions to event location in a new window.', 'desc' => __('Once this is activated, make sure the field is saved in Rearrange order below.', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evo_morelass', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Show full event description', 'eventon'), 'legend' => 'If you select this option, you will not see More/less button on EventCard event description.'), array('id' => 'evo_opencard', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Open all eventCards by default', 'eventon'), 'legend' => 'This option will load the calendar with all the eventCards open by default and will not need to be clicked to slide down and see details.'), array('id' => 'evo_EVC_arrange', 'type' => 'rearrange', 'fields_array' => $this->rearrange_code(), 'order_var' => 'evoCard_order', 'selected_var' => 'evoCard_hide', 'title' => __('Re-arrange the order of eventCard event data boxes', 'eventon'), 'notes' => __('Fields selected below will show in eventcard', 'eventon')))), array('id' => 'evcal_003', 'name' => __('Third Party API Support for Event Calendar', 'eventon'), 'tab_name' => __('Third Party APIs', 'eventon'), 'icon' => 'plug', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'evcal_s', 'type' => 'subheader', 'name' => __('Paypal', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evcal_paypal_pay', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Enable PayPal event ticket payments', 'eventon'), 'afterstatement' => 'evcal_paypal_pay', 'legend' => 'This will allow you to add a paypal direct link to each event that will allow visitors to pay for event via paypal.'), array('id' => 'evcal_paypal_pay', 'type' => 'begin_afterstatement'), array('id' => 'evcal_pp_email', 'type' => 'text', 'name' => __('Your paypal email address to receive payments', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evcal_pp_cur', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'name' => __('Select your currency', 'eventon'), 'options' => evo_get_currency_codes()), array('id' => 'evcal_paypal_pay', 'type' => 'end_afterstatement'))), array('id' => 'evcal_009', 'name' => __('Custom Meta Data fields for events', 'eventon'), 'tab_name' => __('Custom Meta Data', 'eventon'), 'icon' => 'list-ul', 'fields' => $this->custom_meta_fields()), array('id' => 'evcal_010', 'name' => __('EventType Categories', 'eventon'), 'tab_name' => __('Categories', 'eventon'), 'icon' => 'sitemap', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'evcal_fcx', 'type' => 'note', 'name' => __('Use this to assign custom names for the event type taxonomies which you can use to categorize events. Note: Once you update these custom taxonomies refresh the page for the values to show up.', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evcal_eventt', 'type' => 'text', 'name' => __('Custom name for Event Type Category #1', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evcal_eventt2', 'type' => 'text', 'name' => __('Custom name for Event Type Category #2', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evcal_fcx', 'type' => 'note', 'name' => __('In order to add additional event type categories make sure you activate them in order. eg. Activate #4 after you activate #3', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evcal_ett_3', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Activate Event Type Category #3', 'eventon'), 'legend' => 'This will activate additional event type category.', 'afterstatement' => 'evcal_ett_3'), array('id' => 'evcal_ett_3', 'type' => 'begin_afterstatement'), array('id' => 'evcal_eventt3', 'type' => 'text', 'name' => __('Category Type Name', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evcal_ett_3', 'type' => 'end_afterstatement'), array('id' => 'evcal_ett_4', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Activate Event Type Category #4', 'eventon'), 'legend' => 'This will activate additional event type category.', 'afterstatement' => 'evcal_ett_4'), array('id' => 'evcal_ett_4', 'type' => 'begin_afterstatement'), array('id' => 'evcal_eventt4', 'type' => 'text', 'name' => __('Category Type Name', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evcal_ett_4', 'type' => 'end_afterstatement'), array('id' => 'evcal_ett_5', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Activate Event Type Category #5', 'eventon'), 'legend' => 'This will activate additional event type category.', 'afterstatement' => 'evcal_ett_5'), array('id' => 'evcal_ett_5', 'type' => 'begin_afterstatement'), array('id' => 'evcal_eventt5', 'type' => 'text', 'name' => __('Category Type Name', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evcal_ett_5', 'type' => 'end_afterstatement'))), array('id' => 'evcal_011', 'name' => __('Events Paging', 'eventon'), 'tab_name' => __('Events Paging', 'eventon'), 'icon' => 'files-o', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'evcal__note', 'type' => 'note', 'name' => __('This page will allow you to control templates and permalinks related to eventon event pages.', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evo_event_archive_page_id', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'name' => __('Select Events Page', 'eventon'), 'options' => $this->event_pages(), 'desc' => __('This will allow you to use this page with url slug /events/ as event archive page', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evo_event_archive_page_template', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'name' => __('Select Events Page Template', 'eventon'), 'options' => $this->theme_templates()), array('id' => 'evo_event_slug', 'type' => 'text', 'name' => __('EventOn Event Post Slug', 'eventon'), 'default' => 'events'), array('id' => 'evcal__note', 'type' => 'note', 'name' => __('NOTE: If you change the slug for events please be sure to refresh permalinks for the new single event pages to work properly..', 'eventon')))), array('id' => 'evcal_012', 'name' => __('Shortcode Settings', 'eventon'), 'tab_name' => __('ShortCodes', 'eventon'), 'icon' => 'code', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'evcal__note', 'type' => 'customcode', 'code' => $this->content_shortcodes())))));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function content()
     // google maps styles description
     $gmaps_desc = '<span class="evo_gmap_styles" data-url="' . AJDE_EVCAL_URL . '/assets/images/ajde_backender/"></span>';
     return apply_filters('eventon_settings_tab1_arr_content', array(array('id' => 'evcal_001', 'name' => __('General Calendar Settings', 'eventon'), 'display' => 'show', 'icon' => 'gears', 'tab_name' => __('General Settings', 'eventon'), 'top' => '4', 'fields' => apply_filters('eventon_settings_general', array(array('id' => 'evcal_cal_hide', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Hide Calendars from front-end', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evcal_cal_hide_past', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Hide past events for default calendar(s)', 'eventon'), 'afterstatement' => 'evcal_cal_hide_past'), array('id' => 'evcal_cal_hide_past', 'type' => 'begin_afterstatement'), array('id' => 'evcal_past_ev', 'type' => 'radio', 'name' => __('Select a precise timing for the cut off time for past events', 'eventon'), 'width' => 'full', 'options' => array('local_time' => __('Hide events past current local time', 'eventon'), 'today_date' => __('Hide events past today\'s date', 'eventon'))), array('id' => 'evcal_cal_hide_past', 'type' => 'end_afterstatement'), array('id' => 'evo_content_filter', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'name' => __('Select calendar event content filter type', 'eventon'), 'legend' => __('This will disable the use of the_content filter on event details and custom field values.', 'eventon'), 'options' => array('evo' => 'EventON Content Filter', 'def' => 'Default WordPress Filter', 'none' => 'No Filter')), array('id' => 'evo_googlefonts', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Disable google web fonts', 'eventon'), 'legend' => __('This will stop loading all google fonts used in eventon calendar.', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evo_fontawesome', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Disable font awesome fonts', 'eventon'), 'legend' => __('This will stop loading font awesome fonts in eventon calendar.', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evo_schema', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Remove schema data from calendar', 'eventon'), 'legend' => __('Schema microdata helps in google and other search engines find events in special event data format. With this option you can remove those microdata from showing up on front-end calendar.', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evcal_css_head', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Write dynamic styles to header', 'eventon'), 'legend' => __('If making changes to appearances dont reflect on front-end try this option. This will write those dynamic styles inline to page header', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evcal_move_trash', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Auto move events to trash when the event date is past'), 'legend' => __('This will move events to trash when the event end date is past current date')), array('id' => 'evcal_header_generator', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Remove eventon generator meta data from website header', 'eventon'), 'legend' => __('Remove the meta data eventon place on your website header with eventon version number for debugging purposes')), array('id' => 'evo_donot_delete', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Do not delete eventon settings when I delete EventON plugin', 'eventon'), 'legend' => __('Activating this will not delete the saved settings for eventon when you delete eventon plugin. By Default it will delete saved data.')), array('id' => 'evo_rtl', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Enable RTL (right-to-left all eventon calendars)', 'eventon'), 'legend' => __('This will make all your eventon calendars RTL.')), array('id' => 'evcal_header_format', 'type' => 'text', 'name' => __('Calendar Header month/year format. <i>(<b>Allowed values:</b> m = month name, Y = 4 digit year, y = 2 digit year)</i>', 'eventon'), 'default' => 'm, Y'), array('id' => 'evcal_additional', 'type' => 'subheader', 'name' => __('Additional EventON Settings', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evcal_export', 'type' => 'customcode', 'code' => $this->export()), array('id' => 'evcal_additional', 'type' => 'note', 'name' => sprintf(__('Looking for additional functionality including event tickets, frontend event submissions, RSVP to events, photo gallery and more? <br/><a href="%s" target="_blank">Check out eventON addons</a>.', 'eventon'), ''))))), array('id' => 'evcal_005', 'name' => __('Google Maps API Settings', 'eventon'), 'tab_name' => __('Google Maps API', 'eventon'), 'icon' => 'map-marker', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'evcal_cal_gmap_api', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Disable Google Maps API', 'eventon'), 'legend' => 'This will stop gmaps API from loading on frontend and will stop google maps from generating on event locations.', 'afterstatement' => 'evcal_cal_gmap_api'), array('id' => 'evcal_cal_gmap_api', 'type' => 'begin_afterstatement'), array('id' => 'evcal_gmap_disable_section', 'type' => 'radio', 'name' => __('Select which part of Google gmaps API to disable', 'eventon'), 'width' => 'full', 'options' => array('complete' => __('Completely disable google maps', 'eventon'), 'gmaps_js' => __('Google maps javascript file only (If the js file is already loaded with another gmaps program)', 'eventon'))), array('id' => 'evcal_cal_gmap_api', 'type' => 'end_afterstatement'), array('id' => 'evo_gmap_api_key', 'type' => 'text', 'name' => __('Google maps API Key (Not required)', 'eventon') . ' <a href="" target="_blank">How to get API Key</a>', 'legend' => 'Not required with Gmap API V3, but typing a google maps API key will append the key and will enable monitoring map loading activity from google.', 'afterstatement' => 'evcal_cal_gmap_api'), array('id' => 'evcal_gmap_scroll', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Disable scrollwheel zooming on Google Maps', 'eventon'), 'legend' => 'This will stop google maps zooming when mousewheel scrolled.'), array('id' => 'evcal_gmap_format', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'name' => __('Google maps display type:', 'eventon'), 'options' => array('roadmap' => __('ROADMAP Displays the normal default 2D', 'eventon'), 'satellite' => __('SATELLITE Displays photographic tiles', 'eventon'), 'hybrid' => __('HYBRID Displays a mix of photographic tiles and a tile layer', 'eventon'), 'terrain' => __('TERRAIN Displays a physical map based on terrain information', 'eventon'))), array('id' => 'evcal_gmap_zoomlevel', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'name' => __('Google starting zoom level:', 'eventon'), 'desc' => __('18 = zoomed in (See few roads), 7 = zoomed out. (See most of the country)', 'eventon'), 'options' => array('18' => '18', '16' => '16', '14' => '14', '12' => '12', '10' => '10', '8' => '8', '7' => '7')), array('id' => 'evcal_gmap_style', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'name' => __('Map Style', 'eventon'), 'desc' => $gmaps_desc, 'options' => array('default' => __('Default', 'eventon'), 'apple' => 'Apple Maps-esque', 'avacado' => 'Avacado World', 'bentley' => 'Bentley', 'blueessence' => 'Blue Essence', 'bluewater' => 'Blue Water', 'hotpink' => 'Hot Pink', 'muted' => 'Muted Monotone', 'richblack' => 'Rich Black', 'redalert' => 'Red Alert', 'retro' => 'Retro', 'shift' => 'Shift Worker')), array('id' => 'evo_gmap_iconurl', 'type' => 'text', 'name' => __('Custom map marker icon complete http url', 'eventon'), 'legend' => 'Type a complete http:// url for a PNG image that can be used instead of the default red google map markers.', 'default' => 'eg.'))), array('id' => 'evcal_001b', 'name' => __('Time & Date Related Settings', 'eventon'), 'icon' => 'clock-o', 'tab_name' => __('Time Settings', 'eventon'), 'fields' => apply_filters('eventon_settings_general', array(array('id' => 'evcal_sh001', 'type' => 'subheader', 'name' => __('Front-end Time/Date Settings', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evo_usewpdateformat', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Use WP default Date format in eventON calendar', 'eventon'), 'legend' => __('Select this option to use the default WP Date format through out eventON calendar. Default format: yyyy/mm/dd', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evo_timeF', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Allow universal event time format on eventCard', 'eventon'), 'legend' => 'This will change the time format on eventCard to be a universal set format regardless of the month events span for.', 'afterstatement' => 'evo_timeF'), array('id' => 'evo_timeF', 'type' => 'begin_afterstatement'), array('id' => 'evo_timeF_v', 'type' => 'text', 'name' => __('Time Format', 'eventon'), 'default' => 'F j(l) g:ia'), array('id' => 'evcal_api_mu_note', 'type' => 'note', 'name' => 'Acceptable date/time values: php <a href="" target="_blank">date()</a> '), array('id' => 'evo_timeF', 'type' => 'end_afterstatement'), array('id' => 'evcal_sh001', 'type' => 'subheader', 'name' => __('Back-end Time/Date Settings', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evo_minute_increment', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'name' => __('Select minute increment for time select in event edit page', 'eventon'), 'width' => 'full', 'options' => array('60' => '1', '12' => '5', '6' => '10', '4' => '15', '2' => '30'))))), array('id' => 'evcal_001a', 'name' => __('Calendar front-end Sorting and filtering options', 'eventon'), 'tab_name' => __('Sorting and Filtering', 'eventon'), 'icon' => 'filter', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'evcal_hide_sort', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Hide Sort/Filter Bar on Calendar', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evcal_hide_filter_icons', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Hide Filter Dropdown Selection Item Icons', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evcal_sort_options', 'type' => 'checkboxes', 'name' => __('Event sorting options to show on Calendar <i>(Note: Event Date is default sorting method.)</i>', 'eventon'), 'options' => array('title' => __('Event Main Title', 'eventon'), 'color' => __('Event Color', 'eventon'), 'posted' => __('Event Posted Date', 'eventon'))), array('id' => 'evcal_filter_options', 'type' => 'checkboxes', 'name' => __('Event filtering options to show on the calendar</i>', 'eventon'), 'options' => $this->event_type_options()))), array('id' => 'evcal_002', 'name' => __('General Frontend Calendar Appearance', 'eventon'), 'tab_name' => __('Appearance', 'eventon'), 'icon' => 'eye', 'fields' => $this->appearance()), array('id' => 'evcal_004', 'name' => __('Custom Icons for Calendar', 'eventon'), 'tab_name' => __('Icons', 'eventon'), 'icon' => 'diamond', 'fields' => apply_filters('eventon_custom_icons', array(array('id' => 'fs_fonti2', 'type' => 'fontation', 'name' => __('EventCard Icons', 'eventon'), 'variations' => array(array('id' => 'evcal__ecI', 'type' => 'color', 'default' => '6B6B6B'), array('id' => 'evcal__ecIz', 'type' => 'font_size', 'default' => '18px'))), array('id' => 'evcal__fai_001', 'type' => 'icon', 'name' => __('Event Details Icon', 'eventon'), 'default' => 'fa-align-justify'), array('id' => 'evcal__fai_002', 'type' => 'icon', 'name' => __('Event Time Icon', 'eventon'), 'default' => 'fa-clock-o'), array('id' => 'evcal__fai_repeats', 'type' => 'icon', 'name' => __('Event Repeat Icon', 'eventon'), 'default' => 'fa-repeat'), array('id' => 'evcal__fai_003', 'type' => 'icon', 'name' => __('Event Location Icon', 'eventon'), 'default' => 'fa-map-marker'), array('id' => 'evcal__fai_004', 'type' => 'icon', 'name' => __('Event Organizer Icon', 'eventon'), 'default' => 'fa-headphones'), array('id' => 'evcal__fai_005', 'type' => 'icon', 'name' => __('Event Capacity Icon', 'eventon'), 'default' => 'fa-tachometer'), array('id' => 'evcal__fai_006', 'type' => 'icon', 'name' => __('Event Learn More Icon', 'eventon'), 'default' => 'fa-link'), array('id' => 'evcal__fai_007', 'type' => 'icon', 'name' => __('Event Ticket Icon', 'eventon'), 'default' => 'fa-ticket'), array('id' => 'evcal__fai_008', 'type' => 'icon', 'name' => __('Add to your calendar Icon', 'eventon'), 'default' => 'fa-calendar-o'), array('id' => 'evcal__fai_008a', 'type' => 'icon', 'name' => __('Get Directions Icon', 'eventon'), 'default' => 'fa-road')))), array('id' => 'evcal_004aa', 'name' => __('EventTop Settings (EventTop is an event row on calendar)', 'eventon'), 'tab_name' => __('EventTop', 'eventon'), 'icon' => 'columns', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'evcal_top_fields', 'type' => 'checkboxes', 'name' => __('Additional data fields for eventTop: <i>(NOTE: <b>Event Name</b> and <b>Event Date</b> are default fields)</i>', 'eventon'), 'options' => apply_filters('eventon_eventop_fields', $this->eventtop_settings())), array('id' => 'evo_widget_eventtop', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Display all these fields in widget as well', 'eventon'), 'legend' => __('By default only few of the data is shown in eventtop in order to make that calendar look nice on a widget where space is limited.', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evo_eventtop_customfield_icons', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Show event custom meta data icons on eventtop', 'eventon'), 'legend' => __('This will show event custom meta data icons next to custom data fields on eventtop, if those custom data fields are set to show on eventtop above and if they have data and icons set.', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evcal_eventtop', 'type' => 'note', 'name' => __('NOTE: Lot of these fields are NOT available in Tile layout. Reason: we dont want to potentially break the tile layout and over-crowd the clean design aspect of tile boxes.', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evo_showeditevent', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Show edit event button for each event', 'eventon'), 'legend' => 'This will show an edit event button on eventTop - only for admin - that will open in a new window edit event page. Works only for lightbox and slideDown interaction methods.'))), array('id' => 'evcal_004a', 'name' => __('EventCard Settings (EventCard is the full event details card)', 'eventon'), 'tab_name' => __('EventCard', 'eventon'), 'icon' => 'list-alt', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'evcal_sh001', 'type' => 'subheader', 'name' => __('Featured Image', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evo_ftimg_height_sty', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'name' => __('Feature image display style', 'eventon'), 'legend' => 'Select which display style you want to show the featured image on event card when event first load', 'options' => array('direct' => __('Direct Image', 'eventon'), 'minmized' => __('Minimized height', 'eventon'), '100per' => __('100% Image height with stretch to fit', 'eventon'), 'full' => __('100% Image height with propotionate to calendar width', 'eventon'))), array('id' => 'evo_ftimghover', 'type' => 'note', 'name' => __('Featured image display styles: Direct image style will show &lt;img/&gt; image as oppose to the image as background image of a &lt;div/&gt;', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evo_ftimghover', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Disable hover effect on featured image', 'eventon'), 'legend' => 'Remove the hover moving animation effect from featured image on event. Hover effect is not available on Direct Image style'), array('id' => 'evo_ftimgclick', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Disable zoom effect on click', 'eventon'), 'legend' => 'Remove the moving animation effect from featured image on click event. Zoom effect is not available in Direct Image style'), array('id' => 'evo_ftimgheight', 'type' => 'text', 'name' => __('Minimal height for featured image (value in pixels)', 'eventon'), 'default' => 'eg. 400'), array('id' => 'evo_ftim_mag', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Show magnifying glass over featured image', 'eventon'), 'legend' => 'This will convert the mouse cursor to a magnifying glass when hover over featured image. <br/><br/><img src="' . AJDE_EVCAL_URL . '/assets/images/admin/cursor_mag.jpg"/><br/>This is not available for Direct Image style'), array('id' => 'evcal_default_event_image_set', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Set default event image for events that doesnt have images', 'eventon'), 'legend' => __('Add a URL for the default event image URL that will be used on events that dont have featured images set.', 'eventon'), 'afterstatement' => 'evcal_default_event_image_set'), array('id' => 'evcal_default_event_image_set', 'type' => 'begin_afterstatement'), array('id' => 'evcal_default_event_image', 'type' => 'text', 'name' => __('Default event image URL', 'eventon'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'evcal_default_event_image_set', 'type' => 'end_afterstatement'), array('id' => 'evcal_sh001', 'type' => 'subheader', 'name' => __('Location Image', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evo_locimgheight', 'type' => 'text', 'name' => __('Set event location image height (value in pixels)', 'eventon'), 'default' => 'eg. 400'), array('id' => 'evcal_sh001', 'type' => 'subheader', 'name' => __('Add to Calendar Options', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evo_addtocal', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'name' => __('Select which options to show for add to your calendar', 'eventon'), 'legend' => 'Learn More & Add to your calendar field must be selected for these options to reflect on eventCard', 'options' => array('all' => 'All options', 'gcal' => 'Only Google Add to Calendar', 'ics' => 'Only ICS download event', 'none' => 'Do not show any add to calendar options')), array('id' => 'evcal_sh001', 'type' => 'subheader', 'name' => __('Other EventCard Settings', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evo_morelass', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Show full event description', 'eventon'), 'legend' => 'If you select this option, you will not see More/less button on EventCard event description.'), array('id' => 'evo_opencard', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Open all eventCards by default', 'eventon'), 'legend' => 'This option will load the calendar with all the eventCards open by default and will not need to be clicked to slide down and see details.'), array('id' => 'evo_EVC_arrange', 'type' => 'rearrange', 'fields_array' => $this->rearrange_code(), 'order_var' => 'evoCard_order', 'selected_var' => 'evoCard_hide', 'title' => __('Order of EventCard Data Boxes', 'eventon'), 'notes' => __('Fields selected below will show in eventcard, and can be moved around to your desired order.', 'eventon')))), array('id' => 'evcal_003', 'name' => __('Third Party API Support for Event Calendar', 'eventon'), 'tab_name' => __('Third Party APIs', 'eventon'), 'icon' => 'plug', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'evcal_s', 'type' => 'subheader', 'name' => __('Paypal', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evcal_paypal_pay', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => __('Enable PayPal event ticket payments', 'eventon'), 'afterstatement' => 'evcal_paypal_pay', 'legend' => 'This will allow you to add a paypal direct link to each event that will allow visitors to pay for event via paypal.'), array('id' => 'evcal_paypal_pay', 'type' => 'begin_afterstatement'), array('id' => 'evcal_pp_email', 'type' => 'text', 'name' => __('Your paypal email address to receive payments', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evcal_pp_cur', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'name' => __('Select your currency', 'eventon'), 'options' => evo_get_currency_codes()), array('id' => 'evcal_paypal_pay', 'type' => 'end_afterstatement'))), array('id' => 'evcal_009', 'name' => __('Custom Meta Data fields for events', 'eventon'), 'tab_name' => __('Custom Meta Data', 'eventon'), 'icon' => 'list-ul', 'fields' => $this->custom_meta_fields()), array('id' => 'evcal_010', 'name' => __('EventType Categories', 'eventon'), 'tab_name' => __('Categories', 'eventon'), 'icon' => 'sitemap', 'fields' => $this->event_type_categories()), array('id' => 'evcal_011', 'name' => __('Events Paging', 'eventon'), 'tab_name' => __('Events Paging', 'eventon'), 'icon' => 'files-o', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'evcal__note', 'type' => 'note', 'name' => __('This page will allow you to control templates and permalinks related to eventon event pages.', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evo_event_archive_page_id', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'name' => __('Select Events Page', 'eventon'), 'options' => $this->event_pages(), 'desc' => __('This will allow you to use this page with url slug /events/ as event archive page. Be sure to insert eventon shortcode in this page.', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evo_event_archive_page_template', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'name' => __('Select Events Page Template', 'eventon'), 'options' => $this->theme_templates()), array('id' => 'evo_event_slug', 'type' => 'text', 'name' => __('EventOn Event Post Slug', 'eventon'), 'default' => 'events'), array('id' => 'evcal__note', 'type' => 'note', 'name' => __('NOTE: If you change the slug for events please be sure to refresh permalinks for the new single event pages to work properly..', 'eventon')), array('id' => 'evcal__note', 'type' => 'note', 'name' => __('PROTIP: If the /events page does not work due to theme/plugin conflicts, create a new page, call it <b>"Events Directory"</b> Insert eventon shortcode and use that as your main events page which will have a URL ending like /events-directory. This would be a perfect solution if you have conflicts with /events slug.', 'eventon')))), array('id' => 'evcal_012', 'name' => __('Shortcode Settings', 'eventon'), 'tab_name' => __('ShortCodes', 'eventon'), 'icon' => 'code', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'evcal__note', 'type' => 'customcode', 'code' => $this->content_shortcodes()))), array('id' => 'eventon_social', 'name' => 'Settings for Single Events', 'display' => 'none', 'tab_name' => 'Single Events', 'icon' => 'calendar', 'fields' => apply_filters('evo_se_setting_fields', array(array('id' => 'evosm', 'type' => 'subheader', 'name' => 'Single Event Page'), array('id' => 'evosm_1', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => 'Create Single Events Page Sidebar', 'legend' => 'This will create a sidebar for single event page, to which you can add widgets from Appearance > Widget'), array('id' => 'evosm_loggedin', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => 'Restrict single event pages to logged-in users only', 'legend' => 'Settings this will restrict single events page content to logged-in users to your site'), array('id' => 'evosm', 'type' => 'subheader', 'name' => 'Social Media Control'), array('id' => 'evosm_som', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => 'Show social media share icons only on single events', 'legend' => 'Setting this to Yes will only add social media share link buttons to single event page and single event box you created'), array('id' => 'evosm', 'type' => 'subheader', 'name' => 'Sharable Options'), array('id' => 'eventonsm_fbs', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => 'Facebook Share'), array('id' => 'eventonsm_tw', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => 'Twitter'), array('id' => 'eventonsm_ln', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => 'LinkedIn'), array('id' => 'eventonsm_gp', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => 'GooglePlus'), array('id' => 'eventonsm_pn', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => 'Pinterest (Only shows if the event has featured image)'), array('id' => 'eventonsm_email', 'type' => 'yesno', 'name' => 'Share Event via Email', 'legend' => 'This will trigger a new email in the users device.', 'afterstatement' => 'eventonsm_email'), array('id' => 'eventonsm_note', 'type' => 'note', 'name' => 'NOTE: Go to "EventCard" and rearrange where you would like the social share icons to appear in the eventcard for an event.'))))));