$days_ago = $c_max_graph_days; } $uts_now = time(); $uts_onedayago = $uts_now - $days_ago * 60 * 60 * 24; db_connect(); $query = "SELECT * FROM records WHERE uts >= {$uts_onedayago} AND uts <= {$uts_now} ORDER BY uts ASC"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Failed"); db_disconnect(); $arr_temp = array(); $arr_ctemp = array(); $arr_xticks = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $l = $row['light2']; $p = $row['pressure']; array_push($arr_xticks, $row['uts']); $ctemp = eureqa($c_eureqa_alg, $l, $p); array_push($arr_ctemp, $ctemp); array_push($arr_temp, $row['temp2']); } function doAlg($l, $p) { return 2.45487E-6 * $l * $p + 11.7187 * $p - 4.1119E-9 * $l * $l - 0.00207619 * $l - 0.00578456 * $p * $p - 5920.69; } function doAlg2($l, $p) { //24-04-10 return 4.71319 * log(93.0361 + 0.0153703 * $l) + 0.192581 / ($l - 171.138) - 7.96062; } // Create the graph. These two calls are always required $graph = new Graph(800, 600, "auto"); // SCALE
printf(" / %01.1f", $row['light'] / 255 * 100); ?> </td></tr> <tr> <td style="background-color:#CCFFCC;">Temperature (°C)</td> <td id="ajaxtemp" style="background-color:#<?php if ($row['temp'] > 80 || $row['temp='] == 0) { echo "FF3D3D"; } else { echo "CCFFCC"; } ?> ;"><?php printf("%01.1f", $row['temp']); $pred_temp = eureqa($c_eureqa_alg, $row['light2'], $row['pressure']); echo " <small>(Predicted: " . $pred_temp; //echo " - Error: " . calcPercentageError($pred_temp, $row['temp2'])."%"; echo ")</small>"; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="background-color:#CCFFCC;">Sheltered Temperature (°C)</td> <td id="ajaxtemp2" style="background-color:#<?php if ($row['temp2'] > 80) { echo "FF3D3D"; } else { echo "CCFFCC"; }