Ejemplo n.º 1
function editfontform_submit(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $USER, $SESSION;
    update_record('skin_fonts', array('title' => $values['fonttitle'], 'notice' => $values['fontnotice'], 'onlyheading' => $values['fonttype'] == 'heading' ? 1 : 0, 'fontstack' => '\'' . escape_css_string($values['fonttitle']) . '\'', 'genericfont' => $values['genericfont']), array('name' => $values['fontname']));
    $SESSION->add_ok_msg(get_string('fontedited', 'skin'));
Ejemplo n.º 2
function gwfontform_submit(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $USER, $SESSION;
    require_once 'file.php';
    require_once 'uploadmanager.php';
    $fontpath = get_config('dataroot') . 'skins/fonts/';
    check_dir_exists($fontpath, true, true);
    $currentfont = null;
    $licence = null;
    $previewfont = null;
    $variants = array();
    $variants['regular'] = array("variant" => "regular", "font-weight" => "normal", "font-style" => "normal");
    $zip = new ZipArchive();
    if ($zip->open($values['gwfzipfile']['tmp_name'])) {
        $currentfont = dirname($zip->getNameIndex(0));
        for ($i = 0; $i < $zip->numFiles; $i++) {
            $extractfiles = array();
            $fontname = dirname($zip->getNameIndex($i));
            $filename = basename($zip->getNameIndex($i));
            $makefolder = false;
            if (empty($fontname) || $fontname == '.') {
                $fontname = substr($values['gwfzipfile']['name'], 0, -1 * strlen('.zip'));
                $makefolder = true;
            // Find correct licence file...
            if (substr($zip->getNameIndex($i), -3) == 'txt') {
                $licence = $filename;
                $extractfiles[] = $zip->getNameIndex($i);
            // Find correct TTF font file for generating skin previews...
            $possiblenames = array(str_replace("_", "", $fontname) . ".ttf", str_replace("_", "", $fontname) . "-Regular.ttf", str_replace("_", "", $fontname) . "-Normal.ttf");
            if (in_array($filename, $possiblenames)) {
                $previewfont = $filename;
                $extractfiles[] = $zip->getNameIndex($i);
            // Reset settings for each new font...
            if (!is_null($licence) && !is_null($previewfont)) {
                $foldername = preg_replace(Skin::FONTNAME_FILTER_CHARACTERS, '', $fontname);
                // Assign a new name, if the font with the same name already exists...
                $foldername = Skin::new_font_name($foldername);
                if ($makefolder == true) {
                    $fontpath .= $foldername . '/';
                    check_dir_exists($fontpath, true, true);
                $installfont = array("name" => $foldername, "title" => str_replace("_", " ", $fontname), "licence" => $licence, "notice" => "", "previewfont" => $previewfont, "variants" => serialize($variants), "fonttype" => "google", "onlyheading" => 0, "fontstack" => "'" . escape_css_string(str_replace("_", " ", $fontname)) . "'", "genericfont" => "sans-serif");
                // Install fonts (write data into database). Check if the record doesn't exist!!!
                ensure_record_exists('skin_fonts', (object) array('name' => $installfont['name']), (object) $installfont);
                // Extract installed fonts
                foreach ($extractfiles as $extractfile) {
                    $fullfontpath = $fontpath . $foldername . '/';
                    check_dir_exists($fullfontpath, true, true);
                    copy("zip://" . $values['gwfzipfile']['tmp_name'] . "#" . $extractfile, $fullfontpath . $previewfont);
                $currentfont = $fontname;
                $licence = null;
                $previewfont = null;
        $SESSION->add_ok_msg(get_string('gwfontadded', 'skin'));
    } else {
        $SESSION->add_error_msg(get_string('archivereadingerror', 'skin'));
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Gets the CSS for a font-face, based on the font face's name in the DB
  * @param string $font
  * @return string
 public static function get_css_font_face_from_font_name($font)
     $fontdata = get_record('skin_fonts', 'name', $font);
     // If the font is missing, just quietly omit it. The page will still display, just with the wrong font
     if (!$fontdata) {
         return '';
     $fontface = '';
     if ($fontdata->fonttype == 'site') {
         $fontfamily = urlencode($fontdata->title);
         // We need to create @font-face css rule for each variant of the font
         $variants = unserialize($fontdata->variants);
         foreach ($variants as $variant) {
             $baseurl = get_config('wwwroot') . 'skin/font.php?family=' . $fontfamily . '&variant=' . $variant['variant'];
             $fontface .= '@font-face {';
             $fontface .= 'font-family: \'' . escape_css_string($fontdata->title) . '\'; ';
             $fontface .= 'src: url(\'' . $baseurl . '&format=EOT\'); ';
             $fontface .= 'src: local(\'☺\'), url(\'' . $baseurl . '&format=WOFF\') format(\'woff\'), ';
             $fontface .= 'url(\'' . $baseurl . '&format=TTF\') format(\'truetype\'), ';
             $fontface .= 'url(\'' . $baseurl . '&format=SVG#' . $variant['SVGid'] . '\') format(\'svg\'); ';
             $fontface .= 'font-weight: ' . $variant['font-weight'] . '; ';
             $fontface .= 'font-style: ' . $variant['font-style'] . '; ';
             $fontface .= '}';
     return $fontface;
Ejemplo n.º 4
function addfontform_submit(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $USER, $SESSION;
    $foldername = preg_replace(Skin::FONTNAME_FILTER_CHARACTERS, '', $values['fonttitle']);
    // Assign a new name, if the font with the same name already exists...
    $foldername = Skin::new_font_name($foldername);
    $fontpath = get_config('dataroot') . 'skins/fonts/' . $foldername . '/';
    check_dir_exists($fontpath, true, true);
    // If we are uploading a zip file
    if (!empty($values['fontfileZip'])) {
        safe_require('artefact', 'file');
        $zip = new ZipArchive();
        if ($zip->open($values['fontfileZip']['tmp_name'])) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < $zip->numFiles; $i++) {
                $fontname = dirname($zip->getNameIndex($i));
                $filename = basename($zip->getNameIndex($i));
                if (empty($fontname) || $fontname == '.') {
                    $fontname = substr($values['fontfileZip']['name'], 0, -1 * strlen('.zip'));
                // Check that all the needed files exist in the zip file
                $check = uploadfiles_info();
                foreach ($check as $key => $item) {
                    if (end(explode('.', $zip->getNameIndex($i))) == $item['suffix']) {
                        // Extract font file
                        $zip->extractTo($fontpath, $zip->getNameIndex($i));
                        $values['fontfile' . strtoupper($item['suffix'])]['name'] = $zip->getNameIndex($i);
    // Get SVG id from SVG font file...
    $tempname = !empty($values['fontfileZip']) ? $fontpath . $values['fontfileSVG']['name'] : $values['fontfileSVG']['tmp_name'];
    $filename = $values['fontfileSVG']['name'];
    $xmlDoc = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents($tempname));
    $svg_id = (string) $xmlDoc->defs->font->attributes()->id;
    // Insert new record with font data into 'skin_fonts' table in database...
    // $foldername equals (only alphanumerical) font name, e.g. 'Nimbus Roman No.9' -> 'NimbusRomanNo9'
    // $foldername is also used as primary key in 'skin_fonts' table.
    switch ($values['fontstyle']) {
        case 'regular':
            $font_variant = 'regular';
            $font_weight = 'normal';
            $font_style = 'normal';
        case 'bold':
            $font_variant = 'bold';
            $font_weight = 'bold';
            $font_style = 'normal';
        case 'italic':
            $font_variant = 'italic';
            $font_weight = 'normal';
            $font_style = 'italic';
        case 'bolditalic':
            $font_variant = 'bolditalic';
            $font_weight = 'bold';
            $font_style = 'italic';
    $variantdata = array('variant' => $font_variant, 'EOT' => $values['fontfileEOT']['name'], 'SVG' => $values['fontfileSVG']['name'], 'SVGid' => $svg_id, 'TTF' => $values['fontfileTTF']['name'], 'WOFF' => $values['fontfileWOFF']['name'], 'font-weight' => $font_weight, 'font-style' => $font_style);
    // We'll create the database record before we copy the files over, so that
    // Mahara will know about this font in order to be able to delete its contents
    // from the filesystem if something goes wrong.
    ensure_record_exists('skin_fonts', (object) array('name' => $foldername), (object) array('name' => $foldername, 'title' => $values['fonttitle'], 'licence' => $values['fontfilelicence']['name'], 'notice' => $values['fontnotice'], 'previewfont' => $values['fontfileTTF']['name'], 'variants' => serialize(array($font_variant => $variantdata)), 'fonttype' => 'site', 'onlyheading' => $values['fonttype'] == 'heading' ? 1 : 0, 'fontstack' => '\'' . escape_css_string($values['fonttitle']) . '\'', 'genericfont' => $values['genericfont']));
    if (empty($values['fontfileZip'])) {
        // Copy SVG font file to folder...
        $tempname = $values['fontfileSVG']['tmp_name'];
        $filename = $values['fontfileSVG']['name'];
        move_uploaded_file($tempname, $fontpath . $filename);
        // Copy EOT font file.
        $tempname = $values['fontfileEOT']['tmp_name'];
        $filename = $values['fontfileEOT']['name'];
        move_uploaded_file($tempname, $fontpath . $filename);
        // Copy TTF font file to folder...
        $tempname = $values['fontfileTTF']['tmp_name'];
        $filename = $values['fontfileTTF']['name'];
        move_uploaded_file($tempname, $fontpath . $filename);
        // Copy WOFF font file to folder...
        $tempname = $values['fontfileWOFF']['tmp_name'];
        $filename = $values['fontfileWOFF']['name'];
        move_uploaded_file($tempname, $fontpath . $filename);
        // Copy optional font licence file to folder, if it exists...
        if (!empty($values['fontfilelicence'])) {
            $tempname = $values['fontfilelicence']['tmp_name'];
            $filename = $values['fontfilelicence']['name'];
            move_uploaded_file($tempname, $fontpath . $filename);
    $SESSION->add_ok_msg(get_string('fontinstalled', 'skin'));