public function getParameterList($functionName, $style = self::PARAMETERLIST_NUM) { if ($this->xsd) { if (!$this->hasFunction()) { if (AUTO_CONFIG_FUNCTIONS === true) { $this->addMissingFunction(); } else { errorExit(new specificExceptions($this->function, ERR_XSD_MISSING_FUNCTION)); } } $xpath = new DOMXPath($this->xsd); $xQueryString = '/xs:schema/xs:element[@name="' . $this->class . '"]/xs:complexType/xs:all/xs:element[@name="' . $functionname . '"]/xs:complexType/xs:all/*'; $xResult = $xpath->query($xQueryString); $paramList = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $xResult->length; $i++) { if ($xResult->item($i)->hasChildNodes()) { $children = $xResult->item($i)->getNodePath(); $childResult = $xpath->query($children . '/*/xs:restriction'); $type = $childResult->item(0)->getAttribute('base'); $patternResult = $xpath->query($children . '/*/xs:restriction/xs:pattern'); if ($patternResult->length == 1) { $pattern = $patternResult->item(0)->getAttribute('value'); } else { $pattern = $this->getStandardPattern($type); } } else { $type = $xResult->item($i)->getAttribute('type'); $pattern = $this->getStandardPattern($type); } if (!$xResult->item($i)->hasAttribute('minOccurs')) { $mandatory = 0; } else { $mandatory = $xResult->item($i)->getAttribute('minOccurs'); } if ($style == self::PARAMETERLIST_NUM) { $paramList[] = array("name" => $xResult->item($i)->getAttribute('name'), "mandatory" => $mandatory, "type" => $type, "pattern" => $pattern); } if ($style == self::PARAMETERLIST_ASSOC) { $paramList[$xResult->item($i)->getAttribute('name')] = array("name" => $xResult->item($i)->getAttribute('name'), "mandatory" => $mandatory, "type" => $type, "pattern" => $pattern); } } return $paramList; } else { return false; } }
public function makeUser($vars) { $ranPW = self::randomString(); $db = getDB(); $db->prepSQL("INSERT INTO user SET userUID=:userUID, userPassword=PASSWORD(:userPassword), userEmail=:userEmail, userVorname=:userVorname, userNachname=:userNachname"); $db->sendSQL(array("userUID" => $obj->__get("receiverEmail"), "userPassword" => $ranPW, "userEmail" => $obj->__get("receiverEmail"), "userVorname" => $obj->__get("receiverFirstname"), "userNachname" => $obj->__get("receiverLastname"))); $dbSaveId = $db->lastid(); if ($dbSaveId == 0) { errorExit(new specificExceptions("DB Write Error", ERR_SAVE_ERROR)); } else { $this->rolle2user = new rolle2user(); $this->rolle2user->__set("userID", $dbSaveId); $this->rolle2user->__set("rolleID", "2"); $dbSaveId2 = $this->rolle2user->save(); if ($dbSaveId2 = 0) { errorExit(new specificExceptions("DB Write Error", ERR_SAVE_ERROR)); } else { $userData = array("ranPW" => $ranPW, "lastID" => $dbSaveId); return $userData; } } }
$referer = array(); } if (empty($referer[$host])) { $referer[$host] = array(); } if (empty($referer[$host]['begin'])) { $referer[$host]['begin'] = time(); } if (empty($referer[$host]['sent'])) { $referer[$host]['sent'] = $icon_size; } $elapsed = time() - $referer[$host]['begin']; /* Initialize begin time */ if ($elapsed > 86400) { // 24 * 60 * 60 $referer[$host]['begin'] = time(); $referer[$host]['sent'] = 0; } if ($referer[$host]['sent'] > $favicon_daily_traffic) { $approvedToSend = false; } $referer[$host]['sent'] += $icon_size; $f = fopen(REFERER_STAT, "w"); fwrite($f, serialize($referer)); fclose($f); } } if (!$approvedToSend) { errorExit(503); } dumpWithEtag($icon_path);
/** * Grab all translatable strings in a file into $strings array */ function extractStrings($filename) { global $strings; $strings["\n/* {$filename} */"] = array(); $startSize = count($strings); $localStrings = array(); $data = file_get_contents($filename); /* * class|inc|php are module and core PHP files. * Parse .html as PHP for installer/upgrader templates/*.html files. * Parse .css as PHP for modules/colorpack/packs/{name}/color.css files. */ if (preg_match('/\\.(class|inc|php|css|html)$/', $filename)) { /* Tokenize PHP code and process to find translate( or i18n( or _( calls */ $tokens = token_get_all($data); for ($i = 0; $i < count($tokens); $i++) { if (is_array($tokens[$i]) && $tokens[$i][0] == T_STRING && in_array($tokens[$i][1], array('translate', '_translate', 'i18n', '_')) && $tokens[$i + 1] === '(') { /* Found a function call for translation, process the contents */ for ($i += 2; is_array($tokens[$i]) && $tokens[$i][0] == T_WHITESPACE; $i++) { } if (is_array($tokens[$i]) && $tokens[$i][0] == T_VARIABLE) { /* Skip translate($variable) */ continue; } for ($buf = '', $parenCount = $ignore = 0; $i < count($tokens); $i++) { /* Fill $buf with translation params; so end at , or ) not in a nested () */ if (!$parenCount && ($tokens[$i] === ')' || $tokens[$i] === ',')) { break; } if ($ignore && $parenCount == $ignore && ($tokens[$i] === ',' || $tokens[$i] === ')')) { $ignore = false; } if ($tokens[$i] === '(') { $parenCount++; } else { if ($tokens[$i] === ')') { $parenCount--; } } if (is_array($tokens[$i]) && $tokens[$i][0] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) { $lastString = $tokens[$i][1]; } if (!$ignore) { $buf .= is_array($tokens[$i]) ? $tokens[$i][1] : $tokens[$i]; } if (is_array($tokens[$i]) && $tokens[$i][0] == T_DOUBLE_ARROW && (substr($lastString, 1, 3) === 'arg' || substr($lastString, 1, 5) === 'count')) { /* * Convert 'argN' => code to 'argN' => null so we don't eval that code. * Add 'null' to $buf now, then ignore content until next , or ) not in * a deeper nested (). */ $buf .= 'null'; $ignore = $parenCount; } } $param = eval('return ' . $buf . ';'); if (is_string($param)) { /* Escape double quotes and newlines */ $text = strtr($param, array('"' => '\\"', "\r\n" => '\\n', "\n" => '\\n')); $string = 'gettext("' . $text . '")'; if (!isset($strings[$string])) { $strings[$string] = array(); } else { if (!isset($localStrings[$string])) { $strings[$string][] = $filename; } } $localStrings[$string] = true; } else { if (is_array($param)) { foreach (array('text', 'one', 'many') as $key) { if (isset($param[$key])) { /* Escape double quotes and newlines */ $param[$key] = strtr($param[$key], array('"' => '\\"', "\r\n" => '\\n', "\n" => '\\n')); } } if (isset($param['one'])) { $string = 'ngettext("' . $param['one'] . '", "' . $param['many'] . '")'; } else { $string = 'gettext("' . $param['text'] . '")'; } if (isset($param['cFormat'])) { $string = '/* xgettext:' . ($param['cFormat'] ? '' : 'no-') . "c-format */\n{$string}"; } if (!empty($param['hint'])) { $string = '// HINT: ' . str_replace("\n", "\n// ", $param['hint']) . "\n{$string}"; } if (!isset($strings[$string])) { $strings[$string] = array(); } else { if (!isset($localStrings[$string])) { $strings[$string][] = $filename; } } $localStrings[$string] = true; } } } } } else { if (preg_match_all('/{\\s*g->(?:text|changeInDescendents)\\s+.*?[^\\\\]}/s', $data, $matches)) { /* Use regexp to process tpl files for {g->text ..} and {g->changeInDescendents ..} */ foreach ($matches[0] as $string) { $text = $one = $many = null; /* * Ignore translations of the form: * text=$foo * as we expect those to be variables containing values that * have been marked elsewhere with the i18n() function. */ if (preg_match('/\\stext=\\$/', $string)) { continue; } /* text=..... */ if (preg_match('/\\stext="(.*?[^\\\\])"/s', $string, $matches)) { $text = $matches[1]; } else { if (preg_match("/text='(.*?)'/s", $string, $matches)) { $text = str_replace('"', '\\"', $matches[1]); /* Escape double quotes */ } } /* one=..... */ if (preg_match('/\\sone="(.*?[^\\\\])"/s', $string, $matches)) { $one = $matches[1]; } else { if (preg_match("/\\sone='(.*?)'/s", $string, $matches)) { $one = str_replace('"', '\\"', $matches[1]); /* Escape double quotes */ } } /* many=..... */ if (preg_match('/\\smany="(.*?[^\\\\])"/s', $string, $matches)) { $many = $matches[1]; } else { if (preg_match("/\\smany='(.*?)'/s", $string, $matches)) { $many = str_replace('"', '\\"', $matches[1]); /* Escape double quotes */ } } /* Hint for translators */ $translatorHint = preg_match('/\\shint=((["\']).*?[^\\\\]\\2)/s', $string, $matches) ? eval('return ' . $matches[1] . ';') : ''; /* c-format hint for xgettext */ $cFormatHint = preg_match('/\\sc[Ff]ormat=(true|false)/s', $string, $matches) ? '/* xgettext:' . ($matches[1] == 'false' ? 'no-' : '') . "c-format */\n" : ''; /* Pick gettext() or ngettext() and escape newlines */ if (isset($text)) { $string = 'gettext("' . strtr($text, array("\r\n" => '\\n', "\n" => '\\n')) . '")'; } else { if (isset($one) && isset($many)) { $string = 'ngettext("' . strtr($one, array("\r\n" => '\\n', "\n" => '\\n')) . '", "' . strtr($many, array("\r\n" => '\\n', "\n" => '\\n')) . '")'; } else { /* Parse error */ $string = str_replace("\n", '\\n> ', $string); errorExit("extract.php parse error: {$filename}:\n> {$string}\n"); } } if ($cFormatHint) { $string = $cFormatHint . $string; } if ($translatorHint) { $string = "// HINT: {$translatorHint}\n{$string}"; } if (!isset($strings[$string])) { $strings[$string] = array(); } else { if (!isset($localStrings[$string])) { $strings[$string][] = $filename; } } $localStrings[$string] = true; } } } if (count($strings) == $startSize) { unset($strings["\n/* {$filename} */"]); } }
} if (count($entries) === 1) { unset($paging); } fireEvent('OBStart'); require ROOT . '/interface/common/blog/begin.php'; if (empty($entries)) { header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'); if (empty($skin->pageError)) { dress('article_rep', fireEvent('ViewErrorPage', '<div class="TCwarning">' . _text('존재하지 않는 페이지입니다.') . '</div>'), $view); } else { dress('article_rep', NULL, $view); dress('page_error', fireEvent('ViewErrorPage', $skin->pageError), $view); } unset($paging); } else { require ROOT . '/interface/common/blog/entries.php'; } require ROOT . '/interface/common/blog/end.php'; fireEvent('OBEnd'); } else { if (!empty($freeSlogan)) { errorExit(404); } list($entries, $paging) = getEntriesWithPagingByPage($blogid, $suri['page'], $blog['entriesOnPage']); fireEvent('OBStart'); require ROOT . '/interface/common/blog/begin.php'; require ROOT . '/interface/common/blog/entries.php'; require ROOT . '/interface/common/blog/end.php'; fireEvent('OBEnd'); }
$action = new Action_default(); $GLOBALS['AA_ERROR'] = "System error: Action '" . $_POST['act'] . "' not defined in controller.php"; errorExit($action); } } } } } } // // process action // $action->process(); // process requested action if (!empty($GLOBALS['AA_ERROR'])) { errorExit($action); } // // HTML Header // ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>controller</title> </head>
$comment = $excerpt; } $p = $Blog->getnewsbyid($id); if (!$p) { errorExit('Article not found'); } $p = $p->fetch_object(); if (!$p) { errorExit('Article not found'); } $mytitle = $p->title; $myurl = $Blog->rootpath . '/' . $p->id . '/' . $Blog->shorttext($mytitle); ##errorExit($myurl); #if(strpos($comment, $myurl) !== false) errorExit('Go away, spammer'); $comment = strip_tags($comment); $comment = nl2br($comment); if (isset($_POST['title'])) { $title = htmlspecialchars($_POST['title']); $comment = "<strong>{$title}</strong><br />" . $comment; } if ($Blog->save_comment($id, $blog_name, '', $url, $comment, false)) { header("Content-type: text/xml"); echo <<<EOF <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <response> <error>0</error> </response> EOF; } else { errorExit('Trackback cannot be saved'); }
} $location = PP_DB_URL . "{$dest_dir}/{$dest_file}{$extra_ext}"; #system("ls -lrt ".PP_DB."$dest_dir/$dest_file 2>&1"); } else { bugPage("Cannot copy " . $_FILES["preprint"]["tmp_name"] . " -> " . PP_DB . "{$dest_dir}/{$dest_file}"); } break; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE: break; case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE: case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE: errorExit("File exceeds maximum file size."); case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL: errorExit("File upload was incomplete."); default: errorExit("An unknown error occured during file upload."); } } $q = $dbClass->query("SELECT * FROM publications WHERE RowId=" . $dbClass->quote($rowId)); $row = $dbClass->next_record($q); $status = $row["Status"]; if ($status == "reserved" && !(empty($location) && empty($journal)) && !empty($authors) && !empty($title)) { $status = "registered"; mail2secretary("Registered"); logIt("register", pp_preprintID($row["Year"], $row["Report"]), uid2gecos($res_UID)); unset($pp_id); } $dbClass->query("UPDATE publications SET " . " Field=" . $dbClass->quote($field) . ",Location=" . $dbClass->quote($location) . ",Authors=" . $dbClass->quote($authors) . ",Title=" . $dbClass->quote($title) . ",PublIn=" . $dbClass->quote($journal) . ",Id=" . $dbClass->quote($res_UID) . ",Status=" . $dbClass->quote($status) . " WHERE RowId=" . $dbClass->quote($rowId)); if ($pp_id) { logIt("edit", $pp_id, uid2gecos($res_UID)); }