function _checkFile($directory, $file) { $f = "{$directory}/{$file}"; if (is_dir($f) && ctype_digit($file)) { return 1; } if (fnmatch('entry*' . EXT, $file)) { $id = basename($file, EXT); $arr = entry_parse($id, true); echo "[POST] {$id} => {$arr['subject']}\n"; $this->index->add($id, $arr); return 0; } }
function main() { if ($this->nosuchcomment) { return PANEL_REDIRECT_DEFAULT; } $e = entry_parse($_REQUEST['entry']); if ($e) { $this->smarty->assign('entrysubject', $e['subject']); } else { return PANEL_REDIRECT_DEFAULT; } $comment = comment_parse($_REQUEST['entry'], $_REQUEST['comment']); if ($comment) { $this->smarty->assign('values', $comment); $this->smarty->append('values', array('ip_address' => $comment['ip-address']), true); } else { return PANEL_REDIRECT_DEFAULT; } }
function main() { global $fpdb; if (isset($_REQUEST['entry'])) { $id = $_REQUEST['entry']; if ($a = entry_parse($id)) { } else { $a = draft_parse($id); } if ($a) { if (THEME_LEGACY_MODE) { theme_entry_filters($a, $id); } $this->smarty->assign('entry', $a); $this->smarty->assign('id', $id); return 0; } } return 1; }
function main() { global $lang; $id = $this->id; if (isset($_REQUEST['entry'])) { $arr = draft_parse($id); if (!$arr) { $arr = entry_parse($id); } else { $this->smarty->assign('draft', true); } // if entry does not exists if ($arr) { $this->_makePreview($arr, $id); } } $this->_getCatsFlags(); add_filter('wp_title', array(&$this, 'makePageTitle'), 10, 2); if ($this->draft) { add_filter('admin_body_class', array(&$this, 'draft_class')); } }
function entry_delete($id) { if (!($f = entry_exists($id))) { return; } /* $d = bdb_idtofile($id,BDB_COMMENT); fs_delete_recursive("$d"); // thanks to cimangi for noticing this $f = dirname($d) . '/view_counter' .EXT; fs_delete($f); $f = bdb_idtofile($id); */ $d = entry_dir($id); fs_delete_recursive($d); $obj =& entry_init(); $obj->delete($id, entry_parse($id)); do_action('delete_post', $id); return fs_delete($f); }
function &peekEntry() { global $post; $qp =& $this->params; $return = array(false, false); if ($this->counter < 0) { $this->prepare(); } if ($this->pointer == $this->params->start + $this->params->count) { return $return; } if ($qp->id) { $idx = $this->main_idx; $key = entry_idtokey($qp->id); $v = $idx->getitem($key); if ($qp->fullparse) { $entry = isset($this->localcache[$qp->id]) ? $this->localcache[$qp->id] : entry_parse($qp->id); if ($entry && $qp->comments) { $this->comments = new FPDB_CommentList($qp->id, comment_getlist($qp->id)); $entry['comments'] = $this->comments->getCount(); } $post = $entry; if (!$entry) { return $return; } } else { $entry = array('subject' => $v); $post = $entry; } $return = array($this->params->id, $entry); return $return; } if (!$this->walker) { $false = array(false, false); return $false; } // search first eligible post while ($this->walker->valid && $this->pointer < $qp->start) { $this->previd = $this->currentid; $key = $this->walker->current_key(); $id = $this->currentid = entry_keytoid($key); if ($this->single) { $this->preventry = array('subject' => $this->walker->current_value()); } $this->walker->next(); $this->pointer++; } // if there is a secondary (not) idx if ($this->secondary_idx) { // skips posts until we find one which is not in the secondary idx while ($this->walker->valid && ($key = $this->walker->current_key()) && $this->secondary_idx->has_key($key)) { $this->walker->next(); //$qp->count--; } } if (!$this->walker->valid) { $cont = false; return $cont; } // pointer == start $prevcurr = $this->currentid; $id = $this->currentid = entry_keytoid($this->walker->current_key()); if ($id != $prevcurr) { $this->previd = $prevcurr; } if ($qp->fullparse && $this->counter <= 0) { // full parse: reads the whole array from file $cont = array(); $cont = isset($this->localcache[$id]) ? $this->localcache[$id] : entry_parse($id); } else { // only title $cont = array('subject' => $this->walker->current_value(), 'date' => entry_idtotime($id)); } if (!$cont) { $cont = false; return $cont; } if ($qp->comments) { $this->comments = new FPDB_CommentList($id, comment_getlist($id)); $cont['comments'] = $this->comments->getCount(); } $post = $cont; $post['id'] = $id; $var = array(&$id, &$cont); return $var; }