* @copyright 2015 * @terms any use of this script without a legal license is prohibited * all the content of Boomchat is the propriety of BoomCoding and Cannot be * used for another project. */ $load_setting = 'timezone, allow_theme, default_theme, language'; $load_user = '******'; require_once "config_lite.php"; require_once "content_process.php"; if ($user["user_access"] == 4) { $target = $mysqli->real_escape_string(trim($_GET['target'])); $hunter = $user["user_name"]; $log = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM `private` WHERE `hunter` = '{$hunter}' AND `target` = '{$target}' OR `hunter` = '{$target}' AND `target` = '{$hunter}' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 20) AS log ORDER BY `time` ASC"); $mysqli->query("UPDATE `private` SET `status` = 1 WHERE `hunter` = '{$target}' AND `target` = '{$hunter}'"); if ($log->num_rows > 0) { while ($chat = $log->fetch_assoc()) { $message = emoprocess($chat['message']); $ptime = date("m/j G:i", $chat['time']); $message = emoticon(linking($message, $icon_set)); if ($chat['hunter'] == $user['user_name']) { echo "<li class=\"hunter_private\"><p>{$message}</p><p class=\"ptime\">{$ptime}</p></li>\n"; } else { echo "<li class=\"target_private\"><p>{$message}</p><p class=\"ptime2\">{$ptime}</p></li>\n"; } } } else { echo "<li>{$emptyprivate}</li>"; } } else { echo "<li>{$lang_error}</li>"; }
$personaldata = mysqli_fetch_array($personalsql); $personalname = $personaldata['Username']; $personalmafia = $personaldata['Mafia']; $id = $_GET['id']; $id = htmlentities($id, ENT_QUOTES); $usersql = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE ID='{$id}'"); $userrows = mysqli_num_rows($usersql); $userdata = mysqli_fetch_array($usersql); $username = $userdata['Username']; $userimage = $userdata['Image']; $usergender = $userdata['Gender']; $userlevel = $userdata['Level']; $usermafia = $userdata['Mafia']; $userstatus = $userdata['Status']; $userinfo = $userdata['Info']; $userinfo = emoticon($userinfo); $userseen = $userdata['Seen']; $usermembership = $userdata['Membership']; $time = time(); if ($usermembership >= $time) { $usermembership = "Activated"; } else { $usermembership = "Not Activated"; } $propertiessql = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT ID FROM Properties WHERE Owner='{$username}'"); $properties = mysqli_num_rows($propertiessql); $propertymax = $userlevel / 4; $propertymax = floor($propertymax); $mafiasql = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM Mafias WHERE Name='{$usermafia}'"); $mafiadata = mysqli_fetch_array($mafiasql); $mafiaid = $mafiadata['ID'];
<?php include "emoticon.php"; $cookie = $_COOKIE['PHPSESSID']; $mysql = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Cookie='{$cookie}'"); $mydata = mysqli_fetch_array($mysql); $mymafia = $mydata['Mafia']; $id = $_GET['id']; $id = htmlentities($id, ENT_QUOTES); $wikisql = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM Wiki WHERE ID='{$id}'"); $wikirows = mysqli_num_rows($wikisql); if ($wikirows > 0) { $wikidata = mysqli_fetch_array($wikisql); $wikitopic = $wikidata['Topic']; $wikiinfo = $wikidata['Info']; $wikiinfo = nl2br($wikiinfo); $wikiinfo = emoticon($wikiinfo); $wikiposter = $wikidata['Editor']; $wikiposterid = $wikidata['EditorID']; $wikitime = $wikidata['Time']; print '<h1>' . $wikitopic . '</h1> <hr> <p>' . $wikiinfo . '</p> <hr> <p>Last edit by: <a href="userprofile.php?id=' . $wikiposterid . '">' . $wikiposter . '</a> on ' . $wikitime . '</p> <p><a href="editwiki.php?id=' . $id . '">[Edit]</a></p>'; if ($mymafia == "Game Administration") { print '<p><a href="deletewiki.php?id=' . $id . '">[Delete]</a></p>'; } } else {
<?php include "connect.php"; include "emoticon.php"; $id = $_GET['id']; $id = htmlentities($id, ENT_QUOTES); $reply = $_POST['reply']; $reply = htmlentities($reply, ENT_QUOTES); $reply = emoticon($reply); $cookie = $_COOKIE['PHPSESSID']; $mysql = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Cookie='{$cookie}'"); $mydata = mysqli_fetch_array($mysql); $myname = $mydata['Username']; $myid = $mydata['ID']; $forumsql = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM Forums WHERE Type='Topic' AND ID='{$id}'"); $forumrows = mysqli_num_rows($forumsql); $forumdata = mysqli_fetch_array($forumsql); $forumtopic = $forumdata['Topic']; if (!empty($reply)) { if ($forumrows > 0) { mysqli_query($con, "INSERT INTO Forums (Topic, Text, Poster, PosterID) VALUES ('{$forumtopic}', '{$reply}', '{$myname}', '{$myid}')"); header("Location: readforum.php?id=" . $id); } else { header("Location: replytoforumresult.php?result=fail&reason=id"); } } else { header("Location: replytoforumresult.php?result=fail&reason=blank"); }
$cookie = $_COOKIE['PHPSESSID']; $personalsql = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Cookie='{$cookie}'"); $personaldata = mysqli_fetch_array($personalsql); $personalname = $personaldata['Username']; $personalmafia = $personaldata['Mafia']; $id = $_GET['id']; $id = htmlentities($id, ENT_QUOTES); $mafiasql = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM Mafias WHERE ID='{$id}'"); $mafiarows = mysqli_num_rows($mafiasql); $mafiadata = mysqli_fetch_array($mafiasql); $mafianame = $mafiadata['Name']; $mafiaimage = $mafiadata['Image']; $mafialeader = $mafiadata['Leader']; $mafiamembers = $mafiadata['Members']; $mafiainfo = $mafiadata['Info']; $mafiainfo = emoticon($mafiainfo); $mafiacolor = $mafiadata['Color']; $propertysql = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM Properties WHERE Mafia='{$mafianame}' AND MafiaID='{$id}'"); $properties = mysqli_num_rows($propertysql); $usersql = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Mafia='{$mafianame}' AND Username!='{$mafialeader}'"); $leadersql = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Mafia='{$mafianame}' AND Username='******'"); $leaderdata = mysqli_fetch_array($leadersql); $leaderid = $leaderdata['ID']; if ($mafiarows > 0) { print '<h1>' . $mafianame . '</h1> <hr> <div class="profilecontent"> <img src="' . $mafiaimage . '" height="300" width="300"> <table id="full"> <tr> <td><p>Leader: </p></td>
if (!empty($mymafia)) { $colorsql = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT Color FROM Mafias WHERE Name='{$mymafia}'"); $colordata = mysqli_fetch_array($colorsql); $namecolor = $colordata['Color']; } else { $namecolor = "#FFFFFF"; } $jcolorsql = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT Color FROM Mafias WHERE Name='Game Administration'"); $jcolordata = mysqli_fetch_array($jcolorsql); $jcolor = $jcolordata['Color']; $message = $_GET['message']; if ($myrows != 1) { $message = ''; } $message = htmlentities($message, ENT_QUOTES); $message = emoticon($message); $me = explode("/me ", $message); if ($me[0] == "" && $message != "") { $message = '* ' . $myname . ' ' . str_replace("/me ", "", $message) . ' *'; $type = "/me"; } $afk = explode("/afk", $message); if ($afk[0] == "" && $message != "") { $message = ''; mysqli_query($con, "DELETE FROM Mafia_Chat_Users WHERE NameID='{$myid}'"); } $level = explode("/level", $message); if ($level[0] == "" && $message != "") { $find = str_replace("/level", "", $message); if ($find == "") { if ($mymafia != "Game Administration") {
<?php include "connect.php"; include "emoticon.php"; $cookie = $_COOKIE['PHPSESSID']; $result = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Cookie='{$cookie}' AND Mafia='Game Administration'"); $data = mysqli_fetch_array($result); $datarows = mysqli_num_rows($result); $poster = $data['Username']; $poster = htmlentities($poster, ENT_QUOTES); $post = $_POST['post']; $post = htmlentities($post, ENT_QUOTES); $post = emoticon($post); if ($datarows > 0) { mysqli_query($con, "INSERT INTO News (Poster, Post) VALUES ('{$poster}', '{$post}')"); } mysqli_close($con); header("Location: index.php");
<?php include "connect.php"; include "emoticon.php"; $topic = $_POST['topic']; $topic = htmlentities($topic, ENT_QUOTES); $text = $_POST['text']; $text = htmlentities($text, ENT_QUOTES); $text = emoticon($text); $cookie = $_COOKIE['PHPSESSID']; $mysql = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Cookie='{$cookie}'"); $mydata = mysqli_fetch_array($mysql); $myname = $mydata['Username']; $myid = $mydata['ID']; $existsql = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM Forums WHERE Topic='{$topic}'"); $existrows = mysqli_num_rows($existsql); if (!empty($topic) && !empty($text)) { if ($existrows == 0) { mysqli_query($con, "INSERT INTO Forums (Type, Topic, Text, Poster, PosterID) VALUES ('Topic', '{$topic}', '{$text}', '{$myname}', '{$myid}')"); $newforum = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM Forums WHERE Topic='{$topic}'"); $newforumdata = mysqli_fetch_array($newforum); $newforumid = $newforumdata['ID']; header("Location: readforum.php?id=" . $newforumid); } else { header("Location: addforumresult.php?result=fail&reason=exists"); } } else { header("Location: addforumresult.php?result=fail&reason=blank"); }
<center> <h1>Wiki Edit Requests</h1> <?php include "emoticon.php"; $editsql = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM Wiki_Edits"); $editrows = mysqli_num_rows($editsql); if ($editrows > 0) { while ($editdata = mysqli_fetch_array($editsql)) { $edittype = $editdata['Type']; $edittopic = $editdata['Topic']; $editinfo = $editdata['Info']; $editinfo = nl2br($editinfo); $editinfo = emoticon($editinfo); $editor = $editdata['Editor']; $editorid = $editdata['EditorID']; $edittime = $editdata['Time']; $editid = $editdata['ID']; if ($edittype == "Add") { print '<hr><p><a href="userprofile.php?id=' . $editorid . '">' . $editor . '</a> would like to add a wiki called "' . $edittopic . '" with this information:<br><br>' . $editinfo . '<br><br><a href="wikireviewaction.php?action=allow&id=' . $editid . '">[Allow]</a> or <a href="wikireviewaction.php?action=deny&id=' . $editid . '">[Deny]</a></p>'; } elseif ($edittype == "Edit") { print '<hr><p><a href="userprofile.php?id=' . $editorid . '">' . $editor . '</a> would like to edit the wiki called "' . $edittopic . '" with this information:<br><br>' . $editinfo . '<br><br><a href="wikireviewaction.php?action=allow&id=' . $editid . '">[Allow]</a> or <a href="wikireviewaction.php?action=deny&id=' . $editid . '">[Deny]</a></p>'; } else { print 'ERROR'; } } } else { print '<hr><p>No pending requests.</p>'; } ?>
<?php include "connect.php"; include "emoticon.php"; $ad = $_POST['ad']; $ad = htmlentities($ad, ENT_QUOTES); $ad = emoticon($ad); $time = $_POST['time']; $time = htmlentities($time, ENT_QUOTES); $method = $_POST['method']; $method = htmlentities($method, ENT_QUOTES); $enddate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("+" . $time . " " . $method)); if ($method == "hours") { $time = $time * 60 * 60; } elseif ($method == "days") { $time = $time * 60 * 60 * 24; } elseif ($method == "weeks") { $time = $time * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; } else { header("Location: postad.php"); } $currenttime = time(); $timerstart = $currenttime + $time; $cookie = $_COOKIE['PHPSESSID']; $mysql = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT Username, ID, Mafia FROM Users WHERE Cookie='{$cookie}'"); $mydata = mysqli_fetch_array($mysql); $myname = $mydata['Username']; $myid = $mydata['ID']; $mymafia = $mydata['Mafia']; if ($mymafia == "Game Administration") { if (!empty($ad)) {