Ejemplo n.º 1
function eme_global_map_json($eventful = false, $scope = "all", $category = '', $map_id, $offset = 0) {
   $eventful = ($eventful==="true" || $eventful==="1") ? true : $eventful;
   $eventful = ($eventful==="false" || $eventful==="0") ? false : $eventful;

   $locations = eme_get_locations((bool)$eventful,$scope,$category,$offset);
   $json_locations = array();
   foreach($locations as $location) {
      $json_location = array();

      # first we set the balloon info
      $tmp_loc=eme_replace_locations_placeholders(get_option('eme_location_baloon_format'), $location);
      # no newlines allowed, otherwise no map is shown
      $tmp_loc=preg_replace("/\r\n?|\n\r?/","<br />",$tmp_loc);
      $json_location[] = '"location_balloon":"'.eme_trans_sanitize_html($tmp_loc).'"';

      # second, we fill in the rest of the info
      foreach($location as $key => $value) {
         # we skip some keys, since json is limited in size we only return what's needed in the javascript
         if (preg_match('/location_balloon|location_id|location_latitude|location_longitude/', $key)) {
            # no newlines allowed, otherwise no map is shown
            $value=preg_replace("/\r\n?|\n\r/","<br />",$value);
            $json_location[] = '"'.$key.'":"'.eme_trans_sanitize_html($value).'"';
      $json_locations[] = "{".implode(",",$json_location)."}";

   if ($zoom_factor >14) $zoom_factor=14;

   $json = '{"locations":[';
   $json .= implode(",", $json_locations); 
   $json .= '],"enable_zooming":"';
   $json .= get_option('eme_gmap_zooming') ? 'true' : 'false';
   $json .= '","zoom_factor":"' ;
   $json .= $zoom_factor;
   $json .= '","maptype":"' ;
   $json .= $maptype;
   $json .= '","map_id":"' ;
   $json .= $map_id;
   $json .= '"}' ;
   echo $json;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function eme_locations_search_ajax()
    if (isset($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id'] != "") {
        $item = eme_get_location($_GET['id']);
        $record = array();
        $record['id'] = $item['location_id'];
        $record['name'] = eme_trans_sanitize_html($item['location_name']);
        $record['address'] = eme_trans_sanitize_html($item['location_address']);
        $record['town'] = eme_trans_sanitize_html($item['location_town']);
        $record['latitude'] = eme_trans_sanitize_html($item['location_latitude']);
        $record['longitude'] = eme_trans_sanitize_html($item['location_longitude']);
        echo json_encode($record);
    } else {
        $locations = eme_get_locations();
        $return = array();
        if (!isset($_GET["q"])) {
            echo json_encode($return);
        foreach ($locations as $item) {
            $record = array();
            $record['id'] = $item['location_id'];
            $record['name'] = eme_trans_sanitize_html($item['location_name']);
            $record['address'] = eme_trans_sanitize_html($item['location_address']);
            $record['town'] = eme_trans_sanitize_html($item['location_town']);
            $record['latitude'] = eme_trans_sanitize_html($item['location_latitude']);
            $record['longitude'] = eme_trans_sanitize_html($item['location_longitude']);
            $return[] = $record;
        $q = strtolower($_GET["q"]);
        if (!$q) {
        $result = array();
        foreach ($return as $row) {
            if (strpos(strtolower($row['name']), $q) !== false) {
                $result[] = $row;
        echo json_encode($result);
Ejemplo n.º 3
function eme_replace_filter_form_placeholders($format, $multiple, $multisize, $scope_count, $fields, $category, $notcategory)
    if ($fields == "all") {
        $fields = "categories,locations,towns,weeks,months";
    preg_match_all("/#_[A-Za-z0-9_]+/", $format, $placeholders);
    usort($placeholders[0], 'sort_stringlenth');
    // if one of these changes, also the eme_events.php needs changing for the "Next page" part
    $cat_post_name = "eme_cat_filter";
    $loc_post_name = "eme_loc_filter";
    $town_post_name = "eme_town_filter";
    $scope_post_name = "eme_scope_filter";
    $localised_scope_post_name = "eme_localised_scope_filter";
    $selected_scope = isset($_REQUEST[$scope_post_name]) ? eme_sanitize_request($_REQUEST[$scope_post_name]) : '';
    $selected_location = isset($_REQUEST[$loc_post_name]) ? eme_sanitize_request($_REQUEST[$loc_post_name]) : '';
    $selected_town = isset($_REQUEST[$town_post_name]) ? eme_sanitize_request($_REQUEST[$town_post_name]) : '';
    $selected_category = isset($_REQUEST[$cat_post_name]) ? eme_sanitize_request($_REQUEST[$cat_post_name]) : '';
    $extra_conditions_arr = array();
    if ($category != '') {
        $extra_conditions_arr[] = "(category_id IN ({$category}))";
    if ($notcategory != '') {
        $extra_conditions_arr[] = "(category_id NOT IN ({$notcategory}))";
    $extra_conditions = implode(' AND ', $extra_conditions_arr);
    $scope_fieldcount = 0;
    foreach ($placeholders[0] as $result) {
        $replacement = "";
        $eventful = 0;
        $found = 1;
        $orig_result = $result;
        if (preg_match('/#_(EVENTFUL_)?FILTER_CATS/', $result) && get_option('eme_categories_enabled')) {
            if (strstr($result, '#_EVENTFUL')) {
                $eventful = 1;
            $categories = eme_get_categories($eventful, "future", $extra_conditions);
            if ($categories && (empty($fields) || strstr($fields, 'categories'))) {
                $cat_list = array();
                foreach ($categories as $this_category) {
                    $id = $this_category['category_id'];
                    $cat_list[$id] = eme_translate($this_category['category_name']);
                if ($multiple) {
                    $cat_list = array(0 => __('Select one or more categories', 'eme')) + $cat_list;
                    $replacement = eme_ui_multiselect($selected_category, $cat_post_name, $cat_list, $multisize);
                } else {
                    $cat_list = array(0 => __('Select a category', 'eme')) + $cat_list;
                    $replacement = eme_ui_select($selected_category, $cat_post_name, $cat_list);
        } elseif (preg_match('/#_(EVENTFUL_)?FILTER_LOCS/', $result)) {
            if (strstr($result, '#_EVENTFUL')) {
                $eventful = 1;
            $locations = eme_get_locations($eventful, "future");
            if ($locations && (empty($fields) || strstr($fields, 'locations'))) {
                $loc_list = array();
                foreach ($locations as $this_location) {
                    $id = $this_location['location_id'];
                    $loc_list[$id] = eme_translate($this_location['location_name']);
                if ($multiple) {
                    $loc_list = array(0 => __('Select one or more locations', 'eme')) + $loc_list;
                    $replacement = eme_ui_multiselect($selected_location, $loc_post_name, $loc_list, $multisize);
                } else {
                    $loc_list = array(0 => __('Select a location', 'eme')) + $loc_list;
                    $replacement = eme_ui_select($selected_location, $loc_post_name, $loc_list);
        } elseif (preg_match('/#_(EVENTFUL_)?FILTER_TOWNS/', $result)) {
            if (strstr($result, '#_EVENTFUL')) {
                $eventful = 1;
            $towns = eme_get_locations($eventful, "future");
            if ($towns && (empty($fields) || strstr($fields, 'towns'))) {
                $town_list = array();
                foreach ($towns as $this_town) {
                    $id = eme_translate($this_town['location_town']);
                    $town_list[$id] = $id;
                if ($multiple) {
                    $town_list = array(0 => __('Select one or more towns', 'eme')) + $town_list;
                    $replacement = eme_ui_multiselect($selected_town, $town_post_name, $town_list, $multisize);
                } else {
                    $town_list = array(0 => __('Select a town', 'eme')) + $town_list;
                    $replacement = eme_ui_select($selected_town, $town_post_name, $town_list);
        } elseif (preg_match('/#_FILTER_WEEKS/', $result)) {
            if ($scope_fieldcount == 0 && (empty($fields) || strstr($fields, 'weeks'))) {
                $replacement = eme_ui_select($selected_scope, $scope_post_name, eme_create_week_scope($scope_count));
        } elseif (preg_match('/#_FILTER_MONTHS/', $result)) {
            if ($scope_fieldcount == 0 && (empty($fields) || strstr($fields, 'months'))) {
                $replacement = eme_ui_select($selected_scope, $scope_post_name, eme_create_month_scope($scope_count));
        } elseif (preg_match('/#_FILTER_MONTHRANGE/', $result)) {
            if ($scope_fieldcount == 0 && (empty($fields) || strstr($fields, 'monthrange'))) {
                $replacement = "<input type='text' id='{$localised_scope_post_name}' name='{$localised_scope_post_name}' readonly='readonly' >";
                $replacement .= "<input type='hidden' id='{$scope_post_name}' name='{$scope_post_name}' value='" . eme_sanitize_html($selected_scope) . "'>";
                wp_enqueue_style('eme-jquery-datepick', EME_PLUGIN_URL . "js/jquery-datepick/jquery.datepick.css");
                // jquery ui locales are with dashes, not underscores
                $locale_code = get_locale();
                $locale_code = preg_replace("/_/", "-", $locale_code);
                $locale_file = EME_PLUGIN_DIR . "js/jquery-datepick/jquery.datepick-{$locale_code}.js";
                $locale_file_url = EME_PLUGIN_URL . "js/jquery-datepick/jquery.datepick-{$locale_code}.js";
                // for english, no translation code is needed)
                if ($locale_code != "en-US") {
                    if (!file_exists($locale_file)) {
                        $locale_code = substr($locale_code, 0, 2);
                        $locale_file = EME_PLUGIN_DIR . "js/jquery-datepick/jquery.datepick-{$locale_code}.js";
                        $locale_file_url = EME_PLUGIN_URL . "js/jquery-datepick/jquery.datepick-{$locale_code}.js";
                    if (file_exists($locale_file)) {
                        wp_enqueue_script('eme-jquery-datepick-locale', $locale_file_url);
            <script type="text/javascript">
            var locale_code = '<?php 
                echo $locale_code;
            var firstDayOfWeek = <?php 
                echo get_option('start_of_week');
                $replacement .= ob_get_clean();
                $replacement .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='" . EME_PLUGIN_URL . "js/eme_filters.js'></script>";
        } elseif (preg_match('/#_FILTER_YEARS/', $result)) {
            if ($scope_fieldcount == 0 && (empty($fields) || strstr($fields, 'years'))) {
                $replacement = eme_ui_select($selected_scope, $scope_post_name, eme_create_year_scope($scope_count));
        } else {
            $found = 0;
        if ($found) {
            $replacement = apply_filters('eme_general', $replacement);
            $format = str_replace($orig_result, $replacement, $format);
    return do_shortcode($format);
Ejemplo n.º 4
function eme_meta_box_div_location_name($event)
    $use_select_for_locations = get_option('eme_use_select_for_locations');
    // qtranslate there? Then we need the select, otherwise locations will be created again...
    $lang = eme_detect_lang();
    if (!empty($lang)) {
        $use_select_for_locations = 1;
    $gmap_is_active = get_option('eme_gmap_is_active');
    $location = eme_get_location($event['location_id']);
   <table id="eme-location-data">
    if ($use_select_for_locations) {
        $location_0 = eme_new_location();
        $location_0['location_id'] = 0;
        $locations = eme_get_locations();
        _e('Location', 'eme');
      <select name="location-select-id" id='location-select-id' size="1">
      <option value="<?php 
        echo $location_0['location_id'];
" ><?php 
        echo eme_trans_sanitize_html($location_0['location_name']);
        $selected_location = $location_0;
        foreach ($locations as $tmp_location) {
            $selected = "";
            if (isset($location['location_id']) && $location['location_id'] == $tmp_location['location_id']) {
                $selected_location = $location;
                $selected = "selected='selected' ";
         <option value="<?php 
            echo $tmp_location['location_id'];
" <?php 
            echo $selected;
            echo eme_trans_sanitize_html($tmp_location['location_name']);
      <input type='hidden' name='location-select-name' value='<?php 
        echo eme_trans_sanitize_html($selected_location['location_name']);
' />
      <input type='hidden' name='location-select-town' value='<?php 
        echo eme_trans_sanitize_html($selected_location['location_town']);
' />
      <input type='hidden' name='location-select-address' value='<?php 
        echo eme_trans_sanitize_html($selected_location['location_address']);
' />      
      <input type='hidden' name='location-select-latitude' value='<?php 
        echo eme_trans_sanitize_html($selected_location['location_latitude']);
' />      
      <input type='hidden' name='location-select-longitude' value='<?php 
        echo eme_trans_sanitize_html($selected_location['location_longitude']);
' />      
        if ($gmap_is_active) {
         <div id='eme-admin-map-not-found'>
            _e('Map not found', 'eme');
         <div id='eme-admin-location-map'></div></td>
       <tr >
       <td colspan='2'  rowspan='5' style='vertical-align: top'>
        _e('Select a location for your event', 'eme');
    } else {
        _e('Name', 'eme');
      <td><input id="location_name" type="text" name="location_name" value="<?php 
        echo eme_trans_sanitize_html($location['location_name']);
" /></td>
        if ($gmap_is_active) {
         <td rowspan='6'>
         <div id='eme-admin-map-not-found'>
            _e('Map not found', 'eme');
         <div id='eme-admin-location-map'></div></td>
      <td colspan='2'>
        _e('The name of the location where the event takes place. You can use the name of a venue, a square, etc', 'eme');
      <br />
        _e('If you leave this empty, the map will NOT be shown for this event', 'eme');
        _e('Address:', 'eme');
       <td><input id="location_address" type="text" name="location_address" value="<?php 
        echo $location['location_address'];
" /></td>
       <td colspan='2'>
        _e('The address of the location where the event takes place. Example: 21, Dominick Street', 'eme');
        _e('Town:', 'eme');
       <td><input id="location_town" type="text" name="location_town" value="<?php 
        echo $location['location_town'];
" /></td>
       <td colspan='2'>
        _e('The town where the location is located. If you\'re using the Google Map integration and want to avoid geotagging ambiguities include the country in the town field. Example: Verona, Italy.', 'eme');
        _e('Latitude:', 'eme');
       <td><input id="location_latitude" type="text" name="location_latitude" value="<?php 
        echo $location['location_latitude'];
" /></td>
        _e('Longitude:', 'eme');
       <td><input id="location_longitude" type="text" name="location_longitude" value="<?php 
        echo $location['location_longitude'];
" /></td>
       <td colspan='2'>
        _e('If you\'re using the Google Map integration and are really serious about the correct place, use these.', 'eme');