<?php /** * Elgg blog listing * * @package ElggBlog * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2 * @author Curverider Ltd <*****@*****.**> * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008-2009 * @link http://elgg.com/ */ $owner = $vars['entity']->getOwnerEntity(); $friendlytime = friendly_time($vars['entity']->time_created); $icon = elgg_view("profile/icon", array('entity' => $owner, 'size' => 'small')); $info = "<p>" . elgg_echo('blog') . ": <a href=\"{$vars['entity']->getURL()}\">{$vars['entity']->title}</a></p>"; $info .= "<p class=\"owner_timestamp\"><a href=\"{$owner->getURL()}\">{$owner->name}</a> {$friendlytime}</p>"; echo elgg_view_listing($icon, $info);
<?php /** * Default form data listing * * @package form * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2 * @author Kevin Jardine <*****@*****.**> * @copyright Radagast Solutions 2009 * @link http://radagast.biz/ */ $owner = $vars['entity']->getOwnerEntity(); $friendlytime = friendly_time($vars['entity']->time_created); $icon = elgg_view("profile/icon", array('entity' => $owner, 'size' => 'small')); $info = '<p><a href="' . $vars['entity']->getURL() . '">' . elgg_echo('form:submission_to') . '</a> "' . get_entity($vars['entity']->form_id)->title . '"</p>'; $info .= "<p class=\"owner_timestamp\"><a href=\"{$owner->getURL()}\">{$owner->name}</a> {$friendlytime}</p>"; echo elgg_view_listing($icon, $info . $vars['annotations']);
<?php // @todo where is this view used? $registration = $vars["entity"]; $owner = $registration->getOwnerEntity(); $output = ""; $icon = ""; $output .= '<div class="event_manager_registration_info">'; $output .= '<a class="user" href="' . $owner->getURL() . '">' . $owner->name . '</a> - ' . friendly_time($registration->time_created) . '<br />'; $output .= elgg_view("output/url", array("href" => $registration->getURL(), "text" => elgg_echo('event_manager:event:viewregistration'))); $output .= '</div>'; $output .= '<div class="event_manager_registration_links">'; if ($registration->approved) { $output .= elgg_view("output/url", array("href" => "action/event_manager/registration/approve?guid=" . $registration->getGUID() . "&approve=0", "text" => elgg_echo('disapprove'), "is_action" => true)); } else { $output .= elgg_view("output/url", array("href" => "action/event_manager/registration/approve?guid=" . $registration->getGUID() . "&approve=1", "text" => elgg_echo('approve'), "is_action" => true)); } $output .= '</div>'; $icon .= '<div class="event_manager_registration_icon">'; $icon .= '<img src="' . elgg_get_site_url() . 'mod/event_manager/_graphics/icons/register_icon.png">'; $icon .= '</div>'; echo elgg_view_listing($icon, $output);
* the icon / title. * * @uses object $vars['item'] The item to display * @return string A formatted item */ $item = $vars['item']; $section = $vars['section']; $target = $vars['target']; $ecml_keyword = isset($vars['ecml_enabled']) && isset($vars['ecml_keyword']) ? $vars['ecml_keyword'] : NULL; $icon_size = $vars['icon_size']; // @todo add entity checking. // different entity types have different title attribute names. $title = isset($item->name) ? $item->name : $item->title; // don't let it be too long $title = elgg_get_excerpt($title); // @todo you can disable plugins that are required by other plugins // (embed requires ecml) so fallback to a hard-coded check to see if ecml is enabled. // #grumble if ($ecml_keyword) { $embed_code = "[{$ecml_keyword} guid={$item->getGUID()}]"; } else { // fallback to inserting a hard link to the object with its icon $icon = "<img src=\"{$item->getIcon($icon_size)}\" />" . htmlentities($title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $embed_code = elgg_view('output/url', array('href' => $item->getURL(), 'title' => $title, 'text' => $title, 'encode_text' => FALSE)); } $icon = "<img src=\"{$item->getIcon($icon_size)}\" />"; $info = "<p class='entity-title'>" . htmlentities($title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "</p>"; $info .= "<p class='entity-subtext'>" . elgg_view_friendly_time($vars['item']->time_created) . "</p>"; // @todo JS 1.8: is this approach better than inline js? echo "<div class=\"embed_data\" id=\"embed_{$item->getGUID()}\">" . elgg_view_listing($icon, $info) . '</div>'; echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\t\$('#embed_{$item->getGUID()}').data('embed_code', " . json_encode($embed_code) . ");\n</script>";
$desc = $project->description; $summary = $project->summary; $license = $project->license; $friendlytime = friendly_time($project->time_created); $downloads = $project->getDownloadCount(); $usericon = elgg_view("profile/icon", array('entity' => $project_owner, 'size' => 'small')); switch (get_context()) { case 'search': $info = "<span class='downloadsnumber'>{$downloads}</span>"; $info .= "<p class='pluginName'> <a href=\"{$project->getURL()}\">{$title} </a></p>"; if ($summary) { $info .= "<p class='description'>" . $summary . "</p>"; } $user_url = "{$vars['url']}pg/plugins/developer/{$project_owner->username}"; $info .= "<p class=\"owner_timestamp\"><a href=\"{$user_url}\">{$project_owner->name}</a> {$friendlytime}</p>"; echo elgg_view_listing($usericon, $info); break; case 'plugin_project': echo elgg_view("profile/icon", array('entity' => $project_owner, 'size' => 'tiny', 'override' => true)); echo "<p><a href=\"{$project->getURL()}\">{$title}</a><br />"; echo "Uploaded {$friendlytime} ({$downloads})</p>"; break; case 'widget': ?> <div class="pluginsrepo_widget_singleitem"> <div class="pluginsrepo_listview_icon"> <a href="<?php echo $project->getURL(); ?> "> <img src="<?php