Ejemplo n.º 1

include "config.tematres.php";
//user login true
if ($_SESSION[$_SESSION["CFGURL"]][ssuser_id]) {
    //gestión de codigo de tema
    if ($_POST["code_tema_id"]) {
        $tema_id = str_replace("code_tema", "", $_POST["code_tema_id"]);
        if (is_numeric($tema_id)) {
            $task = edit_single_code($tema_id, $_POST[code_tema]);
            switch ($task["log"]) {
                case '0':
                    //no pasó nada = nothing
                    echo $task[code];
                case '1':
                    // OK
                    echo $task[code];
                case '-1':
                    // ERROR
                    header("HTTP/1.1 406 Not Acceptable");
                    echo ' ' . $_POST[code_tema] . ': ' . MSG_ERROR_CODE . ' (' . LABEL_Termino . ' ' . $task[tema] . ')';
    //gestión de codigo de tema
    if ($_POST["edit_tema_id"]) {
        $tema_id = str_replace("edit_tema", "", $_POST["edit_tema_id"]);
        //additional secure check
 //es un término
 if (strlen($term) > 0 && !$objectTerm) {
     $term_id = resolveTerm_id($term);
     $i = ++$i;
 //es una nota
 if (in_array($rwTerms[0], $arrayTiposNotas)) {
     //re-redactar nota para prevenir signo de separación en notas
     $note = implode($separador, array_slice($rwTerms, 1));
     abmNota("A", $term_id, $rwTerms[0], "{$thes_lang}", trim($note));
 } elseif (in_array($rwTerms[0], $arrayTiposTermino)) {
     //Retomar tag
     $label = $rwTerms[0] == $tabulador ? $past_label : trim($rwTerms[0]);
     switch ($label) {
         case 'CODE':
             edit_single_code($term_id, $objectTerm);
         case 'BT':
             $BTterm_id = resolveTerm_id($objectTerm, "1");
             ALTArelacionXId($BTterm_id, $term_id, "3");
         case 'RT':
             $RTterm_id = resolveTerm_id($objectTerm, "1");
             ALTArelacionXId($term_id, $RTterm_id, "2");
             ALTArelacionXId($RTterm_id, $term_id, "2");
         case 'NT':
             $NTterm_id = resolveTerm_id($objectTerm, "1");
             ALTArelacionXId($term_id, $NTterm_id, "3");
         case 'UF':
 function addTerm($skos, $node)
     	fectch hidden label ID
     $ARRAYhiddenLabelCode = ARRAYfetchValue("4", "H");
     // Preferred label
     $prefLabels = $skos->xpath->query('./skos:prefLabel', $node);
     foreach ($prefLabels as $prefLabel) {
         $value = setI18nValue($skos, $prefLabel);
         if (isset($value)) {
             // find URI
             $uri = $node->getAttributeNodeNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#', 'about');
             if ($uri instanceof DOMAttr) {
                 $source_uri = $uri->nodeValue;
             $node_stringPreferedTerm = $value["value"];
             $node_stringPreferedTermLang = $value["lang"];
             //add term
             if ($node_stringPreferedTermLang == $_SESSION["CFGIdioma"]) {
                 $ARRAYterm = ARRAYCode($source_uri);
                 if ($ARRAYterm[tema_id]) {
                     $term_id = $ARRAYterm[tema_id];
                 } else {
                     $term_id = ALTAtema($node_stringPreferedTerm, "1", "13");
             } elseif (!$node_stringPreferedTermLang) {
                  * What to do if the term is not in the same language of the controlled vocabulary ???
                 $ARRAYterm = ARRAYCode($source_uri);
                 if ($ARRAYterm[tema_id]) {
                     $term_id = $ARRAYterm[tema_id];
                 } else {
                     $term_id = ALTAtema($node_stringPreferedTerm, "1", "13");
     //This is a new term
     if (!$ARRAYterm[tema_id]) {
         edit_single_code($term_id, $source_uri);
         // Alternate labels
         foreach ($skos->xpath->query('./skos:altLabel', $node) as $altLabel) {
             $value = setI18nValue($skos, $altLabel);
             //the same language
             if (isset($value) && $_SESSION["CFGIdioma"] == $value["lang"]) {
                 $node_alt_term[] = $value;
                 $alt_term_id = ALTAtema($value["value"], "1", "13");
                 ALTArelacionXId($alt_term_id, $term_id, "4");
         // Alternate hidden labels
         foreach ($skos->xpath->query('./skos:hiddenLabel', $node) as $altLabel) {
             $value = setI18nValue($skos, $altLabel);
             //the same language
             if (isset($value) && $_SESSION["CFGIdioma"] == $value["lang"]) {
                 $node_alt_term[] = $value;
                 $alt_term_id = ALTAtema($value["value"], "1", "13");
                 ALTArelacionXId($alt_term_id, $term_id, "4", $ARRAYhiddenLabelCode[value_id]);
         // Scope notes
         foreach ($skos->xpath->query('./skos:scopeNote', $node) as $scopeNote) {
             $value = setI18nValue($skos, $scopeNote);
             if (isset($value["value"]) && is_string($value["value"])) {
                 $node_notes[] = $value;
                 $lang_nota = $value["lang"] ? $value["lang"] : $node_stringPreferedTermLang;
                 ALTAnota($term_id, "NA", $lang_nota, $value["value"]);
         // Definition notes
         foreach ($skos->xpath->query('./skos:definition', $node) as $defNote) {
             $value = setI18nValue($skos, $defNote);
             if (isset($value["value"])) {
                 $node_defnotes[] = $value;
                 $lang_nota = $value["lang"] ? $value["lang"] : $node_stringPreferedTermLang;
                 ALTAnota($term_id, "NA", $lang_nota, $value["value"]);
         // changeNote
         foreach ($skos->xpath->query('./skos:changeNote', $node) as $defNote) {
             $value = setI18nValue($skos, $defNote);
             if (isset($value["value"])) {
                 $node_defnotes[] = $value;
                 $lang_nota = $value["lang"] ? $value["lang"] : $node_stringPreferedTermLang;
                 ALTAnota($term_id, "NH", $lang_nota, $value["value"]);
         //~ // exactMatch
         $sqlMatchTypes = SQLfetchValue('URI_TYPE');
         while ($arrayMatchTypes = $sqlMatchTypes->FetchRow()) {
             foreach ($skos->xpath->query("./skos:{$arrayMatchTypes['value']}", $node) as $matchNode) {
                 // find URI
                 $uri_match = $matchNode->getAttributeNodeNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#', 'resource');
                 if ($uri_match instanceof DOMAttr) {
                     abmURI("A", $term_id, array("uri" => $uri_match->nodeValue, "uri_type_id" => $arrayMatchTypes[value_id]));
         // Find and add narrow terms
         // TODO: Merge broader/narrower relations for this term, as defining
         // inverse of relationship is not required by SKOS
         // http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/NOTE-skos-primer-20090818/#sechierarchy
         if ($uri instanceof DOMAttr) {
             foreach ($skos->xpath->query('./skos:Concept[skos:broader[@rdf:resource="' . $uri->nodeValue . '"]]') as $narrower) {
                 if (!$narrower instanceof DOMElement) {
                 $NT_term_id = addTerm($skos, $narrower);
                 if ($NT_term_id) {
                     ALTArelacionXId($term_id, $NT_term_id, "3");
         //end if new term
     return $term_id;