} else { if (startsWith($file, "other-")) { array_push($other_files, $file); } else { if ($file != "menu.php") { array_push($development_files, $file); } } } } } } echoList("Developments", $development_files); echoList("Components", $component_files); echoList("References", $reference_files); echoList("Others", $other_files); function echoList($name, $list) { echo "<h1>" . $name . "</h1>"; echo "<ul>"; foreach ($list as $item) { printf("<li><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></li>", $item, $item); } echo "</ul>"; } function startsWith($haystack, $needle) { // search forward starting from end minus needle length characters return $needle === "" || strpos($haystack, $needle, 0) !== FALSE; } function endsWith($haystack, $needle)
// now we have the folderId. we can display it or pass it into another method. // lets create a document and pass in the folderId $b. echo $docRequest->postDoc($b, 1, 'phpParseFile', 'a test file', 'parse.txt', '{}'); // parseListResponse() (list of field values returned) // for the parseListResponse method an array is returned. // we write a sample function here to display the results. function echoList($array, $itemCount) { for ($i = 0; $i < $itemCount; $i++) { echo $array[$i] . "\n"; } } // now the getUsers() method is called and the response is stored as a variable $c. $c = $usersRequest->getUsers(); // now we pass in the response from the getUsers() call and request a list of 10 userId's // stored as an array $d. $d = $parseRequest->parseListResponse($c, 'name', '10'); // now we call echoList to display the users in the array returned by parseListResponse(). echoList($d, '10'); // EMBED A FORM FROM VISUALVAULT // first method call requests and stores the users WebToken (userId is passed in here). $userToken = $u->getUsersToken('5eefec33-ca71-e511-befe-98991b71acc0'); // now a URL is returned by the formTemplateId of the form you want returned, and the userToken // passed in from the previous method call. echo $f->embedForm('9d4d2408-1183-e511-bf05-9c4e36b08790', $userToken); // EMBED A FORM WITH PERSISTED DATA FROM VISUALVAULT // first method call requests and stores the users WebToken (userId is passed in here). $userToken = $u->getUsersToken('5eefec33-ca71-e511-befe-98991b71acc0'); // now a URL is returned by the formTemplateId of the form you want returned, the persistedDataId // you want to fill out the form fields and the userToken passed in from the previous method call. echo $p->postFormPdata('9d4d2408-1183-e511-bf05-9c4e36b08790', 'c054e3bb-bd4c-4185-8d45-cf062d369a66', $userToken);