Ejemplo n.º 1
function DoCropImage($add, $userid, $username)
    global $empire, $dbtbpre, $public_r, $class_r, $ecms_config, $efileftp_fr, $efileftp_dr;
    $pic_x = (int) $add['pic_x'];
    $pic_y = (int) $add['pic_y'];
    $pic_w = (int) $add['pic_w'];
    $pic_h = (int) $add['pic_h'];
    $doing = (int) $add['doing'];
    $fileid = (int) $add['fileid'];
    $filepass = (int) $add['filepass'];
    $classid = (int) $add['classid'];
    $infoid = (int) $add['infoid'];
    $modtype = (int) $add['modtype'];
    $fstb = 0;
    if (empty($modtype)) {
        $fstb = GetInfoTranFstb($classid, $infoid, 0);
    if (empty($fileid)) {
        printerror('NotCropImage', 'history.go(-1)');
    $filer = $empire->fetch1("select fileid,path,filename,classid,fpath,no from " . eReturnFileTable($modtype, $fstb) . " where fileid='{$fileid}'");
    if (empty($filer['fileid'])) {
        printerror('NotCropImage', 'history.go(-1)');
    $path = $filer['path'] ? $filer['path'] . '/' : $filer['path'];
    $fspath = ReturnFileSavePath($filer['classid'], $filer['fpath']);
    $big_image_name = eReturnEcmsMainPortPath() . $fspath['filepath'] . $path . $filer['filename'];
    if (!file_exists($big_image_name)) {
        printerror('NotCropImage', 'history.go(-1)');
    $filetype = GetFiletype($filer['filename']);
    if (!strstr($ecms_config['sets']['tranpicturetype'], ',' . $filetype . ',')) {
        printerror('CropImageFiletypeFail', 'history.go(-1)');
    $new_datepath = FormatFilePath($filer['classid'], '', 0);
    $new_path = $new_datepath ? $new_datepath . '/' : $new_datepath;
    $new_insertfile = ReturnDoTranFilename($filer['filename'], 0);
    $new_fspath = ReturnFileSavePath($filer['classid']);
    $new_savepath = eReturnEcmsMainPortPath() . $new_fspath['filepath'] . $new_path;
    $new_name = $new_savepath . $new_insertfile;
    $returnr['file'] = '';
    $returnr['filetype'] = '';
    if ($temp_img_type = @getimagesize($big_image_name)) {
        preg_match('/\\/([a-z]+)$/i', $temp_img_type[mime], $tpn);
        $img_type = $tpn[1];
    } else {
        preg_match('/\\.([a-z]+)$/i', $big_image_name, $tpn);
        $img_type = $tpn[1];
    $all_type = array("jpg" => array("create" => "ImageCreateFromjpeg", "output" => "imagejpeg", "exn" => ".jpg"), "gif" => array("create" => "ImageCreateFromGIF", "output" => "imagegif", "exn" => ".gif"), "jpeg" => array("create" => "ImageCreateFromjpeg", "output" => "imagejpeg", "exn" => ".jpg"), "png" => array("create" => "imagecreatefrompng", "output" => "imagepng", "exn" => ".png"), "wbmp" => array("create" => "imagecreatefromwbmp", "output" => "image2wbmp", "exn" => ".wbmp"));
    $func_create = $all_type[$img_type]['create'];
    if (empty($func_create) or !function_exists($func_create)) {
        printerror('CropImageFiletypeFail', 'history.go(-1)');
    $func_output = $all_type[$img_type]['output'];
    $func_exname = $all_type[$img_type]['exn'];
    if (($func_exname == '.gif' || $func_exname == '.png' || $func_exname == '.wbmp') && !function_exists($func_output)) {
        $func_output = 'imagejpeg';
        $func_exname = '.jpg';
    $big_image = $func_create($big_image_name);
    $big_width = imagesx($big_image);
    $big_height = imagesy($big_image);
    if (!$big_width || !$big_height || $big_width < 10 || $big_height < 10) {
        printerror('CropImageFilesizeFail', 'history.go(-1)');
    if (function_exists("imagecopyresampled")) {
        $temp_image = imagecreatetruecolor($pic_w, $pic_h);
        imagecopyresampled($temp_image, $big_image, 0, 0, $pic_x, $pic_y, $pic_w, $pic_h, $pic_w, $pic_h);
    } else {
        $temp_image = imagecreate($pic_w, $pic_h);
        imagecopyresized($temp_image, $big_image, 0, 0, $pic_x, $pic_y, $pic_w, $pic_h, $pic_w, $pic_h);
    $func_output($temp_image, $new_name . $func_exname);
    $insert_file = $new_name . $func_exname;
    $insert_filename = $new_insertfile . $func_exname;
    if (file_exists($insert_file)) {
        if (!$doing) {
            $empire->query("delete from " . eReturnFileTable($modtype, $fstb) . " where fileid='{$fileid}'");
            if ($public_r['openfileserver']) {
                $efileftp_dr[] = $big_image_name;
        $no = '[CropImg]' . $filer['no'];
        $filesize = filesize($insert_file);
        $filesize = (int) $filesize;
        $classid = (int) $classid;
        $type = 1;
        eInsertFileTable($insert_filename, $filesize, $new_datepath, $username, $classid, $no, $type, $filepass, $filepass, $public_r[fpath], 0, $modtype, $fstb);
        if ($public_r['openfileserver']) {
            $efileftp_fr[] = $insert_file;
    echo "<script>opener.ReloadChangeFilePage();window.close();</script>";
Ejemplo n.º 2
function AddFeedback($add)
    global $empire, $dbtbpre, $level_r, $public_r;
    if ($add['bid']) {
        $bid = (int) $add['bid'];
    } else {
        $bid = (int) getcvar('feedbackbid');
    if (empty($bid)) {
        printerror("EmptyFeedbackname", "history.go(-1)", 1);
    $keyvname = 'checkfeedbackkey';
    if ($public_r['fbkey_ok']) {
        ecmsCheckShowKey($keyvname, $add['key'], 1);
    $br = $empire->fetch1("select bid,enter,mustenter,filef,groupid,checkboxf from {$dbtbpre}enewsfeedbackclass where bid='{$bid}';");
    if (empty($br['bid'])) {
        printerror("EmptyFeedback", "history.go(-1)", 1);
    if ($br['groupid']) {
        $user = islogin();
        if ($level_r[$br[groupid]][level] > $level_r[$user[groupid]][level]) {
            printerror("HaveNotEnLevel", "history.go(-1)", 1);
    $pr = $empire->fetch1("select feedbacktfile,feedbackfilesize,feedbackfiletype from {$dbtbpre}enewspublic limit 1");
    $mustr = explode(",", $br['mustenter']);
    $count = count($mustr);
    for ($i = 1; $i < $count - 1; $i++) {
        $mf = $mustr[$i];
        if (strstr($br['filef'], "," . $mf . ",")) {
            if (!$pr['feedbacktfile']) {
                printerror("NotOpenFBFile", "", 1);
            if (!$_FILES[$mf]['name']) {
                printerror("EmptyFeedbackname", "", 1);
        } else {
            $chmustval = ReturnFBCheckboxAddF($add[$mf], $mf, $br['checkboxf']);
            if (!trim($chmustval)) {
                printerror("EmptyFeedbackname", "", 1);
    $saytime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $dh = "";
    $tranf = "";
    $record = "<!--record-->";
    $field = "<!--field--->";
    $er = explode($record, $br['enter']);
    $count = count($er);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $count - 1; $i++) {
        $er1 = explode($field, $er[$i]);
        $f = $er1[1];
        $add[$f] = str_replace('[!#@-', 'ecms', $add[$f]);
        if (strstr($br['filef'], "," . $f . ",")) {
            if ($_FILES[$f]['name']) {
                if (!$pr['feedbacktfile']) {
                    printerror("NotOpenFBFile", "", 1);
                $filetype = GetFiletype($_FILES[$f]['name']);
                if (CheckSaveTranFiletype($filetype)) {
                    printerror("NotQTranFiletype", "", 1);
                if (!strstr($pr['feedbackfiletype'], "|" . $filetype . "|")) {
                    printerror("NotQTranFiletype", "", 1);
                if ($_FILES[$f]['size'] > $pr['feedbackfilesize'] * 1024) {
                    printerror("TooBigQTranFile", "", 1);
                $tranf .= $dh . $f;
                $dh = ",";
                $fval = "[!#@-" . $f . "-@!]";
            } else {
                $fval = "";
        } else {
            $add[$f] = ReturnFBCheckboxAddF($add[$f], $f, $br['checkboxf']);
            $fval = $add[$f];
        $addf .= ",`" . $f . "`";
        $addval .= ",'" . addslashes(RepPostStr($fval)) . "'";
    $type = 0;
    $classid = 0;
    $filename = '';
    $filepath = '';
    $userid = (int) getcvar('mluserid');
    $username = RepPostVar(getcvar('mlusername'));
    $filepass = ReturnTranFilepass();
    if ($tranf) {
        $dh = "";
        $tranr = explode(",", $tranf);
        $count = count($tranr);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
            $tf = $tranr[$i];
            $tfr = DoTranFile($_FILES[$tf]['tmp_name'], $_FILES[$tf]['name'], $_FILES[$tf]['type'], $_FILES[$tf]['size'], $classid);
            if ($tfr['tran']) {
                $filepath = $tfr[filepath];
                $filetime = $saytime;
                $filesize = (int) $_FILES[$tf]['size'];
                eInsertFileTable($tfr[filename], $filesize, $tfr[filepath], '[Member]' . $username, $classid, '[FB]' . addslashes(RepPostStr($add[title])), $type, $filepass, $filepass, $public_r[fpath], 0, 4, 0);
                $repfval = ($tfr[filepath] ? $tfr[filepath] . '/' : '') . $tfr[filename];
                $filename .= $dh . $tfr[filename];
                $dh = ",";
            } else {
                $repfval = "";
            $addval = str_replace("[!#@-" . $tf . "-@!]", $repfval, $addval);
    $ip = egetip();
    $eipport = egetipport();
    $sql = $empire->query("insert into {$dbtbpre}enewsfeedback(bid,saytime,ip,filepath,filename,userid,username,haveread,eipport" . $addf . ") values('{$bid}','{$saytime}','{$ip}','{$filepath}','{$filename}','{$userid}','{$username}',0,'{$eipport}'" . $addval . ");");
    $fid = $empire->lastid();
    UpdateTheFileOther(4, $fid, $filepass, 'other');
    if ($sql) {
        $reurl = DoingReturnUrl("../tool/feedback/?bid={$bid}", $add['ecmsfrom']);
        printerror("AddFeedbackSuccess", $reurl, 1);
    } else {
        printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)", 1);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    $filepass = (int) $filepass;
    if ($action == "catchimage") {
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($file_r['list']); $i++) {
            if ($file_r['list'][$i]['state'] == "SUCCESS") {
                $title = RepPostStr(trim($file_r['list'][$i]['title']));
                $filesize = RepPostStr(trim($file_r['list'][$i]['size']));
                $original = RepPostStr(trim($file_r['list'][$i]['original']));
                eInsertFileTable($title, $filesize, $filepath, $username, $classid, $original, $type, $filepass, $filepass, $public_r[fpath], 0, 0, 0);
    } else {
        if ($file_r['state'] == "SUCCESS") {
            $title = RepPostStr(trim($file_r[title]));
            $filesize = RepPostStr(trim($file_r[size]));
            $original = RepPostStr(trim($file_r[original]));
            eInsertFileTable($title, $filesize, $filepath, $username, $classid, $original, $type, $filepass, $filepass, $public_r[fpath], 0, 0, 0);
    // 反馈附件入库
/* 输出结果 */
if (isset($_GET["callback"])) {
    if (preg_match("/^[\\w_]+\$/", $_GET["callback"])) {
        echo htmlspecialchars($_GET["callback"]) . '(' . $result . ')';
    } else {
        echo json_encode(array('state' => 'callback参数不合法'));
} else {
    echo $result;
Ejemplo n.º 4
function TranFile($file, $file_name, $file_type, $file_size, $tranurl, $no, $classid, $type, $post, $userid, $username)
    global $empire, $public_r, $loginrnd, $dbtbpre, $ecms_config;
    if (!$no) {
        $no = $file_name;
    $tranfrom = (int) $post['tranfrom'];
    $classid = (int) $classid;
    $modtype = (int) $post['modtype'];
    $infoid = (int) $post['infoid'];
    $fstb = 0;
    if (empty($modtype)) {
        $fstb = GetInfoTranFstb($classid, $infoid, 0);
    if (!$file_name) {
        if (empty($tranurl) || $tranurl == "http://") {
            $tranfrom == 0 ? printerror("EmptyHttp", "history.go(-1)", 8) : ECMS_EditorPrintError(1, '', '', 'EmptyHttp', '', '');
        $filetype = GetFiletype($tranurl);
        $file_size = 0;
    } else {
        $filetype = GetFiletype($file_name);
    if (CheckSaveTranFiletype($filetype)) {
        $tranfrom == 0 ? printerror("TranPHP", "history.go(-1)", 8) : ECMS_EditorPrintError(1, '', '', 'TranPHP', '', '');
    $type_r = explode("|" . $filetype . "|", $public_r['filetype']);
    if (count($type_r) < 2) {
        $tranfrom == 0 ? printerror("TranFiletypeFail", "history.go(-1)", 8) : ECMS_EditorPrintError(1, '', '', 'TranFiletypeFail', '', '');
    if ($file_size > $public_r['filesize'] * 1024) {
        $tranfrom == 0 ? printerror("TranFilesizeFail", "history.go(-1)", 8) : ECMS_EditorPrintError(1, '', '', 'TranFilesizeFail', '', '');
    if ($type == 1) {
        if (!strstr($ecms_config['sets']['tranpicturetype'], ',' . $filetype . ',')) {
            $tranfrom == 0 ? printerror("NotTranImg", "history.go(-1)", 8) : ECMS_EditorPrintError(1, '', '', 'NotTranImg', '', '');
    } elseif ($type == 2) {
        if (!strstr($ecms_config['sets']['tranflashtype'], ',' . $filetype . ',')) {
            $tranfrom == 0 ? printerror("NotTranFlash", "history.go(-1)", 8) : ECMS_EditorPrintError(1, '', '', 'NotTranFlash', '', '');
    } elseif ($type == 3) {
    } else {
    if (empty($file_name)) {
        $r = DoTranUrl($tranurl, $classid);
        if (empty($r[tran])) {
            $tranfrom == 0 ? printerror("TranHttpFail", "history.go(-1)", 8) : ECMS_EditorPrintError(1, '', '', 'TranHttpFail', '', '');
    } else {
        $r = DoTranFile($file, $file_name, $file_type, $file_size, $classid);
        if (empty($r[tran])) {
            $tranfrom == 0 ? printerror("TranFail", "history.go(-1)", 8) : ECMS_EditorPrintError(1, '', '', 'TranFail', '', '');
    if (!$no) {
        $no = $r[filename];
    $r[filesize] = (int) $r[filesize];
    $classid = (int) $classid;
    $post[filepass] = (int) $post[filepass];
    $type = (int) $type;
    $sql = eInsertFileTable($r[filename], $r[filesize], $r[filepath], $username, $classid, $no, $type, $post[filepass], $post[filepass], $public_r[fpath], 0, $modtype, $fstb);
    $fileid = $empire->lastid();
    if ($type == 1 && ($post['getsmall'] || $post['getmark'])) {
        @(include ECMS_PATH . DASHBOARD . "/class/gd.php");
    if ($type == 1 && $post['getsmall']) {
        GetMySmallImg($classid, $no, $r[insertfile], $r[filepath], $r[yname], $post[width], $post[height], $r[name], $post['filepass'], $post['filepass'], $userid, $username, $modtype, $fstb);
    if ($type == 1 && $post['getmark']) {
    if ($sql) {
        if ($tranfrom == 1) {
            ECMS_EditorPrintError(0, $r[url], $r[filename], '', $no, $r[filesize]);
        echo "<script>parent.location.reload();</script>";
    } else {
        $tranfrom == 0 ? printerror("InTranRecordFail", "history.go(-1)", 8) : ECMS_EditorPrintError(1, '', '', 'InTranRecordFail', '', '');
Ejemplo n.º 5
function CjNewsIn_all($classid, $checked, $uptime, $start, $userid, $username)
    global $class_r, $empire, $public_r, $dbtbpre, $fun_r, $emod_r;
    $checked = (int) $checked;
    $classid = (int) $classid;
    $start = (int) $start;
    if (empty($classid)) {
        printerror("ErrorUrl", "history.go(-1)");
    CheckLevel($userid, $username, $classid, "cj");
    $cr = $empire->fetch1("select * from {$dbtbpre}enewsinfoclass where classid='{$classid}'");
    $cra = $empire->fetch1("select * from {$dbtbpre}ecms_infoclass_" . $cr[tbname] . " where classid='{$classid}'");
    $cr = TogTwoArray($cr, $cra);
    if ($cr['mark'] || $cr['getfirstspic']) {
        @(include_once "gd.php");
    if (empty($cr[insertnum])) {
        $cr[insertnum] = 10;
    $mid = $class_r[$cr[newsclassid]][modid];
    $savetxtf = $emod_r[$mid]['savetxtf'];
    $stb = $emod_r[$mid]['deftb'];
    $record = "<!--record-->";
    $field = "<!--field--->";
    $mr = $empire->fetch1("select cj from {$dbtbpre}enewsmod where mid='" . $class_r[$cr[newsclassid]][modid] . "'");
    $cjr = explode($record, $mr[cj]);
    $ccount = count($cjr);
    $sql = $empire->query("select * from {$dbtbpre}ecms_infotmp_" . $cr[tbname] . " where classid='{$classid}' and checked=0 and id>{$start} order by id limit " . $cr[insertnum]);
    $todaytime = time();
    $filetime = $todaytime;
    $b = 0;
    while ($r = $empire->fetch($sql)) {
        $b = 1;
        $newstart = $r[id];
        $ivalue = '';
        $ifield = '';
        $dataivalue = '';
        $dataifield = '';
        $titlepicnoval = 0;
        for ($j = 0; $j < $ccount - 1; $j++) {
            $cjr1 = explode($field, $cjr[$j]);
            $dofield = $cjr1[1];
            $var = "zz_" . $dofield;
            $var1 = "z_" . $dofield;
            $var2 = "qz_" . $dofield;
            $var3 = "save_" . $dofield;
            $value = $r[$dofield];
            if ($dofield == "empireselfurl") {
                $value = $r['oldurl'];
            if ($dofield == "newstext") {
                if ($cr[copyimg] || $cr[copyflash]) {
                    $GLOBALS['cjnewsurl'] = $r[oldurl];
                    $value = addslashes(CopyImg(stripSlashes($value), $cr[copyimg], $cr[copyflash], $cr[newsclassid], $cr[imgurl], $username, 0, $r['id'], $cr['mark'], $public_r['filedeftb']));
                $value = DoReplaceKeyAndWord($value, 1, $cr[newsclassid]);
            if ($dofield == "smalltext") {
                if (empty($value)) {
                    $value = SubSmalltextVal($r[newstext], $cr[smalltextlen]);
                } else {
                    $value = DoClearSmalltextVal($value);
            if ($dofield == "morepic") {
                if ($cr[$var3] == " checked") {
                    $msavepic = 1;
                    $r['filepass'] = $r['id'];
                    $value = LoadInSaveMorepicFile($value, $msavepic, $cr[newsclassid], 0, $r, 0, $public_r['filedeftb']);
            if ($dofield == "newstime") {
            if ($dofield == "titlepic" && $cr[zz_titlepicl]) {
                $cr[$var] = $cr[zz_titlepicl];
                $cr[$var1] = $cr[z_titlepicl];
                $cr[$var2] = $cr[qz_titlepicl];
                $cr[$var3] = $cr[save_titlepicl];
            if ($dofield == "titlepic" && empty($value)) {
                $titlepicnoval = 1;
            if ($value && !$cr[$var1] && $cr[$var3] == " checked" && $dofield != "morepic") {
                $tranr = DoTranUrl($value, $cr[newsclassid]);
                if ($tranr[tran]) {
                    $tranr[filesize] = (int) $tranr[filesize];
                    $tranr[type] = (int) $tranr[type];
                    $r[id] = (int) $r[id];
                    eInsertFileTable($tranr[filename], $tranr[filesize], $tranr[filepath], $username, $cr[newsclassid], '[URL]' . $tranr[filename], $tranr[type], 0, $r[id], $public_r[fpath], 0, 0, $public_r['filedeftb']);
                    $value = $tranr[url];
            if ($savetxtf == $dofield) {
                $thetxtfile = GetFileMd5();
                $truevalue = MkDirTxtFile(date("Y/md"), $thetxtfile);
                EditTxtFieldText($truevalue, $value);
                $value = $truevalue;
            $value = addslashes($value);
            if (strstr($emod_r[$mid]['tbdataf'], ',' . $dofield . ',')) {
                $dataifield .= "," . $dofield;
                $dataivalue .= ",'" . $value . "'";
            } else {
                $ifield .= "," . $dofield;
                $ivalue .= ",'" . $value . "'";
        $r[keyboard] = addslashes($r[keyboard]);
        if ($uptime) {
            $r[newstime] = $todaytime;
            $r[truetime] = $todaytime;
        } else {
            if ($r[newstime] == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") {
                $r[newstime] = $todaytime;
            } else {
                $r[newstime] = to_time($r[newstime]);
        $newspath = FormatPath($cr[newsclassid], "", 0);
        if ($class_r[$cr[newsclassid]][wfid]) {
            $checked = 0;
            $isqf = 1;
        } else {
            $checked = $checked;
            $isqf = 0;
        $newstempid = 0;
        $ispic = $r[titlepic] ? 1 : 0;
        $keyid = GetKeyid($r[keyboard], $cr[newsclassid], 0, $class_r[$cr[newsclassid]][link_num]);
        $havehtml = 0;
        $indexsql = $empire->query("insert into {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$cr[newsclassid]][tbname] . "_index(classid,checked,newstime,truetime,lastdotime,havehtml) values('{$cr['newsclassid']}','{$checked}','{$r['newstime']}','{$r['truetime']}','{$r['truetime']}','{$havehtml}');");
        $id = $empire->lastid();
        $infotbr = ReturnInfoTbname($class_r[$cr[newsclassid]][tbname], $checked, $stb);
        $isurl = $r['titleurl'] ? 1 : 0;
        $isql = $empire->query("insert into " . $infotbr['tbname'] . "(id,classid,ttid,onclick,plnum,totaldown,newspath,filename,userid,username,firsttitle,isgood,ispic,istop,isqf,ismember,isurl,truetime,lastdotime,havehtml,groupid,userfen,titlefont,titleurl,stb,fstb,restb,keyboard,newstime" . $ifield . ") values('{$id}','{$cr['newsclassid']}',0,0,0,0,'{$newspath}','{$filename}','{$r['userid']}','{$r['username']}',0,0,'{$ispic}',0,'{$isqf}',0,'{$isurl}','{$r['truetime']}','{$r['truetime']}','{$havehtml}',0,0,'{$r['titlefont']}','{$r['titleurl']}','{$stb}','{$public_r['filedeftb']}','{$public_r['pldeftb']}','{$r['keyboard']}','{$r['newstime']}'" . $ivalue . ");");
        $fisql = $empire->query("insert into " . $infotbr['datatbname'] . "(id,classid,keyid,dokey,newstempid,closepl,haveaddfen,infotags" . $dataifield . ") values('{$id}','{$cr['newsclassid']}','{$keyid}',1,'{$newstempid}',0,0,''" . $dataivalue . ");");
        AddClassInfos($cr['newsclassid'], '+1', '+1', $checked);
        DoUpdateAddDataNum('info', $class_r[$cr['newsclassid']]['tid'], 1);
        if ($isqf == 1) {
            InfoInsertToWorkflow($id, $cr[newsclassid], $class_r[$cr[newsclassid]][wfid], $userid, $username);
        UpdateTheFile($id, $r['id'], $cr[newsclassid], $public_r['filedeftb']);
        $addtitlepic = "";
        if ($cr['getfirstpic'] && $titlepicnoval) {
            $firsttitlepic = GetFpicToTpic($cr[newsclassid], $id, $cr['getfirstpic'], $cr['getfirstspic'], $cr['getfirstspicw'], $cr['getfirstspich'], $public_r['filedeftb']);
            if ($firsttitlepic) {
                $addtitlepic = ",titlepic='" . addslashes($firsttitlepic) . "',ispic=1";
        $filename = ReturnInfoFilename($cr[newsclassid], $id, $r[filenameqz]);
        $updateinfourl = '';
        if (!$isurl) {
            $infourl = GotoGetTitleUrl($cr['newsclassid'], $id, $newspath, $filename, 0, $isurl, '');
            $updateinfourl = ",titleurl='{$infourl}'";
        $usql = $empire->query("update " . $infotbr['tbname'] . " set filename='{$filename}'" . $updateinfourl . $addtitlepic . " where id='{$id}'");
    $fm = ehtmlspecialchars($_GET['fm']);
    if (empty($b)) {
        for ($ci = 0; $ci < $ccount - 1; $ci++) {
            $cir = explode($field, $cjr[$ci]);
            $cifield = $cir[1];
            if ($cifield == "title") {
            $updatefield .= "," . $cifield . "=''";
        if ($cr['delloadinfo']) {
            $del = $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}ecms_infotmp_" . $cr[tbname] . " where classid='{$classid}'");
        } else {
            $del = $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}ecms_infotmp_" . $cr[tbname] . " set checked=1,keyboard=''" . $updatefield . " where classid='{$classid}'");
        if ($fm) {
            echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"../data/images/css.css\" type=\"text/css\"><body topmargin=0><font color=red>" . $cr[classname] . "  " . $fun_r['CjLoadInInfosSuccess'] . "</font>,  <input type=button name=button value='" . $fun_r['OnlickLoadInCj'] . "' onclick=\"window.open('CheckCj.php?classid={$classid}&from=" . ehtmlspecialchars($_GET[from]) . hReturnEcmsHashStrHref2(0) . "');\"></body>";
        } else {
            printerror("CjLoadDbSuccess", "CheckCj.php?classid={$classid}&from=" . ehtmlspecialchars($_GET[from]) . hReturnEcmsHashStrHref2(0));
    echo "<b>{$cr['classname']}</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $fun_r['OneCjLoadDbSuccess'] . "(ID:<font color=red><b>" . $newstart . "</b></font>)<script>self.location.href='ecmscj.php?enews=CjNewsIn_all&checked={$checked}&uptime={$uptime}&classid={$classid}&start={$newstart}&fm={$fm}&from=" . ehtmlspecialchars($_GET[from]) . hReturnEcmsHashStrHref(0) . "';</script>";
Ejemplo n.º 6
function DoQTranFile($add, $file, $file_name, $file_type, $file_size, $userid, $username, $rnd, $ecms = 0)
    global $empire, $dbtbpre, $class_r, $public_r, $ecms_config;
    if ($public_r['addnews_ok']) {
        $ecms != 1 ? printerror("NotOpenCQInfo", "", 9) : ECMS_QEditorPrintError(1, '', '', 'NotOpenCQInfo', '', '');
    $filepass = (int) $add['filepass'];
    $classid = (int) $add['classid'];
    $infoid = (int) $add['infoid'];
    if (!$file_name || !$filepass || !$classid || !$class_r[$classid][tbname]) {
        $ecms != 1 ? printerror("EmptyQTranFile", "", 9) : ECMS_QEditorPrintError(1, '', '', 'EmptyQTranFile', '', '');
    if ($infoid) {
        $index_r = $empire->fetch1("select classid,checked from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$classid][tbname] . "_index where id='{$infoid}'");
        if (!$index_r['classid'] || $classid != $index_r['classid']) {
            $ecms != 1 ? printerror("EmptyQTranFile", "", 9) : ECMS_QEditorPrintError(1, '', '', 'EmptyQTranFile', '', '');
        $infotb = ReturnInfoMainTbname($class_r[$classid][tbname], $index_r['checked']);
        $infor = $empire->fetch1("select classid,fstb from " . $infotb . " where id='{$infoid}'");
        if (!$infor['fstb'] || $classid != $infor['classid']) {
            $ecms != 1 ? printerror("EmptyQTranFile", "", 9) : ECMS_QEditorPrintError(1, '', '', 'EmptyQTranFile', '', '');
        $fstb = $infor['fstb'];
    } else {
        $fstb = $public_r['filedeftb'];
    $userid = (int) $userid;
    $username = RepPostVar($username);
    $rnd = RepPostVar($rnd);
    DoQCheckAddLevel($classid, $userid, $username, $rnd, 0, 0);
    $filetype = GetFiletype($file_name);
    if (CheckSaveTranFiletype($filetype)) {
        $ecms != 1 ? printerror("NotQTranFiletype", "", 9) : ECMS_QEditorPrintError(1, '', '', 'NotQTranFiletype', '', '');
    $type = (int) $add['type'];
    $pr = $empire->fetch1("select qaddtran,qaddtransize,qaddtranimgtype,qaddtranfile,qaddtranfilesize,qaddtranfiletype from {$dbtbpre}enewspublic limit 1");
    if ($type == 1) {
        if (!$pr['qaddtran']) {
            $ecms != 1 ? printerror("CloseQTranPic", "", 9) : ECMS_QEditorPrintError(1, '', '', 'CloseQTranPic', '', '');
        if (!strstr($pr['qaddtranimgtype'], "|" . $filetype . "|")) {
            $ecms != 1 ? printerror("NotQTranFiletype", "", 9) : ECMS_QEditorPrintError(1, '', '', 'NotQTranFiletype', '', '');
        if ($file_size > $pr['qaddtransize'] * 1024) {
            $ecms != 1 ? printerror("TooBigQTranFile", "", 9) : ECMS_QEditorPrintError(1, '', '', 'TooBigQTranFile', '', '');
        if (!strstr($ecms_config['sets']['tranpicturetype'], ',' . $filetype . ',')) {
            $ecms != 1 ? printerror("NotQTranFiletype", "", 9) : ECMS_QEditorPrintError(1, '', '', 'NotQTranFiletype', '', '');
    } elseif ($type == 2) {
        if (!$pr['qaddtranfile']) {
            $ecms != 1 ? printerror("CloseQTranFile", "", 9) : ECMS_QEditorPrintError(1, '', '', 'CloseQTranFile', '', '');
        if (!strstr($pr['qaddtranfiletype'], "|" . $filetype . "|")) {
            $ecms != 1 ? printerror("NotQTranFiletype", "", 9) : ECMS_QEditorPrintError(1, '', '', 'NotQTranFiletype', '', '');
        if ($file_size > $pr['qaddtranfilesize'] * 1024) {
            $ecms != 1 ? printerror("TooBigQTranFile", "", 9) : ECMS_QEditorPrintError(1, '', '', 'TooBigQTranFile', '', '');
        if (!strstr($ecms_config['sets']['tranflashtype'], ',' . $filetype . ',')) {
            $ecms != 1 ? printerror("NotQTranFiletype", "", 9) : ECMS_QEditorPrintError(1, '', '', 'NotQTranFiletype', '', '');
    } else {
        if (!$pr['qaddtranfile']) {
            $ecms != 1 ? printerror("CloseQTranFile", "", 9) : ECMS_QEditorPrintError(1, '', '', 'CloseQTranFile', '', '');
        if (!strstr($pr['qaddtranfiletype'], "|" . $filetype . "|")) {
            $ecms != 1 ? printerror("NotQTranFiletype", "", 9) : ECMS_QEditorPrintError(1, '', '', 'NotQTranFiletype', '', '');
        if ($file_size > $pr['qaddtranfilesize'] * 1024) {
            $ecms != 1 ? printerror("TooBigQTranFile", "", 9) : ECMS_QEditorPrintError(1, '', '', 'TooBigQTranFile', '', '');
    $r = DoTranFile($file, $file_name, $file_type, $file_size, $classid);
    if (empty($r[tran])) {
        $ecms != 1 ? printerror("TranFail", "", 9) : ECMS_QEditorPrintError(1, '', '', 'TranFail', '', '');
    $filetime = time();
    $r[filesize] = (int) $r[filesize];
    $classid = (int) $classid;
    eInsertFileTable($r[filename], $r[filesize], $r[filepath], '[Member]' . $username, $classid, $r[filename], $type, $filepass, $filepass, $public_r[fpath], 0, 0, $fstb);
    if ($ecms == 1) {
        ECMS_QEditorPrintError(0, $r[url], $r[filename], '', $r[filename], $r[filesize]);
    } else {
        echo "<script>opener.document.add." . $add['field'] . ".value='" . $r['url'] . "';window.close();</script>";
    $empire = null;
Ejemplo n.º 7
function ReturnDoMemberF($fid, $add, $mr, $ecms = 0, $username = '', $admin = 0)
    global $empire, $dbtbpre, $ecms_config, $public_r;
    $pr = $empire->fetch1("select openmembertranimg,memberimgsize,memberimgtype,openmembertranfile,memberfilesize,memberfiletype from {$dbtbpre}enewspublic limit 1");
    $formr = $empire->fetch1("select fid,enter,mustenter,filef,imgf,canaddf,caneditf,checkboxf from {$dbtbpre}enewsmemberform where fid='{$fid}'");
    $mustr = explode(",", $formr['mustenter']);
    $mustcount = count($mustr);
    for ($i = 1; $i < $mustcount - 1; $i++) {
        $mf = $mustr[$i];
        if (strstr($formr['filef'], "," . $mf . ",") || strstr($formr['imgf'], "," . $mf . ",")) {
            $mfilef = $mf . "file";
            if ($_FILES[$mfilef]['name']) {
                if (strstr($formr['imgf'], "," . $mf . ",")) {
                    if (!$pr['openmembertranimg']) {
                        printerror("CloseQTranPic", "", 1);
                } else {
                    if (!$pr['openmembertranfile']) {
                        printerror("CloseQTranFile", "", 1);
            } elseif (!trim($add[$mf]) && !$mr[$mf]) {
                printerror("EmptyQMustF", "", 1);
        } else {
            $chmustval = ReturnMCheckboxAddF($add[$mf], $mf, $formr['checkboxf']);
            if (!trim($chmustval)) {
                printerror("EmptyQMustF", "", 1);
    $dh = "";
    $tranf = "";
    $record = "<!--record-->";
    $field = "<!--field--->";
    $fr = explode($record, $formr['enter']);
    $count = count($fr);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $count - 1; $i++) {
        $fr1 = explode($field, $fr[$i]);
        $f = $fr1[1];
        if ($admin == 0 && ($ecms == 0 && !strstr($formr['canaddf'], ',' . $f . ',') || $ecms == 1 && !strstr($formr['caneditf'], ',' . $f . ','))) {
        $add[$f] = str_replace('[!#@-', 'ecms', $add[$f]);
        if (strstr($formr['filef'], "," . $f . ",") || strstr($formr['imgf'], "," . $f . ",")) {
            $filetf = $f . "file";
            if ($_FILES[$filetf]['name']) {
                $filetype = GetFiletype($_FILES[$filetf]['name']);
                if (CheckSaveTranFiletype($filetype)) {
                    printerror("NotQTranFiletype", "", 1);
                if (strstr($formr['imgf'], "," . $f . ",")) {
                    if (!$pr['openmembertranimg']) {
                        printerror("CloseQTranPic", "", 1);
                    if (!strstr($pr['memberimgtype'], "|" . $filetype . "|")) {
                        printerror("NotQTranFiletype", "", 1);
                    if ($_FILES[$filetf]['size'] > $pr['memberimgsize'] * 1024) {
                        printerror("TooBigQTranFile", "", 1);
                    if (!strstr($ecms_config['sets']['tranpicturetype'], ',' . $filetype . ',')) {
                        printerror("NotQTranFiletype", "", 1);
                } else {
                    if (!$pr['openmembertranfile']) {
                        printerror("CloseQTranFile", "", 1);
                    if (!strstr($pr['memberfiletype'], "|" . $filetype . "|")) {
                        printerror("NotQTranFiletype", "", 1);
                    if ($_FILES[$filetf]['size'] > $pr['memberfilesize'] * 1024) {
                        printerror("TooBigQTranFile", "", 1);
                $tranf .= $dh . $f;
                $dh = ",";
                $fval = "[!#@-" . $f . "-@!]";
            } else {
                if ($public_r['modmemberedittran'] == 1) {
                    $fval = $add[$f];
                    if ($ecms == 1 && $mr[$f] && !trim($fval)) {
                        $fval = $mr[$f];
                } else {
                    $fval = '';
                    if ($ecms == 1) {
                        $fval = $mr[$f];
        } else {
            $add[$f] = ReturnMCheckboxAddF($add[$f], $f, $formr['checkboxf']);
            $fval = $add[$f];
        $fval = DoMemberFValue($fval);
        $fval = RepPostStr2($fval);
        $fval = addslashes($fval);
        if ($ecms == 0) {
            $ret_r[0] .= ",`" . $f . "`";
            $ret_r[1] .= ",'" . $fval . "'";
        } else {
            $ret_r[0] .= ",`" . $f . "`='" . $fval . "'";
    if ($tranf) {
        $infoid = 0;
        $filepass = 0;
        $classid = 0;
        $filepass = (int) $mr['add_filepass'];
        $tranr = explode(",", $tranf);
        $count = count($tranr);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
            $tf = $tranr[$i];
            $tffile = $tf . "file";
            $tfr = DoTranFile($_FILES[$tffile]['tmp_name'], $_FILES[$tffile]['name'], $_FILES[$tffile]['type'], $_FILES[$tffile]['size'], $classid);
            if ($tfr['tran']) {
                if (strstr($formr['imgf'], "," . $tf . ",")) {
                    $type = 1;
                } else {
                    $type = 0;
                $filesize = (int) $_FILES[$tffile]['size'];
                eInsertFileTable($tfr[filename], $filesize, $tfr[filepath], '[EditInfo]' . $username, $classid, 'Member[' . $tf . ']', $type, $filepass, $filepass, $public_r[fpath], 0, 6, 0);
                if ($ecms == 1 && $mr[$tf]) {
                    DelYMemberTranFile($mr[$tf], $tf, $username);
                $repfval = $tfr['url'];
            } else {
                $repfval = $mr[$tf];
            if ($ecms == 0) {
                $ret_r[1] = str_replace("[!#@-" . $tf . "-@!]", $repfval, $ret_r[1]);
            } else {
                $ret_r[0] = str_replace("[!#@-" . $tf . "-@!]", $repfval, $ret_r[0]);
    return $ret_r;
Ejemplo n.º 8
function SaveMorepicFile($varname, $msavepic, $i, $picurl, $picname, $classid, $id, $add, $modtype = 0, $fstb = 1)
    global $public_r, $empire, $loginin, $dbtbpre, $ecms_config;
    if ($varname == "mbigpfile") {
        $addname = "[b]";
    $type = 1;
    $r[url] = $picurl;
    if ($_FILES[$varname]['name'][$i]) {
        $filetype = GetFiletype($_FILES[$varname]['name'][$i]);
        if (CheckSaveTranFiletype($filetype)) {
            return $r;
        if (!strstr($public_r['filetype'], "|" . $filetype . "|")) {
            return $r;
        if (!strstr($ecms_config['sets']['tranpicturetype'], ',' . $filetype . ',')) {
            return $r;
        if ($_FILES[$varname]['size'][$i] > $public_r['filesize'] * 1024) {
            return $r;
        $r = DoTranFile($_FILES[$varname]['tmp_name'][$i], $_FILES[$varname]['name'][$i], $_FILES[$varname]['type'][$i], $_FILES[$varname]['size'][$i], $classid);
        $r[filesize] = (int) $r[filesize];
        $classid = (int) $classid;
        if (empty($picname)) {
            $picname = $r[filename];
        } else {
            $picname = $addname . $picname;
        $picname = RepPostStr($picname);
        $id = (int) $id;
        $cjid = 0;
        if (!$id) {
            $cjid = (int) $add['filepass'];
        eInsertFileTable($r[filename], $r[filesize], $r[filepath], $loginin, $classid, $picname, $type, $id, $cjid, $public_r[fpath], 0, 0, $fstb);
        return $r;
    } else {
        if (empty($msavepic)) {
            return $r;
        if (empty($picurl)) {
            return $r;
        $filetype = GetFiletype($picurl);
        if (CheckSaveTranFiletype($filetype)) {
            return $r;
        if (!strstr($public_r['filetype'], "|" . $filetype . "|")) {
            return $r;
        if (!strstr($ecms_config['sets']['tranpicturetype'], ',' . $filetype . ',')) {
            return $r;
        $r = DoTranUrl($picurl, $classid);
        if ($r['tran']) {
            $r[filesize] = (int) $r[filesize];
            $classid = (int) $classid;
            $r[type] = (int) $r[type];
            if (empty($picname)) {
                $picname = $r[filename];
            } else {
                $picname = $addname . $picname;
            $picname = RepPostStr($picname);
            $id = (int) $id;
            $cjid = 0;
            if (!$id) {
                $cjid = (int) $add['filepass'];
            eInsertFileTable($r[filename], $r[filesize], $r[filepath], $loginin, $classid, $picname, $type, $id, $cjid, $public_r[fpath], 0, 0, $fstb);
            return $r;
        return $r;
Ejemplo n.º 9
function TranMoreFile($file, $file_name, $file_type, $file_size, $no, $type, $userid, $username)
    global $empire, $public_r, $dbtbpre;
    $count = count($file_name);
    if (empty($count)) {
        printerror("MustChangeTranOneFile", "history.go(-1)");
    CheckLevel($userid, $username, $classid, "file");
    $type = (int) $type;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
        if (empty($file_name[$i])) {
        $filetype = GetFiletype($file_name[$i]);
        if (CheckSaveTranFiletype($filetype)) {
        $type_r = explode("|" . $filetype . "|", $public_r['filetype']);
        if (count($type_r) < 2) {
        if ($file_size[$i] > $public_r['filesize'] * 1024) {
        $r = DoTranFile($file[$i], $file_name[$i], $file_type[$i], $file_size[$i], $classid);
        $r[filesize] = (int) $r[filesize];
        $classid = (int) $classid;
        if (empty($no[$i])) {
            $no[$i] = $file_name[$i];
        eInsertFileTable($r[filename], $r[filesize], $r[filepath], $username, $classid, $no[$i], $type, 0, 0, $public_r[fpath], 0, 5, 0);
    printerror("TranMoreFileSuccess", "file/TranMoreFile.php" . hReturnEcmsHashStrHref2(1));