/** * Live Composer Compatibility File * * @package West */ function west_lc_defaults($options, $id) { // The array that will hold new defaults $new_defaults = array(); if ($id == 'DSLC_Info_Box') { $new_defaults = array('elements' => 'icon title content ', 'css_bg_color' => 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)', 'css_border_color' => 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)', 'css_padding_vertical' => '15', 'css_padding_horizontal' => '15', 'css_wrapper_bg_color' => 'transparent', 'css_icon_bg_color' => 'rgb(234, 171, 28)', 'css_icon_border_color' => 'rgb(234, 171, 28)', 'css_icon_color' => 'rgb(255, 255, 255)', 'icon_id' => 'connectdevelop', 'css_icon_margin_bottom' => '30', 'css_icon_wrapper_width' => '100', 'css_icon_width' => '34', 'css_title_font_size' => '20', 'css_title_font_family' => 'Montserrat', 'css_title_line_height' => '26', 'css_title_margin' => '30', 'css_content_color' => 'rgb(150, 156, 179)', 'css_content_font_family' => 'Roboto', 'css_content_margin' => '0', 'css_button_bg_color' => 'rgb(234, 171, 28)', 'css_button_bg_color_hover' => 'rgba(224, 117, 75, 0.9)', 'css_button_font_size' => '14', 'css_button_font_weight' => '600', 'css_button_margin_top' => '30', 'button_icon_id' => 'cogs', 'css_button_icon_color' => 'rgb(215, 217, 220)', 'css_button_icon_margin' => '7', 'css_button_2_bg_color' => 'rgb(38, 173, 218)', 'css_button_2_bg_color_hover' => 'rgba(38, 173, 218, 0.9)', 'title' => 'DEVELOPMENT', 'content' => '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean eleifend interdum lacus, eu consequat dolor convallis eu interdum lacus.</p>', 'button_title' => 'Read more', 'css_res_t' => 'enabled', 'css_res_p' => 'enabled', 'css_content_line_height' => '26'); } if ($id == 'DSLC_Button') { $new_defaults = array('css_align' => 'center', 'css_bg_color' => 'rgb(234, 171, 28)', 'css_bg_color_hover' => 'rgba(234, 171, 28, 0.9)', 'css_border_color' => 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)', 'css_border_radius' => '0', 'css_padding_vertical' => '15', 'css_padding_horizontal' => '30', 'css_button_font_size' => '13', 'css_button_font_weight' => '700', 'css_button_font_family' => 'Roboto', 'button_state' => 'disabled'); } if ($id == 'DSLC_Projects') { $new_defaults = array('elements' => 'filters ', 'post_elements' => 'thumbnail title ', 'separator_enabled' => 'disabled', 'css_thumbnail_border_radius_top' => '0', 'main_location' => 'inside', 'css_main_bg_color' => 'rgba(234, 171, 28, 0.6)', 'css_main_border_width' => '0', 'css_main_border_radius_bottom' => '0', 'css_main_padding_vertical' => '0', 'css_main_padding_horizontal' => '0', 'css_title_color' => 'rgb(255, 255, 255)', 'css_title_font_size' => '16', 'css_title_font_weight' => '600', 'css_title_line_height' => '16', 'css_title_margin_bottom' => '0', 'css_filter_bg_color_active' => 'rgb(234, 171, 28)', 'css_filter_border_color' => 'rgb(234, 171, 28)', 'css_filter_border_color_active' => 'rgb(234, 171, 28)', 'css_filter_border_width' => '2', 'css_filter_border_trbl' => 'top bottom ', 'css_filter_border_radius' => '0', 'css_filter_color' => 'rgb(150, 156, 179)', 'css_filter_font_size' => '13', 'css_filter_font_weight' => '400', 'css_filter_position' => 'center', 'css_filter_spacing' => '20', 'css_filter_margin_bottom' => '45', 'thumb_resize_width_manual' => '500px', 'css_anim_hover' => 'dslcSlideUpFadeIn', 'css_anim_speed' => '400'); } if ($id == 'DSLC_Staff') { $new_defaults = array('link' => 'disabled', 'amount' => '3', 'columns' => '4', 'social_link_target' => '_blank', 'post_elements' => 'thumbnail social title position ', 'separator_enabled' => 'disabled', 'thumb_resize_width_manual' => '400px', 'css_social_bg_color' => 'rgba(234, 171, 28, 0.9)', 'css_social_border_color' => 'transparent', 'css_social_padding_vertical' => '10', 'css_social_font_size' => '18', 'css_main_border_width' => '0', 'css_title_font_size' => '20', 'css_title_font_family' => 'Montserrat', 'css_title_line_height' => '24', 'css_position_border_trbl' => 'top ', 'css_position_color' => 'rgb(150, 156, 179)', 'css_position_font_size' => '14', 'css_position_font_weight' => '400', 'css_position_font_family' => 'Roboto', 'css_position_padding_vertical' => '18', 'css_excerpt_color' => 'rgb(150, 156, 179)', 'css_excerpt_font_size' => '14', 'css_excerpt_font_family' => 'Roboto', 'css_res_t' => 'enabled', 'css_res_p' => 'enabled', 'css_filter_bg_color' => 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)', 'css_filter_bg_color_active' => 'rgb(224, 117, 75)', 'css_filter_border_color' => 'rgb(128, 128, 128)', 'css_filter_border_color_active' => 'rgb(224, 117, 75)', 'css_filter_border_trbl' => 'top bottom ', 'css_filter_border_radius' => '0', 'css_filter_margin_bottom' => '45', 'css_res_p_main_padding_vertical' => '15', 'css_res_p_position_margin_bottom' => '5'); } if ($id == 'DSLC_Testimonials') { $new_defaults = array('type' => 'carousel', 'amount' => '2', 'columns' => '12', 'post_elements' => 'quote name position ', 'carousel_elements' => 'circles ', 'css_sep_height' => '0', 'css_sep_thickness' => '0', 'css_sep_style' => 'none', 'css_main_bg_color' => 'transparent', 'css_main_padding_vertical' => '0', 'css_main_padding_horizontal' => '100', 'css_quote_border_color' => 'rgb(225, 234, 239)', 'css_quote_border_width' => '2', 'css_quote_border_trbl' => 'bottom ', 'css_quote_color' => 'rgb(150, 156, 179)', 'css_quote_font_size' => '16', 'css_quote_font_weight' => '400', 'css_quote_font_family' => 'Roboto', 'css_quote_margin' => '30', 'css_quote_padding_bottom' => '30', 'css_author_margin_bottom' => '30', 'css_avatar_margin_right' => '21', 'css_avatar_size' => '100', 'css_name_color' => 'rgb(43, 45, 58)', 'css_name_font_size' => '18', 'css_name_font_family' => 'Montserrat', 'css_name_margin_bottom' => '15', 'css_name_margin_top' => '0', 'css_position_color' => 'rgb(208, 211, 214)', 'css_position_font_size' => '13', 'css_position_font_family' => 'Roboto', 'carousel_autoplay' => '5000', 'carousel_autoplay_hover' => 'true', 'css_arrows_bg_color' => 'rgb(234, 171, 28)', 'css_arrows_bg_color_hover' => 'rgba(234, 171, 28, 0.9)', 'css_arrows_margin_top' => '0', 'css_arrows_size' => '24', 'css_arrows_arrow_size' => '13', 'css_arrows_margin_bottom' => '0', 'css_circles_color' => 'rgb(221, 221, 221)', 'css_circles_color_active' => 'rgb(234, 171, 28)', 'css_circles_size' => '10', 'css_circles_spacing' => '4', 'css_res_t' => 'enabled', 'css_res_p' => 'enabled'); } if ($id == 'DSLC_Partners') { $new_defaults = array('link' => 'disabled', 'post_elements' => 'thumbnail ', 'carousel_elements' => 'circles ', 'separator_enabled' => 'disabled', 'css_thumbnail_border_width' => '0', 'css_thumbnail_margin_bottom' => '0', 'thumb_resize_width_manual' => '300px', 'css_main_text_align' => 'center', 'css_title_font_size' => '16', 'css_title_font_family' => 'Montserrat', 'css_res_t' => 'enabled', 'css_res_p' => 'enabled', 'css_res_t_thumbnail_margin_bottom' => '0', 'css_res_t_thumbnail_padding_vertical' => '0', 'css_res_p_sep_height' => '1', 'css_res_p_thumbnail_margin_bottom' => '0', 'css_res_p_thumbnail_padding_vertical' => '0', 'css_res_p_title_margin_bottom' => '14'); } if ($id == 'DSLC_Accordion') { $new_defaults = array('css_title_color' => 'rgb(43, 45, 58)', 'css_title_font_weight' => '600', 'css_content_bg_color' => 'transparent', 'css_content_color' => 'rgb(150, 156, 179)', 'css_content_font_size' => '13'); } if ($id == 'DSLC_Social') { $new_defaults = array('css_text_align' => 'center', 'css_bg_color' => 'rgb(234, 171, 28)', 'css_bg_color_hover' => 'rgb(28, 30, 41)', 'css_size' => '60', 'css_spacing' => '30', 'css_icon_font_size' => '24'); } if ($id == 'DSLC_Blog') { $new_defaults = array('amount' => '3', 'columns' => '4', 'post_elements' => 'thumbnail title excerpt button ', 'thumb_resize_width_manual' => '400px', 'css_main_border_color' => 'rgb(241, 241, 241)', 'title_color' => 'rgb(61, 61, 61)', 'title_font_size' => '20', 'css_title_font_family' => 'Montserrat', 'title_line_height' => '30', 'title_margin' => '20', 'css_meta_border_color' => 'rgb(241, 241, 241)', 'css_meta_border_trbl' => 'top bottom ', 'css_meta_font_size' => '12', 'css_meta_font_family' => 'Roboto', 'css_meta_link_color' => 'rgb(234, 171, 28)', 'css_meta_link_color_hover' => 'rgb(234, 171, 28)', 'css_meta_avatar_border_radius' => '0', 'css_meta_avatar_margin_right' => '15', 'css_excerpt_color' => 'rgb(153, 160, 168)', 'css_excerpt_font_size' => '14', 'css_excerpt_font_weight' => '400', 'css_excerpt_font_family' => 'Roboto', 'css_button_bg_color' => 'rgb(234, 171, 28)', 'css_button_bg_color_hover' => 'rgba(234, 171, 28, 0.9)', 'css_button_border_radius' => '0', 'css_button_font_weight' => '500', 'css_button_font_family' => 'Roboto', 'css_button_padding_horizontal' => '15', 'css_res_t' => 'enabled', 'css_res_p' => 'enabled', 'css_res_p_thumb_margin_right' => '0', 'css_res_p_main_padding_vertical' => '15', 'css_res_p_main_padding_horizontal' => '15'); } return dslc_set_defaults($new_defaults, $options); }
function amplify_lc_infobox($options, $id) { $new_defaults = array(); if ($id == 'DSLC_Info_Box') { $new_defaults = array('css_icon_bg_color' => 'rgb(250, 190, 40)', 'css_icon_wrapper_width' => '100', 'css_icon_width' => '50', 'css_title_color' => 'rgb(65, 71, 79)', 'css_title_font_size' => '20', 'css_title_font_weight' => '400', 'css_title_font_family' => 'Oswald', 'css_title_line_height' => '20', 'css_content_font_size' => '16', 'css_content_font_family' => 'Open Sans', 'css_button_bg_color' => 'rgb(250, 190, 40)', 'css_button_font_size' => '16', 'css_button_font_weight' => '400', 'css_button_icon_color' => 'rgb(51, 51, 51)', 'button_title' => 'Read more'); } return dslc_set_defaults($new_defaults, $options); }
function lbmn_alter_lc_defaults($options, $id) { // The array that will hold new defaults $new_defaults = array(); $theme_ver_log = get_option('lbmn_theme_updates_log'); if (in_array('1.0.1', $theme_ver_log)) { // Do not apply new default styles for users updated theme from V.1 // to not break their live website layouts /** * -------------------------------------------- * Text module */ if ($id == 'DSLC_Text_Simple' || $id == 'DSLC_Html') { $new_defaults = array('css_custom' => 'enabled', 'css_margin_bottom' => '30', 'css_main_font_size' => '17', 'css_main_font_weight' => '300', 'css_main_font_family' => '', 'css_main_line_height' => '27', 'css_h1_font_size' => '66', 'css_h1_font_weight' => '200', 'css_h1_font_family' => '', 'css_h1_line_height' => '70', 'css_h1_margin_bottom' => '30', 'css_h2_font_size' => '50', 'css_h2_font_weight' => '200', 'css_h2_font_family' => '', 'css_h2_line_height' => '55', 'css_h2_margin_bottom' => '24', 'css_h3_font_size' => '42', 'css_h3_font_weight' => '200', 'css_h3_font_family' => '', 'css_h3_line_height' => '48', 'css_h3_margin_bottom' => '25', 'css_h4_font_size' => '30', 'css_h4_font_weight' => '300', 'css_h4_font_family' => '', 'css_h4_line_height' => '38', 'css_h4_margin_bottom' => '20', 'css_h5_font_size' => '24', 'css_h5_font_weight' => '300', 'css_h5_font_family' => '', 'css_h5_line_height' => '33', 'css_h5_margin_bottom' => '20', 'css_h6_font_size' => '', 'css_h6_font_family' => '', 'css_h6_font_weight' => '', 'css_h6_line_height' => '', 'css_h6_margin_bottom' => '', 'css_h6_padding_vertical' => '', 'css_h6_padding_horizontal' => '', 'css_h6_text_align' => '', 'css_h6_border_color' => '', 'css_h6_border_width' => '', 'css_h6_border_trbl' => '', 'css_h6_border_radius_top' => '', 'css_h6_border_radius_bottom' => '', 'css_res_t' => 'enabled', 'css_res_t_margin_bottom' => '39', 'css_res_t_main_font_size' => '16', 'css_res_t_main_line_height' => '26', 'css_res_t_h2_font_size' => '40', 'css_res_t_h2_line_height' => '46', 'css_res_t_h2_margin_bottom' => '0', 'css_res_t_h3_font_size' => '24', 'css_res_t_h3_line_height' => '26', 'css_res_t_h3_margin_bottom' => '30', 'css_res_p' => 'enabled', 'css_res_ph_main_font_size' => '14', 'css_res_ph_main_line_height' => '21', 'css_res_ph_h2_font_size' => '34', 'css_res_ph_h2_line_height' => '32', 'css_res_p_h2_margin_bottom' => '10', 'css_res_ph_h3_font_size' => '18', 'css_res_ph_h3_line_height' => '24', 'css_res_p_h3_margin_bottom' => '20'); } /** * -------------------------------------------- * Button module */ if ($id == 'DSLC_Button') { $new_defaults = array('button_text' => 'Click to edit', 'button_url' => '#', 'css_bg_color' => 'transparent', 'css_border_color' => 'rgb(239, 236, 236)', 'css_border_color_hover' => 'rgb(75, 123, 194)', 'css_border_width' => '1', 'css_padding_horizontal' => '18', 'css_button_color' => 'rgb(42, 160, 239)', 'css_button_font_size' => '17', 'css_button_font_weight' => '300', 'css_button_font_family' => ''); } /** * -------------------------------------------- * Title module */ if ($id == 'DSLC_TP_Title') { $new_defaults = array('css_font_size' => '50', 'css_font_weight' => '200', 'css_font_family' => '', 'css_line_height' => '55'); } /** * -------------------------------------------- * Meta module */ if ($id == 'DSLC_TP_Meta') { $new_defaults = array('tp_elements' => 'date author category tags comments ', 'format' => 'vertical', 'color' => 'rgb(97, 103, 108)', 'font_size' => '15', 'css_font_weight' => '300', 'css_font_family' => '', 'css_line_height' => '22'); } /** * -------------------------------------------- * Accordion module */ if ($id == 'DSLC_Accordion') { $new_defaults = array('css_title_font_family' => '', 'css_content_font_family' => ''); } /** * -------------------------------------------- * Blog module */ if ($id == 'DSLC_Blog') { $new_defaults = array('css_title_font_family' => '', 'css_excerpt_font_family' => '', 'css_button_font_family' => '', 'css_main_heading_font_family' => '', 'css_main_heading_link_font_family' => ''); } } else { // Apply new module styling rules since V.1.1 /** * -------------------------------------------- * Text module */ if ($id == 'DSLC_Text_Simple' || $id == 'DSLC_Html' || $id == 'DSLC_TP_Content') { $new_defaults = array('css_main_font_size' => '', 'css_main_font_family' => '', 'css_main_font_weight' => '', 'css_main_line_height' => '', 'css_h1_font_size' => '', 'css_h1_font_family' => '', 'css_h1_font_weight' => '', 'css_h1_line_height' => '', 'css_h1_margin_bottom' => '', 'css_h2_font_size' => '', 'css_h2_font_family' => '', 'css_h2_font_weight' => '', 'css_h2_line_height' => '', 'css_h2_margin_bottom' => '', 'css_h3_font_size' => '', 'css_h3_font_family' => '', 'css_h3_font_weight' => '', 'css_h3_line_height' => '', 'css_h3_margin_bottom' => '', 'css_h4_font_size' => '', 'css_h4_font_family' => '', 'css_h4_font_weight' => '', 'css_h4_line_height' => '', 'css_h4_margin_bottom' => '', 'css_h5_font_size' => '', 'css_h5_font_family' => '', 'css_h5_font_weight' => '', 'css_h5_line_height' => '', 'css_h5_margin_bottom' => '', 'css_h6_font_size' => '', 'css_h6_font_family' => '', 'css_h6_font_weight' => '', 'css_h6_line_height' => '', 'css_h6_margin_bottom' => '', 'css_li_font_family' => '', 'css_li_font_size' => '', 'css_li_font_weight' => '', 'css_li_line_height' => '', 'css_ul_margin_bottom' => '', 'css_ul_margin_left' => '', 'css_ul_li_margin_bottom' => '', 'css_inputs_font_family' => '', 'css_inputs_font_size' => '', 'css_inputs_font_weight' => '', 'css_inputs_line_height' => ''); } /** * -------------------------------------------- * Button module */ if ($id == 'DSLC_Button') { $new_defaults = array('button_text' => 'Click to edit', 'button_url' => '#', 'css_bg_color' => 'transparent', 'css_border_color' => 'rgb(226, 223, 223)', 'css_border_color_hover' => 'rgb(75, 123, 194)', 'css_border_width' => '1', 'css_border_radius' => '4', 'css_margin_bottom' => '50', 'css_padding_vertical' => '14', 'css_padding_horizontal' => '18', 'css_button_color' => 'rgb(42, 160, 239)', 'css_button_color_hover' => 'rgb(255, 255, 255)', 'css_button_font_size' => '17', 'css_button_font_weight' => '300', 'css_button_font_family' => '', 'css_icon_margin' => '10', 'css_res_p_padding_vertical' => '', 'css_res_p_padding_horizontal' => '', 'css_res_p_button_font_size' => '', 'css_res_p_icon_margin' => '', 'css_res_t_margin_bottom' => '', 'css_res_t_padding_vertical' => '', 'css_res_t_padding_horizontal' => '', 'css_res_t_button_font_size' => '', 'css_res_t_icon_margin' => ''); } /** * -------------------------------------------- * Info Box module */ if ($id == 'DSLC_Info_Box') { $new_defaults = array('elements' => 'icon title content button ', 'text_align' => 'left', 'css_margin_bottom' => '50', 'css_icon_bg_color' => 'transparent', 'css_icon_border_color' => 'rgba(89, 175, 226, 0.3)', 'css_icon_border_width' => '1', 'css_icon_color' => 'rgb(89, 175, 226)', 'css_icon_border_radius' => '28', 'icon_id' => 'smile', 'css_icon_margin_right' => '25', 'icon_position' => 'aside', 'css_icon_wrapper_width' => '72', 'css_icon_width' => '28', 'title' => 'Click to edit this heading', 'css_title_color' => '', 'css_title_font_size' => '27', 'css_title_font_weight' => '300', 'css_title_font_family' => '', 'css_title_line_height' => '30', 'css_title_margin' => '20', 'content' => '<p>This is just placeholder text. 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} if ($id == 'DSLC_Image') { $new_defaults = array('css_ct_font_size' => '14', 'css_ct_font_weight' => '300', 'css_ct_font_family' => ''); } /** * -------------------------------------------- * Title module */ if ($id == 'DSLC_TP_Title') { $new_defaults = array('css_font_size' => '50', 'css_font_weight' => '200', 'css_font_family' => '', 'css_line_height' => '55'); } /** * -------------------------------------------- * Meta module */ if ($id == 'DSLC_TP_Meta') { $new_defaults = array('tp_elements' => 'date author category tags comments ', 'format' => 'vertical', 'color' => 'rgb(97, 103, 108)', 'font_size' => '15', 'css_font_weight' => '300', 'css_font_family' => '', 'css_line_height' => '22'); } /** * -------------------------------------------- * Accordion module */ if ($id == 'DSLC_Accordion') { $new_defaults = array('css_title_font_family' => '', 'css_content_font_family' => ''); } /** * -------------------------------------------- * Blog module */ if ($id == 'DSLC_Blog') { $new_defaults = array('css_title_font_family' => '', 'css_excerpt_font_family' => '', 'css_button_font_family' => '', 'css_main_heading_font_family' => '', 'css_main_heading_link_font_family' => ''); 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