Ejemplo n.º 1
 function __construct($keystring, $wwwroot)
     $this->credentials = openssl_x509_parse($keystring);
     $this->wwwroot = dropslash($wwwroot);
     $this->certificate = $keystring;
     if ($this->credentials == false) {
         throw new CryptException(get_string('errornotvalidsslcertificate', 'auth'), 1);
         return false;
     } elseif ($this->credentials['subject']['CN'] != $this->wwwroot) {
         throw new CryptException(get_string('errorcertificateinvalidwwwroot', 'auth', $this->credentials['subject']['CN'], $this->wwwroot), 1);
         return false;
     } else {
         return $this->credentials;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static function save_instance_config_options($values, Pieform $form)
     if (false === strpos($values['wwwroot'], '://')) {
         $values['wwwroot'] = 'http://' . $values['wwwroot'];
     $authinstance = new stdClass();
     $peer = new Peer();
     if ($values['instance'] > 0) {
         $values['create'] = false;
         $current = get_records_assoc('auth_instance_config', 'instance', $values['instance'], '', 'field, value');
         $authinstance->id = $values['instance'];
     } else {
         $values['create'] = true;
         // Get the auth instance with the highest priority number (which is
         // the instance with the lowest priority).
         // TODO: rethink 'priority' as a fieldname... it's backwards!!
         $lastinstance = get_records_array('auth_instance', 'institution', $values['institution'], 'priority DESC', '*', '0', '1');
         if ($lastinstance == false) {
             $authinstance->priority = 0;
         } else {
             $authinstance->priority = $lastinstance[0]->priority + 1;
     if (false == $peer->findByWwwroot($values['wwwroot'])) {
         try {
             $peer->bootstrap($values['wwwroot'], null, $values['appname'], $values['institution']);
         } catch (RemoteServerException $e) {
             $form->set_error('wwwroot', get_string('cantretrievekey', 'auth'));
             throw new RemoteServerException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
     $peer->wwwroot = preg_replace("|\\/+\$|", "", $values['wwwroot']);
     $peer->name = $values['name'];
     $peer->deleted = $values['deleted'];
     $peer->appname = $values['appname'];
     $peer->institution = $values['institution'];
     if (isset($values['publickey'])) {
         $peer->publickey = new PublicKey($values['publickey'], $peer->wwwroot);
         $peer->publickeyexpires = $peer->publickey->expires;
     * The following properties are not user-updatable
             $peer->lastconnecttime      = $values['lastconnecttime'];
     $authinstance->instancename = $values['instancename'];
     $authinstance->institution = $values['institution'];
     $authinstance->authname = $values['authname'];
     if ($values['create']) {
         $values['instance'] = insert_record('auth_instance', $authinstance, 'id', true);
     } else {
         update_record('auth_instance', $authinstance, array('id' => $values['instance']));
     if (empty($current)) {
         $current = array();
     self::$default_config = array('wwwroot' => $values['wwwroot'], 'parent' => $values['parent'], 'authloginmsg' => $values['authloginmsg'], 'wessoout' => 0, 'theyssoin' => 0, 'theyautocreateusers' => 0, 'weautocreateusers' => 0, 'updateuserinfoonlogin' => 0, 'weimportcontent' => 0);
     if ($values['ssodirection'] == 'wessoout') {
         self::$default_config['wessoout'] = 1;
         self::$default_config['theyautocreateusers'] = $values['theyautocreateusers'];
     } else {
         if ($values['ssodirection'] == 'theyssoin') {
             self::$default_config['theyssoin'] = 1;
             self::$default_config['updateuserinfoonlogin'] = $values['updateuserinfoonlogin'];
             self::$default_config['weautocreateusers'] = $values['weautocreateusers'];
             self::$default_config['weimportcontent'] = $values['weimportcontent'];
     foreach (self::$default_config as $field => $value) {
         $record = new stdClass();
         $record->instance = $values['instance'];
         $record->field = $field;
         $record->value = $value;
         if ($field == 'wwwroot') {
             $record->value = dropslash($value);
         if (empty($value)) {
             delete_records('auth_instance_config', 'field', $field, 'instance', $values['instance']);
         } elseif ($values['create'] || !array_key_exists($field, $current)) {
             insert_record('auth_instance_config', $record);
         } else {
             update_record('auth_instance_config', $record, array('instance' => $values['instance'], 'field' => $field));
     return $values;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function bootstrap($wwwroot, $pubkey, $appname = 'moodle', $institution = null)
     $wwwroot = dropslash($wwwroot);
     if (!$this->findByWwwroot($wwwroot)) {
         $hostname = get_hostname_from_uri($wwwroot);
         // Get the IP address for that host - if this fails, it will
         // return the hostname string
         $ipaddress = gethostbyname($hostname);
         // Couldn't find the IP address?
         if ($ipaddress === $hostname && !preg_match('/^\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+.\\d+$/', $hostname)) {
             throw new ParamOutOfRangeException('Could not find IP address for host: ' . addslashes($hostname));
             return false;
         // Default the name to the wwwroot
         $this->name = $wwwroot;
         // Get a page from the remote host, and check its title.
         $homepage = file_get_contents($wwwroot);
         if (!empty($homepage) && ($count = preg_match("@<title>(.*)</title>@siU", $homepage, $matches))) {
             $this->name = $matches[1];
         $exists = get_record('application', 'name', $appname);
         if (empty($exists)) {
             throw new ParamOutOfRangeException('Application ' . addslashes($appname) . ' does not exist.');
         $this->appname = $appname;
         $this->application = Application::findByName($this->appname);
         $this->wwwroot = $wwwroot;
         $this->ipaddress = $ipaddress;
         require_once get_config('libroot') . 'institution.php';
         if (null == $institution) {
             $institution = new Institution();
             $institution->name = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z]/', '', $this->name);
             // Check that the institution name has not already been taken.
             // If it has, we change it until we find a name that works
             $existinginstitutionnames = get_column('institution', 'name');
             if (in_array($institution->name, $existinginstitutionnames)) {
                 $success = false;
                 foreach (range('a', 'z') as $character) {
                     $testname = $institution->name . $character;
                     if (!in_array($testname, $existinginstitutionnames)) {
                         $success = true;
                         $institution->name = $testname;
                 if (!$success) {
                     // We couldn't find a unique name. Noes!
                     throw new RemoteServerException('Could not create a unique institution name');
             $institution->displayname = $this->name;
             $this->institution = $institution->name;
         } else {
             $this->institution = $institution;
         if (empty($pubkey)) {
             try {
                 $somekey = get_public_key($this->wwwroot, $this->appname);
                 $this->publickey = new PublicKey($somekey, $this->wwwroot);
             } catch (XmlrpcClientException $e) {
                 $errcode = $e->getCode();
                 if ($errcode == 404) {
                     throw new RemoteServerException('404: Incorrect WWWRoot or Application: file not found.');
                 } elseif ($errcode == 704) {
                     throw new RemoteServerException('Networking is disabled on the host at ' . $this->wwwroot . '.');
                 } else {
                     throw new RemoteServerException('Error retrieving public key, failed with error code ' . $errcode . ': ' . $e->getMessage());
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 throw new RemoteServerException('Error retrieving public key: ' . $e->getMessage());
         } else {
             $this->publickey = new PublicKey($pubkey, $this->wwwroot);
         $this->lastconnecttime = 0;
         $this->initialized = self::INITIALIZED;
         $this->changed = true;
         if (false == $this->publickey->expires) {
             $this->publickey == null;
             return false;
     return true;