Ejemplo n.º 1
     *	Draws article comments
     *		@param $article_id
     *		@param $draw
    public function DrawArticleComments($article_id = '', $draw = true)
        if (!$article_id) {
            return '';
        global $objLogin;
        $delete_pending_time = ModulesSettings::Get('comments', 'delete_pending_time');
        $user_type = ModulesSettings::Get('comments', 'user_type');
        $comment_length = ModulesSettings::Get('comments', 'comment_length');
        $image_verification = ModulesSettings::Get('comments', 'image_verification_allow');
        $comments_on_page = ModulesSettings::Get('comments', 'page_size');
        $is_published = ModulesSettings::Get('comments', 'pre_moderation_allow') == 'yes' ? '0' : '1';
        if ($image_verification == 'yes') {
            include_once 'modules/captcha/securimage.php';
            $objImg = new Securimage();
        //echo '<pre>';
        //echo '</pre>';
        $task = isset($_POST['task']) ? prepare_input($_POST['task']) : '';
        $comment_id = isset($_POST['comment_id']) ? (int) $_POST['comment_id'] : '';
        $init_state = 'closed';
        $user_id = isset($_POST['user_id']) ? (int) $_POST['user_id'] : '';
        $user_name = isset($_POST['comment_user_name']) ? prepare_input($_POST['comment_user_name']) : '';
        $user_email = isset($_POST['comment_user_email']) ? prepare_input($_POST['comment_user_email']) : '';
        $comment_text = isset($_POST['comment_text']) ? prepare_input($_POST['comment_text']) : '';
        $captcha_code = isset($_POST['captcha_code']) ? prepare_input($_POST['captcha_code']) : '';
        $msg = '';
        $task_completed = false;
        $focus_field = '';
        $current_page = isset($_GET['p']) ? abs((int) $_GET['p']) : '1';
        if ($task == 'publish_comment') {
            $init_state = 'opened';
            if ($user_name == '') {
                $msg = draw_important_message(_USERNAME_EMPTY_ALERT, false);
                $focus_field = 'comment_user_name';
            } else {
                if (!check_email_address($user_email) && !$objLogin->IsLoggedInAs($this->user_type_name)) {
                    $msg = draw_important_message(_EMAIL_IS_WRONG, false);
                    $focus_field = 'comment_user_email';
                } else {
                    if ($comment_text == '') {
                        $msg = draw_important_message(_MESSAGE_EMPTY_ALERT, false);
                        $focus_field = 'comment_text';
                    } else {
                        if ($comment_text != '' && strlen($comment_text) > $comment_length) {
                            $msg = draw_important_message(str_replace('_LENGTH_', $comment_length, _COMMENT_LENGTH_ALERT), false);
                            $focus_field = 'comment_text';
                        } else {
                            if ($image_verification == 'yes' && !$objImg->check($captcha_code)) {
                                $msg = draw_important_message(_WRONG_CODE_ALERT, false);
                                $focus_field = 'captcha_code';
                            } else {
                                // Block operation in demo mode
                                if (strtolower(SITE_MODE) == 'demo') {
                                    $msg = draw_important_message(_OPERATION_BLOCKED, false);
                                } else {
                                    if ($objLogin->IpAddressBlocked(get_current_ip())) {
                                        $msg = draw_important_message(_IP_ADDRESS_BLOCKED, false);
                                    } else {
                                        if ($objLogin->EmailBlocked($user_email)) {
                                            $msg = draw_important_message(_EMAIL_BLOCKED, false);
                                        } else {
                                            $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . TABLE_COMMENTS . '(
									' . (int) $article_id . ',
									' . (int) $user_id . ',
									\'' . encode_text($user_name) . '\',
									\'' . encode_text($user_email) . '\',
									\'' . encode_text(strip_tags($comment_text, '<b><i><u><br>')) . '\',
									\'' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '\',
									\'' . ($is_published == '1' ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s') : '0000-00-00 00:00:00') . '\',
									\'' . $is_published . '\'
                                            if (database_void_query($sql)) {
                                                if ($is_published == '1') {
                                                    $msg = draw_success_message(_COMMENT_POSTED_SUCCESS, false);
                                                } else {
                                                    $msg = draw_success_message(_COMMENT_SUBMITTED_SUCCESS, false);
                                                $task_completed = true;
                                            } else {
                                                $msg = draw_important_message(_TRY_LATER, false);
        } else {
            if ($task == 'delete_comment') {
                $init_state = 'opened';
                $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->tableName . '
					WHERE TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, date_published, \'' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '\') < ' . $delete_pending_time . ' AND
						  id = ' . (int) $comment_id;
                if (database_void_query($sql)) {
                    $msg = draw_success_message(_COMMENT_DELETED_SUCCESS, false);
                } else {
                    $msg = draw_important_message(_TRY_LATER, false);
        // -------- pagination
        $total_comments = 0;
        $page_size = $comments_on_page;
        $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt FROM ' . TABLE_COMMENTS . ' WHERE is_published = 1 AND article_id = ' . (int) $article_id;
        $comments_result = database_query($sql, DATA_ONLY, FIRST_ROW_ONLY);
        $total_comments = $comments_result['cnt'];
        $total_pages = (int) ($total_comments / $page_size);
        if ($current_page > $total_pages + 1) {
            $current_page = 1;
        if ($total_comments % $page_size != 0) {
        if ($task_completed) {
            $current_page = $total_pages;
        if (!is_numeric($current_page) || (int) $current_page <= 0) {
            $current_page = 1;
        $start_row = ($current_page - 1) * $page_size;
        if (isset($_GET['p'])) {
            $init_state = 'opened';
        // --------
        $sql = 'SELECT *
				WHERE article_id = ' . (int) $article_id . ' AND is_published = 1
				ORDER BY date_published ASC 
				LIMIT ' . $start_row . ', ' . $page_size;
        $result = database_query($sql, DATA_AND_ROWS);
        $output = '<script type="text/javascript">function deleteComment(cid) {
			if(confirm(\'' . _PERFORM_OPERATION_COMMON_ALERT . '\')){
				return true;
			return false;
		} </script>';
        $output .= '<div id="commentsLink"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="javascript:jQuery(\'#commentsWrapper\').slideToggle(\'fast\');">' . str_replace('_COUNT_', $total_comments, _COMMENTS_LINK) . '</a><br /><br /></div>';
        $output .= '<div id="commentsWrapper" style="display:' . ($init_state == 'opened' ? '' : 'none') . ';">';
        $output .= '<div id="commentsPublished">';
        if ($result[1] > 0) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < $result[1]; $i++) {
                $output .= '<div class="comment">';
                $output .= '<div class="comment_user_name"><b>' . $result[0][$i]['user_name'] . '</b> ' . _SAID . '...</div>';
                $output .= '<div class="comment_test">' . $result[0][$i]['comment_text'] . '</div>';
                $output .= '<div class="comment_date">';
                if ($result[0][$i]['user_id'] == $objLogin->GetLoggedID() && floor(time_diff(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $result[0][$i]['date_published']) / 60) < $delete_pending_time) {
                    $output .= '<img src="images/published_x.gif" alt="" style="cursor:pointer;margin-bottom:-3px;margin-right:3px;" onclick="deleteComment(\'' . $result[0][$i]['id'] . '\');">';
                $output .= '<i>' . _PUBLISHED . ': ' . format_datetime($result[0][$i]['date_published']) . '</i></div>';
                $output .= '</div>';
            // draw pagination links
            if ($total_pages > 1) {
                $output .= '<div class="paging">';
                for ($page_ind = 1; $page_ind <= $total_pages; $page_ind++) {
                    $output .= prepare_permanent_link('index.php?page=' . Application::Get('page') . '&pid=' . Application::Get('page_id') . '&p=' . $page_ind, $page_ind == $current_page ? '<b>[' . $page_ind . ']</b>' : $page_ind, '', 'paging_link') . ' ';
                $output .= '</div>';
        } else {
            $output .= '<div class="comment">';
            $output .= '<b>' . _NO_COMMENTS_YET . '</b><br /><br />';
            $output .= '</div>';
        $output .= '</div>';
        $output .= $msg != '' ? $msg . '<br />' : '';
        if ($user_type == 'registered' && !$objLogin->IsLoggedInAs($this->user_type_name)) {
            $output .= draw_message(_POST_COM_REGISTERED_ALERT, false);
        } else {
            $output .= $this->DrawCommentsForm($article_id, $image_verification, $focus_field, $task_completed, false);
        $output .= '</div>';
        if ($draw) {
            echo $output;
        } else {
            return $output;
Ejemplo n.º 2
            $params['tag_keywords'] = prepare_input($_POST['tag_keywords']);
        if (isset($_POST['tag_description'])) {
            $params['tag_description'] = prepare_input($_POST['tag_description']);
        if (isset($_POST['page_title'])) {
            $params['page_title'] = prepare_input($_POST['page_title']);
        if (isset($_POST['page_text'])) {
            $params['page_text'] = prepare_input($_POST['page_text'], false, 'low');
        if (isset($_POST['menu_link'])) {
            $params['menu_link'] = prepare_input($_POST['menu_link']);
        $params['menu_id'] = isset($_POST['menu_id']) ? prepare_input($_POST['menu_id']) : '0';
        $params['page_key'] = create_seo_url(prepare_input($_POST['page_title']));
        $params['language_id'] = isset($_POST['language_id']) ? prepare_input($_POST['language_id']) : '';
        $params['finish_publishing'] = isset($_POST['finish_publishing']) && check_date($_POST['finish_publishing']) ? prepare_input($_POST['finish_publishing']) : '0000-00-00';
        if ($objPage->PageCreate($params, $copy_to_other_langs)) {
            $msg = draw_success_message(_PAGE_CREATED, false);
            $objSession->SetMessage('notice', $msg);
            header('location: index.php?admin=pages' . (Application::Get('type') != '' ? '&type=' . Application::Get('type') : '') . '&mg_language_id=' . $params['language_id']);
        } else {
            $msg = draw_important_message($objPage->error, false);
    if ($msg == '') {
        $msg = draw_message(_ALERT_REQUIRED_FILEDS, false);
Ejemplo n.º 3
     * Draws listings in category
     * 		@param $category_id
     * 		@param $draw
    public function DrawListings($category_id, $draw = true)
        global $objLogin, $objSettings;
        $lang = Application::Get('lang');
        $nl = "\n";
        if (empty($lang)) {
            $lang = Languages::GetDefaultLang();
        $listings_locations = isset($_REQUEST['listings_locations']) ? prepare_input($_REQUEST['listings_locations']) : '';
        $listings_sub_locations = isset($_REQUEST['listings_sub_locations']) ? prepare_input($_REQUEST['listings_sub_locations']) : '';
        $listings_sort_by = isset($_REQUEST['listings_sort_by']) && $_REQUEST['listings_sort_by'] != '' ? prepare_input($_REQUEST['listings_sort_by']) : 'rating';
        $listings_order_by = isset($_REQUEST['listings_order_by']) && $_REQUEST['listings_order_by'] != '' ? prepare_input($_REQUEST['listings_order_by']) : 'ASC';
        $sort_by = '';
        $order_by = '';
        $output = '';
        if ($listings_sort_by == 'name') {
            $sort_by = 'ld.business_name';
            $order_by = $listings_order_by;
        } else {
            if ($listings_sort_by == 'date') {
                $sort_by = 'l.date_published';
                $order_by = $listings_order_by;
            } else {
                if ($listings_sort_by == 'rating') {
                    // rating according to advertising plans high rate = high advertising plan
                    $sort_by = 'l.advertise_plan_id';
                    $order_by = ($listings_order_by == 'ASC' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC') . ', RAND()';
                } else {
                    $sort_by = 'l.priority_order';
                    $order_by = $listings_order_by;
        if (!Application::Get('js_included', 'lytebox')) {
            $output .= '<!-- LyteBox v3.22 Author: Markus F. Hay Website: http://www.dolem.com/lytebox -->' . $nl;
            $output .= '<link rel="stylesheet" href="modules/lytebox/css/lytebox.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />' . $nl;
            $output .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="modules/lytebox/js/lytebox.js"></script>' . $nl;
        // draw category description
        $category_info = Categories::GetCategoryInfo($category_id);
        if ($category_info['description'] != '') {
            $output .= draw_message($category_info['description'], false);
        // draw result
        $sql_from = TABLE_LISTINGS . ' l 
					INNER JOIN ' . TABLE_LISTINGS_DESCRIPTION . ' ld ON l.id = ld.listing_id
					INNER JOIN ' . TABLE_LISTINGS_LOCATIONS . ' ll ON l.listing_location_id = ll.id
					' . (!empty($listings_locations) ? 'l.listing_location_id = \'' . $listings_locations . '\' AND ' : '') . '
					' . (!empty($listings_sub_locations) ? 'l.listing_sub_location_id = \'' . $listings_sub_locations . '\' AND ' : '') . '
					' . (!$objLogin->IsLoggedIn() ? 'l.access_level=\'public\' AND ' : '') . '
					l.is_published = 1 AND
					' . ($this->show_expired_listings != 'yes' ? ' ((l.finish_publishing = \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\') OR (l.finish_publishing > \'' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '\')) AND ' : '') . '
					ld.language_id = \'' . $lang . '\'
					' . ($category_id != '' ? ' AND l.id IN (SELECT listing_id FROM ' . TABLE_LISTINGS_CATEGORIES . ' lc WHERE category_id = ' . (int) $category_id . ')' : '') . '
				ORDER BY ' . $sort_by . ' ' . $order_by;
        // pagination prepare
        $page_size = ModulesSettings::Get('listings', 'listings_per_page');
        $start_row = '0';
        $total_pages = '1';
        pagination_prepare($page_size, $sql_from, $start_row, $total_pages);
        $sql = 'SELECT l.id,
					ll.name as listing_location_name,
				FROM ' . $sql_from . '
				LIMIT ' . $start_row . ', ' . $page_size;
        $result = database_query($sql, DATA_AND_ROWS, ALL_ROWS);
        if ($result[1] > 0 || !empty($listings_locations)) {
            $output .= '<form id="frmCategoryView" action="index.php?page=category&cid=' . $category_id . '" method="post">';
            $output .= draw_token_field(false);
            $output .= draw_hidden_field('p', '1', false);
            $output .= '<table width="98%" border="0" align="center">';
            $output .= '<tr><th colspan="3" nowrap="nowrap" height="5px"></th></tr>';
            $output .= '<tr><th colspan="2" align="' . Application::Get('defined_left') . '" valign="middle">';
            $output .= '&nbsp;' . _FILTER_BY . ': ';
            $output .= ListingsLocations::DrawAllLocations(array('tag_name' => 'listings_locations', 'selected_value' => $listings_locations, 'javascript_event' => 'onchange="jQuery(\'#frmCategoryView\').submit();"'), false) . ' &nbsp;';
            $output .= ListingsSubLocations::DrawAllSubLocations($listings_locations, array('tag_name' => 'listings_sub_locations', 'selected_value' => $listings_sub_locations, 'javascript_event' => 'onchange="jQuery(\'#frmCategoryView\').submit();"'), false);
            $output .= '</th>';
            $output .= '<th colspan="2" align="' . Application::Get('defined_right') . '" valign="middle">';
            $output .= _SORT_BY . ': 
					<select name="listings_sort_by" onchange="jQuery(\'#frmCategoryView\').submit();">
						<option value="rating" ' . ($listings_sort_by == 'rating' ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . _RATING . '</option>
						<option value="name" ' . ($listings_sort_by == 'name' ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . _NAME . '</option>
						<option value="date" ' . ($listings_sort_by == 'date' ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . _DATE_PUBLISHED . '</option>
					<select name="listings_order_by" onchange="jQuery(\'#frmCategoryView\').submit();">
						<option value="ASC" ' . ($listings_order_by == 'ASC' ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . _ASCENDING . '</option>
						<option value="DESC" ' . ($listings_order_by == 'DESC' ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . _DESCENDING . '</option>
        if ($result[1] > 0) {
            $output .= '<table width="99%" border="0" align="center">';
            $output .= '<tr><th colspan="2" nowrap="nowrap" height="5px"></th></tr>
					<th align="' . Application::Get('defined_left') . '">&nbsp; ' . _LISTINGS . ' &nbsp;</th>
					<th align="center">' . _IMAGE . '</th>
            for ($i = 0; $i < $result[1]; $i++) {
                $image_file = $result[0][$i]['image_file'] != '' ? $result[0][$i]['image_file'] : 'no_image.png';
                ///$result[0][$i]['advertise_plan_id'] > 1 &&
                $image_file_thumb = $result[0][$i]['image_file_thumb'] != '' ? $result[0][$i]['image_file_thumb'] : 'no_image.png';
                $output .= '<tr><td colspan="2" style="padding:7px;">' . draw_line('no_margin_line', IMAGE_DIRECTORY, false) . '</td></tr>
					<tr valign="top">
                $link_1 = prepare_link('listing', 'lid', $result[0][$i]['id'], '', $result[0][$i]['business_name'], '', _CLICK_TO_SEE_DESCR);
                $link_2 = prepare_link('listing', 'lid', $result[0][$i]['id'], '', _MORE_INFO, '', _CLICK_TO_SEE_DESCR);
                $output .= '<div class="listing_info">';
                $output .= '<div class="header">' . $link_1 . '</div>';
                $output .= '<div class="address">' . substr_by_word(strip_tags($result[0][$i]['business_address']), 300, true, Application::Get('lang')) . ' ' . $result[0][$i]['listing_location_name'] . '</div>';
                $output .= '<div class="description">' . substr_by_word(strip_tags($result[0][$i]['business_description']), 180, true, Application::Get('lang')) . '</div>';
                $output .= '<div class="links">
											' . $link_2 . '
											' . ($result[0][$i]['website_url'] != '' ? ' : <a href="' . $result[0][$i]['website_url'] . '" target="_new">' . _WEBSITE_URL . '</a>' : '') . '
											' . ($result[0][$i]['business_email'] != '' ? ' : <a href="mailto:' . $result[0][$i]['business_email'] . '">' . _EMAIL . '</a>' : '') . '
											' . ($result[0][$i]['date_published'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? '<div class="published">' . _PUBLISHED . ': ' . format_datetime($result[0][$i]['date_published'], get_datetime_format(false), _UNKNOWN) . '<div>' : '') . '
                $output .= '</div>';
                $output .= '
						<td width="130px" align="center">
							<div class="listing_icon">';
                if ($image_file != 'no_image.png') {
                    $output .= '<a href="images/listings/' . $image_file . '" rel="lyteshow_' . $result[0][$i]['id'] . '">';
                $output .= '<img class="listings_image' . ($image_file == 'no_image.png' ? ' no_hover' : '') . '" src="images/listings/' . $image_file_thumb . '" width="120px" height="90px" title="' . ($image_file != 'no_image.png' ? _CLICK_TO_INCREASE : '') . '" alt="" />';
                if ($image_file != 'no_image.png') {
                    $output .= '</a>';
                $output .= '
            // draw pagination links
            if ($total_pages > 1) {
                $output .= '<tr><td colspan="2" style="padding:7px;">' . draw_line('no_margin_line', IMAGE_DIRECTORY, false) . '</td></tr>';
            $output .= '<tr><td colspan="2">';
            $output .= pagination_get_links($total_pages, '');
            $output .= '</td></tr>';
            $output .= '<tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></tr>';
            $output .= '</table>';
        } else {
            // draw message only if this is a last-level empty category
            $categories = Categories::GetAllActive('c.parent_id = ' . (int) $category_id);
            if (!$categories[1]) {
                $output .= draw_message(_NO_LISTINGS_FOUND, false, true);
        if ($draw) {
            echo $output;
        } else {
            return $output;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 if ($mode == 'view' || $mode == 'add') {
 // Start main content
 draw_title_bar(prepare_breadcrumbs(array(_MY_ACCOUNT => '', _LISTINGS_MANAGEMENT => '', ucfirst($action) => '')));
 //if($objSession->IsMessage('notice')) echo $objSession->GetMessage('notice');
 if (!empty($msg)) {
     echo $msg;
 } else {
     if (Modules::IsModuleInstalled('payments') && ModulesSettings::Get('payments', 'is_active') == 'yes') {
         draw_message(str_replace('_LISTINGS_COUNT_', $objLogin->GetAvailableListings(), _AVAILABLE_LISTINGS_ALERT));
 echo '<div class="pages_contents">';
 if ($mode == 'view') {
 } else {
     if ($mode == 'add') {
     } else {
         if ($mode == 'edit') {
         } else {
             if ($mode == 'details') {
Ejemplo n.º 5
    draw_hidden_field('submit', 'remove');
		<br />
    echo $msg;
    if ($account_deleted) {
        echo '<script type="text/javascript">setTimeout(function(){appFormSubmit("frmLogout")}, 5000);</script>';
    } else {
    if (!$account_deleted) {
		<table align="center" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" width="98%">
		<tr><td colspan="3">&nbsp;</td></tr>            
			<td align="left" colspan="2">
				<input type="button" class="form_button" value="<?php 
        echo _BUTTON_CANCEL;
" onclick="javascript:appGoTo('customer=my_account');" />
			<td align="right">
Ejemplo n.º 6
 } else {
     if ($payment_type == '2co') {
         $title_desc = _2CO_ORDER;
     } else {
         if ($payment_type == 'authorize') {
             $title_desc = _AUTHORIZE_NET_ORDER;
         } else {
             $title_desc = _ONLINE_ORDER;
 if (Modules::IsModuleInstalled('payments') && ModulesSettings::Get('payments', 'is_active') == 'yes') {
     draw_title_bar(prepare_breadcrumbs(array(_MY_ACCOUNT => '', _ADVERTISE => '', $title_desc => '')), prepare_permanent_link('index.php?customer=advertise', _BUTTON_BACK));
     // test mode alert
     if (ModulesSettings::Get('payments', 'mode') == 'TEST MODE') {
         draw_message(_TEST_MODE_ALERT_SHORT, true, true);
     if ($task == "do_order") {
         if (AdvertisePlans::DoOrder($payment_type)) {
         } else {
     } else {
         if ($task == "repeat_order") {
         } else {
Ejemplo n.º 7
    public function DrawViewMode()
        $sorting_fields = self::GetParameter('sorting_fields');
        $sorting_types = self::GetParameter('sorting_types');
        $page = self::GetParameter('page');
        $total_pages = $page;
        $rid = self::GetParameter('rid');
        $action = self::GetParameter('action');
        $operation = self::GetParameter('operation');
        $operation_type = self::GetParameter('operation_type');
        $operation_field = self::GetParameter('operation_field');
        $search_status = self::GetParameter('search_status');
        $concat_sign = preg_match('/\\?/', $this->formActionURL) ? '&' : '?';
        $colspan = count($this->arrViewModeFields) + 1;
        $start_row = 0;
        $total_records = 0;
        $sort_by = '';
        $export_content = array();
        $calendar_fields = array();
        $nl = "\n";
        // prepare changing of language
        if ($operation == 'change_language' && $operation_type != '' && strlen($operation_type) == 2) {
            $this->languageId = $operation_type;
            // added to prevent search with entered word on changing language
            $search_status = '';
        // prepare sorting data
        if ($this->isSortingAllowed) {
            if ($operation == 'sorting') {
                if ($sorting_fields != '') {
                    if ($action == 'delete') {
                        // $sorting_types
                    } else {
                        if (strtolower($sorting_types) == 'asc') {
                            $sorting_types = 'DESC';
                        } else {
                            $sorting_types = 'ASC';
                    $sort_type = isset($this->arrViewModeFields[$sorting_fields]['sort_type']) ? $this->arrViewModeFields[$sorting_fields]['sort_type'] : 'string';
                    $sort_by = isset($this->arrViewModeFields[$sorting_fields]['sort_by']) ? $this->arrViewModeFields[$sorting_fields]['sort_by'] : $sorting_fields;
                    if ($sort_type == 'numeric') {
                        $this->ORDER_CLAUSE = ' ORDER BY ABS(' . $sort_by . ') ' . $sorting_types . ' ';
                    } else {
                        $this->ORDER_CLAUSE = ' ORDER BY ' . $sort_by . ' ' . $sorting_types . ' ';
                } else {
                    $sorting_types = 'ASC';
            } else {
                if ($sorting_fields != '' && $sorting_types != '') {
                    $this->ORDER_CLAUSE = ' ORDER BY ' . $sorting_fields . ' ' . $sorting_types . ' ';
        // prepare filtering data
        if ($this->isFilteringAllowed) {
            if ($search_status == 'active') {
                if ($this->WHERE_CLAUSE == '') {
                    $this->WHERE_CLAUSE .= ' WHERE 1=1 ';
                $count = 0;
                foreach ($this->arrFilteringFields as $key => $val) {
                    $custom_handler = isset($val['custom_handler']) ? $val['custom_handler'] : false;
                    if (!$custom_handler && self::GetParameter('filter_by_' . $val['table'] . $val['field'], false) !== '') {
                        $sign = '=';
                        $sign_start = '';
                        $sign_end = '';
                        if ($val['sign'] == '=') {
                            $sign = '=';
                        } else {
                            if ($val['sign'] == '>=') {
                                $sign = '>=';
                            } else {
                                if ($val['sign'] == '<=') {
                                    $sign = '<=';
                                } else {
                                    if ($val['sign'] == 'like%') {
                                        $sign = 'LIKE';
                                        $sign_end = '%';
                                    } else {
                                        if ($val['sign'] == '%like') {
                                            $sign = 'LIKE';
                                            $sign_start = '%';
                                        } else {
                                            if ($val['sign'] == '%like%') {
                                                $sign = 'LIKE';
                                                $sign_start = '%';
                                                $sign_end = '%';
                        $key_value = self::GetParameter('filter_by_' . $val['table'] . $val['field'], false);
                        if (isset($val['table']) && $val['table'] != '') {
                            $field_name = $val['table'] . '.' . $val['field'];
                        } else {
                            $field_name = $val['field'];
                        $date_format = isset($val['date_format']) ? $val['date_format'] : '';
                        $type = isset($val['type']) ? $val['type'] : '';
                        if ($type == 'calendar') {
                            $key_value = $this->PrepareDateTime($key_value, $date_format);
                        if ($this->IsSecureField($key, $val)) {
                            $field_name = $this->UncryptValue($field_name, $val, false);
                        $this->WHERE_CLAUSE .= ' AND ' . $field_name . ' ' . $sign . ' \'' . $sign_start . mysql_real_escape_string($key_value) . $sign_end . '\' ';
        // prepare paging data
        if ($this->isPagingAllowed) {
            if (!is_numeric($page) || (int) $page <= 0) {
                $page = 1;
            // set sql_mode to empty if you have Mixing of GROUP columns SQL issue - in connection.php file
            /// database_void_query('SET sql_mode = ""');
            $sql = preg_replace('/SELECT\\b/i', 'SELECT COUNT(*) as mg_total_records, ', $this->VIEW_MODE_SQL, 1) . ' ' . $this->WHERE_CLAUSE . ' LIMIT 0, 1';
            if ($this->debug) {
                $start_time = $this->GetFormattedMicrotime();
            $result = database_query($sql, DATA_AND_ROWS, FIRST_ROW_ONLY);
            if ($this->debug) {
                $finish_time = $this->GetFormattedMicrotime();
            $total_records = isset($result[0]['mg_total_records']) ? (int) $result[0]['mg_total_records'] : '1';
            if ($this->debug) {
                if (!mysql_error()) {
                    $this->arrSQLs['total_records_sql'] = '<i>Total Records</i> | T: ' . round((double) $finish_time - (double) $start_time, 4) . ' sec. <br>' . $sql;
                } else {
                    $this->arrErrors['total_records_sql'] = $sql . '<br>' . mysql_error();
            if ($this->pageSize == 0) {
                $this->pageSize = '10';
            $total_pages = (int) ($total_records / $this->pageSize);
            // when you back from other languages where more pages than on current
            if ($page > $total_pages + 1) {
                $page = 1;
            if ($total_records % $this->pageSize != 0) {
            $start_row = ($page - 1) * $this->pageSize;
        // check if there is move operation and perform it
        if ($operation == 'move') {
            // block if this is a demo mode
            if (strtolower(SITE_MODE) == 'demo') {
                $this->error = _OPERATION_BLOCKED;
            } else {
                $operation_field_p = explode('#', $operation_field);
                $operation_field_p0 = explode('-', $operation_field_p[0]);
                $operation_field_p1 = explode('-', $operation_field_p[2]);
                $of_first = isset($operation_field_p0[0]) ? $operation_field_p0[0] : '';
                $of_second = isset($operation_field_p0[1]) ? $operation_field_p0[1] : '';
                $of_name = $operation_field_p[1];
                $of_first_value = isset($operation_field_p1[0]) ? $operation_field_p1[0] : '';
                $of_second_value = isset($operation_field_p1[1]) ? $operation_field_p1[1] : '';
                if ($of_first_value != '' && $of_second_value != '') {
                    $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->tableName . ' SET ' . $of_name . ' = \'' . $of_second_value . '\' WHERE ' . $this->primaryKey . ' = \'' . $of_first . '\'';
                    if ($this->debug) {
                        $this->arrSQLs['select_move_1'] = $sql;
                    $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->tableName . ' SET ' . $of_name . ' = \'' . $of_first_value . '\' WHERE ' . $this->primaryKey . ' = \'' . $of_second . '\'';
                    if ($this->debug) {
                        $this->arrSQLs['select_move_2'] = $sql;
        $arrRecords = $this->GetAll($this->ORDER_CLAUSE, 'LIMIT ' . $start_row . ', ' . (int) $this->pageSize);
        if ($this->allowLanguages) {
            $arrLanguages = Languages::GetAllActive();
        if (!$this->isPagingAllowed) {
            $total_records = $arrRecords[1];
        echo '<form name="frmMicroGrid_' . $this->tableName . '" id="frmMicroGrid_' . $this->tableName . '" action="' . $this->formActionURL . '" method="post">' . $nl;
        draw_hidden_field('mg_prefix', $this->uPrefix);
        echo $nl;
        draw_hidden_field('mg_action', 'view');
        echo $nl;
        draw_hidden_field('mg_rid', '');
        echo $nl;
        draw_hidden_field('mg_sorting_fields', $sorting_fields);
        echo $nl;
        draw_hidden_field('mg_sorting_types', $sorting_types);
        echo $nl;
        draw_hidden_field('mg_page', $page);
        echo $nl;
        draw_hidden_field('mg_operation', $operation);
        echo $nl;
        draw_hidden_field('mg_operation_type', $operation_type);
        echo $nl;
        draw_hidden_field('mg_operation_field', $operation_field);
        echo $nl;
        draw_hidden_field('mg_search_status', $search_status);
        echo $nl;
        draw_hidden_field('mg_language_id', $this->languageId);
        echo $nl;
        draw_hidden_field('mg_operation_code', self::GetRandomString(20));
        echo $nl;
        echo $nl;
        if ($this->actions['add'] || $this->allowLanguages || $this->allowRefresh || $this->isExportingAllowed) {
            echo '<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" class="mgrid_table">
            echo '<td align="' . Application::Get('defined_left') . '" valign="middle">';
            if ($this->actions['add']) {
                echo '<input class="mgrid_button" type="button" name="btnAddNew" value="' . _ADD_NEW . '" onclick="javascript:__mgDoPostBack(\'' . $this->tableName . '\', \'add\');">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
            if ($this->operationLinks != '') {
                echo $this->operationLinks;
            echo '</td>';
            echo '<td align="' . Application::Get('defined_right') . '" valign="middle">';
            if ($this->isExportingAllowed) {
                if (strtolower(SITE_MODE) == 'demo' || !$arrRecords[1]) {
                    echo '<span class="gray">[ ' . _EXPORT . ' ]</span> &nbsp;';
                } else {
                    if ($operation == 'switch_to_export') {
                        echo '[ <a href="javascript:void(\'export|cancel\');" onclick="javascript:__mgDoPostBack(\'' . $this->tableName . '\', \'view\', null, null, null, null, \'switch_to_normal\');" title="' . _SWITCH_TO_NORMAL . '">' . _BUTTON_CANCEL . '</a> | ' . _DOWNLOAD . ' - <a href="javascript:void(\'csv\');" onclick="javascript:appGoToPage(\'index.php?admin=export&file=export.csv\')"><img src="images/microgrid_icons/csv.gif" alt="' . _DOWNLOAD . ' CSV"></a> ] &nbsp;';
                    } else {
                        echo '<a href="javascript:void(\'export\');" onclick="javascript:__mgDoPostBack(\'' . $this->tableName . '\', \'view\', null, null, null, null, \'switch_to_export\');" title="' . _SWITCH_TO_EXPORT . '">[ ' . _EXPORT . ' ]</a> &nbsp;';
            if ($this->allowRefresh) {
                echo '<a href="javascript:void(\'refresh\');" onclick="javascript:__mgDoPostBack(\'' . $this->tableName . '\', \'view\');" title="' . _REFRESH . '"><img src="images/microgrid_icons/refresh.gif" alt="' . _REFRESH . '"></a>';
            echo '</td>';
            if ($this->allowLanguages) {
                echo '<td align="' . Application::Get('defined_right') . '" width="80px">';
                $this->allowLanguages ? draw_languages_box('mg_language_id', $arrLanguages[0], 'abbreviation', 'lang_name', $this->languageId, '', 'onchange="javascript:__mgDoPostBack(\'' . $this->tableName . '\', \'view\', null, null, null, null, \'change_language\', this.value, \'language_id\');"') : '';
                echo '</td>';
            echo '
				<tr><td nowrap height="10px"></td></tr>
        if ($this->isFilteringAllowed) {
            echo '<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" class="mgrid_table">
					<td align="' . Application::Get('defined_left') . '">';
            echo '<b>' . _FILTER_BY . '</b>: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
            foreach ($this->arrFilteringFields as $key => $val) {
                if (!$this->IsVisible($val)) {
                $filter_field_value = $search_status == 'active' ? self::GetParameter('filter_by_' . $val['table'] . $val['field'], false) : '';
                if ($val['type'] == 'text') {
                    echo $key . ':&nbsp;<input type="text" class="mgrid_text" name="filter_by_' . $val['table'] . $val['field'] . '" value="' . $this->GetDataDecoded($filter_field_value) . '" style="width:' . $val['width'] . '" maxlength="125">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                } else {
                    if ($val['type'] == 'dropdownlist') {
                        if (is_array($val['source'])) {
                            echo $key . ':&nbsp;<select class="mgrid_text" name="filter_by_' . $val['table'] . $val['field'] . '" style="width:' . $val['width'] . '">';
                            echo '<option value="">-- ' . _SELECT . ' --</option>';
                            foreach ($val['source'] as $key => $val) {
                                echo '<option ' . ($filter_field_value !== '' && $filter_field_value == $key ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . ' value="' . $this->GetDataDecoded($key) . '">' . $val . '</option>';
                            echo '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                    } else {
                        if ($val['type'] == 'calendar') {
                            $date_format = isset($val['date_format']) ? $val['date_format'] : '';
                            if ($date_format == 'mm/dd/yyyy') {
                                $calendar_date_format = '%m-%d-%Y';
                                $placeholder_date_format = 'mm-dd-yyyy';
                            } else {
                                if ($date_format == 'dd/mm/yyyy') {
                                    $calendar_date_format = '%d-%m-%Y';
                                    $placeholder_date_format = 'dd-mm-yyyy';
                                } else {
                                    $calendar_date_format = '%Y-%m-%d';
                                    $placeholder_date_format = 'yyyy-dd-mm';
                            echo $key . ':&nbsp;<input type="text" id="filter_cal' . $val['field'] . '" class="mgrid_text" name="filter_by_' . $val['table'] . $val['field'] . '" value="' . $this->GetDataDecoded($filter_field_value) . '" style="width:' . $val['width'] . '" maxlength="19" placeholder="' . $placeholder_date_format . '">&nbsp;';
                            echo '<img id="filter_cal' . $val['field'] . '_img" src="images/microgrid_icons/cal.gif" alt="" title="' . _SET_TIME . '" style="cursor:pointer;">';
                            echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                            $calendar_fields[] = array('field' => 'filter_cal' . $val['field'], 'format' => $calendar_date_format);
            if (count($this->arrFilteringFields) > 0) {
                echo '&nbsp;';
                if ($search_status == 'active') {
                    echo ' <input type="button" class="mgrid_button" name="btnReset" value="' . _BUTTON_RESET . '" onclick="javascript:__mgDoPostBack(\'' . $this->tableName . '\', \'view\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'reset_filtering\');">';
                echo ' <input type="button" class="mgrid_button" name="btnSearch" value="' . _SEARCH . '" onclick="javascript:__mgDoPostBack(\'' . $this->tableName . '\', \'view\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'filtering\')">';
            echo '	</td>
				<tr><td nowrap height="10px"></td></tr>
        // draw rows
        if ($arrRecords[1] > 0) {
            echo '<table width="100%" border="' . ($this->debug ? '1' : '0') . '" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" class="mgrid_table">';
            // draw column headers
            echo '<tr>';
            foreach ($this->arrViewModeFields as $key => $val) {
                $width = isset($val['width']) ? ' width="' . $val['width'] . '"' : '';
                if (isset($val['align']) && $val['align'] == 'left' && Application::Get('defined_left') == 'right') {
                    $align = ' align="right"';
                } else {
                    if (isset($val['align']) && $val['align'] == 'right' && Application::Get('defined_right') == 'left') {
                        $align = ' align="left"';
                    } else {
                        if (isset($val['align'])) {
                            $align = ' align="' . $val['align'] . '"';
                        } else {
                            $align = '';
                $visible = isset($val['visible']) && $val['visible'] !== '' ? $val['visible'] : true;
                $sortable = isset($val['sortable']) && $val['sortable'] !== '' ? $val['sortable'] : true;
                $th_class = $key == $sort_by ? ' class="th_sorted"' : '';
                $title = isset($val['title']) ? $val['title'] : '';
                if ($visible) {
                    echo '<th' . $width . $align . $th_class . '>';
                    if ($this->isSortingAllowed && $sortable) {
                        $field_sorting = 'DESC';
                        $sort_icon = '';
                        if ($key == $sorting_fields) {
                            if (strtolower($sorting_types) == 'asc') {
                                $sort_icon = ' <img src="images/microgrid_icons/up.png" alt="" title="asc">';
                            } else {
                                if (strtolower($sorting_types) == 'desc') {
                                    $sort_icon = ' <img src="images/microgrid_icons/down.png" alt="" title="desc">';
                            $field_sorting = $sorting_types;
                        echo '<a href="javascript:void(\'sort\');" onclick="javascript:__mgDoPostBack(\'' . $this->tableName . '\', \'view\', \'\', \'' . $key . '\', \'' . $field_sorting . '\', \'' . $page . '\', \'sorting\')"><b>' . $title . '</b></a>' . $sort_icon;
                    } else {
                        echo '<label>' . $title . '</label>';
                    echo '</th>';
                    if ($operation == 'switch_to_export' && strtolower(SITE_MODE) != 'demo') {
                        $export_content[0][] = $val['title'];
            if ($this->actions['details'] || $this->actions['edit'] || $this->actions['delete']) {
                echo '<th width="8%">' . _ACTIONS . '</th>';
            echo '</tr>';
            echo '<tr><td colspan="' . $colspan . '" height="3px" nowrap="nowrap">' . draw_line('no_margin_line', IMAGE_DIRECTORY, false) . '</td></tr>';
            for ($i = 0; $i < $arrRecords[1]; $i++) {
                echo '<tr ' . ($this->isAlterColorsAllowed ? highlight(0) : '') . '>';
                foreach ($this->arrViewModeFields as $key => $val) {
                    if (isset($val['align']) && $val['align'] == 'left' && Application::Get('defined_left') == 'right') {
                        $align = ' align="right"';
                    } else {
                        if (isset($val['align']) && $val['align'] == 'right' && Application::Get('defined_right') == 'left') {
                            $align = ' align="left"';
                        } else {
                            if (isset($val['align'])) {
                                $align = ' align="' . $val['align'] . '"';
                            } else {
                                $align = '';
                    $wrap = isset($val['nowrap']) && $val['nowrap'] == 'nowrap' ? ' nowrap="' . $val['nowrap'] . '"' : ' wrap';
                    $visible = isset($val['visible']) && $val['visible'] !== '' ? $val['visible'] : true;
                    $movable = isset($val['movable']) && $val['movable'] !== '' ? $val['movable'] : false;
                    if (isset($arrRecords[0][$i][$key])) {
                        $field_value = $this->DrawFieldByType('view', $key, $val, $arrRecords[0][$i], false);
                        if ($this->isAggregateAllowed && isset($this->arrAggregateFields[$key])) {
                            $key_agreg = isset($this->arrAggregateFields[$key]['aggregate_by']) && $this->arrAggregateFields[$key]['aggregate_by'] !== '' ? $this->arrAggregateFields[$key]['aggregate_by'] : $key;
                            if (!isset($this->arrAggregateFieldsTemp[$key])) {
                                $this->arrAggregateFieldsTemp[$key] = array('sum' => $arrRecords[0][$i][$key_agreg], 'count' => 1);
                            } else {
                                $this->arrAggregateFieldsTemp[$key]['sum'] += $arrRecords[0][$i][$key_agreg];
                    } else {
                        if ($this->debug) {
                            $this->arrWarnings['wrong_' . $key] = 'Field <b>' . $key . '</b>: wrong definition in View mode or at least one field has no value in SQL! Please check currefully your code.';
                        $field_value = '';
                    if ($visible) {
                        $move_link = '';
                        if ($movable) {
                            $move_prev_id = $arrRecords[0][$i]['id'] . '-' . (isset($arrRecords[0][$i - 1]['id']) ? $arrRecords[0][$i - 1]['id'] : '') . '#';
                            $move_prev_id .= $key . '#';
                            $move_prev_id .= $arrRecords[0][$i][$key] . '-' . (isset($arrRecords[0][$i - 1][$key]) ? $arrRecords[0][$i - 1][$key] : '');
                            $move_next_id = $arrRecords[0][$i]['id'] . '-' . (isset($arrRecords[0][$i + 1]['id']) ? $arrRecords[0][$i + 1]['id'] : '') . '#';
                            $move_next_id .= $key . '#';
                            $move_next_id .= $arrRecords[0][$i][$key] . '-' . (isset($arrRecords[0][$i + 1][$key]) ? $arrRecords[0][$i + 1][$key] : '');
                            if (isset($arrRecords[0][$i - 1]['id'])) {
                                $move_link .= ' <a href="javascript:void(\'move|up\');" onclick="javascript:__mgDoPostBack(\'' . $this->tableName . '\', \'view\', \'' . $arrRecords[0][$i]['id'] . '\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'move\', \'up\', \'' . $move_prev_id . '\')">';
                                $move_link .= $this->actionIcons ? '<img src="images/microgrid_icons/up.png" style="margin-bottom:2px" alt="" title="' . _UP . '">' : _UP;
                                $move_link .= '</a>';
                            } else {
                                $move_link .= ' <span style="width:11px;height:11px;"></span>';
                            if (isset($arrRecords[0][$i + 1]['id'])) {
                                $move_link .= '<a href="javascript:void(\'move|down\');" onclick="javascript:__mgDoPostBack(\'' . $this->tableName . '\', \'view\', \'' . $arrRecords[0][$i]['id'] . '\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'move\', \'down\', \'' . $move_next_id . '\')">';
                                $move_link .= $this->actionIcons ? '<img src="images/microgrid_icons/down.png" style="margin-top:2px" alt="" title="' . _DOWN . '">' : (isset($arrRecords[0][$i - 1]['id']) ? '/' : '') . _DOWN;
                                $move_link .= '</a>';
                            } else {
                                $move_link .= '<span style="width:11px;height:11px;"></span>';
                        echo '<td' . $align . $wrap . '>' . $field_value . $move_link . '</td>';
                        if ($operation == 'switch_to_export' && strtolower(SITE_MODE) != 'demo') {
                            $export_content[$i + 1][] = str_replace(',', '', strip_tags($field_value));
                if ($this->actions['details'] || $this->actions['edit'] || $this->actions['delete']) {
                    echo '<td align="center" nowrap="nowrap">';
                    if ($this->actions['details']) {
                        echo '<a href="javascript:void(\'details|' . $arrRecords[0][$i][$this->primaryKey] . '\');" title="' . _VIEW_WORD . '" onclick="javascript:__mgDoPostBack(\'' . $this->tableName . '\', \'details\', \'' . $arrRecords[0][$i]['id'] . '\')">' . ($this->actionIcons ? '<img src="images/microgrid_icons/details.gif" title="' . _VIEW_WORD . '" alt="" border="0" style="margin:0px; padding:0px;" height="16px">' : _VIEW_WORD) . '</a>';
                    if ($this->actions['edit']) {
                        if ($this->actions['details']) {
                            echo '&nbsp;' . ($this->actionIcons ? '&nbsp;' : '') . draw_divider(false) . '&nbsp';
                        echo '<a href="javascript:void(\'edit|' . $arrRecords[0][$i][$this->primaryKey] . '\')" title="' . _EDIT_WORD . '" onclick="javascript:__mgDoPostBack(\'' . $this->tableName . '\', \'edit\', \'' . $arrRecords[0][$i]['id'] . '\')">' . ($this->actionIcons ? '<img src="images/microgrid_icons/edit.gif" title="' . _EDIT_WORD . '" alt="" border="0" style="margin:0px;padding:0px;" height="16px">' : _EDIT_WORD) . '</a>';
                    if ($this->actions['delete']) {
                        if ($this->actions['edit'] || $this->actions['details']) {
                            echo '&nbsp;' . ($this->actionIcons ? '&nbsp;' : '') . draw_divider(false) . '&nbsp';
                        echo '<a href="javascript:void(\'delete|' . $arrRecords[0][$i][$this->primaryKey] . '\')" title="' . _DELETE_WORD . '" onclick="javascript:__mgDoPostBack(\'' . $this->tableName . '\', \'delete\', \'' . $arrRecords[0][$i]['id'] . '\')">' . ($this->actionIcons ? '<img src="images/microgrid_icons/delete.gif" title="' . _DELETE_WORD . '" alt="" border="0" style="margin:0px;padding:0px;" height="16px">' : _DELETE_WORD) . '</a>';
                    echo '&nbsp;</td>';
                echo '</tr>';
            // for
            // draw aggregate fields row
            if ($this->isAggregateAllowed) {
                echo '<tr><td colspan="' . $colspan . '" height="5px" nowrap="nowrap">' . draw_line('no_margin_line', IMAGE_DIRECTORY, false) . '</td></tr>';
                echo '<tr>';
                foreach ($this->arrViewModeFields as $key => $val) {
                    $visible = isset($val['visible']) && $val['visible'] !== '' ? $val['visible'] : true;
                    if ($visible) {
                        $ag_field_total = isset($this->arrAggregateFieldsTemp[$key]) ? $this->arrAggregateFieldsTemp[$key]['sum'] : 0;
                        $ag_field_count = isset($this->arrAggregateFieldsTemp[$key]) ? $this->arrAggregateFieldsTemp[$key]['count'] : 0;
                        $ag_field_function = strtoupper(isset($this->arrAggregateFields[$key]['function']) ? $this->arrAggregateFields[$key]['function'] : '');
                        $ag_field_align = strtoupper(isset($this->arrAggregateFields[$key]['align']) ? $this->arrAggregateFields[$key]['align'] : 'center');
                        $ag_decimal_place = isset($this->arrAggregateFields[$key]['decimal_place']) ? (int) $this->arrAggregateFields[$key]['decimal_place'] : 2;
                        $ag_field_value = '';
                        if ($ag_field_function == 'SUM') {
                            $ag_field_value = $ag_field_count != 0 ? number_format($ag_field_total, $ag_decimal_place) : '';
                        } else {
                            if ($ag_field_function == 'AVG') {
                                $ag_field_value = $ag_field_count != 0 ? number_format($ag_field_total / $ag_field_count, $ag_decimal_place) : '';
                        echo '<td align="' . $ag_field_align . '">' . ($ag_field_function != '' ? $ag_field_function . '=' : '') . $ag_field_value . '</td>';
                echo '</tr>';
                echo '<tr><td colspan="' . $colspan . '" height="5px" nowrap="nowrap">' . draw_line('no_margin_line', IMAGE_DIRECTORY, false) . '</td></tr>';
            } else {
                echo '<tr><td colspan="' . $colspan . '" height="15px" nowrap="nowrap">' . draw_line('no_margin_line', IMAGE_DIRECTORY, false) . '</td></tr>';
            echo '</table>';
            echo '<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" class="mgrid_table">';
            echo '<tr valign="top">';
            echo '<td>';
            if ($this->isPagingAllowed) {
                echo '<b>' . _PAGES . ':</b> ';
                for ($i = 1; $i <= $total_pages; $i++) {
                    echo '<a class="paging_link" href="javascript:void(\'paging\')" onclick="javascript:__mgDoPostBack(\'' . $this->tableName . '\', \'view\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'' . $i . '\', \'\')">' . ($i == $page ? '<b>[' . $i . ']</b>' : $i) . '</a> ';
            echo '</td>';
            echo '<td align="' . Application::Get('defined_right') . '">';
            $row_from = $start_row + 1;
            $row_to = $start_row + $this->pageSize < $total_records ? $start_row + $this->pageSize : $total_records;
            echo '<b>' . _TOTAL . '</b>: ' . ($row_from < $row_to ? $row_from . ' - ' . $row_to : $row_from) . ' / ' . $total_records;
            echo '</td>';
            echo '</tr>';
            echo '</table>';
            // prepare export file
            if ($operation == 'switch_to_export') {
                if (strtolower(SITE_MODE) == 'demo') {
                    $this->error = _OPERATION_BLOCKED;
                } else {
                    $export_content_count = count($export_content);
                    $fe = @fopen('tmp/export/export.csv', 'w+');
                    @fwrite($fe, "");
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $export_content_count; $i++) {
                        @fputcsv($fe, $export_content[$i]);
        } else {
            draw_message(_NO_RECORDS_FOUND, true, true, false, 'width:100%');
            //if($this->debug) $this->arrSQLs['select'] = $this->VIEW_MODE_SQL.' '.$this->WHERE_CLAUSE.' '.$this->ORDER_CLAUSE.' LIMIT '.$start_row.', '.(int)$this->pageSize;
        echo '</form>';
Ejemplo n.º 8
		<tr><td colspan="6" height="3px" nowrap><?php 
        for ($i = 0; $i < $all_menus[1]; $i++) {
            echo '<tr ' . highlight(0) . ' onmouseover="oldColor=this.style.backgroundColor;this.style.backgroundColor=\'#e1e1e1\';" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor=oldColor">
					<td align="' . Application::Get('defined_left') . '">' . $all_menus[0][$i]['menu_name'] . '</td>
					<td align="center">' . ucfirst($all_menus[0][$i]['access_level']) . '</td>
                    <td align="center">' . ($all_menus[0][$i]['menu_placement'] == 'hidden' ? '- ' . $all_menus[0][$i]['menu_placement'] . ' -' : ucfirst($all_menus[0][$i]['menu_placement'])) . '</td>
					<td align="center">' . $all_menus[0][$i]['menu_order'] . '</td>
					<td align="center">
					    ' . prepare_permanent_link('index.php?admin=menus&act=move&mid=' . $all_menus[0][$i]['id'] . '&mo=' . $all_menus[0][$i]['menu_order'] . '&dir=up&language_id=' . $language_id, _UP) . '/' . prepare_permanent_link('index.php?admin=menus&act=move&mid=' . $all_menus[0][$i]['id'] . '&mo=' . $all_menus[0][$i]['menu_order'] . '&dir=down&language_id=' . $language_id, _DOWN) . '
					<td align="center" nowrap="nowrap">
						' . ($objLogin->HasPrivileges('edit_menus') ? prepare_permanent_link('index.php?admin=menus_edit&mid=' . $all_menus[0][$i]['id'] . '&language_id=' . $language_id, _EDIT_WORD) : '') . '
						' . ($objLogin->HasPrivileges('edit_menus') && $objLogin->HasPrivileges('delete_menus') ? '&nbsp;' . draw_divider(false) . '&nbsp;' : '') . '						
						' . ($objLogin->HasPrivileges('delete_menus') ? '<a href="javascript:confirmDelete(\'' . $all_menus[0][$i]['id'] . '\',\'' . $all_menus[0][$i]['menu_order'] . '\');">' . _DELETE_WORD . '</a>' : '') . '
        echo '</table>';
    } else {
} else {
Ejemplo n.º 9
        } else {
            $focus_field = 'subscribe_email';
    } else {
        if ($task == 'unsubscribe') {
            if ($objNews->ProcessUnsubscription($email)) {
            } else {
                $focus_field = 'unsubscribe_email';
        } else {
            if ($task == 'pre_subscribe') {
                $focus_field = 'subscribe_email';
            } else {
                if ($task == 'pre_unsubscribe') {
                    $focus_field = 'unsubscribe_email';
    echo '<div class="pages_contents">';
    $objNews->DrawSubscribeBlockMain($focus_field, $email);
    echo '</div>';
} else {
Ejemplo n.º 10
                } else {
                    if ($reg_confirmation == 'by admin') {
                        $email_template = 'new_account_created_confirm_by_admin';
                    } else {
                        $email_template = 'new_account_created';
                send_email($email, $objSettings->GetParameter('admin_email'), $email_template, array('{FIRST NAME}' => $first_name, '{LAST NAME}' => $last_name, '{USER NAME}' => $user_name, '{USER PASSWORD}' => $user_password1, '{WEB SITE}' => $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], '{REGISTRATION CODE}' => $registration_code, '{BASE URL}' => APPHP_BASE, '{YEAR}' => date('Y')));
                if ($admin_alert_new_registration == 'yes') {
                    send_email($objSettings->GetParameter('admin_email'), $objSettings->GetParameter('admin_email'), 'new_account_created_notify_admin', array('{FIRST NAME}' => $first_name, '{LAST NAME}' => $last_name, '{USER NAME}' => $user_name, '{USER EMAIL}' => $email, '{WEB SITE}' => $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], '{BASE URL}' => APPHP_BASE, '{YEAR}' => date('Y')));
                if ($reg_confirmation == 'by email') {
                    $msg = draw_success_message(_ACCOUNT_CREATED_CONF_BY_EMAIL_MSG, false);
                    $msg .= '<br />' . draw_message(_ACCOUT_CREATED_CONF_LINK, false);
                } else {
                    if ($reg_confirmation == 'by admin') {
                        $msg = draw_success_message(_ACCOUNT_CREATED_CONF_BY_ADMIN_MSG, false);
                        $msg .= '<br />' . draw_message(_ACCOUT_CREATED_CONF_LINK, false);
                    } else {
                        $msg = draw_success_message(_ACCOUNT_CREATED_NON_CONFIRM_MSG, false);
                        $msg .= '<br />' . draw_message(_ACCOUNT_CREATED_NON_CONFIRM_LINK, false);
                $account_created = true;
            } else {
                $msg = draw_important_message(_CREATING_ACCOUNT_ERROR, false);
Ejemplo n.º 11

* @project ApPHP Business Directory
* @copyright (c) 2011 ApPHP
* @author ApPHP <*****@*****.**>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// *** Make sure the file isn't accessed directly
defined('APPHP_EXEC') or die('Restricted Access');
if ($objLogin->IsLoggedInAs('owner', 'mainadmin') && Modules::IsModuleInstalled('inquiries')) {
    // Start main content
    draw_title_bar(prepare_breadcrumbs(array(_LISTINGS_MANAGEMENT => '', _SETTINGS => '', _INTEGRATION => '')));
			<textarea cols="60" style="height:140px;margin-top:5px;" onclick="this.select()" readonly="readonly"><?php 
    echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
    echo 'var hsJsHost = "' . APPHP_BASE . '";' . "\n";
    echo 'var hsJsKey = "' . INSTALLATION_KEY . '";' . "\n";
    echo 'document.write(unescape(\'%3Cscript src="\' + hsJsHost + \'widgets/ipanel-left/main.js" type="text/javascript"%3E%3C/script%3E\'));' . "\n";
    echo '</script>' . "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 12
    $msg = '';
    // change password
    if ($submit_type == '1') {
        $msg = $objAdmin->ChangeLang($preferred_language);
    } else {
        if ($submit_type == '2') {
            $msg = $objAdmin->SavePersonalInfo($admin_email, $first_name, $last_name);
        } else {
            if ($submit_type == '3') {
                $msg = $objAdmin->ChangePassword($password_one, $password_two);
    draw_title_bar(prepare_breadcrumbs(array(_ACCOUNTS => '', _MY_ACCOUNT => '')));
    if ($msg == '') {
    } else {
        echo $msg;
    $arr_account_types = array('owner' => _OWNER, 'admin' => _ADMIN, 'mainadmin' => _MAIN_ADMIN);

	<form action="index.php?admin=my_account" method="post">
    draw_hidden_field('submit_type', '1');
Ejemplo n.º 13
    /// $tabs->Disable($tab2);
    /// $tabs->SetDefaultTab($tab3);
    /// $tab4->SetDefaultTab($subtab4);
    echo '<script type="text/javascript">
		function cleanCacheSubmit(){
			if(confirm("' . _PERFORM_OPERATION_COMMON_ALERT . '")){
				appGoToPage(\'index.php?admin=settings\', \'submition_type=clean_cache&token=' . Application::Get('token') . '\', \'post\');
				return true;
			return false;
		function sendTestEmail(el){
			el.value=\'' . _SENDING . '...\';
    draw_title_bar(prepare_breadcrumbs(array(_GENERAL => '', _SITE_SETTINGS => '')));
    echo $msg == '' ? draw_message(_ALERT_REQUIRED_FILEDS, false) : $msg;
    if ($focus_on_field) {
        echo '<script type="text/javascript">appSetFocus("' . $focus_on_field . '")</script>';
} else {
Ejemplo n.º 14
            $actions_msg[] = str_replace('_COUNT_', $awaiting_listings, _LISTINGS_AWAITING_MODERATION_ALERT);
    if (count($actions_msg) > 0) {
        if ($alert_state == '') {
            $msg = '<div id="divAlertRequired">
				<img src="images/close.png" alt="" style="cursor:pointer;float:' . Application::Get('defined_right') . ';margin-right:-3px;" title="' . _HIDE . '" onclick="javascript:appGoTo(\'admin=home\',\'&task=close_alert\')" />
				<img src="images/action_required.png" alt="" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" />&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>' . _ACTION_REQUIRED . '</b>: 
				<ul style="margin-top:7px;margin-bottom:7px;">';
            foreach ($actions_msg as $single_msg) {
                $msg .= '<li>' . $single_msg . '</li>';
            $msg .= '</ul></div>';
            draw_important_message($msg, true, false);
        } else {
            echo '<div id="divAlertRequired" style="padding:5px 17px;float:right;"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="javascript:appGoTo(\'admin=home\',\'&task=open_alert\')">' . _OPEN_ALERT_WINDOW . '</a></div>';
    // draw welcome message
    $msg = '<div style="padding:9px;">
    <div class="site_version">' . _VERSION . ': ' . CURRENT_VERSION . '</div>
    <p>' . _TODAY . ': <b>' . format_datetime(@date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), '', '', true) . '</b></p>	                    
    <p>' . _LAST_LOGIN . ': <b>' . format_datetime($objLogin->GetLastLoginTime(), '', _NEVER, true) . '</b></p>';
    $msg .= _HOME_PAGE_WELCOME_TEXT . '
    draw_message($msg, true, false);
    echo '<div style="text-align:right;padding:80px 18px 0 0;vertical-align:bottom;">' . $objSiteDescription->DrawFooter(false) . '</div>';
} else {
Ejemplo n.º 15
     * Draws sub categories
     * 		@param $category_id
     * 		@param $show_on
     * 		@param $draw
    public function DrawSubCategories($category_id = '0', $show_on = '', $draw = true)
        global $objLogin;
        $listings_count_field = !$objLogin->IsLoggedIn() ? 'listings_count_public' : 'listings_count';
        $lang = Application::Get('lang');
        $output = '';
        $categories_images = false;
        $categories_columns = '3';
        if (Modules::IsModuleInstalled('listings')) {
            if (ModulesSettings::Get('listings', 'show_categories_images') == 'yes') {
                $categories_images = true;
            $categories_columns = ModulesSettings::Get('listings', 'columns_number_on_page');
        $category_info = $this->GetInfoByID($category_id);
        $sql = 'SELECT c.id,
					LEFT OUTER JOIN ' . TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . ' cd ON c.id = cd.category_id
					c.parent_id = ' . (int) $category_id . ' AND 
					cd.language_id = \'' . $lang . '\'';
        $result = database_query($sql, DATA_AND_ROWS, ALL_ROWS, FETCH_ASSOC);
        if ($result[1] > 0) {
            $output .= '<table class="sub_categories_table" width="100%" align="center" border="0" style="margin:10px auto">';
            $output .= '<tr>';
            for ($i = 0; $i < $result[1]; $i++) {
                if ($i > 0 && $i % $categories_columns == 0) {
                    $output .= '</tr><tr>';
                $output .= '<td align="left" valign="top" width="32px">';
                $icon_file_thumb = $result[0][$i]['icon_thumb'] != '' ? $result[0][$i]['icon_thumb'] : '';
                if ($categories_images && $icon_file_thumb != '') {
                    $output .= '<img src="images/categories/' . $icon_file_thumb . '" width="24px" height="24px" alt="' . $result[0][$i]['name'] . '" title="' . $result[0][$i]['name'] . '" />';
                } else {
                    $directory_icon = $result[0][$i][$listings_count_field] > 0 ? 'not_empty_directory.gif' : 'empty_directory.gif';
                    $output .= '<img src="images/categories/' . $directory_icon . '" width="24px" height="24px" alt="' . $result[0][$i]['name'] . '" title="' . $result[0][$i]['name'] . '" />';
                $output .= '</td>';
                $output .= '<td>';
                $output .= prepare_link('category', 'cid', $result[0][$i]['id'], '', $result[0][$i]['name'], '', '') . ' (' . $result[0][$i][$listings_count_field] . ')';
                //$output .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                //$output .= prepare_link('category', 'cid', $result[0][$i]['id'], '', '<img src=images/external_link.gif>', '', _VIEW_LISTINGS);
                $output .= '</td>';
            $output .= '</tr>';
            $output .= '</table>';
        } else {
            if ($show_on == '') {
                $output .= draw_message(_NO_SUBCATEGORIES, false, true) . '<br />';
        if ($draw) {
            echo $output;
        } else {
            return $output;
Ejemplo n.º 16
    if (ModulesSettings::Get('customers', 'allow_registration') == 'yes' && ModulesSettings::Get('customers', 'reg_confirmation') == 'by email') {
        echo prepare_permanent_link('index.php?customer=resend_activation', _RESEND_ACTIVATION_EMAIL);
		<tr><td colspan="2" nowrap="nowrap" height="5px"></td></tr>		
	<script type="text/javascript">	appSetFocus("txt_user_name");</script>	
} else {
    if ($objLogin->IsLoggedInAsCustomer()) {
        echo '<div class="pages_contents">';
        draw_message(_ALREADY_LOGGED, true, true, false, 'width:100%');
        echo '</div>';
	<div class='pages_contents'>
	<form action="index.php?page=logout" method="post">
        draw_hidden_field('submit_logout', 'logout');
		<input class="form_button" type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php 
        echo _BUTTON_LOGOUT;
Ejemplo n.º 17
// *** Make sure the file isn't accessed directly
defined('APPHP_EXEC') or die('Restricted Access');
if ($objLogin->IsLoggedInAs('owner') && Modules::IsModuleInstalled('backup')) {
    $submition_type = isset($_POST['submition_type']) ? prepare_input($_POST['submition_type']) : '';
    $backup_file = isset($_POST['backup_file']) ? prepare_input($_POST['backup_file']) : '';
    $st = isset($_GET['st']) ? prepare_input($_GET['st']) : '';
    $fname = isset($_GET['fname']) ? prepare_input($_GET['fname']) : '';
    $msg = '';
    $objBackup = new Backup();
    if ($st == 'restore') {
        // restore previouse backup
        if ($objBackup->RestoreBackup($fname)) {
            $msg = draw_success_message(str_replace('_FILE_NAME_', $fname, _BACKUP_WAS_RESTORED), false);
        } else {
            $msg = draw_important_message($objBackup->error, false);
    } else {
        $msg = draw_message(_BACKUP_RESTORE_NOTE, false);
    // draw title bar and message
    draw_title_bar(prepare_breadcrumbs(array(_MODULES => '', _BACKUP => '', _BACKUP_RESTORE => '')), prepare_permanent_link('index.php?admin=mod_backup_installation', _BACKUP_INSTALLATION));
    echo $msg;
} else {
if (!$objLogin->IsLoggedIn() && ModulesSettings::Get('customers', 'allow_registration') == 'yes') {
    $code = isset($_REQUEST['c']) ? prepare_input($_REQUEST['c']) : '';
    $task = isset($_POST['task']) ? prepare_input($_POST['task']) : '';
    $msg = '';
    $confirmed = false;
    if ($code != '') {
        $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . ' WHERE registration_code = \'' . encode_text($code) . '\' AND is_active = 0';
        $result = database_query($sql, DATA_AND_ROWS, FIRST_ROW_ONLY);
        if ($result[1] > 0) {
            $sql = 'UPDATE ' . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . '
					SET is_active = 1, registration_code = \'\'
					WHERE registration_code = \'' . encode_text($code) . '\' AND is_active = 0';
            $msg = draw_success_message(_CONFIRMED_SUCCESS_MSG, false);
            $confirmed = true;
            $msg .= '<script type="text/javascript">setTimeout(\'appGoTo("customer=login")\', 15000);</script>';
        } else {
            if (strlen($code) == 20) {
                $confirmed = true;
                $msg = draw_message(_CONFIRMED_ALREADY_MSG, false);
            } else {
                $msg = draw_important_message(_WRONG_CONFIRMATION_CODE, false);
    } else {
        if ($task == 'post_submission') {
            $msg = draw_important_message(str_replace('_FIELD_', _CONFIRMATION_CODE, _FIELD_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY), false);
Ejemplo n.º 19
     * Sends mass mail	 
    public function SendMassMail()
        global $objSettings;
        $template_name = isset($_POST['template_name']) ? prepare_input($_POST['template_name']) : '';
        $email_from = isset($_POST['email_from']) ? prepare_input($_POST['email_from']) : '';
        $email_to_req = isset($_POST['email_to']) ? prepare_input($_POST['email_to']) : '';
        $subject = isset($_POST['subject']) ? prepare_input($_POST['subject']) : '';
        $message = isset($_POST['message']) ? prepare_input($_POST['message']) : '';
        $package_size = isset($_POST['package_size']) ? prepare_input($_POST['package_size']) : '';
        $duration = isset($_POST['duration']) ? (int) $_POST['duration'] : '5';
        $send_copy_to_admin = isset($_POST['send_copy_to_admin']) ? prepare_input($_POST['send_copy_to_admin']) : '';
        $admin_email = $objSettings->GetParameter('admin_email');
        $email_session_code = Session::Get('email_random_code');
        $email_post_code = isset($_POST['email_random_code']) ? prepare_input($_POST['email_random_code']) : '';
        $msg = '';
        $emails_total = '0';
        $emails_sent = '0';
        if (strtolower(SITE_MODE) == 'demo') {
            return false;
        if ($email_post_code != '' && $email_session_code == $email_post_code) {
            $this->error = true;
            return false;
        // handle emails sending
        if ($subject != '' && $message != '') {
            $message = str_ireplace('{YEAR}', date('Y'), $message);
            $message = str_ireplace('{WEB SITE}', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $message);
            $message = str_ireplace('{BASE URL}', APPHP_BASE, $message);
            $email_to_parts = explode('|', $email_to_req);
            $email_to = isset($email_to_parts[0]) ? $email_to_parts[0] : '';
            $email_to_subtype = isset($email_to_parts[1]) ? $email_to_parts[1] : '';
            if ($email_to_subtype == 'all') {
                $member_where_clause = '';
            } else {
                if ($email_to_subtype == 'uncategorized') {
                    $member_where_clause = 'group_id=0 AND';
                } else {
                    if ($email_to_subtype != '') {
                        $member_where_clause = 'group_id=' . $email_to_subtype . ' AND';
                    } else {
                        $member_where_clause = '';
            if ($email_to == 'test') {
                $emails_total = '1';
                if (send_email_wo_template($admin_email, $admin_email, $subject, $message)) {
                    $emails_sent = '1';
            } else {
                $result = database_query('SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt FROM ' . $this->TABLE_NAME . ' WHERE is_active = 1 AND ' . $member_where_clause . ' email_notifications = 1 AND email != \'\'', DATA_ONLY, FIRST_ROW_ONLY);
                $members_emails_total = $result['cnt'];
                $result = database_query('SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt FROM ' . TABLE_ACCOUNTS . ' WHERE is_active = 1 AND email != \'\'', DATA_ONLY, FIRST_ROW_ONLY);
                $admins_emails_total = $result['cnt'];
                $result = database_query('SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt FROM ' . TABLE_NEWS_SUBSCRIBED . ' WHERE email != \'\'', DATA_ONLY, FIRST_ROW_ONLY);
                $newsletter_email_total = $result['cnt'];
                if ($email_to == 'members') {
                    $emails_total = $members_emails_total;
                } else {
                    if ($email_to == 'admins') {
                        $emails_total = $admins_emails_total;
                    } else {
                        if ($email_to == 'all') {
                            $emails_total = $members_emails_total + $admins_emails_total;
                        } else {
                            if ($email_to == 'newsletter_subscribers') {
                                $emails_total = $newsletter_email_total;
                if ($email_to == 'members' || $email_to == 'all') {
                    $sql = 'SELECT id, first_name, last_name, email, user_name  
							FROM ' . $this->TABLE_NAME . '
							WHERE is_active = 1 AND ' . $member_where_clause . ' email_notifications = 1 AND email != \'\'
							ORDER BY id ASC';
                    $result = database_query($sql, DATA_AND_ROWS, ALL_ROWS);
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $result[1]; $i++) {
                        $body_middle = str_ireplace('{FIRST NAME}', $result[0][$i]['first_name'], $message);
                        $body_middle = str_ireplace('{LAST NAME}', $result[0][$i]['last_name'], $body_middle);
                        $body_middle = str_ireplace('{USER NAME}', $result[0][$i]['user_name'], $body_middle);
                        $body_middle = str_ireplace('{USER EMAIL}', $result[0][$i]['email'], $body_middle);
                        if (send_email_wo_template($result[0][$i]['email'], $admin_email, $subject, $body_middle)) {
                if ($email_to == 'admins' || $email_to == 'all') {
                    $sql = 'SELECT id, first_name, last_name, email, user_name  
							FROM ' . TABLE_ACCOUNTS . '
							WHERE is_active = 1 AND email != \'\'
							ORDER BY id ASC';
                    $result = database_query($sql, DATA_AND_ROWS, ALL_ROWS);
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $result[1]; $i++) {
                        $body_middle = str_ireplace('{FIRST NAME}', $result[0][$i]['first_name'], $message);
                        $body_middle = str_ireplace('{LAST NAME}', $result[0][$i]['last_name'], $body_middle);
                        $body_middle = str_ireplace('{USER NAME}', $result[0][$i]['user_name'], $body_middle);
                        $body_middle = str_ireplace('{USER EMAIL}', $result[0][$i]['email'], $body_middle);
                        if (send_email_wo_template($result[0][$i]['email'], $admin_email, $subject, $body_middle)) {
                if ($email_to == 'newsletter_subscribers') {
                    $sql = 'SELECT email FROM ' . TABLE_NEWS_SUBSCRIBED . ' WHERE email != \'\' ORDER BY id ASC';
                    $result = database_query($sql, DATA_AND_ROWS, ALL_ROWS);
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $result[1]; $i++) {
                        $body_middle = $message;
                        if (send_email_wo_template($result[0][$i]['email'], $admin_email, $subject, $body_middle)) {
                if ($send_copy_to_admin == '1') {
                    send_email_wo_template($admin_email, $admin_email, $subject . ' (admin copy)', $message);
            if ($emails_sent) {
                Session::Set('email_random_code', $email_post_code);
                $msg = str_replace('_SENT_', $emails_sent, _EMAILS_SUCCESSFULLY_SENT);
                $msg = str_replace('_TOTAL_', $emails_total, $msg);
                $this->error = false;
            } else {
                $this->error = true;
        } else {
Ejemplo n.º 20
$email = isset($_POST['email']) ? prepare_input($_POST['email']) : '';
$msg = '';
if ($act == 'send') {
    if (!check_email_address($email)) {
        $msg = draw_important_message(_EMAIL_IS_WRONG, false);
    } else {
        if (!$password_sent) {
            $objAdmin = new Admins($objSession->GetSessionVariable('session_account_id'));
            if ($objAdmin->SendPassword($email)) {
                $msg = draw_success_message(_PASSWORD_SUCCESSFULLY_SENT, false);
                Session::Set('password_sent', true);
            } else {
                $msg = draw_important_message($objAdmin->error, false);
        } else {
            $msg = draw_message(_PASSWORD_ALREADY_SENT, false);
// Draw title bar
draw_title_bar(prepare_breadcrumbs(array(_ADMIN => '', _PASSWORD_FORGOTTEN => '')));
// Check if user is logged in
if (!$objLogin->IsLoggedIn()) {
    echo $msg;
	<div class="pages_contents">
	<form action="index.php?admin=password_forgotten" method="post">
    draw_hidden_field('act', 'send');
Ejemplo n.º 21
defined('APPHP_EXEC') or die('Restricted Access');
$act = isset($_POST['act']) ? prepare_input($_POST['act']) : '';
$password_sent = (bool) Session::Get('activation_email_resent');
$email = isset($_POST['email']) ? prepare_input($_POST['email']) : '';
$msg = '';
if ($act == 'resend') {
    if (!$password_sent) {
        if (Customers::Reactivate($email)) {
            $msg = draw_success_message(str_replace('_EMAIL_', $email, _ACTIVATION_EMAIL_WAS_SENT), false);
            Session::Set('activation_email_resent', true);
        } else {
            $msg = draw_important_message(Customers::GetStaticError(), false);
    } else {
        $msg = draw_message(_ACTIVATION_EMAIL_ALREADY_SENT, false);
// Draw title bar
// Check if customer is logged in
if (!$objLogin->IsLoggedIn() && ModulesSettings::Get('customers', 'allow_registration') == 'yes') {
    echo $msg;
	<div class="pages_contents">
	<form action="index.php?customer=resend_activation" method="post">
    draw_hidden_field('act', 'resend');
    draw_hidden_field('type', 'customer');
Ejemplo n.º 22
                         } else {
                             if ($action == 'cancel_edit') {
                                 $mode = 'view';
 // Start main content
 draw_title_bar(prepare_breadcrumbs(array(_PAYMENTS => '', _CURRENCIES_MANAGEMENT => '', ucfirst($action) => '')));
 //if($objSession->IsMessage('notice')) echo $objSession->GetMessage('notice');
 if ($mode == 'view' && $msg == '') {
     $msg = draw_message(_CURRENCIES_DEFAULT_ALERT, false);
 echo $msg;
 if ($mode == 'view') {
 } else {
     if ($mode == 'add') {
     } else {
         if ($mode == 'edit') {
         } else {
             if ($mode == 'details') {
Ejemplo n.º 23

// *** Make sure the file isn't accessed directly
defined('APPHP_EXEC') or die('Restricted Access');
if (Modules::IsModuleInstalled('payments') && ModulesSettings::Get('payments', 'is_active') == 'yes') {
    draw_title_bar(prepare_breadcrumbs(array(_MY_ACCOUNT => '', _ADVERTISE => '', _ORDER_CANCELED => '')));
    draw_message(_ORDER_WAS_CANCELED_MSG, true, true);
} else {
Ejemplo n.º 24
     *	Draws Contact Us form
     *		@param $draw
    public function DrawContactUsForm($draw = true)
        global $objSettings, $objSiteDescription, $objLogin;
        $align_left = Application::Get('defined_left');
        $align_right = Application::Get('defined_right');
        if (!Modules::IsModuleInstalled('contact_us')) {
            return '';
        $output = '';
        $from_email = $objSettings->GetParameter('admin_email');
        $admin_email = ModulesSettings::Get('contact_us', 'email');
        $delay_length = ModulesSettings::Get('contact_us', 'delay_length');
        $is_send_delay = ModulesSettings::Get('contact_us', 'is_send_delay');
        $image_verification = ModulesSettings::Get('contact_us', 'image_verification_allow');
        $focus_element = '';
        // post fields
        $task = isset($_POST['task']) ? prepare_input($_POST['task']) : '';
        $first_name = isset($_POST['first_name']) ? prepare_input($_POST['first_name']) : '';
        $last_name = isset($_POST['last_name']) ? prepare_input($_POST['last_name']) : '';
        $email = isset($_POST['email']) ? prepare_input($_POST['email']) : '';
        $phone = isset($_POST['phone']) ? prepare_input($_POST['phone']) : '';
        $subject = isset($_POST['subject']) ? prepare_input($_POST['subject']) : '';
        $message = isset($_POST['message']) ? prepare_input($_POST['message']) : '';
        $captcha_code = isset($_POST['captcha_code']) ? prepare_input($_POST['captcha_code']) : '';
        $msg = '';
        $contact_mail_sent = (bool) Session::Get('contact_mail_sent');
        $contact_mail_sent_time = Session::Get('contact_mail_sent_time');
        if ($image_verification == 'yes') {
            include_once 'modules/captcha/securimage.php';
            $objImg = new Securimage();
        if ($task == 'contact') {
            $time_elapsed = time_diff(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $contact_mail_sent_time);
            if ($contact_mail_sent && $is_send_delay == 'yes' && $time_elapsed < $delay_length) {
                $msg = draw_message(str_replace('_WAIT_', $delay_length - $time_elapsed, _CONTACT_US_ALREADY_SENT), false);
            } else {
                if ($first_name == '') {
                    $msg = draw_important_message(_FIRST_NAME_EMPTY_ALERT, false);
                    $focus_element = 'first_name';
                } else {
                    if ($last_name == '') {
                        $msg = draw_important_message(_LAST_NAME_EMPTY_ALERT, false);
                        $focus_element = 'last_name';
                    } else {
                        if ($email == '') {
                            $msg = draw_important_message(_EMAIL_EMPTY_ALERT, false);
                            $focus_element = 'email';
                        } else {
                            if ($email != '' && !check_email_address($email)) {
                                $msg = draw_important_message(_EMAIL_VALID_ALERT, false);
                                $focus_element = 'email';
                            } else {
                                if ($subject == '') {
                                    $msg = draw_important_message(_SUBJECT_EMPTY_ALERT, false);
                                    $focus_element = 'subject';
                                    #}else if($phone == ''){
                                    #	$msg = draw_important_message(str_replace('_FIELD_', _PHONE, _FIELD_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY), false);
                                    #	$focus_element = 'phone';
                                } else {
                                    if ($message == '') {
                                        $msg = draw_important_message(_MESSAGE_EMPTY_ALERT, false);
                                        $focus_element = 'message';
                                    } else {
                                        if (strlen($message) > 1024) {
                                            $msg = draw_important_message(str_replace(array('_FIELD_', '_LENGTH_'), array('<b>' . _MESSAGE . '</b>', 1024), _FIELD_LENGTH_EXCEEDED), false);
                                            $focus_element = 'message';
                                        } else {
                                            if ($image_verification == 'yes' && !$objImg->check($captcha_code)) {
                                                $msg = draw_important_message(_WRONG_CODE_ALERT, false);
                                                $focus_element = 'captcha_code';
                // deny all operations in demo version
                if (strtolower(SITE_MODE) == 'demo') {
                    $msg = draw_important_message(_OPERATION_BLOCKED, false);
                if ($msg == '') {
                    send_email_wo_template($admin_email, $from_email, 'Question from visitor (via Contact Us - ' . $objSiteDescription->GetParameter('header_text') . ')', _FIRST_NAME . ': ' . str_replace('\\', '', $first_name) . '<br />' . _LAST_NAME . ': ' . str_replace('\\', '', $last_name) . '<br />' . _EMAIL_ADDRESS . ': ' . str_replace('\\', '', $email) . '<br />' . _PHONE . ': ' . str_replace('\\', '', $phone) . '<br />' . _SUBJECT . ': ' . str_replace('\\', '', $subject) . '<br />' . _MESSAGE . ': ' . str_replace('\\', '', $message));
                    $msg = draw_success_message(_CONTACT_US_EMAIL_SENT, false);
                    Session::Set('contact_mail_sent', true);
                    Session::Set('contact_mail_sent_time', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
                    $first_name = $last_name = $email = $phone = $subject = $message = '';
        $output .= ($msg != '' ? $msg . '<br />' : '') . '
        <form method="post" name="frmContactUs" id="frmContactUs">
			' . draw_hidden_field('task', 'contact', false) . '
			' . draw_token_field(false) . '
		    <table class="tblContactUs" border="0" width="99%">
			    <td width="25%" align="' . $align_right . '">' . _FIRST_NAME . ':</td>
			    <td><span class="mandatory_star">*</span></td>
			    <td nowrap="nowrap" align="' . $align_left . '"><input type="text" id="first_name" name="first_name" size="34" maxlength="40" value="' . decode_text($first_name) . '" autocomplete="off" /></td>
			    <td align="' . $align_right . '">' . _LAST_NAME . ':</td>
			    <td><span class="mandatory_star">*</span></td>
			    <td nowrap="nowrap" align="' . $align_left . '"><input type="text" id="last_name" name="last_name" size="34" maxlength="40" value="' . decode_text($last_name) . '" autocomplete="off" /></td>
                <td align="' . $align_right . '">' . _EMAIL_ADDRESS . ':</td>
                <td><span class="mandatory_star">*</span></td>
                <td nowrap="nowrap" align="' . $align_left . '"><input type="text" id="email" name="email" size="34" maxlength="70" value="' . decode_text($email) . '" autocomplete="off"  /></td>
                <td align="' . $align_right . '">' . _PHONE . ':</td>
                <td nowrap="nowrap" align="' . $align_left . '"><input type="text" id="phone" name="phone" size="22" maxlength="40" value="' . decode_text($phone) . '" autocomplete="off"  /></td>
                <td align="' . $align_right . '">' . _SUBJECT . ':</td>
                <td><span class="mandatory_star">*</span></td>
                <td nowrap="nowrap" align="' . $align_left . '"><input type="text" id="subject" name="subject" style="width:385px;" maxlength="128" value="' . decode_text($subject) . '" autocomplete="off"  /></td>
		    <tr valign="top">
                <td align="' . $align_right . '">' . _MESSAGE . ':</td>
                <td><span class="mandatory_star">*</span></td>
                <td nowrap="nowrap" align="' . $align_left . '">
                    <textarea id="message" name="message" style="width:385px;" maxlength="1024" rows="8">' . $message . '</textarea>                
				<td colspan="2"></td>
        if ($image_verification == 'yes') {
            $output .= '<table border="0">
								<img id="captcha_image" src="' . APPHP_BASE . 'modules/captcha/securimage_show.php?sid=' . md5(uniqid(time())) . '" />
							<td width="30px" align="center">
								<img style="cursor:pointer; padding:0px; margin:0px;" id="captcha_image_reload"
								src="modules/captcha/images/refresh.gif" style="cursor:pointer;"
								onclick="document.getElementById(\'captcha_image\').src = \'modules/captcha/securimage_show.php?sid=\' + Math.random(); appSetFocus(\'captcha_code\'); return false;" title="' . _REFRESH . '" alt="' . _REFRESH . '" /><br />
								<a href="modules/captcha/securimage_play.php"><img border="0" style="padding:0px; margin:0px;" id="captcha_image_play" src="modules/captcha/images/audio_icon.gif" title="' . _PLAY . '" alt="' . _PLAY . '" /></a>						
							<td align="left">
								' . _TYPE_CHARS . '<br />								
								<input type="text" name="captcha_code" id="captcha_code" style="width:175px;margin-top:5px;" value="" maxlength="20" autocomplete="off" />
        $output .= '</td>
		    <tr><td height="25" nowrap colspan="3"></td></tr>            
				<td colspan="3" align="center">
					<input type="submit" ' . ($objLogin->IsLoggedInAsAdmin() ? 'disabled' : '') . ' class="form_button" name="btnSubmitPD" id="btnSubmitPD" value="' . _SEND . '" />
		    <tr><td height="25" nowrap colspan="3"></td></tr>            
        if ($focus_element != '') {
            $output .= '<script type="text/javascript">appSetFocus(\'' . $focus_element . '\');</script>';
        if ($draw) {
            echo $output;
        } else {
            return $output;