Ejemplo n.º 1
function drawdrawColumnDelete($prompt = false, $id = false, $action = "delete", $adminOnly = true)
    //if we're going to backend all the table stuff, then this should be incorporated somehow.  perhaps we will need to extend the class
    global $page, $_josh;
    if ($adminOnly && !$page['is_admin']) {
        return false;
    if (!$id) {
        return '<td width="16">&nbsp;</td>';
    return draw_tag("td", array("width" => "16"), draw_img("/images/icons/delete.png", drawDeleteLink($prompt, $id, $action)));
Ejemplo n.º 2
    db_delete('organizations', $_GET['delete_id']);
echo drawTop();
if (url_id()) {
    $f = new form('organizations', @$_GET['id']);
    $f->set_field(array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'title' . langExt(), 'label' => getString('title')));
    langUnsetFields($f, 'title');
    echo $f->draw();
} else {
    //modules list
    $t = new table('organizations', drawHeader());
    $t->set_column('draggy', 'd', '&nbsp;');
    $t->set_column('title', 'l', getString('title'));
    $t->set_column('delete', 'd', '&nbsp;');
    $result = db_table('SELECT id, title' . langExt() . ' title FROM organizations WHERE is_active = 1 ORDER BY precedence');
    foreach ($result as &$r) {
        $r['draggy'] = draw_img('/images/icons/move.png');
        $r['title'] = draw_link('organizations.php?id=' . $r['id'], $r['title']);
        $r['delete'] = drawColumnDelete($r['id']);
    echo $t->draw($result, 'No organizations');
    //add new
    $f = new form('organizations');
    $f->set_field(array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'title' . langExt(), 'label' => getString('title')));
    langUnsetFields($f, 'title');
    echo $f->draw(false, false);
echo drawBottom();
Ejemplo n.º 3

include "../../include.php";
echo drawTop();
$blurbs = db_table("SELECT \n\t\tr.id,\n\t\tr.title,\n\t\tt.icon,\n\t\tISNULL(r.updated_date, r.created_date) updated\n\t\tFROM employer_strategy_resources r\n\t\tJOIN docs_types t ON r.type_id = t.id\n\t\tWHERE r.is_active = 1\n\t\tORDER BY updated DESC", 20);
$t = new table("web_news_blurbs");
$t->set_column("updated", "r");
$t->set_title(drawHeader(array("add new" => "edit/")));
foreach ($blurbs as &$b) {
    $b["icon"] = draw_img($b["icon"]);
    $b["title"] = draw_link("edit/?id=" . $b["id"], $b["title"]);
    $b["updated"] = format_date($b["updated"]);
echo $t->draw($blurbs);
echo drawBottom();
Ejemplo n.º 4
function drawBottom()
    global $_josh, $modules, $helpdeskOptions, $helpdeskStatus, $modulettes, $page;
    $return = '
			<div id="right">
				<div id="tools">
					<a class="right button" href="/index.php?action=logout">' . getString('log_out') . '</a>
					' . getString('hello') . ' <a href="/staff/view.php?id=' . $_SESSION['user_id'] . '"><b>' . $_SESSION['full_name'] . '</b></a>';
    $return .= '<form name="search" accept-charset="utf-8" method="get" action="/staff/search.php" onsubmit="javascript:return doSearch(this);">
			<input type="text" name="q" placeholder="' . getString('staff_search') . '"/>
    //channel or language selectors
    if (getOption('channels')) {
        //$return .= draw_form_select('channel_id', 'SELECT id, title' . langExt() . ' title FROM channels WHERE is_active = 1 AND is_private = 0 ORDER BY precedence', $_SESSION['channel_id'], false, 'channels', 'url_query_set(\'channel_id\', this.value)', getString('networks_view_all'));
        $return .= draw_form_select('channel_id', 'SELECT c.id, c.title' . langExt() . ' title FROM channels c WHERE c.is_active = 1 AND (c.is_private = 0 OR (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users_to_channels u2c WHERE u2c.channel_id = c.id AND u2c.user_id = ' . user() . ') > 0) ORDER BY precedence', $_SESSION['channel_id'], false, 'channels', 'url_query_set(\'channel_id\', this.value)', getString('networks_view_all'));
    if (getOption('languages')) {
        $return .= draw_form_select('language_id', 'SELECT id, title FROM languages ORDER BY title', $_SESSION['language_id'], true, 'languages', 'url_query_set(\'language_id\', this.value)');
    $links = db_table('SELECT title' . langExt() . ' title, url FROM links WHERE is_active = 1 ORDER BY precedence');
    foreach ($links as &$l) {
        $l = draw_link($l['url'], $l['title'], true);
    $return .= draw_div('#links', draw_container('h3', getString('links')) . (admin() ? draw_link('/a/admin/links.php', getString('edit'), false, array('class' => 'right button')) : false) . draw_list($links));
    $return .= '</div>';
    foreach ($modules as $m) {
        $return .= '
		<table class="right ' . $m['folder'] . '" cellspacing="1">
				<td colspan="2" class="head" style="background-color:#' . $m['color'] . ';">
					<a href="/' . $m['folder'] . '/" class="left">' . $m['title'] . '</a>
					' . draw_img('/images/arrows-new/' . format_boolean($m['is_closed'], 'up|down') . '.png', url_query_add(array('module' => $m['id']), false)) . '
        if (!$m['is_closed']) {
            include DIRECTORY_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $m['folder'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'pallet.php';
        $return .= '</table>';
    $return .= '</div>
	<div id="footer">';
    //if (admin()) $return .= 'page rendered in ' . format_time_exec() . '<br/>';
    $return .= getString('copyright') . '<br/>';
    if (getOption('legal')) {
        $return .= draw_link('/login/legal.php', getString('legal_title'));
    $return .= '</div></div>
		<div id="subfooter"></div>
    //record pageview
    if ($page['id'] && user()) {
        db_query('INSERT INTO pages_views ( page_id, user_id, timestamp ) VALUES ( ' . $page['id'] . ', ' . user('NULL') . ', GETDATE() )');
    return $return;
Ejemplo n.º 5

include '../include.php';
echo drawTop();
$t = new table('staff', drawHeader());
$t->set_column('picture', 'l', '&nbsp;', '50');
$t->set_column('last_login', 'r');
$result = db_table('SELECT u.id, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.title, o.title organization, u.organization_id, u.lastLogin last_login FROM users u LEFT JOIN organizations o ON u.organization_id = o.id JOIN users_to_modules u2m ON u.id = u2m.user_id WHERE u.is_active = 1 AND u2m.module_id = ' . $page['module_id'] . ' ORDER BY u.lastname, u.firstname');
foreach ($result as &$r) {
    $link = '/staff/view.php?id=' . $r['id'];
    $r['picture'] = draw_img(file_dynamic('users', 'image_small', $r['id'], 'jpg'), $link);
    $r['name'] = draw_link($link, $r['firstname'] . ' ' . $r['lastname']);
    if ($r['organization']) {
        $r['organization'] = draw_link('/staff/organizations.php?id=' . $r['organization_id'], $r['organization']) . '<br>';
    $r['organization'] .= $r['title'];
    $r['last_login'] = format_date($r['last_login']);
echo $t->draw($result, 'No administrators for this module yet!');
echo drawBottom();
Ejemplo n.º 6
		<td><a href="add_edit.php?requestID=<?php 
        echo $r["id"];
        echo $r["lastname"];
, <?php 
        echo $r["firstname"];
		<td class="r"><?php 
        echo format_date_time($r["created_date"]);
		<td width="16"><?php 
        echo draw_img("/images/icons/delete.png", url_query_add(array("action" => "deletereq", "id" => $r["id"]), false));
} else {
    echo drawEmptyResult(getString('staff_requests_empty'));
echo drawTableEnd();
//never logged in
echo drawTableStart();
echo drawHeaderRow(getString('staff_never_logged_in'), 3, getString('staff_invite_all'), url_query_add(array("action" => "invite"), false));
$result = db_query("SELECT id, lastname, firstname, created_date FROM users WHERE lastlogin IS NULL AND is_active = 1 ORDER BY lastname");
if (db_found($result)) {
Ejemplo n.º 7

include "include.php";
if (url_action('delete')) {
echo drawTop();
$t = new table('bb_topics_types', drawHeader($page['is_admin'] ? array('category_edit.php' => getString('category_new')) : false));
$t->set_column('category', 'l', getString('category'));
$t->set_column('topics', 'r', getString('topics'));
if ($page['is_admin']) {
    $t->set_column('delete', 'd', '&nbsp;');
$result = db_table('SELECT 
		y.title' . langExt() . ' category, 
		(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bb_topics t WHERE t.type_id = y.id AND t.is_active = 1) topics 
	FROM bb_topics_types y 
	WHERE y.is_active = 1
	ORDER BY y.title');
foreach ($result as &$r) {
    $r['category'] = draw_link('category.php?id=' . $r['id'], $r['category']);
    if ($page['is_admin']) {
        $r['delete'] = draw_img('/images/icons/delete.png', url_query_add(array('action' => 'delete', 'id' => $r['id']), false));
echo $t->draw($result, 'No categories added yet');
echo drawBottom();
Ejemplo n.º 8
function drawTicketRow($r, $mode = "status")
    //mode can be status or type
    global $priorityOptions, $statusOptions, $ownerOptions, $typeOptions, $_josh;
    $return = '
		<td rowspan="2">' . drawName($r["created_user"], $r["first"] . ' ' . $r["last"], $r["created_date"], true, $r['updated']) . '</td>
		<td colspan="3"><a href="ticket.php?id=' . $r["id"] . '"><b>' . $r["title"] . '</b></a></td>
		<td rowspan="2">' . draw_img("/images/icons/delete.png", drawDeleteLink("Delete this ticket?", $r["id"], "delete", "ticketID")) . '</td>
    $t = array("ticketID" => $r["id"]);
    if ($mode == "status") {
        $return .= '<td>' . draw_form_select("", $priorityOptions, $r["priorityID"], false, "field", "location.href='" . url_query_add($t, false) . "&newPriority=' + this.value") . '</td>
			<td>' . draw_form_select("", $statusOptions, $r["statusID"], true, "field", "location.href='" . url_query_add($t, false) . "&newStatus=' + this.value") . '</td>
			<td>' . draw_form_select("", $ownerOptions, $r["ownerID"], false, "field", "location.href='" . url_query_add($t, false) . "&newOwner=' + this.value") . '</td>';
    } elseif ($mode == "type") {
        $return .= '<td colspan="3">' . draw_form_select("", $typeOptions, $r["type_id"], false, "field", "location.href='" . url_query_add($t, false) . "&newType=' + this.value") . '</td>';
    $return .= '</tr>';
    return $return;
Ejemplo n.º 9
		' . db_updated('u') . '
	FROM users u
	JOIN languages l ON u.language_id = l.id
	LEFT JOIN users_to_channels u2c ON u.id = u2c.user_id
	LEFT JOIN channels			c ON u2c.channel_id = c.id
	LEFT JOIN intranet_ranks	r ON u.rankID = r.id
	LEFT JOIN organizations		o ON u.organization_id = o.id
	LEFT JOIN departments		d ON d.departmentID	= u.departmentID 				
	LEFT JOIN offices    		f ON f.id			= u.officeID 				
	LEFT JOIN intranet_us_states		s ON u.homeStateID	= s.stateID
	WHERE u.id = ' . $_GET['id']);
$r['nickname'] = trim($r['nickname']);
$r['organization'] = empty($r['organization']) ? '<a href="organizations.php?id=0">' . getString('shared') . '</a>' : '<a href="organizations.php?id=' . $r['organization_id'] . '">' . $r['organization'] . '</a>';
//if (!isset($r['is_active'])) url_change("./");
if (!($img = draw_img(file_dynamic('users', 'image_large', $_GET['id'], 'jpg', $r['updated'])))) {
    $img = draw_img(DIRECTORY_WRITE . "/images/to-be-taken.png");
file_dynamic('users', 'image_medium', $_GET['id'], 'jpg', $r['updated']);
file_dynamic('users', 'image_small', $_GET['id'], 'jpg', $r['updated']);
echo drawJumpToStaff($_GET['id']);
if (!$r['is_active']) {
    $msg = "This is a former staff member.  ";
    if ($r['endDate']) {
        $msg .= $r['nickname'] ? $r['nickname'] : $r['firstname'];
        $msg .= "'s last day was " . format_date($r['endDate']) . ".";
    echo drawMessage($msg, "center");
<table class="left" cellspacing="1">
Ejemplo n.º 10
		<td><a href="add_edit.php?requestID=<?php 
        echo $r["id"];
        echo $r["lastname"];
, <?php 
        echo $r["firstname"];
		<td class="r"><?php 
        echo format_date_time($r["createdOn"]);
		<td width="16"><?php 
        echo draw_img($locale . "images/icons/delete.gif", url_query_add(array("action" => "deletereq", "id" => $r["id"]), false));
} else {
    echo drawEmptyResult("No pending requests!");
echo drawTableEnd();
echo drawTableStart();
echo drawHeaderRow("Never Logged In", 3, "invite them all", url_query_add(array("action" => "invite"), false));
$result = db_query("SELECT userid, lastname, firstname, createdOn FROM intranet_users WHERE lastlogin IS NULL AND isactive = 1 ORDER BY lastname");
if (db_found($result)) {
Ejemplo n.º 11
function draw_navigation($options, $match = false, $type = "text", $class = "navigation")
    //type could be text, images or rollovers
    global $_josh;
    $return = $_josh["newline"] . $_josh["newline"] . "<!--start nav-->" . $_josh["newline"] . "<ul class='" . $class . "'>";
    if ($match === false) {
        $match = $_josh["request"]["path"];
    } elseif ($match === true) {
        $match = $_josh["request"]["path_query"];
    } elseif ($match == "//") {
        //to take care of a common / . folder . / scenario
        $match = "/";
    error_debug("<b>draw_navigation</b> match is " . $match);
    $counter = 1;
    $javascript = $_josh["newline"];
    foreach ($options as $title => $url) {
        $name = 'option' . $counter;
        $return .= $_josh["newline"] . '<li><a href="' . $url . '" class="' . $name;
        if (str_replace(url_base(), "", $url) == $match) {
            $img_state = "_on";
            $return .= ' selected';
        } else {
            $img_state = "_off";
            if ($type == "rollovers") {
                $return .= '" onmouseover="javascript:roll(\'' . $name . '\',\'on\');" onmouseout="javascript:roll(\'' . $name . '\',\'off\');';
        $return .= '">';
        if ($type == "text") {
            $return .= $title;
        } elseif ($type == "images" || $type == "rollovers") {
            $img = str_replace("/", "", $url);
            if (empty($img)) {
                $img = "home";
            $img = "/images/navigation/" . $img;
            if ($type == "rollovers") {
                $javascript .= $name . "_on\t\t = new Image;" . $_josh["newline"];
                $javascript .= $name . "_off\t = new Image;" . $_josh["newline"];
                $javascript .= $name . "_on.src\t = '" . $img . "_on.png';" . $_josh["newline"];
                $javascript .= $name . "_off.src = '" . $img . "_off.png';" . $_josh["newline"];
            $img .= $img_state . ".png";
            $return .= draw_img($img, false, false, $name);
        $return .= '</a></li>';
    $return .= $_josh["newline"] . "</ul>";
    if ($type == "rollovers") {
        $return = draw_javascript('if (document.images) {' . $javascript . '}
		function roll(what, how) { eval("document." + what + ".src = " + what + "_" + how + ".src;"); }') . $return;
    return $return;
Ejemplo n.º 12
$corners = array('top-left', 'top-right', 'bottom-left', 'bottom-right');
foreach ($corners as $c) {
    echo draw_div_class($c, draw_img('/images/corners-white/' . $c . '.png'));
echo draw_img(DIRECTORY_WRITE . "/login.png");
$f = new form('login', false, getString('submit'));
$f->set_field(array('name' => 'email', 'type' => 'text', 'label' => getString('email'), 'value' => @$_COOKIE["last_email"]));
$f->set_field(array('name' => 'password', 'type' => 'password', 'label' => getString('password')));
$f->set_field(array('name' => 'goto', 'type' => 'hidden', 'value' => @$_GET["goto"]));
$f->set_focus(@$_COOKIE["last_email"] ? 'password' : 'email');
echo $f->draw();
			<div id="grey">
foreach ($corners as $c) {
    echo draw_div_class($c, draw_img('/images/corners-grey/' . $c . '.png'));
echo getString("app_welcome");
echo draw_nav(array('/login/password_reset.php' => getString("login_forgot_password"), '/login/account_request.php' => getString("login_need_account"), 'mailto:' . $_josh['email_default'] => getString("login_ask_question")));
if (getOption('languages')) {
    echo draw_div('language', draw_form_select('language_id', 'SELECT id, title FROM languages ORDER BY title', $_SESSION['language_id'], true, 'grey', 'url_query_set(\'language_id\', this.value)'));
Ejemplo n.º 13

include "../include.php";
echo drawTop();
<table class="left" cellspacing="1">
echo drawHeaderRow("Former Staff", 5);
$staff = db_query("SELECT \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tu.id, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tu.lastname,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tISNULL(u.nickname, u.firstname) firstname, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tu.bio, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tu.phone, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tf.name office, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tu.title, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\td.departmentName\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM users u\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT  JOIN departments d ON d.departmentID = u.departmentID \n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT  JOIN offices f     ON f.id = u.officeID\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE u.is_active = 0\n\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY u.lastname, ISNULL(u.nickname, u.firstname)");
while ($s = db_fetch($staff)) {
	<tr height="38">
		<td width="47" align="center"><?php 
    echo draw_img(DIRECTORY_WRITE . "/staff/" . $r["user_id"] . "-small.jpg", "/staff/view.php?id=" . $r["user_id"]);
		<td><nobr><a href="view.php?id=<?php 
    echo $s["user_id"];
    echo $s["lastname"];
, <?php 
    echo $s["firstname"];
    echo $s["title"];
Ejemplo n.º 14
		<th class="r">Updated</th>
    if ($page['is_admin']) {
<th width="16"></th><?php 
    while ($d = db_fetch($docs)) {
        $link = "./?id=" . $d["id"];
		<td width="16"><?php 
        echo draw_img(DIRECTORY_WRITE . $d["icon"], $link);
		<td><a href="<?php 
        echo $link;
        echo $d["name"];
		<td class="r"><?php 
        echo format_date($d["updated_date"]);
        echo drawdrawColumnDelete("Delete document?", $d["id"]);
Ejemplo n.º 15

include 'include.php';
$users = db_table('SELECT id, ' . db_updated() . ' FROM users');
foreach ($users as $u) {
    echo draw_img(file_dynamic('users', 'image_large', $u['id'], 'jpg', $u['updated']));
    echo draw_img(file_dynamic('users', 'image_medium', $u['id'], 'jpg', $u['updated']));
    echo draw_img(file_dynamic('users', 'image_small', $u['id'], 'jpg', $u['updated']));
Ejemplo n.º 16
		<td class="left">Date</td>
    echo format_date($r["pubDate"]);
    if ($r["docExt"]) {
		<td class="left">File</td>
		<td><table class="nospacing"><tr><td><?php 
        echo draw_img(DIRECTORY_WRITE . $r["icon"], "download.php?id=" . $_GET["id"]);
		<td><a href="download.php?id=<?php 
        echo $_GET["id"];
"> <?php 
        echo $r["docTypeDesc"];
        echo format_size(strlen($r["content"]));