function drawTree($tree, $tag = 'ul') { echo "<{$tag}>"; foreach ($tree as $node) { drawNode($node); } echo "</{$tag}>"; }
/** * Draw the ChildNOdes of the MenuNode which is passed and the menunode itself.. * Calls drawNode for alle the ChildNOdes then. * * @param MenuObject $node * @param boolean $commented */ function drawNode($node, $commented) { global $cds; echo "<li>"; //Draw the link echo $cds->layout->menu->getLink($node); if ($commented) { $desc = $node->getDescription(); if (strlen($desc) > 0) { br(); echo $desc; } } // query for childnodes if ($node->hasLowerLevel()) { echo '<ul>'; $childs = $node->lowerLevel(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($childs); $i++) { drawNode($childs[$i], $commented); } echo '</ul>'; } echo "</li>"; }