/** * 2.3.1 更新程序 */ public function index() { $this->admin_msg('升级完成,请更新全站缓存在刷新页面', '', 1); if (DR_VERSION_ID != 16) { //$this->admin_msg('升级完成,请更新全站缓存在刷新页面', '', 1); } // $page = (int) $this->input->get('page'); if (!$page) { $this->admin_msg('正在升级数据...', dr_url('update/index', array('page' => $page + 1)), 2); } switch ($page) { case 1: $data = $this->db->get('site')->result_array(); if ($data) { $field = $this->db->dbprefix('field'); foreach ($data as $t) { $table = $this->db->dbprefix($t['id'] . '_navigator'); $this->db->query('ALTER TABLE `' . $table . '` ADD `childids` TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `child`;'); $this->db->query('ALTER TABLE `' . $table . '` ADD `pids` TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `pid`;'); $this->db->query('ALTER TABLE `' . $table . '` ADD `mark` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL AFTER `show`;'); $this->db->query('ALTER TABLE `' . $table . '` ADD `extend` INT(1) DEFAULT NULL AFTER `mark`;'); $this->db->query('ALTER TABLE `' . $table . '` ADD INDEX (`mark`) ;'); $this->db->query('ALTER TABLE `' . $table . '` ADD INDEX (`extend`) ;'); } } $this->admin_msg('正在升级网站导航表结构...', dr_url('update/index', array('page' => $page + 1)), 2); break; default: $this->admin_msg('升级完成,请更新全站缓存在刷新页面', '', 1); break; } }
/** * 菜单管理 */ public function index() { if (IS_POST) { $ids = $this->input->post('ids'); if (!$ids) { exit(dr_json(0, lang('013'))); } // 可以不用判断权限 if ($this->input->post('action') == 'order') { $_data = $this->input->post('data'); foreach ($ids as $id) { $this->db->where('id', $id)->update('admin_menu', array('displayorder' => (int) $_data[$id]['displayorder'])); } $this->menu_model->cache(); $this->system_log('排序后台菜单项【#' . @implode(',', $ids) . '】'); // 记录日志 exit(dr_json(1, lang('339'))); } else { $this->menu_model->delete($ids); $this->system_log('删除后台菜单项【#' . @implode(',', $ids) . '】'); // 记录日志 $this->menu_model->cache(); exit(dr_json(1, lang('339'))); } } $this->load->library('dtree'); $this->dtree->icon = array(' │ ', ' ├─ ', ' └─ '); $this->dtree->nbsp = ' '; $left = $this->menu_model->get_left_id(); $data = $this->db->order_by('displayorder ASC,id ASC')->get('admin_menu')->result_array(); $tree = array(); if ($data) { foreach ($data as $t) { $t['name'] = '<i class="' . $t['icon'] . '"></i> ' . $t['name']; $t['option'] = ''; if ($this->is_auth('admin/menu/add') && !in_array($t['pid'], $left)) { $t['option'] .= '<a class="add" title="' . lang('add') . '" href="' . dr_dialog_url(dr_url('menu/add', array('pid' => $t['id'])), 'add') . '"></a> '; } else { $t['option'] .= '<a class="add" style="background:none" href="javascript:;"></a> '; } if ($this->is_auth('admin/menu/edit')) { $t['hidden'] = '<a href="javascript:;" onClick="return dr_dialog_set(\'' . ($t['hidden'] ? lang('html-161') : lang('html-162')) . '\',\'' . dr_url('menu/hidden', array('id' => $t['id'])) . '\');"><img src="/dayrui/statics/images/' . ($t['hidden'] ? 0 : 1) . '.gif"></a>'; } else { $t['hidden'] = '<img src="/dayrui/statics/images/' . ($t['hidden'] ? 0 : 1) . '.gif">'; } if ($this->is_auth('admin/menu/edit')) { $t['option'] .= '<a class="edit" title="' . lang('edit') . '" href="' . dr_dialog_url(dr_url('menu/edit', array('id' => $t['id'])), 'edit') . '"></a> '; $t['name'] = '<a title="' . lang('edit') . '" href="' . dr_dialog_url(dr_url('menu/edit', array('id' => $t['id'])), 'edit') . '">' . $t['name'] . '</a> '; } if ($this->is_auth('admin/menu/del')) { $t['option'] .= '<a class="del" title="' . lang('del') . '" href="javascript:;" onClick="return dr_dialog_del(\'' . lang('015') . '\',\'' . dr_url('menu/del', array('id' => $t['id'])) . '\');"></a> '; } $tree[$t['id']] = $t; } } $str = "<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td align='right'><input name='ids[]' type='checkbox' class='dr_select' value='\$id' /> </td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td align='center'><input class='input-text displayorder' type='text' name='data[\$id][displayorder]' value='\$displayorder' /></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td align='center'>\$hidden</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>\$spacer\$name</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td align='left'>\$option</td>\n\t\t\t\t</tr>"; $this->dtree->init($tree); $this->template->assign(array('list' => $this->dtree->get_tree(0, $str))); $this->template->display('menu_index.html'); }
/** * 管理 */ public function index() { if (IS_POST) { $ids = $this->input->post('ids'); if (!$ids) { exit(dr_json(0, lang('013'))); } elseif (!$this->is_auth('admin/poster/del')) { exit(dr_json(0, lang('160'))); } $this->link->where_in('id', $ids)->delete($this->table); $this->poster_model->delete('sid IN(' . @implode(',', $ids) . ')'); $this->system_log('删除广告位【#' . @implode(',', $ids) . '】'); // 记录日志 $this->cache(1); exit(dr_json(1, lang('000'))); } $data = array(); $page = max(1, (int) $_GET['page']); $total = $_GET['total'] ? $_GET['total'] : $this->link->count_all_results($this->table); $order = isset($_GET['order']) && strpos($_GET['order'], "undefined") !== 0 ? $_GET['order'] : 'id DESC'; if ($total) { $data = $this->link->order_by($order)->limit(SITE_ADMIN_PAGESIZE, SITE_ADMIN_PAGESIZE * ($page - 1))->get($this->table)->result_array(); } $param = array('total' => $total, 'order' => $order); $this->template->assign(array('list' => $data, 'type' => $this->type, 'total' => $param['total'], 'pages' => $this->get_pagination(dr_url('poster/index', $param), $param['total']))); $this->template->display('poster_index.html'); }
/** * 管理 */ protected function admin_index() { if (IS_POST) { if (!$this->is_auth(APP_DIR . '/admin/tag/del')) { exit(dr_json(0, lang('160'))); } $id = $this->input->post('ids'); if ($id) { $this->link->where_in('id', $id)->delete($this->tag_model->tablename); } $this->system_log('删除站点【#' . SITE_ID . '】模块【' . APP_DIR . '】Tag内容【#' . @implode(',', $id) . '】'); // 记录日志 exit(dr_json(1, lang('000'))); } // 数据库中分页查询 $kw = $this->input->get('kw') ? $this->input->get('kw') : ''; list($data, $param) = $this->tag_model->limit_page($kw, max((int) $this->input->get('page'), 1), (int) $this->input->get('total')); // 菜单选择 if (isset($_GET['kw'])) { $this->template->assign('menu', $this->get_menu(array(lang('125') => APP_DIR . '/admin/tag/index/kw/', lang('add') => APP_DIR . '/admin/tag/add_js'))); } else { $this->_menu(); } $this->template->assign(array('mod' => $this->module, 'list' => $data, 'param' => $param, 'pages' => $this->get_pagination(dr_url(APP_DIR . '/tag/index', $param), $param['total']))); $this->template->display('tag_index.html'); }
/** * 版本检测 */ private function _version() { $id = (int) dr_catcher_data('http://www.omooo.com/index.php?c=sys&m=now'); if ($id && DR_VERSION_ID < $id) { return $this->halt("您的当前版本过低,为了您网站的安全性,请立即升级到官方最新版本,<a style='color:red' href='" . dr_url('upgrade/index') . "'><b>这里升级</b></a>", 0); } }
/** * 删除 */ public function del() { $id = (int) $this->input->get('id'); $this->form_model->del($id); $this->system_log('删除网站表单【#' . $id . '】'); // 记录日志 $this->admin_msg(lang('000'), dr_url('form/index'), 1); }
/** * 删除收货地址 */ public function del() { $id = (int) $this->input->get('id'); $this->db->where('id', $id)->where('uid', $this->uid)->delete('member_address'); if (IS_AJAX) { exit(dr_json(1, lang('000'))); } $this->member_msg(lang('000'), dr_url('address/index'), 1); }
/** * 执行 */ public function execute() { $id = (int) $this->input->get('id'); $data = $this->db->where('id', $id)->limit(1)->get('cron_queue')->row_array(); if (!$data) { $this->admin_msg(lang('019')); } $this->cron_model->execute($data); $this->admin_msg(lang('000'), dr_url('cron/index'), 1); }
/** * 修改 */ public function edit() { $id = (int) $this->input->get('id'); $data = $this->db->where('id', $id)->limit(1)->get('urlrule')->row_array(); if (!$data) { $this->admin_msg(lang('019')); } if (IS_POST) { $this->db->where('id', $id)->update('urlrule', array('name' => $this->input->post('name'), 'value' => dr_array2string($this->input->post('data')))); $this->cache(1); $this->admin_msg(lang('000'), dr_url('urlrule/index'), 1); } $data['value'] = dr_string2array($data['value']); $this->template->assign(array('data' => $data)); $this->template->display('urlrule_add.html'); }
/** * 我的订单 */ public function index() { if (IS_POST && $this->input->post('action')) { $ids = $this->input->post('ids', TRUE); if (!$ids) { exit(dr_json(0, lang('013'))); } if ($this->input->post('action') == 'del') { if (!$this->is_auth(APP_DIR . 'admin/format/del')) { exit(dr_json(0, lang('160'))); } $this->link->where_in('id', $ids)->delete($this->order_model->tablename); $this->link->where_in('fid', $ids)->delete($this->order_model->dataname); $this->order_model->cache(); exit(dr_json(1, lang('000'))); } else { if (!$this->is_auth(APP_DIR . 'admin/format/edit')) { exit(dr_json(0, lang('160'))); } $_data = $this->input->post('data'); foreach ($ids as $id) { $this->link->where('id', $id)->update($this->order_model->tablename, $_data[$id]); } $this->order_model->cache(); exit(dr_json(1, lang('000'))); } } else { // 执行关闭过期订单操作 $this->order_model->close_order(); } // 根据参数筛选结果 $param = array(); if ($this->input->get('search')) { $param['search'] = 1; } // 数据库中分页查询 list($data, $param) = $this->order_model->limit_page($param, max((int) $this->input->get('page'), 1), (int) $this->input->get('total')); if ($this->input->get('search')) { $_param = $this->cache->file->get($this->order_model->cache_file); } else { $_param = $this->input->post('data'); } $_param = $_param ? $param + $_param : $param; $this->template->assign(array('list' => $data, 'pages' => $this->get_pagination(dr_url(APP_DIR . '/order/index', $param), $param['total']), 'param' => $_param, 'menu' => $this->get_menu(array(lang('my-31') => APP_DIR . '/admin/order/index')), 'paytype' => $this->order_model->get_pay_type())); $this->template->display('order_index.html'); }
/** * 首页 */ public function index() { $uid = (int) $this->input->get('uid'); // 根据参数筛选结果 $param = array('uid' => $uid, 'type' => 0); if ($this->input->get('search')) { $param['search'] = 1; } // 数据库中分页查询 list($data, $param) = $this->score_model->limit_page($param, max((int) $this->input->get('page'), 1), (int) $this->input->get('total')); $param['uid'] = $uid; if ($this->input->get('search')) { $_param = $this->cache->file->get($this->score_model->cache_file); } else { $_param = $this->input->post('data'); } $_param = $_param ? $param + $_param : $param; $this->template->assign(array('list' => $data, 'name' => SITE_EXPERIENCE, 'param' => $_param, 'pages' => $this->get_pagination(dr_url('member/experience/index', $param), $param['total']))); $this->template->display('score_index.html'); }
/** * 空间资料 */ public function index() { $error = NULL; $field = array(); $MEMBER = $this->get_cache('member'); $field[] = $MEMBER['spacefield']['name']; if ($MEMBER['spacefield'] && $MEMBER['group'][$this->member['groupid']]['spacefield']) { foreach ($MEMBER['spacefield'] as $t) { if (in_array($t['fieldname'], $MEMBER['group'][$this->member['groupid']]['spacefield'])) { $field[] = $t; } } } define('IS_SPACE_THEME', $this->space['style'] ? $this->space['style'] : 'default'); if (IS_POST) { $post = $this->validate_filter($field, $this->space); if (isset($post['error'])) { $data = $this->input->post('data', TRUE); $error = $post['msg']; } else { $error = $this->space_model->update($this->uid, $this->member['groupid'], $post[1]); if ($error) { $this->attachment_handle($this->uid, $this->db->dbprefix('space') . '-' . $this->uid, $field, $this->space); } if ($error == 0) { // 名称重复 $error = lang('m-239'); } elseif ($error == 1) { // 操作成功 $this->member_msg(lang('000'), dr_url('space/index'), 1); } else { // 操作成功,等待审核 $this->member_msg(lang('m-240'), dr_url('space/index'), 2); } } } else { $data = $this->space; } $this->template->assign(array('data' => $data, 'field' => $field, 'myfield' => $this->field_input($field, $data, FALSE, 'uid'), 'newspace' => $this->space ? 0 : 1, 'result_error' => $error)); $this->template->display('space_index.html'); }
/** * 虚拟卡兑换 */ public function convert() { $error = ''; if (IS_POST) { $score = abs((int) $this->input->post('score')); $money = (double) $score / SITE_CONVERT; if (!$score) { $error = lang('m-227'); } elseif ($money > $this->member['money']) { $error = lang('m-210'); } else { // 虚拟币增加 $this->member_model->update_score(1, $this->uid, $score, '', 'lang,m-226'); // 人民币减少 $this->pay_model->add($this->uid, -$money, 'lang,m-228,' . $score); $this->member_msg(lang('m-225'), dr_url('pay/score'), 1); } } $this->template->assign(array('result_error' => $error)); $this->template->display('pay_convert.html'); }
/** * 系统操作日志 */ public function oplog() { $time = isset($_POST['data']['time']) && $_POST['data']['time'] ? (int) $_POST['data']['time'] : (int) $this->input->get('time'); $time = $time ? $time : SYS_TIME; $file = FCPATH . 'cache/optionlog/' . date('Ym', $time) . '/' . date('d', $time) . '.log'; $list = array(); $data = @explode(PHP_EOL, file_get_contents($file)); $data = @array_reverse($data); $page = max(1, (int) $this->input->get('page')); $total = count($data); $limit = ($page - 1) * SITE_ADMIN_PAGESIZE; $i = $j = 0; foreach ($data as $v) { if ($v && $i >= $limit && $j < SITE_ADMIN_PAGESIZE) { $list[] = $v; $j++; } $i++; } $this->template->assign(array('time' => $time, 'list' => $list, 'total' => $total, 'pages' => $this->get_pagination(dr_url('system/oplog', array('time' => $time)), $total))); $this->template->display('system_oplog.html'); }
/** * 更新URL */ public function url() { $cfile = SITE_ID . APP_DIR . $this->uid . $this->input->ip_address() . '_content_url'; if (IS_POST) { $catid = $this->input->post('catid'); $query = $this->link; if (count($catid) > 1 || $catid[0]) { $query->where_in('catid', $catid); if (count($this->get_cache('module-' . SITE_ID . '-' . APP_DIR, 'category')) == count($catid)) { $catid = 0; } } else { $catid = 0; } // 统计数量 $total = $query->count_all_results($this->content_model->prefix . '_index'); $this->cache->file->save($cfile, array('catid' => $catid, 'total' => $total), 10000); if ($total) { $this->mini_msg(dr_lang('132', $total), dr_url(APP_DIR . '/home/url', array('todo' => 1)), 2); } else { $this->mini_msg(lang('133')); } } // 处理url if ($this->input->get('todo')) { $page = max(1, (int) $this->input->get('page')); $psize = 100; // 每页处理的数量 $cache = $this->cache->file->get($cfile); if ($cache) { $total = $cache['total']; $catid = $cache['catid']; } else { $catid = 0; $total = $this->link->count_all_results($this->content_model->prefix); } $tpage = ceil($total / $psize); // 总页数 if ($page > $tpage) { // 更新完成删除缓存 $this->cache->file->delete($cfile); $this->mini_msg(lang('360'), NULL, 1); } $module = $this->get_cache('module-' . SITE_ID . '-' . APP_DIR); $table = $this->content_model->prefix; if ($catid) { $this->link->where_in('catid', $catid); } $data = $this->link->limit($psize, $psize * ($page - 1))->order_by('id DESC')->get($table)->result_array(); foreach ($data as $t) { $url = dr_show_url($module, $t); $this->link->update($table, array('url' => $url), 'id=' . $t['id']); if ($module['extend']) { $extend = $this->link->where('cid', (int) $t['id'])->order_by('id DESC')->get($table . '_extend')->result_array(); if ($extend) { foreach ($extend as $e) { $this->link->where('id=', (int) $e['id'])->update($table . '_extend', array('url' => dr_extend_url($module, $e))); } } } } $this->mini_msg(dr_lang('135', "{$tpage}/{$page}"), dr_url(APP_DIR . '/home/url', array('todo' => 1, 'page' => $page + 1)), 2, 0); } else { $this->template->assign(array('menu' => $this->get_menu($this->_get_content_menu()), 'select' => $this->select_category($this->get_cache('module-' . SITE_ID . '-' . APP_DIR, 'category'), 0, 'id="dr_synid" name=\'catid[]\' multiple style="width:200px;height:250px;"', ''))); $this->template->display('content_url.html'); } }
/** * 修改 */ public function edit() { $id = (int) $this->input->get('id'); $data = $this->db->where('id', $id)->limit(1)->get($this->space_content_model->tablename)->row_array(); if (!$data) { $this->admin_msg(lang('019')); } $this->load->model('space_category_model'); $this->load->model('space_content_model'); $category = $this->space_category_model->get_data($this->mid, $data['uid']); if (IS_POST) { $post = $this->validate_filter($this->model['field']); $catid = (int) $this->input->post('catid'); // 栏目参数 // 验证出错信息 if (isset($post['error'])) { $error = $post; $data = $this->input->post('data', TRUE); } elseif (!$catid) { $data = $this->input->post('data', TRUE); $error = array('error' => 'catid', 'msg' => lang('m-300')); } elseif ($category[$catid]['child'] || $category[$catid]['modelid'] != $this->mid) { $data = $this->input->post('data', TRUE); $error = array('error' => 'catid', 'msg' => lang('m-301')); } else { // 设定文档默认值 $post[1]['catid'] = $catid; $post[1]['status'] = (int) $this->input->post('status'); // 修改文档 if (($id = $this->space_content_model->edit($id, $data['uid'], $post[1])) != FALSE) { $mark = $this->space_content_model->tablename . '-' . $id; if ($post[1]['status']) { $member = $this->member_model->get_base_member($data['uid']); $markrule = $member ? $member['mark'] : 0; $experience = (int) $this->model['setting'][$markrule]['experience']; $score = (int) $this->model['setting'][$markrule]['score']; // 积分处理 if ($experience) { $this->member_model->update_score(0, $data['uid'], $experience, $mark, "lang,m-151,{$category[$catid]['name']}", 1); } // 虚拟币处理 if ($score) { $this->member_model->update_score(1, $data['uid'], $score, $mark, "lang,m-151,{$category[$catid]['name']}", 1); } } $this->attachment_handle($data['uid'], $mark, $this->model['field'], $data, $post[1]['status'] ? TRUE : FALSE); $this->member_msg(lang('000'), dr_url('member/content/index', array('mid' => $this->mid, 'tid' => $this->tid)), 1); } } $data = $data[1]; unset($data['id']); } $this->template->assign(array('data' => $data, 'error' => $error, 'select' => $this->select_space_category($category, (int) $data['catid'], 'name=\'catid\'', NULL, 1), 'myfield' => $this->field_input($this->model['field'], $data))); $this->template->display('content_edit.html'); }
/** * 升级程序 */ public function upgrade() { $key = (int) $this->input->get('key'); $dir = $this->input->get('dir'); if (is_file(FCPATH . 'app/' . $dir . '/config/app.php')) { $config = (require FCPATH . 'app/' . $dir . '/config/app.php'); if ((int) $config['key'] != $key) { $this->admin_msg('此应用无法在线升级,key不匹配'); } } else { $this->admin_msg('此应用无法在线升级,目录(/app/' . $dir . '/)不存在'); } $data = dr_catcher_data(urldecode($this->input->get('id'))); if (!$data) { $this->admin_msg('对不起,您的服务器不支持远程下载'); } $save = FCPATH . 'cache/down/app.zip'; $check = FCPATH . 'cache/down/app/'; if (!@file_put_contents($save, $data)) { $this->admin_msg('目录/cache/down/没有写入权限'); } // 解压缩文件 $this->load->helper('file'); $this->load->library('Pclzip'); // 文件安全性检测 $this->pclzip->PclFile($save); $content = $this->pclzip->listContent(); if (!$content) { $this->admin_msg('文件下载不完整或者已经损坏!<br>请检查网站目录权限或者联系应用开发者。'); } foreach ($content as $t) { if (strpos($t['stored_filename'], '..') !== FALSE || strpos($t['stored_filename'], '/') === 0) { $this->admin_msg('含有非法名称的文件:' . basename($t['stored_filename'])); } } unset($content); // 开始解压文件 if ($this->pclzip->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, $check, PCLZIP_OPT_REPLACE_NEWER) == 0) { @unlink($save); delete_files(FCPATH . 'cache/down/', TRUE); $this->admin_msg("Error : " . $this->pclzip->errorInfo(true)); } // 检查版本文件 if (!is_file($check . 'config/app.php') || !filesize($check . 'config/app.php')) { delete_files(FCPATH . 'cache/down/', TRUE); $this->admin_msg('升级文件不完整,请重试'); } // 覆盖至网站目录 $this->pclzip->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, FCPATH . 'app/' . $dir, PCLZIP_OPT_REPLACE_NEWER); delete_files(FCPATH . 'cache/down/', TRUE); // 运行SQL语句 if (is_file(FCPATH . 'app/' . $dir . '/update.sql')) { $sql = file_get_contents(FCPATH . 'app/' . $dir . '/update.sql'); $sql = str_replace('{dbprefix}', $this->db->dbprefix, $sql); $this->sql_query($sql); @unlink(FCPATH . 'app/' . $dir . '/update.sql'); } //检查update控制器 if (is_file(FCPATH . 'app/' . $dir . '/controllers/admin/Update.php')) { $this->admin_msg('正在升级数据,请稍候...', dr_url($dir . '/update/index'), 2); } $this->admin_msg('升级完成,请重新检测一次版本', dr_url('application/index'), 1); }
/** * 日志 */ public function log() { if (IS_POST) { @unlink(FCPATH . 'cache/mail_error.log'); exit(dr_json(1, lang('000'))); } $data = $list = array(); $file = @file_get_contents(FCPATH . 'cache/mail_error.log'); if ($file) { $data = explode(PHP_EOL, $file); $data = $data ? array_reverse($data) : array(); unset($data[0]); $page = max(1, (int) $this->input->get('page')); $limit = ($page - 1) * SITE_ADMIN_PAGESIZE; $i = $j = 0; foreach ($data as $v) { if ($i >= $limit && $j < SITE_ADMIN_PAGESIZE) { $list[] = $v; $j++; } $i++; } } $total = count($data); $this->template->assign(array('list' => $list, 'total' => $total, 'pages' => $this->get_pagination(dr_url('mail/log'), $total))); $this->template->display('mail_log.html'); }
/** * 显示 */ public function show() { if ($this->is_auth('admin/navigator/edit')) { $id = (int) $this->input->get('id'); $data = $this->db->select('show,type')->where('id', $id)->limit(1)->get(SITE_ID . '_navigator')->row_array(); $this->db->where('id', $id)->update(SITE_ID . '_navigator', array('show' => $data['show'] == 1 ? 0 : 1)); $this->cache(1); $this->admin_msg(lang('000'), dr_url('navigator/index', array('type' => $data['type'])), 1); } else { $this->admin_msg(lang('160')); } }
/** * 会员url函数 * * @param string $url URL规则,如home/index * @param array $query 相关参数 * @return string 地址 */ function dr_member_url($url, $query = array()) { return MEMBER_URL . dr_url($url, $query, 'index.php'); }
/** * 注册 */ public function index() { $MEMBER = $this->get_cache('MEMBER'); // 判断是否开启注册 if (!$MEMBER['setting']['register']) { $this->member_msg(lang('m-016')); } // 已经登录不允许注册 if ($this->member) { $this->member_msg(lang('m-017')); } if (IS_POST) { $data = $this->input->post('data', TRUE); $back_url = $_POST['back'] ? urldecode($this->input->post('back')) : ''; if ($MEMBER['setting']['regcode'] && !$this->check_captcha('code')) { $error = array('name' => 'code', 'msg' => lang('m-000')); } elseif (!$data['password']) { $error = array('name' => 'password', 'msg' => lang('m-018')); } elseif ($data['password'] !== $data['password2']) { $error = array('name' => 'password2', 'msg' => lang('m-019')); } elseif ($result = $this->is_username($data['username'])) { $error = array('name' => 'username', 'msg' => $result); } elseif ($result = $this->is_email($data['email'])) { $error = array('name' => 'email', 'msg' => $result); } else { $this->hooks->call_hook('member_register_before', $data); // 注册之前挂钩点 $id = $this->member_model->register($data); if ($id > 0) { // 注册成功 $this->hooks->call_hook('member_register_after', $data); // 注册之后挂钩点 $this->member_msg(lang('m-020'), $back_url && strpos($back_url, 'register') === FALSE ? $back_url : dr_url('login/index'), 1); } elseif ($id == -1) { $error = array('name' => 'username', 'msg' => dr_lang('m-021', $data['username'])); } elseif ($id == -2) { $error = array('name' => 'email', 'msg' => lang('m-011')); } elseif ($id == -3) { $error = array('name' => 'email', 'msg' => dr_lang('m-022', $data['email'])); } elseif ($id == -4) { $error = array('name' => 'username', 'msg' => lang('m-023')); } elseif ($id == -5) { $error = array('name' => 'username', 'msg' => lang('m-024')); } elseif ($id == -6) { $error = array('name' => 'username', 'msg' => lang('m-025')); } elseif ($id == -7) { $error = array('name' => 'username', 'msg' => lang('m-026')); } elseif ($id == -8) { $error = array('name' => 'username', 'msg' => lang('m-027')); } elseif ($id == -9) { $error = array('name' => 'username', 'msg' => lang('m-028')); } } } else { $data = array(); $error = ''; $back_url = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : ''; } $this->template->assign(array('data' => $data, 'code' => $MEMBER['setting']['regcode'], 'back_url' => $back_url, 'meta_name' => lang('m-029'), 'result_error' => $error)); $this->template->display('register.html'); }
/** * 修改审核 */ public function edit() { $id = (int) $this->input->get('id'); $data = $this->content_model->get_extend_verify($id); $error = array(); if (!$data) { $this->member_msg(lang('019')); } // 禁止修改他人文档 if ($data['author'] != $this->member['username'] && $data['uid'] != $this->member['uid']) { $this->member_msg(lang('mod-05')); } $field = $this->get_cache('module-' . SITE_ID . '-' . APP_DIR, 'extend'); if (IS_POST) { $_data = $data; // 设置uid便于校验处理 $_POST['data']['id'] = $id; $_POST['data']['uid'] = $this->uid; $_POST['data']['author'] = $this->member['username']; $data = $this->validate_filter($field, $_data); if (isset($data['error'])) { $error = $data; $data = $this->input->post('data', TRUE); } else { $this->content = $this->content_model->get($_data['cid']); $data[1]['cid'] = (int) $this->content['id']; $data[1]['uid'] = $this->member['uid']; $data[1]['catid'] = (int) $this->content['catid']; $data[1]['status'] = 1; $data[1]['author'] = $this->member['username']; if (isset($data[1]['mytype'])) { $data[1]['mytype'] = $_data['mytype']; } // 修改数据 if ($this->content_model->edit_extend($_data, $data)) { $this->attachment_handle($this->uid, $this->content_model->prefix . '_verify-' . $_data['cid'] . '-' . $id, $field); if (IS_AJAX) { exit(dr_json(1, lang('m-341'), dr_member_url(APP_DIR . '/everify/index'))); } $this->template->assign(array('url' => dr_member_url(APP_DIR . '/everify/index'), 'add' => dr_member_url(APP_DIR . '/extend/add', array('cid' => $_data['cid'])), 'edit' => 1, 'list' => dr_member_url(APP_DIR . '/extend/index', array('cid' => $_data['cid'])), 'meta_name' => lang('mod-03'))); $this->template->display('verify.html'); } else { $this->member_msg(lang('mod-06')); } exit; } } $backurl = str_replace(MEMBER_URL, '', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); $this->template->assign(array('purl' => dr_url(APP_DIR . '/everify/edit', array('id' => $id)), 'data' => $data, 'myfield' => $this->field_input($field, $data, TRUE), 'backurl' => $backurl ? $backurl : dr_url(APP_DIR . '/everify/index'), 'listurl' => $backurl ? $backurl : dr_url(APP_DIR . '/everify/index'), 'meta_name' => lang('mod-41'), 'result_error' => $error)); $this->template->display('everify_edit.html'); }
/** * 修改 */ public function edit() { // 作者判断 if ($this->content['uid'] != $this->uid) { $this->member_msg(lang('mod-05')); } // 修改权限 if (!$this->catrule['edit']) { $this->member_msg(lang('160')); } $id = (int) $this->input->get('id'); $did = (int) $this->input->get('did'); $data = $this->content_model->get_extend($id); if (!$data) { $this->member_msg(lang('019')); } $error = array(); $result = ''; if (IS_POST) { $_data = $data; $type = (int) $this->input->post('type'); $_POST['data']['cid'] = $this->content['id']; $_POST['data']['uid'] = $this->content['uid']; $data = $this->validate_filter($this->field, $_data); if (isset($data['error'])) { $error = $data; $data = $this->input->post('data', TRUE); } else { $status = isset($data['status']) && $data['status'] ? 9 : ($this->module_rule[$this->content['catid']]['verify'] ? 1 : 9); $status = isset($this->module_rule[$this->content['catid']]['edit_verify']) && $this->module_rule[$this->content['catid']]['edit_verify'] ? 9 : $status; $data[1]['cid'] = $this->content['id']; $data[1]['uid'] = $_data['uid']; $data[1]['catid'] = $this->content['catid']; $data[1]['status'] = $status; $data[1]['author'] = $_data['author']; $data[1]['updatetime'] = SYS_TIME; // 保存为草稿 if ($this->input->post('action') == 'draft') { $data[1]['id'] = $data[0]['id'] = $id; $id = $this->content_model->save_draft($did, $data, 1); $this->attachment_handle($this->uid, $this->content_model->prefix . '_draft-' . $id, $this->field); $this->admin_msg(lang('m-229'), dr_url(APP_DIR . '/home/draft/'), 1); exit; } // 正常保存 if ($id = $this->content_model->edit_extend($_data, $data)) { // 发布草稿时删除草稿数据 if ($did && $this->content_model->delete_draft($did, 'cid=' . $this->content['id'] . ' and eid=' . $id)) { $this->attachment_replace_draft($did, $this->content['id'], $id, $this->content_model->prefix, $data[1]['status']); } if ($data[1]['status'] == 9) { $mark = $this->content_model->prefix . '-' . $this->content['id'] . '-' . $id; // 操作成功处理附件 $this->attachment_handle($this->content['uid'], $mark, $this->field, $_data); if (IS_AJAX) { exit(dr_json(1, lang('m-340'), dr_member_url(APP_DIR . '/extend/index', array('cid' => $this->content['id'])))); } $this->template->assign(array('url' => SITE_URL . APP_DIR . '/index.php?c=extend&id=' . $id, 'add' => dr_member_url(APP_DIR . '/extend/add', array('cid' => $this->content['id'], 'type' => $data[1]['mytype'])), 'edit' => 1, 'html' => MODULE_HTML ? dr_module_create_show_file($this->content['id']) . dr_module_create_list_file($this->content['catid']) : '', 'list' => dr_member_url(APP_DIR . '/extend/index', array('cid' => $this->content['id'])), 'meta_name' => lang('mod-19'))); $this->template->display('success.html'); } else { $this->attachment_handle($this->uid, $this->content_model->prefix . '_verify-' . $this->content['id'] . '-' . $id, $this->field); if (IS_AJAX) { exit(dr_json(1, lang('m-341'), dr_member_url(APP_DIR . '/everify/index'))); } $this->template->assign(array('url' => dr_member_url(APP_DIR . '/everify/index'), 'add' => dr_member_url(APP_DIR . '/extend/add', array('cid' => $this->content['id'], 'type' => $data[1]['mytype'])), 'edit' => 0, 'list' => dr_member_url(APP_DIR . '/extend/index', array('cid' => $this->content['id'])), 'meta_name' => lang('mod-19'))); $this->template->display('verify.html'); } exit; } else { $error = array('error' => $id); } } } else { if ($did) { $temp = $this->content_model->get_draft($did); if ($temp['draft']['cid'] == $this->content['id'] && $temp['draft']['eid'] == $id) { $data = $temp; } } } $this->template->assign(array('did' => $did, 'data' => $data, 'error' => $error, 'result' => $result, 'myfield' => $this->field_input($this->field, $data, TRUE), 'draft_url' => MEMBER_URL . dr_url(APP_DIR . '/extend/edit', array('cid' => $this->content['id'], 'catid' => $this->catid, 'id' => $id)), 'draft_list' => $this->content_model->get_draft_list('cid=' . $this->content['id'] . ' and eid=' . $id), 'result_error' => $error)); $this->template->display('content_extend_add.html'); }
/** * 空间配置 */ public function space() { $data = $this->member_model->space(); $page = (int) $this->input->get('page'); if (IS_POST) { $post = $this->input->post('data'); $page = (int) $this->input->post('page'); $this->member_model->space($post); $this->member_model->cache(); $this->system_log('会员空间配置'); // 记录日志 if ($post['open'] != $data['open']) { $this->admin_msg(lang('339'), '', 1); } else { $this->admin_msg(lang('000'), dr_url('member/setting/space', array('page' => $page)), 1); } } $this->template->assign(array('menu' => $this->get_menu(array(lang('html-521') => 'member/admin/setting/space')), 'page' => $page, 'data' => $data)); $this->template->display('setting_space.html'); }
/** * 未使用的附件 */ public function unused() { if ($this->input->post('ids')) { $ids = $this->input->post('ids'); // 删除未使用 $data = $this->db->where_in('id', $ids)->get($this->db->dbprefix('attachment_unused'))->result_array(); if ($data) { // 删除附件 foreach ($data as $t) { $this->db->delete($this->db->dbprefix('attachment'), 'id=' . $t['id']); $this->db->delete($this->db->dbprefix('attachment_unused'), 'id=' . $t['id']); $this->attachment_model->_delete_attachment($t); } } exit(dr_json(1, lang('000'))); } $page = max((int) $this->input->get('page'), 1); $where = '`siteid`=' . SITE_ID; $total = (int) $this->input->get('total'); $param = array(); if ($this->input->post('author')) { $param['author'] = $this->input->post('author', TRUE); $where .= ' AND `author`="' . $param['author'] . '"'; $total = 0; } elseif ($this->input->get('author')) { $param['author'] = $this->input->get('author', TRUE); $where .= ' AND `author`="' . $param['author'] . '"'; } $param['total'] = $total ? $total : $this->db->where($where)->count_all_results($this->db->dbprefix('attachment_unused')); $data = $this->db->where($where)->order_by('inputtime DESC')->limit(SITE_ADMIN_PAGESIZE, SITE_ADMIN_PAGESIZE * ($page - 1))->get($this->db->dbprefix('attachment_unused'))->result_array(); $this->template->assign(array('list' => $data, 'param' => $param, 'pages' => $this->get_pagination(dr_url(APP_DIR . '/attachment/unused', $param), $param['total']))); $this->template->display('attachment_unused.html'); }
/** * 修改内容 */ protected function _editc() { if (!$this->is_auth('admin/form/listc')) { if (IS_AJAX) { exit('<img src=' . SITE_URL . 'member/statics/js/skins/icons/error.png>' . dr_lang('049', 'admin/form/listc')); } else { $this->admin_msg(dr_lang('049', 'admin/form/listc')); } } $id = (int) $this->input->get('id'); $table = $this->form_model->prefix . '_' . $this->form['table']; // 获取表单数据 $data = $this->form_model->get_data($id, $table); if (!$data) { $this->admin_msg(lang('019')); } if (IS_POST) { $post = $this->validate_filter($this->form['field'] + $this->field); // 验证出错信息 if (isset($post['error'])) { $error = $post; $data = $this->input->post('data', TRUE); } else { // 发布文档 if ($this->form_model->new_editc($id, $this->form['table'], $data['tableid'], $post)) { // 附件归档到文档 $this->attachment_handle($this->uid, $table . '-' . $id, $this->form['field']); $this->system_log('修改站点【#' . SITE_ID . '】表单【' . $this->form['table'] . '】内容【#' . $id . '】'); // 记录日志 $this->member_msg(lang('000'), dr_url($this->router->class . '/index'), 1); } } if ($post[0]) { $data = array_merge($post[1], $post[0]); } else { $data = $post[1]; } unset($data['id']); } $tpl = APPPATH . 'templates/admin/form_addc_' . $this->form['table'] . '.html'; $this->template->assign(array('tpl' => str_replace(FCPATH, '/', $tpl), 'menu' => $this->get_menu(array(lang('245') => 'admin/form/index', $this->form['name'] => $this->uriprefix . 'index', lang('add') => $this->uriprefix . 'add', lang('edit') => $this->uriprefix . 'edit/id/' . $id)), 'data' => $data, 'error' => $error, 'myfield' => $this->field_input($this->form['field'] + $this->field, $data))); $this->template->display(is_file($tpl) ? basename($tpl) : 'form_addc.html'); }
public function replace() { $cfile = SITE_ID . APP_DIR . $this->uid . $this->input->ip_address() . '_content_replace'; if (IS_POST) { $bm = $this->input->post('bm'); $t1 = $this->input->post('t1'); $t2 = $this->input->post('t2'); $fd = $this->input->post('fd'); if (!$fd || !$t1) { $this->mini_msg('“待替换字段”和“被替换内容”必须填写!'); } if ($fd == 'id') { $this->mini_msg('主键不支持替换!'); } // 表名判断 $field = $this->get_table_field(str_replace('{id}', '0', $bm)); if (!$field) { $this->mini_msg('此表【' . str_replace('{id}', '0', $bm) . '】无可用字段'); } // 可用字段判断 if (!isset($field[$fd])) { $this->mini_msg('在表【' . str_replace('{id}', '0', $bm) . '】中没有找到字段【' . $fd . '】'); } $this->cache->file->save($cfile, array('bm' => $bm, 't1' => $t1, 't2' => $t2, 'fd' => $fd), 10000); $this->system_log('站点【#' . SITE_ID . '】模块【' . APP_DIR . '】替换内容操作'); // 记录日志 $this->mini_msg('正在搜索替换...', dr_url(APP_DIR . '/home/replace', array('todo' => 1)), 2); } // 处理url if ($this->input->get('todo')) { $cache = $this->cache->file->get($cfile); if (!$cache['fd'] || !$cache['t1']) { $this->cache->file->delete($cfile); $this->mini_msg('缓存失败:“待替换字段”和“被替换内容”必须填写!'); } $count = 0; $replace = '`' . $cache['fd'] . '`=REPLACE(`' . $cache['fd'] . '`, \'' . addslashes($cache['t1']) . '\', \'' . addslashes($cache['t2']) . '\')'; if (strpos($cache['bm'], '{id}')) { for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) { $table = str_replace('{id}', $i, $cache['bm']); if (!$this->link->query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . $table . "'")->row_array()) { break; } $this->link->query('UPDATE `' . $table . '` SET ' . $replace); $count += $this->link->affected_rows(); } } else { $this->link->query('UPDATE `' . $cache['bm'] . '` SET ' . $replace); $count = $this->link->affected_rows(); } $this->cache->file->delete($cfile); $this->mini_msg('替换完毕,共替换' . $count . '条数据', NULL, 1); } else { $bm = array(array('name' => '主表', 'table' => $this->content_model->prefix), array('name' => '附表', 'table' => $this->content_model->prefix . '_data_{id}'), array('name' => '栏目主表', 'table' => $this->content_model->prefix . '_category_data'), array('name' => '栏目附表', 'table' => $this->content_model->prefix . '_category_data_{id}')); if ($this->get_cache('module-' . SITE_ID . '-' . APP_DIR, 'extend')) { $bm[] = array('name' => '扩展主表', 'table' => $this->content_model->prefix . '_extend'); $bm[] = array('name' => '扩展附表', 'table' => $this->content_model->prefix . '_extend_data_{id}'); } $form = $this->get_cache('module-' . SITE_ID . '-' . APP_DIR, 'form'); if ($form) { foreach ($form as $t) { $bm[] = array('name' => $t['name'] . '主表', 'table' => $this->content_model->prefix . '_form_' . $t['table']); $bm[] = array('name' => $t['name'] . '附表', 'table' => $this->content_model->prefix . '_form_' . $t['table'] . '_data_{id}'); } } $this->template->assign(array('bm' => $bm, 'menu' => $this->get_menu($this->_get_content_menu()))); $this->template->display('content_replace.html'); } }
/** * 安装程序 */ public function index() { $step = max(1, (int) $this->input->get('step')); switch ($step) { case 1: break; case 2: $check_pass = true; $writeAble = $this->_checkFileRight(); $lowestEnvironment = $this->_getLowestEnvironment(); $currentEnvironment = $this->_getCurrentEnvironment(); $recommendEnvironment = $this->_getRecommendEnvironment(); foreach ($currentEnvironment as $key => $value) { if (false !== strpos($key, '_ischeck') && false === $value) { $check_pass = false; } } foreach ($writeAble as $value) { if (false === $value) { $check_pass = false; } } $this->template->assign(array('writeAble' => $writeAble, 'check_pass' => $check_pass, 'lowestEnvironment' => $lowestEnvironment, 'currentEnvironment' => $currentEnvironment, 'recommendEnvironment' => $recommendEnvironment)); break; case 3: if ($_POST) { $data = $this->input->post('data'); $data['dbhost'] = str_replace('localhost', '', $data['dbhost']); // 参数判断 if (!preg_match('/^[\\x7f-\\xff\\dA-Za-z\\.\\_]+$/', $data['admin'])) { exit(dr_json(0, '管理员账号格式不正确')); } if (!$data['password']) { exit(dr_json(0, '管理员密码不能为空')); } if (!$data['dbname']) { exit(dr_json(0, '数据库名称不能为空')); } $this->load->helper('email'); if (!$data['email'] || !valid_email($data['email'])) { exit(dr_json(0, 'Email格式不正确')); } if (!@mysql_connect($data['dbhost'], $data['dbuser'], $data['dbpw'])) { exit(dr_json(0, '无法连接到数据库服务器,请检查用户名(' . $data['dbuser'] . ')和密码(' . $data['dbpw'] . ')是否正确')); } if (!@mysql_select_db($data['dbname'])) { if (!@mysql_query('CREATE DATABASE ' . $data['dbname'])) { exit(dr_json(0, '指定的数据库(' . $data['dbname'] . ')不存在,系统尝试创建失败,请通过其他方式建立数据库')); } } // utf8方式打开数据库 mysql_query('SET NAMES utf8'); // 格式化端口 list($data['dbhost'], $data['dbport']) = explode(':', $data['dbhost']); $data['dbport'] = $data['dbport'] ? (int) $data['dbport'] : 3306; $data['dbprefix'] = $data['dbprefix'] ? $data['dbprefix'] : 'dr_'; // 配置文件 $config = "<?php" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; $config .= "if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; $config .= "\$active_group\t= 'default';" . PHP_EOL; $config .= "\$query_builder\t= TRUE;" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; $config .= "\$db['default']\t= array(" . PHP_EOL; $config .= "\t'dsn'\t\t=> ''," . PHP_EOL; $config .= "\t'hostname'\t=> '{$data['dbhost']}'," . PHP_EOL; $config .= "\t'username'\t=> '{$data['dbuser']}'," . PHP_EOL; $config .= "\t'password'\t=> '{$data['dbpw']}'," . PHP_EOL; $config .= "\t'port'\t\t=> '{$data['dbport']}'," . PHP_EOL; $config .= "\t'database'\t=> '{$data['dbname']}'," . PHP_EOL; $config .= "\t'dbdriver'\t=> 'mysql'," . PHP_EOL; $config .= "\t'dbprefix'\t=> '{$data['dbprefix']}'," . PHP_EOL; $config .= "\t'pconnect'\t=> FALSE," . PHP_EOL; $config .= "\t'db_debug'\t=> TRUE," . PHP_EOL; $config .= "\t'cache_on'\t=> FALSE," . PHP_EOL; $config .= "\t'cachedir'\t=> 'cache/sql/'," . PHP_EOL; $config .= "\t'char_set'\t=> 'utf8'," . PHP_EOL; $config .= "\t'dbcollat'\t=> 'utf8_general_ci'," . PHP_EOL; $config .= "\t'swap_pre'\t=> ''," . PHP_EOL; $config .= "\t'autoinit'\t=> FALSE," . PHP_EOL; $config .= "\t'encrypt'\t=> FALSE," . PHP_EOL; $config .= "\t'compress'\t=> FALSE," . PHP_EOL; $config .= "\t'stricton'\t=> FALSE," . PHP_EOL; $config .= "\t'failover'\t=> array()," . PHP_EOL; $config .= ");" . PHP_EOL; // 保存配置文件 if (!file_put_contents(FCPATH . 'config/database.php', $config)) { exit(dr_json(0, '数据库配置文件保存失败,请检查文件config/database.php权限!')); } // 加载数据库 $this->load->database(); $salt = substr(md5(rand(0, 999)), 0, 10); $password = md5(md5($data['password']) . $salt . md5($data['password'])); // 导入表结构 $this->_query(str_replace(array('{dbprefix}', '{username}', '{password}', '{salt}', '{email}'), array($this->db->dbprefix, $data['admin'], $password, $salt, $data['email']), file_get_contents(FCPATH . 'cache/install/install.sql'))); // 导入后台菜单数据 $this->_query(str_replace('{dbprefix}', $this->db->dbprefix, file_get_contents(FCPATH . 'cache/install/admin_menu.sql'))); // 导入会员菜单数据 $this->_query(str_replace('{dbprefix}', $this->db->dbprefix, file_get_contents(FCPATH . 'cache/install/member_menu.sql'))); // 系统配置文件 $this->load->model('system_model'); $config = array('SYS_LOG' => 'FALSE', 'SYS_KEY' => 'OmWeb', 'SYS_DEBUG' => 'FALSE', 'SYS_HELP_URL' => 'http://www.omooo.com/help/list-341.html', 'SYS_EMAIL' => $data['email'], 'SYS_MEMCACHE' => 'FALSE', 'SYS_CRON_QUEUE' => 0, 'SYS_CRON_NUMS' => 20, 'SYS_CRON_TIME' => 300, 'SITE_EXPERIENCE' => '经验值', 'SITE_SCORE' => '虚拟币', 'SITE_MONEY' => '金钱', 'SITE_CONVERT' => 10, 'SITE_ADMIN_CODE' => 'FALSE', 'SITE_ADMIN_PAGESIZE' => 8); $this->system_model->save_config($config, $config); // 站点配置文件 $this->load->model('site_model'); $this->load->library('dconfig'); $config = (require FCPATH . 'config/site/1.php'); $config['SITE_DOMAIN'] = $config['SITE_ATTACH_HOST'] = $config['SITE_ATTACH_URL'] = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); $site = array('name' => 'OmWeb', 'domain' => strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']), 'setting' => $config); $this->site_model->add_site($site); $this->dconfig->file(FCPATH . 'config/site/1.php')->note('站点配置文件')->space(32)->to_require_one($this->site_model->config, $config); // 导入默认数据 $this->_query(str_replace(array('{dbprefix}', '{site_url}'), array($this->db->dbprefix, 'http://' . strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])), file_get_contents(FCPATH . 'cache/install/default.sql'))); exit(dr_json(1, dr_url('install/index', array('step' => $step + 1)))); } break; case 4: $log = array(); $sql = file_get_contents(FCPATH . 'cache/install/install.sql'); preg_match_all('/`\\{dbprefix\\}(.+)`/U', $sql, $match); if ($match) { $log = array_unique($match[1]); } $this->template->assign(array('log' => implode('<OmWeb>', $log))); break; case 5: file_put_contents(FCPATH . 'cache/install.lock', time()); break; } $this->template->assign(array('step' => $step)); $this->template->display('install_' . $step . '.html', 'admin'); }
width:120px; text-align:right; } </style> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo SITE_PATH; ?> omooo/statics/css/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css" /> <div id="main_frameid" class="pad-10" style="_margin-right:-12px;_width:98.9%;"> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $.getScript("http://www.omooo.com/shouquan.php?c=sys&m=omooo_news"); $.getScript("<?php echo dr_url('home/mtotal'); ?> "); $.getScript("http://www.omooo.com/shouquan.php?c=sys&m=license&domain=<?php echo SITE_URL; ?> &admin=<?php echo SELF; ?> &version=<?php echo DR_VERSION_ID; ?> "); if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) < 8) $('#browserVersionAlert').show(); if (screen.width <= 900) $('#screenAlert').show(); <?php
title: '<?php echo lang("html-469"); ?> ', cancel: function() { dr_login = 1; }, ok: function() { // 标示可以提交表单 win.$("#mark").val("0"); // 按钮返回验证表单函数 if (win.dr_form_check()) { var _data = win.$("#myform").serialize(); // 将表单数据ajax提交验证 $.ajax({type: "POST",dataType:"json", url: '<?php echo dr_url("login/ajax"); ?> ' , data: _data, success: function(data) { //验证成功 if (data.status == 1) { $.dialog.tips('<?php echo lang("m-002"); ?> ', 2, 1); } else { //验证失败 $.dialog.tips(data.code); } }, error: function(HttpRequest, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {