<?php if (!defined('DP_BASE_DIR')) { die('You should not access this file directly.'); } $AppUI->savePlace(); require_once $AppUI->getSystemClass('CustomFields'); $titleBlock = new CTitleBlock('Custom field editor', 'customfields.png', 'admin', 'admin.custom_field_editor'); $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=system', 'system admin'); $edit_field_id = dpGetParam($_POST, 'field_id', NULL); $titleBlock->show(); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM modules' . ' ORDER BY mod_ui_order'; $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addTable('modules'); $q->addWhere('mod_name IN (\'Companies\', \'Projects\', \'Tasks\', \'Calendar\')'); $modules = $q->loadList(); echo '<table cellpadding="2" summary="module list">'; foreach ($modules as $module) { echo '<tr><td colspan="4">'; echo '<h3>' . $AppUI->_($module['mod_name']) . '</h3>'; echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td colspan="4">'; echo '<a href="?m=system&a=custom_field_addedit&module=' . $module['mod_name'] . '"><img src="./images/icons/stock_new.png" align="center" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="" />' . $AppUI->_('Add a new Custom Field to this Module') . '</a><br /><br />'; echo '</td></tr>'; $q->clear(); $q->addTable('custom_fields_struct'); $q->addWhere('field_module = \'' . mb_strtolower($module['mod_name']) . "'"); $custom_fields = $q->loadList(); foreach ($custom_fields as $f) { echo '<tr><td class="hilite">'; echo '<a href="?m=system&a=custom_field_addedit&module=' . $module['mod_name'] . '&field_id=' . $f['field_id'] . '"><img src="./images/icons/stock_edit-16.png" align="center" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="" />Edit</a>';
<?php /* PUBLIC $Id: calendar.php,v 1.7 2006/04/10 15:34:24 Attest sw-libre@attest.es Exp $ */ /* PUBLIC $Id: calendar.php,v 1.6 2005/04/03 19:33:48 gregorerhardt Exp $ */ require_once "{$baseDir}/classes/ui.class.php"; require_once "{$baseDir}/modules/calendar/calendar.class.php"; $callback = isset($_GET['callback']) ? $_GET['callback'] : 0; $date = dpGetParam($_GET, 'date', null); $prev_date = dpGetParam($_GET, 'uts', null); // if $date is empty, set to null $date = $date !== '' ? $date : null; $this_month = new CDate($date); $uistyle = $AppUI->getPref('UISTYLE') ? $AppUI->getPref('UISTYLE') : $dPconfig['host_style']; ?> <a href="javascript: void(0);" onClick="clickDay('', '');">borrar fecha</a> <?php $cal = new CMonthCalendar($this_month); $cal->setStyles('poptitle', 'popcal'); $cal->showWeek = false; $cal->callback = $callback; $cal->setLinkFunctions('clickDay'); if (isset($prev_date)) { $highlights = array($prev_date => "#FF8888"); $cal->setHighlightedDays($highlights); $cal->showHighlightedDays = true; } echo $cal->show(); ?> <script language="javascript"> /** * @param string Input date in the format YYYYMMDD
<?php if (!defined('DP_BASE_DIR')) { die('You should not access this file directly.'); } //update task $newparent = dpGetParam($_GET, 'newparent', 0); $ticket = dpgetparam($_GET, 'ticket', 0); $sql1 = "update tickets set parent = {$newparent},\n assignment = 9999,\n type = 'Client Followup'\n where ticket = {$ticket}"; header("Location: index.php?m=ticketsmith"); if (isset($newparent) && isset($ticket) && $newparent != 0 && $ticket != 0) { // error_log("Updating ticket - $sql1"); mysql_query($sql1); // error_log( mysql_error()); $sql2 = "update tickets set activity = '" . time() . "' where ticket = {$newparent}"; // error_log($sql2); mysql_query($sql2); // error_log($mysql_error()); } // else error_log( "Ticket has not been reassigned");
$select_options = new CustomOptionList($field_id); $select_options->load(); $select_items = $select_options->getOptions(); } } else { $AppUI->setMsg('Couldnt load the Custom Field,<br/>It might have been deleted somehow.', UI_MSG_ERROR); echo $AppUI->getMsg(); exit; } $edit_title = $AppUI->_('Edit Custom Field In'); } else { $edit_title = $AppUI->_('New Custom Field In'); $field_name = dpGetParam($_POST, 'field_name', NULL); $field_description = dpGetParam($_POST, 'field_description', NULL); $field_htmltype = dpGetParam($_POST, 'field_htmltype', 'textinput'); $field_extratags = dpGetParam($_POST, 'field_extratags', NULL); } $html_types = array('textinput' => $AppUI->_('Text Input'), 'textarea' => $AppUI->_('Text Area'), 'checkbox' => $AppUI->_('Checkbox'), 'select' => $AppUI->_('Select List'), 'label' => $AppUI->_('Label'), 'separator' => $AppUI->_('Separator'), 'href' => $AppUI->_('Weblink')); ?> <form method="POST" action="?m=system&a=custom_field_editor" name="custform" /> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4"> <th colspan="4" align="center" bgcolor="#E0E0E0"> <?php echo $edit_title; ?> <?php echo $AppUI->_($module); ?> <?php echo $AppUI->_('Module'); ?>
<?php /* $Id: viewer.php 5629 2008-02-29 16:26:48Z TheIdeaMan $ */ if (!defined('DP_BASE_DIR')) { die('You should not access this file directly.'); } //view posts $forum_id = isset($_GET["forum_id"]) ? (int) $_GET["forum_id"] : 0; $message_id = isset($_GET["message_id"]) ? (int) $_GET["message_id"] : 0; $post_message = isset($_GET["post_message"]) ? $_GET["post_message"] : 0; $f = dpGetParam($_POST, 'f', 0); // check permissions $canRead = getPermission($m, 'view', $forum_id); $canEdit = getPermission($m, 'edit', $forum_id); if (!$canRead || $post_message & !$canEdit) { $AppUI->redirect("m=public&a=access_denied"); } $df = $AppUI->getPref('SHDATEFORMAT'); $tf = $AppUI->getPref('TIMEFORMAT'); $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addTable('forums'); $q->addTable('projects', 'p'); $q->addTable('users', 'u'); $q->addQuery('forum_id, forum_project, forum_description, forum_owner, forum_name, forum_create_date, forum_last_date, forum_message_count, forum_moderated, user_username, contact_first_name, contact_last_name, project_name, project_color_identifier'); $q->addJoin('contacts', 'con', 'contact_id = user_contact'); $q->addWhere("user_id = forum_owner"); $q->addWhere("forum_id = {$forum_id}"); $q->addWhere("forum_project = project_id");
die('You should not access this file directly.'); } /* * do_custom_field_aed.php * */ require_once $AppUI->getSystemClass('CustomFields'); $edit_field_id = dpGetParam($_POST, "field_id", NULL); if ($edit_field_id != NULL) { $edit_module = dpGetParam($_POST, "module", NULL); $field_name = dpGetParam($_POST, "field_name", NULL); $field_description = db_escape(dpGetParam($_POST, "field_description", NULL)); $field_htmltype = dpGetParam($_POST, "field_htmltype", NULL); $field_datatype = dpGetParam($_POST, "field_datatype", "alpha"); $field_extratags = db_escape(dpGetParam($_POST, "field_extratags", NULL)); $list_select_items = dpGetParam($_POST, "select_items", NULL); $custom_fields = new CustomFields(strtolower($edit_module), 'addedit', null, null); if ($edit_field_id == 0) { $fid = $custom_fields->add($field_name, $field_description, $field_htmltype, $field_datatype, $field_extratags, $msg); } else { $fid = $custom_fields->update($edit_field_id, $field_name, $field_description, $field_htmltype, $field_datatype, $field_extratags, $msg); } // Add or Update a Custom Field if ($msg) { $AppUI->setMsg($AppUI->_('Error adding custom field:') . $msg, UI_MSG_ALERT, true); } else { if ($field_htmltype == "select") { $opts = new CustomOptionList($fid); $opts->setOptions($list_select_items); if ($edit_field_id == 0) { $o_msg = $opts->store();
<?php if (!defined('DP_BASE_DIR')) { die('You should not access this file directly.'); } /* * Custom Field Editor (NEW) * */ $AppUI->savePlace(); require_once $AppUI->getSystemClass('CustomFields'); $titleBlock = new CTitleBlock('Custom field editor', "customfields.png", "admin", "admin.custom_field_editor"); $titleBlock->addCrumb("?m=system", "system admin"); $edit_field_id = dpGetParam($_POST, "field_id", NULL); $titleBlock->show(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM modules WHERE mod_name IN ('Companies', 'Projects', 'Tasks', 'Calendar') ORDER BY mod_ui_order"; $modules = db_loadList($sql); echo "<table cellpadding=\"2\">"; foreach ($modules as $module) { echo "<tr><td colspan=\"4\">"; echo "<h3>" . $AppUI->_($module["mod_name"]) . "</h3>"; echo "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td colspan=\"4\">"; echo "<a href=\"?m=system&a=custom_field_addedit&module=" . $module["mod_name"] . "\"><img src='./images/icons/stock_new.png' align='center' width='16' height='16' border='0'>" . $AppUI->_('Add a new Custom Field to this Module') . "</a><br /><br />"; echo "</td></tr>"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM custom_fields_struct WHERE field_module = '" . mb_strtolower($module["mod_name"]) . "'"; $custom_fields = db_loadList($sql); foreach ($custom_fields as $f) { echo "<tr><td class=\"hilite\">"; echo "<a href=\"?m=system&a=custom_field_addedit&module=" . $module["mod_name"] . "&field_id=" . $f["field_id"] . "\"><img src='./images/icons/stock_edit-16.png' align='center' width='16' height='16' border='0'>Edit</a>"; echo "</td><td class=\"hilite\">";
$select_options = new CustomOptionList($field_id); $select_options->load(); $select_items = $select_options->getOptions(); } } else { //No such field exists with this ID $AppUI->setMsg('Couldnt load the Custom Field, It might have been deleted somehow.'); $AppUI->redirect(); } $edit_title = $AppUI->_("Edit Custom Field In"); } else { $edit_title = $AppUI->_("New Custom Field In"); $field_name = dpGetParam($_POST, "field_name", NULL); $field_description = dpGetParam($_POST, "field_description", NULL); $field_htmltype = dpGetParam($_POST, "field_htmltype", "textinput"); $field_extratags = dpGetParam($_POST, "field_extratags", NULL); } $html_types = array('textinput' => $AppUI->_('Text Input'), 'textarea' => $AppUI->_('Text Area'), 'checkbox' => $AppUI->_('Checkbox'), 'select' => $AppUI->_('Select List'), 'label' => $AppUI->_('Label'), 'separator' => $AppUI->_('Separator')); $visible_state = array(); foreach ($html_types as $k => $ht) { if ($k == $field_htmltype) { $visible_state["div_" . $k] = "display : block"; } else { $visible_state["div_" . $k] = "display : none"; } } ?> <script> function hideAll() { var selobj = document.getElementById('htmltype');