  * Get the filename for the virtualhost
 protected function getVhostFilename($domain, $ssl_vhost = false)
     if ((int) $domain['parentdomainid'] == 0 && isCustomerStdSubdomain((int) $domain['id']) == false && ((int) $domain['ismainbutsubto'] == 0 || domainMainToSubExists($domain['ismainbutsubto']) == false)) {
         $vhost_no = '35';
     } elseif ((int) $domain['parentdomainid'] == 0 && isCustomerStdSubdomain((int) $domain['id']) == false && (int) $domain['ismainbutsubto'] > 0) {
         $vhost_no = '30';
     } else {
         // number of dots in a domain specifies it's position (and depth of subdomain) starting at 29 going downwards on higher depth
         $vhost_no = (string) (30 - substr_count($domain['domain'], ".") + 1);
     if ($ssl_vhost === true) {
         $vhost_filename = makeCorrectFile(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost') . '/' . $vhost_no . '_froxlor_ssl_vhost_' . $domain['domain'] . '.conf');
     } else {
         $vhost_filename = makeCorrectFile(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost') . '/' . $vhost_no . '_froxlor_normal_vhost_' . $domain['domain'] . '.conf');
     return $vhost_filename;
  * Get the filename for the virtualhost
 protected function getVhostFilename($domain, $ssl_vhost = false)
     if ((int) $domain['parentdomainid'] == 0 && isCustomerStdSubdomain((int) $domain['id']) == false && ((int) $domain['ismainbutsubto'] == 0 || domainMainToSubExists($domain['ismainbutsubto']) == false)) {
         $vhost_no = '22';
     } elseif ((int) $domain['parentdomainid'] == 0 && isCustomerStdSubdomain((int) $domain['id']) == false && (int) $domain['ismainbutsubto'] > 0) {
         $vhost_no = '21';
     } else {
         $vhost_no = '20';
     if ($ssl_vhost === true) {
         $vhost_filename = makeCorrectFile(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost') . '/' . $vhost_no . '_froxlor_ssl_vhost_' . $domain['domain'] . '.conf');
     } else {
         $vhost_filename = makeCorrectFile(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost') . '/' . $vhost_no . '_froxlor_normal_vhost_' . $domain['domain'] . '.conf');
     return $vhost_filename;
 protected function createLighttpdHosts($ipid, $ssl, $vhost_filename)
     $domains = WebserverBase::getVhostsToCreate();
     foreach ($domains as $domain) {
         if (is_dir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost'))) {
             safe_exec('mkdir -p ' . escapeshellarg(makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost') . '/vhosts/')));
             // determine correct include-path:
             // e.g. '/etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/vhosts/ has to become'
             // 'conf-enabled/vhosts/' (damn debian, but luckily works too on other distros)
             $_tmp_path = substr(makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost')), 0, -1);
             $_pos = strrpos($_tmp_path, '/');
             $_inc_path = substr($_tmp_path, $_pos + 1);
             // maindomain
             if ((int) $domain['parentdomainid'] == 0 && isCustomerStdSubdomain((int) $domain['id']) == false && ((int) $domain['ismainbutsubto'] == 0 || domainMainToSubExists($domain['ismainbutsubto']) == false)) {
                 $vhost_no = '50';
             } elseif ((int) $domain['parentdomainid'] == 0 && isCustomerStdSubdomain((int) $domain['id']) == false && (int) $domain['ismainbutsubto'] > 0) {
                 $vhost_no = '51';
             } else {
                 // number of dots in a domain specifies it's position (and depth of subdomain) starting at 89 going downwards on higher depth
                 $vhost_no = (string) (90 - substr_count($domain['domain'], ".") + 1);
             if ($ssl == '1') {
                 $vhost_no = (int) ($vhost_no += 10);
             $vhost_filename = makeCorrectFile(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost') . '/vhosts/' . $vhost_no . '_' . $domain['domain'] . '.conf');
             $included_vhosts[] = $_inc_path . '/vhosts/' . $vhost_no . '_' . $domain['domain'] . '.conf';
         if (!isset($this->lighttpd_data[$vhost_filename])) {
             $this->lighttpd_data[$vhost_filename] = '';
         if (!empty($this->lighttpd_data[$vhost_filename]) && !is_dir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost')) || is_dir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost'))) {
             if ($ssl == '1') {
                 $ssl_vhost = true;
                 $ips_and_ports_index = 'ssl_ipandport';
             } else {
                 $ssl_vhost = false;
                 $ips_and_ports_index = 'ipandport';
             // FIXME we get duplicate entries of a vhost if it has assigned more than one IP
             // checking if the lightt_data for that filename is empty *might* be correct
             if ($this->lighttpd_data[$vhost_filename] == '') {
                 $this->lighttpd_data[$vhost_filename] .= $this->getVhostContent($domain, $ssl_vhost, $ipid);
     return $included_vhosts;
 protected function createLighttpdHosts($ip, $port, $ssl, $vhost_filename)
     $query = "SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PANEL_IPSANDPORTS . " WHERE `ip`='" . $ip . "' AND `port`='" . $port . "'";
     $ipandport = $this->db->query_first($query);
     if ($ssl == '0') {
         $query2 = "SELECT `d`.*, `pd`.`domain` AS `parentdomain`, `c`.`loginname`, `c`.`guid`, `c`.`email`, `c`.`documentroot` AS `customerroot`, `c`.`deactivated`, `c`.`phpenabled` AS `phpenabled` FROM `" . TABLE_PANEL_DOMAINS . "` `d` LEFT JOIN `" . TABLE_PANEL_CUSTOMERS . "` `c` USING(`customerid`) LEFT JOIN `" . TABLE_PANEL_DOMAINS . "` `pd` ON (`pd`.`id` = `d`.`parentdomainid`) WHERE `d`.`ipandport`='" . $ipandport['id'] . "' AND `d`.`aliasdomain` IS NULL AND `d`.`email_only` <> 1 ORDER BY `d`.`parentdomainid` DESC, `d`.`iswildcarddomain`, `d`.`domain` ASC";
     } else {
         $query2 = "SELECT `d`.*, `pd`.`domain` AS `parentdomain`, `c`.`loginname`, `c`.`guid`, `c`.`email`, `c`.`documentroot` AS `customerroot`, `c`.`deactivated`, `c`.`phpenabled` AS `phpenabled` FROM `" . TABLE_PANEL_DOMAINS . "` `d` LEFT JOIN `" . TABLE_PANEL_CUSTOMERS . "` `c` USING(`customerid`) LEFT JOIN `" . TABLE_PANEL_DOMAINS . "` `pd` ON (`pd`.`id` = `d`.`parentdomainid`) WHERE `d`.`ssl_ipandport`='" . $ipandport['id'] . "' AND `d`.`aliasdomain` IS NULL AND `d`.`email_only` <> 1 ORDER BY `d`.`parentdomainid` DESC, `d`.`iswildcarddomain`, `d`.`domain` ASC";
     $included_vhosts = array();
     $result_domains = $this->db->query($query2);
     while ($domain = $this->db->fetch_array($result_domains)) {
         if (is_dir($this->settings['system']['apacheconf_vhost'])) {
             safe_exec('mkdir -p ' . escapeshellarg(makeCorrectDir($this->settings['system']['apacheconf_vhost'] . '/vhosts/')));
             // determine correct include-path:
             // e.g. '/etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/vhosts/ has to become'
             // 'conf-enabled/vhosts/' (damn debian, but luckily works too on other distros)
             $_tmp_path = substr(makeCorrectDir($this->settings['system']['apacheconf_vhost']), 0, -1);
             $_pos = strrpos($_tmp_path, '/');
             $_inc_path = substr($_tmp_path, $_pos + 1);
             if ((int) $domain['parentdomainid'] == 0 && isCustomerStdSubdomain((int) $domain['id']) == false && ((int) $domain['ismainbutsubto'] == 0 || domainMainToSubExists($domain['ismainbutsubto']) == false)) {
                 $vhost_no = '52';
                 if ($ssl == '1') {
                     $vhost_no = '62';
             } elseif ((int) $domain['parentdomainid'] == 0 && isCustomerStdSubdomain((int) $domain['id']) == false && (int) $domain['ismainbutsubto'] > 0) {
                 $vhost_no = '51';
                 if ($ssl == '1') {
                     $vhost_no = '61';
             } else {
                 $vhost_no = '50';
                 if ($ssl == '1') {
                     $vhost_no = '60';
             $vhost_filename = makeCorrectFile($this->settings['system']['apacheconf_vhost'] . '/vhosts/' . $vhost_no . '_' . $domain['domain'] . '.conf');
             $included_vhosts[] = $_inc_path . '/vhosts/' . $vhost_no . '_' . $domain['domain'] . '.conf';
         if (!isset($this->lighttpd_data[$vhost_filename])) {
             $this->lighttpd_data[$vhost_filename] = '';
         if (!empty($this->lighttpd_data[$vhost_filename]) && !is_dir($this->settings['system']['apacheconf_vhost']) || is_dir($this->settings['system']['apacheconf_vhost'])) {
             if ($ssl == '1') {
                 $ssl_vhost = true;
                 $ips_and_ports_index = 'ssl_ipandport';
             } else {
                 $ssl_vhost = false;
                 $ips_and_ports_index = 'ipandport';
             $this->lighttpd_data[$vhost_filename] .= $this->getVhostContent($domain, $ssl_vhost);
             $this->lighttpd_data[$vhost_filename] .= isset($this->needed_htpasswds[$domain[$ips_and_ports_index]]) ? $this->needed_htpasswds[$domain[$ips_and_ports_index]] . "\n" : '';
     return $included_vhosts;