/** * Initialize view variables and check permissions. * @param int $view_id id for the view */ function view_init($view_id) { global $views, $error, $login; global $ALLOW_VIEW_OTHER, $is_admin; global $view_name, $view_type, $custom_view; //set this to prove we in are inside a custom view page $custom_view = true; if ((empty($ALLOW_VIEW_OTHER) || $ALLOW_VIEW_OTHER == 'N') && !$is_admin) { // not allowed... send_to_preferred_view(); } if (empty($view_id)) { do_redirect('views.php'); } // Find view name in $views[] $view_name = ''; $view_type = ''; $viewcnt = count($views); for ($i = 0; $i < $viewcnt; $i++) { if ($views[$i]['cal_view_id'] == $view_id) { $view_name = htmlspecialchars($views[$i]['cal_name']); $view_type = $views[$i]['cal_view_type']; } } // If view_name not found, then the specified view id does not // belong to current user. if (empty($view_name)) { $error = print_not_auth(34); } }
function redirect_away() { if (array_key_exists('return', $_GET)) { do_redirect($_GET['return']); } else { do_redirect(''); } # index.php exit; }
//check if form submitted if (!isset($_POST['email'])) { return false; } //variables not set yet //get variables $email = set_post('email', ''); if (empty($email) || !email_is_valid($email)) { notices_set('Invalid email.', 'error'); return false; } //check if it is valid $sql = sql_query(" SELECT id FROM `users` WHERE email='{$email}' LIMIT 1 "); if (sql_count($sql) <= 0) { notices_set('Invalid email.', 'error'); return false; } $data = sql_fetch($sql); //create code $confirm = confirm_token_create($email); //delete all tokens for that email sql_query(" DELETE FROM `password_reset` WHERE user='******'id']}' LIMIT 1 "); //insert sql_query(" INSERT INTO `password_reset` (user, token) VALUES('{$data['id']}' , '{$confirm}') \n\t\t\tON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE token='{$confirm}' "); //send email email_send('password_reset', 'Planling Password Reset', array($email => $email), array('{{%LINK%}}' => 'http://' . MAIN_URL . '/password?e=' . $email . '&t=' . $confirm)); //set message notices_set('Instructions on how to reset your password has been sent to <strong>' . $email . '</strong>.', 'success'); //redirect user do_redirect();
<?php require 'inc.bootstrap.php'; if ( is_logged_in(false) && isset($_SESSION['series']) ) { unset($_SESSION['series']); } do_redirect('login');
// $icon_props = getimagesize ( $file['tmp_name'] ); // print_r ($icon_props ); $path_parts = pathinfo($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']); $fullIcon = $path_parts['dirname'] . '/' . $icon_path . 'cat-' . $id . '.gif'; renameIcon($id); $file_result = move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $fullIcon); // echo "Upload Result:" . $file_result; } else { if ($file['size'] > $icon_max_size) { $error = translate('File size exceeds maximum.'); } else { if ($file['type'] != 'image/gif') { $error = translate('File is not a gif image.'); } } } } // Copy icon if local file specified. $urlname = getPostvalue('urlname'); if (!empty($urlname) && file_exists($icon_path . $urlname)) { copy($icon_path . $urlname, $icon_path . 'cat-' . $id . '.gif'); } } } } } if (empty($error)) { do_redirect('category.php'); } print_header(); echo print_error($error) . print_trailer();
<?php include_once 'includes/init.php'; $USERS_PER_TABLE = 6; if ($allow_view_other == "N" && !$is_admin) { // not allowed... do_redirect("{$STARTVIEW}.php"); } // Find view name in $views[] $view_name = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($views); $i++) { if ($views[$i]['cal_view_id'] == $id) { $view_name = $views[$i]['cal_name']; } } $INC = array('js/popups.php'); print_header($INC); // Initialise la date au premier du mois en cours if ($timeb == 0) { $date = substr($date, 0, 6) . "01"; } set_today($date); // Week timebar if ($timeb == 1) { $next = mktime(3, 0, 0, $thismonth, $thisday + 7, $thisyear); } else { $next = mktime(3, 0, 0, $thismonth + 1, $thisday, $thisyear); } $nextyear = date("Y", $next); $nextmonth = date("m", $next); $nextday = date("d", $next);
* event as deleted. * * Security: * Events will only be deleted if they were created by the selected * user. Events where the user was a participant (but not did not * create) will remain unchanged. * */ include_once 'includes/init.php'; require_valide_referring_url(); // Set this to true do show the SQL at the bottom of the page $purgeDebug = false; $sqlLog = ''; if (!$is_admin) { // must be admin... do_redirect('index.php'); exit; } $ALL = 0; $previewStr = translate('Preview'); $allStr = translate('All'); $purgingStr = translate('Purging events for'); $deleteStr = translate('Delete'); $delete = getPostValue('delete'); $do_purge = false; if (!empty($delete)) { $do_purge = true; } $purge_all = getPostValue('purge_all'); $purge_deleted = getPostValue('purge_deleted'); $end_year = getPostValue('end_year');
if ($send_user_mail == "Y" && strlen($tempemail) && $send_email != "N") { if ($GLOBALS['LANGUAGE'] != $user_language && !empty($user_language) && $user_language != 'none') { reset_language($user_language); } $msg = translate("Hello") . ", " . $tempfullname . ".\n\n" . translate("An appointment has been rejected by") . " " . $login_fullname . ". " . translate("The subject was") . " \"" . $name . " \"\n" . translate("The description is") . " \"" . $description . "\"\n" . translate("Date") . ": " . date_to_str($fmtdate) . "\n" . (empty($hour) && empty($minute) ? "" : translate("Time") . ": " . display_time($hour * 10000 + $minute * 100)) . "\n\n\n"; if (!empty($server_url)) { $url = $server_url . "view_entry.php?id=" . $id; $msg .= "\n\n" . $url; } $from = $email_fallback_from; if (strlen($login_email)) { $from = $login_email; } $extra_hdrs = "From: {$from}\r\nX-Mailer: " . translate("Title"); mail($tempemail, translate($application_name) . " " . translate("Notification") . ": " . $name, html_to_8bits($msg), $extra_hdrs); activity_log($id, $login, $partlogin[$i], $LOG_NOTIFICATION, "Event rejected by {$app_user}"); } } } if (empty($error)) { if ($ret == "list") { do_redirect("list_unapproved.php?user={$app_user}"); } else { do_redirect("view_entry.php?id={$id}&user={$app_user}"); } exit; } print_header(); echo "<h2>" . translate("Error") . "</h2>\n"; echo "<p>" . $error . "</p>\n"; print_trailer();
if ($event_owner == $login || user_is_assistant($login, $event_owner)) { $can_delete = true; } } dbi_free_result($res); } } if (empty($error) && !$can_delete) { $error = print_not_auth(6); } if (empty($error) && $can_delete) { if (!dbi_execute('DELETE FROM webcal_blob WHERE cal_blob_id = ?', array($blid))) { $error = db_error(); } else { if ($event_id > 0) { $removeStr = translate('Removed'); if ($type == 'A') { activity_log($event_id, $login, $login, LOG_ATTACHMENT, $removeStr . ': ' . $name); } elseif ($type == 'C') { activity_log($event_id, $login, $login, LOG_COMMENT, $removeStr); } } if ($event_id > 0) { do_redirect('view_entry.php?id=' . $event_id); } do_redirect(get_preferred_view()); } } // Some kind of error... print_header(); echo print_error($error) . print_trailer();
function send_to_preferred_view($indate = '', $args = '') { do_redirect(get_preferred_view($indate, $args)); }
if ($res) { $row = dbi_fetch_row($res); $name = $row[0]; dbi_free_result($res); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($partlogin); $i++) { // does this user want email for this? $send_user_mail = get_pref_setting($partlogin[$i], "EMAIL_EVENT_REJECTED"); user_load_variables($partlogin[$i], "temp"); if ($send_user_mail == "Y" && strlen($tempemail) && $send_email != "N") { $fmtdate = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d", $year, $month, $day); $msg = translate("Hello") . ", " . $tempfullname . ".\n\n" . translate("An appointment has been rejected by") . " " . $login_fullname . ". " . translate("The subject was") . " \"" . $name . " \"\n" . translate("The description is") . " \"" . $description . "\"\n" . translate("Date") . ": " . date_to_str($fmtdate) . "\n" . (empty($hour) && empty($minute) ? "" : translate("Time") . ": " . display_time($hour * 10000 + $minute * 100)) . "\n\n\n"; if (!empty($server_url)) { $url = $server_url . "view_entry.php?id=" . $id; $msg .= "\n\n" . $url; } $from = $email_fallback_from; if (strlen($login_email)) { $from = $login_email; } $extra_hdrs = "From: {$from}\nX-Mailer: " . translate("Title"); mail($tempemail, translate($application_name) . " " . translate("Notification") . ": " . $name, html_to_8bits($msg), $extra_hdrs); activity_log($id, $login, $partlogin[$i], $LOG_NOTIFICATION, "Event rejected by {$app_user}"); } } } if ($ret == "list") { do_redirect("list_unapproved.php"); } else { do_redirect("view_entry.php?id={$id}"); }
// The source code packaged with this file is Free Software, Copyright (C) 2012 by // Ricardo Galli <gallir at gallir dot com>. // It's licensed under the AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE unless stated otherwise. // You can get copies of the licenses here: // http://www.affero.org/oagpl.html // AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE is also included in the file called "COPYING". // Use the alternate server for api, if it exists //$globals['alternate_db_server'] = 'backend'; include '../config.php'; $db->connect_timeout = 3; if (!$current_user->user_id) { die; } if (!empty($_GET['redirect'])) { do_redirect($_GET['redirect']); exit(0); } header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); http_cache(5); $notifications = new stdClass(); $notifications->posts = (int) Post::get_unread_conversations($current_user->user_id); $notifications->comments = (int) Comment::get_unread_conversations($current_user->user_id); $notifications->privates = (int) PrivateMessage::get_unread($current_user->user_id); $notifications->friends = count(User::get_new_friends($current_user->user_id)); $notifications->total = $notifications->posts + $notifications->privates + $notifications->friends + $notifications->comments; echo json_encode($notifications); function do_redirect($type) { global $globals, $current_user; $url = '/';
$page = get_preferred_view(); if (access_can_view_page($page)) { send_to_preferred_view(); } else { // User's preferences need to be updated to their preferred view. if (access_can_access_function(ACCESS_PREFERENCES)) { do_redirect('pref.php'); } // User does not have access to preferences... // So, we need to pick another page. if (access_can_access_function(ACCESS_WEEK)) { do_redirect('week.php'); } elseif (access_can_access_function(ACCESS_MONTH)) { do_redirect('month.php'); } elseif (access_can_access_function(ACCESS_DAY)) { do_redirect('day.php'); } elseif (access_can_access_function(ACCESS_YEAR)) { do_redirect('year.php'); } // At this point, this user cannot view the preferred view in their // preferences (and they cannot update their preferences), and they cannot // view any of the standard day/week/month/year pages. All that's left is a // custom view that is either created by them or a global view. if (count($views) > 0) { do_redirect($views[0]['url']); } // No views either? You gotta be kidding me! ;-) } } else { do_redirect('month.php'); }
} else { $error = translate("Database error") . ": " . dbi_error(); } } } # update user list if ($error == "") { dbi_query("DELETE FROM webcal_group_user WHERE cal_group_id = {$id}"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($users); $i++) { dbi_query("INSERT INTO webcal_group_user ( cal_group_id, cal_login ) " . "VALUES ( {$id}, '{$users[$i]}' )"); } } } } if ($error == "") { do_redirect("groups.php"); } ?> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE><?php etranslate($application_name); ?> </TITLE> <?php include "includes/styles.php"; ?> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="<?php echo $BGCOLOR; ?>
/** * Sends a redirect to the user's preferred view. * * The user's preferred view is stored in the $STARTVIEW global variable. This * is loaded from the user preferences (or system settings if there are no user * prefererences.) * * @param string $indate Date to pass to preferred view in YYYYMMDD format * @param string $args Arguments to include in the URL (such as "user=joe") */ function send_to_preferred_view($indate = "", $args = "") { $url = get_preferred_view($indate, $args); do_redirect($url); }
$redir = "?date={$thisdate}"; } if ($user != "") { if ($redir != "") { $redir .= "&"; } $redir .= "user={$user}"; } $url = "{$STARTVIEW}.php" . $redir; } } if (empty($error)) { if ($is_assistant || $is_nonuser_admin) { $url = $url . (strpos($url, "?") === false ? "?" : "&") . "user={$user}"; } do_redirect($_SESSION['referer']); $_SESSION['referer'] = ''; exit; } print_header(); ?> <h2><?php etranslate("Error"); ?> </h2> <blockquote> <?php echo $error; ?> </blockquote>
} if (strlen($value) > 0) { $sql = "INSERT INTO webcal_config " . "( cal_setting, cal_value ) VALUES " . "( '{$setting}', '{$value}' )"; if (!dbi_query($sql)) { $error = translate("Error") . ": " . dbi_error() . "<br /><br /><span style=\"font-weight:bold;\">SQL:</span> {$sql}"; break; } } } } } if (empty($error)) { if (empty($ovrd)) { do_redirect("admin.php"); } else { do_redirect("admin.php?ovrd={$ovrd}"); } } print_header(); ?> <h2><?php etranslate("Error"); ?> </h2> <?php etranslate("The following error occurred"); ?> : <blockquote>
} else { // Check for cookie... if (!empty($webcalendar_session)) { $encoded_login = $webcalendar_session; if (empty($encoded_login)) { // invalid session cookie $session_not_found = true; } else { $login_pw = split('\\|', decode_string($encoded_login)); $login = $login_pw[0]; $cryptpw = $login_pw[1]; // make sure we are connected to the database for password check $c = dbi_connect($db_host, $db_login, $db_password, $db_database); if (!$c) { echo "Error connecting to database:<BLOCKQUOTE>" . dbi_error() . "</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"; exit; } if (!user_valid_crypt($login, $cryptpw)) { do_debug("User not logged in; redirecting to login page"); if (empty($login_return_path)) { do_redirect("login.php"); } else { do_redirect("login.php?return_path={$login_return_path}"); } } do_debug("Decoded login from cookie: {$login}"); } } } } }
} exit; } // reset one show else if ( isset($_GET['resetshow']) ) { if ( $show = Show::get($_GET['resetshow']) ) { // delete seasons/episodes $db->delete('seasons', array('series_id' => $_GET['resetshow'])); // delete tvdb series id $db->update('series', array('tvdb_series_id' => 0, 'changed' => time()), array('id' => $_GET['resetshow'])); } return do_redirect('index'); } // keep db hot else if ( isset($_GET['keepalive']) ) { $db->delete('variables', array('name' => 'keepalive')); $db->insert('variables', array('name' => 'keepalive', 'value' => time())); exit('OK'); } // lazy/async load inactive shows else if ( isset($_GET['inactive']) ) { require 'tpl.shows.php'; exit; }
} if (empty($error) && !dbi_query("INSERT INTO webcal_report_template " . "( cal_report_id, cal_template_type, cal_template_text ) VALUES ( " . "{$report_id}, 'P', '{$page_template}' )")) { $error = translate("Database error") . ": " . dbi_error(); } if (empty($error) && !dbi_query("INSERT INTO webcal_report_template " . "( cal_report_id, cal_template_type, cal_template_text ) VALUES ( " . "{$report_id}, 'D', '{$day_template}' )")) { $error = translate("Database error") . ": " . dbi_error(); } if (empty($error) && !dbi_query("INSERT INTO webcal_report_template " . "( cal_report_id, cal_template_type, cal_template_text ) VALUES ( " . "{$report_id}, 'E', '{$event_template}' )")) { $error = translate("Database error") . ": " . dbi_error(); } } if (empty($error)) { if ($updating_public) { do_redirect("report.php?public=1"); } else { do_redirect("report.php"); } exit; } print_header(); ?> <h2><?php etranslate("Error"); ?> </h2> <blockquote> <?php echo htmlentities($error); ?> </blockquote>
<?php /* $Id: assistant_edit.php,v 1.38 2007/07/28 19:21:57 bbannon Exp $ */ include_once 'includes/init.php'; if (empty($login) || $login == '__public__') { // Do not allow public access. do_redirect(empty($STARTVIEW) ? 'month.php' : "{$STARTVIEW}"); exit; } if ($user != $login) { $user = ($is_admin || $is_nonuser_admin) && $user ? $user : $login; } print_header($GROUPS_ENABLED == 'Y' ? array('js/assistant_edit.php/true') : ''); ob_start(); echo ' <form action="assistant_edit_handler.php" method="post" ' . 'name="assistanteditform">' . ($user ? ' <input type="hidden" name="user" value="' . $user . '" />' : '') . ' <h2>'; $assistStr = translate('Assistants'); if ($is_nonuser_admin) { nonuser_load_variables($user, 'nonuser'); echo $nonuserfullname . ' ' . $assistStr . '<br /> -- ' . translate('Admin mode') . ' --'; } else { echo translate('Your assistants'); } echo '</h2> ' . display_admin_link() . ' <table> <tr> <td class="aligntop"><label for="users">' . $assistStr . ':</label></td>
if ($public_access_can_add != 'Y') { // do not allow add if (strstr($PHP_SELF, "edit_entry.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "edit_entry_handler.php")) { $not_auth = true; } } } if (empty($is_admin) || !$is_admin) { if (strstr($PHP_SELF, "admin.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "admin_handler.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "groups.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "group_edit.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "group_edit_handler.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "edit_template.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "activity_log.php")) { $not_auth = true; } } // restrict access if calendar is read-only if ($readonly == "Y") { if (strstr($PHP_SELF, "activity_log.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "adminhome.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "admin.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "approve_entry.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "category_handler.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "category.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "del_entry.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "edit_report_handler.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "edit_report.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "edit_template.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "edit_user_handler.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "edit_user.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "group_edit_handler.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "groups.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "import_handler.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "import_handler.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "import.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "layers.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "layer_toggle.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "list_unapproved.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "pref_handler.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "pref.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "pref_handler.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "purge.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "reject_entry.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "set_entry_cat.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "users.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "views_edit_handler.php") || strstr($PHP_SELF, "views.php")) { $not_auth = true; } } // We can't call translate() here because translate.php gets loaded // after this include file :-( // So, instead of an error message that may be in the wrong language, // just redirect to some other page. if ($not_auth) { /* echo "<html>\n<head>\n<title>" . translate($application_name) . " " . translate("Error") . "</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n"; echo "<h2>" . translate ( "Error" ) . "</h2>\n" . translate ( "You are not authorized" ); */ do_redirect("week.php"); }
<?php include_once $gfplugins . 'webcalendar/www/includes/init.php'; if (empty($login) || $login == "__public__") { // do not allow public access do_redirect(empty($STARTVIEW) ? "month.php" : "{$STARTVIEW}"); exit; } if ($user != $login) { $user = ($is_admin || $is_nonuser_admin) && $user ? $user : $login; } if ($groups_enabled == "Y") { $INC = array('js/assistant_edit.php'); } else { $INC = ''; } print_header($INC); ?> <form action="assistant_edit_handler.php" method="post" name="assistanteditform"> <?php if ($user) { echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"user\" value=\"{$user}\" />\n"; } if ($is_nonuser_admin) { nonuser_load_variables($user, "nonuser"); echo "<h2>" . $nonuserfullname . " " . translate("Assistants") . "<br />\n-- " . translate("Admin mode") . " --</h2>\n"; } else { echo "<h2>" . translate("Your assistants") . "</h2>\n"; } ?>
exit_error("Error", "First activate the $pluginname plugin through the Project's Admin Interface"); } $userperm = $group->getPermission($user);//we´ll check if the user belongs to the group if ( !$userperm->IsMember()) { exit_error("Access Denied", "You are not a member of this project"); } //only project admin can access here if ( $userperm->isAdmin() ) { webcalendar_Project_Header(array('title'=>$pluginname . ' Project Plugin!','pagename'=>"$pluginname",'sectionvals'=>array(group_getname($id)))); // DO THE STUFF FOR THE PROJECT ADMINISTRATION PART HERE echo "We are in the Project webcalendar plugin <font color=\"#ff0000\">ADMINISTRATION</font> <br>"; echo "Greetings from planet " . $world; // $world comes from the config file in /etc } else { exit_error("Access Denied", "You are not a project Admin"); } } } */ include_once $gfplugins . 'webcalendar/www/includes/init.php'; // If not yet logged in, you will be redirected to login.php before // we get to this point (by connect.php included above) if (!empty($STARTVIEW)) { send_to_preferred_view(); } else { do_redirect("month.php"); } site_project_footer(array()); // Local Variables: // mode: php // c-file-style: "bsd" // End:
$res = dbi_query("SELECT MAX(cal_layerid) FROM webcal_user_layers"); if ($res) { $row = dbi_fetch_row($res); $layerid = $row[0] + 1; } else { $layerid = 1; } dbi_query("INSERT INTO webcal_user_layers ( " . "cal_layerid, cal_login, cal_layeruser, cal_color, cal_dups ) " . "VALUES ('{$layerid}', '{$layer_user}', '{$layeruser}', " . "'{$layercolor}', '{$dups}')"); } } } if ($error == "") { if ($updating_public) { do_redirect("layers.php?public=1"); } else { do_redirect("layers.php"); } exit; } print_header(); ?> <h2><?php etranslate("Error"); ?> </h2> <blockquote> <?php echo $error; ?> </blockquote>
$time = $row[3]; dbi_free_result($res); } if ($time != '-1') { $hour = substr($time, 0, 2); $minute = substr($time, 2, 2); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($partlogin); $i++) { // does this user want email for this? $send_user_mail = get_pref_setting($partlogin[$i], "EMAIL_EVENT_REJECTED"); user_load_variables($partlogin[$i], "temp"); if ($send_user_mail == "Y" && strlen($tempemail) && $send_email != "N") { $msg = translate("Hello") . ", " . $tempfullname . ".\n\n" . translate("An appointment has been rejected by") . " " . $login_fullname . ". " . translate("The subject was") . " \"" . $name . " \"\n" . translate("The description is") . " \"" . $description . "\"\n" . translate("Date") . ": " . date_to_str($fmtdate) . "\n" . (empty($hour) && empty($minute) ? "" : translate("Time") . ": " . display_time($hour * 10000 + $minute * 100)) . "\n\n\n"; if (!empty($server_url)) { $url = $server_url . "view_entry.php?id=" . $id; $msg .= "\n\n" . $url; } $from = $email_fallback_from; if (strlen($login_email)) { $from = $login_email; } $extra_hdrs = "From: {$from}\r\nX-Mailer: " . translate("Title"); mail($tempemail, translate($application_name) . " " . translate("Notification") . ": " . $name, html_to_8bits($msg), $extra_hdrs); activity_log($id, $login, $partlogin[$i], $LOG_NOTIFICATION, "Event rejected by {$app_user}"); } } } //if ( $ret == "list" ) do_redirect("list_unapproved.php?user={$app_user}"); //else // do_redirect ( "view_entry.php?id=$id&user=$app_user" );
include_once 'includes/init.php'; load_user_layers(); $status = getValue('status', '(on|off)', true); $public = getValue('public'); if ($ALLOW_VIEW_OTHER != 'Y') { print_header(); echo print_not_auth(7) . print_trailer(); exit; } $updating_public = false; $url = 'layers.php'; if ($is_admin && !empty($public) && $PUBLIC_ACCESS == 'Y') { $updating_public = true; $layer_user = '******'; $url .= '?public=1'; } else { $layer_user = $login; } dbi_execute('DELETE FROM webcal_user_pref WHERE cal_login = ? AND cal_setting = \'LAYERS_STATUS\'', array($layer_user)); $sql = 'INSERT INTO webcal_user_pref ( cal_login, cal_setting, cal_value ) VALUES ( ?, \'LAYERS_STATUS\', ? )'; if (!dbi_execute($sql, array($layer_user, $status == 'off' ? 'N' : 'Y'))) { $error = translate('Unable to update preference') . ': ' . dbi_error() . '<br /><br /><span class="bold">SQL:</span> ' . $sql; break; } if (empty($error)) { do_redirect($url); } print_header(); echo print_error($error, true) . print_trailer();
} } else { $catowner = "'{$login}'"; } $sql = "INSERT INTO webcal_categories " . "( cat_id, cat_owner, cat_name ) " . "VALUES ( {$id}, {$catowner}, '{$catname}' )"; if (!dbi_query($sql)) { $error = translate("Database error") . ": " . dbi_error(); } } else { $error = translate("Database error") . ": " . dbi_error(); } } } } if (empty($error)) { do_redirect("category.php"); } print_header(); ?> <h2><?php etranslate("Error"); ?> </h2> <blockquote> <?php echo $error; ?> </blockquote> <?php
* Must have "allow view others" enabled ($allow_view_other) in * System Settings unless the user is an admin user ($is_admin). * If the view is not global, the user must be owner of the view. * If the view is global, then and user_sees_only_his_groups is * enabled, then we remove users not in this user's groups * (except for nonuser calendars... which we allow regardless of group). */ include_once 'includes/init.php'; $error = ""; $DAYS_PER_TABLE = 7; if ($allow_view_other == "N" && !$is_admin) { // not allowed... send_to_preferred_view(); } if (empty($id)) { do_redirect("views.php"); } // Find view name in $views[] $view_name = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($views); $i++) { if ($views[$i]['cal_view_id'] == $id) { $view_name = $views[$i]['cal_name']; } } // If view_name not found, then the specified view id does not // belong to current user. if (empty($view_name)) { $error = translate("You are not authorized"); } $INC = array('js/popups.php'); print_header($INC);
if ($nlastname) { $sql .= ' cal_lastname = ?,'; $sql_params[] = $nlastname; } if ($nfirstname) { $sql .= ' cal_firstname = ?,'; $sql_params[] = $nfirstname; } $sql_params[] = $nadmin; $sql_params[] = $nid; if (!dbi_execute($sql . ' cal_admin = ? WHERE cal_login = ?', $sql_params)) { $error = db_error(); } } else { // Adding if (preg_match('/^[\\w]+$/', $nid)) { $nid = $NONUSER_PREFIX . $nid; if (!dbi_execute('INSERT INTO webcal_nonuser_cals ( cal_login, cal_firstname, cal_lastname, cal_admin ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? )', array($nid, $nfirstname, $nlastname, $nadmin))) { $error = db_error(); } } else { $error = translate('Calendar ID') . ' ' . translate('word characters only') . '.'; } } } if (empty($error)) { do_redirect('nonusers.php'); } print_header(); echo print_error($error) . print_trailer();