ob_end_flush(); cc_core_rebill($vars['paysys_id'], $vars['date'], $from_cron = false); /// next $vars['date'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($vars['date']) + 3600 * 24); if ($vars['date'] > $vars['date2']) { print "<font size=3>Rebilling Finished! <a href='rebill.php'>Back to the form</a></font>"; $t->display('admin/footer.inc.html'); return; } $d = strftime($config['date_format'], strtotime($vars['date'])); print <<<CUT \t<form method=post> \t<input type=submit name=confirm value="Process next date[{$d}]" /> \t<input type=hidden name=date value='{$vars['date']}' /> \t<input type=hidden name=date1 value='{$vars['date1']}' /> \t<input type=hidden name=date2 value='{$vars['date2']}' /> \t<input type=hidden name=paysys_id value='{$vars['paysys_id']}' /> \t</form> CUT; $t->display('admin/footer.inc.html'); } $vars = get_input_vars(); if ($vars['date1'] && $vars['date2'] && $vars['paysys_id']) { if ($vars['confirm']) { do_rebill($vars); } else { display_confirmation($vars); } } else { display_form(); }
$options .= "<option value='{$p}'>{$p}</option>\n"; } $dat = htmlentities($vars['dat']); print "<form method='post' action='rebill_log.php'>\n\t<select name='paysys_id'>\n\t<option value=''>*** Select a Payment System to continue ***</option>\n\t{$options}</select> <br />\n\t<label><input type='checkbox' name='repeat_declined' value='1' />\n\tRe-process payments that were marked as declined\n\t</label><br />\n\t<input type='submit' value='Continue'>\n\t<input type='hidden' name='dat' value='{$dat}'>\n\t<input type='hidden' name='do' value='rebill'>\n\t</form>\n\t"; } else { // do rebill print "\n\t\t<h2>Manual CC Rebill {$hdat} - {$vars['paysys_id']}</h2>"; print "<p><b>Please do not stop/exit your browser, do not run other payment processes until this process is finished!</b></p>"; for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) { print " \n"; } // to flush browser/apache buffer for sure print " Rebilling Process started at " . strftime($config['time_format']) . "....<br />\n"; ob_end_flush(); $dat = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($vars['dat'])); $was = $db->query_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$db->config[prefix]}rebill_log"); cc_core_rebill($vars['paysys_id'], $dat, $from_cron = false, intval($vars['repeat_declined'])); $now = $db->query_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$db->config[prefix]}rebill_log"); $added = $now - $was; print " Rebilling Process finished at " . strftime($config['time_format']) . ".<br />\n\t\t <b>{$added}</b> transactions processed. <br />\n"; print "<br /><a href='rebill_log.php?do=rebill_stats'>Go back to Rebilling Stats</a>"; } $t->display('admin/footer.inc.html'); } if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'rebill_stats') { do_stats(); } elseif ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'rebill') { do_rebill(); } else { do_logs(); }