if ($tab_option == 1) { do_comment_pages($link->comments, $current_page); } echo '<div class="commentform warn">' . "\n"; echo _('comentarios cerrados') . "\n"; echo '</div>' . "\n"; } elseif ($current_user->authenticated && ($current_user->user_karma > $globals['min_karma_for_comments'] || $current_user->user_id == $link->author)) { // User can comment print_comment_form(); if ($tab_option == 1) { do_comment_pages($link->comments, $current_page); } } else { // Not enough karma or anonymous user if ($tab_option == 1) { do_comment_pages($link->comments, $current_page); } if ($current_user->authenticated && $current_user->user_karma <= $globals['min_karma_for_comments']) { echo '<div class="commentform warn">' . "\n"; echo _('No tienes el mínimo karma requerido') . " (" . $globals['min_karma_for_comments'] . ") " . _('para comentar') . ": " . $current_user->user_karma . "\n"; echo '</div>' . "\n"; } elseif (!$globals['bot']) { echo '<div class="commentform warn">' . "\n"; echo '<a href="' . $globals['base_url'] . 'login.php?return=' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '">' . _('Autentifícate si deseas escribir') . '</a> ' . _('comentarios') . '. ' . _('O crea tu cuenta') . ' <a href="' . $globals['base_url'] . 'register.php">aquí</a>' . "\n"; echo '</div>' . "\n"; } } echo '</div>' . "\n"; break; case 3: // Show voters
$comments = $db->get_col("SELECT SQL_CACHE comment_id FROM comments WHERE comment_link_id=$link->id ORDER BY $order_field $limit"); if ($comments) { echo '<ol class="comments-list">'; foreach($comments as $comment_id) { if (($comment = Comment::from_db($comment_id))) { echo '<li>'; $comment->print_summary($link, 2500, true); echo '</li>'; } echo "\n"; } echo "</ol>\n"; } if($tab_option == 1) do_comment_pages($link->comments, $current_page); Comment::print_form($link); echo '</div>' . "\n"; // Highlight a comment if it is referenced by the URL. // currently double border, width must be 3 at least echo '<script type="text/javascript">'; echo 'if(location.href.match(/#(c-\d+)$/)){$("#"+RegExp.$1+">:first").css("border-style","solid").css("border-width","1px")}'; echo "</script>\n"; break; case 3: // Show voters echo '<div class="voters" id="voters">'; echo '<div id="voters-container" style="padding: 10px;">';
static function print_form($link, $rows=12) { global $current_user, $globals; if (!$link->votes > 0) return; if ($link->association && !in_array($current_user->user_id, $globals['association_users'])) { // so a xente da asociacion pode comentar aqui echo '<div class="commentform warn">'."\n"; echo _('Tes que ser da asociación para poder comentar nesta noticia')."\n"; echo '</div>'."\n"; } elseif($link->date < $globals['now']-$globals['time_enabled_comments'] || $link->comments >= $globals['max_comments']) { // Comments already closed echo '<div class="commentform warn">'."\n"; echo _('comentarios cerrados')."\n"; echo '</div>'."\n"; } elseif ($current_user->authenticated && (($current_user->user_karma > $globals['min_karma_for_comments'] && $current_user->user_date < $globals['now'] - $globals['min_time_for_comments']) || $current_user->user_id == $link->author)) { // User can comment echo '<div class="commentform">'."\n"; echo '<form action="" method="post">'."\n"; echo '<fieldset>'."\n"; echo '<legend>'._('envía un comentario'). ' <em style="font-size:80%">'._('porque alguien en Internet está equivocado').'</em></legend>'."\n"; print_simpleformat_buttons('comment'); echo '<label for="comment">'. _('texto del comentario / no se admiten etiquetas HTML').'<br /><span class="note">'._('comentarios xenófobos, racistas o difamatorios causarán la anulación de la cuenta').'</span></label>'."\n"; echo '<div><textarea name="comment_content" id="comment" cols="75" rows="'.$rows.'"></textarea></div>'."\n"; echo '<input class="button" type="submit" name="submit" value="'._('enviar el comentario').'" />'."\n"; // Allow gods to put "admin" comments which does not allow votes if ($current_user->user_level == 'god') { echo ' <label><strong>'._('admin').' </strong><input name="type" type="checkbox" value="admin"/></label>'."\n"; } echo '<input type="hidden" name="process" value="newcomment" />'."\n"; echo '<input type="hidden" name="randkey" value="'.rand(1000000,100000000).'" />'."\n"; echo '<input type="hidden" name="link_id" value="'.$link->id.'" />'."\n"; echo '<input type="hidden" name="user_id" value="'.$current_user->user_id.'" />'."\n"; echo '<input type="hidden" name="parent_id" value="0" />'."\n"; // for comment replies echo '</fieldset>'."\n"; echo '</form>'."\n"; echo "</div>\n"; echo '<div style="visibility:hidden;text-align:center;" id="comentarNoticia" ><a href="#" >'._("Comentar Noticia").'</a></div>'."\n"; } else { // Not enough karma or anonymous user if($tab_option == 1) do_comment_pages($link->comments, $current_page); if ($current_user->authenticated) { if ($current_user->user_date >= $globals['now'] - $globals['min_time_for_comments']) { $remaining = txt_time_diff($globals['now'], $current_user->user_date+$globals['min_time_for_comments']); $msg = _('debes esperar') . " $remaining " . _('para escribir el primer comentario'); } if ($current_user->user_karma <= $globals['min_karma_for_comments']) { $msg = _('no tienes el mínimo karma requerido')." (" . $globals['min_karma_for_comments'] . ") ". _('para comentar'). ": ".$current_user->user_karma; } echo '<div class="commentform warn">'."\n"; echo $msg . "\n"; echo '</div>'."\n"; } elseif (!$globals['bot']){ echo '<div class="commentform warn">'."\n"; echo '<a href="'.get_auth_link().'login.php?return='.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'">'._('Autentifícate si deseas escribir').'</a> '._('comentarios').'. '._('O crea tu cuenta'). ' <a href="'.$globals['base_url'].'register.php">aquí.</a>'."\n"; echo '</div>'."\n"; echo '<div style="margin-top: 20px" align="center">'; print_oauth_icons(); echo '</div>'."\n"; } } }
static function print_form($link, $rows = 5) { global $current_user, $globals; if (!$link->votes > 0) { return; } $comment = new Comment(); // Foo comment $comment->randkey = rand(1000000, 100000000); if ($link->date < $globals['now'] - $globals['time_enabled_comments'] || $link->comments >= $globals['max_comments']) { // Comments already closed echo '<div class="commentform warn">' . "\n"; echo _('comentarios cerrados') . "\n"; echo '</div>' . "\n"; } elseif ($current_user->authenticated && ($current_user->user_karma > $globals['min_karma_for_comments'] && $current_user->user_date < $globals['now'] - $globals['min_time_for_comments'] || $current_user->user_id == $link->author)) { // User can comment echo '<div class="commentform">' . "\n"; echo '<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="comment">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="process" value="newcomment" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="randkey" value="' . $comment->randkey . '" />'; echo '<fieldset>' . "\n"; echo '<legend>' . _('envía un comentario') . '</legend>'; $vars = compact('link', 'comment'); Haanga::Load('comment_edit.html', $vars); echo '<div class="note" style="margin-top:10px">' . _('comentarios xenófobos, racistas o difamatorios causarán la anulación de la cuenta') . '</div>'; echo '</fieldset>' . "\n"; echo '</form>' . "\n"; echo "</div>\n"; } else { // Not enough karma or anonymous user if ($tab_option == 1) { do_comment_pages($link->comments, $current_page); } if ($current_user->authenticated) { if ($current_user->user_date >= $globals['now'] - $globals['min_time_for_comments']) { $remaining = txt_time_diff($globals['now'], $current_user->user_date + $globals['min_time_for_comments']); $msg = _('debes esperar') . " {$remaining} " . _('para escribir el primer comentario'); } if ($current_user->user_karma <= $globals['min_karma_for_comments']) { $msg = _('no tienes el mínimo karma requerido') . " (" . $globals['min_karma_for_comments'] . ") " . _('para comentar') . ": " . $current_user->user_karma; } echo '<div class="commentform warn">' . "\n"; echo $msg . "\n"; echo '</div>' . "\n"; } elseif (!$globals['bot']) { echo '<div class="commentform warn">' . "\n"; echo '<a href="' . get_auth_link() . 'login.php?return=' . urlencode($globals['uri']) . '">' . _('Autentifícate si deseas escribir') . '</a> ' . _('comentarios') . '. ' . _('O crea tu cuenta') . ' <a href="' . $globals['base_url'] . 'register.php">aquí.</a>' . "\n"; echo '</div>' . "\n"; print_oauth_icons(); } } }
$prev = $comment; } } echo '<li>'; $comment->print_summary($link, 2500, true); echo '</li>'; $order++; } echo '</ol>'; } if ($tab_option == 1) { if ($update_comments) { $link->update_comments(); } } do_comment_pages($link->comments, $current_page, $last_com_first); if ($link->comments > 5) { add_javascript('get_total_answers("comment","' . $order_field . '",' . $link->id . ',' . $offset . ',' . $globals['comments_page_size'] . ');'); } Comment::print_form($link); echo '</div>'; break; case 3: // Show voters echo '<div class="voters" id="voters">'; echo '<div id="voters-container" style="padding: 10px;">'; if ($globals['link']->sent_date < $globals['now'] - 60 * 86400) { // older than 60 days echo _('Noticia antigua, datos de votos archivados'); } else { include mnmpath . '/backend/meneos.php';
static function print_form($link, $rows = 5) { global $current_user, $globals; if (!$link->votes > 0) { return; } if ($link->date < $globals['now'] - $globals['time_enabled_comments'] || $link->comments >= $globals['max_comments']) { // Comments already closed echo '<div class="commentform warn">' . "\n"; echo _('comentarios cerrados') . "\n"; echo '</div>' . "\n"; } elseif ($current_user->authenticated && ($current_user->user_karma > $globals['min_karma_for_comments'] && $current_user->user_date < $globals['now'] - $globals['min_time_for_comments'] || $current_user->user_id == $link->author)) { // User can comment echo '<div class="commentform">' . "\n"; echo '<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="comment">' . "\n"; echo '<input type="hidden" name="process" value="newcomment" />' . "\n"; echo '<input type="hidden" name="randkey" value="' . rand(1000000, 100000000) . '" />' . "\n"; echo '<fieldset>' . "\n"; echo '<legend>' . _('envía un comentario') . '</legend>' . "\n"; print_simpleformat_buttons('comment'); echo '<label for="comment">' . _('texto del comentario') . '<br /><span class="note">' . _('comentarios xenófobos, racistas o difamatorios causarán la anulación de la cuenta') . '</span></label>' . "\n"; echo '<div><textarea name="comment_content" class="droparea" id="comment" rows="' . $rows . '"></textarea></div>' . "\n"; echo '<input class="button" type="submit" name="submit" value="' . _('enviar el comentario') . '" />' . "\n"; // Allow gods to put "admin" comments which does not allow votes if ($current_user->user_level == 'god') { echo ' <label><strong>' . _('admin') . ' </strong><input name="type" type="checkbox" value="admin"/></label>' . "\n"; } $comment = new Comment(); // Foo comment $vars = compact('link', 'comment'); Haanga::Load('comment_edit.html', $vars); echo '</fieldset>' . "\n"; echo '</form>' . "\n"; echo "</div>\n"; } else { // Not enough karma or anonymous user if ($tab_option == 1) { do_comment_pages($link->comments, $current_page); } if ($current_user->authenticated) { if ($current_user->user_date >= $globals['now'] - $globals['min_time_for_comments']) { $remaining = txt_time_diff($globals['now'], $current_user->user_date + $globals['min_time_for_comments']); $msg = _('debes esperar') . " {$remaining} " . _('para escribir el primer comentario'); } if ($current_user->user_karma <= $globals['min_karma_for_comments']) { $msg = _('no tienes el mínimo karma requerido') . " (" . $globals['min_karma_for_comments'] . ") " . _('para comentar') . ": " . $current_user->user_karma; } echo '<div class="commentform warn">' . "\n"; echo $msg . "\n"; echo '</div>' . "\n"; } elseif (!$globals['bot']) { echo '<div class="commentform warn">' . "\n"; echo '<a href="' . get_auth_link() . 'login.php?return=' . urlencode($globals['uri']) . '">' . _('Autentifícate si deseas escribir') . '</a> ' . _('comentarios') . '. ' . _('O crea tu cuenta') . ' <a href="' . $globals['base_url'] . 'register.php">aquí.</a>' . "\n"; echo '</div>' . "\n"; print_oauth_icons(); } } }