Ejemplo n.º 1
function preparse_bbcode($text, &$errors, $is_signature = false)
    global $pun_config, $lang_common, $lang_post, $re_list;
    if ($is_signature) {
        global $lang_profile;
        if (preg_match('%\\[/?(?:quote|code|list|h)\\b[^\\]]*\\]%i', $text)) {
            $errors[] = $lang_profile['Signature quote/code/list/h'];
    // If the message contains a code tag we have to split it up (text within [code][/code] shouldn't be touched)
    if (strpos($text, '[code]') !== false && strpos($text, '[/code]') !== false) {
        list($inside, $outside) = split_text($text, '[code]', '[/code]', $errors);
        $text = implode("", $outside);
    // Tidy up lists
    $temp = preg_replace($re_list, 'preparse_list_tag(\'$2\', \'$1\', $errors)', $text);
    // If the regex failed
    if ($temp === null) {
        $errors[] = $lang_common['BBCode list size error'];
    } else {
        $text = str_replace('*' . "" . ']', '*]', $temp);
    if ($pun_config['o_make_links'] == '1') {
        $text = do_clickable($text);
    // If we split up the message before we have to concatenate it together again (code tags)
    if (isset($inside)) {
        $outside = explode("", $text);
        $text = '';
        $num_tokens = count($outside);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $num_tokens; ++$i) {
            $text .= $outside[$i];
            if (isset($inside[$i])) {
                $text .= '[code]' . $inside[$i] . '[/code]';
    $temp_text = false;
    if (empty($errors)) {
        $temp_text = preparse_tags($text, $errors, $is_signature);
    if ($temp_text !== false) {
        $text = $temp_text;
    // Remove empty tags
    while (($new_text = strip_empty_bbcode($text, $errors)) !== false) {
        if ($new_text != $text) {
            $text = $new_text;
            if ($new_text == '') {
                $errors[] = $lang_post['Empty after strip'];
        } else {
    return pun_trim($text);
Ejemplo n.º 2
function parse_signature($text)
    global $pun_config, $lang_common, $pun_user;
    if ($pun_config['o_censoring'] == '1') {
        $text = censor_words($text);
    $text = pun_htmlspecialchars($text);
    if ($pun_config['o_make_links'] == '1') {
        $text = do_clickable($text);
    if ($pun_config['o_smilies_sig'] == '1' && $pun_user['show_smilies'] != '0') {
        $text = do_smilies($text);
    if ($pun_config['p_sig_bbcode'] == '1' && strpos($text, '[') !== false && strpos($text, ']') !== false) {
        $text = do_bbcode($text);
        if ($pun_config['p_sig_img_tag'] == '1') {
            //			$text = preg_replace('#\[img\]((ht|f)tps?://)([^\s<"]*?)\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)\[/img\]#e', 'handle_img_tag(\'$1$3.$4\', true)', $text);
            $text = preg_replace('#\\[img\\]((ht|f)tps?://)([^\\s<"]*?)\\[/img\\]#e', 'handle_img_tag(\'$1$3\', true)', $text);
    // Deal with newlines, tabs and multiple spaces
    $pattern = array("\n", "\t", '  ', '  ');
    $replace = array('<br />', '&nbsp; &nbsp; ', '&nbsp; ', ' &nbsp;');
    $text = str_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
    return $text;
Ejemplo n.º 3
function Parser($x)
    return do_clickable($x);
Ejemplo n.º 4
function parse_message($text, $html = 'off')
    if ($html != 'on') {
        // Convert applicable characters to HTML entities
        $text = pun_htmlspecialchars($text);
    // If the message contains a code tag we have to split it up (text within [code][/code] shouldn't be touched)
    if (strpos($text, '[code]') !== false && strpos($text, '[/code]') !== false) {
        list($inside, $outside) = split_text($text, '[code]', '[/code]');
        $outside = array_map('ltrim', $outside);
        $text = implode('<">', $outside);
    $text = do_clickable($text);
    if (strpos($text, '[') !== false && strpos($text, ']') !== false) {
        $text = do_bbcode($text);
        $text = preg_replace('#\\[img\\]((ht|f)tps?://)([^\\s<"]*?)\\[/img\\]#e', 'handle_img_tag(\'$1$3\')', $text);
    // Deal with newlines, tabs and multiple spaces
    $pattern = array("\n", "\t", '  ', '  ');
    $replace = array('<br />', '&nbsp; &nbsp; ', '&nbsp; ', ' &nbsp;');
    $text = str_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
    // If we split up the message before we have to concatenate it together again (code tags)
    if (isset($inside)) {
        $outside = explode('<">', $text);
        $text = '';
        $num_tokens = count($outside);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $num_tokens; ++$i) {
            $text .= $outside[$i];
            if (isset($inside[$i])) {
                $num_lines = (substr_count($inside[$i], "\n") + 3) * 1.5;
                $height_str = $num_lines > 35 ? '35em' : $num_lines . 'em';
                $text .= '</p><div class="codebox"><div class="incqbox"><h4>Kod:</h4><div class="scrollbox" style="height: ' . $height_str . '"><pre>' . $inside[$i] . '</pre></div></div></div><p>';
    // Add paragraph tag around post, but make sure there are no empty paragraphs
    $text = str_replace('<p></p>', '', '<p class="IE_wrap">' . $text . '</p>');
    $pattern = '/@([0-9a-zA-Z_\\-åäöÅÄÖ]+)@/';
    $replacement = '<div style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Svarar till <a href="/traffa/quicksearch.php?username=$1">$1</a></div>';
    $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $text);
    $pattern = '/@([0-9a-zA-Z_\\-åäöÅÄÖ]+):([0-9]+)@/';
    function fix_postid($matches)
        $query = 'SELECT timestamp FROM forum_posts, login WHERE forum_posts.id = ' . $matches[2] . ' AND login.username LIKE "' . $matches[1] . '" AND login.id = forum_posts.user';
        $result = mysql_query($query);
        $data = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
        if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
            $extra_text .= '<strong><i> <a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="window.open(\'read_post_popup.php?id=' . $matches[2] . '\'';
            $extra_text .= ', \'_blank\', \'width=600, height=450, scrollbars=yes\');">';
            $extra_text .= 'Svarar på inlägg skrivet av ' . $matches[1] . ', ' . date('Y-m-d H:i', $data['timestamp']) . '</a></strong></i>';
        return $extra_text;
    $text = preg_replace_callback($pattern, "fix_postid", $text);
    return $text;
Ejemplo n.º 5
function bbcode_parse($text, $brfix = 1, $emoticons = 1, $wow = 1)
    // By BlackWizard, http://www.phpcs.com/codes/BBCODE-SIMPLEMENT_17638.aspx
    global $forum_lang, $userid;
    $text = preg_replace("#\\[img\\]((ht|f)tp://)([^\r\n\t<\"]*?)\\[/img\\]#sie", "'<img border=\"0\" src=\\1' . str_replace(' ', '%20', '\\3') . '>'", $text);
    $text = preg_replace("#\\[url\\]((ht|f)tp://)([^\r\n\t<\"]*?)\\[/url\\]#sie", "'<a href=\"\\1' . str_replace(' ', '%20', '\\3') . '\" target=blank>\\1\\3</a>'", $text);
    $text = preg_replace("/\\[url=(.+?)\\](.+?)\\[\\/url\\]/", "<a href=\"\$1\" target=\"blank\">\$2</a>", $text);
    $text = preg_replace("/\\[b\\](.+?)\\[\\/b\\]/", "<b>\$1</b>", $text);
    $text = preg_replace("/\\[i\\](.+?)\\[\\/i\\]/", "<i>\$1</i>", $text);
    $text = preg_replace("/\\[u\\](.+?)\\[\\/u\\]/", "<u>\$1</u>", $text);
    $text = preg_replace("/\\[center\\](.+?)\\[\\/center\\]/", "<center>\$1</center>", $text);
    $text = preg_replace("/\\[left\\](.+?)\\[\\/left\\]/", "<span align='left'>\$1</span>", $text);
    //these don't work, but at least you don't get bbcode junk
    $text = preg_replace("/\\[right\\](.+?)\\[\\/right\\]/", "<span align='right'>\$1</span>", $text);
    //these don't work, but at least you don't get bbcode junk
    $text = preg_replace("/\\[code\\](.+?)\\[\\/code\\]/", "<table width=100%><tr><th align=left>Code :</th></tr><tr><td align=left><code>\$1</code></td></tr></table>", $text);
    $text = preg_replace("/\\[quote\\](.+?)\\[\\/quote\\]/", "<table width=100%><tr><th align=left>" . $forum_lang["quote"] . " :</th></tr><tr><td align=left>\$1</td></tr></table>", $text);
    $text = preg_replace("/\\[quote=(.+?)\\](.+?)\\[\\/quote\\]/", "<table width=100%><tr><th align=left>\$1 " . $forum_lang["wrote"] . " :</th></tr><tr><td align=left>\$2</td></tr></table>", $text);
    $text = preg_replace("/\\[color=(.+?)\\](.+?)\\[\\/color\\]/", "<font color=\$1>\$2</font>", $text);
    $uid = $userid;
    $text = preg_replace("#\\[youtube\\](.*?)\\[/youtube\\]#si", "[youtube:" . $uid . "]\\1[/youtube:" . $uid . "]", $text);
    $text = preg_replace("#\\[media\\](([a-z]+?)://([^, \n\r]+))\\[/media\\]#si", "[media:" . $uid . "]\\1[/media:" . $uid . "]", $text);
    if ($wow == 1) {
        $text = preg_replace_callback("/\\[wow\\](.+?)\\[\\/wow\\]/", "bbcode_callbacks_wow", $text);
    // Emoticons.
    if ($emoticons == 1) {
        // Emoticons from PunBB
        $text = str_replace(":)", '<img src="img/emoticons/smile.gif" />', $text);
        $text = str_replace("=)", '<img src="img/emoticons/smile.gif" />', $text);
        $text = str_replace(":|", '<img src="img/emoticons/neutral.gif" />', $text);
        $text = str_replace("=|", '<img src="img/emoticons/neutral.gif" />', $text);
        $text = str_replace(":(", '<img src="img/emoticons/sad.gif" />', $text);
        $text = str_replace("=(", '<img src="img/emoticons/sad.gif" />', $text);
        $text = str_replace(":D", '<img src="img/emoticons/razz.gif" />', $text);
        $text = str_replace("=D", '<img src="img/emoticons/razz.gif" />', $text);
        $text = str_replace(":o", '<img src="img/emoticons/yikes.gif" />', $text);
        $text = str_replace(":0", '<img src="img/emoticons/yikes.gif" />', $text);
        $text = str_replace(";)", '<img src="img/emoticons/wink.gif" />', $text);
        $text = preg_replace("/([^p|s])\\:\\//", '$1<img src="img/emoticons/hmm.gif" />', $text);
        $text = str_replace(":P", '<img src="img/emoticons/tongue.gif" />', $text);
        $text = str_replace(":p", '<img src="img/emoticons/tongue.gif" />', $text);
        $text = str_replace(":lol:", '<img src="img/emoticons/lol.gif" />', $text);
        $text = str_replace(":mad:", '<img src="img/emoticons/angry.gif" />', $text);
        $text = str_replace(":rolleyes:", '<img src="img/emoticons/roll.gif" />', $text);
        $text = str_replace(":cool:", '<img src="img/emoticons/cool.gif" />', $text);
    if ($brfix == 1) {
        $text = str_replace("&lt;br /&gt;", "<br /> ", $text);
    } else {
        $text = str_replace("<br />", "<br /> ", $text);
    // no comment :)
    $text = do_clickable(htmlspecialchars_decode($text));
    $text = preg_replace("#\\[media:" . $uid . "\\](.*?)\\[/media:" . $uid . "\\]#si", "<object id=\"WMP\" type=\"video/x-ms-asf\" data=\"video.asx\" src=\"\\1\" width=\"450\" height=\"350\"><param name=\"AutoStart\" value=\"0\"> <embed width=\"450\" height=\"350\" AutoStart=\"0\" src=\"\\1\" ShowTracker=\"true\" ShowControls=\"true\" ShowGotoBar=\"true\" ShowDisplay=\"true\" ShowStatusBar=\"true\" AutoSize=\"true\" pluginspage=\"http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/download/\"></embed></OBJECT>", $text);
    $text = str_replace("[/win:" . $uid . "]", "", $text);
    $text = preg_replace("#\\[youtube:" . $uid . "\\](.*?)\\[/youtube:" . $uid . "\\]#si", "<object width=\"425\" height=\"350\"><param name=\"movie\" value=\"\\1\"></param><embed src=\"\\1\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" width=\"425\" height=\"350\"></embed></object>" . "[/youtube:" . $uid . "]", $text);
    $text = str_replace("[/youtube:" . $uid . "]", "", $text);
    $text = str_replace("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=", "http://www.youtube.com/v/", $text);
    $text = str_replace("http://www.youtube.com", "http://youtube.com", $text);
    $text = str_replace("http://www.youtube.com", "http://fr.youtube.com", $text);
    return $text;
Ejemplo n.º 6
function preparse_bbcode($text, &$errors, $is_signature = false)
    global $luna_config, $re_list;
    // Remove empty tags
    while (($new_text = strip_empty_bbcode($text)) !== false) {
        if ($new_text != $text) {
            $text = $new_text;
            if ($new_text == '') {
                $errors[] = __('It seems your post consisted of empty BBCodes only. It is possible that this happened because e.g. the innermost quote was discarded because of the maximum quote depth level.', 'luna');
                return '';
        } else {
    if ($is_signature) {
        if (preg_match('%\\[/?(?:quote|code|video|list|h)\\b[^\\]]*\\]%i', $text)) {
            $errors[] = __('The quote, code, list, video, and heading BBCodes are not allowed in signatures.', 'luna');
    // If the message contains a code tag we have to split it up (text within [code][/code] shouldn't be touched)
    if (strpos($text, '[code]') !== false && strpos($text, '[/code]') !== false) {
        list($inside, $text) = extract_blocks($text, '[code]', '[/code]');
    // Tidy up lists
    $temp = preg_replace_callback($re_list, create_function('$matches', 'return preparse_list_tag($matches[2], $matches[1]);'), $text);
    // If the regex failed
    if (is_null($temp)) {
        $errors[] = __('Your list was too long to parse, please make it smaller!', 'luna');
    } else {
        $text = str_replace('*' . "" . ']', '*]', $temp);
    if ($luna_config['o_make_links'] == '1') {
        $text = do_clickable($text);
    $temp_text = false;
    if (empty($errors)) {
        $temp_text = preparse_tags($text, $errors, $is_signature);
    if ($temp_text !== false) {
        $text = $temp_text;
    // If we split up the message before we have to concatenate it together again (code tags)
    if (isset($inside)) {
        $outside = explode("", $text);
        $text = '';
        $num_tokens = count($outside);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $num_tokens; ++$i) {
            $text .= $outside[$i];
            if (isset($inside[$i])) {
                $text .= '[code]' . $inside[$i] . '[/code]';
    // Remove empty tags
    while (($new_text = strip_empty_bbcode($text)) !== false) {
        if ($new_text != $text) {
            $text = $new_text;
            if ($new_text == '') {
                $errors[] = __('It seems your post consisted of empty BBCodes only. It is possible that this happened because e.g. the innermost quote was discarded because of the maximum quote depth level.', 'luna');
        } else {
    return luna_trim($text);
Ejemplo n.º 7
function preparse_bbcode($text, &$errors, $is_signature = false)
    global $forum_config;
    $return = ($hook = get_hook('ps_preparse_bbcode_start')) ? eval($hook) : null;
    if ($return != null) {
        return $return;
    if ($is_signature) {
        global $lang_profile;
        if (preg_match('#\\[quote(=(&quot;|"|\'|)(.*)\\1)?\\]|\\[/quote\\]|\\[code\\]|\\[/code\\]|\\[list(=([1a\\*]))?\\]|\\[/list\\]#i', $text)) {
            $errors[] = $lang_profile['Signature quote/code/list'];
    if ($forum_config['p_sig_bbcode'] == '1' && $is_signature || $forum_config['p_message_bbcode'] == '1' && !$is_signature) {
        // If the message contains a code tag we have to split it up (text within [code][/code] shouldn't be touched)
        if (strpos($text, '[code]') !== false && strpos($text, '[/code]') !== false) {
            list($inside, $outside) = split_text($text, '[code]', '[/code]', $errors);
            $text = implode("", $outside);
        // Tidy up lists
        $pattern_callback = '%\\[list(?:=([1a*]))?+\\]((?:(?>.*?(?=\\[list(?:=[1a*])?+\\]|\\[/list\\]))|(?R))*)\\[/list\\]%is';
        $replace_callback = 'preparse_list_tag($matches[2], $matches[1], $errors)';
        $text = preg_replace_callback($pattern_callback, create_function('$matches', 'return ' . $replace_callback . ';'), $text);
        $text = str_replace('*' . "" . ']', '*]', $text);
        if ($forum_config['o_make_links'] == '1') {
            $text = do_clickable($text, defined('FORUM_SUPPORT_PCRE_UNICODE'));
        // If we split up the message before we have to concatenate it together again (code tags)
        if (isset($inside)) {
            $outside = explode("", $text);
            $text = '';
            $num_tokens = count($outside);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $num_tokens; ++$i) {
                $text .= $outside[$i];
                if (isset($inside[$i])) {
                    $text .= '[code]' . $inside[$i] . '[/code]';
        $temp_text = false;
        if (empty($errors)) {
            $temp_text = preparse_tags($text, $errors, $is_signature);
        if ($temp_text !== false) {
            $text = $temp_text;
        // Remove empty tags
        while ($new_text = preg_replace('/\\[(b|u|i|h|colou?r|quote|code|img|url|email|list)(?:\\=[^\\]]*)?\\]\\[\\/\\1\\]/', '', $text)) {
            if ($new_text != $text) {
                $text = $new_text;
            } else {
    $return = ($hook = get_hook('ps_preparse_bbcode_end')) ? eval($hook) : null;
    if ($return != null) {
        return $return;
    return forum_trim($text);
Ejemplo n.º 8
function markup_parse($text, $options)
    $options['use_funny'] = isset($options['use_funny']) ? $options['use_funny'] : true;
    $tags_allowed = array('<strong>', '<em>', '<u>', '<ul>', '<ol>', '<li>', '<sup>', '<p>', '<h1>', '<h2>', '<br />');
    $tags_temporary = array('[*strong*]', '[*em*]', '[*u*]', '[*ul*]', '[*ol*]', '[*li*]', '[*sup*]', '[*p*]', '[*h1*]', '[*h2*]', '[*br*]');
    $tags_allowed_end = array('</strong>', '</em>', '</u>', '</ul>', '</ol>', '</li>', '</sup>', '</p>', '</h1>', '</h2>');
    $tags_temporary_end = array('[*/strong*]', '[*/em*]', '[*/u*]', '[*/ul*]', '[*/ol*]', '[*/li*]', '[*/sup*]', '[*/p*]', '[*/h1*]', '[*/h2*]');
    $text = str_replace($tags_allowed, $tags_temporary, $text);
    $text = str_replace($tags_allowed_end, $tags_temporary_end, $text);
    $text = strip_tags($text);
    $text = str_replace($tags_temporary, $tags_allowed, $text);
    $text = str_replace($tags_temporary_end, $tags_allowed_end, $text);
    //		if(644314 == $_SESSION['login']['id'])
    //		{
    //			$text = str_replace('<br />', "\n", $text);
    //		}
    //$text = preg_replace('(<\/p><p>)+', '</p><p>', $text);
    //$text = preg_replace('(<br \/>)+', 'hejsan', $text);
    if (array_key_exists('spelling', $options)) {
        $words_string = preg_replace('/[^[:alpha:]åäö]/i', ' ', strip_tags(html_entity_decode($text)));
        preg_match_all('/& ([[:alpha:]åäö]+) \\d+ \\d+: ((([[:alpha:]åäö]+),?\\s?)+)/mi', shell_exec('echo "' . $words_string . '" | aspell --lang=sv -a --sug-mode=ultra'), $matches);
        $words_misspelled_array = $matches[1];
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($words_misspelled_array); $i++) {
            $spelling_suggestions_array[$words_misspelled_array[$i]] = preg_split('/[, ]+/', $matches[2][$i]);
    //Answer tags
    preg_match_all('/\\[svar:([\\w-]+)=(\\d*)\\](.*)\\[\\/svar\\]/mU', $text, $matches);
    $text = preg_replace('/\\[svar:([\\w-]+)=(\\d*)\\](.*)\\[\\/svar\\]/mU', '<span class="post_reference" id="post_reference_$2-' . (isset($options['post_recursive_id']) ? $options['post_recursive_id'] : $options['post_id']) . '"><h3 class="answer_header">Svar till $1s inlägg.</h3></span>' . "\n" . '<div class="post_referred" id="post_referred_$2-' . (isset($options['post_recursive_id']) ? $options['post_recursive_id'] : $options['post_id']) . '"></div>' . "\n" . '<div class="answer_text">$3</div>', $text);
    //		$text = preg_replace(	'/\[svar:([\w-]+)\]([^(\[\/svar)]*)\[\/svar\]/m',
    //													'<h3 class="answer_header">Svar till $1s inlägg.</h3><div class="answer_text">$2</div>',
    //													$text);
    $text = preg_replace('/\\[citat:([\\w-]+)=(\\d*)\\]([^\\[]*)\\[\\/citat\\]/m', '<h3 class="quote_header">Citerar ur inlägg av $1.</h3><div class="quote_text">$3</div>', $text);
    if ($_SESSION['login']['userlevel'] >= CENSOR_TEXT_LEVEL) {
        $text = preg_replace('/\\[censur:([\\w-]+)\\]\\s*(.*)\\[\\/censur\\]/mU', '<span class="censored">$2</span>', $text);
        $text = preg_replace('/\\[censur\\]\\s*(.*)\\[\\/censur\\]/mU', '<span class="censored">$1</span>', $text);
    } else {
        $text = preg_replace('/\\[censur:([\\w-]+)\\]\\s*(.*)\\[\\/censur\\]/mU', '<span class="censored">-------</span>', $text);
        $text = preg_replace('/\\[censur\\]\\s*(.*)\\[\\/censur\\]/mU', '<span class="censored">-------</span>', $text);
    $text = preg_replace('/\\[tillagg:([\\w-]+)\\]\\s*(.*)\\[\\/tillagg\\]/mU', '<h3 class="addition_header">Tillägg av $1:</h3><div class="addition_text">$2</div>', $text);
    //replace tags
    $tags_orig = array('<h1>', '</h1>', '<h2>', '</h2>');
    $tags_repl = array('<h3>', '</h3>', '<h4>', '</h4>');
    $text = str_replace($tags_orig, $tags_repl, $text);
    //Replace image tags
    $text = preg_replace('/!http:\\/\\/(\\S+)!/', '<img src="http://$1" />', $text);
    $text = preg_replace('/!www\\.(\\S+)!/', '<img src="http://www.$1" />', $text);
    $text = preg_replace('/!(\\S+\\.(se|nu|org|com|net)\\/\\S+)!/', '<img src="http://$1" />', $text);
    if (array_key_exists('spelling', $options) && isset($words_misspelled_array)) {
        $j = 0;
        foreach ($words_misspelled_array as $word) {
            $text = preg_replace('/(\\s)' . $word . '([\\s\\.!\\?:])/m', '$1<miss>' . $j . '<miss_end>$2', $text);
        $j = 0;
        foreach ($words_misspelled_array as $word) {
            $text = preg_replace('/<miss>' . $j . '<miss_end>/m', '<span onclick="javascript:show_misspelling(\'suggestion_' . $j . '\');" class="misspelling" id="misspelling_' . $j . '">' . $word . '</span>', $text);
        $result['words_misspelled'] = $words_misspelled_array;
        $result['spelling_suggestions'] = $spelling_suggestions_array;
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($links1); $i++) {
        $text = str_replace('##bild' . $i . '##', '<img src="http://' . $links1[1][$i] . '" />', $text);
    //Lustiga utbyten
    if ($options['use_funny']) {
        $boring = array('pannkakor');
        $funny = array('pangkakor');
        $text = str_replace($boring, $funny, $text);
    if ($options['short_and_clean']) {
        $text = strip_tags($text);
    $text = do_clickable($text);
    $text = parse_promoe($text);
    if (array_key_exists('spelling', $options) && isset($words_misspelled_array)) {
        $result['text'] = $text;
        return $result;
    } else {
        return $text;
Ejemplo n.º 9
function parse_signature($text)
    global $pun_config, $pun_user, $lang_common, $lang_topic;
    if ($pun_config['o_censoring'] == '1') {
        $text = censor_words($text);
    if ($pun_config['o_make_links'] == '1') {
        $text = do_clickable($text);
    $text = pun_htmlspecialchars($text);
    if ($pun_config['o_smilies_sig'] == '1' && $pun_user['show_smilies'] != '0') {
        $text = do_smilies($text);
    if ($pun_config['p_sig_bbcode'] == '1' && strpos($text, '[') !== false && strpos($text, ']') !== false) {
        $text = do_bbcode($text, true);
    // Deal with newlines, tabs and multiple spaces
    $pattern = array("\n", "\t", '    ', '  ', '<p><br />');
    $replace = array('<br />', '&nbsp; &nbsp; ', '&nbsp; ', ' &nbsp;', '<p>');
    $text = str_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
    return $text;
Ejemplo n.º 10
function parse_signature($text)
    global $pun_config, $lang_common, $pun_user;
    if ($pun_config['o_censoring'] == 1) {
        $text = censor_words($text);
    $text = pun_htmlspecialchars($text);
    if ($pun_config['o_make_links'] == 1) {
        $text = do_clickable($text);
    if ($pun_config['o_smilies_sig'] == 1 && $pun_user['show_smilies']) {
        $text = do_smilies($text);
    if ($pun_config['p_sig_bbcode'] && strpos($text, '[') !== false && strpos($text, ']') !== false) {
        $text = do_bbcode($text);
        if ($pun_config['p_sig_img_tag']) {
            $text = preg_replace_callback('#\\[img\\]((ht|f)tps?://)([^\\s<"]*?)\\[/img\\]#', '_replace_signature_img', $text);
    // Deal with newlines, tabs and multiple spaces
    return str_replace(array("\n", "\t", '  ', '  '), array('<br />', '&#160; &#160; ', '&#160; ', ' &#160;'), $text);
Ejemplo n.º 11
    ## Image Award Mod
    if (count($user_info)) {
        echo "\t\t\t\t\t" . implode('</dd>' . "\n\t\t\t\t\t", $user_info) . '</dd>' . "\n";

    // !! This was added for Easy Profile Fields !!
    $sql = "SELECT p.name, p.lang_entry, e.value FROM " . $db->prefix . "profile_fields AS p INNER JOIN " . $db->prefix . "profile_field_entries AS e ON p.id=e.f_id WHERE e.u_id=" . $cur_post['uid'] . " ORDER BY p.order ASC";
    // echo $sql;
    $ef_result = $db->query($sql);
    // affichage des profile fields
    while ($ef_row = $db->fetch_assoc($ef_result)) {
        $ef_name = $ef_row['lang_entry'] ? $lang_common[$ef_row['lang_entry']] ? $lang_common[$ef_row['lang_entry']] : $ef_row['name'] : $ef_row['name'];
        if ($pun_config['o_make_links'] == '1') {
            $text = do_clickable($ef_row['value']);
        //                echo '<dd><strong>'.$ef_name.':</strong> '.$ef_row['value'].' </dd>';
        echo '<dd><strong>' . $ef_name . ':</strong> ' . $text . ' </dd>';

    require PUN_ROOT . 'include/reputation/rep_viewtopic.php';
    if (count($user_contacts)) {
        echo "\t\t\t\t\t" . '<dd class="usercontacts">' . implode('&nbsp;&nbsp;', $user_contacts) . '</dd>' . "\n";
			<div class="postright">
Ejemplo n.º 12
function parse_message($text, $hide_smilies)
    // Convert applicable characters to HTML entities
    $text = htmlspecialchars($text);
    $text = do_clickable($text);
    //buat link
    $text = do_smilies($text);
    //alwais show smilies
    // Deal with newlines, tabs and multiple spaces
    $pattern = array("\n", "\t", '  ', '  ');
    $replace = array('<br />', '&nbsp; &nbsp; ', '&nbsp; ', ' &nbsp;');
    $text = str_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
    // Add paragraph tag around post, but make sure there are no empty paragraphs
    $text = str_replace('<p></p>', '', '<p>' . $text . '</p>');
    $text = content_parser($text);
    return $text;
Ejemplo n.º 13
function comment_format($str)
    global $conf;
    $links_target = $conf['comments_links_target'] ? ' target="_blank"' : '';
    $links_nofollow = $conf['comments_links_nofollow'] ? ' rel="nofollow"' : '';
    if ($conf['comments_links_auto']) {
        $str = do_clickable($str);
    $bb_search = array('#\\[code\\](.*?)\\[\\/code\\]#ie', '/\\[br\\]/is', '/\\[b\\](.*)\\[\\/b\\]/isU', '/\\[i\\](.*)\\[\\/i\\]/isU', '/\\[u\\](.*)\\[\\/u\\]/isU', '/\\[s\\](.*)\\[\\/s\\]/isU', '/\\[url\\=(.*?)\\](.*?)\\[\\/url\\]/is', '/\\[url\\](.*?)\\[\\/url\\]/is', '/\\[email\\=(.*?)\\](.*?)\\[\\/email\\]/is', '/\\[email\\](.*?)\\[\\/email\\]/is', '/\\[color\\=(.*?)\\](.*?)\\[\\/color\\]/is', '/\\[quote\\](.*?)\\[\\/quote\\]/is');
    $bb_replace = array('mn_highlight_string(\'$1\')', '<br />', '<strong>$1</strong>', '<em>$1</em>', '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">$1</span>', '<span style="text-decoration: line-through;">$1</span>', '<a href="$1"' . $links_target . $links_nofollow . '>$2</a>', '<a href="$1"' . $links_target . $links_nofollow . '>$1</a>', '<a href="mailto:$1">$2</a>', '<a href="mailto:$1">$1</a>', '<span style="color: $1;">$2</span>', '<blockquote>$1</blockquote>');
    $bb_no_replace = array('str_replace(\'\', \'\', \'$1\')', '<br />', '$1', '$1', '$1', '$1', '$2: $1', '$1', '$2: $1', '$1', '$2', '$1');
    $smiles_search = array('/:-?\\[/is', '/:beer:/is', '/8-?\\)/is', '/[^ehopt][;:],-?\\(/is', '/\\]:-?[\\)D]/is', '/:f**k:/is', '/[^ehopt];-?D+/is', '/:jokingly:/is', '/:-?\\*/is', '/:-?D+/is', '/:love:/is', '/:ninja:/is', '/:no:/is', '/:pirate:/is', '/:-?\\(/is', '/:-?\\)/is', '/:stop:/is', '/[:8]-?O/is', '/[^ehopt][;:]-?P/is', '/:-\\//is', '/:-?\\?/is', '/:whistle:/is', '/[^ehopt];-?\\)/is', '/:yes:/is', '/:zzz:/is');
    $smiles_replace = array('<img src="' . $conf['admin_url'] . '/stuff/img/smiles/smiley-angry.gif" width="16" height="16" alt=":-[" title="Angry" />', '<img src="' . $conf['admin_url'] . '/stuff/img/smiles/smiley-beer.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="beer" title="Beer" />', '<img src="' . $conf['admin_url'] . '/stuff/img/smiles/smiley-cool.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="8-)" title="Cool" />', ' <img src="' . $conf['admin_url'] . '/stuff/img/smiles/smiley-cry.gif" width="16" height="16" alt=";,(" title="Crying" />', '<img src="' . $conf['admin_url'] . '/stuff/img/smiles/smiley-evil.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="evil" title="Evil" />', '<img src="' . $conf['admin_url'] . '/stuff/img/smiles/smiley-f**k.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="f**k" title="F**k" />', ' <img src="' . $conf['admin_url'] . '/stuff/img/smiles/smiley-grin.gif" width="16" height="16" alt=";-D" title="Grin" />', '<img src="' . $conf['admin_url'] . '/stuff/img/smiles/smiley-jokingly.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="jokingly" title="Jokingly" />', '<img src="' . $conf['admin_url'] . '/stuff/img/smiles/smiley-kiss.gif" width="16" height="16" alt=":-*" title="Kiss" />', '<img src="' . $conf['admin_url'] . '/stuff/img/smiles/smiley-lol.gif" width="16" height="16" alt=":-D" title="Laughing out loud" />', '<img src="' . $conf['admin_url'] . '/stuff/img/smiles/smiley-love.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="love" title="In love" />', '<img src="' . $conf['admin_url'] . '/stuff/img/smiles/smiley-ninja.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="ninja" title="Ninja" />', '<img src="' . $conf['admin_url'] . '/stuff/img/smiles/smiley-no.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="no!" title="No!" />', '<img src="' . $conf['admin_url'] . '/stuff/img/smiles/smiley-pirate.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="pirate" title="Pirate" />', '<img src="' . $conf['admin_url'] . '/stuff/img/smiles/smiley-sad.gif" width="16" height="16" alt=":-(" title="Sad" />', '<img src="' . $conf['admin_url'] . '/stuff/img/smiles/smiley-smile.gif" width="16" height="16" alt=":-)" title="Smile" />', '<img src="' . $conf['admin_url'] . '/stuff/img/smiles/smiley-stop.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="stop" title="Stop" />', '<img src="' . $conf['admin_url'] . '/stuff/img/smiles/smiley-surprised.gif" width="16" height="16" alt=":-O" title="Surprised" />', ' <img src="' . $conf['admin_url'] . '/stuff/img/smiles/smiley-tongue.gif" width="16" height="16" alt=":-P" title="Tongue out" />', '<img src="' . $conf['admin_url'] . '/stuff/img/smiles/smiley-undecided.gif" width="16" height="16" alt=":-/" title="Undecided" />', '<img src="' . $conf['admin_url'] . '/stuff/img/smiles/smiley-what.gif" width="16" height="16" alt=":-?" title="What?" />', '<img src="' . $conf['admin_url'] . '/stuff/img/smiles/smiley-whistle.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="whistle" title="Whistle" />', ' <img src="' . $conf['admin_url'] . '/stuff/img/smiles/smiley-wink.gif" width="16" height="16" alt=";-)" title="Wink" />', '<img src="' . $conf['admin_url'] . '/stuff/img/smiles/smiley-yes.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="yes" title="Yes" />', '<img src="' . $conf['admin_url'] . '/stuff/img/smiles/smiley-zzz.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="zzz" title="Zzzz" />');
    if ($conf['comments_bb']) {
        $str = preg_replace($bb_search, $bb_replace, $str);
    } else {
        $str = preg_replace($bb_search, $bb_no_replace, $str);
    if ($conf['comments_smiles']) {
        $str = preg_replace($smiles_search, $smiles_replace, $str);
    return strip_slashes($str);
Ejemplo n.º 14
function parse_message($text, $hide_smilies)
    global $pun_config, $lang_common, $pun_user;
    if ($pun_config['o_censoring'] == '1') {
        $text = censor_words($text);
    // If the message contains a code tag we have to split it up (text within [code][/code] shouldn't be touched)
    if (strpos($text, '[code]') !== false && strpos($text, '[/code]') !== false) {
        list($inside, $text) = extract_blocks($text, '[code]', '[/code]');
    $Parsedown = new Parsedown();
    $text = $Parsedown->setMarkupEscaped(true)->setUrlsLinked(false)->text($text);
    if ($pun_config['o_make_links'] == '1') {
        $text = do_clickable($text);
    // If the message contains code in Markdown
    if (strpos($text, '[code]') !== false && strpos($text, '[/code]') !== false) {
        // If we have code from BBCode, put them back into the text
        if (isset($inside)) {
            $parts = explode("", $text);
            $text = '';
            foreach ($parts as $i => $part) {
                $text .= $part . (isset($inside[$i]) ? '[code]' . $inside[$i] . '[/code]' : '');
        // And take them out again.
        list($inside, $text) = extract_blocks($text, '[code]', '[/code]');
    if ($pun_config['p_message_bbcode'] == '1' && strpos($text, '[') !== false && strpos($text, ']') !== false) {
        $text = do_bbcode($text);
    if ($pun_config['o_smilies'] == '1' && $pun_user['show_smilies'] == '1' && $hide_smilies == '0') {
        $text = do_smilies($text);
    // Deal with newlines, tabs and multiple spaces
    $pattern = array("\n", "\t", '  ', '  ');
    $replace = array('<br />', '&#160; &#160; ', '&#160; ', ' &#160;');
    $text = str_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
    // If we split up the message before we have to concatenate it together again (code tags)
    if (isset($inside)) {
        $parts = explode("", $text);
        $text = '';
        foreach ($parts as $i => $part) {
            $text .= $part;
            if (isset($inside[$i])) {
                $num_lines = substr_count($inside[$i], "\n");
                $text .= '</p><div class="codebox"><pre' . ($num_lines > 28 ? ' class="vscroll"' : '') . '><code>' . pun_trim(pun_htmlspecialchars($inside[$i]), "\n\r") . '</code></pre></div><p>';
    return clean_paragraphs($text);