function getPage($doc_id) { global $dbase; global $table_prefix; global $page_cache; // If already cached, return this instead of doing another MySQL query if (isset($page_cache[$doc_id])) { return $page_cache[$doc_id]; } $tblsc = $dbase . "." . $table_prefix . "site_content"; $tbldg = $dbase . "." . $table_prefix . "document_groups"; // modify field names to use sc. table reference $fields = 'sc.' . implode(',sc.', preg_replace("/^\\s/i", "", explode(',', $fields))); $sort = 'sc.' . implode(',sc.', preg_replace("/^\\s/i", "", explode(',', $sort))); $sql = "SELECT sc.parent, sc.menutitle, sc.pagetitle, sc.menuindex, sc.published FROM {$tblsc} sc\n LEFT JOIN {$tbldg} dg on dg.document =\n WHERE sc.published=1 AND sc.deleted=0 AND{$doc_id};"; $resourceArray = doSql($sql); // If we have got this far, it must not have been cached already, so lets do it now. $page_cache[$doc_id] = $resourceArray[0]; return $resourceArray[0]; }
} else { if ($mode == "remove") { if (!is_numeric($_GET["timestamp"])) { die; } if ($_GET["type"] == "bump") { doSql("UPDATE counters SET hits = hits - 1 WHERE id={$id}"); doSql("DELETE FROM counter_hits WHERE counter_id={$id} AND type='bump' AND `when`=" . $_GET["timestamp"] . " LIMIT 1"); } else { if ($_GET["type"] == "reset") { doSql("UPDATE counters SET hits = 0 WHERE id={$id}"); doSql("DELETE FROM counter_hits WHERE counter_id={$id} AND type='reset' AND `when`=" . $_GET["timestamp"] . " LIMIT 1"); } } } else { if ($mode == "reset") { if (!is_numeric($_GET["timestamp"])) { die; } doSql("UPDATE counters SET hits = 0 WHERE id={$id}"); doSql("INSERT INTO counter_hits VALUES(NULL, {$id}, 'reset', " . $_GET["timestamp"] . ")"); } else { if ($mode == "share") { doSql("UPDATE counters SET share = 1 WHERE id={$id}"); } } } } } } }
<div id="counttablewrap"> <table id="counttable"> <thead> <tr> <td>Count</td> <td>Type</td> <td>When</td> <td class="hidden"></td> <td></td> </tr> </thead> <tbody id="counttablebody"> <?php $rows = doSql("SELECT * FROM counter_hits WHERE counter_id={$id} ORDER BY `when` ASC"); if ($rows && count($rows) > 0) { $hits = 1; for ($i = 0; $i < count($rows); $i++) { $row =& $rows[$i]; if ($row["type"] == "reset") { $row["hits"] = "0"; $hits = 1; } else { if ($row["type"] == "bump") { $row["hits"] = $hits; $hits++; } else { if ($row["type"] == "creation") { $row["hits"] = "0"; $hits = 1;