public function __get($key) { if ($this->framework->hasKit($key) === false) { $helperClassName = '\\Sohoa\\Framework\\Kit\\' . ucfirst($key); if (!class_exists($helperClassName, true)) { $helperClassName = '\\Application\\Controller\\Kit\\' . ucfirst($key); } return $this->framework->kit($key, dnew($helperClassName)); } return $this->framework->kit($key); }
/** * Resolve the dispatch call. * * @param array $rule Rule. * @param \Hoa\Router $router Router. * @param \Hoa\View\Viewable $view View. * @return mixed * @throws \Hoa\Dispatcher\Exception */ protected function resolve(array $rule, Router $router, View\Viewable $view = null) { $called = null; $variables =& $rule[Router::RULE_VARIABLES]; $call = isset($variables['_call']) ? $variables['_call'] : $rule[Router::RULE_CALL]; $able = isset($variables['_able']) ? $variables['_able'] : $rule[Router::RULE_ABLE]; $rtv = [$router, $this, $view]; $arguments = []; $reflection = null; $async = $router->isAsynchronous(); $class = $call; $method = $able; if (false === $async) { $_class = ''; $_method = ''; } else { $_class = ''; $_method = ''; } $this->_parameters->setKeyword('call', $class); $this->_parameters->setKeyword('able', $method); $class = $this->_parameters->getFormattedParameter($_class); $method = $this->_parameters->getFormattedParameter($_method); try { $class = dnew($class, $rtv); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new Exception('Class %s is not found ' . '(method: %s, asynchronous: %s).', 0, [$class, strtoupper($variables['_method']), true === $async ? 'true' : 'false'], $e); } $kitname = $this->getKitName(); if (!empty($kitname) && !isset($variables['_this']) || !(isset($variables['_this']) && $variables['_this'] instanceof $kitname)) { $variables['_this'] = dnew($kitname, $rtv); $variables['_this']->construct(); } if (!method_exists($class, $method)) { throw new Exception('Method %s does not exist on the class %s ' . '(method: %s, asynchronous: %s).', 1, [$method, get_class($class), strtoupper($variables['_method']), true === $async ? 'true' : 'false']); } $called = $class; $reflection = new \ReflectionMethod($class, $method); foreach ($reflection->getParameters() as $parameter) { $name = strtolower($parameter->getName()); if (true === array_key_exists($name, $variables)) { $arguments[$name] = $variables[$name]; continue; } if (false === $parameter->isOptional()) { throw new Exception('The method %s on the class %s needs a value for ' . 'the parameter $%s and this value does not exist.', 2, [$method, get_class($class), $name]); } } return $reflection->invokeArgs($called, $arguments); }
/** * The entry method. * * @return int */ public function main() { $visitor = null; $tokenSequence = false; $trace = false; while (false !== ($c = $this->getOption($v))) { switch ($c) { case 'v': switch (strtolower($v)) { case 'dump': $visitor = 'Hoa\\Compiler\\Visitor\\Dump'; break; default: return $this->usage(); } break; case 'c': $visitor = str_replace('.', '\\', $v); break; case 's': $tokenSequence = true; break; case 't': $trace = true; break; case '__ambiguous': $this->resolveOptionAmbiguity($v); break; case 'h': case '?': default: return $this->usage(); } } $this->parser->listInputs($grammar, $language); if (empty($grammar) || empty($language) && '0' !== $language) { return $this->usage(); } $compiler = Compiler\Llk::load(new File\Read($grammar)); $data = new File\Read($language); try { $ast = $compiler->parse($data->readAll()); } catch (Compiler\Exception $e) { if (true === $tokenSequence) { $this->printTokenSequence($compiler); echo "\n\n"; } throw $e; return 1; } if (true === $tokenSequence) { $this->printTokenSequence($compiler); echo "\n\n"; } if (true === $trace) { $this->printTrace($compiler); echo "\n\n"; } if (null !== $visitor) { $visitor = dnew($visitor); echo $visitor->visit($ast); } return; }
/** * Make an instance of a specific graph. * * @param string $type Type of graph needed. * @return \Hoa\Graph * @throws \Hoa\Graph\Exception */ public static function getInstance($type = self::TYPE_ADJACENCYLIST) { if ($type != self::TYPE_ADJACENCYLIST) { throw new Exception('Type %s is not supported. Only self:TYPE_ADJACENCYLIST is ' . 'supported.', 0, $type); } $arguments = func_get_args(); array_shift($arguments); return dnew('Hoa\\Graph\\' . $type, $arguments); }
/** * Create a DAL instance, representing a connection to a database. * The constructor is private to make a multiton. * * @param string $dalName The database abstract layer name. * @param string $dsn The DSN of database. * @param string $username The username to connect to database. * @param string $password The password to connect to database. * @param array $driverOptions The driver options. * @return void * @throws \Hoa\Database\Exception */ private function __construct($dalName, $dsn, $username, $password, array $driverOptions = []) { // Please see if (0 !== preg_match('#^sqlite:(.+)$#i', $dsn, $matches)) { $dsn = 'sqlite:' . resolve($matches[1]); } $id = $this->__id = self::$_id; $event = 'hoa://Event/Database/' . $id; Core\Event::register($event . ':opened', $this); Core\Event::register($event . ':closed', $this); $this->setDal(dnew('\\Hoa\\Database\\Layer\\' . $dalName, [$dsn, $username, $password, $driverOptions])); Core\Event::notify($event . ':opened', $this, new Core\Event\Bucket(['id' => $id, 'dsn' => $dsn, 'username' => $username, 'driverOptions' => $driverOptions])); return; }
/** * Open the stream and return the associated resource. * * @param string $streamName Socket URI. * @param \Hoa\Stream\Context $context Context. * @return resource * @throws \Hoa\Socket\Exception */ protected function &_open($streamName, Stream\Context $context = null) { if (null === $context) { $connection = @stream_socket_client($streamName, $errno, $errstr, $this->getTimeout(), $this->getFlag()); } else { $connection = @stream_socket_client($streamName, $errno, $errstr, $this->getTimeout(), $this->getFlag(), $context->getContext()); } if (false === $connection) { if ($errno == 0) { throw new Exception('Client cannot join %s.', 0, $streamName); } else { throw new Exception('Client returns an error (number %d): %s while trying ' . 'to join %s.', 1, [$errno, $errstr, $streamName]); } } $this->_stack[] = $connection; $id = $this->getNodeId($connection); $this->_node = dnew($this->getNodeName(), [$id, $connection, $this]); $this->_nodes[$id] = $this->_node; return $connection; }
/** * Resolve the dispatch call. * * @param array $rule Rule. * @param \Hoa\Router $router Router. * @param \Hoa\View\Viewable $view View. * @return mixed * @throws \Hoa\Dispatcher\Exception */ protected function resolve(array $rule, Router $router, View\Viewable $view = null) { $called = null; $variables =& $rule[Router::RULE_VARIABLES]; $call = isset($variables['controller']) ? $variables['controller'] : (isset($variables['_call']) ? $variables['_call'] : $rule[Router::RULE_CALL]); $able = isset($variables['action']) ? $variables['action'] : (isset($variables['_able']) ? $variables['_able'] : $rule[Router::RULE_ABLE]); $rtv = [$router, $this, $view]; $arguments = []; $reflection = null; if ($call instanceof \Closure) { $kitname = $this->getKitName(); if (!empty($kitname)) { $kit = dnew($this->getKitName(), $rtv); if (!$kit instanceof Kit) { throw new Exception('Your kit %s must extend Hoa\\Dispatcher\\Kit.', 0, $kitname); } $variables['_this'] = $kit; } $called = $call; $reflection = new \ReflectionMethod($call, '__invoke'); foreach ($reflection->getParameters() as $parameter) { $name = strtolower($parameter->getName()); if (true === array_key_exists($name, $variables)) { $arguments[$name] = $variables[$name]; continue; } if (false === $parameter->isOptional()) { throw new Exception('The closured action for the rule with pattern %s needs ' . 'a value for the parameter $%s and this value does not ' . 'exist.', 1, [$rule[Router::RULE_PATTERN], $name]); } } } elseif (is_string($call) && null === $able) { $kitname = $this->getKitName(); if (!empty($kitname)) { $kit = dnew($this->getKitName(), $rtv); if (!$kit instanceof Kit) { throw new Exception('Your kit %s must extend Hoa\\Dispatcher\\Kit.', 2, $kitname); } $variables['_this'] = $kit; } $reflection = new \ReflectionFunction($call); foreach ($reflection->getParameters() as $parameter) { $name = strtolower($parameter->getName()); if (true === array_key_exists($name, $variables)) { $arguments[$name] = $variables[$name]; continue; } if (false === $parameter->isOptional()) { throw new Exception('The functional action for the rule with pattern %s needs ' . 'a value for the parameter $%s and this value does not ' . 'exist.', 3, [$rule[Router::RULE_PATTERN], $name]); } } } else { $async = $router->isAsynchronous(); $controller = $call; $action = $able; if (!is_object($call)) { if (false === $async) { $_controller = ''; $_action = ''; } else { $_controller = ''; $_action = ''; } $this->_parameters->setKeyword('call', $controller); $this->_parameters->setKeyword('able', $action); $controller = $this->_parameters->getFormattedParameter($_controller); $action = $this->_parameters->getFormattedParameter($_action); try { $controller = dnew($controller, $rtv); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new Exception('Controller %s is not found ' . '(method: %s, asynchronous: %s).', 4, [$controller, strtoupper($router->getMethod()), true === $async ? 'true' : 'false'], $e); } $kitname = $this->getKitName(); if (!empty($kitname)) { $variables['_this'] = dnew($kitname, $rtv); } if (method_exists($controller, 'construct')) { $controller->construct(); } } if (!method_exists($controller, $action)) { throw new Exception('Action %s does not exist on the controller %s ' . '(method: %s, asynchronous: %s).', 5, [$action, get_class($controller), strtoupper($router->getMethod()), true === $async ? 'true' : 'false']); } $called = $controller; $reflection = new \ReflectionMethod($controller, $action); foreach ($reflection->getParameters() as $parameter) { $name = strtolower($parameter->getName()); if (true === array_key_exists($name, $variables)) { $arguments[$name] = $variables[$name]; continue; } if (false === $parameter->isOptional()) { throw new Exception('The action %s on the controller %s needs a value for ' . 'the parameter $%s and this value does not exist.', 6, [$action, get_class($controller), $name]); } } } if ($reflection instanceof \ReflectionFunction) { $return = $reflection->invokeArgs($arguments); } elseif ($reflection instanceof \ReflectionMethod) { $return = $reflection->invokeArgs($called, $arguments); } return $return; }
public function view($name, $classname) { if (array_key_exists($name, $this->_helpers)) { return $this->_helpers[$name]; } if (is_string($classname)) { $classname = dnew($classname); } if ($classname instanceof Helper) { $this->_helpers[$name] = $classname; $this->_helpers[$name]->setView($this); } return $this->_helpers[$name]; }
/** * The entry method. * * @access public * @return int */ public function main() { $file = null; $debug = false; $dry = false; $directory = null; $output = 'out/'; $style_formatter = 'Cli'; while (false !== ($c = $this->getOption($v))) { switch ($c) { case 'f': $file = $v; break; case 'd': $directory = $v; break; case 'o': $output = $v; break; case 's': $style_formatter = $v; break; case 'v': $debug = true; break; case 'p': $dry = true; break; case 'h': case '?': default: return $this->usage(); break; } } echo \Hoa\Console\Chrome\Text::colorize('Sohapi', 'fg(yellow)'), "\n\n"; $root = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../../../'); $out = realpath($root . '/' . $output); // TODO : Detect relative avec absolute path ! $formatter = '\\Sohapi\\Formatter\\' . ucfirst($style_formatter); if ($file !== null) { $file = realpath($root . '/' . $file); } if ($directory !== null) { $directory = realpath($root . '/' . $directory); } if ($out === false) { $out = $root; } if ($debug === true) { //\Sohapi\Parser\Ast::enableDebug(); $a = [['ROOT', var_export($root, true)], ['Debug', var_export($debug, true)], ['Dry', var_export($dry, true)], ['Formatter', var_export($formatter, true)], ['Output', var_export($out, true)], ['File', var_export($file, true)], ['Directory', var_export($directory, true)]]; echo \Hoa\Console\Chrome\Text::columnize($a); } $files = array(); $this->searchLocalConfig($root, $files); if ($file !== null and !in_array($file, $files)) { $files = array($file); } if ($directory !== null) { if ($this->searchLocalConfig($directory, $files) === false) { $finder = new \Hoa\File\Finder(); $finder->in($directory)->files()->name('#\\.php$#'); foreach ($finder as $f) { if (!in_array($this->clean($f->getPathName()), $files)) { $files[] = $this->clean($f->getPathName()); } } } } echo 'Found ' . count($files) . ' Files' . "\n"; foreach ($files as $i => $file) { echo 'Parsing : [' . ($i + 1) . '/' . count($files) . '] ' . $file . "\n"; if ($dry === false) { (new \Sohapi\Parser\Reader(file_get_contents($file)))->build(); } } $options = []; dnew($formatter, ['options' => ['output' => $out, 'debug' => $debug, 'dry' => $dry, 'options' => $options]])->render(); return; }
/** * Select connections. * * @return \Hoa\Socket\Server * @throws \Hoa\Socket\Exception */ public function select() { $read = $this->_stack; $write = null; $except = null; @stream_select($read, $write, $except, $this->getTimeout(), 0); foreach ($read as $socket) { if (true === in_array($socket, $this->_masters, true)) { $client = @stream_socket_accept($socket); if (false === $client) { throw new Exception('Operation timed out (nothing to accept).', 3); } $m = array_search($socket, $this->_masters, true); $server = $this->_servers[$m]; $id = $this->getNodeId($client); $node = dnew($server->getNodeName(), [$id, $client, $server]); $this->_nodes[$id] = $node; $this->_stack[] = $client; } else { $this->_iterator[] = $socket; } } return $this; }
/** * Declare a realistic domain: $disjunction->realdomName(arg1, arg2…). * About constants: use for example: $disjunction->const(true). * * @param string $name Realistic domain name. * @param array $arguments Arguments. * @return \Hoa\Realdom\Disjunction * @throws \Hoa\Realdom\Exception */ public function __call($name, array $arguments) { $name = ucfirst(strtolower($name)); if ('Const' === $name) { $handle = $arguments; Realdom::autoBoxing($handle); $handle = $handle[0]; $arguments = []; } elseif ('Variable' === $name) { $handle = new Crate\Variable($arguments[0]); } else { if (Core\Consistency::isKeyword($name)) { $name = 'Realdom' . $name; } try { $handle = dnew('(Hoathis or Hoa)\\Realdom\\' . $name, $arguments); } catch (Exception $e) { throw $e; } catch (Core\Exception $e) { throw new Exception('Realistic domain %s() does not exist (or something ' . 'wrong happened).', 0, strtolower($name), $e); } } $this->offsetSet(null, $handle); return $this; }