function utilities_view_tech() { global $colors, $config, $rrdtool_versions; /* Remove all cached settings, cause read of database */ kill_session_var("sess_config_array"); $tabs = array( "general" => __("General"), "database" => __("DB Info"), "process" => __("DB Processes"), "php" => __("PHP Info"), "i18n" => __("Languages") ); /* set the default settings category */ if (!isset($_REQUEST["tab"])) { /* there is no selected tab; select the first one */ $current_tab = array_keys($tabs); $current_tab = $current_tab[0]; }else{ $current_tab = $_REQUEST["tab"]; } /* draw the categories tabs on the top of the page */ print "<table width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' align='center'><tr>"; print "<td><div class='tabs'>"; if (sizeof($tabs) > 0) { foreach (array_keys($tabs) as $tab_short_name) { print "<div class='tabDefault'><a " . (($tab_short_name == $current_tab) ? "class='tabSelected'" : "class='tabDefault'") . " href='" . htmlspecialchars("utilities.php?action=view_tech&tab=$tab_short_name") . "'>$tabs[$tab_short_name]</a></div>"; } } print "</div></td></tr></table>"; if (!isset($_REQUEST["tab"])) { $_REQUEST["tab"] = "general"; } switch (get_request_var_request("tab")) { case "general": display_general(); break; case "database": display_database(); break; case "process": display_database_processes(); break; case "php": display_php(); break; case "i18n": display_languages(); default: break; } }
user_skinpath = "' . str_replace('"', ' ', $_POST['user_skinpath']) . '", language = "' . $_POST['user_language'] . '", tutorial = "' . $_POST['user_tutorial'] . '", notepad_cols = "' . (int) $_POST['notepad_cols'] . '", notepad_width = "' . (int) $_POST['notepad_width'] . '", skin_farbe = "' . htmlspecialchars($_POST['skin_farbe']) . '", user_enable_sig = ' . (int) $_POST['user_enable_sig'] . ', plz = "' . addslashes($_POST['plz']) . '", country = "' . $_POST['country'] . '" WHERE user_id = ' . $game->player['user_id']; if (!$db->query($sql)) { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Could not update user data'); } redirect('a=settings&view=general'); } display_general(); break; case 'delete_account': if ($game->SITTING_MODE) { message(NOTICE, constant($game->sprache("TEXT120"))); } if (!empty($_POST['submit_del'])) { if (md5($_POST['current_password']) != $game->player['user_password']) { display_delete_account(constant($game->sprache("TEXT121"))); return; } $sql = 'UPDATE user SET user_active = 3 WHERE user_id = ' . $game->player['user_id']; if (!$db->query($sql)) { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Could not update user active data');