function processBlogSettingsForm() { global $manager; $upload_path = $_POST['upload_path']; $upload_url = "http://" . str_replace("http://", "", $_POST['upload_url']); $old_uploadpath = $_POST['old_uploadpath']; // Prepare path and url... if (strrchr($upload_path, "/") != "/") { $upload_path .= "/"; } if (strrchr($upload_url, "/") != "/") { $upload_url .= "/"; } if ($upload_path != $old_uploadpath) { // Need to move files then... dircopy($old_uploadpath, $upload_path); rmdirr($old_uploadpath); } $manager->clerk->updateSetting("blog_path", array($upload_path, $upload_url, "")); $thumbWidth = empty($_POST['thumbWidth']) ? 0 : $_POST['thumbWidth']; $thumbHeight = empty($_POST['thumbHeight']) ? 0 : $_POST['thumbHeight']; $intelliScaling = $_POST['intelligentScaling']; $manager->clerk->updateSetting("blog_thumbnail", array($thumbWidth, $thumbHeight, "")); $manager->clerk->updateSetting("blog_intelliscaling", array($intelliScaling, "", "")); $manager->message(1, false, "Settings updated!"); }
function dircopy($path, $dest) { if (is_dir($path)) { @mkdir($dest); $objects = scandir($path); if (sizeof($objects) > 0) { foreach ($objects as $file) { if ($file == "." || $file == "..") { continue; } // go on if (is_dir($path . DS . $file)) { dircopy($path . DS . $file, $dest . DS . $file); } else { copy($path . DS . $file, $dest . DS . $file); } } } return true; } elseif (is_file($path)) { return copy($path, $dest); } else { return false; } }
/** * This method is called via AJAX */ function index($database, $code_template) { $data_path = array(); $data_path['code_template'] = $code_template; $data_path['app_dir'] = $database; $this->idb->connect($database); $manifest = json_decode(file_get_contents('templates' . DS . $code_template . DS . 'manifest.json'), TRUE); $path_output = $manifest['output_directory'] . DS . $database; // Load the folder model $this->load->model('folder_model'); // Get the folder permissions $folder_info = $this->folder_model->check_permissions($manifest['output_directory']); // Validate the folder permissions if ($folder_info['is_writeable'] == true) { $tables = $this->db->list_tables(); $path_templates = 'templates'; /** * Create input / output paths for the model_iscaffold. */ foreach ($manifest['working_directories'] as $dir) { if (is_array($dir)) { list($source, $target) = $dir; $data_path['input_' . $dir[0]] = $path_templates . DS . $code_template . DS . $manifest['working_root_directory'] . DS . $source . DS; $data_path['output_' . $dir[0]] = $path_output . DS . $manifest['working_root_directory'] . DS . $target . DS; } else { $data_path['input_' . $dir] = $path_templates . DS . $code_template . DS . $manifest['working_root_directory'] . DS . $dir . DS; $data_path['output_' . $dir] = $path_output . DS . $manifest['working_root_directory'] . DS . $dir . DS; } } /** * Nuke the output directory if neccessery */ if ($manifest['dump_output_directory'] === TRUE) { delete_files($path_output, TRUE); } @mkdir($path_output, 0777); /** * Copdy additional resources */ foreach ($manifest['copy_directories'] as $dir) { dircopy($dir, $path_output); } /** * This is wehere the code generation is invoked * Each table is processed here */ foreach ($tables as $table) { if ($table !== 'sf_config') { $this->model_iscaffold->Process_Table($table, $data_path, $code_template, $manifest); } } echo '{ "result": "success" }'; } else { echo '{ "result": "error", "message": "There was a problem generating your application, ther output directory <strong>(' . $manifest['output_directory'] . ')</strong> is not writable." }'; } }
function processPrefsForm() { global $manager; $username = $_POST['username']; $name = $_POST['display_name']; $password = $_POST['password']; $passwordConf = $_POST['password_conf']; $email = $_POST['email']; $siteName = $_POST['site_name']; $siteUrl = $_POST['site_url']; $cleanUrls = $_POST['clean_urls']; $cache_path = $_POST['cache_path']; $cache_url = $_POST['cache_url']; $old_cache_path = $_POST['old_cache_path']; // User wants to change their password if (!empty($_POST['password']) && !empty($_POST['password_conf'])) { if ($_POST['password'] != $_POST['password_conf']) { $manager->message(0, false, "Password do not match! Please re-confirm."); } elseif (strlen($_POST['password']) < 6 || strlen($_POST['password_conf']) < 6) { $manager->message(0, false, "Password must be at least 6 characters long!"); } else { //hash password securely if ($manager->clerk->query_edit("users", "password= '******'", "WHERE id= '" . $manager->guard->user('USER_ID') . "'")) { $manager->message(1, false, "Password changed!"); } else { $manager->message(0, true, "Could not save your Settings!"); } } } $personal = $manager->clerk->query_edit("users", "username= '******', display_name= '{$name}', email= '{$email}'", "WHERE id= '" . $manager->guard->user('USER_ID') . "'"); $manager->clerk->updateSetting("site", array($siteName, $siteUrl)); if (strrchr($cache_path, "/") != "/") { $cache_path .= "/"; } if (strrchr($cache_url, "/") != "/") { $cache_url .= "/"; } if ($cache_path != $old_cache_path) { // Need to move files then... dircopy($old_cache_path, $cache_path); rmdirr($old_cache_path); } $manager->clerk->updateSetting("clean_urls", array($cleanUrls)); $manager->clerk->updateSetting("cache_path", array($cache_path, $cache_url)); if ($personal) { $manager->message(1, false, "Settings saved!"); } else { $manager->message(0, true, "Could not save your Settings!"); } }
function processProjectSettingsForm() { global $manager; $upload_path = $_POST['upload_path']; $upload_url = "http://" . str_replace("http://", "", $_POST['upload_url']); $old_uploadpath = $_POST['old_uploadpath']; // Prepare path and url... if (strrchr($upload_path, "/") != "/") { $upload_path .= "/"; } if (strrchr($upload_url, "/") != "/") { $upload_url .= "/"; } if ($upload_path != $old_uploadpath) { // Need to move files then... dircopy($old_uploadpath, $upload_path); rmdirr($old_uploadpath); } $manager->clerk->updateSetting("projects_path", array($upload_path, $upload_url, "")); $projThumbWidth = empty($_POST['projThumbWidth']) ? 0 : $_POST['projThumbWidth']; $projThumbHeight = empty($_POST['projThumbHeight']) ? 0 : $_POST['projThumbHeight']; $fileThumbWidth = empty($_POST['fileThumbWidth']) ? 0 : $_POST['fileThumbWidth']; $fileThumbHeight = empty($_POST['fileThumbHeight']) ? 0 : $_POST['fileThumbHeight']; $intelliScaling = empty($_POST['image_intelligentScaling']) ? 0 : $_POST['image_intelligentScaling']; $hideSections = (int) $_POST['hideSections']; $hideFileInfo = (int) $_POST['hideFileInfo']; $resizeProjThumb = (int) $_POST['resizeProjThumb']; $manager->clerk->updateSetting("projects_thumbnailIntelliScaling", array($_POST['projects_thumbnailIntelliScaling'])); $manager->clerk->updateSetting("projects_fullsizeimg", array($_POST['fullsizeimg_width'] . "x" . $_POST['fullsizeimg_height'], $_POST['fullsizeimg_intelli'], $_POST['fullsizeimg_do_scale'])); $nav_opts = serialize(array('prev' => $_POST['prev'], 'divider' => $_POST['divider'], 'next' => $_POST['next'], 'of' => $_POST['of'], 'nav_pos' => $_POST['slideshow_nav_pos'], 'fx' => $_POST['slideshow_fx'])); $manager->clerk->updateSetting("slideshow_opts", array($nav_opts)); $updates = array('projThumb' => array("data1= '{$projThumbWidth}', data2= '{$projThumbHeight}'", "WHERE name= 'projects_thumbnail'"), 'fileThumb' => array("data1= '{$fileThumbWidth}', data2= '{$fileThumbHeight}'", "WHERE name= 'projects_filethumbnail'"), 'projects_intelliscaling' => array("data1= '{$intelliScaling}'", "WHERE name= 'projects_intelliscaling'"), 'hideSections' => array("data1= '{$hideSections}'", "WHERE name= 'projects_hideSections'"), 'hideFileInfo' => array("data1= '{$hideFileInfo}'", "WHERE name= 'projects_hideFileInfo'"), 'resizeProjThumb' => array("data1= '{$resizeProjThumb}'", "WHERE name= 'resizeProjThumb'")); $ok = true; foreach ($updates as $update) { if (!$manager->clerk->query_edit("global_settings", $update[0], $update[1])) { $ok = false; } } if ($ok) { $manager->message(1, false, "Settings updated!"); } else { $manager->message(0, true, "Could not update all settings!"); } }
function dircopy($source, $target) { $permissions = fileperms($source); if (is_dir($source)) { @mkdir($target); $d = dir($source); while (FALSE !== ($entry = $d->read())) { if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') { continue; } $Entry = $source . '/' . $entry; if (is_dir($Entry)) { dircopy($Entry, $target . '/' . $entry); continue; } copy($Entry, $target . '/' . $entry); chmod($target . '/' . $entry, $permissions); } $d->close(); } else { copy($source, $target); } chmod($target, $permissions); }
/** * Copy a complete directory * * @param string $srcdir Source directory * @param string $dstdir Destination directory * @return int Number of copied files */ function dircopy($srcdir, $dstdir, $verbose = false) { $num = 0; if (!is_dir($dstdir) && !shouldIgnore($dstdir)) { mkdir($dstdir); } if ($curdir = opendir($srcdir)) { while ($file = readdir($curdir)) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { $srcfile = $srcdir . '\\' . $file; $dstfile = $dstdir . '\\' . $file; if (is_file($srcfile) && !shouldIgnore($srcfile)) { if (is_file($dstfile)) { $ow = filemtime($srcfile) - filemtime($dstfile); } else { $ow = 1; } if ($ow > 0) { if ($verbose) { echo "Copying '{$srcfile}' to '{$dstfile}'..."; } if (copy($srcfile, $dstfile)) { touch($dstfile, filemtime($srcfile)); $num++; if ($verbose) { echo "OK\n"; } } else { echo "Error: File '{$srcfile}' could not be copied!\n"; } } } else { if (is_dir($srcfile) && !shouldIgnore($srcfile)) { $num += dircopy($srcfile, $dstfile, $verbose); } } } } closedir($curdir); } return $num; }
$returnText .= '<h2>Gestione Package di "' . $collection_short . '"</h2>'; // // CREATE PACKAGE if ($isCreatePackage) { if ($package_short != '') { if (!in_array($package_ext, $EXTENSION_PACKAGE)) { $resultMsg .= '<span class="error">ERRORE: estensione "' . $package_ext . '" non riconosciuta!</span><br />'; } else { $package_short = explode('_', $package_short); $package_short = strtoupper($package_short[0] . $package_ext); getPackageList($collectionPath, &$packageList, true); $package_id = strtolower(normalize($package_short)); if (array_search($package_id, $packageList['package_id']) === FALSE) { $packageTemplate = DCTL_SETTINGS_TEMPLATES_PACKAGE; $packagePath = $collectionPath . $package_id . SYS_PATH_SEP; dircopy($packageTemplate, $packagePath); $idx = 0; $idx = sprintf("%03d", $idx + 1); $from = $packagePath . DCTL_PACKAGE_BODY; $to = $packagePath . str_ireplace('$', $idx, DCTL_PACKAGE_BODY); rename($from, $to); $header = $packagePath . DCTL_FILE_HEADER; if (is_file($header)) { $contents = cleanUpIndentation(file_get_contents($header)); $contents = str_ireplace('package_id ""', 'package_id "' . $package_id . '"', $contents); $contents = str_ireplace('package_short ""', 'package_short "' . $package_short . '"', $contents); if (file_put_contents($header, forceUTF8($contents, $header)) !== FALSE) { @chmod($header, CHMOD); getPackageList($collectionPath, &$packageList, true); $prosecute = array_search($package_short, $packageList['package_short']) !== FALSE; if ($prosecute) {
function dircopy($srcdir, $dstdir, &$files = array()) { if (!is_dir($dstdir)) { mkdir($dstdir, CHMOD); } @chmod($dstdir, CHMOD); $handle = opendir($srcdir); while ($entry = readdir($handle)) { if (substr($entry, 0, 1) != '.') { $fullsrc = $srcdir . SYS_PATH_SEP . $entry; $fulldst = $dstdir . SYS_PATH_SEP . $entry; if (is_dir($fullsrc)) { if (!is_dir($fulldst)) { mkdir($fulldst, CHMOD); } @chmod($fulldst, CHMOD); dircopy($fullsrc, $fulldst, &$files); } else { if (is_file($fullsrc)) { copy($fullsrc, $fulldst); @chmod($fulldst, CHMOD); } $files[] = $entry; } } } @chmod($dstdir, CHMOD); }
<?php OpenLibrary('misc.library'); dircopy($this->basedir . '/var/adodb/', MODULE_PATH . 'adodb/adodb/');
if ($_POST['demo_install'] == 'true') { $zc_install->fileExists('sql/current/demo_data.php', ERROR_TEXT_DEMO_SQL_NOTEXIST, ERROR_CODE_DEMO_SQL_NOTEXIST); } if ($zc_install->error == false) { if ($_POST['demo_install'] == 'true') { require 'sql/current/demo_data.php'; foreach ($extra_sqls as $extra_sql) { if (!$db->Execute($extra_sql)) { $zc_install->error = true; } } // db_executeSql('sql/current/demo_data.sql', DB_DATABASE, DB_PREFIX); // copy the demo image files to company directory $source_dir = DIR_FS_ADMIN . 'themes/default/images/demo'; $dest_dir = DIR_FS_ADMIN . 'my_files/' . $_SESSION['company'] . '/inventory/images/demo'; dircopy($source_dir, $dest_dir); } $db->updateConfigureValue('COMPANY_ID', $store_id); $db->updateConfigureValue('COMPANY_NAME', $store_name); $db->updateConfigureValue('COMPANY_ADDRESS1', $store_address1); $db->updateConfigureValue('COMPANY_ADDRESS2', $store_address2); $db->updateConfigureValue('COMPANY_CITY_TOWN', $store_city_town); $db->updateConfigureValue('COMPANY_ZONE', $store_zone); $db->updateConfigureValue('COMPANY_POSTAL_CODE', $store_postal_code); $db->updateConfigureValue('COMPANY_COUNTRY', $store_country); $db->updateConfigureValue('COMPANY_EMAIL', $store_email); $db->updateConfigureValue('COMPANY_WEBSITE', $store_website); $db->updateConfigureValue('COMPANY_TELEPHONE1', $store_telephone1); $db->updateConfigureValue('COMPANY_TELEPHONE2', $store_telephone2); $db->updateConfigureValue('COMPANY_FAX', $store_fax); $db->updateConfigureValue('DEFAULT_CURRENCY', $store_default_currency);
global $flutter_domain; if (!(is_user_logged_in() && current_user_can(FLUTTER_CAPABILITY_MODULES))) { die(__('Athentication failed!', $flutter_domain)); } require_once 'RCCWP_CustomWriteModule.php'; require_once 'RCCWP_CustomWritePanel.php'; require_once 'RCCWP_Application.php'; require_once 'RCCWP_CustomWritePanel.php'; $moduleID = (int) $_REQUEST['custom-write-module-id']; $module = RCCWP_CustomWriteModule::Get($moduleID); if (isset($_POST["write_panels"])) { //$write_panels = json_decode(stripslashes($_POST["write_panels"])); $modulePath = FLUTTER_MODULES_DIR . $module->name . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $tmpPath = sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; // Copy dir to tmp folder dircopy($modulePath, $tmpPath . $module->name); $moduleTmpPath = "{$tmpPath}{$module->name}"; chmod_R($moduleTmpPath, 0777); // Export write panels //check if arrary the write modules is empty if ($_POST["write_panels"] != NULL) { $write_panels = split(",", $_POST["write_panels"]); foreach ($write_panels as $panelID) { $writePanel = RCCWP_CustomWritePanel::Get($panelID); $exportedFilename = $moduleTmpPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_' . $writePanel->name . '.pnl'; RCCWP_CustomWritePanel::Export($panelID, $exportedFilename); } } // Export duplicates and description $moduleInfoFilename = $moduleTmpPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'module_info.exp'; $moduleInfo_exported_data['duplicates'] = RCCWP_ModuleDuplicate::GetCustomModulesDuplicates($moduleID);
function dircopy($srcdir, $dstdir, $verbose = false) { $num = 0; if (!is_dir($dstdir)) { mkdir($dstdir); } if ($curdir = opendir($srcdir)) { while ($file = readdir($curdir)) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { $srcfile = $srcdir . DS . $file; $dstfile = $dstdir . DS . $file; if (is_file($srcfile)) { if (is_file($dstfile)) { $ow = filemtime($srcfile) - filemtime($dstfile); } else { $ow = 1; } if ($ow > 0) { if ($verbose) { $tmpstr = _KUNENA_COPY_FILE; $tmpstr = str_replace('%src%', $srcfile, $tmpstr); $tmpstr = str_replace('%dst%', $dstfile, $tmpstr); echo $tmpstr; } if (copy($srcfile, $dstfile)) { touch($dstfile, filemtime($srcfile)); $num++; if ($verbose) { echo _KUNENA_COPY_OK; } } else { echo "" . _KUNENA_DIRCOPERR . " '{$srcfile}' " . _KUNENA_DIRCOPERR1 . ""; } } } else { if (is_dir($srcfile)) { $num += dircopy($srcfile, $dstfile, $verbose); } } } } closedir($curdir); } return $num; }
<?php OpenLibrary('misc.library'); recremovedir(CGI_PATH . 'htmlarea/'); dircopy($this->basedir . '/www/cgi/htmlarea/', CGI_PATH . 'htmlarea/');
/** * Copy this album to the location specified by $newfolder, copying all * metadata, subalbums, and subalbums' metadata with it. * @param $newfolder string the folder to copy to, including the name of the current folder (possibly renamed). * @return boolean true on success and false on failure. * */ function copyAlbum($newfolder) { // First, ensure the new base directory exists. $oldfolder = $this->name; $dest = getAlbumFolder() . '/' . UTF8ToFilesystem($newfolder); // Check to see if the destination directory already exists if (file_exists($dest)) { // Disallow moving an album over an existing one. return false; } if (substr($newfolder, count($oldfolder)) == $oldfolder) { // Disallow copying to a subfolder of the current folder (infinite loop). return false; } if ($this->isDynamic()) { if (@copy($this->localpath, $dest)) { $oldf = mysql_real_escape_string($oldfolder); $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . prefix('albums') . " WHERE `id` = '" . $this->getAlbumID() . "'"; $subrow = query_single_row($sql); $success = $this->replicateDBRow($subrow, $oldfolder, $newfolder, true); return $success; } else { return false; } } else { if (mkdir_recursive(dirname($dest)) === TRUE) { // Make the move (rename). $num = dircopy($this->localpath, $dest); // Get the subalbums. $oldf = mysql_real_escape_string($oldfolder); $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . prefix('albums') . " WHERE folder LIKE '{$oldf}%'"; $result = query_full_array($sql); $allsuccess = true; foreach ($result as $subrow) { $success = $this->replicateDBRow($subrow, $oldfolder, $newfolder, $subrow['folder'] == $oldfolder); if (!($success == true && mysql_affected_rows() == 1)) { $allsuccess = false; } } return $allsuccess; } } return false; }
function dircopy($src, $dest, $folder_permission = 0755, $file_permission = 0644) { $res = false; $src = str_replace('\\', '/', $src); $src = str_replace('//', '/', $src); $dest = str_replace('\\', '/', $dest); $dest = str_replace('//', '/', $dest); //file copy if (is_file($src)) { if (is_dir($dest)) { if ($dest[strlen($dest) - 1] != '/') { $__dest = $dest . "/"; } $__dest .= basename($src); } else { $__dest = $dest; } $res = copy($src, $__dest); chmod($__dest, $file_permission); } elseif (is_dir($src)) { if (!is_dir($dest)) { directory_make($dest, $folder_permission); chmod($dest, $folder_permission); } if ($src[strlen($src) - 1] != '/') { $__src = $src . '/'; } else { $__src = $src; } if ($dest[strlen($dest) - 1] != '/') { $__dest = $dest . '/'; } else { $__dest = $dest; } $res = true; $handle = opendir($src); while ($file = readdir($handle)) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { $res = dircopy($__src . $file, $__dest . $file, $folder_permission, $file_permission); } } closedir($handle); } else { $res = false; } return $res; }
function publish_SendToXDB($exist, $collName, $packName, $partName, &$operationsPublish) { global $EXTENSION_PACKAGE; // INIT $toPublish = array(); // PREPARA FOLDERS $component = $collName; if ($packName != '') { $component .= SYS_PATH_SEP . $packName; } $operationsPublish .= '> avvio la preparazione dei dati per "' . $component . ':<br />'; hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); $prosecute = TRUE; if (!is_dir(DCTL_PUBLISH)) { if (mkdir(DCTL_PUBLISH, CHMOD)) { $operationsPublish .= '> creo cartella ' . DCTL_PUBLISH . '...<br />'; } else { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile creare la cartella "' . DCTL_PUBLISH . '"!</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } } @chmod(DCTL_PUBLISH, CHMOD); $operationsPublish .= '> avvio la preparazione dei file in "' . DCTL_PUBLISH . '":<br />'; hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); if ($prosecute) { // COPIA I DTD dircopy(DCTL_SETTINGS_DTD, DCTL_PUBLISH); $operationsPublish .= '  - copio "' . DCTL_DTD . '"...<br />'; hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); // COPIA GLI ADD-ONS dircopy(DCTL_SETTINGS_ADDONS, DCTL_PUBLISH); $operationsPublish .= '  - copio "' . DCTL_ADDONS . '"...<br />'; hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); // AGGIORNA IL CATALOGO.XML $operationsPublish .= '  - verifico il catalogo dei "' . DCTL_DTD . '":<br />'; hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); $dtd_catalog = XMLDB_CATALOG; try { if (isset($xml_dom)) { unset($xml_dom); } $xml_dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $xml_dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false; forceUTF8($dtd_catalog); $xml_dom->load($dtd_catalog, DCTL_XML_LOADER); } catch (Exception $e) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile caricare XML "' . $entry . '"... {' . $e . '}</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } if ($prosecute) { $upd = FALSE; $dtds_needed = array(); $handle = opendir(DCTL_SETTINGS_DTD); while ($entry = readdir($handle)) { if (substr($entry, 0, 1) != '.') { $srcx = filemtime(DCTL_SETTINGS_DTD . $entry); $tgtx = false || @filemtime(XMLDB_ENTITIES . SYS_PATH_SEP . $entry); if ($srcx > $tgtx) { $upd = TRUE; } } } dircopy(DCTL_SETTINGS_DTD, XMLDB_ENTITIES, &$dtds_needed); $operationsPublish .= '  - copio da "' . DCTL_SETTINGS_DTD . '" a "' . XMLDB_ENTITIES . '"...<br />'; hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); $dtds_present = $xml_dom->getElementsByTagName('system'); foreach ($dtds_present as $dtd_present) { $dtd_chk = $dtd_present->getAttribute('systemId'); $dtd_key = array_search($dtd_chk, $dtds_needed); if ($dtd_key !== FALSE) { $dtds_needed[$dtd_key] = ''; } } foreach ($dtds_needed as $dtd_needed) { if ($dtd_needed != '') { $node = $xml_dom->createElement('system'); $dtd_root = $xml_dom->getElementsByTagName('catalog')->item(0); $newnode = $dtd_root->appendChild($node); $newnode->setAttribute('systemId', $dtd_needed); $newnode->setAttribute('uri', 'entities' . SYS_PATH_SEP . $dtd_needed); $operationsPublish .= '> aggiungo ' . $dtd_needed . '...<br />'; hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); $upd = TRUE; } } if ($upd == TRUE) { $xml_dom->save($dtd_catalog); $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">Aggiornamento non eseguito per modifiche necessarie al database.</span><br />'; $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">IMPORTANTE: riavviare exist per proseguire correttamente (aggiornato "catalog.xml")!</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } if ($prosecute) { // PREPARA XML #1 $xsl_path = DCTL_COMMODORO_XSLT . 'tei_publisher_1.xsl'; if (!is_file($xsl_path)) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile trovare XSLT "' . $xsl_path . '"!</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } else { try { if (isset($xsl_dom)) { unset($xsl_dom); } $xsl_dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $xsl_dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false; forceUTF8($xsl_path); $xsl_dom->load($xsl_path, DCTL_XML_LOADER); } catch (Exception $e) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile caricare XSLT "' . $xsl_path . '"... {' . $e . '}</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } if ($prosecute) { $operationsPublish .= '> carico XSLT "' . $xsl_path . '"...<br />'; hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); try { if (isset($xsl_proc)) { unset($xsl_proc); } $xsl_proc = new XSLTProcessor(); $xsl_proc->registerPHPFunctions(); $xsl_proc->importStyleSheet($xsl_dom); // attach the xsl rules } catch (Exception $e) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile inizializzare il processore XSL... {' . $e . '}</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } if ($prosecute) { $operationsPublish .= '> trasformo i file XML (#1):<br />'; $prosecute = publish_recurseContents(DCTL_PROJECT_PATH . $collName, $collName, $packName, $xsl_proc, &$operationsPublish, &$toPublish); } if ($prosecute) { // PREPARA XML #2 $xsl_path = DCTL_COMMODORO_XSLT . 'tei_publisher_2.xsl'; if (!is_file($xsl_path)) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile trovare XSLT "' . $xsl_path . '"!</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } else { try { if (isset($xsl_dom)) { unset($xsl_dom); } $xsl_dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $xsl_dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false; forceUTF8($xsl_path); $xsl_dom->load($xsl_path, DCTL_XML_LOADER); } catch (Exception $e) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile caricare XSLT "' . $xsl_path . '"... {' . $e . '}</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } if ($prosecute) { $operationsPublish .= '> carico XSLT "' . $xsl_path . '"...<br />'; hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); try { if (isset($xsl_proc)) { unset($xsl_proc); } $xsl_proc = new XSLTProcessor(); $xsl_proc->registerPHPFunctions(); $xsl_proc->importStyleSheet($xsl_dom); // attach the xsl rules } catch (Exception $e) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile inizializzare il processore XSL... {' . $e . '}</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } if ($prosecute) { $operationsPublish .= '> trasformo i file XML :: ID/NUM (#2):<br />'; hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); foreach ($toPublish as $fullsrc) { $prosecute = true; $fulldst = $fullsrc; $entry = basename($fulldst); if (in_array(substr($entry, -8, 4), $EXTENSION_PACKAGE) !== FALSE) { $operationsPublish .= ' - trasformazione XSLT per XML "' . $entry . '":'; try { if (isset($xml_dom)) { unset($xml_dom); } $xml_dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $xsl_dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false; forceUTF8($fullsrc); $xml_dom->load($fullsrc, DCTL_XML_LOADER); } catch (Exception $e) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile caricare XML "' . $entry . '"... {' . $e . '}</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } if ($prosecute) { $operationsPublish .= ' aggiorno...'; try { $text = $xsl_proc->transformToXML($xml_dom); } catch (Exception $e) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile trasformare XML "' . $entry . '"... {' . $e . '}</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } if ($prosecute) { $operationsPublish .= ' scrivo XML...'; $text = str_ireplace('xmlns=""', '', $text); try { $fd = fopen($fulldst, "wb"); $out = fwrite($fd, forceUTF8($text)); fclose($fd); @chmod($fulldst, CHMOD); $operationsPublish .= ' ok<br/>'; } catch (Exception $e) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile riscrivere XML "' . $entry . '"... {' . $e . '}</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); } } } } } if ($prosecute) { // PREPARA XML #3 // 3) carico i file XML e li trasformo $xsl_path = DCTL_COMMODORO_XSLT . 'tei_publisher_3.xsl'; if (!is_file($xsl_path)) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile trovare XSLT "' . $xsl_path . '"!</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } if ($prosecute) { try { if (isset($xsl_dom)) { unset($xsl_dom); } $xsl_dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $xsl_dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false; forceUTF8($xsl_path); $xsl_dom->load($xsl_path, DCTL_XML_LOADER); } catch (Exception $e) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile caricare XSLT "' . $xsl_path . '"... {' . $e . '}</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } if ($prosecute) { $operationsPublish .= '> carico XSLT "' . $xsl_path . '"...<br />'; hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); try { if (isset($xsl_proc)) { unset($xsl_proc); } $xsl_proc = new XSLTProcessor(); $xsl_proc->registerPHPFunctions(); $xsl_proc->importStyleSheet($xsl_dom); // attach the xsl rules } catch (Exception $e) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile inizializzare il processore XSL... {' . $e . '}</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } if ($prosecute) { $operationsPublish .= '> trasformo i file XML :: LABEL/NAME/TOPIC (#3):<br />'; hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); global $mysql_dbName; global $mysql_dbIconclass; try { $mysql_dbName = dctl_sql_connect(DCTL_DB_NAME); } catch (Exception $e) { die('<span class="wctl_error">[DB] ' . $e . '</span>'); } try { $mysql_dbIconclass = dctl_sql_connect(DCTL_DB_ICONCLASS); } catch (Exception $e) { die('<span class="wctl_error">[DB] ' . $e . '</span>'); } foreach ($toPublish as $fullsrc) { $prosecute = true; $fulldst = $fullsrc; $entry = basename($fulldst); if (in_array(substr($entry, -8, 4), $EXTENSION_PACKAGE) !== FALSE) { $operationsPublish .= ' - trasformazione XSLT per XML "' . $entry . '":'; try { if (isset($xml_dom)) { unset($xml_dom); } $xml_dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $xml_dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false; forceUTF8($fullsrc); $xml_dom->load($fullsrc, DCTL_XML_LOADER); } catch (Exception $e) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile caricare XML "' . $entry . '"... {' . $e . '}</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } if ($prosecute) { $operationsPublish .= ' aggiorno...'; if ($mysql_dbName && $mysql_dbIconclass) { try { // the two parameters (collection and package) are needed for key_items, they will // be used by the function *get_n_from_xml_id*, which is called from xslt $xsl_proc->setParameter('', 'collection', $collName); // if $packName is empty, we need to do some ugly hack on the if ($packName == '') { $package = substr($entry, strpos($entry, $collName . '-') + strlen($collName . '-'), strrpos($entry, '.') - strlen($entry)); } else { $package = $packName; } $xsl_proc->setParameter('', 'package', $package); $text = $xsl_proc->transformToXML($xml_dom); } catch (Exception $e) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile trasformare XML "' . $entry . '"... {' . $e . '}</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } if ($prosecute) { $operationsPublish .= ' scrivo XML...'; $text = str_ireplace('xmlns=""', '', $text); try { $fd = fopen($fulldst, "wb"); $out = fwrite($fd, forceUTF8($text, $fulldst)); fclose($fd); @chmod($fulldst, CHMOD); $operationsPublish .= 'ok<br/>'; } catch (Exception $e) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile riscrivere XML "' . $entry . '"... {' . $e . '}</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); } } else { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile connettersi a MySQL...</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } } } } mysql_close($mysql_dbName); mysql_close($mysql_dbIconclass); if ($prosecute) { // PREPARA XMLDB $operationsPublish .= '> connessione al database "exist":<br />'; hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); if (!$exist) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile connettersi al database "exist"... {' . $e . '}</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } if ($prosecute) { $baseDB = XMLDB_PATH_BASE; $result = $exist->createCollection($baseDB) != FALSE or dump($exist->getError()); if (!$result) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile creare la Collection base "' . $baseDB . '"!</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } if ($prosecute) { // 1) creo la collezione in exist $operationsPublish .= '  - aggiorno la Collection "' . $collName . '":<br />'; hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); if ($packName == '') { $exist->removeCollection($baseDB . $collName); $operationsPublish .= '  - ripulisco la Collection "' . $collName . '"...<br />'; } $result = $exist->createCollection($baseDB . $collName) != FALSE or dump($exist->getError()); if (!$result) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile creare la Collection "' . $collName . '"!</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } $operationsPublish .= '> pubblico i dati nel database...<br />'; hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); foreach ($toPublish as $fullsrc) { $prosecute = true; $fulldst = $fullsrc; $entry = basename($fulldst); // 3) pubblico nella collezione di exist $operationsPublish .= '  - pubblico "' . $entry . '"...'; $pathTo = $baseDB . $collName . DB_PATH_SEP . $entry; $result = $exist->uploadResource($pathTo, $fulldst) !== FALSE or dump($exist->getError()); if (!$result) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile pubblicare XML "' . $entry . '"!</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } else { $operationsPublish .= ' ok<br />'; $prosecute = TRUE; } hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); } if ($prosecute) { $fullsrc = DCTL_PROJECT_PATH . $collName . SYS_PATH_SEP . DCTL_MEDIA; if (true) { $prosecute = publish_recurseMedia($fullsrc, DCTL_PUBLISH_MEDIA, &$operationsPublish); } else { if (!COPY_MEDIA) { $operationsPublish .= '<br /><span class="error">RI-ABILITA COPIA DEI MEDIA...'; } else { // COPIA MEDIA $operationsPublish .= '  - copio "' . $fullsrc . '"...<br />'; hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); dircopy($fullsrc, DCTL_PUBLISH_MEDIA); } } $operationsPublish .= '<br /><span class="ok">Pubblicazione per "' . $collName; if ($packName != '') { $operationsPublish .= SYS_PATH_SEP . $packName; } $operationsPublish .= '" effettuata con successo.</span><br /><br />'; } else { $operationsPublish .= '<br /><span class="error">Errori nella pubblicazione per "' . $component . '"!</span><br /><br />'; } hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } return TRUE && $prosecute; }
ob_start(); if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.1.3", "<")) { exit("Chyrp requires PHP 5.1.3 or greater. Installation cannot continue."); } $open = opendir("."); $numbers = array(0); while (false !== ($list = readdir($open))) { preg_match("/([0-9]+)/", $list, $number); if (!isset($number[1])) { continue; } $numbers[] = $number[1]; } closedir($open); $num = "demo" . (max($numbers) + 1); dircopy("__stock", $num); $open_timestamp = fopen("./" . $num . "/CREATED_AT", "w"); fwrite($open_timestamp, time()); fclose($open_timestamp); function dircopy($src_dir, $dst_dir, $verbose = false, $use_cached_dir_trees = false) { static $cached_src_dir; static $src_tree; static $dst_tree; $num = 0; if (($slash = substr($src_dir, -1)) == "\\" || $slash == "/") { $src_dir = substr($src_dir, 0, strlen($src_dir) - 1); } if (($slash = substr($dst_dir, -1)) == "\\" || $slash == "/") { $dst_dir = substr($dst_dir, 0, strlen($dst_dir) - 1); }
function dircopy($source, $destination, $child = 1) { if (!is_dir($source)) { return false; } mmkdir($destination); $handle = dir($source); while ($entry = $handle->read()) { if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") { if (is_dir($source . "/" . $entry)) { dircopy($source . "/" . $entry, $destination . "/" . $entry, $child); } else { copy($source . "/" . $entry, $destination . "/" . $entry); } } } return true; }
function DirCopy($srcdir, $dstdir, $verbose) { global $arrHttp, $msgstr; $num = 0; if (!is_dir($dstdir)) { mkdir($dstdir); } if ($curdir = opendir($srcdir)) { while ($file = readdir($curdir)) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { $srcfile = $srcdir . "/" . $file; $dstfile = $dstdir . "/" . str_replace($arrHttp["base_sel"], $arrHttp["nombre"], $file); $ext = substr($file, strlen($file) - 4, 4); if (is_file($srcfile)) { if (is_file($dstfile)) { $ow = filemtime($srcfile) - filemtime($dstfile); } else { $ow = 1; } if ($ow > 0) { if ($verbose) { echo " ({$srcfile}) --> ({$dstfile}) ...<br>"; } if (copy($srcfile, $dstfile)) { touch($dstfile, filemtime($srcfile)); $num++; if ($verbose) { echo "OK<br>\n"; } } else { echo $msgstr["warning"] . "! " . $msgstr["nocopyfile"] . " " . $srcfile . "<br>\n"; } } } else { if (is_dir($srcfile)) { $num += dircopy($srcfile, $dstfile, $verbose); } } } } closedir($curdir); } return $num; }
* @package Kunena * * @Copyright (C) 2008 - 2009 Kunena Team All rights reserved * @license GNU/GPL * @link * * Based on FireBoard Component * @Copyright (C) 2006 - 2007 Best Of Joomla All rights reserved * @license GNU/GPL * @link * * JoomlaBoard converter * **/ defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); //copy the attachments to Kunena directory dircopy(KUNENA_ROOT_PATH . DS . "components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded", KUNENA_PATH_UPLOADED . DS, false); dircopy(KUNENA_ROOT_PATH . DS . "components/com_joomlaboard/avatars", KUNENA_PATH_UPLOADED . DS . "avatars", false); $kunena_db =& JFactory::getDBO(); $kunena_db->setQuery("update #__fb_attachments set filelocation = replace(filelocation,'com_joomlaboard','com_kunena');"); $kunena_db->query(); $kunena_db->setQuery("update #__fb_attachments set filelocation = replace(filelocation,'" . KUNENA_PATH . DS . "uploaded','/images/fbfiles');"); if ($kunena_db->query()) { // echo "<img src='images/tick.png' align='absmiddle'>"._KUNENA_UP_ATT_10."<br />"; } $kunena_db->setQuery("update #__fb_messages_text set message = replace(message,'/components/com_kunena/uploaded','/images/fbfiles');"); if ($kunena_db->query()) { // echo "<img src='images/tick.png' align='absmiddle'>"._KUNENA_UP_ATT_10_MSG."<br />"; } // As a last step we recount all forum stats CKunenaTools::reCountBoards();
/** * Copies a directory recursively * @param string $srcdir the source directory. * @param string $dstdir the destination directory. * @return the total number of files copied. */ function dircopy($srcdir, $dstdir) { $num = 0; if (!is_dir($dstdir)) { mkdir($dstdir); } if ($curdir = opendir($srcdir)) { while ($file = readdir($curdir)) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { $srcfile = $srcdir . '/' . $file; $dstfile = $dstdir . '/' . $file; if (is_file($srcfile)) { if (is_file($dstfile)) { $ow = filemtime($srcfile) - filemtime($dstfile); } else { $ow = 1; } if ($ow > 0) { if (copy($srcfile, $dstfile)) { touch($dstfile, filemtime($srcfile)); $num++; } } } else { if (is_dir($srcfile)) { $num += dircopy($srcfile, $dstfile); } } } } closedir($curdir); } return $num; }
/** * Add translation definition * * @access public * @return string */ public function upload_language() { $this->load->library('currencies'); $this->load->helper('directory'); $error = FALSE; $feedback = array(); //the cache directory in the store front $front_cache_path = @realpath(ROOTPATH . 'local/cache'); //create the writable language directory in the cache directory if (!@is_dir($front_cache_path . '/language')) { if (!@mkdir($front_cache_path . '/language', 0777)) { $error = TRUE; } } //create a temporary directory to store the uploaded zip file $temp_langauge_path = $front_cache_path . '/language/' . time(); if ($error === FALSE && @mkdir($temp_langauge_path)) { //upload the zip file and extract it, put the language files into temporary directory $config = array('upload_path' => $temp_langauge_path, 'allowed_types' => 'zip'); $this->load->library('upload', $config); if ($this->upload->do_upload('file')) { $this->load->library('pclzip', $this->upload->data('full_path')); if ($this->pclzip->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, $temp_langauge_path) == 0) { $error = TRUE; $feedback[] = lang('ms_error_wrong_zip_file_format'); } } else { //upload failed $error = TRUE; $feedback[] = $this->upload->display_errors(); } } else { //create the temporary language directory failed $error = TRUE; $feedback[] = sprintf(lang('ms_error_creating_directory_failed'), $front_cache_path); } if ($error === FALSE) { //scan the temporary directory to get the language files $this->load->library('directory_listing'); $this->directory_listing->set_directory($temp_langauge_path); $this->directory_listing->set_include_directories(TRUE); $this->directory_listing->set_include_files(FALSE); $files = $this->directory_listing->get_files(); $code = NULL; foreach ($files as $file) { if (@is_dir($temp_langauge_path . '/' . $file['name']) && is_dir($temp_langauge_path . '/' . $file['name'] . '/admin')) { $code = $file['name']; break; } } //copy the uploaded languages files into install, store front and admin panel if ($code !== NULL) { dircopy($temp_langauge_path . '/' . $code . "/language", @realpath(ROOTPATH . 'system/tomatocart/language')); dircopy($temp_langauge_path . '/' . $code . "/admin/language", APPPATH . 'language'); dircopy($temp_langauge_path . '/' . $code . "/install/language", @realpath(ROOTPATH . 'install/applications/language')); @unlink($temp_langauge_path); } else { $error = TRUE; $feedback[] = lang('ms_error_wrong_language_package'); } } if ($error === FALSE) { //import the language definitons into database if ($this->lang_model->import($code, 'replace')) { $response = array('success' => TRUE, 'feedback' => lang('ms_success_action_performed')); } else { $response = array('success' => FALSE, 'feedback' => lang('ms_error_action_not_performed')); } } else { $response = array('success' => FALSE, 'feedback' => $osC_Language->get('ms_error_action_not_performed') . "<br />" . implode("<br />", $feedback)); } $this->output->set_output(json_encode($response)); }
<?php OpenLibrary('misc.library'); recremovedir(MODULE_PATH . 'ezpdflib/fonts'); dircopy($this->basedir . '/extras/fonts/', MODULE_PATH . 'ezpdflib/fonts/');
function install_build_dirs($company, $include_demo = false) { global $messageStack; if (!file_exists(DIR_FS_MY_FILES . 'backups')) { $status = mkdir(DIR_FS_MY_FILES . 'backups'); } if (!$status) { $messageStack->add('Cannot create directory (' . DIR_FS_MY_FILES . 'backups' . ') check your permissions.', 'error'); return false; } install_blank_webpage(DIR_FS_MY_FILES . 'backups/index.html'); // protect backups directory from spiders if (!file_exists(DIR_FS_MY_FILES . $company)) { mkdir(DIR_FS_MY_FILES . $company); } install_blank_webpage(DIR_FS_MY_FILES . $company . '/index.html'); // protect company directory from spiders if (!file_exists(DIR_FS_MY_FILES . $company . '/images')) { mkdir(DIR_FS_MY_FILES . $company . '/images'); } if (!file_exists(DIR_FS_MY_FILES . $company . '/inventory')) { mkdir(DIR_FS_MY_FILES . $company . '/inventory'); } if (!file_exists(DIR_FS_MY_FILES . $company . '/inventory/images')) { mkdir(DIR_FS_MY_FILES . $company . '/inventory/images'); } if (!file_exists(DIR_FS_MY_FILES . $company . '/shipping')) { mkdir(DIR_FS_MY_FILES . $company . '/shipping'); } if (!file_exists(DIR_FS_MY_FILES . $company . '/temp')) { mkdir(DIR_FS_MY_FILES . $company . '/temp'); } @chmod(DIR_FS_MY_FILES . $company . '/temp', 0777); // needed for db access // now copy some startup files $source = DIR_FS_MY_FILES . '../themes/default/images/phreebooks_logo.jpg'; // default logo for forms $dest = DIR_FS_MY_FILES . $company . '/images/phreebooks_logo.jpg'; copy($source, $dest); if ($include_demo) { // now copy the demo image files $source_dir = DIR_FS_MY_FILES . '../themes/default/images/demo'; $dest_dir = DIR_FS_MY_FILES . $company . '/inventory/images/demo'; dircopy($source_dir, $dest_dir); } return true; }