Ejemplo n.º 1
 fputs($dbgDuo, "\nNb of entries in log: " . mysqli_num_rows($resData));
 while ($record = mysqli_fetch_array($resData)) {
     fputs($dbgDuo, "\n> " . $record['raison']);
     if (!empty($record['raison_iv']) && $record['raison_iv'] != NULL) {
         // nothing to do
         fputs($dbgDuo, "Item log correct");
     } else {
         // only at_modif and at_pw
         $reason = explode(' : ', $record['raison']);
         if (trim($reason[0]) == "at_pw") {
             // check if pw encrypted with protocol #2
             $pw = decrypt(trim($reason[1]));
             fputs($dbgDuo, "\n/ step1 : " . $pw);
             if (empty($pw)) {
                 // used protocol is #1
                 $pw = decryptOld(trim($reason[1]));
                 // decrypt using protocol #1
                 fputs($dbgDuo, " / step2 : " . $pw);
             // get key for this pw
             $resData_tmp = mysqli_query($dbTmp, "SELECT rand_key FROM " . $_SESSION['tbl_prefix'] . "keys\n                                        WHERE `sql_table` = 'items' AND id = " . $data['id']) or die(mysqli_error($dbTmp));
             $dataTemp = mysqli_fetch_row($resData_tmp);
             if (!empty($dataTemp[0])) {
                 // remove key from pw
                 $pw = substr($pw, strlen($dataTemp[0]));
             fputs($dbgDuo, " / step3 : " . $pw);
             // store new encryption
             if (isUTF8($pw) && !empty($pw)) {
                 $encrypt = cryption($pw, SALT, "", "encrypt");
                 fputs($dbgDuo, " / Final : " . $encrypt['string']);
Ejemplo n.º 2
         if (isUTF8($pw)) {
             // store Password
             DB::update(prefix_table('items'), array('pw' => $encrypt['string'], 'pw_iv' => $encrypt['iv']), "id = %i", $data['id']);
 } else {
     $personal_sk = $_SESSION['my_sk'];
     // get data about pw
     $data = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT id, pw, pw_iv\n                FROM " . prefix_table("items") . "\n                WHERE id = %i", $_POST['currentId']);
     if (empty($data['pw_iv'])) {
         // check if pw encrypted with protocol #2
         $pw = decrypt($data['pw'], $_SESSION['my_sk']);
         if (empty($pw)) {
             // used protocol is #1
             $pw = decryptOld($data['pw'], $_SESSION['my_sk']);
             // decrypt using protocol #1
         } else {
             // used protocol is #2
             // get key for this pw
             $dataItem = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT rand_key\n                        FROM " . prefix_table("keys") . "\n                        WHERE `sql_table` = %s AND id = %i", "items", $data['id']);
             if (!empty($dataItem['rand_key'])) {
                 // remove key from pw
                 $pw = substr($pw, strlen($dataTemp['rand_key']));
         // encrypt it
         $encrypt = cryption($pw, $personal_sk, "", "encrypt");
         // store Password
         DB::update(prefix_table('items'), array('pw' => $encrypt['string'], 'pw_iv' => $encrypt['iv']), "id = %i", $data['id']);
     } else {
Ejemplo n.º 3
     } else {
         //settings.php file doesn't exit => ERROR !!!!
         echo 'document.getElementById("res_step5").innerHTML = ' . '"<img src=\\"../includes/images/error.png\\">&nbsp;Setting.php ' . 'file doesn\'t exist! Upgrade can\'t continue without this file.<br />' . 'Please copy your existing settings.php into the \\"includes\\" ' . 'folder of your TeamPass installation ";';
         echo 'document.getElementById("loader").style.display = "none";';
 case "new_encryption_of_pw":
     $finish = false;
     $next = $_POST['nb'] + $_POST['start'];
     $dbTmp = mysqli_connect($_SESSION['db_host'], $_SESSION['db_login'], $_SESSION['db_pw'], $_SESSION['db_bdd'], $_SESSION['db_port']);
     $res = mysqli_query($dbTmp, "SELECT * FROM " . $_SESSION['tbl_prefix'] . "items\n                WHERE perso = '0' LIMIT " . $_POST['start'] . ", " . $_POST['nb']) or die(mysqli_error($dbTmp));
     while ($data = mysqli_fetch_array($res)) {
         // check if pw already well encrypted
         $pw = decrypt($data['pw']);
         if (empty($pw)) {
             $pw = decryptOld($data['pw']);
             // if no key ... then add it
             $resData = mysqli_query($dbTmp, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $_SESSION['tbl_prefix'] . "keys\n                        WHERE `sql_table` = 'items' AND id = " . $data['id']) or die(mysqli_error($dbTmp));
             $dataTemp = mysqli_fetch_row($resData);
             if ($dataTemp[0] == 0) {
                 // generate Key and encode PW
                 $randomKey = generateKey();
                 $pw = $randomKey . $pw;
             $pw = encrypt($pw, $_SESSION['session_start']);
             // store Password
             mysqli_query($dbTmp, "UPDATE " . $_SESSION['tbl_prefix'] . "items\n                        SET pw = '" . $pw . "' WHERE id=" . $data['id']);
             // Item Key
             mysqli_query($dbTmp, "INSERT INTO `" . $_SESSION['tbl_prefix'] . "keys`\n                        (`table`, `id`, `rand_key`) VALUES\n                        ('items', '" . $data['id'] . "', '" . $randomKey . "'");
         } else {
             // if PW exists but no key ... then add it
Ejemplo n.º 4
 $rows_tmp = DB::query("SELECT role_id FROM " . prefix_table("restriction_to_roles") . " WHERE item_id=%i", $_POST['id']);
 $myTest = 0;
 if (in_array($_SESSION['user_id'], $rows_tmp)) {
     $myTest = 1;
 // Uncrypt PW
 if (isset($_POST['salt_key_required']) && $_POST['salt_key_required'] == 1 && isset($_POST['salt_key_set']) && $_POST['salt_key_set'] == 1) {
     $pw = decrypt($dataItem['pw'], mysqli_escape_string($link, stripslashes($_SESSION['my_sk'])));
     if (empty($pw)) {
         $pw = decryptOld($dataItem['pw'], mysqli_escape_string($link, stripslashes($_SESSION['my_sk'])));
     $arrData['edit_item_salt_key'] = 1;
 } else {
     $pw = decrypt($dataItem['pw']);
     if (empty($pw)) {
         $pw = decryptOld($dataItem['pw']);
     $arrData['edit_item_salt_key'] = 0;
 if (!isUTF8($pw)) {
     $pw = '';
 // extract real pw from salt
 if ($dataItem['perso'] != 1) {
     $dataItemKey = DB::queryfirstrow('SELECT rand_key FROM `' . prefix_table("keys") . '` WHERE `sql_table` = %s AND `id` = %i', "items", $_POST['id']);
     $pw = substr($pw, strlen($dataItemKey['rand_key']));
     // if error getting substring, then must be a blank password
     if ($pw === false) {
         $pw = "";