// Use both from (webtest) below or both from (Production) above.
// DEVL environment URL
$cspAuthURL = 'https://webtest.csp.att.com/empsvcs/hrpinmgt/pagLogin/?retURL=' . $encReturnURL . '&sysName=SI_DMOQ';
$cspAuthURL = 'https://www.e-access.att.com/empsvcs/hrpinmgt/pagLogin/?retURL=' . $encReturnURL . '&sysName=SI_DMOQ';
$tooWeakURL = 'https://webtest.csp.att.com/empsvcs/hr/pagMenu_chgpin/?opt=12';
$tooWeakURL = 'https://www.e-access.att.com/empsvcs/hr/pagMenu_chgpin/?opt=12';
if (!isset($_COOKIE['attESSec'])) {
    header('HTTP/1.0 302 Redirect');
    header("Location: " . $cspAuthURL);
    header("Connection: close");
$attESSecRaw = $_COOKIE['attESSec'];
$attESSecRaw = $attESSecRaw . "\r\n";
//Add the carriage return and newline that PHP needs to make this work.
$decryptedSecCookie = decryptCookie($attESSecRaw);
// Defined below
$d = getdate();
if ($decryptedSecCookie == "") {
    echo 'attESSec Cookie decrypted to an empty string, is environment type and system name set right in this code?';
    // In the production version of your code the following line should be used.  It is commented out here
    // because it makes for easier debugging.  This next line catches cookies that have expired.
    header('HTTP/1.0 302 Redirect');
    header("Location: " . $cspAuthURL);
    header("Connection: close");
} else {
    $secCookieParts = explode("|", $decryptedSecCookie);
    //print "<PRE>secCookieparts<br>";
    //print "</PRE>";
Ejemplo n.º 2
function isInstructor()
    if (isset($_COOKIE['roles'])) {
        if (substr_count(strtolower(decryptCookie($_COOKIE['roles'])), "instructor") > 0) {
            return true;
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3

include_once 'app/app.php';
$customparams = loadCustomParams($c, decryptCookie($_COOKIE['oauth_consumer_key']));
$variables = array('c' => $c, 'customparams' => $customparams);
ebsco_render('basic_search.html', 'layout.html', $variables);
Ejemplo n.º 4
function validate_session()
    $user = new stdClass();
    //check if user has any stored cookie and check for its version if yes
    //logout user if stored cookie is outdated
    if (isset($_COOKIE['elegance_cut_user'])) {
        $arrayCookieVariables = getCookieVariables(decryptCookie($_COOKIE['elegance_cut_user']));
        if (count($arrayCookieVariables) == env('COOKIE_LENGTH') && $arrayCookieVariables[3] == env('APP_ID')) {
            //do nothing
        } else {
            $user->is_logged_in = false;
            return $user;
    } else {
        $user->is_logged_in = false;
        return $user;
    //check if all the session variable are in place
    if (isset($_SESSION['elegance_cut_user']) && isset($_SESSION['elegance_cut_user']['obj'])) {
        if ($_SESSION['elegance_cut_user']['session_expire'] > time()) {
            $user = $_SESSION['elegance_cut_user']['obj'];
            $user->is_logged_in = true;
            return $user;
        } else {
            if (isset($_COOKIE['elegance_cut_user'])) {
                $arrayCookieVariables = getCookieVariables(decryptCookie($_COOKIE['elegance_cut_user']));
                if (in_array('remember', $arrayCookieVariables)) {
                    //restore session expire
                    $_SESSION['elegance_cut_user']['session_expire'] = time() + 86400;
                    $user = $_SESSION['elegance_cut_user']['obj'];
                    $user->is_logged_in = true;
                    return $user;
                } else {
                    $_SESSION['elegance_cut_user']['session_expire'] = time() + 3600;
                    $user = $_SESSION['elegance_cut_user']['obj'];
                    $user->is_logged_in = true;
                    return $user;
            } else {
                $user->is_logged_in = false;
                return $user;
    } else {
        if (isset($_COOKIE['elegance_cut_user'])) {
            $arrayCookieVariables = getCookieVariables(decryptCookie($_COOKIE['elegance_cut_user']));
            //get user data
            $objUser = App\UserMaster::where('user_id', $arrayCookieVariables[1])->where('status', 1)->first();
            if (null == $objUser) {
                $user->is_logged_in = false;
                return $user;
            if (in_array('remember', $arrayCookieVariables)) {
                //restore session expire
                $_SESSION['elegance_cut_user']['obj'] = $objUser;
                $_SESSION['elegance_cut_user']['session_expire'] = time() + 86400;
                // 1 day
                $user = $_SESSION['elegance_cut_user']['obj'];
                $user->is_logged_in = true;
                return $user;
            } else {
                //restore session expire
                $_SESSION['elegance_cut_user']['obj'] = $objUser;
                $_SESSION['elegance_cut_user']['session_expire'] = time() + 3600;
                // 1 hour
                $user = $_SESSION['elegance_cut_user']['obj'];
                $user->is_logged_in = true;
                return $user;
        } else {
            $user->is_logged_in = false;
            return $user;
$clean = strip_tags_deep($_GET);
if (isInstructor()) {
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
<div class="readingListLink">
    $currlistid = decryptCookie($_COOKIE['currentListId']);
    $currauthid = decryptCookie($_COOKIE['currentAuthorId']);
    $sql = $c->prepare("SELECT id, course, linklabel, private FROM lists WHERE id IN (SELECT listid FROM authorlists WHERE authorid = ?) AND id != ? AND credentialconsumerid = ?;");
    $credconsumerID = getCredentialConsumerID();
    $sql->bind_param('iii', $currauthid, $currlistid, $credconsumerID);
    $sql->bind_result($mylists_id, $mylists_course, $mylists_linklabel, $mylists_private);
    if ($sql->num_rows > 0) {
        echo '<form id="mylist" action="copy_list.php" method="get">Your Lists: <select id="mylists" name="listid">';
        while ($sql->fetch()) {
            if (strlen($mylists_linklabel) <= 0) {
                $mylists_linklabel = 'Untitled List';
            if (strlen($mylists_linklabel) >= 100) {
                $mylists_linklabel = substr($mylists_linklabel, 0, 99) . "...";
Ejemplo n.º 6
    foreach ($readingsToAdd as $readingId) {
        $sql .= mysqli_real_escape_string($c, $readingId) . ",";
    $sql = substr($sql, 0, strlen($sql) - 1);
    $sql .= ");";
    $results1 = mysqli_query($c, $sql);
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($results1)) {
        $sql = "SELECT id FROM readings WHERE listid = " . mysqli_real_escape_string($c, decryptCookie($_COOKIE['currentListId'])) . " AND url = \"" . $row['url'] . "\" AND an = \"" . $row['an'] . "\" AND db = \"" . $row['db'] . "\";";
        $matches = mysqli_query($c, $sql);
        if (mysqli_num_rows($matches) <= 0) {
            if ($notes && $order) {
                $sql = 'INSERT INTO readings (listid, authorid, an, db, url, title, instruct, type, priority, notes) VALUES (' . mysqli_real_escape_string($c, decryptCookie($_COOKIE['currentListId'])) . ',' . mysqli_real_escape_string($c, decryptCookie($_COOKIE['currentAuthorId'])) . ',"' . $row['an'] . '","' . $row['db'] . '","' . $row['url'] . '","' . htmlentities($row['title']) . '","' . htmlentities($row['instruct']) . '",' . $row['type'] . ',' . $row['priority'] . ',"' . htmlentities($row['notes']) . '");';
            } else {
                if ($notes && !$order) {
                    $sql = 'INSERT INTO readings (listid, authorid, an, db, url, title, instruct, type, priority, notes) VALUES (' . mysqli_real_escape_string($c, decryptCookie($_COOKIE['currentListId'])) . ',' . mysqli_real_escape_string($c, decryptCookie($_COOKIE['currentAuthorId'])) . ',"' . $row['an'] . '","' . $row['db'] . '","' . $row['url'] . '","' . htmlentities($row['title']) . '","' . htmlentities($row['instruct']) . '",' . $row['type'] . ',1,"' . htmlentities($row['notes']) . '");';
                } else {
                    if ($order && !$notes) {
                        $sql = 'INSERT INTO readings (listid, authorid, an, db, url, title, instruct, type, priority, notes) VALUES (' . mysqli_real_escape_string($c, decryptCookie($_COOKIE['currentListId'])) . ',' . mysqli_real_escape_string($c, decryptCookie($_COOKIE['currentAuthorId'])) . ',"' . $row['an'] . '","' . $row['db'] . '","' . $row['url'] . '","' . htmlentities($row['title']) . '","' . htmlentities($row['instruct']) . '",' . $row['type'] . ',' . $row['priority'] . ',"");';
                    } else {
                        $sql = 'INSERT INTO readings (listid, authorid, an, db, url, title, instruct, type, priority, notes) VALUES (' . mysqli_real_escape_string($c, decryptCookie($_COOKIE['currentListId'])) . ',' . mysqli_real_escape_string($c, decryptCookie($_COOKIE['currentAuthorId'])) . ',"' . $row['an'] . '","' . $row['db'] . '","' . $row['url'] . '","' . htmlentities($row['title']) . '","' . htmlentities($row['instruct']) . '",' . $row['type'] . ',1,"");';
            mysqli_query($c, $sql);
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=reading_list.php" />
Ejemplo n.º 7
" class="folder" style="font-size: 11px; display: <?php 
                if (itemInFolder($folderitemsarray, $result['An'], $result['DbId'])) {
                    echo "inline";
                } else {
                    echo "none";
<button class="removeFolder" id="removebutton<?php 
                echo $result['ResultId'];
" onclick="addToFolder(xmlhttp,<?php 
                echo decryptCookie($_COOKIE['currentListId']);
                echo decryptCookie($_COOKIE['currentAuthorId']);
                echo $result['An'];
', '<?php 
                echo $result['DbId'];
                echo urlencode($Ti['TitleFull']);
                echo $result['ResultId'];
,1,1)">Remove from Reading List</button>
Ejemplo n.º 8

include "app/app.php";
$clean = strip_tags_deep($_POST);
if (isset($clean['reading_id'])) {
    $reading_id = (int) $clean['reading_id'];
    recordStudentReading($c, decryptCookie($_COOKIE['lis_person_name_full']), decryptCookie($_COOKIE['lis_person_contact_email_primary']), $reading_id);
Ejemplo n.º 9
             //populate the array
             $courses[$consumerid][] = $course;
         $numCourses += $sql->num_rows;
         if ($c->more_results()) {
     echo $numCourses;
 <p><strong>Courses</strong>:<span style="font-size:smaller;">
     foreach ($consumerids['logged_in_consumerid'] as $consumerid) {
         $querystring = 'SELECT id FROM credentialconsumers WHERE credentialid = ' . decryptCookie($_COOKIE['logged_in_cust_id']) . ' AND consumerid = "' . $consumerid . '";';
         $credconsumresults = mysqli_query($c, $querystring);
         $credconsumrow = mysqli_fetch_array($credconsumresults);
         $credconsumer = $credconsumrow['id'];
         foreach ($courses[$consumerid] as $course) {
             echo "<br />" . $course;
             $sql = $c->prepare("SELECT id FROM lists WHERE course = ? AND credentialconsumerid = ?;");
             $sql->bind_param('si', $course, $credconsumer);
             $numListsInCourse = $sql->num_rows;
             echo " <em>(" . $numListsInCourse . " list";
             if ($numListsInCourse != 1) {
                 echo "s";
             echo ")</em>";
Ejemplo n.º 10

include_once 'app/app.php';
$customparams = loadCustomParams($c, decryptCookie($_COOKIE['oauth_consumer_key']));
include 'rest/EBSCOAPI.php';
if ($customparams['studentdata'] == "y" && !isInstructor()) {
    $email = isset($_COOKIE['lis_person_contact_email_primary']) ? decryptCookie($_COOKIE['lis_person_contact_email_primary']) : '';
    recordStudentAccess($c, decryptCookie($_COOKIE['lis_person_name_full']), $email, decryptCookie($_COOKIE['currentListId']));
$readingList = getReadingList($c);
$useCache = false;
if (sizeof($readingList) >= 75) {
    $results = array();
    $useCache = true;
} else {
    $api = new EBSCOAPI($c, $customparams);
    $listOfANs = array();
    foreach ($readingList as $reading) {
        $listOfANs[] = "AN " . $reading['an'];
    if (sizeof($listOfANs) > 0) {
        $query['query'] = implode(" OR ", $listOfANs);
        $searchTerm = $query;
        $fieldCode = '';
        $start = 1;
        $limit = 100;
        $sortBy = 'relevance';
        $amount = 'detailed';
        $mode = 'all';
        $expander = '';
        $limiter = '';
        $ANs[] = $ANsPrep[$i];
    //There should always be an equal number of elements in these array. This will ensure that is the case
    $titlecount = count($titles);
    $ANcount = count($ANs);
    $DBcount = count($DBs);
    if ($titlecount != $ANcount || $titlecount != $DBcount || $ANcount != $DBcount || $titlecount == 0) {
 <div class="readingListLink"> <h3><?php 
        echo "Oops! An error occurred. The data for one or more records is incomplete. Please try again, being sure to include the entire record for each reading.";
    } else {
        for ($i = 0; $i < $titlecount; $i++) {
            $sql = $c->prepare("INSERT INTO readings (listid, authorid, an, db, title, priority, url, type) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,1,'none',1);");
            $sql->bind_param('iisss', decryptCookie($_COOKIE['currentListId']), decryptCookie($_COOKIE['currentAuthorId']), $ANs[$i], $DBs[$i], $titles[$i]);
        if ($titlecount == 1) {
            setcookie('import_folder_message', encryptCookie("1 reading added"), $time, '/');
        } else {
            setcookie('import_folder_message', encryptCookie("{$titlecount} readings added"), $time, '/');
    //Add statement saying how many items added to reading list.
<div class="readingListLink"><h2> Enter bibliographic info from the list into this box:</h2>
<form action="import_folder.php" id="EBSCOFolderForm" method="post">
<textarea name="BiblioInfo" form="EBSCOFolderForm" rows="6" cols="50"></textarea></br>
Ejemplo n.º 12
        $count = 0;
        while ($sql->fetch()) {
            $consumeridsArray['logged_in_consumerid'][$count] = $result;
        if (!isset($consumeridsArray)) {
            $consumeridsArray = array();
        setcookie('consumeridsArray', encryptCookie($consumeridsArray), $time, "/", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], FALSE, TRUE);
        if ($c->more_results()) {
        $customparams = loadCustomParams($c, $key);
        $variables['consumeridsArray'] = $consumeridsArray;
        $variables['customparams'] = $customparams;
        ebsco_render('admin.html', 'layout.html', $variables);
    } else {
        if (isset($_COOKIE['forward_to_admin']) && decryptCookie($_COOKIE['forward_to_admin']) == "n") {
            if (isset($_POST['admin_key'])) {
                $clean = strip_tags_deep($_POST);
                setcookie('admin_key', encryptCookie($clean['admin_key']), $time, "/", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], FALSE, TRUE);
                setcookie('admin_secret', encryptCookie($clean['admin_secret']), $time, "/", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], FALSE, TRUE);
                $variables['admin_key'] = $clean['admin_key'];
                $variables['admin_secret'] = $clean['admin_secret'];
            ebsco_render('sign_on.html', 'layout.html', $variables);
        } else {
            ebsco_render('sign_on.html', 'layout.html', $variables);
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Get session token for a profile 
  * If session token is not available 
  * a new session token will be generated
  * @param Authentication token, Profile 
  * @access public
 public function getSessionToken($authenToken, $invalid = 'n')
     $token = '';
     // Check user's login status
     if (isset($_COOKIE['login'])) {
         if ($invalid == 'y') {
             $profile = self::$cust_profile;
             $_SESSION['debug'] .= "--GetSession with INVALID is YES--";
             $sessionToken = $this->apiSessionToken($authenToken, $profile, 'n');
             $_SESSION['debug'] .= "---apiSessionToken got " . var_export($sessionToken, TRUE) . "---";
             $time = 0;
             // store for session only //store cookie for one hour
             setcookie('sessionToken', encryptCookie($sessionToken), $time, "/", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], FALSE, TRUE);
             $_SESSION['sessionToken'] = $sessionToken;
         } else {
             if (isset($_SESSION['sessionToken'])) {
                 $sessionToken = $_SESSION['sessionToken'];
                 $_SESSION['debug'] .= "---Using EXISTING session token from SESSION var: " . var_export($sessionToken, TRUE) . "---";
             } else {
                 $sessionToken = decryptCookie($_COOKIE['sessionToken']);
                 $_SESSION['debug'] .= "---Using EXISTING session token from Cookie var: " . var_export($sessionToken, TRUE) . "---";
         $token = $sessionToken['sessionToken'];
     } else {
         die("The reading list tool requires the use of cookies.  Please insure you allow cookies from this site.");
     return $token;
Ejemplo n.º 14
    die("It looks like your user id and password for your EDS API profile are incorrect.  Please check your settings in the <a href='http://curriculumbuilder.ebscohost.com/admin.php' target='_top'>admin panel</a>.<p style='display:none;'>" . var_export($customparams, TRUE) . "</p>");
try {
    $_SESSION['debug'] .= "<p>Using AuthToken " . $api->getAuthToken() . "</p>";
    $newSessionToken = $api->apiSessionToken($api->getAuthToken(), $profile, 'n');
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "<div style='display:none;'>" . $_SESSION['debug'] . "</div>";
    die("It looks like your profile id for your EDS API profile is incorrect.  Please check your settings in the <a href='http://curriculumbuilder.ebscohost.com/admin.php' target='_top'>admin panel</a>.<p style='display:none;'>" . var_export($customparams, TRUE) . "</p><p style='display:none;'>" . $e->getMessage() . "</p>");
setcookie('sessionToken', encryptCookie($newSessionToken), $time, "/", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], FALSE, TRUE);
setcookie('login', encryptCookie($profile), 0, "/", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], FALSE, TRUE);
if (isset($_COOKIE['Guest'])) {
    setcookie('Guest', '', time() - 3600);
if (isset($clean['path'])) {
    $path = $clean['path'];
} else {
    $path = "default";
if (isset($clean['copyid'])) {
    if ($clean['copyid'] == '0') {
    } else {
        copyList($c, $clean['copyid'], decryptCookie($_COOKIE['currentListId']));
        $path = "reading_list";
if ($path == "reading_list") {
    header("location: {$path}.php");
} else {
    header("location: index.php");
Ejemplo n.º 15

include 'app/app.php';
if (!isset($_COOKIE['currentListId'])) {
    echo "<div class='readingListLink'>Please open a reading list via your course website before using this feature.</div>";
$customparams = loadCustomParams($c, decryptCookie($_COOKIE['oauth_consumer_key']));
include 'rest/EBSCOAPI.php';
$api = new EBSCOAPI($c, $customparams);
$clean = strip_tags_deep($_REQUEST);
if (!isset($clean['db']) || !isset($clean['db'])) {
    echo "<div class='readingListLink'>Error: couldn't add this to the reading list.</div>";
} else {
    $db = $clean['db'];
    $an = $clean['an'];
$highlight = "";
$result = $api->apiRetrieve($an, $db, $highlight);
if (isset($result['error'])) {
    $error = $result['error'];
    echo "<div class='readingListLink'>Error: " . $result['error'] . "</div>";
} else {
    $error = null;
$variables = array('result' => $result, 'error' => $error, 'id' => 'record', 'c' => $c, 'customparams' => $customparams, 'an' => $an, 'db' => $db, 'currentListId' => decryptCookie($_COOKIE['currentListId']));
ebsco_render('add_to_list.html', 'layout.html', $variables);
Ejemplo n.º 16
if (isset($_COOKIE['logged_in_cust_id']) && !isset($_REQUEST['logout'])) {
    echo "<br /><a href=\"admin2.php?logout=YES\" title=\"Staff Login\">Log Out</a>";

        <div class="content">
if (isInstructor() || isset($_COOKIE['launch_presentation_return_url']) && isset($customparams) && $customparams['courselink'] == 'y') {
	<div class="readingListLink" id="currentList"><?php 
    if (isset($_COOKIE['launch_presentation_return_url']) && isset($customparams) && $customparams['courselink'] == 'y') {
        echo '<a target="_top" href="' . htmlspecialchars_decode(decryptCookie($_COOKIE['launch_presentation_return_url'])) . '">Return to Course</a>';
    if (isset($_COOKIE['launch_presentation_return_url']) && isInstructor() && isset($customparams) && $customparams['courselink'] == 'y') {
        echo ' | ';
    if (isInstructor()) {
        echo '<a href="reading_list.php">See Current Reading List</a>';
echo $content;